Just be aware. This post is a rant. It's not targetting specific users, and it's not complaining about mods. It's about a general behavior and mentality that GAW seems to be displaying. But I wonder. Is GAW now above self-criticism?
NEW: Oprah Winfrey announces plans to leave America before January 20, stating "I can't live here for the next four years.' - NO, No You Can’t
Zero sauce for this story.
"Resist the Mainstream": zero sauce
"Patriot Truths" (one month ago): zero sauce
"UK Discoverer" (yesterday): zero sauce, but "announcing her unexpected departure from the United States following her appearance on The View"
Facebook post promoting the UK Discoverer
Yeah, sure. Zero sauce, zero coverage by propaganda media.
Do you think Winfrey actually announcing this in ANY legit way would NOT be covered left right and center by the Propaganda Media, which is all about sensationalist news, etc?
My, oh, my. When did GAW become so addicted to clickbait, frogs?
The post (https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1LZUALM/new-oprah-winfrey-announces-plan/c/) gets 171 upvotes in 4 hours. 70 comments and still counting.
And yet not even ONE comment seeking to see where the story originates from, if there is any validity to the report, if there is any foundation to the story, or any details (even if it was in some way legit).
Instead, a parade of 70 comments all just wetting their pants, berating Winfrey, taking the opportunity to just spew out emotional reaction.
What is a scarecrow? It's clickbait for .... birds.
If someone put a scarecrow of Biden on your front lawn, dressed it in Woke clothing and iconography, would you then spend time each day abusing the scarecrow? Shouting abuse at it, telling it how it's going to burn, how it's going to GITMO, etc? Acting as if the scarecrow is in fact real?
This is the antithesis of thinking that the Q movement triggered and inspired.
How can GAW, supposedly a Q research website, spend so much manpower, manhours, effort, engaging with a FAKE story that is clearly clickbait - if one spends even a few minutes researching - heck, even looking - on the web to find out if there is ANY foundation to the story?
Here is where the story apparently first emerged:
Take a look. Lot's of clickbait redflags.
Grandiose name. Very Tabloidy stories. Rudimentary Wordpress-type layout. 'Terms and Conditions' very reminiscent of THePeople'sVoice-type setup. Privacy Policy. But.... no ads. So is it really clickbait? Or is it disinformation operation disguised as some sort of alt-media? Inject chaos, interrupt flow of real information?
It's about time that Frogs realized that, for us, a far, far worse a problem than the Mainstream Propaganda complex, there is a vast, broad highly active disinformation/clickbait/fakenews/controlled opposition complex operating in the Alt-Media space.
If you wouldn't stick a poisonous Vax in your body, why should you let fake, false and toxic information enter your mind?
This doesn't happen on its own. Firstly, someone has to post this story on GAW. Did they do ANY effort to check, verify or even mentally VET the story before posting?
Next, we ourselves need to engage with it. Read the headline, apply ZERO effort to discern, vet or verify the story, it's origin, or veracity. Instead, a significant number of frogs need to engage with the post in a certain way, without any effort or apparent concern for actual Truth.
This collective effort then generates a monster, a stupid post that is clearly of highly dubious origins and almost certainly 100% clickbait, that more and more frogs pile on, reacting, engaging based simply on how much they despise Winfrey, regardless of whether there is any truth in the content or not.
This is not about calling out any individual (although personally, I think many of us need to really ask the question, how responsibly do I engage with GAW, and am I an asset, or a problem?) This is about GAW self-criticism.
If we're in an information war, do you seriously think that the Enemy has ANY concerns about GAW as a unit? Or are they simply laughing their heads off, watching a collective of wannabes rage and shout at a scarecrow that one of them actually sticks on their own front lawn?
Rhetorical Question. I think most of us know the answer. We're not THAT stupid that we don't realize this. The question is, what will ti take to bring a halt to this sort of culture here? At GAW? It cannot be about the mods. Unless there are mods actually promoting this sort of behavior.
Nope, it's about us, as a community. Collective responsibility starts with.... Me.
Hey, but have a fun 2025, ok?
Hell the MODS sticky stories without a lick of receipts
What about that story about the official who claimed all those Arsonists yet after all those hours not even 1 confirmation
To be honest, this happens rarely, but yeah, occasionally it does. So what's your reaction? Do you either get your head down and Do the research for us, or do you just complain about it? Considering that you have about a dozen posts over the past year, what should people assume?
Catsfive, lets be real here, all these things are true. Moderators should not be stickying unsourced content. Users should not be posting unsourced content. And anyone who finds unsourced content that is posted would be helping the situation by finding and posting a source themselves.
I respectfully disagree. Stickying something doesn't convey "THIS IS TRUE." Sometimes I sticky something to expose it to the rotating, car-crushing jaws that is this research board. This is why the RESEARCH WANTED flair will always, always, always exist.
A sticky really feels like an endorsement of whatever the post is saying. It is disheartening to see unsourced content on this board which is easily disproved by even a tiny bit of research that has been highly upvoted, stickied, or both. This happens all the time, I do wish we had higher standards for what gets posted here.
I understand this reasoning, and I do not think it is without merit. This exact point was clarified to me by our M-team on a number of occasions, way back when.
On the other had, often a sticky seems to actually increase acceptance of content, and now and then, a certain stickied post will have some of us thinking "what is that mod thinking???"
