Here we go again... look at this BS! - Liam Neeson and Glenn Close Perform Chilling Readings of the Trump Indictments. - A new podcast unpacks the specifics of Donald Trump's charges, relying on the A-list actors to emphasize their gravity. (sorry about the source, link to podcast in comments)
🧠 These people are stupid!
"They thought we would follow the stars"
It ain't gonna work.
Yeah, as if your problem is you just don't FEEL THE SERIOUSNESS of this. If you could just know how seriously actors take themselves, then you'd understand how desperately, pathetically SERIOUS it all is.
God bless President Donald Trump, his wife, family, legal team, friends, Q followers, the Voters that support Trump, the Military that supports the Constitution and Trump, Law Enforcement that too supports the Constitution and Trump, most of all Trumps security team and their families too, God Bless America, Bless the missing children and you the reader Too.🙏
I don’t go to movies been going years and years, I don’t have cable, I do own a tv with rabbit ears, get 10 channels old stuff like westerns, very old show (movies in black and white from the 40ies, 50ies, 60ies. The news have the channels block. Fuck the Chinese and the Jewish Gay Hollywood crap.
Why, just why?
Also: Glenn Close always looks like a man in drag.
Still kept the man's name too lol
Right in our faces....disgusting.
Right? They are just stupid, they must not have anything else up their sleeves.
Now adays prolly is
I had to stare for a long time to be sure she wasn’t actually Liam Neeson.
That photo couldn’t resolve it, but eventually remembered someone would probably notice if she was 6’4”.
Maybe they’re cousins, though?
Wait'll Liam finds out that Anons have a "very particular set of skills..."
...he was the voice of 'Aslan' in the 'Disney', he's no Aslan that's for sure.
And i liked Liam as an actor but their politics always comes out ,but you ever noticed that the real big iconic actors are mostly conservatives like ,JOHN WAYNE ,CLINT EASTWOOD ,MEL GIBSON ,ANDY GRIFFITH,DORIS DAY,TOM SELLECK,SAM ELLIOT ,JAMES GARNER ,i could go on and on.been noticing that youtube and pandora have been really pushing Bribem commercial's ,have yet to hear any Trumps on those platforms.
How nice of MSNBC to leak two more names that will appear in the Epstein logs.
I used to like Liam neesom movies, but now he is just… garbage.
Did you know Liam Nissan pees his pants? There are multiple photos; it's not a one off.
He probably thought Billy Madison was right when he covered for that kid who peed his pants. He thought it was sound advice, since he seems to think fiction is reality.
Huh! I'd never heard that, but just looked it up. That is downright weird.
Once in a while I'll get a little wet spot because I'm in such a dang hurry and didn't properly shake but it looks like he just tucks it back in mid stream. "Eh, that's probably good enough."
I think he must get drunk a lot and have urinary incontinence and is so high or drunk he doesn't notice when he does it. One can imagine that he must smell of urine quite often. Since his wife Natasha died in that skiing accident in 2009, he hasn't remarried. Maybe the women want nothing to do with him now because he's a mental mess.
Knowing that Neeson is compromised by the death cult makes you wonder if his wife really died in a 'skiing accident', doesnt it?
I've had the same thought. Although the story was that they were skiing together, she took a fall and hit her head and thought she was OK and then a few hours later developed a severe headache, they air lifted her to the hospital, but she died from a brain bleed. Sounds like a genuine accident, but I always look at things with a keen eye...
Was she a sacrifice for A-Listing, just asking?
Damn! I always enjoyed his movies now I'll have to add him to my no view for you list!
Damn..I liked his acting
I know I did too, it's like some of these long time actors that we liked in movies are coming out of the closet as demshits. When this happens, I feel like... well another actor just died in my eyes, because I will never watch another movie with them in it again. Felt the same way about Kevin Costner when he wore that tshirt about Cheney.
Clint still clean
Hercules will always be Hercules for me.
Oh sure he wasn't as big, but he was big.
Are you referring to Sorbo? Like him.
Sorbo is one of the good ones. It's why his career never took off in Hollyweird (but he still works steadily and produces faith based content).
Bought off..
sold off............they sold their souls.
Can't sell something they didn't pay for. Best they can do is give their souls to the devil for free. They certainly do not receive anything but an illusion in return.
they sell their souls for fame and fortune.
