I occasionally wonder if we're the last generation on earth who will ever speak free, live free, travel free, eat real food, breathe free, and defend our freedom with firearms.
I’m just hoping that the recovery period will be dramatically quicker than it took the cabal to slowly tear everything down, AND a full disclosure on real history and who we are exactly as a species
I get more patient (sometimes) as the confidence rises. I have a very normy friend from high school. Spent some time with her working out this week. She knows me obviously pretty well since we've been friends for decades. I think she thinks I am pretty level headed, asks for advice, etc. I don't get into details with people anymore as much, but just say things like "get ready to find out that almost nothing you thought was true, is true. They've been lying to us for a long time about virtually everything." She is actually pretty open to that concept so now that the seed is planted I will just wait. I will say, the transgender thing is backfiring big time. Some of the most liberal people I know cannot understand it AT ALL. And the women are ticked about what it has done to women's sports. Especially if they have girls.
I was fortunate enough to go through an extended gardening phase. I learned that germination rates vary. Alot. In fact, one type of seed can take up to 500 YEARS to end its dormacy and start to germinate and only does so when triggered into life by a catastrophic fire.
I realized that applies to people too. In fact people who planted seeds that grew and transformed my life, rarely, if ever, realized it.
God bless everyone who emulates Johnny Apple Seed ie who keep planting seeds without worrying about the harvest.
LOL … sux being the traffic cone of rationality here on our beloved GAW sometimes. I used to do that too, a lot. Got downvoted into oblivion for about a year. Keep up the work. It’s like Freud said: “sometimes a cigar, is just a cigar”.
Waking up an entire population after many generations of brainwashing and false history does not get rectified within a short period. It won't occur just because the military puts politicians in Gitmo. It's a long process. People wake up in stages based on various triggers.
There are many milestones left before this is complete. We're still waiting for the economic crash. The dollar must be abandoned globally. Hyperinflation must happen, and will lead to a push by Dems and RINO's to remonetize on the CBDC. The Epstein list and evidence will delegitimize politicians and Hollywood in the eyes of the public. The JFK documents will reveal the CIA coup. The deep state will push us into war with Russia. There will be an eventual nuclear scare.
That's just off the top of my head. There are many more events to add. 2025 is the minimum backstop date in my estimation.
I hope this is THE Seth Rich June. Somehow, I think short of murder this attention deficit nation just cannot focus on how truly corrupted and evil our government has become.
This may go beyond election day. I can easily envision a scenario where election theft is so obvious that even your lib friends have to admit it's real. Disillusionment is necessary to wake people up. So I'm fine with another steal if that's what it takes to get everyone on the same page as Anons.. The government has been illegitimate since the coup against JFK anyway.
Probably. Hollywood and politicians have to go, like you said Mister_Winston. For example my older sister sent me the other day a video of Matt Damon/Demon and he was talking about rationalize the water. I told her Please DO NOT SEND more videos of these demons anymore. I was so upset with her that I have to tell her again about that vaccines will kill people and she jabbed herself like 4 times. She is sweet but left left, she used to be so smart and now all her intelligence is in her butt.
A few weeks ago I walked into my sister's house and they're watching the Oscars. I'm like "You realize these people hate you, right?" They're like "Sure but whatever."
The fear of social shaming by believing "conspiracy theories" is strong. Normies seriously fear the shaming. You have to counter their fear with a different emotion. You have to show them indisputable evidence that triggers anger. For me, it was the obvious election theft. For some, it's the CIA admitting to talking to Oswald. If their trigger is racism, show them the Tuskegee experiment.
I wish a comment could be elevated to the top. This is 100% on the button. My heads gonna explode if I have to listen to another CNN brained libtard wax on about “but the courts ruled …blah, blah, fuking blah”. Sometimes I want to deliver that “slap of reality” with a BOAT PADDLE.
Perhaps with "but the courts ruled" people, rather than arguing with them, agree with them then go outlandish with your agreement. I frame this as a very smart dumb blonde op.
