🚨MAJOR PYSOP ALERT: Turns Out Kenneth Darlington is A WEF/Deep State Operative and The People He Shot Were Not Actually Climate Protesters ⚠️
- N C S W I C -

LOCAL MEDIA IS REPORTING HE MAY FACE NO JAIL TIME AT ALL DESPITE KILLING TWO PEOPLE! (According to The Daily Mail). Why is that? It’s indubitably not because he is 77 like they are claiming…. it’s because he did exactly what they wanted him to do!
“They’ve manipulated the narrative to have people believe that it’s just a couple climate protesters blocking the road. In reality, it’s basically almost the whole country protesting against corrupt legislation.
Legislation that was pushed through by the WEF!!! This legislation allows a foreign mining company to mine copper anywhere they please if even a little is found there. Doesn’t matter if there’s a home on it or if it’s owned by a private citizen.
The Panama government has a history of doing this dating back even before the Panama Canal, where they killed citizens who stood up against the canal. Again, another foreign government/company coming in and pillaging land from regular citizens while government officials get rich off of it!
So none of this is a protest because of what the copper mine will do, or how it may impact the climate. They’re protesting against foreign companies coming in for a land grab, backed by government force, while officials open up their pockets!”
Credit to @ddnpandfrens for his extensive research on this! He put in so much time/work despite not having a large audience (yet).
Everyone has been misled by design!
Kenneth Darlington is not only a dual citizen between Panama and America… he’s also a corporate/commercial lawyer, who is defending the legislation put forth by the WEF.
He is not the character from falling down. He’s in bed with the Panama government and the Canadian mining company ⚠️
His involvement goes way back to 2005 when he started to work as a lawyer for Marc Harris.
Excellent post, u/purkiss80!
Man, I have got to get better at using the 72 hour rule. This one suckered me right in. I didn't question it at all.
I'm probably not the only one, but it's a wake up call for me to use more discernment.
Username definitely checks out
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZWX1DstZuc Read comments too
You have no standing to call anything evil or good in this world without borrowing from God's standard.
You've been rebuked. Understand the difference. People like you hear a floating verse and have no understanding or grasp of it.
I disagree with the deplorable thing, though I fully agree that too many were lifting thing guy up.
I posted video of what appears to be him shooting individuals who were not behaving aggressively. Granted there is no audio, so maybe something was there that we didn't see.
That said, now we see him for what he is. A lawyer who has dual citizenship & had a motive to shut up the citizens. If he is a member of the WEF he has a big player in his back pocket to protect him from evil acts so long as it benefits the WEF.
I have said, & stand by the idea, that thing guy murdered individuals for some reason & now we have a good theory as to why.
Dude needs to be put in prison. A Panama prison.
edit: NSFW vid of the shot. https://files.catbox.moe/zafsdo.mp4
Thou shall not kill is rendered incorrectly. In the original Hebrew, it is stated as thou shalt not murder, which is a huge difference. If it was only about killing, then any required burnt offerings at the time would been contradictory to the commandment. Also, this is the reason for the seven cities of refuge, in the event of an accidental death. These cities were named as such, NOT to protect the accidental slayer but to keep the families from murdering in revenge and thus keep them from violating the commandment.
in this case, absolutely
The arrogance here is amazing. You have opened my eyes to a new level I haven't seen before. Who are you to dictate what's good or evil when you're Not God? She called us a basket of deplorables because she knew that her time was up and anyone not with her is against her and therefore a deplorable
I don't go to church and I still believe in God and read the more accurate translations. Why do you think Killary said that "if Trump wins, we all hang?" Why do you think she was so desperate to win the 2016 election? Why does Q post about this frequently in his first posts? Because she knew she was fucked. I think it's arrogant that you think you don't need God to guide you on what's right or wrong.
I didn't say you didn't. I'm expressing the point that I don't need religion. Religion is a man made instrument of Satan as far as I'm concerned. No it literally meant military tribunals and therefore executions. Why do you think there are so many sealed indictments? Why does she have body doubles if they're not used to keep the illusion that she's still alive?
If God is not the measure of absolute right and wrong, then who sets that standard.