On the idea of creating a standardized framework for what qualifies posts for being stickied
I still hope that at some point in time, a collective of high effort frogs might draft and submit to the mod team, a blueprint or rubric for "stickying of posts".
Sometimes I wonder why or which mod stickied X post. Sometimes it seems very shoot from the hip, and I wonder if having some sort of established set of criteria for what is and isn't stickied mightn't be an asset to the mod team.
Hey, certainly not mod grieving here. Rather, the opposite. I feel like our mod team are probably overworked, and wider frog effort could be engaged to help improve the board culture at minimal Mod effort (expense).
Anyway, random thoughts.
Dont be mad at me because of your errors...lol a dozen posts.
That's a lot of nonsense for someone with your username, buddy 👆
I removed this user for 2 days because of these flippant, snarky comments. Check them out here in this thread.
This is not the way forward. Trust me.
Then we need a downvote button for the post, not just an up vote.
Its there. Just not part of community styling. Maybe its time to take a poll, and have a discussion about whether (or it) community styling can be modified to bring back to downvote button.
There shouldn't be voting at all. There should be a vBulletin style board instead. The entire platform is ripe for abuse and has been the whole time, that's the whole point of Reddit style forums. I've talked about it so much that I've just gave up. I much prefer the style of old days where you had the ability to learn so much more without having emotions evolved, because no one cared about that at all. Down voting should be judging the content of a post, not an opinion of it. But that's what its going to always be.
Posts should be rated on a star scale of sorts, and scrolling psychology should be eliminated. Users should have a number of years below their name, and the voting should be only available on their personal profile. You should even have the ability to have your own posts and any other content on a separate page too. I'm more than willing to have a roundtable about how to implement these things. Ive done a bit of research already.
And for God's sake, split the main board into subs so we can keep topics separate!!!!
Okay, frog, let's see if I can draw some attention to your post. I'm going to do it in a different way because I don't want to start a huge firestorm where everybody gets angry at the mods for lecturing anyone. I like it when the lectures come from you. Tell me what you think
EDIT: I read your Oprah Winfrey post here, above, and made a post thinking I was going to do something clever, but I think I'll just stick your post here and we can see how the discussion goes. I'm interested in what other frogs think of what you said.
Respectfully, what I would like to see discouraged, if not banned entirely is the posting of screenshots of stories with no link to source article. These type post are hard to vet without doing to research to find source, and leaves up wide open to fake claims.
For example, someone will post a screenshot of an tweet, instead of posting the link to the actual tweet. And one could fake a tweet.
Agree. Please go through my post history and you will see that I source things 90% of the time. Usually the other times, if something I don't source, it's because it's a meme or because it's something that we all know that really, if someone demands a source, well, they are retarded.
Yesterday I sent a frog off the field for a day after him whining and complaining about someone's post not being sourced. IF YOU DEMAND SOURCES AND DON'T SEE ONE, take it upon yourself, DO SOME RESEARCH FOR EVERYONE, AND MAKE YOUR COMMENT HIGH INFO AND POSITIVE. Always move the ball forward!
Absolutely agree with this, people become rather lazy and want Everything laid out for them...
I dont disagree, but shouldnt an OP make the same effort?
IMO, You should to a certain extent, DYOR...That way you know for yourself if its true or not...That's Exactly how I got started way back, and that was to go down the 'rabbit holes' myself sometimes to 'See for Myself' so to speak....Then Nobody can tell you....😉😎🙏🏻
"Do Your Own Research" is a bullshit excuse for an OP that does not include a link of some kind to the original source - especially when it is nothing more than a screenshot of somebody else's post on X, TS, or whatever.
Are you having a bad day?...Why don't you try Contribute more and more often instead of whining like a little girl.... And Just so you know(If you bothered to look that is) you would see that I Always provide a link to Original source, sometimes multiple sources....Don't fucking assume shit ....
Oh, and also ban Whining and Complaining lol.
You're clearly struggling to understand what it means when I say that this is an elite research board.
When you pop into the comment box and write something, you are wandering onto the GAW playing field. THAT MEANS THE MODS SEE YOU. Your comments better move the ball forward. Little snarky jibes like you have dropped here twice now in this thread is nowhere near what is expected of you as an elite researcher.
I have absolutely zero hesitation whatsoever to hand you a Bud light and send you the absolute last row of the bleachers, here, for as long as you deem necessary. Take a few days off to ponder your existence.
PS - interesting, the three downvotes but no comments. Cat got your tongue? Good. FREE SPEECH is "free" because supply exceeds demand. What's in demand? High effort, high info comments and posts. I'd 100% bet that every single downvoter on this comment has been touched by the mods, and for good reason.
"Elite research board"? There is some excellent research done here. But let's not deny we have to wade through a mountain of shit to get to it. Even those who source the best have bad days, but those guys like purkiss I'll still take the time to look at. On the other hand there are likely 20 post to one thatbI don't even bother click to read. Maybe a downvote button for stuff that we can as group at least kick it to the bottom of the pile.
The downvote button was consciously excluded from community settings programmed by (?) Evspra?
I wonder if that's become more of a burden than a blessing. I will still downvote certain posts that really deserve it, but it involves spending time and effort to
Got settings, change Community Styling to off, save, go back to post, downvote, got back to settings Community Styling on, save, got back to post.
