They have from now to Jan. 20 to use everything in their power to wreak any and every kind of havok upon us - from weather control, media propaganda, fbi, irs, atf agents knocking on our doors, plandemics, electric "outages", gas shortages and price gouging, dumping of migrants, release of criminals, interuption of phone, internet communications, bank failures, wildfires, destroying food plants, livestock and crops - all things they have done and things we cannot even imagine to bring this country down.
We have powerful weapons too - we have God on our side, we have our first and second amendments, we have the love for our country that should bring us together as it is our DUTY to fight this tyranny any way we can. Stay loud and call them out and pray, pray, pray.
Yes, this is Partially True, they will pour it on as thick as possible soon....
But it isn't limited to just Nov through January, their fullest Intentions from November 5th onward will be to create as much Havoc and Mischief as possible, even to the Extreme of popping off a Dirty Nuke in some big city, probably some place like Denver, or near the center of the Continental U.S., just for the Randomness of it....
Their Plan ""B"", is, if they cannot Chet and Win, is to create as much Chaos that it could Collapse Society, or may Crush the incoming Administration due to the sheer size of the Seemingly Random Chaos and ensuing Riots and such....
It'll be, at a minimum, in the very least timeline, 1 Year, possibly as long as 18 Months, for the Main actions, and then possibly some left over extremist individuals doing random crap for a time thereafter....
I also like to think there's a very large army keeping their powder dry, their skills sharp, and ready to step up at a moments notice. And the DS fears us most of all.
Drop 34 has to be directed towards this coming election and the DS reaction to it. In spite of double meanings and all that has come to pass, nothing in the past quite fits.
Everyone around me is liberal or normie minded. Neighbours, friends, family, coworkers. I’m at the point I just want minimum contact and socialization with anyone. My husband is pro Trump but unfortunately a black piller and don’t trust in Q and the plan. At least I can stay cozy while he chooses negativity. Jesus got my back and I have faith we will get through this. My only last hope would be for everyone around us to wake up and see the truth so we don’t all have to be the assumed crazies anymore.
Sorry to hear that patriot. Hard when there's no one to compare notes with. I do think the truth is going to come out, but it's possible that some things never get fully revealed - as Q indicated - to protect the republic (and probably a few normies who would become burdens to society if they knew the full truth)
I'll be honest. If I'm in charge...we don't spring the trap until we have those extremes taken care of.
What we can't plan for is the organic movement of the normies as they wake from their slumber and see the destruction all around. They must have hope, somewhere to turn that isn't wanting to destroy everything.
We paid for the roads, the buildings, the schools, the parks, the infrastructure of our communities. We will need it for the rebuild. We will need guides, teachers, builders, care givers....and many more.
I can't imagine how much work has gone into it all.
Either we eradicate the parasite and save the children or our ascendants/descendants become the slave class to technologically reinforced demi-gods.
Denver isn't in a Bowl like Albuquerque is, so the Winds coming off the Rockies would probably carry lots of the Nuclear Fallout in an Easterly direction which could ruin parts of North Texas Panhandle, Oklahoma, Northern New Mexico, Kansas, the Dakotas, etc....
I'm not at all sure how far it might actually go or what the full final effects would be, but we might use the Mount St. Helens eruption as sort of a guide to see into how far it could reach....
It's also the Plot in Jericho, and other movies....
But T.H.R.E.A.D.S. is the plot I'd put my money on, as being the most likely direction that the WEF Morons might chose to go, mainly because the loss of their Power and Influence will make them want some sort of revenge, and the mindset of ""I'm taking my ball and going home"", may become ""Just mess everything up as much as possible"".....
This has been on my mind lately. Assuming the election proceeds like normal (which admittedly may not happen), what sort of things will happen between then and inauguration? I haven’t seen many people talking about this phase of the chess game.
They are going to claim that Trump committed insurrection on Jan 6th and therefore is not qualified to be President. It doesn't matter that he was never convicted of such a charge, they just lie on all the news shows and say it is so.
It won't work...
Aside from that look for riots by Antifa and the like.
Agreed - this is an important yet overlooked part of the timeline.
I genuinely believe the Soros radio station buying spree is related to this period of time, along with the dock workers strike being pushed out to January 15th.
I feel like I’m seeing pieces begin to stack up, but can’t quite connect them.