For instance praise them for getting you toconsider that Hollywood stars like Kim Khardasian who try to get people off who have been convicted by courts, might be very wrong.
Theyre suggesting that a court would ever be corrupt may be (use their words to describe this).
Then thank them for giving you something to think about while smiling sincerely. And leave after expressing your hope that you can talk WITH each other again since this convo was so heart and mind expanding for you.
They'll typically love the praise so much that they won't say that's not what they meant. Instead they'll go along with it and start thinking new thoughts.
I don't think so. We'll need the full power of the Executive Office / White House to finish things up (not that I expect things to actually be FINISHED in 2025; major operations finished maybe but there will be much work to do for a LONG time).
Trump will be back in the White House after the 2024 election if not before.
I agreed until I relooked at this Q post. Who's to say Trump doesn't wait until 2025 to go back in after they steal another election? I've stopped trying to time this. I'm slowly stepping away so that I can concentrate on family and life. This is killing me. Literally.
yh and to put it bluntly Trump might not have longer on the earth. he's quite old. cant keep letting them steal this shit as he's not getting any younger
100% this is what will happen. And it will be so obvious, but you'll have the normie press on one side saying everything is legit versus social media platforms (I'm guessing Facebook will either be bankrupt or taken over by then,) that will spread real information like wildfire - faster than the MSM can cope.
The main roadblocks in my mind are Google/TikTok/Facebook as they have the most popular social media platforms at the moment.
If TikTok can be removed and Facebook smashed ( because of Zuck's election meddling?) then perhaps white hats can rewrite the YouTube algorithms so conservative content creators can get the word out when something happens.
Anyway, as bad as it is now, we still aren't at the precipice. It's going to get much worse.
Agreed. I don't see why people just think things will not be rigged this time? They stole the last election and have stopped the evidence from seeing the light of day. And now Anon's think this time will be different? I just don't understand
I’ve certainly hit hard times in my mind and heart over this. Waiting for such a long time (much more than 2016) for meaningful removal of swamp monsters.
Many of us have have been around Q for since 2017. For me I started in the summer 2018.
The first "live" drops saw where about Snow White...
Q drops about Show White 1,2,3 and so on going offline.
I was trying to figure out what the hell that was all about.
Then I heard about a New Mexico Observatory being shut down for no explained reason.
Finally the reason given for the 11 day shut down was because some janitor at the observatory was downloading child porn.
Sure, that makes sense. Some guy is downloading stuff on the internet so they shut down and Observatory and a Post Office for a week and a half.
I think this operation was going on long before the 2017 posts that revealed it to the public. This is just the public learning and acting on it phase, the heavy lifting was most likely done largely before 2017. Doesn't mean it is done, of course.
This was a single ship, but I've heard that a fleet of ships arrived and that's what needed to be hidden from the public (one ship can be written off as a strange, solar process we don't understand... but seeing it repeated dozens of times would set off alarm bells.)
There is some hopium that the dates lineup with the posted video, which was posted 6 years ago. That would mean we are really close, but it is wise to realize that we could be 2 years away.
I've got to say something feels different lately. The amount of pro Trump redpill shit on normie social media is exploding. The Trump town hall could not have been more bizarre either. The news company that hates him most and pushed jan6 and angry at orange man the most gives him an opportunity to talk? Makes no sense unless we are at the turn and this whole Biden era was designed to be as destructive and ridiculous as possible to wake up the masses. I do think it's happening.
Edit: this all happening at the same time James Webb has debunked Einstein entirely and we have to throw out our entire idea of the realm we live in and start over. Nothing more groundbreaking has happened in generations and the media is silent
I agree 100%. The video of that Biden “rally” where the entire crowd seemed to be chanting “We want Trump” while he fumbled his words and looked so weak trying to get everyone to stop was a real eye opener for me.
It seems like people are turning against this Admin and waking up to all the bullshit at an accelerated rate these last few months. A good sign I hope.