For this reason, I very frequently forgo the effort.
☝️☝️☝️ This frog has a history with the mods. I have removed this zero effort, ZERO POSTS frog from the playing field, and his mod notes have been updated. The next time we touch him, it will be forever.
This 100%. If GAW wants to be a Q research site, then the community should be expected to do this minimum effort for posting. Sauce everything.
Just sent this rehab off for 4 days. Obvious ban evasion. This website is simple. High quality posts, observe the sidebar, and you know have problems with no mods.
Screenshots are valid too in the event of deletion, so perhaps having a requirement of doing such due diligence wouldn't be a bad thing.
Why is this still posted on the board? I reported it and I haven’t heard from anybody about it. It’s really disgusting.
I don’t recommend anybody clicking on this.
Frog. The mods are all volunteers. We process the deport queue A dozen times a day. Please just use the deport button, and breathe into a paper bag! We got this! That user is now dead and gone. 🐸👍
That one in particular was very gross. Thanks for getting rid of the trash. I guess it was trash day, wasn’t it? 😂
And lots of duplicate posts!
We used to give one day vacations for obvious duplicates. Maybe we'll start doing that again.
Duplicate posts are irritating, I agree, but tough for people wanting to be the true OP. I've used the search capabilities before posting, quite often. Is there a tag that could be added to posts to alert mods to duplicate posts?? Maybe that'd be more trouble than it's worth, because then mods would have to sift and sort through duplicates. Sigh.
Thanks, frog. We'll start supporting you on that. Sometimes it's hard. For instance, sometimes a "dupe" post is actually an X tweet, which alerts ppl to it, then the "other" post is a GatewayPundit article that flushes it out and explains all the details. But both have a similar title. It's really a hard line for the mods to walk.
Putting a new "reporting" tag called "Duplicate" may cause more trouble than it's worth. Not sure what the optimal way forward is, catsfive. This is a self-policing forum, so by nature it's dependent on the community doing its due diligence, up front, to tamp down duplicate content, fake news content, etc etc. I liked the sticky I saw this morning or yesterday calling on the community to be sure to make their subject lines RELEVANT to the topic, not just "Check this out" or "Must watch" which is useless, now and for future site searches. Perhaps more educational posts stickied like this from the mod team is the way to go.
Duplicates how? Someone hit the button twice or you talking two people posting the same thing seperately?
Separate people posting the same content. it happens, and to be honest, unless you really do a search, it’s not that easy to see if somebody else has posted something unless you spend a bunch of time searching but I try to use the search button with a specific title first to see if it’s posted before I post something. I am guilty of duplicate posts, I’ve been notified and had my posts removed. I get it.
This is what I mean.
This is a good point. I’ve had duplicate posts removed in the last three months. so now when I see something I want to post, I do a search first to see if somebody else has posted about it. The search option is not always working properly, but I do try my best to do a search first before making a double post. I have learned.
To be fair, duplicate posts can happen innocently sometimes
Say you come across an item that's time-sensitive, like, I dunno, Trump seeking SCOTUS relief prior to sentencing last week. That needs to be posted right now. If an anon doesn't have time to scour the entire board for a similar post to be sure of avoiding a duplicate, then more than one notice could occur
Yeah, when ot is that relevant it doesn't seem fair to ban.
Understood. Something I do is use the search to see if others have posted. It's actually helped me as old posts have a lot of valuable information and has sometimes led me down a different road.
still waiting for the actual receipts on that frankfurt raid in nov2020...
Haha, this. There are so many things I want revealed. We finally got Q to agree to give us 60%. That definitely better be included
1/13 (Tomorrow)
How do you interpret that as 60 percent. At best it would be 40 but Q indicates 40/60 is less than 20/80.
Yep just look at how the disproven "Oregon Firetrucks" story has been posted for the third time now tonight.
Welcome to the world of modding. It's a super difficult to constantly get right. I saw lots of chatter on this on X and everywhere else.
World of modding! No doubt it's difficult. Even harder with all the white noise that enters the GAW.
I think the people who are more intent on winning the war have been less active here, perhaps more active elsewhere, (not to mention some rage-quitting over bans...) causing those who are just along for the ride, and/or are not as well-versed in the fight, to rise to prominence. Many people here today would be banned from Voat and filtered every bread on /qresearch/ for lack of diligence, low effort and spreading clickbait. That's a cold fact.
edit- two people don't like cold facts but have nothing to say against them
edit2- Let me clarify I'm not saying that everyone here is in that category, only that with less people who are diligent, those that are not are more at the fore-front. Time to step your game up, privates!
I've been thinking the same thing, wondering which chans the deep divers went to. I miss them. Most comments nowadays are vapid and I skip them. We used to learn a lot in the comments and they would send us down new and different trails.
I think most of those people went where they belong. X is now the digital battlefield. Personally, I spend most of my time there.
I still think places like this are needed to serve as a coordination hub. Like having your t's crossed and i's dotted before you take it to Twitter or wherever. It would save you a lot of Community Noting
I frankly also think it's cool that GAW is a bit more long form. And that we have consistency here. I feel like we can genuinely get to know each other here. Whereas X is more like, the Matrix, where Neo learns kung fu
I spend a lot of time sifting through X....And then I Bring X to GAW....😉😎👍
Isn't it crazy how just hardcore fast X has become? No Wonder the EU is panicking over it
It is, it's insane....Elon opened a big Can of worms when he started on Starmer....👍😎
And apparently there are some super huge fish lurking deep in these waters... let's get 'em!
