Ivermectin worked for me, my son and my wife. And when my wife took it it had a very surprising upside. You see my wife has had severe acid reflux. We even had to tip our bed so it was not flat. She has been rotating through various pills for this for like 10 years. It sometimes gets so bad that food gets stuck and she cant swallow due to the swelling and throat inflammation. She has eaten a truck load of antiacids and tons of prescription pills.
After taking the ivermectin when she was very sick from covid/flu she has not had acid reflux since. Its been a month and its gone. Not reduced but gone. This is the first time in over 10 years where she is not being tortured daily by it.
The funny thing is that she knew I was taking tons of ivermectin, my son took it, but she fought me on taking it until she was very sick. Its almost like she hates to admit that I was right and the acid reflux is a super bonus.
I have chronic reflux, and have to use a large wedge in the bed to prop me up. There are several reasons for reflux...the most common being a corruption of the esophageal opening in the diaphragm, known as a hiatal hernia. A more uncommon cause of reflux is a heliobacter pylori infection in the stomach. That would make sense if the ivermectin cured the reflux, by wiping out the infection.
thats what I am thinking it was an infection that ivermectin cured. Why the hell dont doctors use this. She spent the last 10 years being tortured by that.
I could write a book about the incompetence of doctors. I've seen plenty (nearly a dozen trying to diagnose and treat the reflux), and they are, for the most part, a bunch of buffoons. They don't read medical journals to stay current, and basically are just clerks who can write prescriptions.
Pretty much this.
My PCP is a really nice guy...but he literally googles shit while we're talking about my condition, even if we've previously discussed it. I tried two others in the area, and they're even worse. At least he's willing to to listen to my suggestions and act on them.
Hahaha, I brought in a journal article once and the doc I consulted countered with a readers digest article. I literally stood up and told him do not Bill me, asked for my file and left.
Or they want to immediately cut on you (and then write the prescription). Big $$ in cutting on folks. Follow the $$! Ask me how I know.
A patient cured is a customer lost.
Because, 1) doctors just know how to push pills, 2) ivermectin is not on their radar for off label treatments, 3) doctors are strongly discouraged from encouraging vitamins, minerals and herbals.
They’re PAID to push pills. It’s all about the money. It’s not about health. Not by a long shot. I saw drug reps show up at the hospital I worked at dangling a Hawaiian vacation for the MD that wrote the most prescriptions for their crap.
They got ten years of billing and kickbacks for writing prescriptions by working symptoms and not cause. They get squat if ten 5 dollar pills cure it in a week.
Hey fren. I had the same experience as your wife.
I had suffered from heartburn since a restaurant meal in early November 2022. Popped for covid before Christmas. Started the ivermectin. In less than a week the heartburn I'd had for 2 months disappeared. So, guess I had a parasite for 2 months.
Why wouldn't the doc prescribe that for your wife? It's more profitable for the doc and pharma to get her on daily omeprazole and sucralfate.
You probably have low stomach acidity and are not triggering a proper stomach dump.
Look up Betaine (acid pills).
No...I have a hiatal hernia, and even had surgery to try to correct it (worked for about four years). I've had every test known to man, and my digestion is fine.
Another is actually too little stomach acid. Betaine HCL with Pepsin can usually turn it around.
I have had horrible GERD for decades, I even had surgery for hiatal hernia when I was younger. Sleeping in a bed has not been an option, even with the head of the bed raised by any of the neat tricks people use. I have been sleeping in a recliner for nearly 3 decades so that I can stay more upright to minimize the GERD to a point where it's livable.
Here's what I found a couple of years ago through many hours of internet research: The LES (lower esophageal sphincter, the muscle that separates the esophagus from the stomach) is supposed to close when you have food in the stomach being digested to keep the acid and food from flowing backwards up into the esophagus (GERD). Until a few years ago, nobody knew what caused the LES to open and close, but now they have figured it out. It is controlled by the acidity of your stomach. In order to be stimulated to close, the pH in your stomach needs to be 2.0 or LOWER (extremely acidic), maybe 2.5 at the absolute highest for some people. So by taking medications that stop your stomach from producing acid, you are doing the WORST POSSIBLE THING YOU CAN DO by making your stomach less acidic and raising the pH of your stomach above that 2.0-2.5 threshold so that the sphincter remains open and allows reflux. In spite of this, every doctor I have gone to in the last 5 years has still tried to bully me back on to the pills (I quit taking them after well over 20 years once I found out the truth). My reflux is much more under control since I stopped taking acid blockers.
