Has everyone already forgotten that photo of the Obamas having lunch with the Hanks in Greece and the Obamas looking like schoolchildren being chewed out by the school headmistress as Mrs Hanks lords over them?
I only knew of her because of people talking about her creepy posts. Also I wondered who she was connected to since she's also the ugliest "supermodel" I've ever seen, basically a blonde white-skinned orc as SaltyCracker would put it.
Yup all we see is the middle managers. The made men who run their own crews. The capos are the Soros, Bergoglios and Gates of the world, the oligarchs. The Godfathers names rarely make the papers but they pull the strings of all of the puppets above.
This is a very accurate view of the cabal. The capos are not necessarily on the same side either. They fight among each other but theft, graft and racketeering are how they do business. Someone like Bill Gates or Soros probably could tell you the name of the godfather though.
They and the Rockefellers are the public face but there are more hidden deep within the mists of time and lost to anonymity.
Some of them are the Black Nobility types that go back to middle ages Italy. The Pisan, Genoese and Venetian families like the de Medicis, the Holy Roman Empire, The Black Pope, the Hospitaliers and the Knights Templar.
Also, the Carolingian dynasty of Pepin the Short and Charlemagne and the Meronvingians who believe they descend from the bloodline of Christ and will birth the antichrist.
Some even further to biblical times before the coming of Christ -- Herod and Solomon. It goes back even to the Babylonians and before them the Sumerians.
Tartaria, Gobleki Tepi, the Ruins on Malta, Indian myths of flying cities, flood myths found in every ancient civilization and pyramids and obelisks across the world.
Its so much bigger than saying the Rothchilds. Blaming it all on them minimizes the problem.
I don't think so, Newscum carries a lot of baggage he ruined Cal. and his pandemic moves were atrocious. Democrats know its not Biden it is the left's lunatic policies. Watch for a pretend center candidate like Josh Shapiro.
Most important line in his tweet: "The quicker we get rid of the democratic party the better off we all will be. But that includes getting rid of the GOP. Both parties suck. "
I will say this again... this election cannot simply be Trump vs a candidate and Trump wins. All that would do is make it seem as if there is no cabal, and as if the election cycle is just going along its merry way.
The BEST thing that could happen is that the chaos among Dems continues, Joe Biden gets worse and worse, and more and more people see it, and EVERYONE believes Trump will win. But, the White Hats will ensure that Biden gets 91 million votes and wins in some crazy impossible proportion, and THAT will be the final red pill to the millions and millions of Americans who still believe it's "just politics" that there is a cabal and deep state behind everything.
That is when we will have 94% unity, and the military will be asked to intercede and manage via Martial Law while the election is quickly investigated (remember, since White Hats did it, they can come right out in 10 days and prove everything).
The traitors will be rounded up. The 2020 election will also be discovered to have been fraudulent (because everyone is ready to hear about it). Trump will be inaugurated on time. There will be no DNC attempts to decertify. There will be no RINOS to get in the way.... they will all be swept up as traitors as part of the movie.
That's my hope. I just can't see any other way towards building true unity against the cabal and to prepare Americans to fight back against the evil.
So, we need the infighting and the take down of FJB, as long as he stays in the race to the point that not a soul on earth thinks he'll get more than 20 million votes, if that.
this is what i believe as well. it can't just be another 4 years for this party, another 4 for this party, etc.
some really corrupt shit must be allowed to happen. let the dumb enemies dig their own graves deep, then expose it all.
once again, Trump can't be in office when this happens, because it will look like "orange man Hitler or tyrant".
there are already people calling this assassination attempt on Trump as "America's Reichstag", where they claim Trump is creating this as a false flag to take down Biden & the dems.
Additionally, the country (and world) need to see the media lying, manipulating, planning, and backtracking, right in front of them.
They're starting to, with the sudden about-face on Biden's cognition, and the infighting within the party and the messy reporting around it.
But we need more. This requires time -- people are just starting to see it, but it needs to continue and hit a higher pitch before the true, full mass awakening against the media.
If we have a lying media and gullible public consuming it, then our victory will be limited. But if the country becomes as wise to the media and their manipulation as we are, then truth can prevail far beyond Trump's four years and even his appointed successor's leadership after that.
