I have a theory that the Witness Protection Program only exists for the evil and corrupt to get rid of actual witnesses in the guise of protection ... hence why JFK J.R. needed the aid of Donald Trump to assume a new identity. Most likely assuming a new life on a compound in Florida that is owned by a shell company. Explains why Trump is acknowledging/praising Ted Kennedy recently in speeches and the ‘Letters to Trump’ book talking about helping the Kennedy family with something in Florida.
His old plane was flying around Christmas time Florida a few years ago. It made the shape of a candle split in half/mirrored and the tip of the plane was above the Kennedy compound in Florida. I'm not saying he was in the plane, but it got my attention.
He didn’t change it before he “died” his death is the cover.
Asking questions is a good thing here... I said “theory” - it’s long been speculated that the plane crash was staged because Hillary was going to Arkancide John so she, not he, would be elected Senator of New York clearing her way for a presidential run in 2008.
This is a long game of dismantling the cabal - decades in the making going back further than JFK’s assassination. John Jr. said he would expose those who murdered his father. Every day more and more people are questioning the then “reported narrative” that it was a lone gunman in a book depository building.
Would you rather live to see the day those responsible for the murder of a loved one see prosecution? But the only way to do that would be to go into hiding/assume another identity. Or would you let the enemy kill you before you saw justice. I think the answer is pretty obvious.
With Trump recently bringing up the fact that he helped the Kennedy family with a matter in Florida - repeatedly in speeches and in his latest book: “I got to know Ted very well because of our relationship to Palm Beach, Florida. I helped him with something important and confidential to him and his family. My assistance made a big difference and he never forgot it.”
Something is up... why is Donald Trump talking about something that he helped the Kennedys with years ago... it’s not relevant to anything going on today - or is it?
A person could follow the Q drops in chronological order, and how they were perceived at the time, by watching the Q decodes Praying Medic did. They used to be on YouTube but now they are hard to track down, particularly the archives. I think Dave even pulled them off his website back when they were arresting people for muh insurrection. Don’t know if anyone archived them offline but they would make a pretty good torrent, or even bootleg copies might be good. They were the most even-handed, well-researched, and calming Q decodes around. Great for the newly awakened too because Dave was as an EMT so he knows how to remain calm and level-headed in the midst of crisis. Another cool thing he would do is add screenshot highlights from the comment threads around Q when an anon made a good or relevant point, or asked an interesting question.
Been following Q since day one, I love puzzles and couldn't resist. Its the Q proofs that are the most fun to me and the very early JFK Jr. gift. Mr and Mrs Santa was fun, wish I could have been there.
I don't do much research anymore do to a severe nervous breakdown in December, but I do come back here to see what is going on. I still like to leave red pills here and there with the normies and there are still more waking up so its worth it. Mostly I do stuff in stores, but I try to keep it funny or light hearted.
Much better, thank you. I had a lot of help from unseen spirits. Some of it proven by my friends to me. My maintenance man wrote me a note, I asked when I saw him next. He said yes he wrote it and then I showed it to him, it was in my hand writing, he burned it.
Incorrect, the White House executive chef has been the same since 2005. Laura Bush appointed Cristeta Comerford as the White House executive chef and every president including Trump has kept her in that spot
Hi thanks for that - but is there a difference between Executive Chef - the one who oversees state banquets and the like and the 'personal chef' who serves family in the residence? I recall back in 2016 that Trump was taking his personal chef to serve him in the White House.
Media began using the term and some anons adopted it as a badge of honor or because they were late to the program and still overcoming media brainwashing.
Looking at the article, published on Dec 19, you can see that it already quotes numerous uses of "the Qanon hashtag" the ones it cites going back to Dec 3, along with other numerous hashtags clearly being used by anon-related accounts to connect and get the info out.
Moreover, the article also states
Over the last month and a half, the Storm has spread from the depths of 4chan and 8chan to Reddit, YouTube, and Twitter, where it’s found hundreds of thousands of devout followers. Some of the most popular explainer videos boast nearly 200,000 views, and the QAnon hashtag has gotten so popular, it’s honestly difficult to track.
I'd say unless the article is pure fabrication, then it's pretty powerful evidence that anons and Q patriots were using the #qanon hashtag a LOT already. And, direct testimony by a LOT of people indicates its not mere fabrication.
Why on earth would anons and Q patriots adopt some dumb hashtag or term to advance the spread of the Q outreach? Did the MSM propaganda machine also invest #thestormisuponus, #followthewhiterabbit, #artofwar, #breadcrumbs, etc?
