Mike Lindell Announces his Case is Finally Going to the Supreme Court Next Friday at 3PM ET
“We’ve been waiting three long years for a breakthrough to the Supreme Court and now we have it.
The evidence we’re gonna drop you’re going to see on Friday is the most explosive you’ve ever seen.”
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!
OK God, you can pretty much tell...this, thy good and faithful servant Michael, has laid his entire life, career, fortune, and sacred honor on the line for his country. He's already apologized for being a drug addict, became a wildly successful and famous entrepreneur, and swore his life to Jesus. Now he's as broken as Job but still going strong in faith.
Maybe cut him a break here, Big Man? Maybe actually let him win? What's the worst that could happen—you know he's going to give you all the credit and glory anyway, so that's another win. Just think it over, OK? Thanx.
If any one since Job, has demonstrated his faith, his willingness to lay his fortune aside to stand up for what is right; this man is among the select few. I hope he reclaims his fortune, much more than 3 fold.
If this supreme court case goes through, I won't be the only one going to his website and buying his stuff. I don't even like his pillow, but I bought one to support him.
Same, well I still use the body pillow and case from MyPillow.
NO Greater Glory than when ONE lays down his life for his Fellow Man!!!!!!!!!
That is a VERY strong sentence to the character of Mike....God Speed and May the Archangel of Michael be riding on your Right Shoulder and Jesus on the Left Shoulder....
God Speed!!!!
AMEN friend - brought me to tears
The first paragraph of your prayer is good. The second paragraph is condescending. "Big Man"? Who in scripture can you ever see calling the Lord of Heaven and Earth "Big Man"? And then telling God to "think it over ok thanx." Would you speak to your boss or your earthly father like this? What about Trump? I understand we are to come boldly to the throne of grace but this does not mean we treat God as anything less than what He is.
I highly encourage you to reread Job and see how he treated God even amidst his dire situation. Only with reverence and respect.
I agree. God is not our bro. He is the all-knowing creator of the infinite universe. He deserves more reverence than we can even comprehend.
God meets us where we are. He is all forgiving and all loving. And we are supposed to follow his example.
Agreed with the other poster about respect, but the main poster was just using some levity in desperation.
Levity can lift spirits and make them stand back up again.
It is enjoyable to make atheists complain when saying something like "Big G God" too.
"Follow His example."
"Therefore be imitators of God dear children. And walk in love, as Christ also has loved and has given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling aroma..."
God has never talked to us condescendingly in scripture. Not even a hint toward those who love Him. Gave everything and died. A modicum of respect, you will agree, is due to God.
If I talk to God like he's my friend, what business is it of yours, Sparklefarts?
Maybe the supplications are said by a pacific islander?
Good grief. Holier than thou, much?? Ugh. What is with you intolerant, overly-critical religious folk. It's not at all endearing.
Aren't the "5 months" Trump said all would be over about coming due? I was thinking it was March or April.
He's the official Republican nominee, 5 months later
He's only the presumptive nominee. He won't be the official nominee until July 18.
He's the official one in our hearts.
Damn….he is the official POTUS in our hearts
Whatever. He's eliminated literally all other Republican candidates from the race, which is the point.
Decades ago, my best friend's mother was a wise old teacher who famously said, "A difference that makes no difference isn't much of a difference." ;)
Long past
Maybe I’m misremembering did he or did he not say around beginning of Covid time that it would all be over by April? I don’t recall the exact verbiage. But in conjunction with his 5 months comment it may mean something. And maybe it was just a plain ole reference to Covid. Speech was Feb 10, 2020
COVFEFE gave the explanation in his comment.
I must be missing it, I don’t see any that refer to Trump’s reference to April in the beginning of the pandemic. I do see his one about the 5 months and being the nominee, but not about the April reference. Am I missing it?
Nope, thou seeth well!
Mike's video message on this court case scheduled for Friday at 3pm for non X users.
