We’re fighting this tooth and nail! Every city with a college in it is liberal AF! The professors give extra credit to the students for voting the way they are told, and NO, rural Wisconsinites do NOT want this shit! We have protested, written letters, showed up at every single meeting, etc. we’re raising the roof, but our government is so f’ing corrupt 🤬
Turning Wisconsin into Minnesota is EXACTLY what they have planned! These resettlement offices are opening under cover of darkness. We’ve already forced the original face of the World Relief office to resign, but I’m not sure we’ll be able to stop this. I think they’re probably already here. We will continue this fight until one side or the other emerges victorious.
Fight fight brother!! You don’t want your home area completely changed like mine was. The East Indians, Pakistani’s, Somali’s etc. will not integrate to western culture.
They want to have the benefit of living in America via the traitors in government and mega corporations while simultaneously get political and social power in their ethnic enclaves. They do not care about the Greco-Roman, Judeo-Christian western values.
This is why I think the pro immigration crowd on this site are completely fucking insane. They just haven’t had it happen to them yet. And one day it will if you do not take a stand. The goal is destroy whites and western culture.
There are pro-immigration people on this site? I've never seen a single post that would indicate that, unless they just started an account to post such foolishness.
It's ILLEGAL immigration that people here, and throughout most of U.S., are against. I don't think anyone here has a problem with legal immigration, since the U.S. would not be the country it is without legal immigration. We are also against abuse of the legal immigration system, which allows anyone to claim asylum, and then disappear.
Our legal immigration system has been subverted too, favoring non-Christian uneducated third worlders over Christians from Europe and elsewhere, and bringing in way too many without regard to the illegal hordes pouring across the borders. We need to seal the borders tight, deport the illegals and set legal immigration to a lower, manageable number, giving preference to educated, productive workers (ie. future taxpayers, not Gimmecrats).
There are lots of anti-immigration immigrants, too.
Mostly from among the legal immigrants.
didn’t come here to “go to Somalia”
they didn’t leave their families to end up in the middle of the same people they were trying to get away from
every culture has its issues, but if they’d wanted to deal with those other ones, they’d have gone there
their productive family members can’t come here legally to join them because Baidan has put all government resources to help move in ILLEGAL immigrants, so the queues are frozen
the illegals are getting subsidies from their taxes
the illegals and H1Bs are stealing jobs from legal residents
More reasons than that. I’m sure there are even illegal immigrants who wish the crime wasn’t following them in - ironic, since they’re criminals themselves.
I’m of a mind that the immigration is a promised biblical curse, and if so, the solution is genuine biblical repentance. Look up the steps in the scriptures and do what it says. Don’t ask me where to get sackcloth. I have no idea.
The pro-immigration crowd can open their doors and their homes all day long. I’m good with that. As a matter of fact, I’m open to hosting a family in my own home, where there is oversight, accountability (from me) and help for the immigrant family (again, from me) to help with getting a job and becoming a legal citizen.
What World Relief is doing IS NOT THAT! They bring in a slew of “refugees”, get a church (paid) sponsor them for 90 days - long enough to get them signed up for every social welfare program available, and then cut them loose. That slew of refugees then bring their friends and family, and shortly, 75 becomes 5,000 people who have not been vetted (Somalia has no government - no birth or death records, certainly no criminal records), who hate Christians and want to kill us.
I can't see anyone rural in Wisconsin thinking this way. They're pretty happy with their isolation and clean water. This is some planted city bullshit.
The Ascentria office next to my work has been re-homing "New Americans" for the past 10+ years.
These people don't give a crap and the Lutheran Church is either too naive or clearly in on the money making aspects to care. Amazingly, they all have smart phones and have no shame in laying across the hood of your cool car to snap a selfie for their peeps.
Look at the sign holders! Everyone on them look like teens with no idea of what is going on in the world. I would bet none of them could point out the state they liven in on a US map without the names listed on it.
These stupid twits! I wonder if they even have a job. Wait until one of their precious 10,000 illegals slits their throats, or they can’t get medical care because the ER is crowded with illegals. Will they be so welcoming when it impacts them. Everyone who is welcoming illegals and sanctuary status must be forced to house at least two of them. See how willing they are then.