I will let C.S. Lewis do my splaining for me. I think you may be enlightened by this rational, logical explanation of right and wrong,
Ah, whose golden rule is that, but Gods.
Matthew 7:12 - Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.
There are a ton of people on here that looked at this clearly unhealthy man committing a clearly unhealthy act and then elevated him to hero status because they too are very unhealthy people.
You see a lot of this bloodthirst here, and the irony is a lot of these people will then claim to be loyal followers of the teachings of Jesus Christ. Matthew 7 exists for a reason.
I love Jesus. I've had my miracles. But I separate this from Bible worship and Christianity per se. There is no "church" for followers of Jesus who disavow "religion" . Or is there? And the greatest persecution of us comes from "Christians".
I knew it was a psyop. I knew he was hired by the Soros of the world/WEF
I knew it was a psyop by looking at the photos the media uses, like the one that OP used for this post. A hd close up head shot photo with the gun and a bullet casing clearly visible. Other photos show gun in the other hand and bullet casing on other side of his head. All the photos are taken from the ground, not traffic/ security cameras. Who stood there and took those photos during a shooting?
Spez: I just rewatched the video and there are a couple people with professional cameras there, but the behavior of the crowd of people to the angry guy who pulled a gun is so bizarre. Who just stands there waiting for something to happen like that? After the shooting everyone just seems to casually walk away like it’s no big deal but they all stay close by. Just weird.
I assume this is the appropriate definition for spez? (new one to me kek)
To edit a post on r/the_donald. Replaced the word/button for "edit" after Reddit CEO, Spez, admitted to modifying users' posts on r/the_donald subreddit.
This photo was flipped left-for-right. The ejection port on the pistol is shown on the left side of the pistol, but they are all on the right side. It is also more expectable that the shooter would be right-handed than left-handed. It is the same photo as shown in another posting on this site. (I don't know why people do this flipping, but I suspect it is an attempt to create the impression that there are multiple photos of the single incident, in order to get more traction in the public mind. It may also be a stratagem to circumvent copyright restrictions.)
In the cases you point out, I thin you are correct, but it is not totally unusual for someone to not vacate with urgency the area of a shooting.
Don't know if this make my case very well but as evidence of my claim I submit this video. Watch the two guys the right, and the girl behind the car.
The picture was taken from a video. The reason people stood around like that is because Panama is not the USA and these type of things don't happen here, and when it does it's gang on gang shootings.
Oh, man. I immediately hit your comment stream to see the comment where you were saying exactly this but apparently you kept your predictions to yourself
Typical phone psychic.
I knew that you knew. Can I get 2 cookies?
Purkiss I am not that mean to you. God bless
Everything is not as it seems...
Both stories have been scrubbed! “Tweet not found”
I hope you don't mind, but I cut and pasted most of what you wrote to the Yahoo "news" article on this. Interesting side note, if you try to cut and paste more than a few sentences, it won't go through, so you have to break it into pieces, and then there was a total size limit, so I had to leave out the final sentence.
Another side note: Yahoo "news" use "anonymous" for my username (not sure if anyone who doesn't have some username gets that :) )
Please, go ahead...Paste, share whatever you want...😉👍🙏
Links gone.
Just seeing the photo of him shooting the gun leads you to KNOW it was planned to have a camera there!
no doubt...it was an awesome pic capturing the casing in air and all...
Yes. Just a little too perfect, like he was supposed to be the poster boy for old farts to get their guns out and start doing some "justfied" killin'. Which is a win/win - it puts the idea into the heads of the gun banners that these old dudes are messed up and could pop off at any time, while also making the other side think "Could I do that?" and possibly encourage copycats.
(No offense to old farts. I'm just going with the thought process that could have promoted that picture.)
The picture was taken from a video. There were multiple people filming.
I posted about this yesterday, but I can't find them now. Here is what I said:
I want to take a few minutes to talk about this. This happened in my country, Panama. It's going to be a bit long, so I apologize in advance.
The media is saying this is an eco protest. In a way, it is. But that is not the whole reason for the protests. I don't agree with blocking traffic as it affects the people who have nothing to do with this issue, me included.