That's why the coming election MUST be run by the military and any Congress-critters who defy the Constitution must be put under arrest and tried in a military tribunal.
"The Biden and Obama family rift has now blown fully open and any aides loyal to Obama are going to get canned." you could look at that as getting rid of D.S. assets before Trump arrives. Good Guys in control !?! Edit... The optics would look better if Biden gets rid of them vs if Trump did when he is back in office. They would cry. Democracy getting destroyed.. anyway what I'm trying to say is it looks better if Trumps not connected to it.
Moves and countermoves! Yet again the White Hats have proved that they have been playing 5D chess while the Black Hats are stuck with their checkers pieces.
Every countermove of the Deep State has only led to them being backed into a corner with nowhere to go. Never ceases to be endlessly entertaining.
I going to call bullshit. Jill is not running the country. Joe never ran the country. The puppet masters have been running the country.
Obama has the CIA and NSA in his corner. Bad news for Biden. The Biden family has cut Joe Biden off to anyone other than a few close people.
If you believe Obama has the NSA in his corner you need to go back and read the drops on the NSA. Q refers to the NSA as no such agency many times in the drops. From what I have read the NSA is the reason "we have it all". The head of the NSA during Obama's time was Admiral Rogers, and Obama fired Rogers when it was revealed he paid an unauthorized visit to Trump. Rogers is the one that told Trump that Trump Tower was bugged.
Right. The big distraction is worrying about a presidents motives that isn't. It's a pin the tail on the donkey PR run that helps normals. All of what you said was common understanding here until recently, when shills, feds, gas lighters, bots and slide posting infiltrated. Now it's becoming just like /pol/ with twitter posting slowly pushing in.
I think Obama may have been the puppet for the Saudi leg of the cabal under Al Waleed Bin Talal. He provided Obama with his education, and he put Obama in position for the Presidency.
Bin Talal was taken down after he attempted to have Trump's ally Mohammed bin Salman killed in the Las Vegas shooting.
Be careful who you follow. Ya, we can identify with some of what's said here but, much of it is laced with bs and divide and conquer language.
Why would we hate the GOP? It's a vehicle being used to support getting DJT back in office. Don't fall for half truths and inflammatory rhetoric. Jill running the country? Ya, right. There's lots more going on then meets the eye. Don't fall for this low level info.
I'm surprised mods stickled this. Typical type of post that doesn't make us smarter it just dumbs us down.
Agreed. Jill isn't running anything. More importantly, neither the demonrats nor the RINOs give two craps about our Constitution and they all WANT to destroy America. They're not upset that Joe is running the country into the ditch; that's their unwritten demonrat party policy. I do think we'll see escalating infighting within the demonrat party, but they'll do whatever strategy they feel will give them the best shot at keeping Trump out of office. I also don't believe they're planning for a decertification. In fact, I'd guess the only things they're planning for when Trump wins BIGLY is getting set up with plastic surgery, identity changes and untraceable funding for themselves for the next several years.
Spot on. If it was that much of a problem, barry and big mike would take dementia joe for a swim, let alone a leisurely stroll down the stairs. This is all too convenient and doesnt seem to be organic from the outside looking in. I could be completely wrong, but, the underage baby sitter might have some pull with dementia joe, not within the machine itself. We all know for damn sure, someone has been controlling and covering for joe before 2020, he's a meat puppet.
Personally, I think that a ton of the fear we see is a coverup for the fact that there is a coverup. Anyone with two brain cells (that would exclude most dem voters) can see that dementia joe is incapable of running the country so, how and why has the media covered this up for so long? Same question for the left's leadership. Everything the right (still uniparty) called on dementia joe is and has been correct.
At the end of the day, a rug pull will happen if Trump gets in office, they will bury the right in so much 24x7 coverage and economic collapse in an effort to show the npc's to never trust or vote right again. Trump also strikes fear in their hearts as he promised to get rid of the job for life un-fireable attributes of a gov job.
who is this guy this information is coming from? who is his "anonymous" insider informant? is his posting this burning his information source? and why would he?
This. I think many of us here could've written the exact same post. All of this stuff has been public (some for a while, some just recently) - maybe not in the MSM but I've certainly seen much of it on OAN and even some here.
Even this:
Deals are being attempted with some republicans right now to turn on Trump.