In my opinion, when President Trump wins and before Jan 20, in additon to what I wrote above they will:
•Give amnesty to the migrants
•Give SSI to all those they give amnesty to
•Put all these SSI folks on Medicare with no 2 year wait period that citizens have
• Find a way to misuse red flag laws to seize our weapons
•make allegations and censure/persecute republican members of congress and those newly elected
•take as many Presidential rights away as possible
Of course they will unleash the beasts on our coties again with no federal intervention. Just my opinion but it will be UGLY.
Even Satan doesn't like losing>>>Rev. 12:7 Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. 9 The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.
13 When the dragon saw that he had been hurled to the earth, ... [he] was enraged and went off to wage war ...
I once had an incredible vision of the cosmos and the universe. There are so many levels/layers and they are arranged according to their vibrational frequencies. If you do not own that frequency or if it was lost through sin then according to the laws of the universe you will automatically be moved down to a lower level. You simply can not continue to exists at a level that does not match you own internal frequency. This is how I see God (high/pure vibration) and satan (lower vibration) They are both “gods” since they are both being worshiped however one is of the universe (God almighty) and the other (selfassigned) of the earth. The earth was at a low enough vibrational energy level that Satan could reside and set himself up as a god. However he forgot God almighty is the God of all and he will reclaim his children of this earth who ultimately will (already are) raise their collective vibrational frequency which in turn will push Satan completely off the map and deep into a hell fire he can never escape. The invisible war is real. By committing to God and submitting to Jesus we can become more like him which will raise our vibrations individually and collective in the body of Christ. WWG1WGA. God Wins. 🙏
"Whether that be refusing the peaceful transition of power, obstructing Trump’s presidency, sowing chaos, initiating WW3, instigating civil war, terrorist attacks, false flag like January 6th, another Mueller-type situation to hamstring Trump, etc.
They know they cannot win. They have to improvise"
I'm sure I've heard that said a while back. It fits them - hell now or in the afterlife, they have no other desire and would know no other fate. The best thing that could happen to them is the sure promise of death that they might repent before they pass. Otherwise they think they can keep cheating the reaper.
The most powerful figure in American politics is a President at war. Their best chance is Russia, and they don't seem to be taking the bait. Iran would be an admission of Obama's diplomatic failures, and the current regime doesn't seem to like Israel, so that seems unlikely.
They could try to boot Kamala. But deadlines have passed. Seems like that path is now blocked.
There is still the cheat. Even if it doesn't get them the Presidency, it offers opportunities in the House, Senate, State and Local levels. They can use those lower offices to further corrupt the systems and hope it leads to power later.
Last, but not least, these people would rather burn the country down and rule over the ashes than lose power forever. I wouldn't be surprised to see a last minute amnesty declaration. Imagine the mess Trump would have if Biden tried to grant citizenship to 20M illegals, the potential for riots if it was litigated, and the electoral changes that would take place if this stunt succeeded.
I guarantee that very early in a second Trump Presidency, the 2020 fraud is recognized and everything done under Biden is undone, followed closely by 2008 and 2012 being exposed as fraudulent with everything under Obama undone.
And then it will be 1992, 1996, 2000 and 2004s turn to be undone. I think these elections are the low hanging fruit and will be easily proven fraudulent and the People disenfranchised.
How about Writing what you mean, not just hinting at it....
You said it's all about pissing off Trump Supporters, well, IF that's the Goal, then Goal Accomplished, we are pissed off and quite Angry....
But then you say I should Resist thinking with my Emotions, which are not at all part of my statement, at best my statement is just Flat, with No Emotion at all, like a Normal Conversation....
IF you see or feel emotion from my statement, it's emotion that you're putting into it, not me....
Correct that they want to piss us off however Hoseq is more correct in saying what they most importantly want; To hold power! No need to fight. We are all frens here.
Yeah I agree with you there it’s not a competition and there was no need to attack you on your comment. Lots of tension in the air these days so good reminder that we all need to relax. ✌️
Because she's an empty suit and an alcoholic. They're not going to pick someone who would potentially want to actually make their own decisions from time to time.
She's unlikable. They could have picked Michelle Obama or Newsom if they thought they had a chance of stealing this election. Both are deep state puppets and far more likeable
That's the whole point, though. They don't need a likeable person to steal it. Half of the country didn't believe the election results last time and nothing came of it.
They could've made P Diddy the candidate and a good chunk of the country would accept it because it's not the big bad Orange.
I think there's enough evidence that points towards devolution. I think Trump and military have been in control since January 2021 Hence the Kamala choice. Trump and the military had evidence of election interference including foreign interference. Trump giving up military control at that point would have been treason. Trump isn't a traitor
Ya those EO’s are still in place. Biden never did away with them. I remember perusing them and it lays all this out. it is just hard to see because it is so revolutionary and the op is well concealed. Nobody has ever done this in the country before.
Reading some of these replies I began to ask myself if this is still a Q forum or if we only give it lip service. Maybe we are just so far out from the drops we have forgotten.
Not sure I agree with that - I think they are sure they can hijack the election again and are rubbing their joke of a candidate in our faces just to show us they can.
They're not even trying. They didn't try the last time either because they were determined to make the steal and they did.
This time, they're just adding some extra humiliation with their non-candidate who is still going to "win."
My spidey sense tells me to beware of private military contractors like (I'm fairly certain anyway) the dillrods in the helo that skunked the relief staging area via rotor wash... I sincerely doubt ANY Americans wearing a uniform and honoring their oath would pull that bs.
They haven't accepted anything. They will still cheat. That's why they have retained Mark Elias to fight litigation involving the election. Everyone needs to vote. If Trump wins... he needs to be kept safe till inauguration and after that they will try to impeach him for something stupid again.
I've been suspecting for months that they already told us their plan. Don't they frequently use projection?
They claimed that Trump was going to go all dictator and refuse to leave office, right? Well, that's what I suspect may happen. They may not show their hand until Jan. 6 when they try to deny certification, and then Bidan will refuse to leave the WH on the 20th. I hope I'm wrong, but... time will tell.
Good point. They are talking so much about what will happen if Trump becomes President that I’m starting to believe it’s their plans to do exactly what they project themselves.
This must be where Jaime Raskins "plan" comes in - where he thinks no matter how many votes Trump gets, they are going to refuse to certify the election based on the Civil War amendment, 14th I think, mom had shoulder replacement surgery yesterday and I'm lacking sleep 🙈
Edit: wasn't he impeached for that the 2nd time and found "NOT GUILTY" by the Senate?
Yeah, here's the bottom line on Raskin -- I've never said anything like this about ANY other human in my lifetime, but I mean this most sincerely. His cancer SHOULD have been aided and abetted to take his sorry, traitorous, dishonest ass out LAST year.
God knows all of "those" assholes cheer for, and even plan for, the deaths of us "useless eaters" -- I'm not ashamed to admit that, while death had a leg up on Jamie Raskin, I'd sincerely hoped the Grim Reaper would win. He is pure, unadulterated HUMAN FILTH.
On a related and much brighter note -- I hope your mother is doing better and continues to improve rapidly!
My suspicion is they will let him win, allow their party to riot and record it for a few days. Then after enough footage, they will go and attempt imprisonment, then when the MAGA come out in support, they will reuse the footage and declare a state of emergency and attempt to retain control.
I think it hinges on if the Dems lose both the House and Senate and Trump wins. If he sweeps Congress then blackmail and other pressure will be applied to RINOS to block major initiatives and global chaos will worsen to keep him distracted. Don’t rule out mystery virus releases and more assassination attempts.
I sure hope better minds than mine have gamed out the possibilities and have counter-measures ready.
This. I feel like MSM is already posturing for the “first female president”. Hollyweird idiots like Meryl Streep and others have been calling her President already.
she is a mockery of the type of woman who is qualified to be President and if elected she will make "The First Woman President" "achievement" a laughing-stock.
IMO they either have the power to do whatever they want or they have none. No middle ground. And the fact that Trump still lives tells me which one it is.
From an opposition PoV, obstructing Trump's second term is their best play.
If they don't manipulate votes and anger the population, and instead focus on obstructing him, they are done with him after that term. They don't have his charisma to contend with anymore.
But if they try hard to cheat, they either win and the population gets quite ornery or they lose and they get jailed by Trump.
The best strategy they have is just conceding the win to Trump, cheating their smaller wins like Senate or House majority, and obstructing him for 4 years.
But these people are stupid, they don't understand strategy.
In the end, they will admit they cheated in 2020… and trump actually won, and because of this he can’t serve a third term… those dumb faggots will attempt everything
They have from now to Jan. 20 to use everything in their power to wreak any and every kind of havok upon us - from weather control, media propaganda, fbi, irs, atf agents knocking on our doors, plandemics, electric "outages", gas shortages and price gouging, dumping of migrants, release of criminals, interuption of phone, internet communications, bank failures, wildfires, destroying food plants, livestock and crops - all things they have done and things we cannot even imagine to bring this country down.
We have powerful weapons too - we have God on our side, we have our first and second amendments, we have the love for our country that should bring us together as it is our DUTY to fight this tyranny any way we can. Stay loud and call them out and pray, pray, pray.
Yes, this is Partially True, they will pour it on as thick as possible soon....
But it isn't limited to just Nov through January, their fullest Intentions from November 5th onward will be to create as much Havoc and Mischief as possible, even to the Extreme of popping off a Dirty Nuke in some big city, probably some place like Denver, or near the center of the Continental U.S., just for the Randomness of it....
Their Plan ""B"", is, if they cannot Chet and Win, is to create as much Chaos that it could Collapse Society, or may Crush the incoming Administration due to the sheer size of the Seemingly Random Chaos and ensuing Riots and such....
It'll be, at a minimum, in the very least timeline, 1 Year, possibly as long as 18 Months, for the Main actions, and then possibly some left over extremist individuals doing random crap for a time thereafter....
Prepare accordingly.....
Q22 -- No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift. AMEN.
I trust Q.
And I have deep faith in the power of prayer, and of our great and compassionateGod!
HOLDING THE LINE. What an amaaaaazing time to be alive!
I also like to think there's a very large army keeping their powder dry, their skills sharp, and ready to step up at a moments notice. And the DS fears us most of all.
I pray you are right about no war or civil unrest. I have deep faith in God's power also but Satan is not giving up without a fight.
Drop 34 has to be directed towards this coming election and the DS reaction to it. In spite of double meanings and all that has come to pass, nothing in the past quite fits.
Amen, fren. I wish you and more frens here were my nearby neighbors, in my disgusting, sleepy deep-blue part of the country. :(
Me too fren. I do have a couple of really good neighbors, but also more than a few diehard liberals on the street.
Everyone around me is liberal or normie minded. Neighbours, friends, family, coworkers. I’m at the point I just want minimum contact and socialization with anyone. My husband is pro Trump but unfortunately a black piller and don’t trust in Q and the plan. At least I can stay cozy while he chooses negativity. Jesus got my back and I have faith we will get through this. My only last hope would be for everyone around us to wake up and see the truth so we don’t all have to be the assumed crazies anymore.
Sorry to hear that patriot. Hard when there's no one to compare notes with. I do think the truth is going to come out, but it's possible that some things never get fully revealed - as Q indicated - to protect the republic (and probably a few normies who would become burdens to society if they knew the full truth)
Ever heard of deltas or the Q-clock? These drop are more relevant than ever but you must thoroughly study Q drops to understand
I'll be honest. If I'm in charge...we don't spring the trap until we have those extremes taken care of.
What we can't plan for is the organic movement of the normies as they wake from their slumber and see the destruction all around. They must have hope, somewhere to turn that isn't wanting to destroy everything.
We paid for the roads, the buildings, the schools, the parks, the infrastructure of our communities. We will need it for the rebuild. We will need guides, teachers, builders, care givers....and many more.
I can't imagine how much work has gone into it all.
Either we eradicate the parasite and save the children or our ascendants/descendants become the slave class to technologically reinforced demi-gods.
How's that for a dinner party conversation.....
Ahhh...another awesome patriot on GAW, who I WISH could be my neighbor.
Someone please pass the Pepper, this meal is getting quite flavorful....
Good advise - prepare for the worst, no one will be mad if the worst doesnt happen.
Denver shithole that it is can use a cleansing. Hope I’m far enough upwind if it happens.
The Pharisees decided instead of the shitholes like CA to cleanse our beautiful states like NC and Florida exactly where I live. Naples
Washington sounds like a better place or NY or Los Angeles.
Denver isn't in a Bowl like Albuquerque is, so the Winds coming off the Rockies would probably carry lots of the Nuclear Fallout in an Easterly direction which could ruin parts of North Texas Panhandle, Oklahoma, Northern New Mexico, Kansas, the Dakotas, etc....
I'm not at all sure how far it might actually go or what the full final effects would be, but we might use the Mount St. Helens eruption as sort of a guide to see into how far it could reach....
That's the plot of the book version of 'The Sum of All Fears'. Muslim terrorists nuke the Super Bowl in Denver.
It's also the Plot in Jericho, and other movies....
But T.H.R.E.A.D.S. is the plot I'd put my money on, as being the most likely direction that the WEF Morons might chose to go, mainly because the loss of their Power and Influence will make them want some sort of revenge, and the mindset of ""I'm taking my ball and going home"", may become ""Just mess everything up as much as possible"".....
It's a very insane POV....
This has been on my mind lately. Assuming the election proceeds like normal (which admittedly may not happen), what sort of things will happen between then and inauguration? I haven’t seen many people talking about this phase of the chess game.
They are going to claim that Trump committed insurrection on Jan 6th and therefore is not qualified to be President. It doesn't matter that he was never convicted of such a charge, they just lie on all the news shows and say it is so.
It won't work...
Aside from that look for riots by Antifa and the like.
Agreed - this is an important yet overlooked part of the timeline.
I genuinely believe the Soros radio station buying spree is related to this period of time, along with the dock workers strike being pushed out to January 15th.
I feel like I’m seeing pieces begin to stack up, but can’t quite connect them.
In my opinion, when President Trump wins and before Jan 20, in additon to what I wrote above they will: •Give amnesty to the migrants •Give SSI to all those they give amnesty to •Put all these SSI folks on Medicare with no 2 year wait period that citizens have • Find a way to misuse red flag laws to seize our weapons •make allegations and censure/persecute republican members of congress and those newly elected •take as many Presidential rights away as possible
Of course they will unleash the beasts on our coties again with no federal intervention. Just my opinion but it will be UGLY.
I'm a comfy Pepe. God wins!
Even Satan doesn't like losing>>>Rev. 12:7 Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. 9 The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. 13 When the dragon saw that he had been hurled to the earth, ... [he] was enraged and went off to wage war ...
I once had an incredible vision of the cosmos and the universe. There are so many levels/layers and they are arranged according to their vibrational frequencies. If you do not own that frequency or if it was lost through sin then according to the laws of the universe you will automatically be moved down to a lower level. You simply can not continue to exists at a level that does not match you own internal frequency. This is how I see God (high/pure vibration) and satan (lower vibration) They are both “gods” since they are both being worshiped however one is of the universe (God almighty) and the other (selfassigned) of the earth. The earth was at a low enough vibrational energy level that Satan could reside and set himself up as a god. However he forgot God almighty is the God of all and he will reclaim his children of this earth who ultimately will (already are) raise their collective vibrational frequency which in turn will push Satan completely off the map and deep into a hell fire he can never escape. The invisible war is real. By committing to God and submitting to Jesus we can become more like him which will raise our vibrations individually and collective in the body of Christ. WWG1WGA. God Wins. 🙏
"Whether that be refusing the peaceful transition of power, obstructing Trump’s presidency, sowing chaos, initiating WW3, instigating civil war, terrorist attacks, false flag like January 6th, another Mueller-type situation to hamstring Trump, etc.
They know they cannot win. They have to improvise"
Domestic terror attack from a "maga supporter" . Most likely killing a dem operative.
"The election will be suspended until we can guarantee safety for our "elected" officials.
Put that in your next update Clandestine
KaObamala is dead and she don't know it!
She knows it and soon everybody else will. They all are
Nancy is ready >>>
It's pretty clear they are happy to go scorched earth if they don't get their way.
Didn't someone say, "They would rather rule over the ashes than let Trump win."
I'm sure I've heard that said a while back. It fits them - hell now or in the afterlife, they have no other desire and would know no other fate. The best thing that could happen to them is the sure promise of death that they might repent before they pass. Otherwise they think they can keep cheating the reaper.
The most powerful figure in American politics is a President at war. Their best chance is Russia, and they don't seem to be taking the bait. Iran would be an admission of Obama's diplomatic failures, and the current regime doesn't seem to like Israel, so that seems unlikely.
They could try to boot Kamala. But deadlines have passed. Seems like that path is now blocked.
There is still the cheat. Even if it doesn't get them the Presidency, it offers opportunities in the House, Senate, State and Local levels. They can use those lower offices to further corrupt the systems and hope it leads to power later.
Last, but not least, these people would rather burn the country down and rule over the ashes than lose power forever. I wouldn't be surprised to see a last minute amnesty declaration. Imagine the mess Trump would have if Biden tried to grant citizenship to 20M illegals, the potential for riots if it was litigated, and the electoral changes that would take place if this stunt succeeded.
Fraud vitiates everything.
I guarantee that very early in a second Trump Presidency, the 2020 fraud is recognized and everything done under Biden is undone, followed closely by 2008 and 2012 being exposed as fraudulent with everything under Obama undone.
And then it will be 1992, 1996, 2000 and 2004s turn to be undone. I think these elections are the low hanging fruit and will be easily proven fraudulent and the People disenfranchised.
My heart in on fire! Thanks be to Q. THANKS BE TO GOD!
Watch out for the hand off, look here not over there they, can't be trusted.
Weather warfare to destroy as much as they can so that they can postpone the election
Don't be surprised if this hurricane shifts north after exiting Florida and rides the coast with massive distruction
Scorched earth.
All they wanna do is piss off Trump supporters. Once you realize that, you will be immune to the bullshit.
That's the wrong way to look at it....
Way too short Sighted....
They just want to KEEP POWER, is the correct vision....
Yeah, you didn’t get what I said. Resist thinking with your emotions only.
How about Writing what you mean, not just hinting at it....
You said it's all about pissing off Trump Supporters, well, IF that's the Goal, then Goal Accomplished, we are pissed off and quite Angry....
But then you say I should Resist thinking with my Emotions, which are not at all part of my statement, at best my statement is just Flat, with No Emotion at all, like a Normal Conversation....
IF you see or feel emotion from my statement, it's emotion that you're putting into it, not me....
Apparently emotional enough for someone to downvote, lol.
Also two things can be true at the same time..
Correct that they want to piss us off however Hoseq is more correct in saying what they most importantly want; To hold power! No need to fight. We are all frens here.
Well they replied first, telling me I was “wrong” so.. wtf. As I stated two things can be right at the same time. Where did I disagree?
I dunno about you, but I’m chill, some people need to take a break from the internet though.
Yeah I agree with you there it’s not a competition and there was no need to attack you on your comment. Lots of tension in the air these days so good reminder that we all need to relax. ✌️
Yep!! I agree! I don't even listen to it or read it anymore. I only envision the future with a Trump win.
I think most of the deep state has been taken out. If the deep state is capable of stealing another election WHY pick cackling Kamala?
Because she's an empty suit and an alcoholic. They're not going to pick someone who would potentially want to actually make their own decisions from time to time.
She's unlikable. They could have picked Michelle Obama or Newsom if they thought they had a chance of stealing this election. Both are deep state puppets and far more likeable
That's the whole point, though. They don't need a likeable person to steal it. Half of the country didn't believe the election results last time and nothing came of it. They could've made P Diddy the candidate and a good chunk of the country would accept it because it's not the big bad Orange.
I think there's enough evidence that points towards devolution. I think Trump and military have been in control since January 2021 Hence the Kamala choice. Trump and the military had evidence of election interference including foreign interference. Trump giving up military control at that point would have been treason. Trump isn't a traitor
Ya those EO’s are still in place. Biden never did away with them. I remember perusing them and it lays all this out. it is just hard to see because it is so revolutionary and the op is well concealed. Nobody has ever done this in the country before.
Watch the water [PORTS] !
Reading some of these replies I began to ask myself if this is still a Q forum or if we only give it lip service. Maybe we are just so far out from the drops we have forgotten.
Not sure I agree with that - I think they are sure they can hijack the election again and are rubbing their joke of a candidate in our faces just to show us they can.
They're not even trying. They didn't try the last time either because they were determined to make the steal and they did.
This time, they're just adding some extra humiliation with their non-candidate who is still going to "win."
My spidey sense tells me to beware of private military contractors like (I'm fairly certain anyway) the dillrods in the helo that skunked the relief staging area via rotor wash... I sincerely doubt ANY Americans wearing a uniform and honoring their oath would pull that bs.
They haven't accepted anything. They will still cheat. That's why they have retained Mark Elias to fight litigation involving the election. Everyone needs to vote. If Trump wins... he needs to be kept safe till inauguration and after that they will try to impeach him for something stupid again.
Marc Elias most definitely needs to contract whatever cancer Jamie Raskin managed to beat last year.
I think you're spot on.
They may very well try to cancel the election.
Even the MSM is turning on Kamala now, so they know they can't win.
I've been suspecting for months that they already told us their plan. Don't they frequently use projection?
They claimed that Trump was going to go all dictator and refuse to leave office, right? Well, that's what I suspect may happen. They may not show their hand until Jan. 6 when they try to deny certification, and then Bidan will refuse to leave the WH on the 20th. I hope I'm wrong, but... time will tell.
Good point. They are talking so much about what will happen if Trump becomes President that I’m starting to believe it’s their plans to do exactly what they project themselves.
Kek. Kamala ‘wins’, biden refuses to step down, then hands the white house to Trump. KEK!
This must be where Jaime Raskins "plan" comes in - where he thinks no matter how many votes Trump gets, they are going to refuse to certify the election based on the Civil War amendment, 14th I think, mom had shoulder replacement surgery yesterday and I'm lacking sleep 🙈 Edit: wasn't he impeached for that the 2nd time and found "NOT GUILTY" by the Senate?
Yeah, here's the bottom line on Raskin -- I've never said anything like this about ANY other human in my lifetime, but I mean this most sincerely. His cancer SHOULD have been aided and abetted to take his sorry, traitorous, dishonest ass out LAST year.
God knows all of "those" assholes cheer for, and even plan for, the deaths of us "useless eaters" -- I'm not ashamed to admit that, while death had a leg up on Jamie Raskin, I'd sincerely hoped the Grim Reaper would win. He is pure, unadulterated HUMAN FILTH.
On a related and much brighter note -- I hope your mother is doing better and continues to improve rapidly!
I agree 1000% about Raskin and all his ilk. Thank you for the well wishes for mom also 😊
I still need this Hillary swap at the last second. Please give it to me.
My suspicion is they will let him win, allow their party to riot and record it for a few days. Then after enough footage, they will go and attempt imprisonment, then when the MAGA come out in support, they will reuse the footage and declare a state of emergency and attempt to retain control.
I think it hinges on if the Dems lose both the House and Senate and Trump wins. If he sweeps Congress then blackmail and other pressure will be applied to RINOS to block major initiatives and global chaos will worsen to keep him distracted. Don’t rule out mystery virus releases and more assassination attempts.
I sure hope better minds than mine have gamed out the possibilities and have counter-measures ready.
The GOPe will play a major role in stopping Trump's agenda in his 2nd term.
Everyone will see the RINOs and DS actors for whom they really are.
This. I feel like MSM is already posturing for the “first female president”. Hollyweird idiots like Meryl Streep and others have been calling her President already.
Time Magazine also had Madam President (Hillary) on the cover. That didn't work out so well.
It was projection. Sadly for them it failed.
Not sad for us though
she is a mockery of the type of woman who is qualified to be President and if elected she will make "The First Woman President" "achievement" a laughing-stock.
Yes. If a woman were to become president it should be someone in the mould of Margaret Thatcher not the cackling hoe.
Yes, she is prob the best example.
Killing people.
Yes they won't certify the election.
Looks to me like they're going scorched-earth on us.
IMO they either have the power to do whatever they want or they have none. No middle ground. And the fact that Trump still lives tells me which one it is.
From an opposition PoV, obstructing Trump's second term is their best play.
If they don't manipulate votes and anger the population, and instead focus on obstructing him, they are done with him after that term. They don't have his charisma to contend with anymore.
But if they try hard to cheat, they either win and the population gets quite ornery or they lose and they get jailed by Trump.
The best strategy they have is just conceding the win to Trump, cheating their smaller wins like Senate or House majority, and obstructing him for 4 years.
But these people are stupid, they don't understand strategy.
Destroy the US economy and the Dollar ?
If the sitting president steps down between Election Day and Inauguration Day can the President Elect step in early?
Nope that’s what the VP is for.
There next phase is to be tried and put in prison for treason.
In the end, they will admit they cheated in 2020… and trump actually won, and because of this he can’t serve a third term… those dumb faggots will attempt everything
Next phase is probably refusing to certify Jan 2025 with some false flags mixed in there. Nov 5 to Jan 20 will be a WILD ride.
but not the outer space things yet, I think the illegals were being armed up and we're gonna be in the shit.