Devolution means Trump devolved certain aspects of the government and high ranking military commanders have taken the helm while he is separated from CiC.
Nothing in the devolution theory indicates Trump is still the president. It indicates that while he is away, certain aspects of the government can't be controlled by the imposter and there are safeguards in place to protect from irreversible catastrophes.
It's like a vehicle when the check engine light goes on and to protect the vehicle from total failure, it goes into a "limp mode" that allows you to continue on but in limited ways.
So Trump is secretly controlling Biden, making him do all these stupid stunts, to show the world that Biden is bad? So it's not actually Biden's terrible policy decisions, it's just Trump and the white hats making them look bad so the American people can see the truth? Come on, this isn't Q - Q never even implied this.
I can appreciate your comment. Just some points to consider, if you want to:
If you read Devolution carefully, it is the military that is in charge. Remember, their oath is to the constitution.
Biden keeps renewing the very important Executive Orders creating this Continuity of Government. Trump had to remove himself. This is explained very well in Devolution. Also, Christopher Miller, Flynn's brother who is Admiral(?) in the pacific Naval command. They haven't been fired.
Remember when Trump went all around the world to different countries, and supposedly had all the dirt on these people and they all capitulated to him? I'm just wondering if all those countries are actually working with us to the same ends. Perhaps, Biden is allowed to do things up to a certain point and the military is watching him. Maybe Obama was "made" to feed Biden each communistic step. To a certain point. I find it extraordinary that some Democrats left their partisanship and blocked some of the things Biden wanted.
Given that everyone is just guessing about what is going on, Devolution is a very considered and researched group of essays. Devolution fits Q like a glove. I like to consider Q as the "WHAT" and Devolution as the "HOW."
I too believe Trump's early trips were to form a collaboration not only against NWO, but also to deal with worldwide epidemic of human trafficking of esp. children
which his early EOs also reflect.
I noticed that during his inauguration speech the military came to stand behind him just before he said to effect that he was giving the power back to the people where it belongs AND they left directly after that statement. I believed right then that he really was to some extent sharing his power with military or some such. Coupled with His Rona Barrett interview (on You Tube)as a younger man in his 40's reflects a man steadfast in his beliefs who would do such a thing. His belief that one man country turn our troubled country around. Maybe not him, but he would like to work with a group of people to select the very best presidential candidates. Maybe there/are were such people & they called him.
True. But someone's making the Bidens look like fools; him esp. and Jill's choice of
dresses is often beyond belief. Tribunal convicted and doing penance so "more can see" in exchange for Life instead of the Noose is my hopium.
The Us military like most of our western governments are now split into factions some boiling down into either pro NATO/globalist and those that stand with there own countries constitutions. We have all been watching these factions come to blow. Underneath this split lies good an evil on both sides too it's very very confusing but that's how we be.
Devolution means the chain of command has been devolved to levels below CIC. If Trump is and has been CIC this whole time, he would be ineligible for what would be a third term.
He could take over now and serve the rest of the current term less than two years and then be 2024 eligible.
Correct. The structure of command is "devolved" to emergency level management, and Trump is merely an advisor to SOCOM since that's the only outfit in the military that directly reports to POTUS.
Yes this is a nice compendium of the Devolution series, and I've read them all. The last full pert (Part 23) was published June 15, 2022... and I've been hoping another one, Part 24, would be published. The various addendums don't quite give the full picture I'm looking for.
The security warnings on OP had to do with a half-baked security certificate, which only covers links that have the “www.” at the beginning. Sloppy, but it explains why the one without threw up a scarygram.
It's worth mentioning that Johnson hasn't stopped being emotional about PP ever since the latter offered a calm critique and politely disagreed over the Johnson's facts. Short fuse to say the least.
I read the entire series over a year ago. I don't remember every detail but have depended on this narrative for a very long time. Read the entire series.
When they developed IQ tests they scored average as exactly 100.
Today average sits at around 90 and many people above that average drink flouride to clean their teeth and slam experimental gene therapy to fight the common cold.
Welcome to idiocracy buddy grab yourself a brawndo and enjoy the show.