Added context: There's been speculation this case will involve information from Tina Peters that was given to Mike at his original voter fraud symposium.
Awesome. Calirado needs some significant cleaning...like draino rotorooter bleach soaking cleaning. Please let this be true and help reduce the shitholian shit that Colorado has become. Amen..
I left the Adams County area in 2011, Moved to Kansas.. I'm glad I got to grow up in 90s-early 2000s Thornton/Northglenn/Denver etc - but... even if I could afford it these days I don't see myself being comfortable there anymore. It's not the same place I left.
Moved to CO in ‘92 for a job. Just before the fall of the state began with all mail in ballots, etc. we’re somewhat isolated being in the foothills but it’s slowly creeping our way. Some places in town look like Haiti without the BBQ humans...yet.
We’re planning an escape to the north. Wide open spaces hopefully.
I just spent a fair amount of time searching the Supreme Court website, using various search terms, and could not find anything to support this. If someone else can post a link that shows this is happening on Friday, or anytime in the future, I would appreciate it.
Here's the sauce, Fren...
Look at the very last item: Proceedings And Orders: Feb 26 2024 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due April 1, 2024) PetitionAppendixCertificate of Word CountProof of Service
Says response due April 1. So nothing officially is happening Friday? Lindell doing a press conference on the steps of the SC?
Edit: Watched him again. He says it can be seen on FrankSpeech at 3 pm, so it obviously is NOT a SC proceeding. He is making an announcement with the SC as a backdrop. Maybe this new evidence leads somewhere, but no SC ruling in the near future.
Yeah he says he's going to the steps of the Supreme Court and he's going to hand out stuff so not a supreme court case on Friday.
Isn't that a MyPillow case, and not the Arizona case?
It's probably not real. This dude pulls our strings all the time and never follows through with literally anything. Modern day Kim Dotcom.
Search for: Michael J. Lindell
A MyPillow case is the only thing I find under Lindell. The Arizona case is not a MyPillow case, correct?
At this point, I don't know. The US court system is a bit of a mystery to me sometimes :)
I don't see any March 15th, 2024 date?
Me either, all I see is Feb 26 2024 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due April 1, 2024)
Does anyone know the history of his case? Where was it originally filed? What a District and Appeals Court did it pass through? Has SCOTUS approved his Writ of Certiorari?
The Brunson case has been discussed in detail here, but I somehow missed the details of Mike’s case.
Per Lindellplan.com he references in the video above:
After three years of hard work, the Kari Lake and Mark Finchem v Hobbs lawsuit is finally able to be filed with the Supreme Court of the United States. The appeal calls for SCOTUS to issue a Writ of Certiorari to the lower courts which have thus far refused to address evidence of election manipulation using electronic voting systems. This case started in Arizona calling for an injunction against the machines featuring Kari Lake and Mark Finchem as plaintiffs. This case is very similar to Curling v Raffensberger case in Georgia that just went to trial in January. Maricopa County Judge Peter Thompson dismissed the lawsuit initially on the basis of standing and assertions that our claims were “speculative”. It was appealed to the Arizona Court of Appeals which affirmed the dismissal. An appeal to the Arizona Supreme Court also ended with affirmation of the dismissal. The case was then appealed this ruling to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals where the dismissal was once again affirmed. Several of the lawyers hired by the Lindell Offense Fund to pursue the case, which included Alan Dershowitz, were sanctioned.
But the law allows the introduction of additional evidence because the case was dismissed on standing. This new evidence is the most EXPLOSIVE EVER. The whole world can see it Thursday, March 14 when it is filed with the Supreme Court of the United States.
If anyone deserves a huge win its Mike Lindell! He represents so many of us, and he is indefatigable.
I agree- God bless Mike Lindell. I'm a Christian and I believe God gave him his ideas, business, and success to fight this fight in such a time as this. The left has so unfairly maligned him as stupid, he's lost so much money, and yet he KEEPS. ON. FIGHTING.
