"The Fake News is sounding the alarm on the Biden campaign, conceding that Trump is beating Biden in key swing states. Even the leftist toilet paper like Vanity Fair and Daily Beast are jumping on this poll. Why would they admit this if they can just steal it like they did in 2020?"

They know Biden doesn't have a chance in 2024 so this is in preparation to roll out the next dem candidate. Big Mike maybe?
I would say Newsome if anyone tbh
Newsome + BigMike (VP)
Vice Penis
Vice Roy.
Voluminous Penis 😂
W barrack first lady
Newsome will be the candidate. He is already running a shadow campaign and went to China to see if his masters can rig another election.
I heard Darren Beatty from revolver news predict Newsom and Whitmer.
God help us if they win.
Oh lord, stretchin Gretchen. A woman VP is the new recipe for victory.
Likely Newsome. Even though he is the most terrible governor to ever exist, he's somewhat "handsome" (at least to normie leftist white women), and relatively "normal" so he's the best option the dems have right now. Unless they stage an all out coup and lay everything they have on the table and take everything by force, not caring at all what the American public will think or do.
Speaking as a Californian, I wouldn't wish Gov Newsom on anyone. But maybe that's why the lizards will choose him.
At this point, change of batter needs backstop, so this.
An all out coup is a possibility, but they must know they don't have the support and it is likely to fail w/o strong support and some good blackmail, like threats to nuke a city or two.
Hopefully this is all what eam good is doing all the wet work to avoid.
He is Paraded by the left as the ultimate Governor in all of history.
Because he brought forth the kind of failure and corruption they want in all 50 states.
I've been hearing rumblings about Cuomo from NY. I don't buy Mooch or Newsome. Mooch might get the hardcore dem base and regain some minority votes. Newsome would be toast. Too easy to run endless campaign ads showing what a shithole SF and LA are and asking suburban white soccer moms if they would like their nice burb to turn into a drug zombie wasteland.
Have they checked in with Commie Shapiro in PA yet?
He went on TV two weeks before the 2020 election and stated don't worry if Trump is way ahead election night. Wait a few days he will lose.
He and Tom Wolf are reprehensible.
You are correct! Mastriano has accomplished more than he has since the election. With the highest gas tax in the nation, Shapiro is as worthless as his predecessor.
I have other words to describe them.
Do you have a link for this? I would love to send this to my deranged family member who voted for this tard.
I live in PA and saw him on TV saying it.
Then this.
Thank you!
You are welcome it seems they took down all the videos of him saying it.
I saw him say it on television.
"Seems like they know its not even remotely believable to sell a Biden “win” this time around. No amount of late night fraud can flip it for him. Trump won handily in 2020 and his support has been steadily increasing with each passing day of this disastrous Biden circus.
I’m starting to think there’s no way Biden makes it to 2024. Could we finally be getting close to a change of batter?"
I feel like they are softening up the dim voters to make Biden's eventual exit appear more justified.
How's this...😉🙏🏻
It was reported many places but I see he posted it.
You mods rock.
I was going to ask you if you were serious.
Completely understandable...👍😎
Option 1) the real numbers are too big to cheat on option 2) they’re signaling to their Renfields that a change is coming, option 3) they’re sounding an alarm to all their sleeper agents that tactics will soon be changing.
It means there's been a change of plans. Maybe like some have suggested the election won't take place. Maybe they're trying to get him into prison.
They will 25th him before the shame of impeachment and after he pardons hunter and bankman
Mommy probably buying the pardon now
They must know MAGA has grown to the point it can overcome their rigging. And, that enough MAGA people will actually vote so there won’t be enough unused voter registrations to match phony ballots.
But, even switching candidates isn’t going to overcome that reality. There is no one charismatic enough to create the narrative that voters ran back into the train wreck called the Dem Party.
Maybe they think the polls can create voter apathy within MAGA?
Normies love big mike
I’d love to believe that’s the case, however, Judicial Watch already proved that tons of counties had more “votes” counted than the number eligible voters in the 2020 election. But since everything everywhere is so corrupt and rigged, those facts don’t amount to jack diddly. And here we are, 3 years into this living hell of a “Biden” administration…
Did you ever notice how when its bad for Republicans, all the headlines typically match or use the same buzzwords, but when its bad for them, they vary? I wonder if that's for search or mockingbird purposes.
Probably more for mockingbird - gives sheep a mantra. But both, I'm sure.
Solid observation.