Even worse? The FDA added a warning to proton pump inhibitors several years ago (which I never heard about until my research) which says that you should not take them for more than 3 consecutive weeks, and should not take them for more than 5 weeks out of each calendar year because of several very serious side effects that they can cause, some of which can be permanent (like damaging the nerves that control your digestive system, possibly forcing you onto a gastric feeding tube for the rest of your life). In spite of this warning from the FDA, the first thing done for GERD patients by every single doctor I know of is to prescribe these pills to be taken 365 days a year for the rest of their lives. If you say no, many of them will try to bully you into changing your mind. DON'T DO IT!
Would apple cider vinegar work for the ph problem ? Asking because my son has a problem swallowing food. I seen him go through 2 large glasses of tea while he was eating dinner. He is 40 & has had this swallowing problem for years.
If he has GERD, many people say ACV can help, but it didn't work for me. Swallowing problems can be for a whole lot of other reasons though. The medical term is dysphagia if you want to research it.
Thank you. I will do some research.
It’s such a shame.
PPIs cure my acid reflux. When I stop taking them I get bad heart burn. How do I get off the PPIs??
Keep in mind that I am NOT a doctor, everything I am telling people here comes from my own personal decades of experience and my own research.
PPIs don't cure reflux, they treat a symptom and they do it poorly.
PPIs reduce the amount of acid in your stomach with the idea that less acid in the stomach means less acid that can reflux and cause heartburn. The problem is that less acid causes the LES to stay open all the time, so the remaining acid has nothing to stop it from passing back up into your esophagus. And because you have less acid to digest your food, your food stays in your stomach a lot longer, giving more time for reflux to happen.
A much better option is to have the proper amount of acid and the proper pH in your stomach, which will cause the LES to close when it is supposed to (assuming it isn't damaged somehow), and will digest your food in a normal amount of time so it can leave your stomach into your small intestine. In order to do this, you have to stop taking all acid blockers, so understand that before you decide to proceed or not.
There is a huge problem when you stop taking PPIs after you've taken them for years, and that is rebound heartburn. Basically when you stop taking them your stomach will not just go back to producing the normal amount of acid, it will produce way too much acid for possibly a few weeks before it gradually returns to normal. That is why the recommendation for stopping PPIs is to NOT stop cold turkey, but to wean yourself off of them slowly. For example, for the first week or two, take 3/4 of each pill, then for a week or two take 1/2 of each pill, then for another week or two take 1/4 of each pill, then stop. This will make the rebound effect much less severe, but it may not completely eliminate it. Personally, I was in a hurry so I did 1/2 pill for a week and then stopped. Everybody is different, so do what works for you but err on the side of doing it more slowly.
Personally, the only reason I can see for taking PPIs or any kind of daily acid blocker is if you have some kind of nerve damage or some other medical issue that causes the LES to be non-functional so that reducing acid is the only option remaining.
Thank you! I will have to open up the pills to get out 1/2 per day. I see people suggesting Betaine HCl with Pepsin. So I'm going to order that and try it out. I will follow your advice and not take the Betaine HCl until a couple weeks off the PPI due to the rebound acid!
Betaine HCl with Pepsin seems like it would work from a common sense point of view, but I have no experience with it myself.
Good luck, I hope your reflux problems improve!
I had gastric bypass for weight, but Instant cure for GERD.. I have genetics for esophageal cancer. This should be a standard optional treatment.
Cutting carbs works too.
I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia also which caused my reflux issue. I take omeprazole pill when it hits, and then lay off the pill when I don't need to take it. I find that if I have a bad case, I drink a table spoon of baking soda and it goes away.
I have been taking fenbendazole for a couple weeks every day, and strangely it seems to have helped me a bit.