A quick read of her background, education and previous job experiences explains it all. Expect a slow demise for Eau Claire and Chippewa Falls with this unelected harpy making generational life changing decisions for the area.
I guess they ran out of places for Somalians to go in Minnesota. There are areas (or maybe it's just one) in Minneapolis/St. Paul area where it might as well just be Somalia, and they don't really make an effort to be American.
True, South Minneapolis, in the Ventura Village neighborhood where I recently moved from - largest Somali (aka Land Pirates) population in the country. Not far from George Floyd square and numerous homeless camps on vacant, city-owned lots. Currently crime is completely out of control due to said land pirates jacking cars and robbing and assaulting (mostly white females) at gun point on the daily, all day long. So glad to be out of that shithole Somaliapolis.
What happened to all the Afghan refugees at Fort McCoy? That was maddening! I work at a restaurant and one of its purveyors (Sysco) won the contract to feed the Afghan refugees brought to Fort McCoy. Sysco diverted their stock to feed them and was unable to supply products to restaurants in the area due to low/no inventory after the 8 semis of food was delivered weekly. Such crap! FBJ priority is killing ALL small businesses and stripping the opportunity to support yourself WITHOUT government help. Unfortunately, there’s no where to go or hide from this blanket infiltration. I pray it ends well for all, but thinking it will get much worse before it gets better.
We’re fighting this tooth and nail! Every city with a college in it is liberal AF! The professors give extra credit to the students for voting the way they are told, and NO, rural Wisconsinites do NOT want this shit! We have protested, written letters, showed up at every single meeting, etc. we’re raising the roof, but our government is so f’ing corrupt 🤬
Turning Wisconsin into Minnesota is EXACTLY what they have planned! These resettlement offices are opening under cover of darkness. We’ve already forced the original face of the World Relief office to resign, but I’m not sure we’ll be able to stop this. I think they’re probably already here. We will continue this fight until one side or the other emerges victorious.
Fight fight brother!! You don’t want your home area completely changed like mine was. The East Indians, Pakistani’s, Somali’s etc. will not integrate to western culture.
They want to have the benefit of living in America via the traitors in government and mega corporations while simultaneously get political and social power in their ethnic enclaves. They do not care about the Greco-Roman, Judeo-Christian western values.
This is why I think the pro immigration crowd on this site are completely fucking insane. They just haven’t had it happen to them yet. And one day it will if you do not take a stand. The goal is destroy whites and western culture.
There are pro-immigration people on this site? I've never seen a single post that would indicate that, unless they just started an account to post such foolishness.
Considering Trumps whole wife is an immigrant, yes there’s plenty. Even anons with immigrant wives too - Trump isn’t the only one by far.
Melania comes from a European Christian country though. How many white Christian immigrants do you know nowadays?
It's ILLEGAL immigration that people here, and throughout most of U.S., are against. I don't think anyone here has a problem with legal immigration, since the U.S. would not be the country it is without legal immigration. We are also against abuse of the legal immigration system, which allows anyone to claim asylum, and then disappear.
Our legal immigration system has been subverted too, favoring non-Christian uneducated third worlders over Christians from Europe and elsewhere, and bringing in way too many without regard to the illegal hordes pouring across the borders. We need to seal the borders tight, deport the illegals and set legal immigration to a lower, manageable number, giving preference to educated, productive workers (ie. future taxpayers, not Gimmecrats).
There are lots of anti-immigration immigrants, too.
Mostly from among the legal immigrants.
More reasons than that. I’m sure there are even illegal immigrants who wish the crime wasn’t following them in - ironic, since they’re criminals themselves.
I’m of a mind that the immigration is a promised biblical curse, and if so, the solution is genuine biblical repentance. Look up the steps in the scriptures and do what it says. Don’t ask me where to get sackcloth. I have no idea.
Sackcloth is burlap.
IKR! Literally potato sacks.
The pro-immigration crowd can open their doors and their homes all day long. I’m good with that. As a matter of fact, I’m open to hosting a family in my own home, where there is oversight, accountability (from me) and help for the immigrant family (again, from me) to help with getting a job and becoming a legal citizen.