I think the math is wrong here. 2019 - 2 years = 2017 + 6 years = 2023. I believe this has to go down while the D's appear to be in control. That is how we protect the public. Otherwise, there would be mass riots and civil war. Great Post!! But this is happening right now.
2025 makes me think of the inauguration happening in January of 2025. Does that mean Trump will win and the left wasn't able to steal it? Or that definitive evidence of the last steal will come out, nullifying the 2020 election?
First time posting, long time lurker. Here's my take on this. It's 2024, due to health reasons, Joe Biden is not running for re-election. In comes the Hillary/ Big Mike ticket against Trump. Then right before the elections, Hillary gets arrested and then there is total mayhem around the country. (The delta date of that drop would be nice). People rioting. The 2024 election is now suspended until further notice. Military is the only way. Then over the course of the next eight months, the truth comes out, a new system of voting is put into place, to coincide around the 4th of July, 2025. Trump takes office and we live happily ever after. The end. Okay, time for a beer.
It kind of helps put into perspective why trump and company look comfy. It's not behind schedule. It's either right on track or ahead of schedule. Gotta admit that life around normies gets discouraging but there's a lot to undo. I guess "be encouraged that they're encouraged."
I highly recommend learning at least basic communication skills such as "I messaging rather than You messaging" and basic persuasion techniques.
A good persuasion primer is "How to Win, Bigly" which illustrates each technique by giving examples of President Trumps use of that technique.
People who complain about how President Trump speaks typically have zero understanding of persuasion and communication techniques. What they criticize is actually his genius contrasted with their lack of it.
I remind myself of this drop more than any other drop ever since I first started reading them back in December 2019 which feels like a decade ago. It wasn't until a few months after New Years 2021 that I came back upon this drop and that's when it all made sense and I was able to exhale and breathe. We have until mid-2025ish, but I'm prepared for things to bleed into 2026 and whatever (re)building/learning happens after 2025.
It just shows the scope of the undertaking.
At full speed, it takes 8 years to remove a multi-millenia old cabal.
Seems kinda quick when you look at it that way.
Yes it does.
Crazy that it's only that long. In another timeline this could have taken 500 years.
Yes, most of us will get to live to see the world post-cabal, all being well.
From your keyboard to God's eyes man
I occasionally wonder if we're the last generation on earth who will ever speak free, live free, travel free, eat real food, breathe free, and defend our freedom with firearms.
Hope not!
I have similar concerns - I want my grandbabies to have what I thought I had - what we appeared to have
No, we will be the generation that ensured the future ones could.
Sounds optimal
I’m just hoping that the recovery period will be dramatically quicker than it took the cabal to slowly tear everything down, AND a full disclosure on real history and who we are exactly as a species
What a great time to be alive!
"What a great time to be alive".
A MAGA men. 😍🤗😘
What each of us decides to do with each present God gives between now and November 5, 2025, will alter the course of human history forever.
"What a great time to be alive".
A MAGA men. 😍🤗😘
What each of us decides to do with each present God gives between now and November 5, 2025, will alter the course of human history forever.
In other timelines it did take 500 yrs.
I get more patient (sometimes) as the confidence rises. I have a very normy friend from high school. Spent some time with her working out this week. She knows me obviously pretty well since we've been friends for decades. I think she thinks I am pretty level headed, asks for advice, etc. I don't get into details with people anymore as much, but just say things like "get ready to find out that almost nothing you thought was true, is true. They've been lying to us for a long time about virtually everything." She is actually pretty open to that concept so now that the seed is planted I will just wait. I will say, the transgender thing is backfiring big time. Some of the most liberal people I know cannot understand it AT ALL. And the women are ticked about what it has done to women's sports. Especially if they have girls.
I was fortunate enough to go through an extended gardening phase. I learned that germination rates vary. Alot. In fact, one type of seed can take up to 500 YEARS to end its dormacy and start to germinate and only does so when triggered into life by a catastrophic fire.
