Copypasta follows:
I said a few days ago that what we are hearing at the border is to bring the Military in. This is all for the sleepers to shake them up. Military covert operations are being carried out. The Military have been coming in under the guise of immigrants. I do not believe for one second 1000’s of migrants are pouring in to Texas and crossing the border and the Whitehats are allowing this. If Migrants are pouring in the 1000’s then Trump is committing treason along with the Whitehats and violating the Constitution. Either the Good guys are in control or the Bad guys are. There’s no in between. Interesting a few days ago it was reported that a Russian lawmaker has offered to help Texas get independence from the US. Reports are coming in that a handful of legislators in the Texas State Senate and House are discussing going Gold Backed. Are Texas about to Join BRICS? The other states would then follow. Elon Musk is currently talking about moving his Tesla HQ to Texas. On X this morning 1st February Elon did a poll with 87% with 6.4 million views in favour of moving Tesla HQ to Texas and stated ‘Tesla will move immediately to hold a shareholder vote to transfer state of incorporation to Texas’. There’s more going on in Texas and the wall than we think. Remember Trump said about the border wall, “Wait until you find out what comes out of it” he also said that “it’s a powerful wall”. The wall is a Tesla healing wall and free energy. Trump has mentioned the Migrants coming across the border many times he said at one of his rallies last year we have 26k military aged males coming in - What are we building a little army? What does drop 26 say…. Think about it logically. The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker). Biggest advanced drop on Pol.
What was reported yesterday on 31/1? Podesta is back in the News - 11.3. Also what does it say in the Law of War Manual 11.3, 11.4 and 11.6 say?
What did Trump Truth Yesterday on 31/1<>11.3? 32 and 34 COMMS.
DROP 32 Maybe one day but it cannot go slow. The initial wave will be fast and meaningful. It will send a signal to others immediately and you’ll see the tide turn (not even the MSM can hide and rest assured some will be jailed as deep cover agents).
MSM is about to collapse. Look at the protests happening around Europe with the farmers rising up against the tyrannical governments. The masses will support the farmers and stand with them. Governments will stand down and Military will take over. The MSM won’t be able to hide the truth. Also look at how many layoffs are happening within Media and Big Tech right now.
DROP 34 mentions 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. The atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad)
Yesterday was an Historic day 31/1 - Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the UAE confirm they are joining the BRICS. BRICS will rise up together against the west by just dumping the dollar. With the US about to start a war in the Middle East. The Cabal is no more.
Everything is lining up perfectly.
Until we reach the Precipice, the bad guys are being allowed, very carefully and just the extent necessary, to commit crimes that are necessary for the Great Awakening. This is a painful truth and there is no other way we can wake up humanity.
Are thousands of criminals pouring in? I believe that if the answer is YES, then the WHs are tracking every movement of every single one of them at all times. Do they use AI for this? Possibly. Might explain the periodic panic about AI by the MSM
You see … we agree on 99.9% 😂😂😂
This is RAW speculation, but how funny would it be if we found out it wasnt 3 million illegals, but mostly (not all) the same 500-600 over and over. They let the TRULY dirty fuk heads mingle in with each ‘wave’, to isolate the actual infiltrators.
If I were a white hat combatant commander, this is exactly what I would do.
Same 600? So what, they transport them to cities that don’t want them and then airdrop them south of the border again? What about the tens of thousands in the sanctuary cities? Same ones over and over makes no sense.
The cognitive disconnect about what is actually happening is insane. I live in a very nice town in the least densely populated county in Jersey. There are migrants here, right now. My younger kid is in 6th grade and there have been multiple kids dropped into her grade from Latin America, the Middle East, and 1 girl from Ukraine. None of them speak English. The movie some people think they're watching is actually a live streamed documentary.
Yeah, you’re probably right. I was Just speculating.
I dont think he meant actual jumping out of planes.
This is wishful thinking.
Yeah, I said raw speculation. I doubt that is true. It would be funny though.
They could easily do that. Plus im sure most are not giving their real info anyways, so they can just make up a new name each week and come back for more money
That's brilliant! I feel silly for not having considered this before.
I'll add to your notion: they are being let in. They are being watched to an extent. WH's intend on them making normies uncomfortable. That's why they are being bussed to blue cities.
It's the whole "omg derp why are WH allowing people to get sick, suffer, die? blah blah blah" argument we heard during the plandemic.
Everybody has got to feel the sting in order to adequately awaken the desired percentages by X date on the timeline.
This year will get so crazy people will forget about the migrants unless they are all up in their daily life routines, making them uncomfortable. This is the great awakening, discomfort, disgust, and even worse are part of it.