I think the fact is, that very quickly after Q began posting on the chans, people were already spreading the content and the 'message' out in other sectors, like Reddit, Twitter, and other formats, and using the Qanon moniker as a catchall for the movement.
That makes a lot more logical sense to me than proposing that in fact, somehow the Propaganda machine infiltrated from the very start and got all the Q movement to explode across the whole world, with Q patriots all connecting to each using multiple hastags and monikers but THE primary one being Qanon, just so that as the movement spread far and wide and grew exponentially, they could then use that moniker to discourage normies by associating it with ........ <rubbish / conspiracy theory / cult / debunked / false> etc.
As some have said about the Q operation, if it was a Deep State operation to make people sit down, wait and be passive, then it is the worst failure in the history of Deep State operations. Actually introducing and promoting (how?) some powerful hashtag that would allow patriots worldwide to connect with each other so that you could discredit it later on, that seems kind stupid to me. Why do it in the first place? You don't WANT the movement to grow, right?
Aside from all of this, there is PLENTY of anecdotal evidence supporting the assertion that the qanon moniker was NOT invented by blackhats, but rather emerged organically in the spreading Q movement but was then hijacked aka planted with many discouraging and false associations in an attempt to shut the spread of the growing movement down, including:
Q themselves stated very clearly how the media was attempting to shut the movement down using all sorts of hit pieces
There had been numerous anons on the chans, where were referred to informally in the same linguistic manner: FBIanon, Hollywoodanon, etc.
The adoption and centrality of the "qanon" moniker to the expansion of the whole operation
The fact that Q ONLY thought it necessary to step forward and clarify the distinction between Q and anons at the VERY end of the Q posting operation, in October 2020, after almost 3 years of its use among us
It is the nature of propaganda machine to hijack expressions and twist them. Gay once meant joyfully happy. "partner" once meant a business partner.
Direct personal testimony by a lot of anon-ish folk active around that time.
All in all, if the deep state created the "qanon" moniker, they screwed up royally, because WE used it to be an exponentially expanding global force of power fully interconnected patriotic people.
But of course, they didn't invent it. They simply attempted to label it with so many false assertions that unlike anons who used it, normies when they heard of it, would immediately associate it with < rubbish / conspiracy theory / crackpot / cult / debunked / false / extremist / etc >
At least, that's the way I see it, and I'm OK with that particular conclusion.
That's a reasonable question, but as some sort of evidence supporting or corroboration that the expression "qanon" was invented by the blackhats, it's pretty darned weak.
Again, I ask, did the deep state ALSO invent all those other hashtags we used? yuck!
but let's look at your question. Why wasn't it banned? Maybe because it is tiny?
Tiny accounts that really are of so little consequence, many of then dodged the banathon period. Big ones of course got slammed. Even moderate sized ones, etc. But the fact that it wasn't banned really says nothing, imo.
My conclusion is that it wasn't banned because it was small enough to fly under the radar. That account, by the way, is mine.
Newsweek doesn't use QAnon term in article -
Exactly. But who was already using #qanon then? Anons (who one might assert that in the early stages of the movement, rightly only referred to folks attending to and frequenting the chans - I never considered myself an 'anon' until really after Q stopped regular posting) and Q patriots. (I referred to myself as a Q patriot because, even though I was most certainly anonymous from the get go (aka Dec 2017) I did not frequent the chans often, only sporadically, and my main activity was on other platforms like reddit, fluffbook, etc.
So many chefs of the elite have died. First noticed in Europe during the 70's. With all the "celebrity" chef's dying in America, it makes you wonder... what they were cooking...Or maybe it's just me.
I am not sure what is going on with the chef "drowning" in the water near the Obama's home, but the interesting part to me was that the Obama's have a nearly 12 million dollar mansion and also, a who knows how expensive one in Hawaii also-I hear. That after only eight years of destroying America. He was paid well, very well for his destruction.
There may be something behind the chef's drowning, but that will probably come out later. It seems Trump is the only former president that isn't getting much more money than when he went in...
My paddleboarding chef always dies on a delta.
Not that wierd guys,....
Barry? What are YOU doing here?!?
You mean Michael?
....and today is World Drowning Prevention Day.
You couldn't write it.
Or could you..?
could only be scripted
witness protection?
It's like we're watching a movie.
Sometime's I have a suspicion we have allready been killed and uploaded into a server.
