"According to a court filing, Twitter is now X" — "Twitter, Inc has been merged into X Corp. and no longer exists." — "XMAS IN DC" — X MArks the Spot? — Time for a dig Anons!
🐦 X MArks the Spot 🐦

So are the Twitter files now X files?
The TRUTH is out there.
Could it be the only thing this is...is Musk putting all his entities in these baskets?
Good call! What can X files tell us?
It's the 30th anniversary year of the X- Files premiere. And there was news at the end of March about an X-Files reboot. Wonder if that was a comm?
Made me think of done in 30
I analyzed this already and stickied it. Hold on to your seatbelts.
Elon tipped us off to this before:
But what is WeChat?
Another anon commented once "if GAW hates what you say, wait about 6 months.". So true.
As a matter of fact, Elon isn't slowing business down in China.
Meanwhile, some Tesla models are 50% off:
He wants us to have these cars. If you can't see why (Y, haha) refer to the first 3 links. Soros knows.
That's not even the end of the rabbit hole. Wait until you dig on these batteries and green energy:
Yep, and the Vice President of BYD is friends with Elon, and helps supply him batteries.
Kind of makes the competition over EV seem a little fake if both companies profit from each other, eh? It's also fucked up that the battery company for Tesla is called CATL (cattle).
The abuse of children is very very real.
Once you do your homework, a dark truth becomes apparent. My prayer is that someone in the masses out here wakes up.
The pace of Awakening is staggering. It won't be complete until my FIL an ex cop hard core conservative Florida resident gives up his TDS and admits. Or he could just be that percentage that never does.
Twitter thread for context . . .
I'm swamped with work right now, and don't have much time to dig into this happening. I thought Anons could pick up the slack and see where this rabbit hole might lead!
I have to give credit to Majic Eyes Qnly for originally coming up with the Q dig on X MArks the Spot in his Series 1 of the Law of War: The Storm decode.
Link to Series 1
I just realized that we just passed the 4 year delta for Q post 1100!
April 9th, 2018
Great post!
Did a quick search of posts, some quick thoughts:
Several times Q uses “ex” to mean former, or example.
Several times Q uses “x” to mean times.
Do we know what "R's" stands for? Or D's? Republicans / Democrats?
I was trying to sleep.....
Not anymore! 😆
Your killing me Smalls!
This dig will last forrreeeevvvveeer!
I got thrown off by scottymar video.
The end of the video he place adam shithead photo wearing the Mossad shirt next to bankmen fried.
Seems adam may have had a child prior to marriage and that kid might be FTX
Hahaha! Fuck!
Ok. Who's the pede who asks that someone explain as if he's five? That's me. Please.
Musk founded Space X. Bought x.com. Talked about X, the everything app. Now that Twitter is officially X, Anons digging to see what X might mean in Q drops.
what some don't understand as well is that x.com was supposed to be the original Paypal but Elon couldn't fulfill his goal of creating a new currency like he wanted. Now with blockchain and crypto he seems to be going that direction with Twitter. Not to mention he said Twitter should copy WeChat from China which is used for everyday payments. Elon Musk going the finance route it seems. The FedNow CBDC pilot is supposed to go live in July as well. Everything moving that route.
Thank you
Ahhhh. (And duh). So simple. Thank you
He claimed to name his daughter “x” followed by some weird ass string of letters meaning “love” in robot speak; but that he named her “x” “the unknown variable”.
Maybe X holdings is the unknown variable
Imagine being called “X”. She’s going to think her parents hated her.
Yeah, with a name like that you've either got to become an action movie star or some kind of real-life crime lord. There's not really any other option.
Speed Racer's big brother was Racer X
X gon' give it to ya
Still better that XXX
Isn’t his kid named “X”?
I think so, but Elon was one of the co-founders of X.com in 1999. Remember X? It merged with Confinity, which became PayPal, which was bought by eBay. I guess Elon retained X.com. If you browse to www.x.com there is a single x on line 1 character 1.
Elon bought back x.com a few years ago for $20mil
child would be called X Æ A-12 -- https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52557291
Probably part of Elon's plans to turn twitter into a full service hub with a better paypoint than paypal and lots lots more.
THIS. His interview from December that explains it:
Just wondering (and indeed wandering) aloud if the recent James O'Keefe expose on all them false "Actblue" daily donations by people that didn't actually donate plays a role here?
"How do politicians access campaign contributions for personal use"
Further points to @X on truth social is Elon.
Suicide weekend coming up possibly?
Area 51 makes a lot of sense right now. Kash mention Nevada is home.
And X-Corp is now “a citizen of Nevada and California”, according to a Pede’s earlier post.
and 3 X 17 = 51
something about 3's in this movie...
that makes no sense.
yeah probably not...
If you're not an autist.
