This would be WWIII. I don't think that is part of The Plan. We may see some elements of this happen at various levels. But all out world war would destroy everything. I pray OP is wrong. No more American bloodshed.
This better not be the plan. Because if it is, then the Q plan to indict, arrest and prosecute all the bad guys is a complete failure. Furthermore, this alternative plan would never happen if Trump was President. So it stands to reason that if this plan comes to pass, the Q plan was nothing more than a delay tactic and Trump was either in on it, or the target of it.
In an age of nuclear weapons and unstable characters this would be global suicide. I think it's another psyop to make people fearful so the NWO can provide the "solution". No thanks. I want Trump back and the woke brass removed from the military. Peace through strength is the best plan. Talk softly and carry a big stick.
Agreed. The threat of nukes is unlikely. But...Clandestine put out an interesting thread on the use of bioweapons. Imagine a genetically-specific bioweapon that would take out an enemy and their future generations without destroying wildlife and infrastructure. They're already using chemical weapons in Ukraine against Russia. Taiwan has US biolabs too. But I believe this will be addressed soon. Sometimes it has to get worse before it can get better. The Nuremberg 2.0 tribunal will be bigger than we think.
I've heard some Bullshit before, but this is just WOW!!!
At no time did this clown mention Israel, nor the Main River in the middle east, yes the Euphrates, and the prediction just doesn't line up with Revelations, like almost everything else has been doing....
I think that anything is possible here frens. Some Q posts allude to a very scary/extreme situation playing out at some point. We don't actually know what it could end up being.
The way that I interpreted Trump's speeches leading to the midterms and his 2024 speech is that shit is going to get very bad during Biden's years. They've already been lying to everyone about a TON of serious things that have real world effects and it works on most people, normies.
What we're witnessing happen currently and what is likely to come is that the world's governments see the US as entirely weak under Biden. It's shocking to me that people STILL can't see a connection between current world events and being on the brink of war and it all starting shortly after Biden "took office".
None of this happened with Trump. None of it.
• Ukraine situation would never have started.
• China wouldn't be floating spy balloons over various countries. They knew Trump would not only pop the balloon, he would invoke economic sanctions so bad that it would ruin China for quite some time.
• Inflation wouldn't have skyrocketed since the emergency orders would have been rescinded long ago, supply chains would have been repaired, and the world would go back to functioning as it was before the Coof started.
• Therefore, interest rates wouldn't have skyrocketed either
• Canada and other countries wouldn't be all gung-ho NATO and sending tanks to Ukraine.
This is all within the first half of Biden's first (/s) 4 years.
That's a fair statement. We are indeed in the 5GW version of WWIII. This would be the kinetic aspect to it. That's what The Plan, I believe, seeks to avoid.
"Precipice" has to look very real, and at the same time, to be able to wipe out all the final DS assets around the world, there is no way around this. It will be like the SMO in Ukraine, but around the world, carefully monitored by the WHs.
I mean, I'd argue we're already in WW3 and have been for some time. It's just mostly been various elements of hybrid-warfare as opposed to traditional kinetic war (at least up until Russia's SMO in Ukraine). We've already seen this war go kinetic in Europe so far, meaning I don't think his Russia prediction is exactly a bold prediction. They are about to go on a major offensive within the month after all.
That leaves the rest of the predictions that the OP made. China attacking Taiwan and US bases does seem a little dubious. From China's point of view they want to play the long game and wait us out as we continue to internally deteriorate due to social unrest and economic/financial collapse. I highly doubt they'd make such a bold move unless the aforementioned factors had already thoroughly materialized (which it will in the near-future, it's just a matter of time before the dollar's strength is weakened sufficiently).
As far as NK attacking SK yeah I highly doubt that is happening any time soon. North Korea mostly exists to be the never ending boogeyman rather than to inflict any serious harm to their neighbors. I'd be surprised if they became bold enough to actually assault SK but who knows. Anything's possible I suppose, especially if things continue along this trajectory. Still, I'd say it's highly unlikely.
As for Iran... I feel that their prediction here is a toss-up. I'd err on the side of unlikely but after Israel directly attacked them just a short time ago I wouldn't put it past them to finally punch back.