I didn’t end up making the comment, but my draft of this comment …
… initially had written, “a lot of these posts are dangerously close to being a ‘2 Minutes of Hate’ format” and something along the lines of “what do we KNOW regarding Oprah, exactly?”
Similar sentiments I think, I eventually decided that I didn’t care to stir the pot so much, but your assessment is better worded and more insightful.
I’ve been recently downdooted for requesting sauce on claims, and had other requests rebuked with “do your own digging”. Well, not necessarily. One tactic of liars is to make a lot of unbased claims and basically try to wear out the opposition.
Claims should be able to be sauced on request, yes? I have no way of knowing if the downdoots are from a shill, or just from someone that’s lazy or doesn’t want to defend their claim, but I know what my opinion is.
Fair comment. But, think of any online property. Unsourced stuff floats by, sure. But this is probably the most heavily sourced source of content anywhere on the internet. Heck, look at X. So much unsourced garbage there.
When something unsourced floats by here, and someone complains about it, I will definitely consider giving them a one-day vacation, especially if they're post history is almost non-existent. You did not have the right to complain here if you do not like how the research board works, but are not a researcher, yourself. Stay off the playing field if that is the case.
That wasn’t a complaint toward posters, but a reminding nudge toward commenters to pause, question, think, and dig. A good portion of my perception behind it has been driven by the flood of new accounts that have been showing up, as I tend to focus more on comments than posts (except on deep digs, which are always great), and comments have shifted noticeably the last several weeks.
I don’t expect posters to spoon feed everything, but I do expect commenters and people making claims in comments to be able to back them up if called on it, and to occasionally pause and think “wait a minute”, and I try to hold myself to the same standard. It might be an inaccurate perception on my part, but I see the whole process as crowdsourced digging and critical thinking about what all is going on.
I hope you’re settling in well over there, cats, and very genuinely do appreciate the work you all do to keep this place running.
Excellent comment. From a mod point of view, when someone comments, it's like they are stepping onto the field as a player on the team. Instead of moving the ball forward, if they just noodle around and post snark you BS and act like ass hats, they quickly find themselves removed. I wish everywhere on the internet was moderated like this.
People think that AI is powerful. Nothing, literally nothing more powerful than a collective of conscious humans engaging their higher faculties for the betterment of humanity.
Funny .. I commented and said I hope she’s already gone as in no longer alive . BUT I looked at the meme and thought after reading comments , “ why isn’t anyone asking for link sauce or whatever like people usually do on here . This is probably fake I thought and no one is questioning it . Lol
Is there any consideration to the possibility that these types of dis- and mis-information posts are done on purpose, by shills, to sow confusion and make the Q community look like fools?
I didn't look into the history of the poster of that Oprah article, but it is a possibility. You see it all the time on 8kun and /pol. Difference there is that shills and other bad-faith posters are found out fairly quickly.
You can bet some of it is disinfo (intentional)
and when frogs fail to verify before sharing it becomes misinfo (unwitting)
Not sure I agree about 8kun and /pol, they are targeted heavily by shills and attention seekers.
/pol has had its issues, especially recently. I've noticed a considerable drop in high-value posts there. But that may be because anons are working over on 8kun, baking and also digging and posting new articles, memes, and research findings.
Honestly, /pol is accurate when they say that any attack on Israel causes an IMMEDIATE and NOTICEABLE drop in shill activity.
We need Q to come back! Do you think he will
I would like the Q team to start posting again, yes. I'd like the Q team to let the community know if we're on track, how we're doing, where we could be doing better, how the decodes are going, etc. It would be a huge morale boost for anons, and it would be helpful to get additional guidance, as needed.
Maybe Q/Q+ aren't posting because they think/believe their work is done. I dunno.
I post 20-30 posts per day. I sauce 90% of my posts. Sometimes the "disinfo" comes from me! In my view, in the rare instances when that happens, I'm throwing raw meat to you lions, here. We all have to work as a team.
Very much so. I wonder if it might be a good thing for you mods to get together to make a post as a Friendly Reminder about the posting Do's and Don'ts here on GAW. I know this info is in the right rail, but it's further down, and some people may not know it even exists! Friendly reminder to make posts in good faith, do your research on your article/info before posting, always sauce it, etc etc. Sticky that for a day or two or three and REMIND EVERYONE that this info is in the right rail on the site under "Rules".
Of course, this post is like gun control regulations, right? Just like criminals ignore gun laws because they don't apply to them, bad actors are gonna be bad actors. Hopefully, though, it encourages the good faith participants to tighten up some loose bolts, as it were, and be better at self-policing.
It never really works. What works is just slow, consistent moderating, every day, the same way.
it was me, I’ve been here for four years, and there’s a little story behind it, but I’m not gonna make excuses. I was pet sitting and I was walking a dog and I didn’t go back and do a little more research and before I knew it, the post blew up. Now it really blew up. Anyways I’ll take my discipline, and move on. 🫡🐸
Appreciate you stepping up, fren. Have a blessed day, and carry on with high-quality posts. We are the news now. We all need to pay attention to those words.