But what is happening right now in Panama has a deeper side, one that is not talked about in the media. Minera Panama, the mining company who got the contract is a subsidiary of First Quantum Minerals, a mining company based in Canada.
During the pandemic, the Panamanian government took massive loans from the world bank. Here is an article published on their website about it. And here is another one about another massive loan.
As you all know, the way the world bank operates is they give these loans to countries, and when the country can't pay them back they have a chat with the president and force them to sell the countries resources to companies they own, according to John Perkins.
This is where the mining contract comes in. Our president signed a 20 year contract that can be extended for another 20 years where they can do all the mining they want in Panama. Also, the president also signed a law that forbids any new mining contracts with any other company, giving exclusive mining rights to First Quantum Minerals.
If you check this website and scroll down to the shareholders list, you will find two well know investment firms among them: Vanguard and Blackrock.
So, some people are protesting against the mining contract because of the environment, but most people don't want this because we are aware that the country resources are being sold cheap to the world bank. If you read some of the signs people carry, you will see things like "Panama is not for sale", and "We will defend our country". I believe that one of the things Q told us is to be patriots. I don't live in the USA, but I'm old enough to know that the world bank and their associates are doing this all over the world, so we all should be patriots and fight against the world bank and the elites from taking over everything.
That is what the protests are mostly about. I can also understand that people would be upset with traffic blockades, it upsets me too. But this guy got off his car, walked up to the protestors and tried to talk them into letting him go through, and he pulled out a gun when they said no. He has double nationality, he has a Panamanian citizenship, and according to it he was born in Colon, Panama.
I have the videos of what happened, but I don't know how to upload them here. The picture where you see the casing flying was taken from a video that was recorded by one of the people who were there that day. I upload them to a temporary host site. This is the one with the angle from the picture. And this is the one where he shots one of the protesters. As you can see, the old man was not in any danger, and nobody was threatening him. One of the people he killed was a teacher. But videos are cut short, sorry. That is the way they were sent to me, and I can't say I know what happened before he fired.
Again, I don't agree with blocking traffic. But I also disagree with somebody pulling out a gun and shooting somebody like this. I hope this old man dies in a prison cell.
Not sure if this adds to anything here but I forwarded this to my friend who used to work in Panama, this is his response:
That's a funny take. The explorers and founders of that minera copper mine first quantum are my old bosses. They had in the neighborhood of 100 exploratory mining projects all over latin America. On average about 1 in 10 succeeded. Each drill site costs about 10 million. This mine however turned our to be the largest copper mine in the entire world!
The dudes I worked for were mentioned about 20 times in the panama papers. Those powers at be who regulate banks in the United States and world wide , seized hundreds of millions in capital. Being Canadian, they said f you, were not going to court in America, they went to England and beat the US gov and big bank influence and proved that they did exactly what every bank does. The American judge ripped the justice dept investigators a new asshole, in court for illegally seizing their assets. It was a hilarious read of the transcript. Still in business today with the same 20 to 30 year clients.
It was right here:
When you see such a high resolution of someone shooting right at the moment he pulls the trigger (see the flying bullet) you know that its fake
That's what I thought was funny with pic.
Forget the casing, you can see the bullet just leaving the gun. No spark, smoke, but bullet just left. Also would casing travel that far if bullet is just leaving gun. I don't know crappola about guns, but I thought you see some spark, smoke, and casing ejection is at a slower speed than bullet?
Actually, yes.
He’s using a highly illegal and hard to acquire “Side Shooter” model, which ejects the casing at more than 5x the muzzle velocity of the bullet itself.
We need shitpost flair for comments, lol
Why don't we have a pic of the slide in some sort of motion either? I got pictures of a friend shooting a semi auto beretta and in the pic, the slide was back, barrel dropped, and the casing about the same distance as in this picture.
i call fake and gay
Yeah but did your shot have the bullet in view too? LOL.
I second the fake and geh call.
no it sure didn't lol
It would be interesting to see that photo. Safety considerations should have dictated the photographer being behind the muzzle plane, which means you can see the slide and barrel if the timing is good, but estimating casing distance away from the gun is hard.