All-in-all this is likely anon fear porn however I wouldn't be so quick to just dismiss this scenario as far-fetched. There's a decent chance this could quickly spiral out of control once Russia's offensive plays out. It really depends on the Western response to the situation. If Washington comes to their senses and strikes a peace deal with Putin and quickly pivots back to Asia to contain China then this could be avoided. However, if our insane warhawks insist on doubling down to confront Putin directly with NATO troops then I'd say this scenario could very well happen.
How Ukraine plays out in coming days will be the deciding factor imo.
This is nonsense.
"Russia is going to launch a major offensive is Eastern Ukraine"...
Russia has already said what is going on there is a special military action to end the threat against them. Russia is not looking to take over Ukraine or anyplace else.
I actually believe what Russia says over the crap I see in our own media.
What the hell is Japan going to do anyway?
This is just more scare tactic's to deceive us into thinking Nuclear War is coming.
It is talking about a hot WW3. Of course it is talking about nuclear war.
Do you think a hot war will happen and then one side will just surrender without using every weapon they have?
It resonates as the perfect "scare event" we all know is bound to happen, which will also provide cover to wipe out all final DS assets across the globe.
This guy doesn't have the inside track, he's just putting together an obvious possibility on how it will unroll. It makes complete sense that those countries that are working together would coordinate to weaken the response from NATO and others.
He is writing fear porn fan fiction written by the neo cons to induce fear and paranoia. This entire post is pure hogwash. These events would ensure the complete destruction of civilization.
I don't intend to get caught up in any story of escalating aggression, however...the coordinated buildup of the world's military has to be leading to something. The something that we're looking for is the final takedown of cabal forces. Q has long said that the military is the only way, so I'm not concerned that they'll be blowing us all to smithereens. What is unfolding is likely just the necessary steps toward complete removal of any and all bad guys from positions of power. Nuclear Armageddon is just not (and never will be) a timeline for Earth.
I think some folks dig further than needed sometime. Im not saying they shouldnt! - Just that sometimes Occam's razor. Especially with all the digging on Q post numbers and dates and trying to make connections. Not saying dont do it, or its not needed... but at some point, the answers are easily in front of our faces
I could see this being a part of the plan if it’s also to align with mass arrests from inside the USA. It’s all about overwhelming the kabal with massive military action. Benjamin Fulford thinks the Russians are massing an army to roll up to Lake Geneva. I’ve heard tell of massive action all across the board in one day to free humanity from our satanic overlords. I do believe Taiwan is a massive human trafficking hub.
Totally disagree. World war is NOT part of this. This would be a global war never seen before, and this would absolutely lead to nukes flying in under 48hrs. Other plays are going to be made, Russia is going to do a major offensive in Ukraine for sure and NATO is not going to do a damn thing about it. As for China, they're not going to attack a US military base directly, that would lead to nukes. NK attacking SK is another "not gonna happen" either.
If Russia Ukraine SMO has taught us anything, its that wars going forward are completely under WH control and will not exceed exactly what needs to be done.
This would be the perfect scare event, and the perfect time to blow 2020 wide open.
I don't think Russia or China has any reason to launch WWIII... or anything even close to it.
Western Europe is imploding under their own stupidity and due to the NWO Cabal.
The U.S. is economically devastated, we've lost our manufacturing base and are raising an entire new generation of extremely poorly educated, indoctrinated children who can't realistically cope with the world.
Why would China or Russia interfere? All they have to do is keep up with their current plans... and watch as the West destroys our own nations. In 10 years, China and Russia will be in a strong position to just mop up the remains.
Imagine Biden "develops some kind of disease and dies" or something to the effect that the US won't be able to mobilize, allowing all of this to happen without a global conflict. I think once Biden and Kamala gets removed somehow all of this would trigger.
No no no. This will be the scare event that happens first. Fake nuke alerts, freaking out normies etc.
Then the 2020 will blow up, Biden,KH 25th, and McCarthy will become president, and he will publicly consult with Trump and 24 hours later will negotiate ceasefire on all fronts.