Have to agree with you though about misinformation and disinformation. Since the big win, there’s been a lot of three letter agency posting divisive topics. January 20 is coming, and there’s so much to celebrate. But the deep state doesn’t want to celebrating for too long so it’ll start up again after the 20th. Eyes on a swivel. 😂😂. Have a blessed day yourself.
Batman Begins:
“Why do we fall, Bruce? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up”
I too have bemoaned this fact, Fract. I just don't post much any more.
Anyone pretending that "this justifies their supreme lack of effort is really seriously lame. And, judging by your post history, it is clear that you have not let that bother you. HAT TIP, to you, frog. You are literally what in my mind makes and at least research board ELITE. 🫡🐸👌
Look at what I started…. 😂😂😂 my bad 🫡🐸
I did not click it. I have standards.
I did have to restrain Thing though.
Lol. Classic post. I always look forward to your Sunday Funnies. You have contributed greatly here and I want you to know that you are deeply appreciated
Completely agree. This site has become just another news aggregate where people are grabbing any story they can to make a post, with zero research done to vet or add to information or opinion.
Plus very few seem to at least do a cursory search to see if the story has already been dropped.
Lastly, lots of people post screenshot of information with no link to source/sauce where story cannot be vetted. This, with exception of memes should be discouraged.
The noise out here, at least to me, has the affect of distracting from the signal, the well researched drops.
This comment really hits especially considering your post history, which is frankly legion. It's not fair to ask the mods to do more than what they do, or fair to ask our contributors like you to do more and more have you lifting. This research angle can take up infinite time from one individual. It has to be a group effort. That's why creating a research-minded community is so important.
I assure you that I appreciate the hard work you mods put in to make this site run.
Fully agree.
This needs to be emblazoned on every post, on every side board, and in every frog's mind.
We create the collective by our individual efforts, but its in the dynamic between the individual parts that the aggregate becomes truly powerful.
It's the same with flat-Earth, hollow-Earth and a viariety of other insanities from 1 month old new members. I love it here after 4 years, but it's gotten out of control with some of the stupidity. No need to ban wonderful noobs, but get rid of that crap, unless I'm mistaken about what we're here for these days.
Most of the time that content doesn't last more than 3 hours, max. And those accounts get long vacations.
I kinda like this place. I come here for news and I can exercise creative writing sometimes.
I don't care much for the gossip, though. Somewhere in life I learned this nugget: "rich minds talk ideas, average minds talk events, poor minds talk other people." Doesn't have to be financially rich, either - spiritual, too. So I just tune out the noise, really. In Oprah's case, I'll be like, "it's ok. We still have Debra Wilson."
GAW was very different before, precisely because many were not awaked yet and it acted exactly like a niche forum. With growth, I expect more clickbait titles without source because we're excited that there's a clear tide shift. We finally see some light! So it's no big deal, really - as long as our discernment skills do not diminish when the actual SHTF time comes.The very fact that we can discuss these topics and (((them))) without getting whacked is a miracle. We have God and Q to thank.
I have never worried about getting whacked over speech in america. It can happen, I suppose. But does not getting killed for talking about every possibility under the sun for years on end with shitloads of people counts as a miracle?
The sidebar here clearly lays out "how to get whacked." Just be here sharp and ready to take scalps and you're golden! :)
I think our main mission here has been completed. GAW is now looking for its next purpose. And also rn most GAW users know all the big digs and anons have done God's work in waking up the sheeple. Like the avg time to truth from conspiracy is now at a Meer 2days as opposed to 6 months. We have news cycles and anons go to work and dig the fuck outta everything. There isn't anything we don't know or haven't speculated on. We're at the wait and see phase now. Only time will tell how right our speculations were.
Very incorrect statement! I have been fighting since The 2009 Tea Party. You always have to be ready to fight fuckery.
Me since the towers fell in 2001. I was debating and getting screamed at in 7th grade for questioning what was happening. In 2007 I was in a college government class and made such a good argument that it pissed the professor off and I got sent out of class lol. Everyone was basically all in on Obama besides like 3 other people. I was Ron Paul with a bit of added conviction of the DS and MIC.
I agree. The efficiency of research has gotten much better. But to me and even those before me, we view the progress humbly, like looking at the stamp on an old overpass bridge built before the modern era that carried so many from a place of confusion and defeat to confidence and victory.
I was literally on the ground that day, 500m to the SE of the 2nd tower that got hit. The plane flew right over me.
We see you frog!
The main mission wasn't completed, we just completed the first phase of it. The next purpose, as you say, is to bear down on the media and the social-media ruthlessly for the foreseeable future. GAW is our home-base to launch from. Organize here then go out with what's been honed into points beyond reproach. Dig into stories, correct errors, expose clickbait and lies, subvert subversion (of our movement), promote what needs promoted, encourage each other in the right way, discourage the wrong,..yeah.. our mission is far from over. We're in a more cozy position post-2020 fuckery, but we still have a ton of enemies and their devices to contend with. Don't let up just because they're cornered, and don't be ignorant to the enemies within our own ranks who seek to steer this movement into something it was not sold to us as!
edit- 2 people are mad that we can't just go back to sleep and have nothing worth saying to accompany their anger!
winn is correct here.