I believe that there are big numbers pouring in, but not quite as many as it seems. I believe that many are in a loop. They enter, get paid card, leave, come back in, get paid card, rinse, repeat. The UN paying for the cards. I think they get $2,000 a month per card.
UN paying for the cards = US Taxpayer funds paying for the cards!
I agree, they are coming here for free momey. They will leave without a fight when told to, self deport if you will. But it is also help to speed up the collapse of the FRN & economy on pResident Joe Bidets watch. All optics to shock the few remaining retard normies awake that can be salvaged.
I think it's more about trump gaining the moral high ground to act publicly.
What about all the ones freely saying on camera that they are awaiting word from the UN?
Can’t upvote this response enough! Well said.
Well, the writers at the MSM are panicking because they see their jobs going into the toilet and the big shots, who crow about minimum wage, will lay everyone off and use AI. It's starting already.
Well, as much as I wish they weren't coming over the border, they are. Going to Walmart, Sam's, etc is like shopping in a foreign country - you the only English speaker in the joint. It's beyond ridiculous
I rarely leave the canyon but neighbors talk about 5 guys washing windows at a time in Golden.
Extra mag? Extra 2 or 3 now.
Sup neighbor?
I lived in vegas 3 years ago. It already was that way. Same when I lived in Idaho. The invasion is decades old. Now trumps wall has highlighted it and is exposing the culprits. Exposure is the name of the game always has been.
Wasn't that way here - not in the numbers I'm seeing now - I live in the New Orleans area - have my entire life. I'm about 4.5 hours from Houston, I lived there for a short period back around 2014. Here was no where near as bad as there at that time. Since FJB, we are worse than it was then there, here now.
That's essentially the plan: discomfort. Disrupt people's daily routines with disgust, discomfort, and other general difficulties.
Don't worry fren, 2024 has bigger surprises than inconvenient grocery store experiences due to illegal aliens.
I just online order now and pick up. Lol
It's a grand move isn't it!
I stickied it to see what the anons think.
Can't wait to see the 'credits' at the end of the movie, all 'Heroes' & 'Villains' will be revealed.
Having read the OP and the comments, I had to think of the Georgia Guidestones .... From the video, it seems like a missile is devastating the stones. Has the perpetrator been caught? Any investigations done? Has anyone claimed responsibility?
Think of it and ask yourself: has there ever been a situation in your experience or lifetime, where the use of advanced weaponry on US soil has lead tot total silence?
Let's look at the wall.
Trump says: all Biden had to do was leave it alone
But Biden did not leave it alone. The wave of immigration itself is a logical outgrowth of the process started long ago, exacerbated by the willful who encourage and facilitate these movements. The confusing part is that this group of willful destroyers are not hegemonic in their presence. They use several means to achieve their goal. There is the UN, Soros, EU, Cartels, Intelligence Community, and the contractors to the IC, etc. They are funded from the outside and from within the US. And a popular way of describing it: "your taxdollars at work."
This, however, is a logical fallacy. Your tax-dollars are only paying towards the interest. This is debt financing at its finest! From 22 T to 34T now? In just 3 years a whopping 12T is added to the debt.
When stepping back and looking at this process, what do you see? Confronted with the elements within this crisis, Congress is totally inept. The courts are totally inept, the protection services are totally inept.
So, what are the States to do?
Then there is another consideration.
The first office created, on a federal level, was the Post Office in Philadelphia in 1775. The second was the Military: Continental Army. The third was the Federal Government under the Articles of Confederation.
Moving on through time, 1791 saw the Constitution as the basis for the Federal Government, and later in 1871: THE CONSTITUTION. The reason for these changes? Not taxes. But the means to what taxes allow: DEBT!
Perhaps we still have trouble assessing the value of this. The key to comprehension is DEBT SETTLEMENT. And for that to happen you need the power of taxation. This together creates the multi-Generational slave bondage/ serf bondage sought after by the DS. You only need to look at the Peace treaty of Paris of 1781, which was ratified in 1789. Take a good look at point 6 of that treaty.
During the 17th century in New Amsterdam, currently: New York, the Dutch introduced this concept of HALF FREE. Those were people "on equal footing" , so identified, with Free folk. You could also use the German version of the word: GLEICHSCHALTUNG. They could sue, and be sued, own land, buy and sell, marry, have kids, and were basically in their economical and political choice: totally free. Except for one small factor. These people had to pay taxes to the VOC: Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie. And they needed permission to leave the territory: pass- port: permission to pass the port: harbor, gate. Equal to but not the same!