I have a theory that the Witness Protection Program only exists for the evil and corrupt to get rid of actual witnesses in the guise of protection ... hence why JFK J.R. needed the aid of Donald Trump to assume a new identity. Most likely assuming a new life on a compound in Florida that is owned by a shell company. Explains why Trump is acknowledging/praising Ted Kennedy recently in speeches and the ‘Letters to Trump’ book talking about helping the Kennedy family with something in Florida.
His old plane was flying around Christmas time Florida a few years ago. It made the shape of a candle split in half/mirrored and the tip of the plane was above the Kennedy compound in Florida. I'm not saying he was in the plane, but it got my attention.
JFK Jr. changed his identity before he died? News to me.
He didn’t change it before he “died” his death is the cover.
Asking questions is a good thing here... I said “theory” - it’s long been speculated that the plane crash was staged because Hillary was going to Arkancide John so she, not he, would be elected Senator of New York clearing her way for a presidential run in 2008.
This is a long game of dismantling the cabal - decades in the making going back further than JFK’s assassination. John Jr. said he would expose those who murdered his father. Every day more and more people are questioning the then “reported narrative” that it was a lone gunman in a book depository building.
Would you rather live to see the day those responsible for the murder of a loved one see prosecution? But the only way to do that would be to go into hiding/assume another identity. Or would you let the enemy kill you before you saw justice. I think the answer is pretty obvious.
With Trump recently bringing up the fact that he helped the Kennedy family with a matter in Florida - repeatedly in speeches and in his latest book: “I got to know Ted very well because of our relationship to Palm Beach, Florida. I helped him with something important and confidential to him and his family. My assistance made a big difference and he never forgot it.”
Something is up... why is Donald Trump talking about something that he helped the Kennedys with years ago... it’s not relevant to anything going on today - or is it?
Or protection from witness?
We need to get this fact posted wide and far. Normies just waking up are gonna love the Q proofs.
Prepare your historical accounts of Q and the videos of proofs. Super jealous of those of you who have been here from the beginning.
A person could follow the Q drops in chronological order, and how they were perceived at the time, by watching the Q decodes Praying Medic did. They used to be on YouTube but now they are hard to track down, particularly the archives. I think Dave even pulled them off his website back when they were arresting people for muh insurrection. Don’t know if anyone archived them offline but they would make a pretty good torrent, or even bootleg copies might be good. They were the most even-handed, well-researched, and calming Q decodes around. Great for the newly awakened too because Dave was as an EMT so he knows how to remain calm and level-headed in the midst of crisis. Another cool thing he would do is add screenshot highlights from the comment threads around Q when an anon made a good or relevant point, or asked an interesting question.
I found this the other day. Anyone know it there is an updated version? https://krypt3ia.files.wordpress.com/2018/08/q_s_posts_-cbts-_7-2-0.pdf
Been following Q since day one, I love puzzles and couldn't resist. Its the Q proofs that are the most fun to me and the very early JFK Jr. gift. Mr and Mrs Santa was fun, wish I could have been there.
I don't do much research anymore do to a severe nervous breakdown in December, but I do come back here to see what is going on. I still like to leave red pills here and there with the normies and there are still more waking up so its worth it. Mostly I do stuff in stores, but I try to keep it funny or light hearted.
Hope you're doing better these days, anon🐸
Much better, thank you. I had a lot of help from unseen spirits. Some of it proven by my friends to me. My maintenance man wrote me a note, I asked when I saw him next. He said yes he wrote it and then I showed it to him, it was in my hand writing, he burned it.
Keep praying fellow Anon, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. 😎🙏💕💪🏼
hope and pray things are going well for you these days! put the full amour of God on and keep remembering you are NOT alone! God bless you!
God was with me, I could not have survived otherwise.
You can look up all the archived threads and read what anons were speculating at the time and how it's evolved.
Article says he was 45 ….
43 in the article i thought....maybe clinton is on deck for a funeral?
I think something is happening soon with/to a Clinton. Obama included "Only Have Eyes 42" on his "Playlist" comms the other day.
The body of the chef, Tafari Campbell, 45, of Dumfries, Va., who was visiting the Vineyard, was found just before 10 a.m.
https://www.google.com/search?q=OBAMA+CHEF+dies&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB944GB944&oq=OBAMA+CHEF+dies&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDQ5MzNqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 say 45
The title has 2 numbers 45 & 24 Interesting
24 is "X"
Good catch, fren. Sticky request sent to mods.
Best I've seen in a while. Cheers fren.
WTF. This is just too crazy
Now you're cookin'.