I agree with this, as well, however, this is the next phase that I'm implying. It's why folks like you and myself and some of the other heavy lifters haven't quit. There's another stage to this. The foundation has been laid. But now we have a new country to build on top of it.
Two people here might be trying to subvert the board. I noticed at least one going through and down voting even u/catsfive and his comments here. Is discourse a problem for these two? Or is it just muh feelz....
There’s been a lot of unearned downvoting going on for a while. It’s on some really stupid stuff sometimes. I’ve seen prayers get downvoted. Someone(s) just gave 3 downvotes to ashland howling ffs.
I always try to call it out if someone is trying to make it look like it might be me in a thread. Sure, up and downvotes are a little silly, but if someone is trying to manipulate emotions, call the crap out right there.
Most likely it’s not our posters or commenters doing it…
Little shits can't even reply with what they don't agree with. Worthless afaic
I agree with this to some extent. It's easy to think that, especially after the pause that we just endured. But I think that once d-class starts and future starts unlocking the map, unlocking past, we will find that the next 4 years was our purpose all along.
If “we are the news now”, it would seem things are going to have to be fact checked and distributed on an ongoing basis, not just during the initial awakening.
Otherwise, it would just be gradually getting drowsier until going back to sleep, yes?
I think as a news organization we have already been easily supplanted by X. But look at who just ratioed Elon? A top researcher. If we are going to have any use going forward, it has to be as an elite research board. Otherwise, what am I busting my ass making 20 posts a day for? This isn't a smoking lounge. It might be time for everyone to just go home. So if we don't have a purpose, there's no point. So we need to have a purpose. That's why I drive the mod team so hard to support our diggers and researchers. These mods work so hard. GAW rules because of it. And I think that when things get crazy here coming up, we are going to be ready. We've got some pretty top brains in here.
For sure!
I've always viewed the purpose of GAW as two-fold.
Surface information from the true research boards like 8kun and 4chan /pol and get more eyes on that information here, through "normie-available" GAW. Understand, I'm not knocking GAW, I'm just relating my experience with so many users here who don't even know about 8kun seemingly, or are too afraid to visit there, and the same with /pol.
Second purpose of GAW I see is being a conduit of #1 above to then post to true normie sites, like Facebook or even Reddit, where GAW frogs may then post information and/or memes to. Let's face it, true normies don't visit GAW, so we need to bring the information to them through their channels.
The only question is what's the next mission because what happens over the next 4 years is destiny. It really matters on making sure Trump and team secure future elections and get rid of woke crap, and fix our borders. All the other stuff is a cherry on top. Because we need to get back to being able to discuss ideas and tell communists and Marxists that their ideas are un-American, which we did by rejecting dems this time around.
You raised a very good point. The storm is pretty much the payoff for all our hard work. But I think what Trump is training us to do is to be ever vigilant. Yes, we are taking our country back. But we are going to have to keep it too. Because this communist bullshit is going to always be out there ready to creep back in unless we fully lock the devil out somehow.
It's far from completed we're just getting started, we've just been in prep phase. We're in this for the long haul.
How would we know this
Lol good point. But what I'm trying to get at is most of it's have gone down the rabbit holes and have a decent idea of what's going on
Perhaps frens, it is worth:
Addressing the statement here that "the purpose of gaw has been achieved" I could not disagree more. The purpose of GAW to my mind is to awaken the masses to the painful reality everyone must face, not to just get DJT re-elected in 2024 (though that was a step that had to happen).
You think this war is over because a battle was won? You trust no bad actors are out there or even in here because DJT is in the white house in 8 days time? Do You think the media will change without our pressure? Do You think the world will change without our fighting back? Yes it is God's plan, His script, His score but are we not God's instruments, His players, His pieces on the game board?
If you feel it is time for you to bow out of the game for another fighter to pick it up for you, that's fine, do so. I had to for a while. But don't presume the war is over just because you feel the need for some very important r&r. Millions are going to lose their shit come the 20th, and probably will continously do so for the next 4 years when things change everywhere, and particularly when everything starts going completely tits up systematically, and then they'll get hit even harder when they find out the real truth behind the veil.
And remember, this is a worldwide thing. Britain needs the frogs. Europe needs the frogs. Kroea needs the frogs. Africa needs the frogs. Canada needs the frogs. Japan needs the frogs. Australia and New Zealand need the frogs. We all are still in a war, and we won a big battle, true. But the war isn't over. FFS - California is on fire and the current regime is proposing to make EVERYONE IN AMERICA PAY FOR THE REPAIRS! don't stop putting pressure on the machine just because the Geotus is back.
Hear, hear!
What does this mean? Think mirror?
face palm
Ugh I need to not write posts while waking up at 5am, and do something about my phone autocorrect settings...
Fixed it to re-elected. I'm not Q after all, my meanings are usually straight forward :D
I have commented several times on this. Example: https://greatawakening.win/p/19A17S4y9O/x/c/4ZHkbMHqSSC
The format of GAW is:
1.hit and run based on: look what I dragged in.
2. Add to the mix the use of a smartphone instead of a lap- or desktop to have a better overview, and, 3. a search bar that is not really helpful.
Meaning, the chances of this becoming temporarily an echo chamber, a x.com-dumping ground, etc, is quite high. And, we have been able to see it RL happening.
This also means that a group-effort to disrupt the normal flow of information is easily done.