Take this in for a moment. Now look around in your country. What do you see?
Look at history from a debt/tribute perspective, and all falls into place. Covid, Ukraine, Mass-immigration, Green Agenda. All these things are meant to wake you up. To make you say: No. Not this but something else.
Logical move for States? The opposite of what happened in 1933. ( See the book: Book of the STATES).
The devil and others use deception.
Definitions matter right?
BLM has multiple meanings. Yet it is like a transformer and depending on who is listening and who is proclaiming it has different levels and such.
In the Bible it tells us that there will be Jews that claim they are The Jews but they are not. Same multiple meanings-deception.
The point is not true that USA also has multiple meanings? The sad reality is we have Americans who believe they have the right to be private while in public. We have millions who do not even know the 5 aspects of the first amendment and are clueless on the 3rd amendment.
I too should know more, yet USA has many checks and balances and many avenues, we NEED more Americans to learn the oath they took.
We have Americans that believe it’s against the law to take pictures in the public and they believe town halls all across the USA are private businesses.
We are really a nation in decline. If we cannot understand the very first amendment and take the time to fully comprehend all 5 sections of it how can we even claim we are free?
Town halls are in fact incorporated private businesses. Every supposed gov institution has been incorporated. They shouldn't be but are.
Who pays for the buildings?
Lack of knowledge of the constitution is failure of the schools. It's intentional. Also oaths of office and bonds never seem to be quite according to law. This is not a coincidence either. That means the office holders are frauds and they are not beholden to their constituents.
I would agree. Yet should we continue being the victim or should we change? I see things moving towards change for good.
To change for good we have to have standing. Many believe writing letters and such cause change. I disagree. That is only appeasement and procrastination.
The way we win is with the law and people having courage to have standing in a court room that may go up to the Supreme Court.
Example would be going to a school board meeting and they tell you to shutup over feelings. If you agree to shut up that is not standing in court. That is obeying.
So this just occurred to me now, maybe others have already thought this: if the Emergency Broadcast of going to be used to reunite the divided nation, it has to come from the Biden administration, or from the military during the Biden administration. If it were to be sent AFTER Trump comes to power, it would not win over those still suspicious of him. It would just be seen as propaganda from the orange dictator and they would resist even more. I'm not talking about the 4 to 6 percent. I'm talking about the city-dwelling MSM-consuming normies who never acquired a taste for Trump's mean tweets and who think the MSM are at least a little reliable.
I think you are on to something. Dave (X22) has commented on the possibility that the swamp creatures will try and shutdown elections bc of the threat of a nuclear attack or a cyber attack on the infrastructure.
At some point the military will need to be called in so that the elections can be held. All this happening on biden's watch.
He loses me with this sentence. How exactly are President Trump and the white hats responsible for Biden’s southern border invasion?
He suggests that Trump being the real acting president, this happens under his leadership.
President Trump, is at best, covertly operating as President in Exile. He is not making any of the decisions that are negatively impacting the country. The Biden Administration and its NWO/DS handlers are an Occupying Force governing the country.
If the various theories about President Trump being the puppeteer behind everything happening now were true, a significant portion of MAGA would turn against him. Most people would never accept that he orchestrated the shit show of the last three years to teach the world a lesson.
What President Trump has is a team that is highly skilled at war gaming. They are assisted by state-of-the art technology. They anticipate the moves and countermoves so well that events appear scripted. They stepped aside in 2021 to prevent a catastrophic color revolution in America.
It may well be true President Trump has control over a sizable covert force and some of them are tracking illegal aliens crossing the border. Their mission would be to counter potential acts of terrorism or the staging for a potential color revolution.
It stands to reason he would also have a force preparing to legally take the country back from an Occupying Power through the election process. Their mission would be blocking the various modes of election rigging. If you recall there were MSM articles revealing a “Secret Army” of about 60,000 personnel embedded in organizations around the World.
Again, if President Trump was running the day-to-day affairs of the U.S. Government behind the scenes, he and the so-called white hats would be no better than the DS.
Agree. He isn't doing it he is letting them do what he knows they were going to do. Playbook known or whatever the Q phrase is. Give 'em enough rope and they will hang themselves.
Yes. To most, these people are only illegal aliens in need of safety. There will be a point when their purpose is revealed - maybe scare event?
This says it all! If you don't get it, read Slag's - Wartime President
This has been a challenge for the plan all along.
However, I'm not exactly going to be telling people what's going on behind the scenes - they can barely comprehend what's happening in front of their faces.
If they want to know, they'll have to dig. And if they dig, they should understand.
