My high cholesterol was found at 3yo. At that time in my life I was allergic to milk and eggs, supposedly 2 of the most high in cholesterol foods. Around 5yo, I overheard my Dad tell a friend that if they didn't get my numbers down, I would have a heart attack. That stuck with me my whole life.
By 7yo, I was reading ingredients labels. I can't remember tasting a real egg yolk before the age of 16. I went to have blood taken every 6 months my entire life. My numbers never got below 200, and usually stayed around 250-280. My drs. wanted me to try statins, and I did briefly, but I had the side effects of severe body aches, so I stopped them. My drs. were not happy. I began researching cholesterol and what it means for the body, and tests began to be able to differentiate between good (hdl) and bad (ldl) cholesterol. Turns out I had extremely high good cholesterol.
I brought this to my Dr's attention, but it seemed to hold no weight and I only got more doom and gloom. But I knew for myself and I mostly trusted in my own instincts. Recently, I was sent for this CTA scan due to my age and my most recent cholesterol numbers of 241. I was glad to do it because I would finally know the condition of my heart and arteries.
LOOK AT THESE RESULTS! I'm done. I have been eating whatever I want for the last few years. Lots of butter and bacon and eggs, because of my research. I try to stay away from a lot of processed foods and do my own cooking. Stopped using seed oils. My hdl is still extremely high. I've never felt a bit of trouble with my heart in 57 years.
I got a follow up call from the cardiologist. I'm thinking they need to do a case study on me, but nope. They want me to start an injectable cholesterol medication to get my ldl below 70. I refused. I was really disappointed in their response to such good scan results. SMH.
I am at peace, finally, not just with my health, but with my discernment and trust in my own instincts. Trust the science? Science is made up of theories which are supposed to be tested to prove or disprove, but that isn't happening and medicine is based on faulty test results being published in some medical journal and then followed by AMA as THE STANDARD. These Dr's do not question, and they don't like it when you do. They are lemmings and it's a fucking shame.
There is ZERO evidence that eating food high in cholesterol makes your cholesterol go up. Someone made that up. If your body is working properly, you simply poop the cholesterol out. The foods that the American Medical Association tells us not to eat because "cholesterol" are nutritionally dense and easy to digest. The foods the AMA encourages us to eat are less nutritious and high in toxins (making them hard to digest) that can actually cause body damage. My cholesterol went DOWN by a LOT when I switched from the AMA recommended diet (grains, beans, seed oils, etc) to a diet high in saturated fats.
Cholesterol is very important in our bodies for brain function and creation of sex hormones. The AMA has set the cholesterol number artificially low in order to push their drugs and to keep our bodies from properly functioning (thus insuring we are chronically ill and need their drugs daily/doctors monthly).
High (or low) cholesterol is a red flag that something else is wrong in your body. It is only a red flag. Saying cholesterol "causes" heart problems is like saying firemen must be setting fires because they are at every fire. The reality is that high cholesterol may indicate heart problems, but it can also indicate thyroid problems or kidney problems, amongst other things.
Yes, inflammation is caused from sugars/carbohydrates oxidizing and therefore causing cell damage. The cholesterol comes to the rescue in the form of a "Band-Aid" to facilitate in repairing the damage.
Our liver naturally makes 1000 mg of cholesterol a day. One egg is 200 mg of cholesterol. If you eat that egg your liver will make only 800 mg of cholesterol. Our body balances it out naturally. There is absolutely no need for statins or any other drugs that are man-made, it is all just profit for the pharmaceutical companies and to keep us sick in order to keep them in profit.
The old herbal remedies have not been taught or carried on to teach to the masses in Western culture.
Doctors are only taught what the "powers that be" want them to learn and the masses are taught to listen to the authorities because they "know better".
Good doctors are out there!
People need to wake up and use discernment and to not rely on the "authorities" for information. Especially after the covid scamdemic.
You touch on a subject I speak of a lot with friends and family. Not knowing your background, you may not put a lot of faith in God. I am here to tell you He has provided all we need. If you put your faith in God and consume the natural materials He made for us you will live YOUR longest life and be the healthiest YOU can be. If you put your faith in man-made copies of what He made for you, not so much. This goes across the entire spectrum. Diet, medicine, money (gold-check the rate of return of gold vs the stock market), decision making, life etc., PERIOD. He knows us best and gave us an instruction manual on how to live our best. Shalom. That word has deep meaning.
I also followed my own advice and my cholesterol has "hovered" SOMEWHERE around the normal range...AND I eat eggs/bacon/meat (in moderation) BUT I am on a diet that consists of proteins and NO DAMN BREADS OF ANY KIND....or other things that are processed...
When I changed my diet, I gave up grains. I do still make certain kinds of breads (such as Brazilian cheese bread made from tapioca flour), and I am certain that the lack of grains has helped with my cholesterol going down. My high cholesterol was due to kidney problems, and grains are hard on the kidneys as they are high in toxins.
I forgot to add that I have a gluten intolerance just enough to cause an issue...once I found that out and the connection to was an easy decision!!!!. I also found out by a doctor that getting off the grains will get rid of the waist "fat" --the "rubber tire" the becomes pronounced as one gets older...WOWZA!!!
I'm perfectly healthy because I don't go to the doctor. Healthy foods, activity learning. Last doctor I saw was an orthopedic surgeon 25 years ago but I made an exception because I had a bone poking out of my arm.
You're right and I hate it because it gives criminals an out - " just doin muh job ". It aids in one of our biggest problems in this world. No accountability = no change.
