This is something that has always bothered me too...Q stating they'd only give us partial truth instead of 100% of it.
Yes, Q claims the full Truth would send 99% to the hospital...but without full truth, transparency, and declas, then something is off IMO. What must the hidden truths contain that is so bad, the WH don't believe even anons can handle it.
I want it all.. the good, the bad, the ugly.
This is how mankind learns from our past. If anything is omitted, this leaves some cracks available for evil to lurk back into.
The Q statement irritates me beyond description. Human beings of any age must cope with natural disasters since millennia (e.g., Hurricane Helene in western North Carolina, sinking ships, tornadoes throughout the Midwest, volcanic eruptions tantamount to a nuclear bomb, horrific car crashes with terrible lifelong injuries to the survivor, debilitating cancer, the indiscriminate destruction and privation of warfare). What can conceivably be worse than all these physical intrusions of chaos, ruin, death, and maiming injury? I don't buy it. Ordinary people survive all these things, including family treacheries and tragedies. I can accept that it might send 99% of the hard-core leftists to the mental hospital, owing to a psychotic break occasioned by cognitive dissonance, but that would be it. We are not children. And my reserve toward Q is exactly on account of this premise that we are children.
I am also hard core on the belief that truth belongs to God, and the closer we are to truth---as harrowing as it may be---the closer we are to God.
This is my thinking as well. It has bothered me for a long time. That's why when I see Q saying "Clean and Swift" and "No Civil War" I get the sinking feeling that we are about to repeat the mistakes of the past. Those phrases remind me of the common phrase "It'll be over by Christmas" used to describe the beginning of The Great War (also known as The First World War).
Besides, if the cabal was truly that horrific, we deserve to know. We cannot stop this evil if we are unaware of it. Child sacrifice, child experimentation, adrenochrome harvesting, child sex trafficking, etc will be horrific to come out but people have dealt with this throughout the ages. For god sakes we have folklore written about this crap for a reason. If we are unaware of evil, evil will reign supreme. The cleansing (mass arrests) that Q wants to do is just that. A much needed cleaning only to let the whole thing rot again. And rot again it will. Not in our time, but in our grandchildren children's time.
The more we go through this movie, the more I see the old guard slowly being replaced by a new guard that is more benevolent towards us and nothing more. It reminds me of the new Matrix movie with the new machines overthrowing the old machines only to still have everyone plugged into the matrix.
Again, we are in "The Pause," but I'm not thrilled about the future as I was before. Q expects us to trust the military and I kind of do. I will stop trusting them if after Nov 5th, they do nothing still. Q wants this done by the book. Q wants the people to arrest the evildoers. That means local police and State police. You know, the ones who everyone think are also corrupt. If this is to work, you have to arrest the evil police at the same time as the rest of the mass arrests. You want the public to trust the outcome of these mass arrests and return to normalcy, clean the whole damn house.
I'm grateful that we haven't gone through WW3 and had a nuclear holocaust, but I wonder if that was necessary to arrive at our destination of real peace. By going around the whole truth, we will now arrive at WW3 with even more devastating weapons. This whole Q operation might just be to delay/stop WW3 in our lifetimes. To me, it will be postponed. In its postponement, we have now allowed the nations of the Earth to stock up and develop even deadlier weapons.
Q knows many of us will be so enraged that we grab our guns. People that made deals with law enforcement to snitch on the major players would not survive our rage. Sadly many innocent could be killed inadvertently by our rage. I have no difficulty with Q filtering information. We have clues about the big stuff. People are saying that they lied about everything. Reflect on EVERYTHING and imagine what could be different, different horrible for humanity? Our entire view of the world could be completely wrong. We could be living in a petrie dish and the aliens from other dimensions or outer space harvest us for food. Do experiments on us. What if they didn’t use an A-bomb on Nagasaki & Hiroshima, cause there wasn’t one. They were harvested. What happened to all the people on the airliners that supposedly crashed into the towers? What if low IQ to awakening is how life rolls in the universe to end then begin again? When you have a 40,000 foot view it’s not as gruesome.
Hear, hear. My model for what is going on is the extirpation of a mass psychopathic cult, which will require full exposure / disclosure of the truth, its establishment as unarguable fact, a coming to terms with all the implications to all the presumptions and assumptions we have been working under, fatal decisions about the disposition of culprits and false ideals, blood sacrifices of expiation, and learning how to function in a spiritually clean world. None of this works if the truth is not fully faced, because honesty is the foundation of integrity.
If the parallel is not obvious, I am talking about the journey any criminally insane person must travel to become free from pain and horror, and live a sane life. For us, what is going on simply begs to be understood as psychological problems and conflicts.
