Comments (91)
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Cholesterol is a precursor for testosterone. That's why they want to lower your cholesterol.
And it is also brain food.
Statins have caused alzheimers. Your brain need cholesterol.
Many parts of the body needs cholesterol, It is a vital component to a healthy life
And healing and repair of the body.
Yes! Your brain needs cholesterol to stay lecethin!!
They also cause erectile dysfunction.
I've heard that ED is one of the first signs of cardio-vascular disease.
Want to lower cholesterol? Stop eating sugar
Its not even about lowering Cholesterol. Its about just wanting to be healthy.
"Want to be healthy? Stop eating sugar (and consuming alcohol)" -> Is my goto phrase these days when people complain about their health.
Cholesterol itself has been falsely correlated with risk for heart diseases ever since the Massachusetts study paper that was published in 70s that was jumped on by the fraudulent scienctists who picked and pulled numbers to push narratives. One of the narrative was the cholesterol dangers.
This gave rise to a whole host of narratives - Meat is bad for you, Fat is the worst thing, Pushing seed oils, Veganism etc etc, and at the same time it also allowed Big Pharma to make billions by pushing toxins like Statins and cause people to actually become sick and make them dependant on medication for the rest of their lives.
Exactly. One of the main jobs of cholesterol is repairing arteries. Why do we get clogged arteries? It is not from eating fat. It is not from eating food with cholesterol in it. The body will only absorb dietary cholesterol if it cannot produce enough serum cholesterol. What is sugar? It is a crystal structure. When you have have sugar coursing through your body, it damages the walls of the veins and arteries. Cholesterol is produced to repair these cuts and tears. Two things that people with Type 2 diabetes deal with are damage to the tiny veins and capillaries in the feet and eyes, and neuropathy of the hands and feet. Amputation of the feet and blindness are the main outcomes of uncontrolled type 2 diabetes. I dropped my high cholesterol and HBA1C sugar level in 3 months to a normal range. My doctor could not believe it! How did I do it? Diet and exercise. Low carb (dense carbs only), high fat (animal) and protein. That's it. No great secret. Also, statins occur naturally in nature in the foods we eat. But the BIG offender here is SUGAR
You’re correct that it is simple, once you learn the truth, but unfortunately it is still a great secret to most people.
not as much a secret as it is an addiction. Even if we know sugar is bad for us.......
As we grow older our bodies tell us clues that we do not need to consume sugar in large quantities.
More frequent urination is a sign of your body trying to rid of excessive sugar which is also a marker for pre diabetes being a possibility.
Bottom line is that we do not need a lot of sugar in our diets as we grow older. Most of the elder people I know that live long lives rely on protein (eg chicken), fiber, and fats from chicken and pork to round out their diet with one large meal being their early supper (eg 4-5 PM) and smaller breakfasts and lunches with tiny snacks.
Early supper? If you can sleep on an empty stomach, more power to ya. There's no one size fits all with this nutrition stuff. Something that works for one person may not work for someone else.
I clarified that is what I have seen the elderly do by eating an early dinner. Now there are some elderly that do eat late dinners. But that is more common in European countries than USA or Canada.
Most arterial blockages are not caused by cholesterol, but by calcium. Vitamin K2 will not only help to maintain healthy blood clotting function but will also prevent and even reverse the blockages by relocating the calcium to places it's supposed to be like bones, teeth, and muscles.
They've lied to us about cholesterol causing heart disease for our entire lifetimes so they could put us on statins for the rest of our lives. Prior to the death jabs, statins were big pharma's biggest money maker for decades. Statins are also guaranteed to cause permanent liver damage eventually, which is why they test your blood constantly when you're on statins.
Over the counter pain meds like acetaminophen and ibuprofen are hard on the liver as well.
While regular aspirin is extremely safe when compared to the first two.
So why do hospitals push the former?
The only thing I ever hear is that aspirin acts like a blood thinner.
Oh great 😒
All cooked vegetables are metabolized as glucose, and have the same effect as sugar. Less concentrated perhaps, but very damaging over time, just like sugar.
What is a ‘dense carb’? Thanks for the intel, I’m about halfway to getting my diet/exercise right.