I'm old enough to remember when margarine hit the market and was touted as heart-healthy because it had no saturated fat. Everyone switched from butter to margarine because the drs and the TV told them to. Now we know it was full of transfats, was invented from petroleum by-products as an ant attractant and poison. Nothing but butter in my house for over a decade.
Margarine is made from hydrogenated soybean or other seed oils not petroleum products.
You're thinking of petroleum jelly (Vaseline), which is not edible.
The hydrogenated oils (trans fats) are part of what is causing heart disease and are very bad for your health. I definitely agree about real butter!
It's always been a huge scam because they want everyone on statins for the rest of their lives. Prior to the COVID death jabs, statins were big pharma's biggest money makers. And statins permanently destroy your liver, so eventually they get to sell you a bunch of expensive drugs to treat the symptoms of your failing liver or your liver transplant.
Graveline also wrote "The Dark Side of Statins" --
The full range of statin side effects includes cognitive dysfunction, behavioral and emotional disorders, chronic nerve and muscle damage and an ALS-like neuromuscular degenerative process, as major categories of damage.
Thousands of statin users, like myself, have been afflicted with peripheral neuropathies with a tendency to be resistant to all traditional medical treatment.
Statins inhibit not only dolichols, corrupting our DNA damage correction, but CoQ10 as well, increasing our damage load. Predictably the inevitable effect is increased mitochondrial DNA damage — considered by many authorities to be the mechanism of our aging process as well as that of many chronic diseases.
Many of the statin side effects are permanent and weakness and fatigue are common complaints. Many statin victims say that abruptly, almost in the blink of an eye, they have become old people.
Statins block the synthesis of CoQ10 and dolichols, thereby contributing directly to the premature common chronic ills of aging. Since this involves normal physiologic processes, it is silent. By the time we become aware of it, it is already far too late and the damage has been done to those susceptible. This, in my judgment, is the truly Dark Side of Statins.
I took statins several years ago and developed severe joint and muscle pain. Stopped and recovered 60% but never back to pre-statin health. Recently cariologist suggested injectible Repatha as a "safe" alternative w/o the negative side effects. Within 4 months had severe joint and muscle pain. Stopped and again recovering, but not to full pre-Repatha health. Never again!
Of course it is, taking out cholesterol from your brain causes it to not recover from normal damage via metabolic processes. Like taking oil from an engine and being suprised it rips itself apart.
My dad's idiot wife said that I should go to the doctor because "everyone my age and older is on some sort meds". I didn't have the will to explain to her that a medication to treat a symptom will create other symptoms that they're just going to give you medication to treat. She's also a covidiot, I don't like being around her for character reasons let alone her spike proteins she's shedding. Got strep, ordered amoxicillin, I take ivermectin and fenbenzanole when I get sick, vitamins... I've been patching myself up my entire adult life and can count on one hand how many Tylenol I've had.
Every single big pharma commercial - " We have a drug to fix your 1 problem ", then in super fine print and auctioneer / lawyer speak they list the 12 more severe side effects Yet people just gobble them up cuz white coat cult told them. Infuriating.
Would you mind briefly sharing how you adjusted your thyroid numbers?
My wife is an RN and was identified as diabetic a year ago with bad thyroid numbers. The doctors were more than ready to give her a bag full of scripts, meters, injections, etc. She refused (they were offended) and decided to change the diet of EVERYONE in our house. Collectively we've lost 100 lbs in the past year and no longer buy processed foods. Everyone is much healthier now and doing really good.
Maybe not briefly, but I'll share. When covid hit, I lost all trust in the medical establishment. I followed the Zelenko protocol because I was a courtesy driver and I kept working even though I refused to wear a mask, and distancing in a vehicle with 3 others isn't possible. I refused to go to the doctor because I wouldn't mask up and I would not get vaxxed either. I soon ran out of my hypothyroid med and my Dr wouldn't refill w/o an appt. In researching, I found that many of the supplements I was already taking helped with t3 production- Quercetin, turmeric with curcumin and pepperine, zinc, C, D, E, and B12. In addition to these, I started eating seaweed snacks which are full of iodine. I never had my thyroid checked again until I finally went back to my doctor in 2023. I had no idea how my numbers would look, but my Dr was surprised to see that my blood work came back normal for thyroid levels. She was a little perplexed.
I started taking a seaweed supplement simply for the high levels of iodine (and because it was cheaper than the drops).
No thyroid issues but I've read bromide will take the place of iodine if one has a deficiency and can cause many issues so figured I'd make sure that didn't happen.
One pill a day and the bottle was $12, if I remember correctly.
Thanks for the excellent explanation. My wife only tried the thyroid meds for a couple months and then bailed because it was screwing up her menses. We are both getting our blood work done next week and she's looking for ways to adjust her numbers if they are still out of whack.
If she eats a lot of bread (or anything made with regular American wheat) her thyroid problems could easily have been exacerbated by the bromine that's used to treat flour. Bromine is similar to iodine in that it's a halide, and the thyroid readily absorbs it in the absence of iodine. The problem is that bromine cannot be used to make some of the hormones produced by the thyroid, and it has a much higher toxicity than iodine which tends to cascade into liver problems.
Zero, zilch, nada. I even quit taking ibuprofen a few years ago for mild headaches and other mild aches, and just tough it out. I've never been on prescription meds, nor taken any of the narcos that I was prescribed (never filled the scrips) when having dental or other minor procedures. I never trusted the medical industrial complex from a younger age, and now in my 50s, I know that my distrust was always warranted.