Plus, if we trust Trump, we trust that "He caught them all. He has it all. Let's see what happens." We trust that he WILL drain the swamp, as he promised. In the opening video of Devolution, Trump even says "You know what I did? I caught the swamp. I caught them all and nobody could have done it but me!" He does what he says he will do. He delivers. The swamp is not just DC, it is nefariously throughout our gov and institutions, business, medicine, education, entertainment, banking, and so many more.
I remember a year ago, a year and a half, there was absolutely nothing "visually" happening that we could see. NOW, every day there is more and more revealed, we have much more social media available to conservative principles and even the mainstream is having to report some of it, reluctantly.
I hope so. Among other things, I can't solve a Rubik's cube to save my life, nor can I make sense of textless Lego-style assembly directions. Both made me feel like such an idiot, even after being shown by experts how to do them.
I'm on Brave, no such BS. You all have to switch, and make sure you change to Brave search engine too after download, cause it defaults to Screwggle. Prolly why it is allowed to exit in the first place.
It’s the deep state or him/us. He openly said that. He’s still alive. That means the deep state is dead. Now just the wake up the patient, stitch and clean up to do.
Just want to also say that you can either read the Devolution essays or you can listen to them being read, which can be a great way to absorb the information.
If you’d like a best nutshell version I can give one. But Part 3 of Devolution lays out the system and theoretical plan of why. It’s interesting to say the least.
Everyone is bickering about the details. Only Trump can explain every little detail. He knows which things are being forced to happen, and which things the other side is making happen. The Devolution series is well-documented, and the evidence provided is very good.
In the meantime, I'm doing okay. I can still afford to buy what I want, and I'm stocking up every week just in case the other side causes things to go to crap.
We tend to look for the savior and the antichrist without, but both are to be found within. The antichrist has already taken root within us, we are absorbed by materialism and we claim to know God but we really don't. At the same time our Father is looking for us, wants us to reconnect with him but we search for a savior outside of ourselves. Only we have the power to save our own souls, to reunite with divinity. The world is already lost, and if we had eyes to see it would be clear that this humanity is worse than Sodom and Gomorrah and no politician, no one can save it from the catastrophe that will wipe it all out in due time.
Yes this is what is extremely concerning to myself and family. The worship of Trump is not only christ like.. but it can get very cultish and times. It seems like he is setting the stage .... which is quite honestly the biggest event about to happen in modern day history that we know of. Makes the hair on the back of neck stand up.. or that could just be Schuman resonance that is ringing my entire body
i mean people here have been waiting for arrests for years now. So funny it's going to start with donald. Hilarious. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. All the hype and "lock her up" chants ect... And in the end it's trump who is getting the first mugshot.
I'm finding it hard to believe Trump is in control of the military, especially after the Afghanistan withdrawal.
Devolution means Trump devolved certain aspects of the government and high ranking military commanders have taken the helm while he is separated from CiC.
Nothing in the devolution theory indicates Trump is still the president. It indicates that while he is away, certain aspects of the government can't be controlled by the imposter and there are safeguards in place to protect from irreversible catastrophes.
It's like a vehicle when the check engine light goes on and to protect the vehicle from total failure, it goes into a "limp mode" that allows you to continue on but in limited ways.
I think it had to be done to show just how bad Biden and his handlers are. Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.
So Trump is secretly controlling Biden, making him do all these stupid stunts, to show the world that Biden is bad? So it's not actually Biden's terrible policy decisions, it's just Trump and the white hats making them look bad so the American people can see the truth? Come on, this isn't Q - Q never even implied this.
I can appreciate your comment. Just some points to consider, if you want to:
If you read Devolution carefully, it is the military that is in charge. Remember, their oath is to the constitution.
Biden keeps renewing the very important Executive Orders creating this Continuity of Government. Trump had to remove himself. This is explained very well in Devolution. Also, Christopher Miller, Flynn's brother who is Admiral(?) in the pacific Naval command. They haven't been fired.
Remember when Trump went all around the world to different countries, and supposedly had all the dirt on these people and they all capitulated to him? I'm just wondering if all those countries are actually working with us to the same ends. Perhaps, Biden is allowed to do things up to a certain point and the military is watching him. Maybe Obama was "made" to feed Biden each communistic step. To a certain point. I find it extraordinary that some Democrats left their partisanship and blocked some of the things Biden wanted.
Given that everyone is just guessing about what is going on, Devolution is a very considered and researched group of essays. Devolution fits Q like a glove. I like to consider Q as the "WHAT" and Devolution as the "HOW."