Sorry, I meant to say complex. Dense carbs you want to stay clear of. Complex carbs take longer to digest and, thus, reduce the spike...especially when eaten with meat. Another interesting phenomenon is honey. Honey has TWO types of sugar- glucose and fructose. I can eat small amounts of honey, and it does not affect my blood sugar. This is good because honey never goes bad (unless there are contaminants), so it has a very long shelf life
That's what I heard. They funded the whole campaign against evil eggs.
Eggs is one of the best super foods we can eat. I eat 4 eggs most days.
About 50 years ago, the cereal industry tested powdered eggs and came up with the findings that it caused high cholesterol. Then they marketed the hell out of that. When I was at a doctor's office getting my blood pressure tested, I asked the nurse if it was true that your brain is 75% cholesterol. She said "try 80" I was shocked. I asked "what does the cholesterol lowering drugs to to your brain?" She said "exactly" She wouldn't talk much, but she definitely was conflicted in her job.
Sugar companies worked hand in hand with the American diabetes association to skew the numbers. A few years back, my doctor told me that the ADA gave the go ahead for the Department of Transportation to up the max A1C in truckers to 9%! That is 212 mg/dL average blood glucose level. That is insane when you think about a driver with up to 80,000 pounds weight barreling down the highway. The system is just corrupt. The real studies have been done in Europe.
Ding ding ding ding ding!!!
YES! Stop eating sugar. Stop eating overly processed foods. Make it at home. It is BBQ season in AZ) or very soon for most, so, fire up the grill, throw your favorite meat, chicken, seafood and vegetables and start enjoying life. Grab the salt shaker too. Not that salt in the blue box with the girl and umbrella on the label, but quality sea salt, (I get my salts and pepper from Redmond Salt in Utah).
Get out in the sunshine and drink water. Enjoy life.
You don't have to stop eating sugar. Limiting it is fine.
Why give up something like ice cream forever?
The Truth about Cholesterol and Heart Disease - Dr Anthony Chaffee MD
In my recent debate on Cholesterol with ACNEM, I made the case that we have completely gotten it wrong about cholesterol causing heart disease, as did my two colleagues, both cardiologists, Dr Aseem Malhotra and Dr Ross Walker. We won by 86% of the vote. In this talk I go through my arguments against cholesterol causing heart disease, and show the hard evidence to support my case. References are provided below to many of the studies mentioned, the others can be looked up by name and author given in the talk.
I had my doctor tell me at the last visit that fish oil in a larger than recommended daily amount are just as effective as statins, and they know it.
The doc recommended four thousand mg a day. I still don't do near that much because I don't need it. I have never tested high on cholesterol in my life.
15 years ago, my triglycerides were through the roof (> 500). Lovaza, a prescription fish oil, was given to me for two or three months. My doctor had lots of free samples of it since it was new. In three months, my triglycerides fell below 100. Fish oil is some powerful stuff, for sure.
Edit: my daily dose was 4g, just like what your doctor recommended.
The Inuit Eskimos subsist on mostly fish and seal, and whale.. Yet, their cholesterol levels are very low and heart disease not common. Two things from that: humans do not require plants to survive, and meat is good for you. We are, after all, primarily carnivorous.
Cholesterol doesn't cause heart disease.
That’s a great doctor and highly unusual.
Statins are death. Literally.
Statins are a complete and total waste of time. Yet another Big Pharma lie
I quit statins 5 or so months ago. Chilesterol is up, no doubt that statins lower the number.
The issue is there is no proof that high cholesterol causes heart disease.
I think onky 25% heart attacks have high cholesterol
Hope I am doing the right thing. I second guess it often.
Don't second guess it. Cholesterol does not cause heart disease. Cholesterol is critical to good health.
Take Bergamot it lowers cholesterol just as well as prescription meds.
Also Berberine
So does cayenne…
High cholesterol can do damage which can lead to higher blood pressure but that presumes a person isn't active physically and also consumes a lot of sugars too.
Sumo wrestlers consume a lot of calories and cholesterol but they are also burning a lot of energy as they are active. And they definitely do not consume a lot of sugars other than carbohydrates. Carbohydrates do not instantly become fat when consumed as your body will use as energy if needed first. Also carbohydrates help with water retention and that is important for athletes.