This is exactly how we ended up where we are, by not being 100% transparent and above board! No more hiding the truth behind the bs moniker of “classified”.
If it would send 99 percent to the hospital then what special powers do the "In the know people" have that allows them to continue in life. I think the problem is they know we would go take them all out ourselves. I don't even need help to understand how evil and vile they've been. Child torturers and baby eaters. Skinning babies and toddlers alive and doing the worst shit imaginable. If they gave us the proof theyed never have time to work this out before we destroyed all of them ourselves. We already know that abortion is wonton sacrificial murder and how seared in the mind theybare to even perform an abortion.
I believe that was said about what was going on in North Korea before DJT went there, something so utterly horrible that it could never be released to the public.
This was about the same time as a "nuclear factory" under a NK mountain was destroyed by an earthquake.
u/Mind_Your_7s Agree 100%!! "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it" and all that. Though, I would assume Q means 99% of normies couldn't handle the truth.
If, however, they meant even anons, I struggle to come up with anything we wouldn't be able to handle. Like, if it came out that humans are actually alien hybrids or something crazy like that, I think we'd be able to handle that. 😅
Could maybe also mean that the truth will not be given all at once, but slowly. Angry people do make mistakes, but if it all comes out slowly, one small part at a time, maybe taking a generation or two it would still change how people, especially the ones growing up while everything is slowly being released, I think. Might work better for changing attitudes of the whole population than a sudden reveal of everything, when some would refuse to believe, others would want to start lynching parties, others would lose their minds, which all would probably end in pretty non-productive state of chaos.
It took generations from the other side to get into power and start destroying society from the inside, it might not be that easy to fix everything fast anymore, the rot has to be pretty deep at least in parts. I don't think this is that type of movie where you just need to get rid of the evil king and replace him with the good king and we can then just jump to end and everybody will live happily ever after.
Yes, this. The hardened Police that had to watch the Podesta insurance file threw up. Most have since killed themselves, not suicided, real suicide. If hardened cops couldn't handle it the population wouldn't fare any better.
No, my imagination can sometimes be way worse than what they show me. I would like to say that nothing surprises me anymore, but I think that I have become numb to it all. I still cry; I still get angry and I still want to do violence, terrible, terrible violence to the perps. God willing, I will get to be the hand of God and administer the justice they so rightly deserve, but if not, I know God will have the final say.
We need to know. Those that were involved NEED TO BE MADE EXAMPLES OF. This must never, ever happen again. If it makes some people quezy - so be it. I know there is another side to this story, but frankly - I don't care. I know that might be selfish, but we need to know, at all levels that this is no longer happening and never will again. Leave the children and the elderly alone. Protect them and all life always. We need to analyze the snott outta this. How did this start? How did it at any level become acceptable and what needs to be done to cease it from ever happening again?
My idea is this - In the dumbs and secured areas, the evil ones have beyond depraved monsters terrorizing children (no older than 12) and extracting adrenochrome from these poor children. Skinning alive, chainsawing limbs off, de-facing, sharp objects under fingernails and WORSE. and this happens daily. The children are kept in places that are beyond horrible, they get no sleep, they are afraid and without hope... Imagine this and think 100 times or more worse. They need to tell us and the world.
For the children I think I can have some faith and patience for them. If it means more children saved and no new victims the white hats can have the time they need.
The actual correct number is likely 2,000,000,000, that's 2 Billion people murdered/harvested/sacrificed in "industrialized operations" yet to be fully revealed since 1947. Welcome to Prison Planet.
Never. I want to vacation in hell to fuck these dudes up more. in between God's taskings he will assign me for eternity. Maybe after a thousand years it will grow boring.
Or, think about any five regular NFL stadiums. Now fill them all with children.
(And now kill them all.)
That's the reality of the evil that Trump is up against.
Makes it a little easier to see why they tried to jail him 94 times and kill him at least three times (and maybe many more attempts were thwarted that we never heard about).
Each time it was in the Q posts. Potus was giving a speech when a pastor got up and hit Trump in the back. SS got edgy about it until he pointed to the spider. In Scotland one of his ss was killed, probably by poison meant for Trump. There is a photo in the Q drops of a rocket, it was aimed at Trumps plane, the media tried to say it was a helicopter. Many Q posts I really do recommend newer people start by reading Q posts.
Labels are limiting, so though I'm tempted to say that all the ritual child sacrificers worship Moloch let's just refer to evildoers against the innocent and helpless as worshippers of the polar opposite of love, Holy Light, divinity and compassion. I have heard that they believe that innocent blood of the very young and pure must be shed every three minutes. But on how many altars? I suggest millions upon millions on and in this Earth. And the consumption of the life force, spirit energy, of them before they are killed. After every human in terms of monetary value contains about 500k of marketable organs. The entire situation is about exploitation of humanity as a commodity.
