Next thing we will hear is it was actually a buffet of illegal drugs and controlled substances which our Resident and his family were piling up on their plates cafeteria style before they all had a major binge injecting, smoking, sniffing, drinking, and tabbing each of their preferred illegal cocktails.
It was probably a groovy time for all participants but they forgot to cleanup after themselves.
The weed was Kamala's definitely. It would explain the inappropriate cackling.Then again, maybe it was Joe's. That's horrible that you really don't know who is leaving drugs in various locations in the White House.
It seems this is similar to the Biden classified documents where there were just a few boxes all the way to thousands of boxes? The story starts with one issue then as soon as the heat from that dissappear here comes another similar issue.
I’d say all major cities are drug trafficking hubs, is DC worse than others? Lots of crime in DC, not as much as Chicago or NY but as my dad always said while he was a cop, majority of crimes are committed by people on drugs
I have questions. It's not like pot doesn't smell. It's very smelly. How does that "hide" anywhere, especially when smoked?
If that was smoked indoors wouldn't that hallway reek?
I wonder if a white hat or two are placing these items there to manage perceptions, since there is a drug addict being harbored in our White House. Just a thought.
When you have a president's son, who takes many pictures of his drug habits, and has even bragged about it to others..
I would be shocked, if there isn't more instances of this to come out. Drug users will do their drugs anywhere, much less the person who feels like he is super powerful, just because of his dad.
I'm guessing this isn't the first time, hes left drugs around. It just happens with drug users, it makes your mind mush and you forget a lot.
Another thought occurred to me. I read that Hunter is staying at the White House now and for the time being because he can't be served legal papers. Is this correct? But just now I thought, what if Hunter had left his laptop on purpose to expose his father and now Joe has him in the WH to control him.
EDIT...OK, I get it. Not federally legal. Mea Culpa maxima.
And seriously, downvoters are assuming that I'm defending these tools? I'm not. Frankly, I'm a fan of the cannabis plant. It didn't occur to me, however, that since the federal government hasn't seen the light that it's actual medicine (or they just don't want to), that there would be two laws governing DC.
They give new meaning to the phrase "high crimes and misdemeanors"...
Comment of the day.
The Internet is yours, my good fellow.
This is just pure unadulterated troll show. Hopefully the sleepers will start wondering what the heck is happening to their timelines.
One pack of hubba bubba and all camera lenses are out of commission.
This movie is becoming very spicy now.
So over the top and obvious but many normies will start to ask questions.
It is absolutely hilarious. Other than the news simply not reporting it - we at least have one mainstream outlet to circulate this through.
Next thing we will hear is it was actually a buffet of illegal drugs and controlled substances which our Resident and his family were piling up on their plates cafeteria style before they all had a major binge injecting, smoking, sniffing, drinking, and tabbing each of their preferred illegal cocktails.
It was probably a groovy time for all participants but they forgot to cleanup after themselves.
Probably did all that in the situation room, and someone stole a bag of coke and accidentally dropped it on the way out......
Soon, it will be a container of psychedelic mushrooms and Jill will say, "Oh, someone must have swapped out my pizza mushrooms for the magic ones"
A vial of adrenochrome
A family affair.
you forgot boffing
The pot was found last year. Twice.two different times. Fkn kek
The weed was Kamala's definitely. It would explain the inappropriate cackling.Then again, maybe it was Joe's. That's horrible that you really don't know who is leaving drugs in various locations in the White House.
Too many sleazebags to choose from.
could be anyone in that admi
Maybe they actually found a kid, but figured telling us they found cocaine would go over better.
Yep, look here, not there!
It seems this is similar to the Biden classified documents where there were just a few boxes all the way to thousands of boxes? The story starts with one issue then as soon as the heat from that dissappear here comes another similar issue.
Drip, drip, drip…flood
Interesting thought, fren. Is DC a drug trafficking hub? This is somewhat interesting.
I’d say all major cities are drug trafficking hubs, is DC worse than others? Lots of crime in DC, not as much as Chicago or NY but as my dad always said while he was a cop, majority of crimes are committed by people on drugs
Right, I agree, so I am trying to think of something unique would have been going on there.
They're trying to get rid of Biden now.
They know he's worthless now that the election is coming up.
It's so obvious how they play their game.
I think they want to get rid of Kamala first. THEN they will go after Biden
Michael did you put caprese salad in my desk?
Do we expect anything else from an administration that gives out crack pipes and needles on the streets?
Now that might explain Kamala's ramblings and excitement over yellow school buses. She definitely sounds high.
Made me think of this, haven't seen it forever lol
While we're at it, from the same artist:
Don't sniff coke (just smoke sinsemilla)
double LOL
Ask Willie. [°:°]
What will they come up with next?!
I bet if someone were to sneak in a FJB bumper sticker, they’d sort the culprit out in a minutes.
Time to swoop in Kamala to put everyone in the white house in jail for 25 years for a dime bag.
Redux her California jail em all role.
If we actually lived in a free country this would be about as much of a scandal as finding a six pack of beer in the white house.
Prove me wrong.
I’d hope they were smoking a lot of marijuana there because how else would they explain their actions
I have questions. It's not like pot doesn't smell. It's very smelly. How does that "hide" anywhere, especially when smoked? If that was smoked indoors wouldn't that hallway reek?
Its less about "hiding" it, and more about paying off anyone who smelt it.
Cocaine and weed in the WH are two separate stories. Coke is a debilitating drug and weed is a healing herb. Also certainty that Kamala had both.
Wait. Are you telling me there were libertarians at the White House? Interesting.
Has Willie Nelson been to the White House again?
I wonder if a white hat or two are placing these items there to manage perceptions, since there is a drug addict being harbored in our White House. Just a thought.
When you have a president's son, who takes many pictures of his drug habits, and has even bragged about it to others..
I would be shocked, if there isn't more instances of this to come out. Drug users will do their drugs anywhere, much less the person who feels like he is super powerful, just because of his dad.
I'm guessing this isn't the first time, hes left drugs around. It just happens with drug users, it makes your mind mush and you forget a lot.
They’re giving cannabis a bad name.
Isn't it legal in d.c. tho?
I'm going to be honest, I thought this was a joke post but now I'm facepalming...
Next we will see children crawling out of the windows of the white house like the Vatican and crickets. Sniffer Joe likes to sniff many things.
Crack, weed, pedophilia, corruption, dementia, boobs, trannies...
There is no doubt in my mind that the fridge is fully stacked with Brawno. What an effing mess.
Makes you wonder what really goes on in the WH!
Another thought occurred to me. I read that Hunter is staying at the White House now and for the time being because he can't be served legal papers. Is this correct? But just now I thought, what if Hunter had left his laptop on purpose to expose his father and now Joe has him in the WH to control him.
Pot is legal in DC.
EDIT...OK, I get it. Not federally legal. Mea Culpa maxima.
And seriously, downvoters are assuming that I'm defending these tools? I'm not. Frankly, I'm a fan of the cannabis plant. It didn't occur to me, however, that since the federal government hasn't seen the light that it's actual medicine (or they just don't want to), that there would be two laws governing DC.
Muddy waters, really.
Not on Federal property.
Not federally legal.