Because they have to make it look like they didn't, can't, and won't steal it
Trump got over 75,000,000 votes. Totally unheard of. No one else can get that. They know they have to cheat.
The invasion? It won't end until the #'s reach an amount that a democrat will need to beat The Donald.
Biden got around 45,000,000 real votes. Before the general he will legalize them to vote. And they will still need to cheat.
Biden wants to run. It's how his family can stay out of jail. The others positioning to run? They think he will do something brain-dead dementia that he can't.
The democrats will pick someone new right before the ballots get printed.
Two possible reasons:
They think they can avoid jail by acknowledging what we’ve known for years. But they can’t and won’t. Their businesses will implode and the executives, editors and writers are destined to become prison zebras.
Well Twitter dims are saying don't pay attention to the polls--they got their talking points, so it does make one wonder.
Like others have said, I think they are prepping Democrats for a new candidate. Newsome is the obvious one at this point, but I don't think it would be someone too far left. they need the black vote though, Bernie did not get it because of that, and he's too old too. All this popcorn is binding me up'
My theory based on every tv show rolled out with a black female as the “boss” of everything that they intend to roll out Big Mike.
They will wait until the last minute to avoid as much pushback as possible.
Also the slow then sudden build-up of “trans visibility” and “trans acceptance”. I have a feeling that was so Big Mike can run as himself, a tranny.
They can only rig it so much...
I heard on the local radio station today that the Democrats/Commies were going to wait for the convention, kick Biden out and run Michelle Obama-what I didn't hear was that if the person making the statement was a guest, regular caller, or one of the hosts.
False hope. Make them think we are going to win ect. Then when he doesn't....
They have been given direction to start the move to get Biden out of the 2024 race. Newsome? Mike Obama?
If they could pull off 2020, they are confident they can do the same in 2024. Doesn't matter how obvious it is anymore.
Not saying they will, but they definitely feel that way IMHO.
Gov nuisance will replace joe and that is when the polls will flip and get pumped up for the left, they need joe to look like he is losing so it looks legit when nuisance comes to save the day, an optics play
The point is so we start believing the polls and giving them credibility. The pollsters still have a year to move the numbers where they want so trump is behind. By then we have already retruthed the polls a gorrillion times and make them look legit.
Ignore all these polls- including the favorable ones. Don’t give them any credibility.
6th indictment incoming?
A hypothetical that I've been sitting with lately. I'm thinking less and less that RFK is the vehicle by which election fraud will be proven to the other side. What if something like this occurs.
We see establishment media on all sides pushing the narrative of Biden's unpopularity more and more. Anons have suspected (and Trump has hinted) that at some point they would try to throw him to the curb. They seem to be preparing to do this now.
What if a Gavin Newsome type enters the primary against Biden, under instructions from the swamp to unseat Biden because they know they don't fully control him (whether via devolution, or by Biden being outright controlled by white hats. I think more and more that it is a combination of the two)?
What if Biden has a role in this movie? What if that role is to be the scapegoat for 4 years of controlled demolition of the deep state's system, then to lose in 2024 and graciously hand the presidency back to Trump, the rebuilder?
What if Biden wins the primary anyway, and then the challenger from the Dem establishment is then the one to cry fraud?
Because while you can lie to some of the people some of the time, you can't lie to all of the people all of the time.
Literally the only hope for the dems now is if they crater interest rates and take the credit
Maybe some kind of comms along the lines of "we've secured the cheat in these 5 swing states". Upside down world.
The 'Walls."
Supposedly these articles understate how badly Gropey Joe is losing. Gropey and Cackles are down to single digit leads among hispanics. Black support is at 22%. And they are doing WORSE in states with large minority populations. Worse news yet is that they expect many solid blue states like NJ, CA, and NY to be at least competitive if not lean Trump.
Why the articles? Axlerod came right out and said Gropey needed to go. The dems will either have to stuff ballots in unsustainable numbers even in solid blue states let alone swing states. Or they come up with a different candidate that can at least close the gap enough to feasibly stuff enough ballots for him to eke out a win at 3 AM.
Probably they want to put someone else in as the Dem nominee. Newsome seems their best bet, though they may take the crazy route and jump straight to Big Mike or Oprah.
They're also trying to frighten the dems into action for the election.
They do this because if they dont and just steal it it will look even more suspicious that no one cared that he was losing badly and just won anyway. This way they can say we sounded the alarms and got out the vote and thats why he won.