Not fake. Why would you say it is? This is apparently a frame from a video that captured the action. There is no doubt that he shot the victim. Or that it was him.
That's not a bullet. It is a button on the guy's shirt in the background. The bullet is long gone (tip of the Hatlo Hat to QuackQuack, below). The immediate tip-off is that it is not aligned with the axis of the barrel, does not look like a bullet, and has no velocity smear. There are no "sparks" and "smoke." We are no longer using flintlock firearms with black powder. The bullet is traveling in the vicinity of 1000 feet/second. The casing at maybe tens of feet/second. Just fast enough to smart if it ejects with a backward slant and hits you in the forehead.
This is another picture taken from the same video. You can see smoke and recoil.
Interesting photo. The bullet has left the muzzle (because you can see the smoke, which may still be several feet in front of the muzzle). The bullet is not visible, but it could be blocked from view by the guy in the black shirt. At a muzzle velocity of 1000 fps (typical for a 9mm) this might make it 5-10 feet downrange, or 0.005 to 0.010 seconds into flight. The pistol is still level, or what can be seen of it. Recoil is usually not visible except for slide action, which cannot be seen. If there is muzzle flip, it occurs after the slide has fully recoiled (impulse of the slide hitting the stops and rotating the frame). It may be that the recoil is in progress but the casing has not yet been fully extracted from the breech.
Picture was taken from a video.
Wow fren
What a great lead!
Did anyone believe this shit in the first place? Anons, please...
What gave it away? The 4K photos with a shell casing in the air? People believe anything
You've never seen pictures of the shell casing in the air? A friend of mine is the hockey photographer for USA Today for the local NHL team here. He uses a cannon mirrorless EOS model now that shoots 1852 megapixel images per second. I'm sorry but, thinking that a showcasing in midair what's your big indicator, my goodness, frog. 🙄
C'mon c5 - the issue is not the casing being caught in the pic but that someone magically focused in on this specific guy while he was shooting. I don't know if this is the 1st or 2nd shot, but if it is the 1st shot the person taking the video/pic was extremely lucky to be focused on this guy before anything happened. I will say though, if this guy walked up holding a gun pointed at protesters then someone may have had a better chance of seeing it and starting to film.
If that is the case then there is nothing odd about this still pic at all. If not - something is off.
Easy to pick out a frame from a video at umpteen frames/second. There is a long history of assassins just walking up to a victim and shooting them.
When I saw the shell casing I knew there was something fucky.
When I saw the shell casing, I knew it was real. And everything since is confirmatory. Doesn't anyone here shoot?
I believe you have coined a new adjective here! NOICE!!
Shouldn't that shell casing be ejecting to right and not to the left rear?
That picture is reversed.
My question is was anybody even shot?
I've watched the video numerous times at 0.25 speeds and I do not see any movement coming from his right arm while supposedly popping off two accurate shots.
And the first supposed victim looks like he got hit by a higher caliber firearm than what he had.
The second supposed victim sure took it like a champ.
IMHO, this was just more bad acting......
This whole comment thread is so low info re: guns and getting shot that it physically hurts to read it all. I'm not attacking anyone specifically, but, it's clear that half the crew here has only learned about guns and shooting people from movies. Read this:
No reason for his right arm to change position. A steady grip will produce accurate shots. You can't tell a hit at a distance by its caliber. Cartridge selection and bullet design make a world of difference. Response to being shot varies all over the map, depending on details and individuals.
The photo is mirror-reversed. In the video the shooter is right-handed.
Thanks for that information fren. Now it makes sense. I thought it might be some weird photo shopping.
but the casing is still on the opposite side of the ejection hole, is it not?
Not if you flip the picture.
Look. From the same video the pic was taken from
I confess that I thought that way, but I have only heard of the event from Steve Inman making sports commentary about the event and Tim Pool discussing the event. I thought "okay, so that happened, cool." And went about my way, because I have more important things to dedicate my brainpower to.
Almost like they are trying to give permission and encourage boomers to take matters into their own hands. It will just be house arrest...DO IT!!