Susan Collins (Maine) came out yesterday publicly saying she is not voting for Trump and will write in Hayley. Nobody cares what she thinks - she is a RINO. Why would she make sure to get that on the news? Deals.
Please all read this as pure speculative entertainment similar to reading a tabloid mag. As much as we all want it to be true we can only be fooled so many times with these rando twitter posts from reliable sources that almost always result in nothing burgers. These rando twitters all want their 15 seconds of fame and capitalize on our short memories.
what will be interesting to watch is the final showdown with Biden and Obama ..i am sure Ol Joe has plenty of dirt on Obama...if he doesnt use it i am sure Jill will she is a vindictive bitch and hates the obamas
I too have inside information(however) it is in regards to later in this movie were watching. Near the end of this movie it will get so bad. (brother against brother) that unless the day's be shortened all flesh will be destroyed (but) for the sake of the elect those days shall be shortened " ( Matthew 24:23) "The trumpet shall sound, the Son of man shall appear, the armies of heaven with Him, out of His mouth goeth a double edged sword, Christ's enemies shall be destroyed with the brightness of His coming, the government of this world shall (now ) be upon His shoulders and He shall reign 1000 years on this earth" Then comes the great white throne judgment and the end of the movie as far as Satan and his followers are concerned. (Revelation 22)
But is this the real Joe Biden? If not it’s an actor and hard to believe he would be sleeping 16 hours a day. I don’t put much stock in this because anyone can say “my friend” told me this.
It's gonna be hilarious when Biden turns out to have been a white hat all along and this is the play to wake up the population and get Trump back in and keep Obama and his minions out.
This is hardly surprising, I think most of us realized this a while ago. The question I have is about Jill. Was she flipped by the good guys to stoke a DS civil war? Will she and can she be successful in running out the clock on the DS to the point it is impossible to get a different candidates name on the ballot?
The movie being played is Panic in DC. It's the final movie in the trilogy. Get ready for a major FF. Trump has warned it's 100% going to happen. Dnc convention might be ground zero.
I just hung up with my friend who works in D.C. The guy who has nailed everything and given me inside scoops for months that have led to viral tweets, correct predictions and he has not been wrong yet. Not sure if I should post this, but:
Jill Biden is running the country right now.
Joe Biden is sleeping up to 16 hrs. per day.
The Biden and Obama family rift has now blown fully open and any aides loyal to Obama are going to get canned.
Obama is going to try and force Joe out. Obama is meeting privately with power players to get them to withdraw funding.
Hollywood will begin to turn on Biden via Obama is telling them.
Democrats are making decertification plans in case of a Trump win.
Deals are being attempted with some republicans right now to turn on Trump.
A full-blown civil war in the DNC and an attempt to make sure Trump does not get elected at any cost is now happening. Many in D.C. are already saying that the Biden family has completely obliterated the constitution with how they are running the country.
Obama has the CIA and NSA in his corner. Bad news for Biden. The Biden family has cut Joe Biden off to anyone other than a few close people.
The Hur tapes are completely different than the transcription. The desperation to keep them is because apparently Joe Biden had full blown Dementia during most of that interview and some are saying the transcripts are in fact, doctored. I was even warned that I probably should not post this, but the hell with it, I hate the DNC, I hate democrats. The quicker we get rid of the democratic party the better off we all will be. But that includes getting rid of the GOP. Both parties suck.
Anyway, last night press conference did nothing, there is a full court press to get rid of Joe Biden and it is intensifying, watch for leaks to the press about Joe Biden and things that are happening behind the scenes. If the Hur tapes come out, it will be the end of Biden for sure and will lead to prosecutions because of the doctoring of the transcriptions. Internal polling has been disastrous. Many saying Biden has no path to win and if he were to win, the country would go up in flames. Crazy times we live in.
No way. These people are pawns. Obama. Jill. Big Mike. Killary. The real people running the show we don't know. If we heard a name we would be clueless. Ok, let me have a do over. They may be running the day to day unimportant nonsense but when orders come down, they follow. I keep hearing these people are stupid. The pawns, yes. The pawns owners? No. They may be getting desperate but they are not stupid. They may be arrogant but not stupid.
If this is true, I’m going to be very disappointed in myself.