Not a good return on investment if that's the case. The devil has nothing but lies to offer.
Really think about it. Most actors have to be very weird people. They play someone else all the time. I believe it's a profession that leads to being mentally unstable. Also, as one that broke free from wanting to be an actor, so I saw this first hand in college, for the most part morality is not their strong suit. Now it comes out that most of them are totally bought off swamp creatures. So glad I ran the other way.
Given the nature of the job, having a strong foundation would be fairly antithetical to excellence.
Prevents a bunch of roles right out the gate from the scripts. Prevents most of the rest by refusing to service lube jobs for the likes of Roman Polanski and Harvey Weinstein.
Probably some stuff about less experiential base to draw on and whatnot too, but mostly the lube. Those dudes own a lot of cars, you know.
Glenn Close looks like a man.. weird
Liam Neelson really? So stupid..can't judge a book by its cover I guess
Probably broke. He does a lot of B,C movies. At this age and status I don’t think he would do those unless he’s broke.
You're right.. just like Nicolas Cage. These people make a million and spend $990k, leaving them with very little cash and back taxes on estates.
To me, it seems someone's brain has been Taken.
They willingly traded their brains for fame and fortune and became slaves.
Lmao, is that all they got? Two hack actors? Tell me without saying it who controls hollywood.
They are just putting lipstick on a fake charges pig.
Oh fuck off, whores all of you. I'd like to see you read off accusations about Biden. Perhaps ask who the Big Guy is. Maybe ask why he is showering with kids.
I wouldn’t trust him to protect my daughters from being abducted.
Cool- remember this and as facts come out on these satanic pedophiles, we turn around and do the same. I never looked up to these assholes because I don't like narcissists. Those that cry the loudest..
He's looking rough! Liam too
Why would anyone listen to the elites who are part of the problem?
Once respect for their craft now members of the who the heck cares society.
Sorry about the horrible source but there weren't many sources to go with. And the podcast appears to be on Apple.
Who would listen to these, only those people with severe cases of trump derangement syndrome, probably the only thing that can help them sleep at night
Fuck Liam neeson - ahole makes shit ton of coin running around playing pretend with guns, then whines about guns. "Americans and your guns" Fuck you. You limey cunts aren't mature enough to handle the responsibility. Hope you get stabbed with a rusty pair of scissors if they're still legal there. Be sure to wear your face diaper when you turn in your kitchen knives to your local mooslim magistrate.
I hope Jimmy Dore does one of his prank calls with Liam Neeson soon.
When actors need to read manuscripts and fake charges, you can be assured you’re still winning.
Keep this in mind: Trump knows this is theatrics, we know it, the justice system knows it, politicians know it, all media personnel, talk show hosts, Hollywood, and most citizens of the U.S. know this is all theatrics. Zero crimes committed by Trump, fabricated fake charges, and yet nothing will stop President Trump from winning this election and resuming his presidency.
Hopefully, all the lying media, Hollywood pedophiles, corrupt politicians, swampy 3-letter-agencies, judge Engoron, AG L. James, Fani Willis and more will stand trial and be executed for their treason and election interference. It is fair and righteous that they be put to death for the world to see. We will have closure. NCSWIC…..
In the past an event such as this one could or would be a two hour PBS/NPR fundraising event...but it's only a podcast this time...the mighty are falling...😁
What idiots... the world is finally waking up to these controlled phonies...
Charges? The 'guilty until proven innocent' liberal/communist mantra that assumes guilt, with ZERO proof of a crime is called treason.
Evil fuckers. Will not watch anything they are on.
List is growing.
There goes my coffee into the toilet!
Living in their world of make believe.... still pretending the world gives a rip about their opinions.
Over the past few years, I learned about and been sickened by the rampant depravity in Hollywood.
So, my rule now is that anyone from Hollywood is a pedophile and/or an MK ULTRA sex slave unless I have reason to believe otherwise.
I have found that it saves on the disappointment later. Plus, I end up looking for something else to do instead feeding at the Hollywood slop trough.
“award-winning” “Chilling?” How about two washed up, out of work losers spewing hatred, anti- American propaganda and lies?
Dang. I guess that removes Liam's movies from my limited movie list. Liam dont have the skills to take on Jacob McCandles, so buh bye Liam.
I'm glad they did that. It helps to point out the scumbags in Hollywood.