If there really are 'white hats' and 'patriots in control', than they don't actually need Trump in the White House, he's just a known good alley and a relatively stable variable. If they can use Trump in the white house, they can use others. The odds of only Trump being un-corrupted are vanishingly low. I have no doubt Trump could win if he wanted to, and he would have a decent presidency at worst. But he will be 78 years old in 2024 and 83 when that term runs out.
Bearing this in mind, I've wondered for a while if Trump is just there to be a lightning rod of hate for the cabal, and there will be a candidate we haven't heard of yet running, that the DS will have no ammo for when they appear, that can carry the MAGA legacy. Politically speaking, the 2024 election is an eternity from now. And there is plenty of time for a dark horse candidate to appear.
Q has precisely stated it is Trump
And also Trump's 78 is not everyone's 78
We are are approaching timelessness
“Never again will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not live out his years; the one who dies at a hundred will be thought a mere child; the one who fails to reach a hundred will be considered accursed."
Isaiah 65:20
I agree — Trump’s 78 is not like other people’s 78. Even if he wasn’t POTUS, he’d still be working, making deals. I think, sometimes, going into retirement with no intention of starting a retirement career (or volunteering) might accelerate the aging process. If you don’t use it, you lose it. Plus, he never smoked or drank.
100% agree with everything you wrote!
Check out Luke 1:13-17
13 to 17? Huh.
13 But the angel said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name JOHN. 14 And thou shalt have joy and gladness; and many shall rejoice at his birth. 15 For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither WINE NOR STRONG DRINK; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb. 16 And many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God. 17 And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.
ThanQ for the scripture!
Q refers to POTUS far more often than Trump.
Did Q not actually state Trump was putting everything on the line and more or less taking one for the team?
Trump history proves he is far more than just a lightning rod, i.e. Rico on New York, mob in Vegas. Plus I've seen videos where he's been saying the same things about America and politicians for 40 years. I don't believe he's just a lightning rod, he could be both, but that's just my opinion.
I'm wondering if the reset of the vapor canopy will bring this longevity of life.
You done gone back to genesis days with this theory. Props to you bruh.
Can you direct me to that post please? I’ve never seen such a post.
All the way back
signed D J T
There are a lot more from there
Results: with trump "396" https://anontools.xyz/?text=trump
TRUMP must be the President. He has to bring this story to the right conclusion and CLEAN up the swamp. Otherwise, it will simply be more of the same, forever. He deserves to have his name praised forever. He is our times George Washington, Abe Lincoln and Wyatt Earp.
I agree, he's the leader of this movement and we need him to cross the finish line.
I reject anything less, and frankly I would consider this moving the goalposts.
Well said
Not Lincoln. He had his political opponents arrested. Jackson or Jefferson more likely.
Obama and Biden would be more like Lincoln.
(But I get your point. Public schools have brainwashed too many people regarding “Dishonest Abe” & the cause of the Civil War.)
You know, it’s incredibly hard to tell what was actually going on in the civil war, much like this current one.
One thing is inarguable, though - the narrative “North good, South bad” is ridiculous. There was some incredibly complicated engagement going on that involved several international interests and financial positions, long term foreign and domestic defensive positions, debt settlements, principles and violations of freedom, distributions of righteous yoke, short term defensive necessities, narrative deployments, wartime powers, wind-down, nationally unifying positions, and many other issues.
American history books were basically written by the same “brilliance of thought” as NPR, which makes a lot more sense once it’s realized that most of them have quite literally been owned and published by foreign countries for over 50 years.
I could not agree more sir. History was written by the victors and later modified, as necessary, to suit the narrative of the day.
I included Lincoln only bc of the Gettysburg address BUT you're right...
You're kidding right
I'm afraid they're not.
DJT is the backbone of this whole thing, it will not work without him, period.
He has to serve at least one more term, I seriously doubt his age is of any concern.
After that maybe someone else can be introduced, but not now.
And ^^^^^THIS is eggzactly why I think it has to be Trump. If Trump is taken out, the cabal won. If not Trump in 2024 - there won't be any one of Trump's caliber that would step forward just to be treated the same. Trump is key to rooting out the entrenched DS so that other good people will run for office.
It has already been a decades long thing and must continue (IMHO).
Excerpt from Martin Geddes substack. This is not what convinced me of this, I came to the same conclusion before GAW when the D was the place to engage.