And it’s about the presidential pastry chef during Trump term right? … wow great catch! Can someone screenshot the Xweet
I know how to pronounce "Tweet" but how do i pronounce "Xweet"?..hehe.
I'm gonna say it as "shweet." Sounds pretty sweet.
The Greek letter Χ is pronounced like the "ch" in Scottish "loch".
isn't the Greek letter X for Christ? as in Christmas = Xmas
Like schweetty balls
If you go to the Q post and click on the link to the Qanonpastrychef twitter account it is suspended. Hmmm.
And? Almost every single account that Q ever pointed to was banned during the Great Twitter Banathon.
Did you look up the archived Tweet?
Plug that into archive.today and you can see it was about Ilhan Omar -
QAnonPastryChef sounds like a "baker" to me and I personally wouldn't read anything into this decode.
It was something about ohmar, the comments mention marrying her brother... and so far I only know one Congress member that did that.
Hey, Elon! You made it! Nice to see you here!
It says Obozo chef - was his chef also Trump chef? I've never paid attention to the chefs lol
No Trump took his own man, would you trust Obama's chef?
Incorrect, the White House executive chef has been the same since 2005. Laura Bush appointed Cristeta Comerford as the White House executive chef and every president including Trump has kept her in that spot
Hi thanks for that - but is there a difference between Executive Chef - the one who oversees state banquets and the like and the 'personal chef' who serves family in the residence? I recall back in 2016 that Trump was taking his personal chef to serve him in the White House.
They likely bring their own along with them, and keep the one that was there for continuity for the formal stuff.
I am not sure about the technical details but we all know Trump had a chef who went full Q anon and was putting blatant and subliminal Qs EVERYWHERE…
probably the pastry chef.
Not on his life lol
Archived link references Ilhan Omar. https://archive.md/20190724181237/https://twitter.com/QAnonPastryChef/status/1154088915415912449
More from Qanon's Pastry Chef archive: https://archive.md/i8HbQ
Good stuff here!!
FWIW, prima facie evidence that indeed, "Qanon" was used by many anons and was not invented, only hijacked, by the Propaganda Media.
We've moved on, but it's important to know history and where you came from.
Other way around.
Media began using the term and some anons adopted it as a badge of honor or because they were late to the program and still overcoming media brainwashing.
I think you could ONLY make that assertion if you were not part of the Q movement in late 2017 or in 2018.
It was being used plenty by anons all the time, on Reddit Greatawakening, etc, etc.
If you missed that, well, OK, but it was NOT invented by the media. It was hijacked by the media.
Didn't see the term QAnon until it spread to Reddit.
Here's one of the earliest MSM articles I could find that mentions the #QAnon hashtag.
Looking at the article, published on Dec 19, you can see that it already quotes numerous uses of "the Qanon hashtag" the ones it cites going back to Dec 3, along with other numerous hashtags clearly being used by anon-related accounts to connect and get the info out.
Moreover, the article also states
I'd say unless the article is pure fabrication, then it's pretty powerful evidence that anons and Q patriots were using the #qanon hashtag a LOT already. And, direct testimony by a LOT of people indicates its not mere fabrication.
Why on earth would anons and Q patriots adopt some dumb hashtag or term to advance the spread of the Q outreach? Did the MSM propaganda machine also invest #thestormisuponus, #followthewhiterabbit, #artofwar, #breadcrumbs, etc?
I think the fact is, that very quickly after Q began posting on the chans, people were already spreading the content and the 'message' out in other sectors, like Reddit, Twitter, and other formats, and using the Qanon moniker as a catchall for the movement.
That makes a lot more logical sense to me than proposing that in fact, somehow the Propaganda machine infiltrated from the very start and got all the Q movement to explode across the whole world, with Q patriots all connecting to each using multiple hastags and monikers but THE primary one being Qanon, just so that as the movement spread far and wide and grew exponentially, they could then use that moniker to discourage normies by associating it with ........ <rubbish / conspiracy theory / cult / debunked / false> etc.
As some have said about the Q operation, if it was a Deep State operation to make people sit down, wait and be passive, then it is the worst failure in the history of Deep State operations. Actually introducing and promoting (how?) some powerful hashtag that would allow patriots worldwide to connect with each other so that you could discredit it later on, that seems kind stupid to me. Why do it in the first place? You don't WANT the movement to grow, right?