Yes. Because we ultra MAGAs aren't acting like the terrorists they are trying to paint us as. It is encouragement to act out. So they can then put us in jail. Fortunately for us, these people are stupid! Hold the line, frogs!
Color me surprised. I think we all saw this coming. This is incredible work, u/Purkis80. I am SO grateful to have found you and all the rest of the great people in this group. Way to go, frogs! I can't give you all enough thumbs up!
Thank you....I appreciate the support...🙏
either way, it sends a message of get off the roads
murder is not an option for solving the problem, however, it was used in this case for malicious means (when is murder not?)
faulty angle if you ask me, this won't stop actual movements against mining, it'll only discourage cannon fodder from going "where they're not supposed to"
sure it may have been a ds tactic/op, but long run this changes very little
appreciate the post though
Wow! After close examination of the photo, I can say 100% that the gun is not real. It’s a rubber training gun “A rubber sig 226”, look where the slide meets the barrel, “the ejection port”, It’s moulded, as in one piece. There is no slide release, safety, decocker or break down tab and the sights are comically wide and useless. Look up sig 226 and look for yourselves. As the Police song goes, “You gotta turn on that gas light… False flag…… turn on that gas light… false flag.”
Okay, that is definitely NOT a Sig 226. It lacks the lengthwise shelf on the side of the slide. Since it is a flipped image, you are seeing what is really the right side of the gun. The slide release, safety/decocker, and disassembly tab are located on the left side, which is what this flipped view is NOT showing. The sights are completely kosher. Wide is good for close combat shooting. I'm willing to wait for the gun to be identified. (I'm leaning toward it being a Taurus, which is a South American brand.)
The muzzle is 80% in shadow, so if anyone can see rifling, you have a marvelous monitor. Never any problem seeing the junction line between slide and frame.
Good eye, does look pretty fake...
But it does look like there's some spiraling in the barrel, do they do that on training pistols?
lol you shouldn't be able to see rifling on the barrel, and not the distinct line where the the slide meets the lower and where the barrel and ejection port should ALL be extremely defined if you can see rifling at this distance.
If you zoom in the muzzle looks to be other than a smooth bore.
It does seem to be more pronounced than rifling, especially given the fuzziness at zoom.
The police did not even handcuff him before they put him in the vehicle. Really?
This had Fake and Gay written all over it from the beginning. Although people could actually be dead. Dead doesn't matter to the globos.
Yeah, but the "normies" will never know this. The narrative has already been blasted all over X. Damage done.
When I saw this news I had doubts, because in Panama the carrying of weapons is strict, and he is a foreigner, he cannot walk around with a gun and shoot just because he wants to.
Yup... they're following the same playbook as they did for the Panama canal...
Look around... What's scarce? Land. They're trying to snatch up as much as they can...
Meanwhile, PRIME interest rates are creeping up on 10% to squeeze the goy out... not to mention, inflation eating away at generational wealth.
Good times...
Whoa! At this point, I shouldn't be surprised by the psyops.
anytime photos of "events" are too perfect and catch JUST THE PERFECT MOMENT... it's a set-up for the most part...
I wasn't cheering this regardless. The climate protesters are not our enemy.
With a photo like that I doubt its even real.
Does this dude have 6 fingers?
MK ultra mind slave?
A few weeks ago Monkey Werx said Panama was going to get spicy.
Was fun pretending. Oh well
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZWX1DstZuc Read comments too
Any story in the news is a psyop looking to manipulate you or further an agenda.
Here is a pretty good breakdown of events. Conspiracy not withstanding.
Edit, I am not sorry for the YouTube link, I can learn to do anything on YouTube, there are a heck of a lot of good folks there making wholesome content, regardless of the evils that run it
Should be there at the top....🙂😉
Yes, that is the official narrative. Good job.
Wouldn't Soros/the deep state globalist bastards want to put an end to the disruptions so that they could do what they will with the land?
No, you don't understand, this guy is an operative for the minds and they want the law to be passed it allow them to explore for copper anywhere even if it's on someone's land
Same rule applies to the trucker convoy or the dutch farmers, or just to people you don't agree with?