I realized that applies to people too. In fact people who planted seeds that grew and transformed my life, rarely, if ever, realized it.
God bless everyone who emulates Johnny Apple Seed ie who keep planting seeds without worrying about the harvest.
Wow I love this comment!
Hence "8kun" and "17" which is 1+7. Gen Flynn's logo, etc etc.
I hadn't thought of that!
Because every instance of the number 8 occurring anywhere is not necessarily referring to Q3387 and its suggestion of an 8-year timeline, anon.
Confirmation bias is a real thing.
Note, when 17 is the number desired, the digits are never added. That's done to make a desired result appear.
If 8chan or 8kun were supposed to refer to Q, they could have been named 17chan or 17kun
LOL … sux being the traffic cone of rationality here on our beloved GAW sometimes. I used to do that too, a lot. Got downvoted into oblivion for about a year. Keep up the work. It’s like Freud said: “sometimes a cigar, is just a cigar”.
And sometimes its not, "just a cigar". For instance, sometimes a cigar is a sex toy.
Thank God normies stayed off the chans and kun during the years Q was posting.
The normie "cones of rationality" == mental strait jackets for those Q chose to engage with and train.
That is true. But a few of our frens here take some pretty egregious leaps with their ‘decodes’.
Me, either! 💥👏
It's been 8(chan) way before Q posted.
It actually was infinity chan or infinite chan.
It was a joke that it was better than 2chan or 4chan.
The 8 was just a way to type the infinity symbol like in their logo.
8kun Q research? Don’t think so. Why do you think 8chan was selected.
Because it was the alternative to 4chan which got compromised.
This and in case any doomers are here….this means Op time and not wait time.
Good post. We need these reminders.
Waking up an entire population after many generations of brainwashing and false history does not get rectified within a short period. It won't occur just because the military puts politicians in Gitmo. It's a long process. People wake up in stages based on various triggers.
There are many milestones left before this is complete. We're still waiting for the economic crash. The dollar must be abandoned globally. Hyperinflation must happen, and will lead to a push by Dems and RINO's to remonetize on the CBDC. The Epstein list and evidence will delegitimize politicians and Hollywood in the eyes of the public. The JFK documents will reveal the CIA coup. The deep state will push us into war with Russia. There will be an eventual nuclear scare.
That's just off the top of my head. There are many more events to add. 2025 is the minimum backstop date in my estimation.
I hope this is THE Seth Rich June. Somehow, I think short of murder this attention deficit nation just cannot focus on how truly corrupted and evil our government has become.
Normies don't know who Seth Rich is. It could be confirmed and most wouldn't bat an eye.
what's Seth Rich June?
Can't remember how to imbed q post but here's the substance:
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d7571e No.1109139 📁 Apr 19 2018 21:21:44 (EST) Anonymous ID: fe9998 No.1108927 📁 Apr 19 2018 21:14:29 (EST)
When will we find out about Seth Rich and Las Vegas??
That’s a lot of things to happen between now and Election Day 2024
This may go beyond election day. I can easily envision a scenario where election theft is so obvious that even your lib friends have to admit it's real. Disillusionment is necessary to wake people up. So I'm fine with another steal if that's what it takes to get everyone on the same page as Anons.. The government has been illegitimate since the coup against JFK anyway.
Since they turned our government into a corporation (1871?).
Just 2 more.. years.. :)
1.5 years till Trump is elected & .5 years (6months) in office to finish the job
Probably. Hollywood and politicians have to go, like you said Mister_Winston. For example my older sister sent me the other day a video of Matt Damon/Demon and he was talking about rationalize the water. I told her Please DO NOT SEND more videos of these demons anymore. I was so upset with her that I have to tell her again about that vaccines will kill people and she jabbed herself like 4 times. She is sweet but left left, she used to be so smart and now all her intelligence is in her butt.
Lmao, elegantly put brother
A few weeks ago I walked into my sister's house and they're watching the Oscars. I'm like "You realize these people hate you, right?" They're like "Sure but whatever."