“I believe that what Q is presenting us with is the end game of a process that has been in progress for decades. The assassination of JFK was a coup d’état initiated by “deep state” forces against the formal government. JFK was undoing the power of the private central banking cartel, and they moved to terminate him before he could complete the plan.
This is now the long-awaited counter-coup by American Patriots to re-establish the full original Republic. It is the “Second American Revolution”, whose goal is largely the same as the first one: freedom from unaccountable powers of aristocracy and transnational finance. Your Presidents should not all come from a small pool of privileged families.”
Could be a former popular magazine publisher who may have been groomed over the past 40 years to take the baton from Trump. Ahhh, he would capture the hearts of the vast majority of Americans and potentially be the most prepared and qualified leader of the New Republic that one could ever imagine. Oh, if only it could be true.
Would this publisher have the initials J F K? That would be SOOOOOOOOO awesome.
I'm think'n.
Lazarus would be Biblical!
Baron is already in place. I believe there are others too. Juan said once there are back ups to the back up, but only one shot to get this all right. But who else?
I don’t know. At one point recently I had started examining Tulsi Gabbard. Silly maybe but it was due to her curious background and military career, after she vehemently condemned the WEF.
Yes a far stretch. But besides Baron, Trump Jr, or someone along those lines, it’s going to have to be someone between Trump’s and her personality, his business sense and her military knowledge and background, but able to balance between both sides taking us forward. Of course I’m sure this next year we’ll find out more.
Kari lake…
Yes, if she wanted it. She will be worthy for sure.
In my heart, I feel his son Baron is important...
No they cant. They need someone who can withstand all modes of attack - i ncluding personal, financial, deep digs into this entire life to find something they can weaponize. The person also needs to be able to withstands all forms of temptations / compromise / threats etc. The person needs to be very smart, great at speaking, making connections with people etc etc. The qualifications list keep getting longer and longer
We are lucky there is atleast one person who fits the bill, so far.
Drop the mic please. You have definitely earned it with this post.
The public will accept no one else at this point. It has to be Trump or America will be PISSED.
Concern (trolling?) unwarranted. If Trump wanted to be the lightning rod he would have fallen for the bait and been openly anti-vax. That was their play, he foiled it. Now he uses the legal process to undo them.
If he’s not this timeline can go fuck itself
The DS has no problem making up stuff to tarnish an opponent. Did you learn nothing from Russia, Russia, Russia, Impeachment hoax 1 and Impeachment hoax 2?
PDJT will be beyond any control in his second go in the White House because he goes in to it as a so called "lame duck" so no concerns about playing by their rules. PDJT can't be controlled so he will be free to take a wrecking ball to whatever he wants in his second go around. If not Trump, who? One of the GOPe stooges on the debate stage the other night? Rigger pleeze.
Fuck them riggers indeed
Trump is going to perform a cleveland steamer on dc
Followed by a donkey punch...
When do you play the Trump card?
( food for thought )
JFK Jr. as VP running mate, I could get on board with.
I'm with you on that. I so wish!
After a deep dive into the plane crash in 2002, I concluded he faked his death. I thought it was to hide from the CIA. Only when Trump and Q came along did it all make sense.
I'm a big advocate of this theory.
I get the point, but have to shake my head. That's like saying it could have been someone else than George Washington. Such a person of faithfulness, loyalty, patriotism, courage, and integrity is hard to come by. We don't know of any other. When God gives us leaders that border being saviors, our role is to pray mightily, not second-guess who He sends.
This is wisdom distilled fren. God sending a message through you bro
trump used to joke about "12 years"
it was not a joke
Moses was •80 plus• when he parted the Red Sea.
During Moses there was all the same types as we have here. Maybe even including ones who were keeping an eye on them for Pharaoh.
The fact is Moses did doubt himself and therefor he was not able to go into the promise land. He was only able to see it.
I used the KJV as my reference since the others completely omit and change meanings and claim it is for our benefit. I guess we are smart enough to figure out complex technology but not smart enough to understand “thee” .. haha.
Nonetheless Jesus did say we will do greater works than Him. I become impatient but I cannot give up on God.
Who is anyone to claim that trump is not doing what God wants? Why is that so doubtful to many? We know them by their fruits and not by what is gossip.
What does God say in the longest reigning Book? 120 years? Who is to say trump or anyone doesn’t live to 120? I know, I know—trump eats mcd chicken nuggets and uses their sauce.