On the other hand, my pill-pushing other half is on a myriad of drugs, has had many useless procedures, and will probably never stop. I say pill-pushing, because she's always trying to get me to take that poison, as she works in the medical field (not a doctor or nurse). I just refuse to talk about it with her and go about my day.
Nice! I’ll use ibuprofen for a sore ankle, past injury with screws still in it, after walking a lot on hard surfaces in bunker books during training or incidents. Otherwise no headaches but sometimes sinus headaches from allergies or changing weather. Then I use saline spray to get the sinuses back balanced. And headache disappears.
I usually do something dumb enough to land an ER visit or urgent care about once a year. Broken finger, sprained wrist, pulled muscles... I take a couple pain pills or muscle relaxer to cope for the first day or so then the rest get thrown into my first aid kit. Did this for years so I had a pretty good stash of vicodin, perks, oxies... I end up dropping an 80lb hydraulic cylinder on my thumb and it splits tissue to the bone. It's work related so the doc exrays it, throws in a couple stitches and says it's a hairline fracture. I tell him the glorified ibuprofen doesn't work for me and he gives it to me anyway thinking I'm seeking narcotics.
Whatever, go home with it hurting like hell and grab my first aid kit to find every pill bottle empty. That was how I found out one of my roommates was a junkie. Needless to say I wasn't in a good mood to begin with but that triggered me bad, went off on him and told him him and all his shit was to be gone within 24 hours. I wonder if he ever cleaned up or is dead now from graduating to fentynal.
Bingo. Meds essentially TRY to replace what your body does naturally. Eventually they will kill whatever organ, gland they are " supposedly " trying to help. They love that cuz it makes u NEED their drugs for life and even need surgery to remove what they've destroyed/disabled.
We are nothing but livestock to them. The farmer doesn't ask the cow's permission to do whatever he wants to increase profit.
Many years ago (more than 20, I was told that my "bad cholesterol" was too high and that I should start taking this new wonder drug called Lipitor. My doctor even gave me a brown bag with several boxes of samples that were provided to him so that I could try it out. The doctor informed me that I would probably need to take choresterol medicine for the rest of my life.
I went home that night and stared at the little brown bag. At the time I was in great health, I was riding my bike over 100 miles a week and sometimes 200 miles. I was eating well and not drinking much. I told myself that I refused to take medicine like that for the rest of my life and I threw the bag away.
That was pretty much when I stopped going to the doctor.
Fast forward 20 plus years and I ended up going to a functional medicine professional. We talked about my history and I told her that story, along with how my family on my mom's side does have heart related issues. She asked me if I had ever gotten a calcium deposit scan, where the measure the calcium deposits in your arteries and veins. I told her that I have never heard of it. She said that everyone should take that test because it is the best way to determine if you are at risk of a heart attack. On a scale of 1-300 (300 being worst case and at extreme risk of having a heart attack/artery blockage), I scored a 1.
It was at that time, that the functional medicine professional told me her story about lipitor. She said that she could probably pinpoint the date my old doctor gave me that brown bag within 4 months. She said that it was at the time Lipitor came out and the ADA (or some other government entitiy) had just lowered the numbers for bad chloresterol and raised the numbers for good chloresterol. At the exact same time that Lipitor hit the market and filled as the perfect medication for someone that was not hitting within the new numbers. She went one to say that she remembered it because a colleague of hers was working for the company that sold Lipitor and she saw him at a convention where he was touting the new drug. A couple of years later, she ran into the same colleague and he was no longer working for Pfizer because he couldn't feel good about the products he was representing.
I swear I look back on those days and think that I was living my own personal redition of Dopesick, except rather than pain pills it was chloresterol medicine.
They manipulate the numbers to justify making you a customer. Listen to this. My wife and i do the community blood work program yearly.... 70 bucks gets you a full panel. For YEARS my A1C sugar was 6.0. On the dot. The high range was 7.3. Well this year the changed the range to just <5.7. Boom, im flagged and they want me on medicine. are fine most of the time. Fear not....God is in control and Christ is King.
Exactly! Before they changed it to 120/80, it was 140/90, and that is what I go by.
I've confused my husband with the numbers, so he is always trying to remember that we are going by 140/90 in our house now, lol. He's had high bp since forever. I've always had low bp when I was younger (20's - 30's), even to the point the nurses sometimes couldn't get a reading. They would have to switch from the machine to doing it manually, and still had a hard time, even bringing in other nurses to help. Though I felt totally fine and wasn't at the docs office for bp reasons. I would laugh and say ... I am alive and breathing, lol. Even pregnant my bp was always good, drove my husband crazy. But for the last 10 -15 yrs my bp has been high. Been on Lisinopril, it's not really helping anymore, so the doc did blood work to see what was going on. Mind you I hadn't been in to see her in years before this and had stopped taking my cholesterol med yrs ago also (wasn't on them long before I decided to stop). All my blood work came out normal, except to my doc my cholesterol was so high that I needed to come in to get me on meds right away. My cholesterol was "almost" 200. Screw that, I'm not going on anymore meds. I'm now paying attention to my blood work to see for myself what is high & what's not, not depending on docs to tell me what they think or should I say their computers & big pharma. Funny all the blood test results came in on my doctor's office health app except my cholesterol results, wonder why that is?
Anyway, I'm trying to get off of the Lisinopril, it's the only prescription med I take now. Beetroot supplements along with cinnamon supplement seems to help lower my bp some. Been trying different supplements and so far, beetroot & cinnamon has had the best result.