Hiatal hernia can be really terrible and causes a lot of GERD cases. For those who don't understand the anatomy of your upper body, your stomach is in your abdomen, which is below your diaphragm. The diaphragm separates the abdominal cavity from the chest cavity, and it is the giant muscle that pushes the air out of your lungs and then relaxes so that air pressure can push new air back into your lungs. Your esophagus (food tube) has to pass from your throat through the chest cavity and then through the diaphragm and then connect to your stomach. There is a small opening (hole) through the diaphragm that allows the esophagus to pass through to the abdominal cavity, and this opening is called the 'hiatus'. A hernia is anytime a structure in your body passes into an area where it's not supposed to be. A hiatal hernia is when your stomach passes partially or completely through the hiatus and up into your chest cavity, which puts pressure on your lungs and stomach and squeezes food and acid out of your stomach back up into your throat. Usually people with hiatal hernia will have the stomach move back and forth between the abdominal cavity where it is supposed to be and the chest cavity where it is not supposed to be.
I had surgery (Nissen fundoplication) 20+ years ago to prevent my hiatal hernia, and it did a very good job of that. But it also caused several permanent side effects, for example I cannot throw up. If I get sick, my stomach can heave and heave and heave, but I cannot throw up anything from my stomach and I have to go to the emergency room and get i.v. anti-nausea meds. I also can't burp, so any air or gas in my stomach has to go the other direction. There are a lot of new procedures they have now for hiatal hernia, and I am not very familiar with any of them or how well they work, but you can find a lot of information about them online. I do wish every day of my life that I had NOT had the Nissen fundoplication, but it's irreversible now because of the danger of severing the major nerve that passes through and controls the entire digestive system, so I'm stuck with it for the rest of my life. If you have hiatal hernia, do a lot of research and make any treatment decisions very carefully.
This is little early, but I'm using it on my toe nail and it appears to be finally getting rid of that fungus under the toenail. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but its looking more and more like success.
That’s an application I have not heard of yet…are you using the paste and just wiping it on the nails daily? How long has it taken before you are seeing the results?
Yes. Topical application works as well. A jockey at the racetrack for a woman I was working for told her to put ivermectin on the nose of a filly that had a fungus/bump. He said it would clear up with that.
Plot twist: that filly made headlines in 2018 by beating a 10-term New York Democrat incumbent in a congressional primary, before becoming the youngest woman ever elected to Congress.
LOL….I bet that filly’s name is Alpha Omega Charlie.
What was someone from Philly doing running in a NY congressional race.
That sounds reasonable - young horses, espcially around 1-2 years of age, often get warts around their noses. The old advice was "just let them grow up, the warts will go away - " but since the 1980s when horses started getting ivermectin for deworming, cases of warts seemed to be much less common.
Yep. That was right around when I started riding. It wasn’t until recently that I realized ivermectin was younger than me. Lol. And we pretty much did monthly dewormer with ivermectin. Or sometimes alternating with praziquantel.
Have you ever known a horse to die of cancer? I have not. I know grey horses sometimes get tumors, but even so I don't think it's fatal.
When a famous horse dies, it's always colic or laminitis or "infirmities of old age." I do not remember hearing of a horse that died of cancer.
Off the top of my head and 40 years of horses, I can’t say that I have.
And I used to be a professional physiologically correct barefoot trimmer for rehabilitation and performance. I can say that horses really shouldn’t be dying of laminitis or founder either. Those are human-caused conditions, mainly from grains and/or too rich grasses. Plus stall keeping, shoes, incorrect trims, not enough exercise, etc. And then some cases from toxins. I just put down my 27- year-old Thoroughbred last year as he was simply no longer thriving and was no longer joining the herd. And I had one that died many years ago after he critically injured himself in a trailer. He had to be put down immediately.