It doesn’t matter how many times i hear that about Moses, every time it breaks my heart for him. I know the promise is ultimately fulfilled, but it still illustrates how God in the short term don’t give a rip about man or his desires. We should fear The Lord God the Father just on account of how determined He is to fully His goals. He really has no regard for man or his plans and i find myself fascinated by that.
Why would we want man as the stage we are in to be glorified?
We deceive, mock, ridicule, complain, bribe, kill, destroy, rape, molest, and much more.
God wanted to destroy the human race before the flood. If He did we would not exist.
I look at it mathematically not emotionally.
The mathematics we know over thousands of years still do not come close to Gods mathematical abilities. In that matter I doubt we come to the abilities of the devil. Yet the devil has no arms and legs so he needs man to do his will.
When God puts His faith in you to do something and you doubt His ability. That is treason to God.
This is why I pray to be weak. I never have had that ego where I believe I am better. I always look to others that have that ability.
It is your decision on anything. This is the design. Many like you have the greatest abilities and gifts.
God has no time limit. He could start something thousands a years ago (our time) and know exactly how it ends with every mathematical precision. What He doesn’t know is what man will do during this process. He gave us a foundation and the ability to have this foundation be unmovable.
The most frightening thing that could happen to any man is God having faith in you. Jesus is the only one that was sinless as of this date. ;)
He's putting in this much time, money, and resources and you want to question the man??
Trump plays to win.
Trump will be President. We won't trust anybody else until this is all fixed.
I have so many questions as well. But the last time I asked questions I was banned for days.
Weird I know, right?
Interesting to discuss Anons, as the MSM and the DemoLib-RINO Congress is clearly paving the way for the narrative, that Trump is already disqualified.
I have wondered this as well. Q never mentions anything about Trump in 2024 to my knowledge. But I can't imagine anyone else with the fortitude to take all the BS Trump has endured on our behalf.
If the Cabal and its propaganda media are destroyed and all the traitors arrested, there won't be effective BS directed at any legit President.
Death of the Old Guard
All these years of fighting for Trump, rejecting the fraudulent election, watching all the rallies, interviews and posts....and then to find out that Trump isn't going to be president? Great way to completely deflate all the momentum of MAGA. Right now, he is the Churchill, the man of this time in history. Can you imagine Trump NOT fulfilling his goal, his promise?
I have asked myself this question many, many times, MF. When I gameplan 2024 as we near the election, I see utter chaos. And that makes me wonder if we will see DJT in the oval office. The man is a lightning rod and he has done so much for this country already.
That of course then begs the question: "If not DJT, then who?"
I do not know. But I suspect there will be many unexpected developments next year on the road to reclaiming our republic.
The Constitutional Amendment that limits a President to 2 terms was the Constitution of the now bankrupt corporation formed in 1871. Our republic's Constitution has no such amendment.
In addition, Trump has unleashed the Tesla suppressed technology as part of NESARA/GESARA. He will be able to use the medbed technology shave 30 years off if he so chooses or he can just maintain his current health as long as he wants.
Even if there was another candidate the White Hats wanted to bring in, they'd have to bring that person into the fight NOW if they want to have name recognition for 2024.
Trump is like a young man!
Is this a reference to idea proposed by the HLI?
Yes very interesting discussion.
My opinion is that it's got to be him. For many of the reasons discussed in these comments. But also, I just can't see DJT accepting the request to run in 2015/2016, taking all the years of ungodly abuse, the non-stop slings & arrows at him and his family, unless he gets to go out in an undeniable & triumphant blaze of glory. Winning in a way that unites the vast majority & solidifying his place in history as a savior of humanity, during his lifetime.
If people really want to know... we have to follow the money. Probably before Jesus tobbled their tables. If there are anons with crazy math history to do that..? GO FORTH. I only know it's that old. Only when the puppet masters are stripped of their multi generational wealth will things really change.
John Miller!
I've said it before. Trump filled his usefulness in his first term setting the stage. If he drops out and gives tge keys so to speak to another i am ok with it. I would like him to win just to see leftist pull their purple hair out. But he is old, and if he leaves, who would it be
The only one that comes to mind is RFK. Assuming he runs as a D and actually takes the nomination, which if they're still in control would not let happen.
Why would age matter? William Shatner is 93 and look how sharp he is. Martin Scorsese and Ridley Scott are both in their 80's and still directing huge films. Stallone is late 70's and still looks like he could knock out an Ox with his bare fists.