What World Relief is doing IS NOT THAT! They bring in a slew of “refugees”, get a church (paid) sponsor them for 90 days - long enough to get them signed up for every social welfare program available, and then cut them loose. That slew of refugees then bring their friends and family, and shortly, 75 becomes 5,000 people who have not been vetted (Somalia has no government - no birth or death records, certainly no criminal records), who hate Christians and want to kill us.
What could possibly go wrong?
deport them all. so sick of being a fucking minority in my own damn town.
More than happy to help you out with that.
I can't see anyone rural in Wisconsin thinking this way. They're pretty happy with their isolation and clean water. This is some planted city bullshit.
they can't replace us fast enough can they???
The Ascentria office next to my work has been re-homing "New Americans" for the past 10+ years.
These people don't give a crap and the Lutheran Church is either too naive or clearly in on the money making aspects to care. Amazingly, they all have smart phones and have no shame in laying across the hood of your cool car to snap a selfie for their peeps.
You were supposed to be dead by now, from the clot shot
Turn it into a shithole like Minnesota.
Found the FIB.
Look at the sign holders! Everyone on them look like teens with no idea of what is going on in the world. I would bet none of them could point out the state they liven in on a US map without the names listed on it.
Stupid little bitches can’t do anything useful but they sure love the image of being generous with working people’s money
THAT in a nutshell!
Exactly what I came here to say. If you don’t raise/educate your child, someone else will indoctrinate them.
THAT is exactly what has happened!
These stupid twits! I wonder if they even have a job. Wait until one of their precious 10,000 illegals slits their throats, or they can’t get medical care because the ER is crowded with illegals. Will they be so welcoming when it impacts them. Everyone who is welcoming illegals and sanctuary status must be forced to house at least two of them. See how willing they are then.
Yep, that pretty well sums up the 2 sides..... :-|
A quick read of her background, education and previous job experiences explains it all. Expect a slow demise for Eau Claire and Chippewa Falls with this unelected harpy making generational life changing decisions for the area.
Sorry to be brutal but illegals probably wouldn't think twice having their way with those girls. So clueless. So brainwashed.
I guess they ran out of places for Somalians to go in Minnesota. There are areas (or maybe it's just one) in Minneapolis/St. Paul area where it might as well just be Somalia, and they don't really make an effort to be American.
True, South Minneapolis, in the Ventura Village neighborhood where I recently moved from - largest Somali (aka Land Pirates) population in the country. Not far from George Floyd square and numerous homeless camps on vacant, city-owned lots. Currently crime is completely out of control due to said land pirates jacking cars and robbing and assaulting (mostly white females) at gun point on the daily, all day long. So glad to be out of that shithole Somaliapolis.
Those girls look like they're about 14. They have NO idea.
They will sadly be the first rape victims of the savages.
What happened to all the Afghan refugees at Fort McCoy? That was maddening! I work at a restaurant and one of its purveyors (Sysco) won the contract to feed the Afghan refugees brought to Fort McCoy. Sysco diverted their stock to feed them and was unable to supply products to restaurants in the area due to low/no inventory after the 8 semis of food was delivered weekly. Such crap! FBJ priority is killing ALL small businesses and stripping the opportunity to support yourself WITHOUT government help. Unfortunately, there’s no where to go or hide from this blanket infiltration. I pray it ends well for all, but thinking it will get much worse before it gets better.
I would not doubt that Fort McCoy is doing something with migrants still. History on this topic. https://time.com/6103628/afghan-refugee-resettlement-fort-mccoy/
So the girl with the yellow sign is a human trafficker.
White liberal women are the biggest threat to society. They hook line and sinker spew all the globalist talking points.
If this was a physical war I would treat her as an enemy combatant.
It's the women....sick of soy boys
The women need to house them in their own homes.
Black Pigeon Speaks did a great video about how women’s liberation leads to downfall of society. It’s a good watch.
Looks like pirate business is not as lucrative as occupying America
This is what happened pre-migrant flood in Europe around 2014-2015.
About 150 I.Q.
For all four of them combined
Sounds like the UK lol
Just moved out of Wisconsin. Damn. I'll make sure my Wisconsin pepes know about this.
Liberal faggots
Just like they did to Minnesota.
I wonder if there is a paint store near them. Accidentally trip infront of them with an open gallon of paint. Omg im so sorry. Heres a tissue, bye bye