The fear of social shaming by believing "conspiracy theories" is strong. Normies seriously fear the shaming. You have to counter their fear with a different emotion. You have to show them indisputable evidence that triggers anger. For me, it was the obvious election theft. For some, it's the CIA admitting to talking to Oswald. If their trigger is racism, show them the Tuskegee experiment.
What does the Tuskegee experiment teach? That the army was racist also?
You're thinking of the Tuskegee Airmen. He's talking about the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment.
Ahh. Thank you for the correction.
No military involved. It was just another government bureau, the Public Health Service (PHS).
New here, so please be patient! Why does he have to be in office to expose things? What things is he going to expose?
I think executive powers, but im no expert
Well. 2 more years for what? If we are watch a movie that ends in 2025 then we are probably hitting the last plot point which begins the resolution.
I am thinking the scare event will be that plot twist that brings act III to the resolution. The resolution will likely be tribunals
I wonder if that means another presidential election stolen.
I really hope not. I can't take another in-your-face, obvious as f*ck, stolen election, while the leftists parade around celebrating their cheating.
They need a slap of reality and they need it like 5 years ago.
The pay off will be worth it. But yes, this shit is goofy. And we look like fools to everyone we've been trying to red pill for 7 years.
I could not agree more....
It's all I can't do not to punch the assholes...
Agreed. Neither can I. But, maybe that's what it'll take to have enough people to act/see it.
I wish a comment could be elevated to the top. This is 100% on the button. My heads gonna explode if I have to listen to another CNN brained libtard wax on about “but the courts ruled …blah, blah, fuking blah”. Sometimes I want to deliver that “slap of reality” with a BOAT PADDLE.
Perhaps with "but the courts ruled" people, rather than arguing with them, agree with them then go outlandish with your agreement. I frame this as a very smart dumb blonde op.
For instance praise them for getting you toconsider that Hollywood stars like Kim Khardasian who try to get people off who have been convicted by courts, might be very wrong.
Theyre suggesting that a court would ever be corrupt may be (use their words to describe this).
Then thank them for giving you something to think about while smiling sincerely. And leave after expressing your hope that you can talk WITH each other again since this convo was so heart and mind expanding for you.
They'll typically love the praise so much that they won't say that's not what they meant. Instead they'll go along with it and start thinking new thoughts.
I don't think so. We'll need the full power of the Executive Office / White House to finish things up (not that I expect things to actually be FINISHED in 2025; major operations finished maybe but there will be much work to do for a LONG time).
Trump will be back in the White House after the 2024 election if not before.
I agreed until I relooked at this Q post. Who's to say Trump doesn't wait until 2025 to go back in after they steal another election? I've stopped trying to time this. I'm slowly stepping away so that I can concentrate on family and life. This is killing me. Literally.
Q also said that elections will be safe 2020+
Thanks! I forget things from time to time and this was one of them!
Well technically speaking if he wins the 2024 election he won’t be inaugurated until Jan 20, 2025
Ha! Stating the obvious that I missed! Thanks!
Thanks. You are correct.
yh and to put it bluntly Trump might not have longer on the earth. he's quite old. cant keep letting them steal this shit as he's not getting any younger
Not completely beyond the realm of possibility...
100% this is what will happen. And it will be so obvious, but you'll have the normie press on one side saying everything is legit versus social media platforms (I'm guessing Facebook will either be bankrupt or taken over by then,) that will spread real information like wildfire - faster than the MSM can cope.
The main roadblocks in my mind are Google/TikTok/Facebook as they have the most popular social media platforms at the moment.
If TikTok can be removed and Facebook smashed ( because of Zuck's election meddling?) then perhaps white hats can rewrite the YouTube algorithms so conservative content creators can get the word out when something happens.
Anyway, as bad as it is now, we still aren't at the precipice. It's going to get much worse.