It had to be this way.
tl;dr: Yes, Trump & Co. are partly responsible for what's happening, but they will also be responsible for fixing it and making sure it doesn't happen again (for 200 years at least). Which do you think decent people will focus on?
He and the military had to wake The People up to the cabal in order to demolish the cabal. There is a reason for everything— even the invasion, whether it’s our military or foreign nationals. We are watching a scripted movie.
I think this statement before that one explains. ”The Military have been coming in under the guise of immigrants. I do not believe for one second 1000’s of migrants are pouring in to Texas and crossing the border and the Whitehats are allowing this.” It was at this point, I was shaking my head trying to focus, wishing for a second cup of coffee. Interesting idea and btw, the comms have to happen soon. 11/24 is within arms reach so all possibilities need serious review.
Dumb. Yes there is. In control =/= complete control over everything.
ty. i've been thinking similar but w/o ur details. we watch n wait
I like this theory.
I would disagree with the Idea that Trump would be commenting Treason, because he is a war time president and it's our military that's in control. I like the rest of your summary interesting brake down.
Trump fights for us—not the DS. Remember that. He says it quite a bit, and his actions prove it.
I do pray that justice come quickly to those who have placed America in this position, and that We the People are able to take it back and make it great again.
TBH, all this degenerate shit going on has got to stop.
"Remember Trump said about the border wall, “Wait until you find out what comes out of it” he also said that “it’s a powerful wall”. The wall is a Tesla healing wall and free energy."
Everything here sounds plausible... minus the "healing wall and free energy"... that seemed to be pulled out of thin air with zero sauce.
I wonder how many WH might be coming in with the waves of immigrants?
Sort of like an insiders look at the NGO’s and the operations? WH working inside?
This is very plausible 113 311
I wish people would stop shilling for BRICS. It's literally a bunch of countries bullshitting China and taking advantage of Xi. Xi is the enemy of Chinese people and the world.
i was thinking Xi was good and ccp is bad.
Without open maritime trade, the BRICS will have a very hard time forming a cohesive trading block. Who knows what is going on in China? If anyone does it is most certainly not XI. One last thing, other than Russia and maybe India, the rest of these countries are controlled at a high level by the Feds and DS.
Brics are waiting for trump to return, the gold standard and real money to be reestablished. They will be well positioned to respond to our economy once trump gets it Kickstarted again. We don't need our dollar to be the trade unit the deep state does. Gold is the great equalizer.
What if BRICS and XRP combined forces though?
"Trump has mentioned the Migrants coming across the border many times he said at one of his rallies last year we have 26k military aged males coming in - What are we building a little army? What does drop 26 say…. Think about it logically. The only way is the military. Fully controlled."
Yeah, sure. These are the military aged men to recyle and build a new army with? Don't bet on this.
That said, here is a post where border crossers were being clamped wth ankle monitors. WHat's that all about?
I have often sat and wondered, why did Trump not finish the wall. If they really wanted it done, they could have almost certainly gotten it done. And then it came to me. Walls not only keep people out, they keep people in. I cannot help that think it's a giant honey pot for the cartels, MS13, etc. A way of getting them suckered into the country only to lock the border down and filter out the criminals trying to escape once Trump returns and starts the mass deportations.
hate to rain on your theory
Good people are in prison for J6. Good people had their businesses destroyed. Good people have been censored. Our side is not without suffering.
Texas seceding from the US and a breakup of the country is the same thing that the globalists want. That wouldn't be a good thing... They want the US to fail so they can implement their global government, I am sure they have multiple ways to achieve this.
I doubt any states will secede. Some people want California to secede without thinking about losing those ports. California is a rich beautiful state. That's why the Great Vampire Squid wants it. Don't let let them take it.
They are coming across the border and at the same time uncovering drug and human trafficking lines, also showing the people sanctuary cities are bad for national security.
Transporting them to big cities where they have the resources to temporarily feed and house them. Phones that can be tracked. In airports for easy removal. They are concentrated in certain big cities where the sanctuary nonsense was strongest, like New York and Chicago. This makes for a quick and easy deportation process.
It is a movie, everything has purpose and patriots are in control.
During a sting operation you allow people to commit the crime to bury them. Its always been this way
Does this op live anywhere near where these people are being brought in and dumped? I can tell you there is a huge influx of “immigrants” coming in, I see it in my town, I see it in every major city I have traveled to in the past 4 months.
Why are you calling February 1, 31/1?
That's a lot of reaching and coping. There are millions pouring in over the border. They're all out white hat military operatives? And why would we even rely on foreign mercenaries in the first place? This makes zero sense.