Whaddyaknow, we've been lied to all along by the pharmedical industrial complex
Like CO2, cholesterol is the good guy, not the bad guy
Its job is to plug lesions in arterial walls caused by the tiny spikes on molecules of sugar and insulin ripping into the endothelial lining of blood vessels
If you suppress cholesterol artificially with drugs, the body just makes more
It's a fool's errand, and millions of patients on dangerous statin drugs are the fools
Yes, cholesterol is one of the BIGGEST scams in medicine and it causes a pipeline of people with multiple chronic problems and lifelong dependency on increasing number of medication while suffering from pain all the time.
I think all their medical decisions are based on profits, not actual data. I look at my annual blood tests and adjust my natural supplements accordingly.
My story is very similar.have hi cholesterol since early 20's and I'm74 now. Also have extremely high good cholesterol. Could never take statins without severe leg pain.had testing done that determined I have big fluffy cholesterol that doesn't stick to artery walls, but of course the docs don't want to hear that. My calcium scans all come back with minimal build up for my age. I also enjoy bacon, eggs and butter. And am a carnivore. Don't take any pharmaceuticals and most likely never will.
No matter what the docs say, you know your body better than they ever will!
Our doc told us years ago that the numbers for acceptable cholesterol, blood pressure, thyroid, etc. were all changed which led to more people needing prescriptions. He goes by the old numbers and whether or not his patients have symptoms.
The AMA was started by Rockefeller, so the cabal owns the medical establishment because a doc can't practice without AMA blessing (curse).
Many people I know that have taken statins have become diabetic.
Then I started to research and find out Alzheimer's was never around before Statin drugs. That is because you need cholesterol in your brain and they're depriving it.
Then I figured my body was made this way for a reason and I'm not messing with liver functions to suit big Pharma.
The comedian Jerry Clower once said that you are born with cholesterol, and there's nothing you can do about it.
I am old and have always eaten whatever I pleased. My cholesterol is fine and has always been fine. I eat eggs for breakfast 2, 3, or 4 times a week. I eat sausage and anything else they might claim is bad for you. I use lots of butter.
Yep. Go back in time and find the correlations to the rise in dementia and the "war" on cholesterol. They line up.
Cholesterol is essential to proper brain function, allowing lipid rafts and myelin to enable new neuron/nerve paths to form for memory retention and learning. This is known fact.
Cholesterol is good for you. Pay close attention to what the loudest doctor voices tell you. Then do the opposite and you will be golden. And for God's sake, don't take their medicine.
To be pro-active for my heart I take vitamin K2 with D3. The combo helps distribute calcium throughout your body and prevents plaque buildup in your arteries. I also take Berberine, which has been shown to clear and flatten existing plaque buildup in arteries.
You will find this lecture by David Diamond interesting.
He goes through much of the history of how Big Medicine, Big Pharma, Big Media, and Big Government have purposely lied to us about cholesterol and heart disease:
"How Bad Science and Big Business Created the Obesity Epidemic" --
CHOLESTERAL is what your liver puts out to PATCH small cracks in your veins & arteries... IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH what Big Pharma is telling you to do (like take their drugs)... we have been taking Emergen-C for the last 25 years...and NO MORE RECEEDING GUMS OR HIGH CHOLESTEROL anymore ... OR other problems...
My score was 19 and at 61yo, I’ll take it as a ‘win’. I see the Cardiologist in a couple weeks so will see what he says about that and the Echocardiogram. The test results for that are in gobbledegook but I’ve managed to piece together that’s it’s favorable given the word ‘normal’ is frequently interspersed.
Thanks for asking!
My high cholesterol was found at 3yo. At that time in my life I was allergic to milk and eggs, supposedly 2 of the most high in cholesterol foods. Around 5yo, I overheard my Dad tell a friend that if they didn't get my numbers down, I would have a heart attack. That stuck with me my whole life. By 7yo, I was reading ingredients labels. I can't remember tasting a real egg yolk before the age of 16. I went to have blood taken every 6 months my entire life. My numbers never got below 200, and usually stayed around 250-280. My drs. wanted me to try statins, and I did briefly, but I had the side effects of severe body aches, so I stopped them. My drs. were not happy. I began researching cholesterol and what it means for the body, and tests began to be able to differentiate between good (hdl) and bad (ldl) cholesterol. Turns out I had extremely high good cholesterol. I brought this to my Dr's attention, but it seemed to hold no weight and I only got more doom and gloom. But I knew for myself and I mostly trusted in my own instincts. Recently, I was sent for this CTA scan due to my age and my most recent cholesterol numbers of 241. I was glad to do it because I would finally know the condition of my heart and arteries. LOOK AT THESE RESULTS! I'm done. I have been eating whatever I want for the last few years. Lots of butter and bacon and eggs, because of my research. I try to stay away from a lot of processed foods and do my own cooking. Stopped using seed oils. My hdl is still extremely high. I've never felt a bit of trouble with my heart in 57 years.
I got a follow up call from the cardiologist. I'm thinking they need to do a case study on me, but nope. They want me to start an injectable cholesterol medication to get my ldl below 70. I refused. I was really disappointed in their response to such good scan results. SMH.
I am at peace, finally, not just with my health, but with my discernment and trust in my own instincts. Trust the science? Science is made up of theories which are supposed to be tested to prove or disprove, but that isn't happening and medicine is based on faulty test results being published in some medical journal and then followed by AMA as THE STANDARD. These Dr's do not question, and they don't like it when you do. They are lemmings and it's a fucking shame.