Agreed. I don't see why people just think things will not be rigged this time? They stole the last election and have stopped the evidence from seeing the light of day. And now Anon's think this time will be different? I just don't understand
Well… thanks for this, I had completely forgotten about this. Some weekend I am going to review the entire Q post series…
Badlands media, aired on rumble, has a weekly show, Eye of the Storm, that started at the first Q drop and covers the drops, in order.
They were inspired to do so by Qs advice to read the drops regularly so anons didn't get lost in the psywar chaos. Great advice. Great weekly shoew.
I’ve certainly hit hard times in my mind and heart over this. Waiting for such a long time (much more than 2016) for meaningful removal of swamp monsters.
"Waiting" rather than keeping busy helping to make what's being waited for happen?
While a watched pot never seems to boil,. time flies for those who keep busy rather than watching and waiting.
Excellent and fair point
Many of us have have been around Q for since 2017. For me I started in the summer 2018. The first "live" drops saw where about Snow White...
Q drops about Show White 1,2,3 and so on going offline. Then SNOW WHITE 7 NOW OFFLINE PACKAGE COMPLETE HAVE A NICE DAY. Q
I was trying to figure out what the hell that was all about. Then I heard about a New Mexico Observatory being shut down for no explained reason. Finally the reason given for the 11 day shut down was because some janitor at the observatory was downloading child porn.
Sure, that makes sense. Some guy is downloading stuff on the internet so they shut down and Observatory and a Post Office for a week and a half.
Now here we are in May 2023 and for me it seems like this have been going on forever. Yet things were happening long before I caught on.
Still so many people have no clue. When things finally go boom many people are going to think it happened so fast and just blew up out of nowhere.
I think this operation was going on long before the 2017 posts that revealed it to the public. This is just the public learning and acting on it phase, the heavy lifting was most likely done largely before 2017. Doesn't mean it is done, of course.
Here's a video link of the type of event that was supposedly covered up by shutting down the telescope:
This was a single ship, but I've heard that a fleet of ships arrived and that's what needed to be hidden from the public (one ship can be written off as a strange, solar process we don't understand... but seeing it repeated dozens of times would set off alarm bells.)
There is some hopium that the dates lineup with the posted video, which was posted 6 years ago. That would mean we are really close, but it is wise to realize that we could be 2 years away.
I've got to say something feels different lately. The amount of pro Trump redpill shit on normie social media is exploding. The Trump town hall could not have been more bizarre either. The news company that hates him most and pushed jan6 and angry at orange man the most gives him an opportunity to talk? Makes no sense unless we are at the turn and this whole Biden era was designed to be as destructive and ridiculous as possible to wake up the masses. I do think it's happening.
Edit: this all happening at the same time James Webb has debunked Einstein entirely and we have to throw out our entire idea of the realm we live in and start over. Nothing more groundbreaking has happened in generations and the media is silent
I agree 100%. The video of that Biden “rally” where the entire crowd seemed to be chanting “We want Trump” while he fumbled his words and looked so weak trying to get everyone to stop was a real eye opener for me.
It seems like people are turning against this Admin and waking up to all the bullshit at an accelerated rate these last few months. A good sign I hope.
I'm depressed at the thought of two more years, but I'm excited at the prospect that it will be just two more years.
"Two more years".
The past is history. Thd future s a mystery. Right NOW is our gift, thats why its called the present.
Who knows when the present Gods given us is our last?
I think the math is wrong here. 2019 - 2 years = 2017 + 6 years = 2023. I believe this has to go down while the D's appear to be in control. That is how we protect the public. Otherwise, there would be mass riots and civil war. Great Post!! But this is happening right now.
2025 makes me think of the inauguration happening in January of 2025. Does that mean Trump will win and the left wasn't able to steal it? Or that definitive evidence of the last steal will come out, nullifying the 2020 election?
from now until 2025 much is going to be revealed Q also said we were ahead of schedule so we will see what happens ........