Since the fungus lives in the skin cells that produce the nail, try to scrape and file the nail down as thin and the best you can. I have horse paste and use a Q-stick for application. The Ivermectin is gelatenous in consistency so apply it and then rub it in. You don't need all that much.Maybe about a 1/4 to 1/2 peas size. I have been applying it twice a day..... It's only been a week, since I decided to give it a shot. Also, I walk around barefoot in the house.... In the 80s, I first got contaminated and remember fighting it in college....always embarrassed about it. Then in the 1990s, the VA gave me a prescription of this pill that got rid of the fungus. It worked, but then it came back again years later. I believe old shoes I wore recontaminated me. I threw out all my old shoes. Despite the pill working, I recall learning it is tough on the liver, so I never wanted to go with that again. I've been using Tea tree oil and oregano oil with very limited if any success. The Ivermectin seems to be working. It's still early, but it appears to be healing. One other thing that might be added weaponry is to take black Seed oil, oregano oil capsules, and NAC.
Excellent, thank you for the info. I’ve had it for many years and it’s time I do something to get rid of it.
The fungas is among us.
Awesome…I have some pills too. What dosage did you do?….did you take pill daily? Thanks for your help.
My doctor told me that you divide your weight by 33.3. That will tell you how many 3 mg Ivermectin pills to take once a day on an empty stomach.
I buy 12, 6, and 3 mg pills from Reynoldmeds.com so my whole family can get the right dosage without having to split pills. (The value of buying 12 mg pills is better than buying all 3 mg pills.)
I had a exima rash once and cured it with Head and Shoulders shampoo. I even wrote a letter to P&G explaining my result, and suggested that they should market a H&S type produce for skin rashes.
This is encouraging news.
I have some IVM on the way, and I was going to start the prophylactic protocol for this very reason. About a year ago I got Whuhan Flu symptoms (never tested) with body aches like a baseball bat, and I had HCQ and used that and continued for 6 months with prophylactic. The nails seemed to improve quite a bit, but they never really cleared up all the way. HCQ is different than IVM as far as treating fungus, so I was hoping IVM might get me better results. As I said, your report is very encouraging!
Thank you . I've dealt with toenail fungus for years
Not sure about this, so do your own research, but borax is an excellent antifungal and might help things out. You know it's safe and effective because the medical establishment is trying to ban it in certain jurisdictions even though it's proven to be less toxic than table salt.
Borax is another wonder cure for many ailments. There was a doctor in Australia back in the 80s that accidentally discovered borax had the ability to reduce arthritis inflammation. He developed a cure and it became very popular. Then The Australian govt came and that was that.
Soak it in Head & Shoulders shampoo.
Wtf are you doing to keep getting fungus feet? Never had that shit in my life bro. How do you even get it??
I know you weren't asking me, but I wear work boots all day and am around tons of livestock poop. Never had problems, then one day I buy some new boots at the store and boom like 2 days later my feet are breaking out in red itchy blotches everywhere! I guess someone had tried them on and left that shit in there? Anyway it wasn't too bad to get rid of
One probable cause is cotton socks that retain moisture. Synthetic socks "breathe". Seems counterintuitive but it's true.
merino wool socks much better than cotton.
i live in socks and hardly ever go barefoot cos i'm paranoid about verucas n shit,, but never had a problem. But yh I dont hang out at farms or nail salons so that's probably why I guess.
Perhaps Oil of Oregano wouldn't hurt? (*not oregano oil, but OoO).
Research, try it, report back fren
As I recall, it would need to have a wavelength of around 350 nm to be effective. This wavelength causes sunburn. For how many seconds did you apply it?
I started using this topically. It's clearing up skin irritations fast.
I’m curious about acne…
It's a known prescription for a certain type of rosacea. Everyone has mites on their skin, sometimes they go wild and cause a breakout. IVM is used to treat it.
I get mild rosacea occasionally, and I get quick relief by using Prosacea, a OTC sulfa based medication. It's pretty cheap.
One of the best things I learned from dogs is the power of ones own saliva. Where do you think the term, "Licking his wounds" comes from. If you get a cut, and you don't have immediate way to clean it, or wash it, just spit on the cut, and it will kill any germs that exist. Someone else's spit would not do it, but your own will.
If you get blood on you cloths, and you spit on the blood spot before it dries, it will disappear.
Really? Interesting. So it gets rid of dry skin and rashes?