Aside from all of this, there is PLENTY of anecdotal evidence supporting the assertion that the qanon moniker was NOT invented by blackhats, but rather emerged organically in the spreading Q movement but was then hijacked aka planted with many discouraging and false associations in an attempt to shut the spread of the growing movement down, including:
Q themselves stated very clearly how the media was attempting to shut the movement down using all sorts of hit pieces
There had been numerous anons on the chans, where were referred to informally in the same linguistic manner: FBIanon, Hollywoodanon, etc.
The adoption and centrality of the "qanon" moniker to the expansion of the whole operation
The fact that Q ONLY thought it necessary to step forward and clarify the distinction between Q and anons at the VERY end of the Q posting operation, in October 2020, after almost 3 years of its use among us
It is the nature of propaganda machine to hijack expressions and twist them. Gay once meant joyfully happy. "partner" once meant a business partner.
Direct personal testimony by a lot of anon-ish folk active around that time.
All in all, if the deep state created the "qanon" moniker, they screwed up royally, because WE used it to be an exponentially expanding global force of power fully interconnected patriotic people.
But of course, they didn't invent it. They simply attempted to label it with so many false assertions that unlike anons who used it, normies when they heard of it, would immediately associate it with < rubbish / conspiracy theory / crackpot / cult / debunked / false / extremist / etc >
At least, that's the way I see it, and I'm OK with that particular conclusion.
Why wasn't this account banned?
Tweet with #QAnon hashtag linked in this 2017 Newsweek article. Newsweek doesn't use QAnon term in article -
That's a reasonable question, but as some sort of evidence supporting or corroboration that the expression "qanon" was invented by the blackhats, it's pretty darned weak.
Again, I ask, did the deep state ALSO invent all those other hashtags we used? yuck!
but let's look at your question. Why wasn't it banned? Maybe because it is tiny?
Tiny accounts that really are of so little consequence, many of then dodged the banathon period. Big ones of course got slammed. Even moderate sized ones, etc. But the fact that it wasn't banned really says nothing, imo.
Why wasn't this account banned? https://twitter.com/sovereignAK
My conclusion is that it wasn't banned because it was small enough to fly under the radar. That account, by the way, is mine.
Exactly. But who was already using #qanon then? Anons (who one might assert that in the early stages of the movement, rightly only referred to folks attending to and frequenting the chans - I never considered myself an 'anon' until really after Q stopped regular posting) and Q patriots. (I referred to myself as a Q patriot because, even though I was most certainly anonymous from the get go (aka Dec 2017) I did not frequent the chans often, only sporadically, and my main activity was on other platforms like reddit, fluffbook, etc.
For some reason I keep thinking of Anthony Bourdain when I hear of a chef dying… How many other elite chefs have gone??
Hill dog
These "coincidences" keep happening.
My wife and I like to call them "Qincidences."
So many chefs of the elite have died. First noticed in Europe during the 70's. With all the "celebrity" chef's dying in America, it makes you wonder... what they were cooking...Or maybe it's just me.
Not just you.
I wonder about it, too.
Just when I thought I was out…….they pull me back in….
Does someone have an archive of the twitter link?
Thanks anons!
I am not sure what is going on with the chef "drowning" in the water near the Obama's home, but the interesting part to me was that the Obama's have a nearly 12 million dollar mansion and also, a who knows how expensive one in Hawaii also-I hear. That after only eight years of destroying America. He was paid well, very well for his destruction. There may be something behind the chef's drowning, but that will probably come out later. It seems Trump is the only former president that isn't getting much more money than when he went in...
Blows my mind.
Just when I think that I can't be more amazed by Q proofs, I am.
Amazing that the body was found in 8 feet of water, only 100 feet from shore.
People who can't swim shouldn't paddle board without a life jacket.
He could swim.
Are we watching the longest running movie ever?
His feed is dead. X marks the spot.
Amazing proof.
Was the pond actually in the obama's property?
Looks like Mike & Barry oughta be questioned...
better hurry. i saw over on X that they were spotted leaving the mansion with suitcases. fleeing. kenya must be nice this time of year.
He was their Sous Chef.... he probably looked in the wrong freezer....
Interesting thread about the CHEFS: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1683764392498692099.html
Do you post over on Free Republic?
Saw the same q drop posted there just before coming here.
Do you know how to pronounce the name, Xiare? It is like "zay ree". So X maybe is or could be Zay or Zi (long i)?
The subject matter is racism. The chef is black.
I guess Obama will need someone new to fix hotdogs. And cook dog meat.
I’m thinkin his walnut sauce got too…spicey?
Excellent catch For-The-Win! 👏