From the video linked in Q3387
"I'm doing this
For the people and for the movement
And we will take back this country for you
And we will make America great again"
.....chills every time
First time posting, long time lurker. Here's my take on this. It's 2024, due to health reasons, Joe Biden is not running for re-election. In comes the Hillary/ Big Mike ticket against Trump. Then right before the elections, Hillary gets arrested and then there is total mayhem around the country. (The delta date of that drop would be nice). People rioting. The 2024 election is now suspended until further notice. Military is the only way. Then over the course of the next eight months, the truth comes out, a new system of voting is put into place, to coincide around the 4th of July, 2025. Trump takes office and we live happily ever after. The end. Okay, time for a beer.
Also, in instituting a new methodology for voting, it would be great to expose historical rigging to inform the public.
Love your hopeful timeline.
We are getting closer. Can you feel it ? Lots of Info coming out daily.
This is part of the reason I think 2024 will be stolen as well.
Q also said "Disinformation is necessary".
Love the video in this post. This, along with Inauguration and 4th of July at Mt. Rushmore ("...the best is yet to come") will long be remembered.
Durham report is 4 years investigation
So 2025…..
Does that mean they steal 2024 AGAIN? And we have to fight into 2025 until the levy breaks? Thus beginning the clean up.
Or will the draining, cleaning and replacing of the swamp be complete in 2025?
My thought exactly. Ugh.
It kind of helps put into perspective why trump and company look comfy. It's not behind schedule. It's either right on track or ahead of schedule. Gotta admit that life around normies gets discouraging but there's a lot to undo. I guess "be encouraged that they're encouraged."
I highly recommend learning at least basic communication skills such as "I messaging rather than You messaging" and basic persuasion techniques.
A good persuasion primer is "How to Win, Bigly" which illustrates each technique by giving examples of President Trumps use of that technique.
People who complain about how President Trump speaks typically have zero understanding of persuasion and communication techniques. What they criticize is actually his genius contrasted with their lack of it.
But, but its not normal. Indeed its not.
Nice. I still would love 1 button and 1 indicator light while watching this.
FF-Fast Forward button
FF-False Flag indicator light
The cringe moments like the 2020 none-sense deserves a FF button.
Then I suppose when this is all over it would be nice to have a RW button. Hahaha.. not.
Do you really need an indicator light up recognize false flags any more? They are so bloody obvious these days.
That is true.
Thank you.
Anyone else remember Trump saying he would be running in 2024 during the 2020 election cycle?
No great battles, like Midway, El Alamein, The Bulge, But Longer and harder to keep hanging in there.
Thanks 4 the reminder this means a lot & now everything makes sense I can weather 2 more years
I remind myself of this drop more than any other drop ever since I first started reading them back in December 2019 which feels like a decade ago. It wasn't until a few months after New Years 2021 that I came back upon this drop and that's when it all made sense and I was able to exhale and breathe. We have until mid-2025ish, but I'm prepared for things to bleed into 2026 and whatever (re)building/learning happens after 2025.
Is that after the 2nd stolen election when the military steps in?
2018/2020/2022? The rule is you gotta steal three in a row before MIL steps in j/k
Fortunately the election phase, we, each of us, are the army President Trump is depending on.
Many are already hard at work. Ready to join them?. Ready to pitch in and help out?
If not now, when? Perhaps its true that there's no time like the present, especially since it could be the last one?
It’s takes this long to synchronize our mass consciousness 😂You know, LOA
Lol moving in the right direction tho... ascension into a new earth
Another way to look at it,
that’s just what Q’s saying,
it may actually be shorter or longer than what he posted.
whatever happened with the Qagg clock
Let’s see when is the 2024 inauguration date?
Election Day: November 5, 2024.
Inauguration Day: January 20, 2025.
Time to get involved NOW to make sure those days are Joy Full?
WWGIWGA =/=wait around in a bunk until the Storm is over and the ships made it to home port?
There seems to be a correlation between mind reading and dooming. What kind of correlation; causal, correlative or coincidental? I don't know.