Please reply if you've voted.
I'll start. I voted- Got my parents to vote as well. Talking to others to pressure them to save the country.
Cannot let off of the gas. If you haven't done it, please go and do it now if you still have early voting. Bring friends and family. Every one of these counts.
We can't gamble on election day. They're going to do something.
God bless you all. We're in the home stretch!
Drum roll and cymbals enter the chat...
Doing mine today too at lunch!! Let's go!!
Mary911, We were reminded yesterday to Not vote straight Republican but vote for each person individually because some manipulation was happening if voted STRAIGHT Republican. I don't remember just how that all works so can not speak to it any clearer
I didn't even have that option when I voted in Tx, I had to select each one individually.
I'm not sure about this year's ballots because I haven't seen one yet. But we haven't been able to vote a straight ticket in PA for years.
That is correct, if you use the straight ticket option, they can alter your vote afterwards.
Straight ticket option is the very first box.
In Michigan, if you use the straight ticket option and then mark anything below the first box, what you mark below overrides the straight ticket option.
They can steal your vote by using the straight ticket option.
I voted 3 days ago and avoided the straight ticket option because I live in a state being controlled by treasonous scum.
In my state we vote only on Election Day.
Yes. 1 parent voted, second one is playing games. But in his defense, his brain is deteriorating thanks to the covid shot. My mom asked if she should fill it out. I told her no. We are better then them. Dad votes by mail, or he doesn't vote at all. He needs to say who he picks. She asked even if he picks harris? I said yes, if he picks her, then we help him fill in the bubbles. We are not them, period.
Sometimes it's so frustrating having morals, but then again I do sleep well at night. God bless you!
I would add another take to patriotic_legend, which is that if someone’s brain is deteriorating due to poor judgment, they maybe shouldn’t continue to have their judgment honored and imposed on the rest of us.
Your honor in the matter is respected. Don’t cheat, and don’t break the law, but also don’t go out of your way to publish his voice if he’s seeking to destroy your and our inheritance in the 24th hour.
The vote is fundamentally about selecting good and wise stewards of freedom, how can a man whose mind doesn’t allow him to care for himself do such a thing. Do we truly want the overflow of that cup poured out on society?
Is it more honoring of him to add his dementia to the rule society, or to show that his heirs were raised in such an upstanding manner as to gently and kindly refuse to contribute to it?
I.e. don’t submit his vote regardless of how he votes, because his mind isn’t there to make a sound decision. If you want to talk him into seeing the light, do it for your own peace of mind, or better, seek for his.
Frankly, it probably isn’t immoral of you to claim his voice as a living inheritance and fill it out as you see fit. In war, and we are at war, there is nothing immoral about meeting the enemy with equal force, or even greater force, and they are ballot harvesting, and from people they have no morally justifiable reason to do so from, aside from “I can, therefore I will”. I would not do this myself, as the means are the ends, and I don’t like that particular game (their justification for all their actions is that they’re always at war with us, so anything goes, all the time. Screw that.), but it doesn’t strike me as immoral. Would also definitely be sure to check the election laws first to make sure it’s not illegal.
This said, I have no issue whatsoever with my first suggestion, which is likely what I would do. It seems quite reasonable to assert that people who are not of sound mind should not be able to vote, and I think that was even a requirement for voting at one point.
These sort of choices aren’t necessarily easy, use your own discernment.
Today I asked him again. He said he is still thinking. I told him I can write in anything so if he chooses to not vote, atleast his ballot won't be stolen from him and given to harris. I offered a write-in of me to lock away his ballot from being available for theft.
I understand your comment, but if you have taken legal guardianship, it is then your duty to act in his best interests. You can sign contracts for him in his interest. Which would mean you are making his decisions for him, so then why not decide who he votes for, for him.
That being said, the scenario I bring up is rare. If you do not have guardianship and you feel that your parent is incapable of understanding the political landscape, it is likely best to not help him vote no matter who he supports.