Took out a spot of actinic keratosis on my face. Doc said it was pre-cancer lesion. His advice? Just butn it off. So what if there's some scarring. I was like -nope
I thought it was a spider bite. I tried it. It worked for me. I'm still playing with it topically.
Got rid of my seasonal allergies, chronic back pain, and shoulder pain from an old injury. Ivermectin gets rid of a lot of bad parasites in the body. Thinking of starting a gofundme to raise enough money to spray it on DC.
Link !
Your comment takes home the trophy for best comment today... quadzillion updoots if I could!
It is also a cancer killer. I believe we will soon find out that it is one of the greatest cures on the planet.
it is prob one of the cures that president Trump was talking about.
I think so, yes.
Acid reflux is almost certainly caused by low stomach acid rather than high stomach acid,
My mother took an acid pill when she had it and it worked.
well it was so bad it was dissolving her tongue and she would be spitting blood in the mornings. I think its caused by some kind of parasite. The ivermectin kills it. Thats my theory anyway. if it cures it I dont care what happened, just that its cured.
Could be.
The valve at bottom of your esophagus shuts off with the proper acidity.
If it doesn't get enough acidity --- it leaks, causing acid reflux.
Likewise ---- the valve that dumps your stomach into your intestines needs high acidity to open.
Hey im curious if she drinks alcohol, mine went away after I stopped drinking
no she does not drink any alcohol. She is having the first time in over 10 years without huge acid reflux. I prob would not believe it if i was not seeing it. She stopped the prescription acid pills yesterday..... time will tell if she gets it back I guess, if so she will get another dose of the horse paste :)
Antiacids are extremely dangerous and cause cancer long term.
Cimetidine, H(2) receptor antagonists, is commonly prescribed for gastric and duodenal ulcer disease. Additionally, cimetidine has been shown to have anticancer effects. This review describes the mechanism of antitumor action of cimetidine including its ability to interfere with tumor cell adhesion, angiogenesis and proliferation; its effect on the immune system; as well as inhibition of postoperative immunosuppression. Its anticancer effect is also compared to that of the other H(2) receptor antagonists as well as outcomes of cimetidine in clinical studies in cancer patients.
Fantastic news!! Glad it worked wonders for you. Would you, or anyone else share where I can buy ivermectin? Again, great news. Thank you.
Ivermectin.com is where I bought it
Thank you.
A neighbour of mine has MS. She also has a problem with her lymphatic system; recently the left side of her body has swollen badly. Her health deteriorated after she had her last child and was put on a drip, before that she was fine. Can't help wondering if Ivermectin would help in some way. Anyone able to advise please?
Look into Hydroxychloroquine. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34590328/
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sounds like she may be ready for the oral sex for weight-loss pitch...
I took it for covi/flu and it got rid of a huge plantars wart on the bottom of my foot that had been there for over 40 years. Still gone 2 years later.
The medical and life saving homeopathic drugs and procedures the Industrial Pharma and Medical Device Industries have kept from the general public is staggering …. Cancer = Manmade / Depopulation Agenda
Sweet! I got some horse stuff. Did you have a prescription?
nope I am in canada, its close to a communist country and they banned ivermectin. If a doctor prescribes it they will get arrested and lose their medical licence. I got the horse paste.
I can't even get the horse paste without proof of horse.
My wife had serious reflux also. After trying several meds by the doctors I decided to take her off dairy products. It's been 8 years and she hasn't had a problem since. She also had bad headaches and hasn't had a headache since.
For all our friends with reflux, also consider chiropractic care. There is a spot in the middle of your back, when out of place, pinches the nerve that opens and closes the valve. Causes the valve to hang open. My symptom from GERD is non stop coughing. About 5 minutes after getting adjusted, the acid reflux stopped.
Just another option!
I am expirementing with my BF, Miles. He had an abscess on his ear. I apply the “horse paste” every other day and give him a dose every other week. My buddy’s ear is almost healed and because he takes it internally as well he is like a puppy again. My Doctor advised that she got her hand slapped (appt was last Friday) for prescribing Ivermectin during COVID. I am a believer.