Most people know that Eisenhower made an agreement with an alien race that we would acquire technology from them in exchange for allowing them to harvest a very limited amount of human beings. They broke their part of the agreement about limits. Remember the talk about Jimmy Carter being allowed to know about the agreement? And that he wept with grief?
The defense department and very dark deep state is still working with ET underground making chimeras and other horrors. Big Pharma, scientists, Bill Gates, WEF, the transsexual cult, poisons in our food, everything to weaken humanity so that we lose our superpower connection to God, is their goal.
I will say that this planet being a fetid nasty den of demons and perversions and cruelty is unacceptable to God and unacceptable to the spirits of humans that are not corrupted. It is unendurable. I've pretty much witnessed all the sorrow I can bear. We must fight for the children. Doing so is the only way we will no longer surrender our world to the demonic. Once you know, if you do nothing, it is the sin of omission and equal to commiting the crime yourself. If the only weapon you have is to support in fervent prayer or visualization of the protection of our young, then use it. The human mind does not recognize a difference between what you visualize in your mind, and what is really happening. Be careful about your picturing. Use it!
How does it really make you feel that those in the current imposter administration knowingly facilitated the exploitation and eventual death of 325k children who came into our country? And that they feel pride and satisfaction in providing for the monsters who consume them? Their own overlords? I could not have imagined anything more immoral.
Something deeper than meets the eye on why government or DS needs these children... it goes beyond sex and organ harvesting.
I see tunnels, alot of mining activities, digging places that only fit child size human.. They are using these kids for something underground and building secret things we have totally no idea about it. This is what the Holy Spirit tells me. The sex thing is just the tip of the iceberg. Also, they are training soldiers since a young age to guarantee they'll obey completely.
Has anyone seen that movie Snowpiercer?
How they needed a kid to fit into the engine box to run the entire train, so they have to sacrifice a child every month when the previous kid dies of exhaustion.
agree, there's something much bigger going on, and it's why Q mentioned the 'matrix'
this drop also reminds me of those cabbage patch postcards from 100+ years ago...
Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind?
Sound familiar?
Wonder where they derived that idea from.
Now comes the 'conspiracy' label.
Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes.
The end won't be for everyone.
That choice, to know, will be yours.
Craig is based. Former Navy Seal who dedicate this life to fighting child trafficking. I believe he started Veterans 4 Child Rescue, and even did a "to catch a predator" type documentary where he confronted pedos meeting children. He loves Jesus, Trump, and hates evil. Good dude.
So...In light of all this darkness...and in the name of understanding, Has anyone figured out the mechanics (for lack of better term) of how this works?
I mean, they're sacrificing/murdering all these innocent children on a regular basis.
What's the take away?
Aside from an egotistical/pride "keeping score" - Where they kill something close to God, like an innocent child, what do they get out of it - besides that ego bs? (See the movie Nefarious)
From an energy/metaphysical standpoint - what energy is transferred from the child - and where? and to whom?
Who is the supposed interdimensional "creature" that is the beneficiary of all of this sacrifice? Just saying satan or moloch is too's gotta be more than that.
What are all these celebrities etc ACTUALLY GETTING from this activity? It HAS to be more than just some "We got one over on God's people" shit...There HAS to be something that we can relate to that actually makes sense. WHAT IS IT?
Especially #3 & #4, I have yet to hear a reasonable explanation for this fuckery. Are we talking John Dee (007) channeling Archons? Simple bible explanations about "the devil" don't scratch the itch for me...I need more than it's the "debil"...
I'd like to hear what you KNOW - not what you believe...
Let's shine light on this for everyone's benefit...We can all agree it's gone on long enough!
They're getting high off adrenalized blood. They're getting stem cells and youthful blood, tissue and organs. They're getting sex. They're getting business deals. They're getting BOATLOADS of money which buys control over their toadys who do their bidding. All of this combined makes them feared and very powerful, like gods. These are the facts.
Nothing pleases the debil more than the torture and murder of little ones. Sadly it does boil down to that. All the kingdoms of the earth are under his influence. The Bible clearly states that. It's fucked up.
That why they want children and babies...the innocent are closest to God. Been wanting to make a post about my thoughts on "junk DNA".
Go look it up TaQo...there is a group of cells at the bottom of our DNA that Researchers don't know what it is, so they refer to it as junk DNA
A nurse that had a NDE (near death experience) said God showed it to her and said "that's where I am".
Many others think when Cain killed Able the bloodlines of Adam & Eve split and this is the spiritual war we're fighting.
The satanic think they can steal and compromise the bloodline of Jesus...
So many are sacrifices to demons. Few people want to believe that is possible. I think they find it easier to go along with stem cells, organ harvesting, etc In truth, it's all the above.
Yes - I am familiar with the junk DNA farce... and how that's where "God's signature" is...
But clearly, there MUST be something they get out of it beyond mere ego stroking. That just doesn't justify the risk of getting caught - There MUST be more to it than ego of killing innocence and adrenochrome.
There has to be something on a metaphysical level that we don't know about... this is obviously a closely guarded secret. THAT'S what I want to know... because all the other "reasons" just don't add up. Spirit says there's more to it...
All the more reason to keep going and push forward. Print up some flyers with the best links possible, start waking up as many as you can that there's something serious going on they need to be aware of. Here's some starters to help based on my experience:
Show them how to look things up using duckduckgo .com and load at least 5 pages deep to get past the censorship from the "usual suspects" (wikipedia, snopes, MSN, all mainstream media)
The reveal has to be so gut wrenchingly repulsive, that from that point forward, anyone who even remotely hints at screwing up.(going back to evil) Will be shut down, so swiftly , and so completely. That the very notion, of evil will become beyond comprehension.
Upon further thought on this subject, I realized that the reveal will truly be biblical. As in, it will be so horrifying, that folks will be overwhelmed with the desire to ger right with God.
Imagine if you will, if by some chance those 300,000+ missing kids were somehow chipped with trackers so that the WH’s did in fact know where they ended up……….
This number isn't remotely accurate. "AI" (large language models) can't reason.
A densely packed crowd would be about 5 square feet per person. So 325,000 people would be about an acre and a half. This AI image looks far bigger than Central Park in NYC, but let's assume it's Central Park. Central park is 843 acres. Let's call it 750.
This photo has no trees and only a few buildings interrupting the crowd. If it was 750 acres at 5 square foot per person, we're looking at more like 6.5 million people here.
300k missing children is unconscionable, but this isn't it.
That looks like a lot more to me. Looks like Central Park with people standing shoulder to shoulder. Since you could fit the entire 7 billion people on earth shoulder to shoulder on one floor of the island of Manhattan I’d say that AI likely fudged up a bit. But it’s a cool image nonetheless.
Just take a look at one of the views of a major college football game, where some stadiums hold about 100,000, and then imagine 3 and a quarter of them.
Oh dear Lord! It's heartbreaking to think about but horrifying to see...💔🙏
I think even we will be shocked to the core when the full truth comes out. It's horrific, like something from dark, ancient times.
We will never know.
They won't tell us.
This is something that has always bothered me too...Q stating they'd only give us partial truth instead of 100% of it.
Yes, Q claims the full Truth would send 99% to the hospital...but without full truth, transparency, and declas, then something is off IMO. What must the hidden truths contain that is so bad, the WH don't believe even anons can handle it.
I want it all.. the good, the bad, the ugly.
This is how mankind learns from our past. If anything is omitted, this leaves some cracks available for evil to lurk back into.
The Q statement irritates me beyond description. Human beings of any age must cope with natural disasters since millennia (e.g., Hurricane Helene in western North Carolina, sinking ships, tornadoes throughout the Midwest, volcanic eruptions tantamount to a nuclear bomb, horrific car crashes with terrible lifelong injuries to the survivor, debilitating cancer, the indiscriminate destruction and privation of warfare). What can conceivably be worse than all these physical intrusions of chaos, ruin, death, and maiming injury? I don't buy it. Ordinary people survive all these things, including family treacheries and tragedies. I can accept that it might send 99% of the hard-core leftists to the mental hospital, owing to a psychotic break occasioned by cognitive dissonance, but that would be it. We are not children. And my reserve toward Q is exactly on account of this premise that we are children.
I am also hard core on the belief that truth belongs to God, and the closer we are to truth---as harrowing as it may be---the closer we are to God.
This is my thinking as well. It has bothered me for a long time. That's why when I see Q saying "Clean and Swift" and "No Civil War" I get the sinking feeling that we are about to repeat the mistakes of the past. Those phrases remind me of the common phrase "It'll be over by Christmas" used to describe the beginning of The Great War (also known as The First World War).
Besides, if the cabal was truly that horrific, we deserve to know. We cannot stop this evil if we are unaware of it. Child sacrifice, child experimentation, adrenochrome harvesting, child sex trafficking, etc will be horrific to come out but people have dealt with this throughout the ages. For god sakes we have folklore written about this crap for a reason. If we are unaware of evil, evil will reign supreme. The cleansing (mass arrests) that Q wants to do is just that. A much needed cleaning only to let the whole thing rot again. And rot again it will. Not in our time, but in our grandchildren children's time.
The more we go through this movie, the more I see the old guard slowly being replaced by a new guard that is more benevolent towards us and nothing more. It reminds me of the new Matrix movie with the new machines overthrowing the old machines only to still have everyone plugged into the matrix.
Again, we are in "The Pause," but I'm not thrilled about the future as I was before. Q expects us to trust the military and I kind of do. I will stop trusting them if after Nov 5th, they do nothing still. Q wants this done by the book. Q wants the people to arrest the evildoers. That means local police and State police. You know, the ones who everyone think are also corrupt. If this is to work, you have to arrest the evil police at the same time as the rest of the mass arrests. You want the public to trust the outcome of these mass arrests and return to normalcy, clean the whole damn house.
I'm grateful that we haven't gone through WW3 and had a nuclear holocaust, but I wonder if that was necessary to arrive at our destination of real peace. By going around the whole truth, we will now arrive at WW3 with even more devastating weapons. This whole Q operation might just be to delay/stop WW3 in our lifetimes. To me, it will be postponed. In its postponement, we have now allowed the nations of the Earth to stock up and develop even deadlier weapons.
Q knows many of us will be so enraged that we grab our guns. People that made deals with law enforcement to snitch on the major players would not survive our rage. Sadly many innocent could be killed inadvertently by our rage. I have no difficulty with Q filtering information. We have clues about the big stuff. People are saying that they lied about everything. Reflect on EVERYTHING and imagine what could be different, different horrible for humanity? Our entire view of the world could be completely wrong. We could be living in a petrie dish and the aliens from other dimensions or outer space harvest us for food. Do experiments on us. What if they didn’t use an A-bomb on Nagasaki & Hiroshima, cause there wasn’t one. They were harvested. What happened to all the people on the airliners that supposedly crashed into the towers? What if low IQ to awakening is how life rolls in the universe to end then begin again? When you have a 40,000 foot view it’s not as gruesome.
Hear, hear. My model for what is going on is the extirpation of a mass psychopathic cult, which will require full exposure / disclosure of the truth, its establishment as unarguable fact, a coming to terms with all the implications to all the presumptions and assumptions we have been working under, fatal decisions about the disposition of culprits and false ideals, blood sacrifices of expiation, and learning how to function in a spiritually clean world. None of this works if the truth is not fully faced, because honesty is the foundation of integrity.
If the parallel is not obvious, I am talking about the journey any criminally insane person must travel to become free from pain and horror, and live a sane life. For us, what is going on simply begs to be understood as psychological problems and conflicts.
This is exactly how we ended up where we are, by not being 100% transparent and above board! No more hiding the truth behind the bs moniker of “classified”.
If it would send 99 percent to the hospital then what special powers do the "In the know people" have that allows them to continue in life. I think the problem is they know we would go take them all out ourselves. I don't even need help to understand how evil and vile they've been. Child torturers and baby eaters. Skinning babies and toddlers alive and doing the worst shit imaginable. If they gave us the proof theyed never have time to work this out before we destroyed all of them ourselves. We already know that abortion is wonton sacrificial murder and how seared in the mind theybare to even perform an abortion.
I believe that was said about what was going on in North Korea before DJT went there, something so utterly horrible that it could never be released to the public.
This was about the same time as a "nuclear factory" under a NK mountain was destroyed by an earthquake.
u/Mind_Your_7s Agree 100%!! "Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it" and all that. Though, I would assume Q means 99% of normies couldn't handle the truth.
If, however, they meant even anons, I struggle to come up with anything we wouldn't be able to handle. Like, if it came out that humans are actually alien hybrids or something crazy like that, I think we'd be able to handle that. 😅
I actually expect to learn of things that we never imagined. I know how severely we've been duped.
I think they will tell us, but not show us -- as in photos, videos, etc.
The visuals will be worse than your imagination.
Could maybe also mean that the truth will not be given all at once, but slowly. Angry people do make mistakes, but if it all comes out slowly, one small part at a time, maybe taking a generation or two it would still change how people, especially the ones growing up while everything is slowly being released, I think. Might work better for changing attitudes of the whole population than a sudden reveal of everything, when some would refuse to believe, others would want to start lynching parties, others would lose their minds, which all would probably end in pretty non-productive state of chaos.
No, no, no, a generation is way to-o-o-o-o-o-o long!
It took generations from the other side to get into power and start destroying society from the inside, it might not be that easy to fix everything fast anymore, the rot has to be pretty deep at least in parts. I don't think this is that type of movie where you just need to get rid of the evil king and replace him with the good king and we can then just jump to end and everybody will live happily ever after.
So you think that d-r-a-g-g-i-n-g it out is better, meaning let it continue and let it become known s-l-o-w-l-y is better? GTFOH
Yes, this. The hardened Police that had to watch the Podesta insurance file threw up. Most have since killed themselves, not suicided, real suicide. If hardened cops couldn't handle it the population wouldn't fare any better.
I think they were suicided
No, my imagination can sometimes be way worse than what they show me. I would like to say that nothing surprises me anymore, but I think that I have become numb to it all. I still cry; I still get angry and I still want to do violence, terrible, terrible violence to the perps. God willing, I will get to be the hand of God and administer the justice they so rightly deserve, but if not, I know God will have the final say.
I hope they are least tell the American people.
It needs to be known though? How can they just say Sorry cant tell you when it comes to missing kids? Where are they?
I sure hope they do.
Yes...I know you're right... it's too dark for our souls to comprehend. 💔🙏🤬⚖️
We need to know. Those that were involved NEED TO BE MADE EXAMPLES OF. This must never, ever happen again. If it makes some people quezy - so be it. I know there is another side to this story, but frankly - I don't care. I know that might be selfish, but we need to know, at all levels that this is no longer happening and never will again. Leave the children and the elderly alone. Protect them and all life always. We need to analyze the snott outta this. How did this start? How did it at any level become acceptable and what needs to be done to cease it from ever happening again?
My idea is this - In the dumbs and secured areas, the evil ones have beyond depraved monsters terrorizing children (no older than 12) and extracting adrenochrome from these poor children. Skinning alive, chainsawing limbs off, de-facing, sharp objects under fingernails and WORSE. and this happens daily. The children are kept in places that are beyond horrible, they get no sleep, they are afraid and without hope... Imagine this and think 100 times or more worse. They need to tell us and the world.
Wow I didn’t even read yours and I said the same.
Without sounding repetitive....Its ALWAYS Been About The Children.....A Lot of people seem to forget this...🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
YES! 💔🙏⚖️
For the children I think I can have some faith and patience for them. If it means more children saved and no new victims the white hats can have the time they need.
You sure more time is saving them?
I'm not but if we can save more then I am all for it. I am not dying so I will be patient, even though it is hard at times.
325,000 in the last few years. Think about the millions in the last 50 years!
The actual correct number is likely 2,000,000,000, that's 2 Billion people murdered/harvested/sacrificed in "industrialized operations" yet to be fully revealed since 1947. Welcome to Prison Planet.
When will we hate them enough?
That's not going to be possible
Never. I want to vacation in hell to fuck these dudes up more. in between God's taskings he will assign me for eternity. Maybe after a thousand years it will grow boring.
I'll be right there with you!
Good hunting kek
Think about a football stadium like Michigans big house. Now fill it 4x with children.
Or, think about any five regular NFL stadiums. Now fill them all with children.
(And now kill them all.)
That's the reality of the evil that Trump is up against.
Makes it a little easier to see why they tried to jail him 94 times and kill him at least three times (and maybe many more attempts were thwarted that we never heard about).
Deadly spider crawling up his back, the Hawaii incident, many others. Being President has the highest risk of any other position in the USA.
Not aware of you have a link?
Each time it was in the Q posts. Potus was giving a speech when a pastor got up and hit Trump in the back. SS got edgy about it until he pointed to the spider. In Scotland one of his ss was killed, probably by poison meant for Trump. There is a photo in the Q drops of a rocket, it was aimed at Trumps plane, the media tried to say it was a helicopter. Many Q posts I really do recommend newer people start by reading Q posts.
I know about all that you mentioned except the spider...
The spider I think was the first attempt, the short clip was taken from the side.
Labels are limiting, so though I'm tempted to say that all the ritual child sacrificers worship Moloch let's just refer to evildoers against the innocent and helpless as worshippers of the polar opposite of love, Holy Light, divinity and compassion. I have heard that they believe that innocent blood of the very young and pure must be shed every three minutes. But on how many altars? I suggest millions upon millions on and in this Earth. And the consumption of the life force, spirit energy, of them before they are killed. After every human in terms of monetary value contains about 500k of marketable organs. The entire situation is about exploitation of humanity as a commodity. Most people know that Eisenhower made an agreement with an alien race that we would acquire technology from them in exchange for allowing them to harvest a very limited amount of human beings. They broke their part of the agreement about limits. Remember the talk about Jimmy Carter being allowed to know about the agreement? And that he wept with grief?
The defense department and very dark deep state is still working with ET underground making chimeras and other horrors. Big Pharma, scientists, Bill Gates, WEF, the transsexual cult, poisons in our food, everything to weaken humanity so that we lose our superpower connection to God, is their goal.
I will say that this planet being a fetid nasty den of demons and perversions and cruelty is unacceptable to God and unacceptable to the spirits of humans that are not corrupted. It is unendurable. I've pretty much witnessed all the sorrow I can bear. We must fight for the children. Doing so is the only way we will no longer surrender our world to the demonic. Once you know, if you do nothing, it is the sin of omission and equal to commiting the crime yourself. If the only weapon you have is to support in fervent prayer or visualization of the protection of our young, then use it. The human mind does not recognize a difference between what you visualize in your mind, and what is really happening. Be careful about your picturing. Use it!
How does it really make you feel that those in the current imposter administration knowingly facilitated the exploitation and eventual death of 325k children who came into our country? And that they feel pride and satisfaction in providing for the monsters who consume them? Their own overlords? I could not have imagined anything more immoral.
Something deeper than meets the eye on why government or DS needs these children... it goes beyond sex and organ harvesting.
I see tunnels, alot of mining activities, digging places that only fit child size human.. They are using these kids for something underground and building secret things we have totally no idea about it. This is what the Holy Spirit tells me. The sex thing is just the tip of the iceberg. Also, they are training soldiers since a young age to guarantee they'll obey completely.
Has anyone seen that movie Snowpiercer? How they needed a kid to fit into the engine box to run the entire train, so they have to sacrifice a child every month when the previous kid dies of exhaustion.
agree, there's something much bigger going on, and it's why Q mentioned the 'matrix'
this drop also reminds me of those cabbage patch postcards from 100+ years ago...
Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind? Sound familiar? Wonder where they derived that idea from. Now comes the 'conspiracy' label. Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes. The end won't be for everyone. That choice, to know, will be yours. Q
It's hard to believe that some people can be so evil??
Craig is based. Former Navy Seal who dedicate this life to fighting child trafficking. I believe he started Veterans 4 Child Rescue, and even did a "to catch a predator" type documentary where he confronted pedos meeting children. He loves Jesus, Trump, and hates evil. Good dude.
So...In light of all this darkness...and in the name of understanding, Has anyone figured out the mechanics (for lack of better term) of how this works?
I mean, they're sacrificing/murdering all these innocent children on a regular basis.
What's the take away?
Aside from an egotistical/pride "keeping score" - Where they kill something close to God, like an innocent child, what do they get out of it - besides that ego bs? (See the movie Nefarious)
From an energy/metaphysical standpoint - what energy is transferred from the child - and where? and to whom?
Who is the supposed interdimensional "creature" that is the beneficiary of all of this sacrifice? Just saying satan or moloch is too's gotta be more than that.
What are all these celebrities etc ACTUALLY GETTING from this activity? It HAS to be more than just some "We got one over on God's people" shit...There HAS to be something that we can relate to that actually makes sense. WHAT IS IT?
Especially #3 & #4, I have yet to hear a reasonable explanation for this fuckery. Are we talking John Dee (007) channeling Archons? Simple bible explanations about "the devil" don't scratch the itch for me...I need more than it's the "debil"...
I'd like to hear what you KNOW - not what you believe...
Let's shine light on this for everyone's benefit...We can all agree it's gone on long enough!
They're getting high off adrenalized blood. They're getting stem cells and youthful blood, tissue and organs. They're getting sex. They're getting business deals. They're getting BOATLOADS of money which buys control over their toadys who do their bidding. All of this combined makes them feared and very powerful, like gods. These are the facts.
Yes, in the physical realm. But there's more to it than just that. Those are the answers I seek.
What's happening in the realm of souls?
Who or what is lurking just beyond our senses, in the shadows, pulling the strings?
Nothing pleases the debil more than the torture and murder of little ones. Sadly it does boil down to that. All the kingdoms of the earth are under his influence. The Bible clearly states that. It's fucked up.
They want our DNA...we are the bloodline of Jesus.
Please explain. I don't know what any of that means in light of sacrificing innocent children enmasse.
They already have everyone's DNA via the medical industrial complex...
That why they want children and babies...the innocent are closest to God. Been wanting to make a post about my thoughts on "junk DNA". Go look it up TaQo...there is a group of cells at the bottom of our DNA that Researchers don't know what it is, so they refer to it as junk DNA A nurse that had a NDE (near death experience) said God showed it to her and said "that's where I am".