This is why even the most dedicated athletes that cut still macro carbs in their diets. Carbs are necessary just as much as fats and proteins but it requires a balance and understanding your body.
thanks I am not active like an athlete, but I try to get cardio in 4+ times per week and some weight training too. I monitor my blood pressure it is a little high, but not too bad.
That is good and that is all we can do. We know our bodies best and what they respond too.
I am very sluggish if I eat white carbs but any other carbs and I am energized. And carbs do not instantly turn into fat so if you are active a balance of carbs, protein and fats is the key.
Some people do better with higher fat or protein intake. Or even go full carnivore so each person is different for their needs.
Best post in the thread. There is no one size that fits all.
One of the stigmas of type 2 diabetes is that being overweight causes it. Being fat is a symptom, not a cause. Type 2 is insulin resistance. When the body does not use the insulin to transport the sugar into the cells, it is converted to fat and stored in the body. Insulin is referred to as the Fat Hormone.
Bottom line:
If you're on a Statin: STOP!!
If you're NOT: Don't start!
Our elders grew up on things like bacon and eggs, even sopping up bacon grease to fry the eggs and coat the bread. My grandfather did that damn near daily and lived to his early 90's. He would have lasted longer but he also had an affinity for Jack - Neat.
We learn a lot from our elders. Bet he was always active and full of life.
Our elders (well, mine anyway, I am old) lived shorter lives too. However, that was usually do to limited medical care and very hard work which broke the bodies down quickly.
What do you do for medical expenses? Pay as you go is great as long as you have no big expenses. Concierge doctors are great and most tests are negotiated to 1/10th or so of the price. Hospital visits can be CRAZY expensive though. How do you handle that? Been looking into canceling mine as well since they don’t really pay anything.
My hospital stay 2 years ago would have cost me $795,000. However, with insurance, the total cost was around $350,000 with my part being $4700 out-of-pocket max
I don't know why anyone here would go to the hospital or doctor or even buy over the counter medication.
We all know how evil and corrupt the medical industry is. Why would you trust the same people who are peddling the clot shot to tell you the truth about any other health issue?
Over the counter medication is made by Big Pharma. People seem to forget that. Or they think because it's cheap or because they don't need a prescription that it's ok. But it's made by the same big pharma companies that make all the other garbage you wouldn't take.
Almost every modern health problem can be solved by eating a proper diet, exercising, not smoking, not drinking, and perhaps an herbal remedy here and there for stubborn issues.
Other than for serious injuries, there is no reason to ever darken the doorstep of a hospital or doctor's office.
Just my non-doctor opinion, of course.
Cholesterol is a repair molecule that will go to wherever there is inflammation, it is why it can clog up arteries, removing it is still like blaming firefighters for a fire.
Anti-statins draw cholesterol out of the bloodstream, by causing inflammation of the liver.....
So, one MORE thing they are trying to shove into people that cause inflammation just like plant oils and many other things they are trying to tell people are 'healthy'
It is the inflammation that is the real problem, systemic inflammation has become a 'normal' ailment as people age, arthritis and inflammation of joints likewise....
And when they prescribe statins and remove the firemen the fire rages.
Let the cholesterol put the fire out as you reduce the crap in your diet and the cholesterol in the blood will go back to the fire station.
I heard a doctor say all this in a video.
Great analogy.
If not on truth social, nothing will display. Can someone copy and paste the gist of the article?
Cholesterol is the building block for brain cells especially. ✅
Without it, it's only a matter of a few years to get Alzheimers/dementia, MS, Parkinsons, Prions... all from lacking the nutrients we can only get from certain foods. ✅
👉🏼 All foods that doctors have been telling to eat less of.
Fat free lifestyle guarantees decline in mental health. ✅
We need a diet very high in good fats, eggs, fatty fish, meats etc…
u/CasuallyObservant Includes a video clip of Barbara O'Neill of Living Waters Retreat in Australia talking about the necessity of fats and oils. (Esp coconut oil and olive oil)
" lady said, 'Aren't they high in fat?' I said, 'Yes, isn't that good?' The fattiest organ in the body is the brain, and the fattiest food with the highest cholesterol content is breast milk, because the developing brain must have cholesterol and must have fat. Cholesterol causing heart disease, fat causing heart disease is a myth.