So many things to unpack here.
There is ZERO evidence that eating food high in cholesterol makes your cholesterol go up. Someone made that up. If your body is working properly, you simply poop the cholesterol out. The foods that the American Medical Association tells us not to eat because "cholesterol" are nutritionally dense and easy to digest. The foods the AMA encourages us to eat are less nutritious and high in toxins (making them hard to digest) that can actually cause body damage. My cholesterol went DOWN by a LOT when I switched from the AMA recommended diet (grains, beans, seed oils, etc) to a diet high in saturated fats.
Cholesterol is very important in our bodies for brain function and creation of sex hormones. The AMA has set the cholesterol number artificially low in order to push their drugs and to keep our bodies from properly functioning (thus insuring we are chronically ill and need their drugs daily/doctors monthly).
High (or low) cholesterol is a red flag that something else is wrong in your body. It is only a red flag. Saying cholesterol "causes" heart problems is like saying firemen must be setting fires because they are at every fire. The reality is that high cholesterol may indicate heart problems, but it can also indicate thyroid problems or kidney problems, amongst other things.
I wonder if inflammation and/or sugar causes high cholesterol.
Yes, inflammation is caused from sugars/carbohydrates oxidizing and therefore causing cell damage. The cholesterol comes to the rescue in the form of a "Band-Aid" to facilitate in repairing the damage. Our liver naturally makes 1000 mg of cholesterol a day. One egg is 200 mg of cholesterol. If you eat that egg your liver will make only 800 mg of cholesterol. Our body balances it out naturally. There is absolutely no need for statins or any other drugs that are man-made, it is all just profit for the pharmaceutical companies and to keep us sick in order to keep them in profit. The old herbal remedies have not been taught or carried on to teach to the masses in Western culture.
A patient cured is a customer lost.
Good info, thank you.
You're welcome!
This a million times. One Dr said it’s like seeing firemen everytime there is a fire and blaming the fire on the firemen.
My ldl is 450 since I started a very low carb diet. My dr. FREAKED! It’s called “lean mass hyper responder”
Going for a CAC next week.
Good thing to educate the doctors who really don’t know about this.
Doctors are only taught what the "powers that be" want them to learn and the masses are taught to listen to the authorities because they "know better". Good doctors are out there!
People need to wake up and use discernment and to not rely on the "authorities" for information. Especially after the covid scamdemic.
You touch on a subject I speak of a lot with friends and family. Not knowing your background, you may not put a lot of faith in God. I am here to tell you He has provided all we need. If you put your faith in God and consume the natural materials He made for us you will live YOUR longest life and be the healthiest YOU can be. If you put your faith in man-made copies of what He made for you, not so much. This goes across the entire spectrum. Diet, medicine, money (gold-check the rate of return of gold vs the stock market), decision making, life etc., PERIOD. He knows us best and gave us an instruction manual on how to live our best. Shalom. That word has deep meaning.
I used to have bad arthritis in my knees. It's gone now, and I'm pain free. People ask me what I did, and I just tell them I go to church.
BTW, scientists have proved that prayer works, even for people who don't even know about the prayers.
I do understand that God provides everything we need. We must reject all the man made "food".
It will cause high triglycerides.
Rhetorical question of the day. You win!
It most definitely does.
Low fat diets do.
I also followed my own advice and my cholesterol has "hovered" SOMEWHERE around the normal range...AND I eat eggs/bacon/meat (in moderation) BUT I am on a diet that consists of proteins and NO DAMN BREADS OF ANY KIND....or other things that are processed...
When I changed my diet, I gave up grains. I do still make certain kinds of breads (such as Brazilian cheese bread made from tapioca flour), and I am certain that the lack of grains has helped with my cholesterol going down. My high cholesterol was due to kidney problems, and grains are hard on the kidneys as they are high in toxins.
YEP... to you're response...
I forgot to add that I have a gluten intolerance just enough to cause an issue...once I found that out and the connection to was an easy decision!!!!. I also found out by a doctor that getting off the grains will get rid of the waist "fat" --the "rubber tire" the becomes pronounced as one gets older...WOWZA!!!
I'm perfectly healthy because I don't go to the doctor. Healthy foods, activity learning. Last doctor I saw was an orthopedic surgeon 25 years ago but I made an exception because I had a bone poking out of my arm.
Well done. Those are among the healthiest foods humans can eat. Super high in saturated animal fat, high protein, zero carbs.
Amazingly, doctors and scientists have been lying to us all along, for money.
They aren't (all) technically lying, they're just repeating what the elites taught them in college and such. Test takers, not critical thinkers.
Not defending anyone, just ranting I guess.
You're right and I hate it because it gives criminals an out - " just doin muh job ". It aids in one of our biggest problems in this world. No accountability = no change.
The medical industry was pretty much taken over and controlled by the Rockefellers, which convinces me not to trust them.
It would be interesting to know how many medical schools/curriculum were donated by pharma or their ilk.
I'm old enough to remember when margarine hit the market and was touted as heart-healthy because it had no saturated fat. Everyone switched from butter to margarine because the drs and the TV told them to. Now we know it was full of transfats, was invented from petroleum by-products as an ant attractant and poison. Nothing but butter in my house for over a decade.
Rockefeller = Oil industry = Fake foods = Fake pharmaceuticals = Fake medical schools = Fake media = Fake government = Fake money.
Any questions?