BF stands for best friend and he is a boxer dog
Thank you lol
Boxers ROCK! I have 2! I’m sure you know Boxers are prone to Cancer. My girl had a growth on her jowl. I used this protocol and it was gone in a matter of days and hasn’t come back. Hopefully you’ll never need it.
Any idea if it works to deter fleas and ticks?
Anyone heard if IVM will work for Gluten Intolerance?
Yep! Agreed, and I'm one of those crazies that got the apple flavor horse gel. It fixed my digestive issues immediately (still fine after over a year), wife and kids all took it too. No regrets! I still have a couple tubes stashed away for the future.
I've heard this from a few people on GAW. Long-term acid reflux or gerd problems and Ivermectin knocks it out. Pretty damn cool :)
Glad to hear the wife is doing much better, fren.
I had a similar reflux cure with HCQ.
Although, I have taken a round of IVER months afterwards.
Worms cause all kinds of sicknesses.. Death to the worms!
Women sometimes. Good to hear.
This may help/interest you - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaDJh0oypzU
DMSO is great as well, I purchased it in a gel, a liquid and tablets. If you have never heard of DMSO do some research (not google or the fake lying search engines) and maybe get some to try for yourself. It truly is a miracle drug as well.
I was on some pills the doctor prescribed, but had to stop because I had an ulcer. I started making my own kefir, which is similar to liquid yogurt. The relief was almost instant, and about a month or so my stomach was healed. You can find kefir grains online, just mix with whole milk.
What dose and how long did she take it?
She only took two doses one a day for two days. The dose, it was about her weight as on the plunger.
So horse version?
I noticed that when I took ivermectin too. My mild reflux went away for a week or so
This is my daily hell. I think you've motivated me to try it.
do it man, she only took it for two days. Amount as per weight on the paste plunger mixed into a yogurt (it tastes gross). She had very bad acid reflux for like over 10 years, in fact we had a scare when she was checked for cancer to see if that was the cause of it, that thank god was negative and it was just ruled bad reflux she would need to control with pills and diet. She had acid reflux the night she took the first dose. The next day the acid reflux was gone and she has not had it since. Now she is going to stop the reflux pills as of tonight and see what happens........
I believe what she had was a severe case of H. Pylori. She may have noticed rapid heart palpitations at the same time. But Heartburn is first sign. Half of the world has h. pylori. Ivermectin kills it! HP gone = no more reflux!
Dude you are blowing my mind, I will PM you
My wife had a bad reaction to ivm a couple times. Six mg once and light headed and nauseous for the next few days. Wasn’t sure it was the ivermectin. The second time ended in an ER visit because paramedics were convinced she was having a heart attack. After discovering that wasn’t the case, the ER doctor with a heavy accent blamed the ivermectin, said it was poison and scolded us for using it.
So as I’m reading this thread aloud to her saying it might help for her reflux as well as other issues mentioned here, she says no way in hell she’ll take it again. Maybe if we had a legit dosage chart for pill form I could get her to try and much smaller dose as prophylactic.
I believe a parasite might have been the culprit. Not directly, but rather indirectly due to die off symptoms. When parasites, bacteria, or fungi die off in the system, they excrete copious quantities of toxins into the body that must be purged. Too many toxins all at once and the liver becomes overwhelmed, leading to a nasty sickness that can last days. Many Anons have theorized that the common cold and flu can be attributed to these types of die offs.
You may have overdosed the ivermectin. You might also try adding a binding agent to the mix; a substance that will bind to the toxins that are left behind in the wake of ivermectin killing off infectious parasites, bacteria and fungi. You could try something like activated charcoal, or Mimosa Pudica.
0.2 mg per bodyweight kg.
Thank you! Is that per day all at once?
She prob should stay away from it then, sounds like a rare reaction to it perhaps.
I wonder if it was a parasite or too high a dose. It could just be an allergic reaction too
Soolantra cured wife’s rosacea and bad facial acne. 3 months. Gone.
I take ivermectin almost daily, wish it cured my heart burn! Then again, I should probably lay off the Vodka. That shit doesn’t help. 😆
Try delta 8 THC. Does wonders for acid reflux.
Will do, thanks!
Wakey, wakey, bye-bye achies.