"Have any recent [shooters] received therapy in the past? Be the autists we know you are. You were chosen for a specific reason. Q"
you can be a smart autist but taking numbers and just doing that is just dumb. Zero logic.
no, just shows you missed some of the drops if you don't see/recognize Tesla & 3s...especially when it's ×17
AND related to one of the biggest conspiracies ever...do you even Q🤦♀️
stop being a schizo.
Possible sauce lead:
I followed a great researcher on YouTube called Chico Crypto who did a really deep dive on Elon. He is on a short list of possible people who could be SATOSHI NAKAMOTO. The maker of Bitcoin.
The reason I bring this up is Twitter changing to X Corp. Elon used this X in his beginnings around PayPal time. There may be something there if an Anon wants to look into this. Sorry I don't have more info, im 46 and all the information in my head needs a Table of Contents.
Does this relate to Musk's tweet about them needing to keep the Twitter sign up at HQ per the building owner's request?
Of course!
X follows Q
Can Confirm
Nah bro Q are X
Damn i forgot the alphabet
Upcoming collaboration with Revolution populi??
Musk is Space X. Changing Twitter to X should not be a surprise but to be sure Musk has a major roll in the plan.
How many times before coincidence becomes reality?
If you tilt your head an x looks like a "+"... and since the world us definitely off kilter right now we know that the playing field is not level..... X=+ ???
Dark Journalist probably has some thoughts on this
There are 8 capital X's in this filing, which in roman numerals would be 80. Chilling to look at Q #80:
I'm not seeing it. Can you elaborate ?
??? Roman Catholic Cross ??? Saint Andrew ??? X - the first letter in the Greek word for Christ ??? could this possibly be something to do with the Vatican ? and following money / $$$ funding to Washington ?
If X is supposed to be an all-in-one app, it will combine Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook.
Musk must have this project ready for release.
Living "off the grid" gets more appealing every day.
X symbolizes Saturn
I am not sure about these Naysayers but like many things it all boils down to SATURN.
(><) X it is the start of the cube.
SATURN has the cube pattern IE flower of life (>|<)
There are some who say even the modern day Cross has been corrupted and is a representation of X or a CROSS.
t = X unfold a cube any which way, you can only get a cross. Jesus died in the 3rd Dimension on the cross for our sins in this 3D world. He is the flesh and blood in our material world.
was also thinking of a 'cube'
remember hearing about a black cube & there was a cube at the Georgia guidestones that was stolen. maybe cubes are projectors of some sort?...
X is all shapes, all Platonic solids + aether, religious symbol, color, frequency and note, math, calander,
An infinitely repeating honeycomb 3D matrix of some sort (>|<) the flower of life, the singular cell.
yes it's a neat symbol & easy to draw,an intersection of 4 triangles. will have to look at tribal art/see if it's common
There was a video I saved recently that fully delved into the Cube was really good.
I soaked a bit up things I knew some I didn’t, I believe he was right about the cross being a version of the X which ties back into Saturn at its core. Perhaps the cross was a lie. Who tf knows eh.
It’s a pretty easy logical step and conclusion to come to. Saturn = planet = somehow before the invention of telescopes they were able to deduce Saturn had a big cube on it. X = cube = flower of life = all Platonic solids + aether = all religious symbols.
I don’t try to say I understand any of this, I’m sort of the Jack of all trades. I know a LITTLE about a LOT. That whole sacred geometry/flower of life stuff is wild. It’s an infinite honeycomb I wouldn’t be surprised if it was floating infinitely around us at all times.
Is the start of life.
X holds all religious symbols, shapes, frequencies, Platonic solids + aether, numbers, math, color, music, sound.
The building block as freemasonry calls it.
X the cube
/End rant
Black cube = old Jerusalem, the darkened mind
Clear cube = new Jerusalem, the enlightened mind
Are they both bad?
Any examples of clear cube? I suppose glass ones exist just as much
Revelation, new Jerusalem described as clear cube.
But we know the old Jerusalem worships the black cube.
Destruction of the Old Guard.
Dark > Light
Black > White
Not finding it as Saturn. But Saturn X is nickname for the moon Janus.
In Roman mythology, Janus was the god of doors, gates, and transitions. Janus represented the middle ground between both concrete and abstract dualities such as life/death, beginning/end, youth/adulthood, rural/urban, war/peace, and barbarism/civilization.
In tv show Utopia, Janus is the project to sterilize most of the world’s population via combination of vax and food.
"Saturn X" just refers to the tenth moon, and there's no reason to believe X Corp has anything to do with Saturn. Stop getting lost in the weeds.
The weeds appear to be very thick.
I’m not saying anything one way or another
But the X seems to have been a very predominant theme in the man’s legacy/creations.
It is the base symbol of all symbols X
This is why the Freemasons use it, it’s the most basic form of any symbols but contains ALL symbols religious, all Platonic solids plus aether, the infinite Honey Comb.
X ie the flower of life (>|<)
FWIW there was an old Simpsons episode about "Mr. X"
Elon's Daughter vs. Alrxander Soros??