I did not take legal guardianship. I think I will just "write-in" his dogs name or my name so his ballot won't be stolen by dems. Basically kill the option. Your right. If he can't make his own choices it's better to not let him make one for me
that sounds like an interesting idea, or don't vote and look up his record after the fact, document not voting somehow and then you have a voter fraud case if someone votes.
That is a better idea. I will hold on to his mail in ballot.
Yes, as noted, it seems morally justifiable. I did make some edits you might want to check out. Not sure if before or after this response, or if you saw them.
My personal best path for where we should want to get back to is that mentally unsound people are not allowed to participate in selecting honest, wise public servants, and no proxy voting.
I’d likely pick the best path up front, rather than perpetuating the war.
I think your logic makes perfect sense, I think there was some ruling from the ADA to protect disability vote. But that is a 3 letter agency making law, which should be illegal.
I have a special needs son, who I will be guardian over when he turns 18. Not for 2 years, but this is all food for thought. Do I do the upstanding moral thing knowing that others out their do not and are casting votes for their wards, or do I say when in Rome and vote for him.
I think the proper moral stance would be not voting for him even though the rest of the world is doing immoral things.
I’m hoping we get to a point where we are electing people who can wisely get things done that are in everyones’ interests again, to where we are more electing people who can come up with wise strategies to judiciously collect requests of his precinct, devise plans and seek final approvals and corrections, and not leverage the office for personal gain. The people in the offices should likely stop being a separate career class of employees. Etc. Maybe public projects even start having to do voluntary fundraising in order to get capitalized, rather than just having funds available as fixed budget.
To where government is much more literally “of” “by” and “for” the people that is more able to be held accountable, rather than a separate class who is largely above the law.
“Voting” becomes both much less important and much more important in that situation. You REALLY need to select capable people at that point, but you also aren’t being forced to constantly fight to attain the office to maybe try and implement some of a group of predefined policies that only half the population wants.
In your case you are correct, but what do you think of a case where your parent cannot communicate, is in late stage dementia? If you are appointed legal guardian you can vote for them. And as long as you honor your parent by voting the way they have always voted I think it is okay. Probably not a common reason, kinda like abortion due to rape.
Personally, I see the scenario I present as you are voting to honor your parent. Thoughts?
Yes. I voted and my wife voted. She has never voted before.
I checked the website and both of our votes have already been counted.
A brand new voter...awesome! We, too, voted early last Saturday -- I much prefer to vote on Election DAY than during Election SEASON, but this is a different election, and Papa T told us to vote early, so...
BUT you have provided an EXCELLENT tip in your post here -- folks, if you have voted already and your county/city has provided you the means (e.g., website, etc.) do so, DO check the status of your early voting ballot, that it has been issued and received.
Are you me? My wife thinks I'm crazy but she's been made aware of enough to vote for the first time ever. We voted early in CA trying to help turn it red!
I'm right here with you in California. I keep telling people that California has way more Conservative people than anybody realizes. The problem is people are too unaware of what's really going on and they don't know politics so they vote the way their favorite celebrities tell them to vote. I live in an area that's very liberal on paper but there are a lot of Hispanics who are religious and traditionally Conservative. I don't see any transgenders, rainbow flags, BLM or any of that stuff around here. My kids' elementary school had one white teacher with blue hair who wore rainbow pins. They fired her after a few months.
I'm too young to vote. My dad voted. My mom hasn't
...Username checks out...
✅ Me and the wifey, two votes for Q+ in GA
Yes. and so did my husband and a number of my family members. Including a recently deceased sister who voted before she died absentee ballot in AZ.
Condolences on your sister passing fren.
We voted in Oklahoma early in line. Took 2 hours. Voted for President Trump and Republicans even had to bite the bullet and vote for the RINO Cole again as oppose to the democrat which was worse. Voted no on the corrupt Judges and yes to amending Oklahoma's constitution that only US Citizens can vote in Oklahoma elections. Can't believe Oklahoma had that on the books.
