@RadarHits 2h
Google makes quantum computing breakthrough with new chip capable of solving computational problems in under 5 minutes, that would otherwise take the leading supercomputer: 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years
Dec 9, 2024 · 8:40 PM UTC
Wanna bet this tech has been available for decades, but we're just hearing about it now? 🙄
Google = DARPA
fuck then it is like this as well Google = JEW globalists interests (opposing and hating Christians) = DARPA
In the 60s it was proven that soap films solve math problems faster than this that take longer than this for supercomputers to solve. Everybody's DNA does the same thing instantly every time it replicates. This is phony math.
Now I am curious about soap filmed. I need to remember to look those up after I wake up tomorrow.
It's bubbles on wire meshes that organically solve path minimalization problems that take immense eons of brute-force computing power.
Thank you for that explanation.
not so sure about computing, but soap operas did make for some complex dramas!
it's all a dream
Prolly have to sacrifice a baby to moloch for each computation. Evil tech bastards.
In the early 90's quantum computing was everywhere, articles in every tech publication, discussions about the implications for AI, cryptology, markets, etc. Then after 2-3yrs it went quiet, for a long time, like 20yrs, now it's been in the news again for the last decade. There is no doubt that there was 20+yrs of hardcore development that they just didn't want the public to know about. I assume that they had to discuss it just enough to feed the pipeline with talented people to develop the tech on the downlow.
If that’s true - they’ve been waiting with it until AI is available:
High computing power supports AI.
AI supports … depopulation.
If it takes that long to compute how does anyone even know if what was shown is remotely even accurate?
well the loading bar, duh :D
First time I've ever wanted to up-toot someone here more than once. Well done. 👍
I’m still waiting… can’t even tell if it’s moving.
because so far, it hasn't been shown that P=NP
For example, cracking encryption keys takes that long, and verification of results takes seconds.
There is an entire category of problems described by P = NP. What this means is that the solution itself can be computed in non-polynomial time, but the solution can be verified in polynomial time. The time it takes to compute the solution is different from the time it takes to verify the solution.
Now that is the right question.
Google should be busted up into a thousand different companies. Alphabet should be totally dissolved. Sell YouTube to Elon or someone like Elon.
There IS no one like Elon.
Not even Elon himself.
Put THAT into your gazilly fast computer. 👍
Elon wasn’t even Elon until we came along. He was just a Democrat liberal who transgendered his child. He’s adopting a new attitude.
Chuck Norris. C'mon, man!
If cryptocurrency is allowed to thrive, there will be thousands like Elon.
crypto is a cia/others in the dark plot simple there is no value without electricity and internet while you think you have some value in it, somebody is using your money for years building something
For very specific types of computational problem solving and modeling, this could be true, yes. For things like machine learning or modeling complex interactions (like gravity simulations with stars/planets/etc), quantum computing can have an enormous advantage over traditional computing in part due to the ability to leverage a superposition state (instead of 0 or 1, it can be both).
Where quantum computing is disturbingly proficient is cryptography. There has been some serious concerns for several years that powerful, scalable and maintainable (there's serious maintenance with a quantum computer) quantum computers would essentially destroy modern cryptography.
As many of you have no doubt already suspected, the NSA has had quantum computing for several decades.
I've long held the belief that as the public becomes more aware of quantum computing and what it can do, it will become a very obvious case of "the haves and have nots". It's difficult for me to imagine that "they" will allow "regular people" access to powerful desktop quantum computing for a few reasons.
-Quantum computing is extremely good for AI. Imagine a regular person having a super intelligent AI on their home desk that can break through all of the decades-long CIA programming and inform the user obvious truths like JFK was murdered by members of his own government, the reality of non-human intelligences interacting with our planet and the Jab being an intentional bioweapon.
-Traditional cryptography could be defeated easily.
-Novel energy generation techniques that are free or nearly free, one of the only subjects more highly classified than the presence of non-human intelligence on our planet.
-Now, in their defense, that quantum computing could also allow backyard Einstein's to build a bad particle accelerator or rapidly perform chemical combinations on an iterative basis that allows for the creation of non-nuclear but highly explosive materials.
It's a very sticky wicket and one that I'm hoping the public will educate itself on and demand access to as maintenance (primarily super cooling) costs decrease for quantum computers. Personally, I'd rather risk having some backyard Einstein's blowing themselves up than have this incredible technology reserved for the IC and "elite" academic and corporate entities.
Maybe we did have Quantum AI on our desktop telling us these things....
Maybe it's Q
In all seriousness, I have long wondered if a key element in NCSWIC is the possession of an extremely sophisticated AI/Predictive platform as it would be the ultimate tool for game theory.
No doubt about it
Finally they are releasing quantum tech.
Wonder if Q is Quantum? Curious.
Hype, hype and more hype.
Good for Alphabet stock promotion. That's about it.
This so called "problem" they resolved is called "Random Circuit Sampling". This is a specially constructed test that is designed to give the maximum possible advantage to a quantum computer and thus gauge it's efficiency against the theoretical limits.
What they are saying with this non breakthrough is that they got their tiny, 105 qubit computer to solve this problem in 5 minutes. A good result, but hardly earth shattering. Google even says this computer is only for R&D and it is not ready to tackle real world problems.
Interesting that every 2nd post on Twitter about this announcement was "Bitcoin is Dead!". At the same time, we have equally nonsensical announcements about "$3 Trillion USD of gold discovered in multiple countries"
It's almost as if there are 2 factions both vying to sew distrust in the other side's preferred financial asset.
Stay skeptical. This part of the psyop looks like it is just heating up.
Now they can solve for Pi.
aaaand just weeks earlier, Jim Cramer went bullish on bitcoin.
hey, i'm not trynna scare anybody. I'm just sayin.
How will this chip crash Bitcoin?
this one probably won't by itself. but if this is the direction things are going, then bitcoin encryption's expiry date is coming up faster than most people expected.
the whole bitcoin system relies on limited computing power. whoever has this kind of computing power could potentially generate bitcoins from scratch, and hack into other people's bitcoin wallets to take theirs.
Movie! 🍿
What else is new...Meanwhile normies be like "bu-Buh-but what about muh crypto moon. I was promised a crypto moon!? All the experts said this qantum stuff was sci-fi nonsense!....and now congress is talking about aliens non stop!....omg I should have listened to all the conspiracy tin foil hat nuts! Man on TV lied to me about the nature of reality. And I believed them instead of doing my own research and now I'm mad at them instead of myself.... 😲🤬"
Pretty sure this is impossible and not accurate, unless our quantum advancement has been concealed for last 30 to 40 years.
Knowing the insufferable ego and vanity of physicists, lol.
"unless our quantum advancement has been concealed for last 30 to 40 years."
And yet....
We can't even get a real search engine that gives us results instead of some dbag demon fishing...
They can all just f off.
I'm going back to riding bikes up to sev.
The post is real: https://x.com/sundarpichai/status/1866167429367468422
I’m not sure that 10^25 is real. I’m in the tech field for 30(+) and I saw many breakthroughs. The number of 0s looks unbelievable.
I would be sceptical and wonder whether they want to fraudulently impact the share price before the final sell-off and escape to their bunkers.
How do they know it would take 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years to solve the problem. By the heathen scientist calculations there has not been anything close to that many years in time.
If the mathematics is done in California, 2+2 could take this long.
All things are relative.
It's an extrapolation by sample.
63.7% of statistics are just made up.
Yes, quantum computing, exploits, superposition of quantum states that allow for the traditional one’s and zero’s a solid state computer uses , and turns it into ones, zeros, ones and zeros, all at the same time. This leads to an exponential growth in calculating power compared to traditional computer systems. The traditional system sequentially, executes code, the algorithm, which is why it takes so long for such massive data blocks to be calculated. The quantum computer, using the supervision principle, can execute all data blocks simultaneously drastically shortening the calculation time to near seconds or minutes as opposed to Many many years.
How do we even know this is real? Either nukes are real and we're going to face a nuclear holocaust, quantum computing is fake, or both are fake.
Nukes are real, but they won't be used because patriots are in control. Quantum computing is also real.
OMG how do we know ANYTHING is real?!
If yer gonna go starting to ask questions like that, might as well start at the bottom-line basics, right?!
Don't worry. This new computer will disable all nukes remotely, so our only fear is whenever the new computer goes rogue. Apparently Trump being inaugurated is the only thing that makes the computer unpredictable ...
Will it?
Replace one invisible thing to fear with a different invisible thing to fear. Been working for decades.
This cycle it'll break. New google chip --> meet salt, vinegar and teeth.
Bruh.. it’s a movie, but that stuff is all real.
So quantum computers are way smarter than humans, but still have not achieved the singularity? They still aren't conscious? It would seem they never will be then.
Bedazzle them with bull shit comes to mind.
Of course using numbers so big it's inconceivable, other than by some "new super computer" .
It can be a lie to move everyone to chips and biometrics.
IF this is true - our passwords will need to be 2,000 characters long (no one would remember any of them).
A solution would be a tiny chip in your skin that stores 100x passwords or private keys.
Are they trying to rollout digital chips even without covid passports?
And the quantum systems God uses are likely 500000x faster than these
Qs systems are probably scaled down versions of God's logic engine so that humans can actually operate them (since synaptic transmission probably cannot keep up with the real deal)
These google chips are children's toys by comparison
Why would it have to be an Arcturan UFO?
Asking for a friend.
esoteric larper faggots always have to bring up some random star in the sky and be like "we wuz from there" while actively having the lowest IQ on the internet.
This lmao
Because bro literally made shit up on the spot.
I wouldn't mind getting me some more a that Arcturan poontang. Remember that time?
I think it came from Uranus. 🍿 movie regardless.