I was CERTAIN Hussein was running things because of his widely publicized comment about how he’d “love a 3rd term if he could sit in his basement wearing sweats, talking to someone via microphone who is in front of the public day in & out, wearing an earpiece / microphone.” (paraphrased, not exact quote but this is the gist)
No news. Just restatement of old news, rumors and heresay. In light of today's assination attempt get Michelle Obama to shoot Joe. That will be some news!
Fact is Obama is just a mid level Deepstate Pawn. If he goes they will just replace him with someone like Newscum
Has everyone already forgotten that photo of the Obamas having lunch with the Hanks in Greece and the Obamas looking like schoolchildren being chewed out by the school headmistress as Mrs Hanks lords over them?
I was thinking more the speedboat one with Obongo and Clooney with the Asian child stuffed under the helm...
I only knew of her because of people talking about her creepy posts. Also I wondered who she was connected to since she's also the ugliest "supermodel" I've ever seen, basically a blonde white-skinned orc as SaltyCracker would put it.
Yup all we see is the middle managers. The made men who run their own crews. The capos are the Soros, Bergoglios and Gates of the world, the oligarchs. The Godfathers names rarely make the papers but they pull the strings of all of the puppets above.
This is a very accurate view of the cabal. The capos are not necessarily on the same side either. They fight among each other but theft, graft and racketeering are how they do business. Someone like Bill Gates or Soros probably could tell you the name of the godfather though.
don't forget the boganoffs
They and the Rockefellers are the public face but there are more hidden deep within the mists of time and lost to anonymity.
Some of them are the Black Nobility types that go back to middle ages Italy. The Pisan, Genoese and Venetian families like the de Medicis, the Holy Roman Empire, The Black Pope, the Hospitaliers and the Knights Templar.
Also, the Carolingian dynasty of Pepin the Short and Charlemagne and the Meronvingians who believe they descend from the bloodline of Christ and will birth the antichrist.
Some even further to biblical times before the coming of Christ -- Herod and Solomon. It goes back even to the Babylonians and before them the Sumerians.
Tartaria, Gobleki Tepi, the Ruins on Malta, Indian myths of flying cities, flood myths found in every ancient civilization and pyramids and obelisks across the world.
Its so much bigger than saying the Rothchilds. Blaming it all on them minimizes the problem.
Btw, to help improve everyones pattern recognition (with regards to the Rothschilds):
It's spelled Rothschild, with an S after Roth, because it's made up of two German words, Roth(Red) and Schild(Shield).
Schild is pronounced basically like Shield.
Hope this helps with further noticing things!
The orsini and colona families supposedly
"Obama has the CIA and NSA in his corner." Not sure about that frens IMO.
I don't think so, Newscum carries a lot of baggage he ruined Cal. and his pandemic moves were atrocious. Democrats know its not Biden it is the left's lunatic policies. Watch for a pretend center candidate like Josh Shapiro.
First Jewish President is what the party of Hamas would choose? I don't think so.
Newscum is inheriting the Pelosi machine. Baggage doesn’t matter much.
For sure, but he’s definitely a decent-sized cog in the machine.
Most important line in his tweet: "The quicker we get rid of the democratic party the better off we all will be. But that includes getting rid of the GOP. Both parties suck. "
I will say this again... this election cannot simply be Trump vs a candidate and Trump wins. All that would do is make it seem as if there is no cabal, and as if the election cycle is just going along its merry way.
The BEST thing that could happen is that the chaos among Dems continues, Joe Biden gets worse and worse, and more and more people see it, and EVERYONE believes Trump will win. But, the White Hats will ensure that Biden gets 91 million votes and wins in some crazy impossible proportion, and THAT will be the final red pill to the millions and millions of Americans who still believe it's "just politics" that there is a cabal and deep state behind everything.
That is when we will have 94% unity, and the military will be asked to intercede and manage via Martial Law while the election is quickly investigated (remember, since White Hats did it, they can come right out in 10 days and prove everything).
The traitors will be rounded up. The 2020 election will also be discovered to have been fraudulent (because everyone is ready to hear about it). Trump will be inaugurated on time. There will be no DNC attempts to decertify. There will be no RINOS to get in the way.... they will all be swept up as traitors as part of the movie.