They brought in HARRP then laser to start the fires in west Oklahoma. Wonder what else they are going to throw at us this week to prevent us from voting. Noticed the fires, homes destroyed but green all around the home, hmmm, how does that happen... Then the media admitted something started the fires cause they were a straight line fires, very precise and intentional. We are awake and see the evil now. Prayed and saw the storms calm down and shifted. If we all prayed, imagine what would happen. Prayer works, we witnessed it. God hears our prayers.
In Arizona, all ballot measures actually automatically amend the state constitution!!! I had previously always felt like you. After I really studied this, I realized we have to be proactive, literally spelling things out, like "it is illegal for non-citiizens to enter the state" and etc. I've never voted so many YES on ballot measures before! Nearly all of them were created by conservatives to war against the Left.
Yes, I voted along with what appeared to be several hundred others in my small town. Paper ballots.
Yep & I contacted everyone I know who would choose wisely & asked them to vote early👌
Yup, a week ago in North Texas.
I got my 89 year old mother to the poles, they wouldn't take her expired drivers license. So, we drove out to the DMV and got her an ID (she willingly surrendered her drivers license). We drove back to the early voting poles and got compliments from the DNC pole watcher for the extreme effort to vote. I also got my wife who has dementia and pretty bad anxiety through the vote (she freaks out in crowds, even the little crowd of less than a dozen people who were there). Both are excited to have gotten through it, trials and all. I thank the community of anons for keeping us informed, unvaxxxed and healthy. I am sure neither of my girls would have survived those shots. Doing our part, three more votes for President Donald J Trump!!!
Voted Thursday last week. Brought mom and my aunt with me. Both my sons voted also.
Yes, we did vote. We did it today and we took a friend with us.
Of course; wife also.
My wife and I both voted. I was even able to vote for myself in a local election.
I did early voting and many in Florida did as well despite the circumstances with clean up in some neighborhoods still ongoing.
Voted last week. VA has a crazy election season, early voting has been open since like 9/20 until this Saturday at the county office, and then at the regular voting locations for election Day.
Us, too, here in NoVA. I don't remember seeing wait times listed for the various voting locations being this long, ever, in the past. I hope that's a good sign.
Damn right i did! Geotus gave the order and I carried it out.
Voted Monday Oct. 21 which was the first day of our early voting. Early voting here is Monday, October 21 - Saturday, November 2.
Yes, yesterday here in Mo. In my Republican small population county there were probably 20-25 people absentee voting at the same time. We don't have "early voting" but we can AV early for a short time right before the election. It opened Tuesday.
Voted on Tuesday. Stood in line for an hour and the place was packed. NJ here.
Wife and I checking in from VT
im gonna vote on tuesday
I'm not allowed to vote. I've been out of the UK for more than 15 years so I'm disenfrachised - even though I still pay UK tax and still have a residence there. And because I'm a foreigner, I'm not allowed to vote here in Greece.
Yep! Voted for the GOAT for the 3rd time!
Ditto - except its the 6th time for me (3 presidential GOP primaries & 3 general elections). =-D
Oh, I did that too! Never thought about it that way!
I assumed you did vote for Trump 6 times as well, but just didn't wanna put you on the spot or anything. ;-)
I'm doing my part!
No early voting where I live. 😞
Same here, vote only on Election Day.
I voted with my feet and pen many moons ago. At this point, that's the only vote I'm allowed to submit.
Voted last Saturday 🇺🇸
Voted on 10/28 in CA. My ballot was accepted and counted according to Riverside Co. LFG FJB FKH
Yes my family has voted. Our county is Trump country, it’s the big cities that are a problem. Checking the state website, most of the counties have almost half of their ballots in…except the ones where the large cities are located. Here’s a link for anyone interested in WA state: