Please draft these females. Most of them need to get kicked square in the nuts. And guys, if this shit does happen, think long and hard about that chick wanting to go raw dog. U get her pregnant, she wont go but u will.
Oh and send the trans community. All .01% of them.
I completely agree. At the same time it is time to show them the bs they have been buying into.
My daughter actually got mad at an older guy (in his 70s) that refused to let her pick up a heavy package. He picked it up and she complained that she thought he was telling her she was not able to pick it up.
I told her I always pick up any heavy package and would never let her or mom do that.
Her answer, Yea but your dad that's different. LOL
I kind of laid into her that she was completely wrong.
Would she get mad if I picked up a heavy package so one of her girlfriends that I didn't know wouldn't have to pick it up?
She actually looked confused.
It was an eye opener for her.
Now she it okay with men doing men things for women they don't even know.
Picking up heavy things without being asked, holding the door.. things like that.
The guys killed by hell fire missiles don't care about the gender of the drone pilot.
And a bullet fired into the brain of the enemy kills them just as dead whether a man, woman, or child pulls the trigger.
Are there combat duties better suited to men than women? Obviously.
Are there espionage duties better suited to women than men? Naturally.
Is there potential for women to be as effective as men in certain combat roles? Sure!
I still don't think they should be drafted.
And for what it's worth, I think women are hugely important for national security. I would wager more women have been told state secrets that should have been kept classified than men.
Yes, that would be perfect. Not only will everyone supporting feminism lose their sh*t, so will all the leftists with daughters and anyone supporting sending our troops to foreign lands with daughters.
Some advice on women in combat from a female veteran:
I'm a female veteran. I deployed to Anbar Province, Iraq. When I was active duty, I was 5'6, 130 pounds, and scored nearly perfect on my PFTs. I naturally have a lot more upper body strength than the average woman: not only can I do pull-ups, I can meet the male standard. I would love to have been in the infantry. And I STILL think it will be an unmitigated disaster to incorporate women into combat roles. I am not interested in risking men's lives so I can live my selfish dream.
We're not just talking about watering down the standards to include the politically correct number of women into the unit. This isn't an issue of "if a woman can meet the male standard, she should be able to go into combat." The number of women that can meet the male standard will be minuscule – I'd have a decent shot according to my PFTs, but dragging a 190-pound man in full gear for 100 yards would DESTROY me – and that minuscule number that can physically make the grade AND has the desire to go into combat will be facing an impossible situation that will ruin the combat effectiveness of the unit. First, the close quarters of combat units make for a complete lack of privacy and EVERYTHING is exposed, to include intimate details of bodily functions. Second, until we succeed in completely reprogramming every man in the military to treat women just like men, those men are going to protect a woman at the expense of the mission. Third, women have physical limitations that no amount of training or conditioning can overcome. Fourth, until the media in this country is ready to treat a captured / raped / tortured / mutilated female soldier just like a man, women will be targeted by the enemy without fail and without mercy.
I saw the male combat units when I was in Iraq. They go outside the wire for days at a time. They eat, sleep, urinate and defecate in front of each other and often while on the move. There's no potty break on the side of the road outside the wire. They urinate into bottles and defecate into MRE bags. I would like to hear a suggestion as to how a woman is going to urinate successfully into a bottle while cramped into a humvee wearing full body armor. And she gets to accomplish this feat with the male members of her combat unit twenty inches away. Volunteers to do that job? Do the men really want to see it? Should they be forced to?
Everyone wants to point to the IDF as a model for gender integration in the military. No, the IDF does not put women on the front lines. They ran into the same wall the US is about to smack into: very few women can meet the standards required to serve there. The few integrated units in the IDF suffered three times the casualties of the all-male units because the Israeli men, just like almost every other group of men on the planet, try to protect the women even at the expense of the mission. Political correctness doesn't trump thousands of years of evolution and societal norms. Do we really WANT to deprogram that instinct from men?
Regarding physical limitations, not only will a tiny fraction of women be able to meet the male standard, the simple fact is that women tend to be shorter than men. I ran into situations when I was deployed where I simply could not reach something. I wasn't tall enough. I had to ask a man to get it for me. I can't train myself to be taller.
Yes, there are small men. but not so nearly so many as small women. More, a military PFT doesn't measure the ability to jump. Men, with more muscular legs and bones that carry more muscle mass than any woman can condition herself to carry, can jump higher and farther than women. That's why we have a men's standing jump and long jump event in the Olympics separate from women. When you're going over a wall in Baghdad that's ten feet high, you have to be able to be able to reach the top of it in full gear and haul yourself over. That's not strength per se, that's just height and the muscular explosive power to jump and reach the top. Having to get a boost from one of the men so you can get up and over could get that man killed.
Without pharmaceutical help, women just do not carry the muscle mass men do. That muscle mass is also a shock absorber. Whether it's the concussion of a grenade going off, an IED, or just a punch in the face, a woman is more likely to go down because she can't absorb the concussion as well as a man can. And I don't care how the PC forces try to slice it, in hand-to-hand combat the average man is going to destroy the average woman because the average woman is smaller, period. Muscle equals force in any kind of strike you care to perform. That's why we don't let female boxers face male boxers.
Lastly, this country and our military are NOT prepared to see what the enemy will do to female POWs. The Taliban, AQ, insurgents, jihadis, whatever you want to call them, they don't abide by the Geneva Conventions and treat women worse than livestock. Google Thomas Tucker and Kristian Menchaca if you want to see what they do to our men (and don't google it unless you have a strong stomach) and then imagine a woman in their hands. How is our 24/7 news cycle going to cover a captured, raped, mutilated woman? After the first one, how are the men in the military going to treat their female comrades? ONE Thomasina Tucker is going to mean the men in the military will move heaven and earth to protect women, never mind what it does to the mission. I present you with Exhibit A: Jessica Lynch. Male lives will be lost trying to protect their female comrades. And the people of the US are NOT, based on the Jessica Lynch episode, prepared to treat a female POW the same way they do a man.
I say again, I would have loved to be in the infantry. I think I could have done it physically, I could've met almost all the male standards (jumping aside), and I think I'm mentally tough enough to handle whatever came. But I would never do that to the men. I would never sacrifice the mission for my own desires. And I wouldn't be able to live with myself if someone died because of me.
It's time to face the fact that feminism has failed. It has caused massive destruction in our country, politically, morally, and economically. It has devastated marriage, resulting in large numbers of divorced and unmarried women, single mothers and all the associated social/economic problems. It is a constant thorn in the side of business, resulting in endless lawsuits. It has resulted in women not having the option to work, but rather being forced to work outside the home in order to make ends meet.
Large numbers of children are aborted or raised without fathers, resulting in historic numbers of teen pregnancies, juvenile delinquency, gang activity, and all the associated social/economic problems. The black community, which used to have a growing middle class and higher rates of marriage than whites, has been debased and destroyed.
Women's liberation has made the electorate much more easily manipulated through fear (and sympathy), and it has shifted our entire political spectrum to the left, resulting in skyrocketing debt, taxes, and inflation, constant foreign wars, uncontrolled illegal immigration, BLM riots, rampant crime, and all other manner of ridiculous social problems. We now have trannies in the military and mentally ill men demanding to use women's restrooms. We are inundated with sexual harassment lawsuits and men being falsely accused, having their lives destroyed. We have female judges and crazy mothers forcing sex changes onto their sons against their father's permission. We have become the laughingstock of the whole world.
Birth control drugs are now known to cause brain damage, and to alter normal patterns of sexual selection and reproduction. Sperm counts are falling. Men are becoming feminized and weak. We have an entire generation of STD infected sluts, unable to find marriageable men, since the men are all smoking bong hits and playing video games. Everyone is fat and has pink hair, covered in tattoos and body piercings. A large percentage of young men are virgins, unable to find romantic partners. A small number of men are sleeping with most of the available women, resulting in modern-day harems. As a result, an unprecedented number of women are aging and alone, with historically high levels of childlessness, anxiety and mental illness, and many on anti-depressant drugs. Many young women are selling their bodies for the money they need for school so they can have a "career" they will eventually regret.
This will not end well; it's not sustainable. How will society pay for all of this in the future? It can't. We're already bankrupt. Many people are going to suffer in their old age. Happiness levels of both sexes are at an all-time low, and birthrates are below replacement levels -- our civilization is committing generational suicide.
If you could go back in time 100 years ago and show that patriarchal society what we would become as a result of women's liberation, what would they think? What would the women think, knowing the fate of their descendants? The warnings against women's liberation from that time have all come true, and even far beyond what they could have imagined back then.
As a woman who was (and will always be) a soldier for 20 years, I agree they need to be drafted. Unfortunately, the majority will be doing the “get pregnant to avoid war” or “I can’t do that” shit…which irritated the crap out of me back during my time. Although I was merely a desk jockey, we went to the field with the Infantry to support them, every friggin year for weeks, went to to NBC school, was a Training NCO, all back in the day when the Army was for soldiers not woke idiots. I just don’t see the majority of these weak ass whiny women now days being productive soldiers. Miss the way the Army used to be….
The reason they did not draft women was because, they were the home caregivers, raising the children and such. With such a big push and so many of them not wanting to be mothers and to do the jobs that the men did while, the women took care of the children and the home, I say draft is in need. Draft of everyone infact, our society has grown irresponsible, weak and expect things handed to them without effort on their end. Military trains self-discipline and self-responsibility and accountability, if you are not doing your part you are failing everyone around you. I have always been for a mandatory 1 to 2 year service for everyone, just for those reasons. I grew up in a military home and in military communities, they were the best, safest, non-racist places because, all the families there were "on the same team" no matter what state they were from or color or age, all helped each other, if one family lost a member or just moved and needed something, plenty of help around.
I agree a 2 year stint for all as it helps build character, work ethic, and love for country. However, not sure if today’s military still accomplishes those goals, sadly.
And just like that, "90%" of all Feminist and "100%" of all Feminist virtue signalers are, mentally ill, physically unfit, want to be moms, unwilling to fight for their country, can't protect their fellow citizens on a battlefield, have extreme periods and take too many drugs to be drafted. Sounds about right. Hahaha!
Actual Combat changes everything. It doesn't matter if your on the ground, under the ground, in the air, out at sea, under the sea, it has no prejudices.
I strongly disagree with Women being put on the frontline but there are jobs of significact importance they could do such as technological, communications, clerical, and many other non physical combative roles.
When it hits the fan it's the person who hesitates or doesn't follow orders that get people killed. When it gets Hot and Real you become a Band of Brothers and Sisters that Knows No Color or Race and are just trying to Stay Alive. You become Branded Together Forever.
President Trump said No More Wars, and that He is just trying to stop people from killing themselves. I strongly agree.
I am a woman that volunteered to serve. I do not agree women should serve in combat though, for multiple reasons. Not only do periods and gear weight factor in, but men will make bad decisions in combat due to their god-given inclination to save and protect women. That said, those of us who served can and did handle a lot. We volunteered. We carried our weight in our roles and our extra duties. I prefer a predominately male work environment to this day. Just get the work done. A huge % of these "modern" women would be GIGANTIC morale killers. It would be counter productive.
The woman talking about how they all sync up confirms what Rushbo always said. Get thousands of woman prepared war all emotional on their periods with weapons and they will be the most formidable army in the world
War pays the bills, politicians Swiss bank accounts, News pays the bills, TV executives Swiss bank accounts. Here is some free advice for you girlies that want everything your way to stop the madness of drafting you, enact a law all politicians daughters, wives (senate, congress, governors, state local) must go first.
QUICK - screen shot all the feminazi timelines where they incriminate themselves against men, claim superiority, independence, etc. Do NOT let them erase without archiving.
no offense to the females here, but adding them to a battlefield would just make it louder, probably more so than the bombs & gunfire lol
but seriously, as much as i would love to shove equality back down the throats of the loud minority, nobody should be fighting these fake wars.
stay home, train at home & defend your home, because they sure as hell have let the enemy in.
it takes the phrase "they want us divided" to a new level. send able bodied draftees overseas into some God-forsaken land & grudge match, all while back home, we will be getting attacked on our own soil.
There should be no draft, PERIOD. Male or female. If this country can't raise a large enough volunteer force to go to war, then the war ain't worth fighting.
I vote for the "female" trannies, lefty looney, and pro antifa women to be drafted first. You know, to be an "example" of how tough and how they don't need a "man" around. LOL
Hey I did not forget this: Shannon Faulkner was born in Powdersville, South Carolina, United States, and graduated from Wren High School in January 1993. Faulkner was angry that The Citadel would not allow women. Faulkner became the first woman to attempt to enter the Corps of Cadets at The Citadel, which previously had a male-only admissions policy. So women thank her for opening up the door to get your derrière’s in the draft, we need your asses so you can fight in Ukraine due to the 61,207 Ukrainian soldiers had been killed and 49,368 wounded by this point. For February, April and September 2023, Russia claimed Ukrainian forces' losses amounted to 43,000 troops. In addition, the DPR confirmed that by 22 December 2022, 4,163 of their servicemen had been killed and 17,329 wounded your ass is next the war machine does not care what sex you are it only cares about US tax dollars supporting it. Munch munch munch
Please draft these females. Most of them need to get kicked square in the nuts. And guys, if this shit does happen, think long and hard about that chick wanting to go raw dog. U get her pregnant, she wont go but u will.
Oh and send the trans community. All .01% of them.
i find this all amusing right after the Barbie movie made so many women "feel empowered" LMAO
Fuck that.
I have a daughter in that age. No way in hell I'm letting her go fight for these mother fuckers.
I completely agree. At the same time it is time to show them the bs they have been buying into.
My daughter actually got mad at an older guy (in his 70s) that refused to let her pick up a heavy package. He picked it up and she complained that she thought he was telling her she was not able to pick it up.
I told her I always pick up any heavy package and would never let her or mom do that.
Her answer, Yea but your dad that's different. LOL
I kind of laid into her that she was completely wrong. Would she get mad if I picked up a heavy package so one of her girlfriends that I didn't know wouldn't have to pick it up? She actually looked confused.
It was an eye opener for her.
Now she it okay with men doing men things for women they don't even know. Picking up heavy things without being asked, holding the door.. things like that.
Agree 100%
Unfortunately sperm banks exist.
Get drafted, get pregnant, avoid draft, have abortion.
Wash, rinse, repeat.
Overturning Roe v. Wade, now suddenly there might be a national security reason why abortion should be illegal. Hmm
As if women were actually capable of contributing in any way to the national security.
Women as a group aren't even a net contributor to the tax base. As a group they pay no tax.
And they certainly aren't able to fight. Adding a woman to a combat unit triples the casualties.
The guys killed by hell fire missiles don't care about the gender of the drone pilot.
And a bullet fired into the brain of the enemy kills them just as dead whether a man, woman, or child pulls the trigger.
Are there combat duties better suited to men than women? Obviously.
Are there espionage duties better suited to women than men? Naturally.
Is there potential for women to be as effective as men in certain combat roles? Sure!
I still don't think they should be drafted.
And for what it's worth, I think women are hugely important for national security. I would wager more women have been told state secrets that should have been kept classified than men.
Either way: they are going to be forced to grow up fast.
I hate to say it, but it's long overdue.
Love to see it.
Aw shit, forgot about this. Well, draft dodging better be serious
Fuckin truth!!!!!
Yes, that would be perfect. Not only will everyone supporting feminism lose their sh*t, so will all the leftists with daughters and anyone supporting sending our troops to foreign lands with daughters.
Some advice on women in combat from a female veteran:
It's time to face the fact that feminism has failed. It has caused massive destruction in our country, politically, morally, and economically. It has devastated marriage, resulting in large numbers of divorced and unmarried women, single mothers and all the associated social/economic problems. It is a constant thorn in the side of business, resulting in endless lawsuits. It has resulted in women not having the option to work, but rather being forced to work outside the home in order to make ends meet.
Large numbers of children are aborted or raised without fathers, resulting in historic numbers of teen pregnancies, juvenile delinquency, gang activity, and all the associated social/economic problems. The black community, which used to have a growing middle class and higher rates of marriage than whites, has been debased and destroyed.
Women's liberation has made the electorate much more easily manipulated through fear (and sympathy), and it has shifted our entire political spectrum to the left, resulting in skyrocketing debt, taxes, and inflation, constant foreign wars, uncontrolled illegal immigration, BLM riots, rampant crime, and all other manner of ridiculous social problems. We now have trannies in the military and mentally ill men demanding to use women's restrooms. We are inundated with sexual harassment lawsuits and men being falsely accused, having their lives destroyed. We have female judges and crazy mothers forcing sex changes onto their sons against their father's permission. We have become the laughingstock of the whole world.
Birth control drugs are now known to cause brain damage, and to alter normal patterns of sexual selection and reproduction. Sperm counts are falling. Men are becoming feminized and weak. We have an entire generation of STD infected sluts, unable to find marriageable men, since the men are all smoking bong hits and playing video games. Everyone is fat and has pink hair, covered in tattoos and body piercings. A large percentage of young men are virgins, unable to find romantic partners. A small number of men are sleeping with most of the available women, resulting in modern-day harems. As a result, an unprecedented number of women are aging and alone, with historically high levels of childlessness, anxiety and mental illness, and many on anti-depressant drugs. Many young women are selling their bodies for the money they need for school so they can have a "career" they will eventually regret.
This will not end well; it's not sustainable. How will society pay for all of this in the future? It can't. We're already bankrupt. Many people are going to suffer in their old age. Happiness levels of both sexes are at an all-time low, and birthrates are below replacement levels -- our civilization is committing generational suicide.
If you could go back in time 100 years ago and show that patriarchal society what we would become as a result of women's liberation, what would they think? What would the women think, knowing the fate of their descendants? The warnings against women's liberation from that time have all come true, and even far beyond what they could have imagined back then.
We must repent of this evil.
Excellent, high-effort comment. Would make a good post, too.
Should be it's own post and stickied.
This is a perfect post.
Extremely good post with excellent analysis.
As a woman who was (and will always be) a soldier for 20 years, I agree they need to be drafted. Unfortunately, the majority will be doing the “get pregnant to avoid war” or “I can’t do that” shit…which irritated the crap out of me back during my time. Although I was merely a desk jockey, we went to the field with the Infantry to support them, every friggin year for weeks, went to to NBC school, was a Training NCO, all back in the day when the Army was for soldiers not woke idiots. I just don’t see the majority of these weak ass whiny women now days being productive soldiers. Miss the way the Army used to be….
The reason they did not draft women was because, they were the home caregivers, raising the children and such. With such a big push and so many of them not wanting to be mothers and to do the jobs that the men did while, the women took care of the children and the home, I say draft is in need. Draft of everyone infact, our society has grown irresponsible, weak and expect things handed to them without effort on their end. Military trains self-discipline and self-responsibility and accountability, if you are not doing your part you are failing everyone around you. I have always been for a mandatory 1 to 2 year service for everyone, just for those reasons. I grew up in a military home and in military communities, they were the best, safest, non-racist places because, all the families there were "on the same team" no matter what state they were from or color or age, all helped each other, if one family lost a member or just moved and needed something, plenty of help around.
I agree a 2 year stint for all as it helps build character, work ethic, and love for country. However, not sure if today’s military still accomplishes those goals, sadly.
They'll be like, "does this helmet come in pussy-hat colors?"
And just like that, "90%" of all Feminist and "100%" of all Feminist virtue signalers are, mentally ill, physically unfit, want to be moms, unwilling to fight for their country, can't protect their fellow citizens on a battlefield, have extreme periods and take too many drugs to be drafted. Sounds about right. Hahaha!
Oh yes!!this gets an Equal Opportunity “that time” Sticky! Kek Kek!
It’s all fun and games. Until you get the privilege to die for your country. Whether you want to or not.