That's my hope. I just can't see any other way towards building true unity against the cabal and to prepare Americans to fight back against the evil.
So, we need the infighting and the take down of FJB, as long as he stays in the race to the point that not a soul on earth thinks he'll get more than 20 million votes, if that.
this is what i believe as well. it can't just be another 4 years for this party, another 4 for this party, etc.
some really corrupt shit must be allowed to happen. let the dumb enemies dig their own graves deep, then expose it all.
once again, Trump can't be in office when this happens, because it will look like "orange man Hitler or tyrant".
there are already people calling this assassination attempt on Trump as "America's Reichstag", where they claim Trump is creating this as a false flag to take down Biden & the dems.
Well put, and I agree.
Additionally, the country (and world) need to see the media lying, manipulating, planning, and backtracking, right in front of them.
They're starting to, with the sudden about-face on Biden's cognition, and the infighting within the party and the messy reporting around it.
But we need more. This requires time -- people are just starting to see it, but it needs to continue and hit a higher pitch before the true, full mass awakening against the media.
If we have a lying media and gullible public consuming it, then our victory will be limited. But if the country becomes as wise to the media and their manipulation as we are, then truth can prevail far beyond Trump's four years and even his appointed successor's leadership after that.
since the White Hats did what?
In my prediction, I was explaining that white hats will orchestrate a Biden "win" in 2024. That's "it" they will have done.
That makes no sense, at least to me. If the white hats do this then they are to blame.
Funny that they are going to try decertifying the election. This is going to be Biblical 😂🤣😂
That's why the coming election MUST be run by the military and any Congress-critters who defy the Constitution must be put under arrest and tried in a military tribunal.
"The Biden and Obama family rift has now blown fully open and any aides loyal to Obama are going to get canned." you could look at that as getting rid of D.S. assets before Trump arrives. Good Guys in control !?! Edit... The optics would look better if Biden gets rid of them vs if Trump did when he is back in office. They would cry. Democracy getting destroyed.. anyway what I'm trying to say is it looks better if Trumps not connected to it.
I Brought The 🍿 & the 🧈...
Isn't that an iNsUrEcTiOn?
yeah, after they made laws to prevent that in 2021
Moves and countermoves! Yet again the White Hats have proved that they have been playing 5D chess while the Black Hats are stuck with their checkers pieces.
Every countermove of the Deep State has only led to them being backed into a corner with nowhere to go. Never ceases to be endlessly entertaining.
They wrote the laws. They wrote the loop holes.
I going to call bullshit. Jill is not running the country. Joe never ran the country. The puppet masters have been running the country.
If you believe Obama has the NSA in his corner you need to go back and read the drops on the NSA. Q refers to the NSA as no such agency many times in the drops. From what I have read the NSA is the reason "we have it all". The head of the NSA during Obama's time was Admiral Rogers, and Obama fired Rogers when it was revealed he paid an unauthorized visit to Trump. Rogers is the one that told Trump that Trump Tower was bugged.
It's more like, NSA has him cornered...
I agree!
Right. The big distraction is worrying about a presidents motives that isn't. It's a pin the tail on the donkey PR run that helps normals. All of what you said was common understanding here until recently, when shills, feds, gas lighters, bots and slide posting infiltrated. Now it's becoming just like /pol/ with twitter posting slowly pushing in.
Jill is a babysitter. Literally!
Fact is that devil incarnate Obama needs to go
I want Obama to confess who is he working for.
Obama is another Lawyer. Lawyers don't run shit.
They protect people at the top.
Who is Obama working for?
I think Obama may have been the puppet for the Saudi leg of the cabal under Al Waleed Bin Talal. He provided Obama with his education, and he put Obama in position for the Presidency.
Bin Talal was taken down after he attempted to have Trump's ally Mohammed bin Salman killed in the Las Vegas shooting.
Ah.. thanks for the reminder! You are correct!
I wonder who controls him now?
Also.. are the Saudi's (House of Sand) as powerful as the Rothschild?
Q told us early not that that leg had been taken out. Even though MBS has joined BRICS I think he is still a Trump ally.
He jailed a bunch of those aligned with BIn Talal, but I think Talal is actually free right now.