Michael Flynn's brother is General Charles A Flynn and assumed command of the US Army Pacific in 2021.
Thank you for that information. I knew I was lacking in name, which service, rank and location.
Well said. Thanks fren. Laid it out for me esp that last sentence. Cheers
You're ery kind. You're welcome. We're all just trying to figure it all out and hoping that we don't get caught up in all the chaos.
I too believe Trump's early trips were to form a collaboration not only against NWO, but also to deal with worldwide epidemic of human trafficking of esp. children
which his early EOs also reflect.
All the countries he visited are now or potential BRICS countries as well. The whole BRICS agreement has something to do with this as well, I feel.
I noticed that during his inauguration speech the military came to stand behind him just before he said to effect that he was giving the power back to the people where it belongs AND they left directly after that statement. I believed right then that he really was to some extent sharing his power with military or some such. Coupled with His Rona Barrett interview (on You Tube)as a younger man in his 40's reflects a man steadfast in his beliefs who would do such a thing. His belief that one man country turn our troubled country around. Maybe not him, but he would like to work with a group of people to select the very best presidential candidates. Maybe there/are were such people & they called him.
Yes! Was so weird how they were only there so briefly behind him. Looking badass as fuck
Good eye! I didn't catch that!
Yes, a multi-pronged approach for a multi-layered global corruption.
But WHY?????
No one has yet advanced a plausible theory as to why he wouldn't simply cancel those mofos with another EO. Any clues?
He may think that they are in place for protection against citizen uprising. LOL
Biden was bad enough without Trump making him do anything
True. But someone's making the Bidens look like fools; him esp. and Jill's choice of dresses is often beyond belief. Tribunal convicted and doing penance so "more can see" in exchange for Life instead of the Noose is my hopium.
I don't buy it. If Trump is in charge of the military then he would be responsible for the Afghan disaster.
The Us military like most of our western governments are now split into factions some boiling down into either pro NATO/globalist and those that stand with there own countries constitutions. We have all been watching these factions come to blow. Underneath this split lies good an evil on both sides too it's very very confusing but that's how we be.
I think the military is in charge of the military and the US, currently. But that's just me. I
NOT THAT PART, he's in control of the parts doing good and looking good!
The Don only ever looks GOOD kek
Devolution means the chain of command has been devolved to levels below CIC. If Trump is and has been CIC this whole time, he would be ineligible for what would be a third term. He could take over now and serve the rest of the current term less than two years and then be 2024 eligible.
Exactly correct!
Correct. The structure of command is "devolved" to emergency level management, and Trump is merely an advisor to SOCOM since that's the only outfit in the military that directly reports to POTUS.
Didn't realize this . Thanks fren
Use which loads for me without the www is not listed on the certificate, hence the error.
It works. Use Brave browser.
Yes this is a nice compendium of the Devolution series, and I've read them all. The last full pert (Part 23) was published June 15, 2022... and I've been hoping another one, Part 24, would be published. The various addendums don't quite give the full picture I'm looking for.
Got another link? I am getting a security warning.
Push on through, soldier. I get same.
It's amazing the research P.P. has done.. here's a link to podcast if interested. 👉
I have been following him since his #3. Amazing research, and he also a nice guy, so that works too; down to earth dude.
Brave Browser gives me no such warning.
Use Brave. gets you where you want to go.
The security warnings on OP had to do with a half-baked security certificate, which only covers links that have the “www.” at the beginning. Sloppy, but it explains why the one without threw up a scarygram.
Someone got us back into Syria. Why?
Shhhhh! Shut up man or I cut you off your share! You can’t go around telling everyone about the pipeline I built for our hot rods! Kek.
Derek Johnson (Rattletrap1776 on Rumble) also summarizes this as well.
It's worth mentioning that Johnson hasn't stopped being emotional about PP ever since the latter offered a calm critique and politely disagreed over the Johnson's facts. Short fuse to say the least.
Would you have a quick rundown or link of the disagreements? This is the first time i've heard of this and would like to see it.
another great watch here
Try this link:
Will delete if I get the same broken link.
Works for me whereas the above did not.