The process:
Yeah, I know, it is tiring, and it takes a real effort, as it redirects the kneejerk reaction of dropping a post already here, to consideration first.
Another fun GAW ploy is: put what you want to post in the title of a post.
In a way, I find it quite interesting. Many on here are gun enthusiasts, and regularly exercise. I am wondering whether the quality of the shots fired, are on par with the see drop run sequence on GAW.
The other part of the equation is: What are we updooting? Is a comment: "kek" worthy of updooting? Is, after discussion, someone saying: sorry for being rude, worthy of updooting?
I often wonder, if we, as a group, really are the embodiment of the spirit we say we exude, but instead pretend to exude.
Fun part is that the posting rules are on the right hand side, but, on a smartphone, are not directly visible.
Just as we are already discussing data privacy for 30 odd years while seeing google going from "don't do evil" to harvesting anything it can, so we will be discussing this matter too, in the foreseeable future. The reason is, that each and everybody is on a read to self - attainment, or, analogous: learn to walk. Some will learn to walk and stand up by themself, using their legs, others ...well, they still will pull themselves up on any item in close proximity.
The same goes for thinking. It starts not with knowledge, but with curiosity. Knowledge, or rather cognition starts with investigation: The question.
What about sitting down a moment and ask ourselves: what is the question that drives me? St. Paul mentioned the width, height, length and depth of the knowledge. That is cognition. It starts with: Manna: what is it? .
Let me get this straight: You are capable of this kind of analysis, but, YOU AVERAGE TWO POSTS PER MONTH SINCE YOU GOT HERE?
The simple fact is that ALL online communities are driven by the top ends of the bell curve, and no online community can please the rest of the bell curve. Fact. That's why this mod team prioritizes our top researchers and posters.
And, INB4 "not everyone has to post to add value here!!!1" well, yes, of course. Except... HOW does one 'AdD VaLuE hErE" on a daily basis without stumbling into posts more than twice a month?
It boggles the mod team's teensy teeny widdly brains
You've thrown a ball .... ready for the rebound?
And, the argument is static. I'll get back to this one.
This highlights two sides of a coin of "hit and run"-posting. Expanding thinking is a personal choice. The other quote is an announcement of practical approach. After all, there is no money in this mod-work, a work of love. So, on the one hand, there are limited resources in terms of time, and the time spent is appreciated! Me mentioning this is not geared towards complaint, just an observation and what effect this has. In other words: this too comes down to self shepherding by the individual: i.e. choice. 3. >You are capable of this kind of analysis, but, YOU AVERAGE TWO POSTS PER MONTH SINCE YOU GOT HERE? Are we screaming now? And playing the person instead of the ball? = logical fallacy 4. >mod team's teensy teeny widdly brains = your claim. Did you discuss it? And this was the outcome? Does it not clearly indicate the reason for this discussion, which just so happens to be popping up when the wave of hit and run echo chamber posting is happening for the umpteenth time? 5. Is this the discussion we are having: MY number of post per month versus the deluge of hit and run? Are you sure you are arguing the point? As far as I am concerned, you are not arguing the point and posting a "red herring", apart from the fact it looks like an "ad hominem". And, you are not even going into the content.
And that leaves a very simply observation or rather resultant of your post:
I would add: within the setup of GAW.
Perhaps one step towards amelioration could be this one:
Although, I appreciate the value of a search-box, this one is rather eh ... limited. I have been experimenting with Yacyy and it seems to do quite well. https://yacy.net/
The reason is, that although search-engine search on the key
will yield results, the results a chaos.Yacy can even function as an embedded function. And since it is p2p, it might be very GAW-server friendly.
This would address a couple of issues:
That's the site-side.
The rest is user-side. And as said, that is a personal choice. And as I mentioned: we are all on a road to learn to walk.
When a user base is limited, in time, this user base will grow in terms of knowledge and skill. When wave after wave of noobs come in, this may be detrimental to said desired bell-curve. One could compare it to the average IQ in the USA 30 years ago, against the current snapshot of it. Noticeable is a shifting bell curve towards a lower iq. This is in relation to "low-quality" mass-immigration
So, from my perspective, arguing from the bell-curve is hardly helpful. It simply shows you where you are at this point in time. Perhaps, you have certain snapshots over time, in relation to what is called:
Or perhaps you have not. I have no way of knowing. What I do know is that GAW is moving fast towards echo-chamber.
From personal observation on other channels I notice on the one hand a certain issue going viral. But everywhere I look, I see these people who have this incessant need to share. On deeper inspection, after talking with such people, it is often a matter of personal importance. I don't care. I just can't be bothered with the next in vogue smokescreen, and, I wish not to be subject to mind control abuse, as that is exactly what lies beneath.
I guess we come down to the simple conclusion that we have to suffer fools, in the hope that somewhere someone is enlightened enough to take up the hard work to free themselves from their own shackles.
Meanwhile, I scan and disregard most of what is posted.
Well, honestly this is a community board that shares data collected by anons. Which is fine and terrific, and no criticism at all for that. This is NOT a Chan/anon board. Lots of good info though. Tons every day. MUCH more user friendly than the chans. And this info sure causes people to dig in and research things. So it's all good. Very useful. Maybe more than the chans at this point
This is why the mods do what we do. When we say a snarky or casual or negative comment from someone with a heavy comment history but no post history, we'll give them a vacation now and then just to remind them what the purpose of this board actually is.