"Please contact me if you find otherwise. There's a book called the Great Cholesterol Hoax by Dr Malcolm Kendrick: he's a cardiovascular British surgeon. All the surgeons, all the heart surgeons have always been skeptical of this myth—that fat and cholesterol cause heart disease—because they have patients that have heart attacks with low cholesterol levels. Now you don't hear that one do you?
"And the pharmaceutical companies make a lot of money out of you if you're on cholesterol-lowering medication. Are you ready for the side-effects of cholesterol-lowering medication?
"Dementia? Memory loss?
"Muscle wasting? Young men who love their muscles, you'll be interested in that one; old people who should also love their muscles.
"The Devil has spun us a lie. Drugs don't cure disease: they just change the form and location of the disease. 1,700 cases of Alzheimer's are being diagnosed in Australia every week in Australia. Is it because of this cholesterol-lowering myth? Is it because of the fat-free diet?
"You get your concordance and do a Bible study on olive oil. God wants us to eat good fats. What are the best fats? The fats that have been used for centuries. Coconut oil and olive oil came from the hands of the Creator, because they are squeezed from the plant, easily though. No I don't make my own, but you can buy extra virgin olive oil. I said to my hostess this morning—when she brought out the rye bread, I said, 'Do you have olive oil?' She said, 'Yes,' and I poured a good teaspoon all over my bread—beautiful. And then on top I had almond spread and then slices of tomato and lots of fresh basil—very nice."
THIS! ☝️
Well said! 👏 u/moodyblue
Your welcome.
That explains the soy boys.
My mom went on cholesterol pills and now she has diabetes.
Statins can cause diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and many other side effects including memory loss, brain fog, muscle pain and more. It is well documented statins can increase blood sugar levels but most of the sites I looked at say “benefits outweigh the risks” which is total BS. So you may not have high cholesterol but you could still have a heart attack (many people who have “normal” cholesterol have heart attacks.) I was going to link to some sites to show the risks and side effects, but I don’t trust any of them. But, I would suggest your mom go on a low carb diet and get herself off this poison.
High cholesterol can be hereditary and also can be elevated from having high cortisol levels. That’s the stress hormone. It is so much better to focus on lowering inflammatory conditions and a big cause of this is having a diet high in carbs or more plainly, sugar. There is a high association between insulin resistance and heart disease. Again, I don’t know who to cite on here because I don’t trust much of the health community but an interesting and very informative person to follow is Dr Eric Berg on YT. He helped me change my diet and chronic pain and my metabolic profile is now optimal. It bothers me your mom directly got a condition from taking statins but now know she can be helped.
My mom is from a generation when you never question what a dr says. Plus she’s a foreigner (US citizen now) who puts drs on a pedestal. So getting her to change is a challenge but she did listen to me about not getting the vax 🙏🏼. I also told her to stop getting the flu shot and she listened. So there’s been progress. Yes high cholesterol is hereditary . My dr wanted me to go on statins. I’ve been changing my diet instead of taking meds. I’m due for blood work soon. Cutting sugar has been a big challenge. I’m sticking with apples, berries, bananas to curb my cravings. No breads, pasta or rice. Will definitely look up Dr. Berg. Thanks
Yeah, I hear ya. So many people are like this. But all you can do is try to inform. You’re doing the best you can.
Take a look at dr Berg and see what he says about it. Loads of good videos. Cutting bread, pasta and rice is huge. That’s probably been the hardest for me but there are alternatives and I don’t miss it anymore. Cutting out beer was a game changer, as well. Anyway, good luck on your journey. It’s a very positive one.
Huzzah! A post of quality.
Cane sugar or beet sugar is better (what my grandparents used). Any vegetable oil will break down into transfat when heat is applied. Avocado, Virgin Olive and Grapeseed oils are better for cooking, They have high heat indexes. Personally, I like to cook with bacon fat. Processed foods of any kind, IMHO, are bad for you. Pick up a power bar that says it is diabetic "friendly". One of the first ingredients is maltodextrose, which is a sugar and will increase your BGL. Low carb sweetners like Stevia are often packaged with maltodextrose, so, while they may be low carb, they are NOT diabetic friendly. That means they aren't very good for you. Raw stevia extract doesn't phase my blood sugar at all.