Actual Combat changes everything. It doesn't matter if your on the ground, under the ground, in the air, out at sea, under the sea, it has no prejudices.
I strongly disagree with Women being put on the frontline but there are jobs of significact importance they could do such as technological, communications, clerical, and many other non physical combative roles.
When it hits the fan it's the person who hesitates or doesn't follow orders that get people killed. When it gets Hot and Real you become a Band of Brothers and Sisters that Knows No Color or Race and are just trying to Stay Alive. You become Branded Together Forever.
President Trump said No More Wars, and that He is just trying to stop people from killing themselves. I strongly agree.
I am a woman that volunteered to serve. I do not agree women should serve in combat though, for multiple reasons. Not only do periods and gear weight factor in, but men will make bad decisions in combat due to their god-given inclination to save and protect women. That said, those of us who served can and did handle a lot. We volunteered. We carried our weight in our roles and our extra duties. I prefer a predominately male work environment to this day. Just get the work done. A huge % of these "modern" women would be GIGANTIC morale killers. It would be counter productive.
Define "modern women."
I can't! I'm not a biologist! 😂
What's the weather like outside?
I don't know I'm not a meteorologist kek
Or, everyone just fucking say no and quit fighting bullshit wars for the crooks! Seriously, people need to learn to say NO!
The woman talking about how they all sync up confirms what Rushbo always said. Get thousands of woman prepared war all emotional on their periods with weapons and they will be the most formidable army in the world
Time to dust off the draft our daughters memes frens!!! Epic meme magic from 2016 campaign
War pays the bills, politicians Swiss bank accounts, News pays the bills, TV executives Swiss bank accounts. Here is some free advice for you girlies that want everything your way to stop the madness of drafting you, enact a law all politicians daughters, wives (senate, congress, governors, state local) must go first.
imagine it's 2040 and the new generation of " draft dodge babies " begin to come of age
QUICK - screen shot all the feminazi timelines where they incriminate themselves against men, claim superiority, independence, etc. Do NOT let them erase without archiving.
I'm a 16 year old girl and I worry about this all the time 😔
I don't blame you. I was once a 16 year old boy, and worried about it.
God bless toxic masculinity!
Send all the feminists who want equal pay, equal work or priority because they are female. All those who want DEI.
That's why people on Welfare shouldn't be able to vote.
Good point! I hadn't thought about that.
Drafting women is perverse, so of course the government is thinking about it. Draft Congress. Let them walk their talk.
No surprises here, but it is funny
no offense to the females here, but adding them to a battlefield would just make it louder, probably more so than the bombs & gunfire lol
but seriously, as much as i would love to shove equality back down the throats of the loud minority, nobody should be fighting these fake wars.
stay home, train at home & defend your home, because they sure as hell have let the enemy in.
it takes the phrase "they want us divided" to a new level. send able bodied draftees overseas into some God-forsaken land & grudge match, all while back home, we will be getting attacked on our own soil.
There should be no draft, PERIOD. Male or female. If this country can't raise a large enough volunteer force to go to war, then the war ain't worth fighting.
Drafting women is perverse.
I vote for the "female" trannies, lefty looney, and pro antifa women to be drafted first. You know, to be an "example" of how tough and how they don't need a "man" around. LOL
Hey I did not forget this: Shannon Faulkner was born in Powdersville, South Carolina, United States, and graduated from Wren High School in January 1993. Faulkner was angry that The Citadel would not allow women. Faulkner became the first woman to attempt to enter the Corps of Cadets at The Citadel, which previously had a male-only admissions policy. So women thank her for opening up the door to get your derrière’s in the draft, we need your asses so you can fight in Ukraine due to the 61,207 Ukrainian soldiers had been killed and 49,368 wounded by this point. For February, April and September 2023, Russia claimed Ukrainian forces' losses amounted to 43,000 troops. In addition, the DPR confirmed that by 22 December 2022, 4,163 of their servicemen had been killed and 17,329 wounded your ass is next the war machine does not care what sex you are it only cares about US tax dollars supporting it. Munch munch munch
Ironically this is what modern feminism has fought for. Great job. You played yourselves