China's zero covid efforts were a response to the eventual sanctions against Russia, judging by the timing between the initial invasion and China's announcement. Global trade had to slow down to basically make the sanctions a non-issue and show other nations how BRICS could work despite the west. Along this same vein, all Russia and China have to do is to keep enticing nations away from the Western monetary system and into BRICS, which seems to be working.
IF WW3 happens, it will be the West escalating things in response to that lost hegemony.
Moves and counter moves. WW3 is the counter move, and 10 people, along with their various contacts, may not be able to stop it. I say this under the assumption that the O'Savin thread has any truth to it, and the WHs were taken by surprise at how deep the Swamp really is.
Here is another way to think about it. Dos any of this fit in any form with the world view we have come to believe in?
To me it does. This sounds like the "scare event", and also a perfect cover to wipe out the biolabs in Taiwan, and all remaining DS assets around the world, while at the same time showing the world what the Cabal really had planned. The perfect "Precipice"
Wars cost money and the only country that can fund it is the United States. So if there is a war it’s because DC needs to launder money and change the narrative. It’s that simple
No dollars no war
I agree that wars cost money and I agree that only the Banksters can fund wars.
If this scenario comes to pass - even as a "scare event" - it will be the Banksters who will be tricked into backing these wars, but then they will lose control of it.
Indian national security adviser Ajit Doval met with American counterpart Jake Sullivan at the White House on Jan. 31 to discuss topics including broader cooperation on military technology, along with joint development and production.
New Delhi has relied on weapons from Moscow since the Soviet era, while the U.S. has provided military aid to Pakistan, with which India has been locked in a border conflict over the Kashmir region. Over 20% of Russia's weapon exports go to India.
India has not participated in the Western-led economic sanctions campaign against Russia. Military support gives the U.S. a bargaining chip to help pull New Delhi closer to its orbit.
US doesn't want Kashmir to be the new proxy war. We'll see what happens.
Cabal will use the Kashmir to control India. But they have their own problems in Pakistan and have their hands full. Right now they are just spreading disinfo about Indian PM and his industry connections, and trying to stir up local religious troubles, but nothing really working.
BRICS - Brazil, India, Russia, China, South Africa have been planning for this for decades now.
This would be WWIII. I don't think that is part of The Plan. We may see some elements of this happen at various levels. But all out world war would destroy everything. I pray OP is wrong. No more American bloodshed.
This better not be the plan. Because if it is, then the Q plan to indict, arrest and prosecute all the bad guys is a complete failure. Furthermore, this alternative plan would never happen if Trump was President. So it stands to reason that if this plan comes to pass, the Q plan was nothing more than a delay tactic and Trump was either in on it, or the target of it.
I'm with you, this is highly unlikely.
It's not the plan.
A thrilling read and good to have posted for discussion -- just in case.
But total horseshit, in my estimation.
In an age of nuclear weapons and unstable characters this would be global suicide. I think it's another psyop to make people fearful so the NWO can provide the "solution". No thanks. I want Trump back and the woke brass removed from the military. Peace through strength is the best plan. Talk softly and carry a big stick.
Agreed. The threat of nukes is unlikely. But...Clandestine put out an interesting thread on the use of bioweapons. Imagine a genetically-specific bioweapon that would take out an enemy and their future generations without destroying wildlife and infrastructure. They're already using chemical weapons in Ukraine against Russia. Taiwan has US biolabs too. But I believe this will be addressed soon. Sometimes it has to get worse before it can get better. The Nuremberg 2.0 tribunal will be bigger than we think.
The Covid flu is definitely affecting the Chinese more than the rest of the world. I guess that could be a genetically specific bioweapon.
I've heard some Bullshit before, but this is just WOW!!!
At no time did this clown mention Israel, nor the Main River in the middle east, yes the Euphrates, and the prediction just doesn't line up with Revelations, like almost everything else has been doing....
I think that anything is possible here frens. Some Q posts allude to a very scary/extreme situation playing out at some point. We don't actually know what it could end up being.
The way that I interpreted Trump's speeches leading to the midterms and his 2024 speech is that shit is going to get very bad during Biden's years. They've already been lying to everyone about a TON of serious things that have real world effects and it works on most people, normies.