Many others think when Cain killed Able the bloodlines of Adam & Eve split and this is the spiritual war we're fighting.
The satanic think they can steal and compromise the bloodline of Jesus...
So many are sacrifices to demons. Few people want to believe that is possible. I think they find it easier to go along with stem cells, organ harvesting, etc In truth, it's all the above.
Yes - I am familiar with the junk DNA farce... and how that's where "God's signature" is...
But clearly, there MUST be something they get out of it beyond mere ego stroking. That just doesn't justify the risk of getting caught - There MUST be more to it than ego of killing innocence and adrenochrome.
There has to be something on a metaphysical level that we don't know about... this is obviously a closely guarded secret. THAT'S what I want to know... because all the other "reasons" just don't add up. Spirit says there's more to it...
Not sure we will ever understand...we are not evil.
Interesting questions. Maybe for those who wish to know, the answers will come?
If you're not following @01010001 on TS then check him out. He gets into these subjects. Most of it goes right over my head.
Thanks for the pointing....I'll check him out
I think this is it:
Yep that's it.
Awesome Patriot account ☝️must have Intel connections..
All the more reason to keep going and push forward. Print up some flyers with the best links possible, start waking up as many as you can that there's something serious going on they need to be aware of. Here's some starters to help based on my experience: Mockingbird Media - 2 minute video "Q-The Plan To Save The World Remastered" Monopoly - Who Owns The World? A Documentary by Tim Gielen Lo ose Change 9/11: An American Co up (2009) (Intentional mistakes) Harvard professor confirms in court affidavit that COVID vaccines are weapons of mass destruction
Show them how to look things up using duckduckgo .com and load at least 5 pages deep to get past the censorship from the "usual suspects" (wikipedia, snopes, MSN, all mainstream media)
The reveal has to be so gut wrenchingly repulsive, that from that point forward, anyone who even remotely hints at screwing up.(going back to evil) Will be shut down, so swiftly , and so completely. That the very notion, of evil will become beyond comprehension.
That is worse than a find Waldo!! How could you find a child in a sea of humanity like that, our gov should be ashamed.
That's about 1% of the current USA population. So just imagine driving down a road and 1 person of at least every 100 cars contains a missing child.
More children go missing in America than any other country every year.
I think I read 800,000...
:(. That's horrible. I hope President Trump makes this a priority.
I don't know why, but looking at that picture immediately brought tears to my eyes!
That's half the population of Luxembourg.
3 football stadiums. Easy to visualize.
Food, drug(Adrenochrome),organs. Fallen Angels, Mount Hermon……what organization has a post on top of Mount Hermon? Hurts my core to think about it.
Upon further thought on this subject, I realized that the reveal will truly be biblical. As in, it will be so horrifying, that folks will be overwhelmed with the desire to ger right with God.
That would be a representation of well over one million people in that picture.
300k would be about from the first tall, slender building on the left side to the next tall building on the left side, maybe little bit past.
Imagine if you will, if by some chance those 300,000+ missing kids were somehow chipped with trackers so that the WH’s did in fact know where they ended up……….
I thought that was a Trump rally.
That's a lot of satisfied pedoes :-(
This number isn't remotely accurate. "AI" (large language models) can't reason.
A densely packed crowd would be about 5 square feet per person. So 325,000 people would be about an acre and a half. This AI image looks far bigger than Central Park in NYC, but let's assume it's Central Park. Central park is 843 acres. Let's call it 750.
This photo has no trees and only a few buildings interrupting the crowd. If it was 750 acres at 5 square foot per person, we're looking at more like 6.5 million people here.
300k missing children is unconscionable, but this isn't it.
Now do aborted babies
Add the ones that we haven’t counted from other years/centuries that these evil disciples sacrificed to Satan.
The regime enables if not committed crimes.
Those children are being processed into food and "medicine." That's why there's a neverending need for more and more and more of them. Soylent Green.
They are probably in our food supply, too, which is what would "90% of people in the hospital"- both physically and emotionally.
You'll notice that Trump made french fries at McDonald's - not burgers.
That looks like a lot more to me. Looks like Central Park with people standing shoulder to shoulder. Since you could fit the entire 7 billion people on earth shoulder to shoulder on one floor of the island of Manhattan I’d say that AI likely fudged up a bit. But it’s a cool image nonetheless.
Just take a look at one of the views of a major college football game, where some stadiums hold about 100,000, and then imagine 3 and a quarter of them.
What is the significance of 325,000?
Ok, looked it up. Interesting that when I put "325,000" as a search term for Google, it didn't come up. I had to search for "325,000 died"