Only problem is, butter has gotten so bloody expensive under bidenflation!
As has EVERYTHING! I'm waiting on eggs to go up some more now because of this bird-cow-cat flu they are trying to bolster.
Margarine is made from hydrogenated soybean or other seed oils not petroleum products. You're thinking of petroleum jelly (Vaseline), which is not edible.
The hydrogenated oils (trans fats) are part of what is causing heart disease and are very bad for your health. I definitely agree about real butter!
I could definitely be confused; I've read so much that I may have overload.
It happens to me as well! No matter what, we are doing the right thing by rejecting the fake food. Spread the knowledge!
My friend told me it was one molecule away from plastic. I don't know if it was true but made me change eating it.
See Ancel Keyes
It's always been a huge scam because they want everyone on statins for the rest of their lives. Prior to the COVID death jabs, statins were big pharma's biggest money makers. And statins permanently destroy your liver, so eventually they get to sell you a bunch of expensive drugs to treat the symptoms of your failing liver or your liver transplant.
Statins are also a main cause of Alzheimer's.
Sources, plz?
Look up a couple of books:
"The Case Against Statins" by Larry Hobbs
"Lipitor: Thief of Memory" by Duane Graveline
Graveline also wrote "The Dark Side of Statins" --
I took statins several years ago and developed severe joint and muscle pain. Stopped and recovered 60% but never back to pre-statin health. Recently cariologist suggested injectible Repatha as a "safe" alternative w/o the negative side effects. Within 4 months had severe joint and muscle pain. Stopped and again recovering, but not to full pre-Repatha health. Never again!
Of course it is, taking out cholesterol from your brain causes it to not recover from normal damage via metabolic processes. Like taking oil from an engine and being suprised it rips itself apart.
The less meds you're on, the better you are...PERIOD!
My dad's idiot wife said that I should go to the doctor because "everyone my age and older is on some sort meds". I didn't have the will to explain to her that a medication to treat a symptom will create other symptoms that they're just going to give you medication to treat. She's also a covidiot, I don't like being around her for character reasons let alone her spike proteins she's shedding. Got strep, ordered amoxicillin, I take ivermectin and fenbenzanole when I get sick, vitamins... I've been patching myself up my entire adult life and can count on one hand how many Tylenol I've had.
Kudos to you!😀😀😀😀😀
Meds all cause side effects, for which they sell you more drugs, which cause more side effects, for which...rinse and repeat
The People are awakening to how this works
We are changing the world
Every single big pharma commercial - " We have a drug to fix your 1 problem ", then in super fine print and auctioneer / lawyer speak they list the 12 more severe side effects Yet people just gobble them up cuz white coat cult told them. Infuriating.
It cracks me up when the side effects are worse than the actual ailment.
May cause serious side effects or death.....but your ingrown hair has a 60% chance of being gone
No meds at all, only natural supplements. I even managed to get off my thyroid meds by doing some research. Numbers are good now.
Would you mind briefly sharing how you adjusted your thyroid numbers?
My wife is an RN and was identified as diabetic a year ago with bad thyroid numbers. The doctors were more than ready to give her a bag full of scripts, meters, injections, etc. She refused (they were offended) and decided to change the diet of EVERYONE in our house. Collectively we've lost 100 lbs in the past year and no longer buy processed foods. Everyone is much healthier now and doing really good.
Maybe not briefly, but I'll share. When covid hit, I lost all trust in the medical establishment. I followed the Zelenko protocol because I was a courtesy driver and I kept working even though I refused to wear a mask, and distancing in a vehicle with 3 others isn't possible. I refused to go to the doctor because I wouldn't mask up and I would not get vaxxed either. I soon ran out of my hypothyroid med and my Dr wouldn't refill w/o an appt. In researching, I found that many of the supplements I was already taking helped with t3 production- Quercetin, turmeric with curcumin and pepperine, zinc, C, D, E, and B12. In addition to these, I started eating seaweed snacks which are full of iodine. I never had my thyroid checked again until I finally went back to my doctor in 2023. I had no idea how my numbers would look, but my Dr was surprised to see that my blood work came back normal for thyroid levels. She was a little perplexed.
I started taking a seaweed supplement simply for the high levels of iodine (and because it was cheaper than the drops).
No thyroid issues but I've read bromide will take the place of iodine if one has a deficiency and can cause many issues so figured I'd make sure that didn't happen.
One pill a day and the bottle was $12, if I remember correctly.
She was baffled!
As all doctors are, because they have been taught lies.
Thanks for the excellent explanation. My wife only tried the thyroid meds for a couple months and then bailed because it was screwing up her menses. We are both getting our blood work done next week and she's looking for ways to adjust her numbers if they are still out of whack.
Iodine supplements are critical for supporting thyroid function.
If she eats a lot of bread (or anything made with regular American wheat) her thyroid problems could easily have been exacerbated by the bromine that's used to treat flour. Bromine is similar to iodine in that it's a halide, and the thyroid readily absorbs it in the absence of iodine. The problem is that bromine cannot be used to make some of the hormones produced by the thyroid, and it has a much higher toxicity than iodine which tends to cascade into liver problems.
Very interesting. She eats nearly no bread, so the results of her blood test next week should be very interesting.
Thyroid issues can be caused by different things for different people.
Going gluten free fixed my antibodies, and helped my levels somewhat.
I know people who have used Young Living’s endoflex essential oil and completely gotten off medication but YMMV.
If the pancreas/diabetes is part of things, it’s a more complex case. she might benefit from seeing a holistic medicine/functional doctor.
Low. I explained as well as I can above.
Zero, zilch, nada. I even quit taking ibuprofen a few years ago for mild headaches and other mild aches, and just tough it out. I've never been on prescription meds, nor taken any of the narcos that I was prescribed (never filled the scrips) when having dental or other minor procedures. I never trusted the medical industrial complex from a younger age, and now in my 50s, I know that my distrust was always warranted.
On the other hand, my pill-pushing other half is on a myriad of drugs, has had many useless procedures, and will probably never stop. I say pill-pushing, because she's always trying to get me to take that poison, as she works in the medical field (not a doctor or nurse). I just refuse to talk about it with her and go about my day.
Nice! I’ll use ibuprofen for a sore ankle, past injury with screws still in it, after walking a lot on hard surfaces in bunker books during training or incidents. Otherwise no headaches but sometimes sinus headaches from allergies or changing weather. Then I use saline spray to get the sinuses back balanced. And headache disappears.
I usually do something dumb enough to land an ER visit or urgent care about once a year. Broken finger, sprained wrist, pulled muscles... I take a couple pain pills or muscle relaxer to cope for the first day or so then the rest get thrown into my first aid kit. Did this for years so I had a pretty good stash of vicodin, perks, oxies... I end up dropping an 80lb hydraulic cylinder on my thumb and it splits tissue to the bone. It's work related so the doc exrays it, throws in a couple stitches and says it's a hairline fracture. I tell him the glorified ibuprofen doesn't work for me and he gives it to me anyway thinking I'm seeking narcotics.
Whatever, go home with it hurting like hell and grab my first aid kit to find every pill bottle empty. That was how I found out one of my roommates was a junkie. Needless to say I wasn't in a good mood to begin with but that triggered me bad, went off on him and told him him and all his shit was to be gone within 24 hours. I wonder if he ever cleaned up or is dead now from graduating to fentynal.
Bingo. Meds essentially TRY to replace what your body does naturally. Eventually they will kill whatever organ, gland they are " supposedly " trying to help. They love that cuz it makes u NEED their drugs for life and even need surgery to remove what they've destroyed/disabled.
We are nothing but livestock to them. The farmer doesn't ask the cow's permission to do whatever he wants to increase profit.
Many years ago (more than 20, I was told that my "bad cholesterol" was too high and that I should start taking this new wonder drug called Lipitor. My doctor even gave me a brown bag with several boxes of samples that were provided to him so that I could try it out. The doctor informed me that I would probably need to take choresterol medicine for the rest of my life.
I went home that night and stared at the little brown bag. At the time I was in great health, I was riding my bike over 100 miles a week and sometimes 200 miles. I was eating well and not drinking much. I told myself that I refused to take medicine like that for the rest of my life and I threw the bag away.
That was pretty much when I stopped going to the doctor.
Fast forward 20 plus years and I ended up going to a functional medicine professional. We talked about my history and I told her that story, along with how my family on my mom's side does have heart related issues. She asked me if I had ever gotten a calcium deposit scan, where the measure the calcium deposits in your arteries and veins. I told her that I have never heard of it. She said that everyone should take that test because it is the best way to determine if you are at risk of a heart attack. On a scale of 1-300 (300 being worst case and at extreme risk of having a heart attack/artery blockage), I scored a 1.
It was at that time, that the functional medicine professional told me her story about lipitor. She said that she could probably pinpoint the date my old doctor gave me that brown bag within 4 months. She said that it was at the time Lipitor came out and the ADA (or some other government entitiy) had just lowered the numbers for bad chloresterol and raised the numbers for good chloresterol. At the exact same time that Lipitor hit the market and filled as the perfect medication for someone that was not hitting within the new numbers. She went one to say that she remembered it because a colleague of hers was working for the company that sold Lipitor and she saw him at a convention where he was touting the new drug. A couple of years later, she ran into the same colleague and he was no longer working for Pfizer because he couldn't feel good about the products he was representing.
I swear I look back on those days and think that I was living my own personal redition of Dopesick, except rather than pain pills it was chloresterol medicine.
Phuck Farma!
I took Lipitor for about a month, then the body pain kicked in and I stopped. It was horrible.
Glad you realized what was causing it.
What a story! Wow! It’s devastating to think how many people did the opposite if you and caused a life of problems. This is disgusting.
They manipulate the numbers to justify making you a customer. Listen to this. My wife and i do the community blood work program yearly.... 70 bucks gets you a full panel. For YEARS my A1C sugar was 6.0. On the dot. The high range was 7.3. Well this year the changed the range to just <5.7. Boom, im flagged and they want me on medicine. are fine most of the time. Fear not....God is in control and Christ is King.
Like when they changed the blood pressure numbers to make more people suddenly have high blood pressure and need medications.
100% correct!
Exactly! Before they changed it to 120/80, it was 140/90, and that is what I go by.
I've confused my husband with the numbers, so he is always trying to remember that we are going by 140/90 in our house now, lol. He's had high bp since forever. I've always had low bp when I was younger (20's - 30's), even to the point the nurses sometimes couldn't get a reading. They would have to switch from the machine to doing it manually, and still had a hard time, even bringing in other nurses to help. Though I felt totally fine and wasn't at the docs office for bp reasons. I would laugh and say ... I am alive and breathing, lol. Even pregnant my bp was always good, drove my husband crazy. But for the last 10 -15 yrs my bp has been high. Been on Lisinopril, it's not really helping anymore, so the doc did blood work to see what was going on. Mind you I hadn't been in to see her in years before this and had stopped taking my cholesterol med yrs ago also (wasn't on them long before I decided to stop). All my blood work came out normal, except to my doc my cholesterol was so high that I needed to come in to get me on meds right away. My cholesterol was "almost" 200. Screw that, I'm not going on anymore meds. I'm now paying attention to my blood work to see for myself what is high & what's not, not depending on docs to tell me what they think or should I say their computers & big pharma. Funny all the blood test results came in on my doctor's office health app except my cholesterol results, wonder why that is?
Anyway, I'm trying to get off of the Lisinopril, it's the only prescription med I take now. Beetroot supplements along with cinnamon supplement seems to help lower my bp some. Been trying different supplements and so far, beetroot & cinnamon has had the best result.
Fun Facts
Whaddyaknow, we've been lied to all along by the pharmedical industrial complex
Like CO2, cholesterol is the good guy, not the bad guy
Its job is to plug lesions in arterial walls caused by the tiny spikes on molecules of sugar and insulin ripping into the endothelial lining of blood vessels
If you suppress cholesterol artificially with drugs, the body just makes more
It's a fool's errand, and millions of patients on dangerous statin drugs are the fools
Yes, cholesterol is one of the BIGGEST scams in medicine and it causes a pipeline of people with multiple chronic problems and lifelong dependency on increasing number of medication while suffering from pain all the time.
I think all their medical decisions are based on profits, not actual data. I look at my annual blood tests and adjust my natural supplements accordingly.
My story is very similar.have hi cholesterol since early 20's and I'm74 now. Also have extremely high good cholesterol. Could never take statins without severe leg pain.had testing done that determined I have big fluffy cholesterol that doesn't stick to artery walls, but of course the docs don't want to hear that. My calcium scans all come back with minimal build up for my age. I also enjoy bacon, eggs and butter. And am a carnivore. Don't take any pharmaceuticals and most likely never will. No matter what the docs say, you know your body better than they ever will!
Our doc told us years ago that the numbers for acceptable cholesterol, blood pressure, thyroid, etc. were all changed which led to more people needing prescriptions. He goes by the old numbers and whether or not his patients have symptoms. The AMA was started by Rockefeller, so the cabal owns the medical establishment because a doc can't practice without AMA blessing (curse).
Many people I know that have taken statins have become diabetic.
Then I started to research and find out Alzheimer's was never around before Statin drugs. That is because you need cholesterol in your brain and they're depriving it.
Then I figured my body was made this way for a reason and I'm not messing with liver functions to suit big Pharma.
This doctor has been saying very similar stuff about cholesterol for years now.
The comedian Jerry Clower once said that you are born with cholesterol, and there's nothing you can do about it.
I am old and have always eaten whatever I pleased. My cholesterol is fine and has always been fine. I eat eggs for breakfast 2, 3, or 4 times a week. I eat sausage and anything else they might claim is bad for you. I use lots of butter.
I hope you fire that Doctor....
Not going back. No need obviously. But really, it's a lifetime of drs.
Yep. Go back in time and find the correlations to the rise in dementia and the "war" on cholesterol. They line up.
Cholesterol is essential to proper brain function, allowing lipid rafts and myelin to enable new neuron/nerve paths to form for memory retention and learning. This is known fact.
Fat is brain food. No wonder liberals rail against it.
Cholesterol is good for you. Pay close attention to what the loudest doctor voices tell you. Then do the opposite and you will be golden. And for God's sake, don't take their medicine.
REMINDS ME of all the TV ads for "pre-diabetes" DRUGS and to get tested for it...
well you know what...WE'RE ALL "PRE-DEAD" go pound sand #BigPharma
To be pro-active for my heart I take vitamin K2 with D3. The combo helps distribute calcium throughout your body and prevents plaque buildup in your arteries. I also take Berberine, which has been shown to clear and flatten existing plaque buildup in arteries.
You will find this lecture by David Diamond interesting.
He goes through much of the history of how Big Medicine, Big Pharma, Big Media, and Big Government have purposely lied to us about cholesterol and heart disease:
"How Bad Science and Big Business Created the Obesity Epidemic" --
A family member was told he has heart problems and high cholesterol.
He was told to cut out red meat/beef and to stick to chicken and pork.
Knowing what I know now, I called BS.
I read that if one ate a whole grapefruit once a day for nine months, any arterial plaque would be gone. Any truth to that?
I have no idea. I've never heard of this.
There's been a switch up in attitudes towards high cholesterol in recent years I think:
The cholesterol scam is a scam.
CHOLESTERAL is what your liver puts out to PATCH small cracks in your veins & arteries... IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH what Big Pharma is telling you to do (like take their drugs)... we have been taking Emergen-C for the last 25 years...and NO MORE RECEEDING GUMS OR HIGH CHOLESTEROL anymore ... OR other problems...
Mine was 548 - I think it depends on the person
Prayers that you are able to figure out what is causing your problem and can fix it naturally, fren.
Funny, I just had this test done 30 minutes ago and waiting to do echocardiogram next. Fingers crossed my results are as good.
Prayers for good news! Come back and let us know!
My score was 19 and at 61yo, I’ll take it as a ‘win’. I see the Cardiologist in a couple weeks so will see what he says about that and the Echocardiogram. The test results for that are in gobbledegook but I’ve managed to piece together that’s it’s favorable given the word ‘normal’ is frequently interspersed. Thanks for asking!
I think you have a good heart. We both do.