What we're witnessing happen currently and what is likely to come is that the world's governments see the US as entirely weak under Biden. It's shocking to me that people STILL can't see a connection between current world events and being on the brink of war and it all starting shortly after Biden "took office".
None of this happened with Trump. None of it.
• Ukraine situation would never have started. • China wouldn't be floating spy balloons over various countries. They knew Trump would not only pop the balloon, he would invoke economic sanctions so bad that it would ruin China for quite some time. • Inflation wouldn't have skyrocketed since the emergency orders would have been rescinded long ago, supply chains would have been repaired, and the world would go back to functioning as it was before the Coof started. • Therefore, interest rates wouldn't have skyrocketed either • Canada and other countries wouldn't be all gung-ho NATO and sending tanks to Ukraine.
This is all within the first half of Biden's first (/s) 4 years.
What are we going to see happen in the 2nd half?
Scare event necessary.
How scary are we willing to stay strong though?
Trump has hinted something will happen to taiwan on bidens watch.
Is it really highly unlikely? I'm not so sure, it seems plausible that this scenario could unfold.
Yeah it makes perfect sense to me
Plausible and highly unlikely are not mutually exclusive.
WW3 started a while back. This is the kinetic build up to it.
That's a fair statement. We are indeed in the 5GW version of WWIII. This would be the kinetic aspect to it. That's what The Plan, I believe, seeks to avoid.
Yeah, it started on November 8th, 2016 with President Trump's election.
I don't see how this is part of the plan. I would think the white hats are working hard to avoid this scenario.
What White Hats? I'm just curious who and what anons are seeing as White Hats at this point?
most think the white hats are a select group of folks working to overthrow the globalist international banking cabal.
This is partially true but is not as many folks here think. the reality of it would indeed send some to the hospital and mental institutions.
"Precipice" has to look very real, and at the same time, to be able to wipe out all the final DS assets around the world, there is no way around this. It will be like the SMO in Ukraine, but around the world, carefully monitored by the WHs.
So China goes into Taiwan for the same reasons Russia went into UKR? Plausible.
I mean, I'd argue we're already in WW3 and have been for some time. It's just mostly been various elements of hybrid-warfare as opposed to traditional kinetic war (at least up until Russia's SMO in Ukraine). We've already seen this war go kinetic in Europe so far, meaning I don't think his Russia prediction is exactly a bold prediction. They are about to go on a major offensive within the month after all.
That leaves the rest of the predictions that the OP made. China attacking Taiwan and US bases does seem a little dubious. From China's point of view they want to play the long game and wait us out as we continue to internally deteriorate due to social unrest and economic/financial collapse. I highly doubt they'd make such a bold move unless the aforementioned factors had already thoroughly materialized (which it will in the near-future, it's just a matter of time before the dollar's strength is weakened sufficiently).
As far as NK attacking SK yeah I highly doubt that is happening any time soon. North Korea mostly exists to be the never ending boogeyman rather than to inflict any serious harm to their neighbors. I'd be surprised if they became bold enough to actually assault SK but who knows. Anything's possible I suppose, especially if things continue along this trajectory. Still, I'd say it's highly unlikely.
As for Iran... I feel that their prediction here is a toss-up. I'd err on the side of unlikely but after Israel directly attacked them just a short time ago I wouldn't put it past them to finally punch back.
All-in-all this is likely anon fear porn however I wouldn't be so quick to just dismiss this scenario as far-fetched. There's a decent chance this could quickly spiral out of control once Russia's offensive plays out. It really depends on the Western response to the situation. If Washington comes to their senses and strikes a peace deal with Putin and quickly pivots back to Asia to contain China then this could be avoided. However, if our insane warhawks insist on doubling down to confront Putin directly with NATO troops then I'd say this scenario could very well happen.
How Ukraine plays out in coming days will be the deciding factor imo.
This is nonsense. "Russia is going to launch a major offensive is Eastern Ukraine"...
Russia has already said what is going on there is a special military action to end the threat against them. Russia is not looking to take over Ukraine or anyplace else.
I actually believe what Russia says over the crap I see in our own media.
What the hell is Japan going to do anyway?
This is just more scare tactic's to deceive us into thinking Nuclear War is coming.
Yup. This post comes from the feds.