This is the proper link. Security warning on OPs and you’re a is g2g
Good to go. Sorry for the degeneracy
Thank you, that is what I thought,
Kek! 😆
Good to go
I read the entire series over a year ago. I don't remember every detail but have depended on this narrative for a very long time. Read the entire series.
My Waterfox browser gave me the warning too. WTF? It's just a normal site.
I think these woke clowns don't want people seeing there must be some truth to it.
Carry on soldiers.
This is the only reason why Trump supporters are still alive. They want us all dead. But we are being protected.
So Americans
This is all waaaaay over my head. I just trust that others, who are smarter than me, know what they're doing.
My IQ's only 125. I'm a midwit. You all far exceed me.
When they developed IQ tests they scored average as exactly 100.
Today average sits at around 90 and many people above that average drink flouride to clean their teeth and slam experimental gene therapy to fight the common cold.
Welcome to idiocracy buddy grab yourself a brawndo and enjoy the show.
Its got what plants CRAAAAVE.
Is this "flouride" used for making bread?
Oh I misspelled fluoride. Man, your attention to detail is on point.
Plus, if we trust Trump, we trust that "He caught them all. He has it all. Let's see what happens." We trust that he WILL drain the swamp, as he promised. In the opening video of Devolution, Trump even says "You know what I did? I caught the swamp. I caught them all and nobody could have done it but me!" He does what he says he will do. He delivers. The swamp is not just DC, it is nefariously throughout our gov and institutions, business, medicine, education, entertainment, banking, and so many more.
I remember a year ago, a year and a half, there was absolutely nothing "visually" happening that we could see. NOW, every day there is more and more revealed, we have much more social media available to conservative principles and even the mainstream is having to report some of it, reluctantly.
Give this series a watch. It's the TLDR version of devolution. Very well produced.
LOL no, that would be 100 by definition. You're well into wit!
IQ is a waffly sort of imprecise thing anyway
I hope so. Among other things, I can't solve a Rubik's cube to save my life, nor can I make sense of textless Lego-style assembly directions. Both made me feel like such an idiot, even after being shown by experts how to do them.
I actually prefer the 17th special operation group theory.
Devolution never had to be put into motion because we've been under CoG since 9/11. There's ample proof to this as well.
And thus far, they haven't even placed their theory on a t shirt!
I would recommend going to the substack I referenced
I'm on Brave, no such BS. You all have to switch, and make sure you change to Brave search engine too after download, cause it defaults to Screwggle. Prolly why it is allowed to exit in the first place.
It’s the deep state or him/us. He openly said that. He’s still alive. That means the deep state is dead. Now just the wake up the patient, stitch and clean up to do.
If the military is in charge, I'm reminded of the saying:
"The are three ways to do things. The right way, the wrong way, and the army way."
My guess is, we're witnessing the army way. Which means, could be worse! Kek
Is this post header related to a specific episode or part in the series?
Just want to also say that you can either read the Devolution essays or you can listen to them being read, which can be a great way to absorb the information.
It’s Part 3 of the Devolutions series Anons. Or read the actual White House Policy here:
If you’d like a best nutshell version I can give one. But Part 3 of Devolution lays out the system and theoretical plan of why. It’s interesting to say the least.
Good brining this back up Catsy.
Everyone is bickering about the details. Only Trump can explain every little detail. He knows which things are being forced to happen, and which things the other side is making happen. The Devolution series is well-documented, and the evidence provided is very good.
In the meantime, I'm doing okay. I can still afford to buy what I want, and I'm stocking up every week just in case the other side causes things to go to crap.
We tend to look for the savior and the antichrist without, but both are to be found within. The antichrist has already taken root within us, we are absorbed by materialism and we claim to know God but we really don't. At the same time our Father is looking for us, wants us to reconnect with him but we search for a savior outside of ourselves. Only we have the power to save our own souls, to reunite with divinity. The world is already lost, and if we had eyes to see it would be clear that this humanity is worse than Sodom and Gomorrah and no politician, no one can save it from the catastrophe that will wipe it all out in due time.
Yes this is what is extremely concerning to myself and family. The worship of Trump is not only christ like.. but it can get very cultish and times. It seems like he is setting the stage .... which is quite honestly the biggest event about to happen in modern day history that we know of. Makes the hair on the back of neck stand up.. or that could just be Schuman resonance that is ringing my entire body
This feels stupid