Save for later thanks
Thanks so much, fren
An excerpt from "Lies My Doctor Told Me, Medical Myths That Can Harm Your Health" by Dr. Ken D Berry, MD, FAAFP regarding cholesterol:
"This embarrassing lie - an awful example of medical research and medical science gone wrong, should make patients question every word coming out of their doctors' mouths. Neither common sense nor meaningful research has ever been allowed to play much of a part of this controversial subject.
The common sense concerning this lie is much different from what doctors and the media have taught us. Cholesterol is essential for all animal life. Almost every single cell in your body produces it. Cholesterol makes up at least a third of the cell membrane of every one of your cells. Without cholesterol, none of the cells in your body, including those making up your heart and brain, would function properly. Your body also uses cholesterol as the framework molecule to make vitamin D and all of your sex hormones.
Never so completely has the practice of medicine been hijacked, brainwashed, and made to do the bidding of Big Pharma as when it comes to the cholesterol theory and the medications that lower cholesterol levels. The retelling of this lie is so unbelievable that I won't blame you one bit if you doubt what I say here and must confirm it for yourself. I encourage you to verify the information I tell you about this lie (and all the others)".
He recommends these two books for further personal research:
"The Great Cholesterol Myth" by Jonny Bowden and Stephen Sinatra, MD (2015)
"The Cholesterol Myths: Exposing the Fallacy that Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease" by Uffe Ravnskov, MD/PHD (2000)
Side Note - I highly recommend Dr. Berry's Book I referenced above in my intro to this post.
Anyone got a link with solid science on this?
A Midwestern Doctor has a great substack and has written on statis and a host of other Rx. Link is to a post that is a kind of index.
That is good and all but i do not see any proposed solution, like you have high LDL (190) while your HDL/triglycerides are normal, what are you supposed to do?
Meanwhile based on the diet you barely even eat anything which makes no sense.
I took a teaspoon of honey mixed with cinnamon to make a paste and a fish oil pill every day. Fixed my numbers in 4 months. It was quite a few years ago so I don't remember how high my numbers were but my doc was impressed.
LDL alone is nothing. The key is the LDL to HDL ratio that matters. I have a closer to "high" LDL, but a higher HDL. The ratio is within the "limits".
I want to believe this, and went off statins 2 yrs ago because my mom died of dementia. I quit sugar and flour two years ago. Only eat produce from the local market and our own farm raised meat with no chemicals, don't eat anything processed. But just got out of the hospital from sepsis and kidney stones, and my bp and cholesterol are off the charts. My thought is, who decides the numbers for the blood work, i.e. who determined what the normal range is we are supposed to strive for? Its not my diet, what else can I do? My cholesterol has been very hgh since I went off the statns 2 yrs ago, so it's not because of the sepsis. My kid aren't awake yet as to our political world, now they question whether I'm a wacko on the health too. Maddening.
How much exercise do you do? Also, I was in the hospital 2 years ago with covid viral pneumonia, streptococal (bacterial) pneumonia, and sepsis (from bed sores) while on a ventilator. My numbers were really high because they had me on a regime of insulin to counteract the IV feed (mostly sugar). My body rejected the feed tube, so to keep me barely breathing I was given the IV mix. I was all out of whack. When I went in, I was healthy and everything in control. I still haven't fully recovered, but exercise with a good diet is getting me there. Resistance training has been the biggest factor.
Thank you! I have a mini farm so i do exercise but I'm going to try and up that in my routine. Im intrigued about the extra fish oil too. You survived the ventilator?? Good for you!!
I was on a ventilator for 3 weeks. Once I was done, I was told I would never walk again without assistance, or breathe normally again without oxygen. So far, I have not used either. Also, out of 27 people on my covid ward, I am the only one that survived. AND, I was the ONLY one NOT vaccinated! Approximately 80% of people on ventilators do not survive. God was not ready for me to come home yet.
That's a great response!