Japan is one of the biggest fulcrums in the Asian region between various Cabal factions that proxy-control Korea, China and Japan. Japan = US Army.
As long as Japan is bound to US/Cabal no freeing operation can take place in that region.
K-J-C geopolitics is very fascinating.
Disagree there is no mention of nuclear anything in this post
It is talking about a hot WW3. Of course it is talking about nuclear war. Do you think a hot war will happen and then one side will just surrender without using every weapon they have?
North Korea isn't going to do shit but build a Trump hotel after DECLAS.
Following that thread, it doesn't look like that post gets a lot of respect. So does this resonate here on GAW as being even close to the truth?
It seems pretty unlikely that this could all be organised without 5eyes knowing about it before-hand.
As others have mentioned, it would also very likely lead to a nuclear exchange of some kind, after which all bets are off.
It resonates as the perfect "scare event" we all know is bound to happen, which will also provide cover to wipe out all final DS assets across the globe.
This fear porn brought to you in part by the CIA.
Underwritten by Pfizer —the folks who brought you pandemic fear in easy-to-pay installments
The liberal leftists in the country happy now?
They're never happy about anything.
That's their dysfunction and the reason nobody should ever follow their ideology.
This guy doesn't have the inside track, he's just putting together an obvious possibility on how it will unroll. It makes complete sense that those countries that are working together would coordinate to weaken the response from NATO and others.
He is writing fear porn fan fiction written by the neo cons to induce fear and paranoia. This entire post is pure hogwash. These events would ensure the complete destruction of civilization.
I agree. A smart Anon knows this is how a scare event will look.
That post glows. I could be wrong, but I would use that as an example of how to spot an agent posting on the board.
Edit: checking time stamp I'd wager FVEY UK [M16] posted 30seconds before clocking in.
I don't intend to get caught up in any story of escalating aggression, however...the coordinated buildup of the world's military has to be leading to something. The something that we're looking for is the final takedown of cabal forces. Q has long said that the military is the only way, so I'm not concerned that they'll be blowing us all to smithereens. What is unfolding is likely just the necessary steps toward complete removal of any and all bad guys from positions of power. Nuclear Armageddon is just not (and never will be) a timeline for Earth.
This sounds like a SCARE EVENT to me.
I think some folks dig further than needed sometime. Im not saying they shouldnt! - Just that sometimes Occam's razor. Especially with all the digging on Q post numbers and dates and trying to make connections. Not saying dont do it, or its not needed... but at some point, the answers are easily in front of our faces
I could see this being a part of the plan if it’s also to align with mass arrests from inside the USA. It’s all about overwhelming the kabal with massive military action. Benjamin Fulford thinks the Russians are massing an army to roll up to Lake Geneva. I’ve heard tell of massive action all across the board in one day to free humanity from our satanic overlords. I do believe Taiwan is a massive human trafficking hub.
Totally disagree. World war is NOT part of this. This would be a global war never seen before, and this would absolutely lead to nukes flying in under 48hrs. Other plays are going to be made, Russia is going to do a major offensive in Ukraine for sure and NATO is not going to do a damn thing about it. As for China, they're not going to attack a US military base directly, that would lead to nukes. NK attacking SK is another "not gonna happen" either.
If Russia Ukraine SMO has taught us anything, its that wars going forward are completely under WH control and will not exceed exactly what needs to be done.
This would be the perfect scare event, and the perfect time to blow 2020 wide open.
Just in time to start drafting womyn
I don't think Russia or China has any reason to launch WWIII... or anything even close to it.
Western Europe is imploding under their own stupidity and due to the NWO Cabal. The U.S. is economically devastated, we've lost our manufacturing base and are raising an entire new generation of extremely poorly educated, indoctrinated children who can't realistically cope with the world.
Why would China or Russia interfere? All they have to do is keep up with their current plans... and watch as the West destroys our own nations. In 10 years, China and Russia will be in a strong position to just mop up the remains.
Imagine Biden "develops some kind of disease and dies" or something to the effect that the US won't be able to mobilize, allowing all of this to happen without a global conflict. I think once Biden and Kamala gets removed somehow all of this would trigger.