🩷 this board is a blessing to many. Thanks for your faithful service, fren
Very much agree. Folks need to be clearer with their titles. "This!" and "It begins" is obvious clickbait and a time waster. It's titles like these that I wish we had downvotes.
No sources no post. Also a lot of shill accounts have popped up. Deport at evey turn!
Yep. Same with that “two officers threw up after seeing the Weiner laptop”
I believe that source was from an interview Sydney Powell had with one of the officers that had viewed what was on the laptop. I heard that interview at least five or six years ago.
I heard the audio tape of the cop interviewed who watched the tape. If it was a fake news piece, the voice actor for the cop deserves an Oscar. Also most/all of the officers are dead now if memory serves.
Yeah and this was before AI was so good with voices so I believe it's real as well. Just awful, people have memory holed so much. Weiner's wife Huma, and then we forget about the spirit painting woman, and the artwork at pedosta's. It's easy to get caught up in the moment. I've posted about DUMBS and shown how they can be dug with those giant mole machines and huge tunnels underground everywhere. Georgia guidestones, all that deep state stuff we should be digging into. Now that more people are paying attention to what we're doing here this would be a good time to revisit things that we've memoryholed.
Before AI as we know it, the stuff we see now available to the public likely suddenly appeared after 2020 to sow doubt about audio and video proof that comes out in the near future. The show "24" in it's second season had a major plot reveal that the audio used early in the season to set off a crisis was fake and the voices were generated via computer software. That was nearly twenty years ago!
oh you're right the technology released to the public is several steps behind the technology that we actually have.
laziness and boredom.
Needs to be said. Have commented on a few of them. If it were true I'd like to share it. But until I know for sure it is such I share nothing anymore.
This is very true. If you check out the X community, often I will retweet something to the community saying SHARE THIS!" Because we are definitely a launch pad for content that can take that down the cabal. This is why we have to do our best.
Permanent sticky.
It's very cool that accuracy is so important here. As opposed to the rest of the world...
Thanks for writing this up Pede. The scarecrow analogy was especially apt.
It's become clear to me in the last say, 6 months, a lot of folks come to GAW to get validation for how they are feeling and they upvote based on those feelings. "This fits how I'm feeling, or what I think is true, and upvoting it gives me a little 'hell yeah' dopamine hit".
I find most of my time on here lately has been spent clicking the deport button on completely fake, and easily identified as fake posts, and getting into side-arguments defending something I don't want to, but at the very end of of the day, the only thing I care about, truly, is the truth, no matter where it's found.
Far too often commenters go with the obvious but off topic angle. Predictable and frustrating. Get the point, and stay on it.
"False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. "
Tell me its go time without telling me it's go time...
Excellent post. Mods should stickie this one!
But GAW is not "a Q research website". Not really. That'd be 8kun. In my mind, GAW operates as a filter from 8kun and 4chan's /pol to surface information. GAW to me is reddit-tier nearly, with updooting and such, it actually encourages the bad behavior of browse and click, click and browse. I'm guilty of doing it too sometimes, but I'm not a tourist. I think there's a lot of tourists on this board.
Simple. GAW is set up to attract reddit- and Facebook-tier folks who have no interest at all in doing actual research on topics. If they do have that interest, they're on 8kun or /pol doing that. Here on GAW it's easy to simply log in and lazily scroll the headlines and click click click like you're on reddit or Facebook. GAW isn't original Q research so much as it is Q for normies.
We did! I had it stickied for most of today. Tho, I am stuck in Istanbul, so, I guess it was stickied for most of your night.
Thank you, catsfive! Your work (and the work of other mods here) is GREATLY appreciated!
Safe travels back home!
And then we get threads like this one asking an open ended question during cold and flu season:
And I get called a "glowie fuck" when I push back.
i just saw/read that I wouldn't call you a glowie. Apparently people have forgotten or don't know what glowies do. I remember when they used to post threads in here trying to get us to go places to protest in person, like all the capitol grounds back in 2020, or they try to get us talking about going kinetic with people we disagree with. (that's a huge generalization) but you get the picture.
Worst thing is we know Oprah's past and even her at one time positive relationship with Trump
So to read anything about Oprah and not apply 50k view, think mirror, or even just the basic 5Ws and an H is kind of silly.
Trump winning is no reason to take your Q hat off
After all, the tweet has not happened, Q has not posted a last drop/mission completed, and the Q clock is not ovee yet
Perhaps this board has served its purpose.
I don't mean this to sound snarky or rude to you, frog, but, considering that you post every two months, perhaps YOU have served your purpose.
I agree.
Literal username: dem6nic 🤪😂 Literally served his purpose 👿
I just commented similarly to the claim that Zelensky bought an 18 million dollar mansion.
95% GAW gets it right. Something Months and even years ahead of everyone else. I always check for myself and make sure the story is true or at least has our truth to it. I have to make sure the spelling on memes I make are spelled correctly. I can proof read it several times and still get a word mispelled. GAW is great at pointing out my mistakes. That is why I post my memes here fuirst. To get a new set of eyes and spell check me.
Mods do a bang up job with stickies. 98% of the time they get it correct! Thank you Mods!