Could Obama have made a deal with the Whitehats?
yes we all want to know...hopefully this will be a DNC nuclear blast
Be careful who you follow. Ya, we can identify with some of what's said here but, much of it is laced with bs and divide and conquer language.
Why would we hate the GOP? It's a vehicle being used to support getting DJT back in office. Don't fall for half truths and inflammatory rhetoric. Jill running the country? Ya, right. There's lots more going on then meets the eye. Don't fall for this low level info.
I'm surprised mods stickled this. Typical type of post that doesn't make us smarter it just dumbs us down.
Agreed. Jill isn't running anything. More importantly, neither the demonrats nor the RINOs give two craps about our Constitution and they all WANT to destroy America. They're not upset that Joe is running the country into the ditch; that's their unwritten demonrat party policy. I do think we'll see escalating infighting within the demonrat party, but they'll do whatever strategy they feel will give them the best shot at keeping Trump out of office. I also don't believe they're planning for a decertification. In fact, I'd guess the only things they're planning for when Trump wins BIGLY is getting set up with plastic surgery, identity changes and untraceable funding for themselves for the next several years.
Spot on. If it was that much of a problem, barry and big mike would take dementia joe for a swim, let alone a leisurely stroll down the stairs. This is all too convenient and doesnt seem to be organic from the outside looking in. I could be completely wrong, but, the underage baby sitter might have some pull with dementia joe, not within the machine itself. We all know for damn sure, someone has been controlling and covering for joe before 2020, he's a meat puppet.
Personally, I think that a ton of the fear we see is a coverup for the fact that there is a coverup. Anyone with two brain cells (that would exclude most dem voters) can see that dementia joe is incapable of running the country so, how and why has the media covered this up for so long? Same question for the left's leadership. Everything the right (still uniparty) called on dementia joe is and has been correct.
At the end of the day, a rug pull will happen if Trump gets in office, they will bury the right in so much 24x7 coverage and economic collapse in an effort to show the npc's to never trust or vote right again. Trump also strikes fear in their hearts as he promised to get rid of the job for life un-fireable attributes of a gov job.
who is this guy this information is coming from? who is his "anonymous" insider informant? is his posting this burning his information source? and why would he?
This. I think many of us here could've written the exact same post. All of this stuff has been public (some for a while, some just recently) - maybe not in the MSM but I've certainly seen much of it on OAN and even some here.
Even this:
Susan Collins (Maine) came out yesterday publicly saying she is not voting for Trump and will write in Hayley. Nobody cares what she thinks - she is a RINO. Why would she make sure to get that on the news? Deals.
Why would this be stickied is the big juice here..
Why do you think Jill is hanging on with all her might?
Because she sold her soul for this. You think she'll let go that easily?
It's still theater yall....grain of salt!
Please all read this as pure speculative entertainment similar to reading a tabloid mag. As much as we all want it to be true we can only be fooled so many times with these rando twitter posts from reliable sources that almost always result in nothing burgers. These rando twitters all want their 15 seconds of fame and capitalize on our short memories.
lol- Obummer did that a long time ago.
Agreed 🐸
what will be interesting to watch is the final showdown with Biden and Obama ..i am sure Ol Joe has plenty of dirt on Obama...if he doesnt use it i am sure Jill will she is a vindictive bitch and hates the obamas
he has dementia - he's not having a showdown with anyone. The post even says he's sleeping 16 hours a day etc.
Its Jill and his estate, maybe even Hunter etc.
I too have inside information(however) it is in regards to later in this movie were watching. Near the end of this movie it will get so bad. (brother against brother) that unless the day's be shortened all flesh will be destroyed (but) for the sake of the elect those days shall be shortened " ( Matthew 24:23) "The trumpet shall sound, the Son of man shall appear, the armies of heaven with Him, out of His mouth goeth a double edged sword, Christ's enemies shall be destroyed with the brightness of His coming, the government of this world shall (now ) be upon His shoulders and He shall reign 1000 years on this earth" Then comes the great white throne judgment and the end of the movie as far as Satan and his followers are concerned. (Revelation 22)
Truth Amen.
Believable, but only because someone would be whispering into Jill's ear.
But is this the real Joe Biden? If not it’s an actor and hard to believe he would be sleeping 16 hours a day. I don’t put much stock in this because anyone can say “my friend” told me this.
I think I'm going to need more than a single grain of salt for this.
The people running the country don't show their faces. It's not Obama, it's not Jill, it's not Big Mike, it's a bunch of international bankers.
It's gonna be hilarious when Biden turns out to have been a white hat all along and this is the play to wake up the population and get Trump back in and keep Obama and his minions out.
Are we really getting hooked by this larp right now? 🤔🤔🤔
No real sauce...72 hr rule people.
Stuff he says in in conflict with what Q told us...
Long sigh ....
This is hardly surprising, I think most of us realized this a while ago. The question I have is about Jill. Was she flipped by the good guys to stoke a DS civil war? Will she and can she be successful in running out the clock on the DS to the point it is impossible to get a different candidates name on the ballot?
The movie being played is Panic in DC. It's the final movie in the trilogy. Get ready for a major FF. Trump has warned it's 100% going to happen. Dnc convention might be ground zero.
I just hung up with my friend who works in D.C. The guy who has nailed everything and given me inside scoops for months that have led to viral tweets, correct predictions and he has not been wrong yet. Not sure if I should post this, but:
Jill Biden is running the country right now. Joe Biden is sleeping up to 16 hrs. per day. The Biden and Obama family rift has now blown fully open and any aides loyal to Obama are going to get canned. Obama is going to try and force Joe out. Obama is meeting privately with power players to get them to withdraw funding.
Hollywood will begin to turn on Biden via Obama is telling them. Democrats are making decertification plans in case of a Trump win. Deals are being attempted with some republicans right now to turn on Trump.
A full-blown civil war in the DNC and an attempt to make sure Trump does not get elected at any cost is now happening. Many in D.C. are already saying that the Biden family has completely obliterated the constitution with how they are running the country.
Obama has the CIA and NSA in his corner. Bad news for Biden. The Biden family has cut Joe Biden off to anyone other than a few close people.
The Hur tapes are completely different than the transcription. The desperation to keep them is because apparently Joe Biden had full blown Dementia during most of that interview and some are saying the transcripts are in fact, doctored. I was even warned that I probably should not post this, but the hell with it, I hate the DNC, I hate democrats. The quicker we get rid of the democratic party the better off we all will be. But that includes getting rid of the GOP. Both parties suck.
Anyway, last night press conference did nothing, there is a full court press to get rid of Joe Biden and it is intensifying, watch for leaks to the press about Joe Biden and things that are happening behind the scenes. If the Hur tapes come out, it will be the end of Biden for sure and will lead to prosecutions because of the doctoring of the transcriptions. Internal polling has been disastrous. Many saying Biden has no path to win and if he were to win, the country would go up in flames. Crazy times we live in.
I think this is very accurate.
No way. These people are pawns. Obama. Jill. Big Mike. Killary. The real people running the show we don't know. If we heard a name we would be clueless. Ok, let me have a do over. They may be running the day to day unimportant nonsense but when orders come down, they follow. I keep hearing these people are stupid. The pawns, yes. The pawns owners? No. They may be getting desperate but they are not stupid. They may be arrogant but not stupid.
I agree. No one is going to do anything to protect us. Nothing is gained without conflict according to history and scripture.
If this is true, I’m going to be very disappointed in myself.
I was CERTAIN Hussein was running things because of his widely publicized comment about how he’d “love a 3rd term if he could sit in his basement wearing sweats, talking to someone via microphone who is in front of the public day in & out, wearing an earpiece / microphone.” (paraphrased, not exact quote but this is the gist)
So like, have we just given up on Devolution entirely?
Q straight up told us.
Jill and Hunter
I'd like to say that any of this comes as a surprise but it does not.
I'll just say this. Joe bidens admin isn't running jack shit. Jill changes diapers and dresses biden when ever he finally wakes up.
"I just hung up with my friend who works in D.C."
It's just Matt who works as a bagger at the grocery store.
No news. Just restatement of old news, rumors and heresay. In light of today's assination attempt get Michelle Obama to shoot Joe. That will be some news!
idk who all these weird people are that keep getting posted here are, with NO facts, just HEARSAY.
"I just hung up with my friend in DC who has nailed everything & gives me inside scoops that lead to viral tweets...."
LOL, ok pal