No no no. This will be the scare event that happens first. Fake nuke alerts, freaking out normies etc.
Then the 2020 will blow up, Biden,KH 25th, and McCarthy will become president, and he will publicly consult with Trump and 24 hours later will negotiate ceasefire on all fronts.
Thats when the GA happens.
Sauce - archive
Direct link to 4chan
There is some truth to this. Before he left office, President Trump said that Joe Biden would face war in Taiwan and would face the 25th Amendment.
Sleepy Joe would never allow that to happ.....zzzzzzzz.
Yeah if all the leaders got dementia. This would be crazy. Not gonna happen!!
Makes me wonder if something failed.
Fear mongering
Scare Event.
Unessisary, but plausible.
China's zero covid efforts were a response to the eventual sanctions against Russia, judging by the timing between the initial invasion and China's announcement. Global trade had to slow down to basically make the sanctions a non-issue and show other nations how BRICS could work despite the west. Along this same vein, all Russia and China have to do is to keep enticing nations away from the Western monetary system and into BRICS, which seems to be working.
IF WW3 happens, it will be the West escalating things in response to that lost hegemony.
Moves and counter moves. WW3 is the counter move, and 10 people, along with their various contacts, may not be able to stop it. I say this under the assumption that the O'Savin thread has any truth to it, and the WHs were taken by surprise at how deep the Swamp really is.
wishful thinking, world war 3 is not going to be fought with conventional means
I found this interesting, and plausable if you can see the right angles.
It's still fascinating, especially if you're viewing the world through the lens of "Donald Trump Saves The World", which I believe is what's coming.
Trump negotiates with Putin. Trump negotiates with Kim. Trump negotiates with Xi.
Not saying it's fair to put us through it, or right to let it happen - but is it possible?
In a cartoon/clown reality, anything is possible.
But, for some people, you cant tell them, you have to show them.
Imagine all this is raging, and there are fake nuke alerts in many many cities and people are freaking out.
Right at that moment, finally the 2020 is blown wide open. Trump is back. 24 hrs and everything is over.
Now he got the attention of all America, not just the right. Now he can expose everything else.
Precipice. Scare Event is necessary.
Pretty explosive claim. Perhaps the thing you asked us not to ask is the only logical thing to ask after all. Why do you think you know this?
Here is another way to think about it. Dos any of this fit in any form with the world view we have come to believe in?
To me it does. This sounds like the "scare event", and also a perfect cover to wipe out the biolabs in Taiwan, and all remaining DS assets around the world, while at the same time showing the world what the Cabal really had planned. The perfect "Precipice"
Wars cost money and the only country that can fund it is the United States. So if there is a war it’s because DC needs to launder money and change the narrative. It’s that simple No dollars no war
I agree that wars cost money and I agree that only the Banksters can fund wars.
If this scenario comes to pass - even as a "scare event" - it will be the Banksters who will be tricked into backing these wars, but then they will lose control of it.
Sounds like Nostradamus's supposed "prediction" about which countries are involved in WWIII
And we are already IN a world war...
This goes against what Intel comes our way. India, on the other hand? I'm watching kashmir at the moment.
What intel do you refer to?
Public info:
US doesn't want Kashmir to be the new proxy war. We'll see what happens.
Cabal will use the Kashmir to control India. But they have their own problems in Pakistan and have their hands full. Right now they are just spreading disinfo about Indian PM and his industry connections, and trying to stir up local religious troubles, but nothing really working.
BRICS - Brazil, India, Russia, China, South Africa have been planning for this for decades now.
Why? They are more aligned with each other than any western countries.
Lol!!! Russia going after Poland (and smaller NATO nations) is complete BS.
Will never happen.
Only thing that determines this is how much Cabal assets are entrenched in those nations.
And looks like Poland is not in the realm of impossible anymore!
If nuclear, Sounds like the scare event to me.
Well let's hope not...
Because that would definitely go nuclear, united it's FULLY controlled by GEOTUS and only targeting the DS assets.
If that's the case, it needs to happen. But it's scary AF no matter how you slice it...
And this would be the final nail in the coffin for this measly economy.
Scare event was meant to be scary AF, because the sleepers wont wake up otherwise.