I don't think I could do it.
We are struggling in this economy but as soon as things are better I'll be buying more pillows, sheets, and towels. Mike deserves to get everything he's lost back and then some.
Thank you! I hope he’s successful, but skeptical.
So, new evidence. Does that mean the SC will just send it back down the chain for the lower court to hear the new evidence?
SCOTUS denied his hearing on Feb 29 and it isn't on the docket on March 15 or March 22.
I'm guessing this is trying to just raise money.
It’s not a case he’s on, it’s Lake v Hobbs and will be filed 3/14. Lindellplan.com as another commenter said.
Well, it's 3/15 ...
I am not an attorney so please forgive me, but the link says the case was docketed on Feb 29, 2024, not denied.
It appears the case was previously denied by the 8th circuit.
A response to the petition for a writ of certiorari is due April 1, 2024.
God Bless Mike Lindell, President Donald Trump, his wife, family, legal team, friends, Q followers, the Voters that support Trump, the Military that supports the Constitution and Trump, Law Enforcement that too supports the Constitution and Trump, most of all Trumps security team and their families too, God Bless America, Bless the missing children and you the reader Too.🙏
6 year delta:
Time to give back the fucking diamonds, LFG!!!
If this works, I can't wait to see Kimmel lose his shit after he mocked Mike on his show.
On his website Lindell says presenting evidence from the STEPS of the Supreme Court. Doesn’t look like anything I’m willing to get excited about.
Here is the SC case covering the election fraud in Michigan. The last filing in this case was in Feb 2024, they have been fighting this case for 4 years. There is a massive amount of evidence submitted in PDF form. Sidney Powell and others are now being sanctioned for attorney fees by the defense. Now we see evidence being exposed by a Sheriff in Michigan. It seems these election fraud cases are pushed through the judicial system to show the injustice and expose the corruption, then at last minute, truth pops up to expose the rot within the system.
I'd love to see Mike Lindell as Trumps Press secretary, or even Vice President.
I think he'd be more effective by doing the things he's doing now - being an independent voice from the private sector.
"Friday at 3 pm live from the steps of the supreme court." I love Mike. He's put his whole life into getting the truth out and getting out vote back. Questions, though: I thought cases were on a schedule - is this case scheduled for Fri? Why report from the steps of SCOTUS when the case is being heard inside?
There is no case
Lindell is going to be on the steps of the Supreme Court handing out something or other. It's not official. He's essentially holding a press conference.
Looking at the docket someone posted in the last document in it. It's a Writ of Certiorari He's basically asking the Supreme Court to review his last decision which went against him. But that's not a supreme court case. The supreme court has yet to decide if it's taking up his case.
And very few of these cases get taken up
Ok, Pillowman. I sure hope this time the truth bomb goes off. He’s launched some duds over the last three years. I’ve bought all my friends MyPillow stuff to help keep this patriot in the fight. Let’s hope this time something sticks!
Please, lots of prayers from all of us…
I’m buying new sheets and towels today !
Mike put his $ where his mouth is…..let’s send him some back….
I love this man
Only 11 more days! Better than two moar weeks I guess.
Ok, so there are a lot of good q drops/deltas for Friday 3/15...
Here's a few..
We just bought a second mattress from him for a spare bedroom. I wouldn't buy my stuff anywhere else if Mike sells it.
Praying for You, Mike.
Not getting excited about another “we got them this time” from Mike. I will believe it when or if it happens.
The longst 2 weeks ever, but still pulling for him, just because he's never faltered.
It'd be nice to believe but he says this shit all the time and nothing ever happens.
Still waiting for that massive "Explosive bombshell" that we were supposed to get in March 2021. The day came and went without a peep by anybody.
So is he a good guy or bad guy?
Think this is old....SCOTUS already rejected it once.
No this is new.
Are you implying people didn't think politicians lie?
Thinking and seeing are completely different.