Knowing everyone would accept the pardons and create a situation where they have now indirectly admitted to the crimes, was the autopen a white hat operation to allow the bad actors to expose themselves, then have the pardons revoked for not being legitimate? And stretching it further, how do you allow them to rule, expose themselves, then have a quick path to correcting what they did over that time once you’re back in office? Every law, executive order etc signed by that autopen is now null and void and you have an admission of guilt by all parties who accepted the pardons.
My thoughts are that the autopen was the critical key to the final stage of the Q plan and it created the next path forward to prosecution and correcting their failed administrative state. It’s the chain attached to the stopper blocking the drain of the swamp if that makes sense. It also explains all the misdirection and deltas people date fagged on because it made everyone, including us, look the other way so we wouldn’t see it coming.
Lastly, will this situation be the trigger for the suicides now that they know they’re not protected anymore?
I think it was Biden handlers who thought they could do anything they wanted.
Trump said it himself u/#correct
You are correct but they are stupid and do not understand how the law or government actually works. If what I have read is true, that by accepting a pardon and not actually charged that it is an admission of guilt. This is genius!!
👆I think they thought they were untouchable. Made the mistake of under-estimating how well they sealed up their crimes! Now they pay!
A traditional pardon outlines the specific crime and comes with an admission. These pardons were theater, whether intentional or not they gave light to the subject on mainstream media. Almost a perfect situation really, sure to wake up a few more. ✌️
I see your point! I like the way this is going!
Yes but ff is suggesting that one of those handlers was maybe a white hat ;)
Or a white hat somewhere along the line gave them the idea of the autopen.
Thomas Wictor would call that a Judas goat.
Yes. Exactly
But this is equally believable
"The person who was the real President during the Biden years was the person who controlled the Autopen!"
And since devolution was in play, Trump was the one in control! <rips mask off> "And I would have gotten away with it too, if not for you meddling Qids!"
I believe that Trump was CIC. I am not sure about President. CIC is more important anyway.
ty, TS has me blocked so i find his posts on
I can't use TS if I am using a VPN
so then they’ve blocked themselves into a wall! In order to show the pardons are legit, Biden would need to answer detailed questions regarding the auto-pen signing. And if the person who did sign presents themselves or Biden spills in beans in a rant, then the 2020 election should be null and void(?)
Yes. The entire Biden presidency was a theater production executed by white hats. Biden was an actor. There were hints everywhere, such as Biden not receiving a 21 gun salute. Just ask yourself: Why would the military have the power to activate PEADS yet forego it in favor of traitors taking control of the country with an agenda to destroy it? That simply would not happen.
The Biden presidency was a white hat psyop on both the American people and the deep state. This autopen issue was one of many head fakes.
The weak link in this scenario is the 20 million illegals. If white hats were really in control, they could have stopped the illegal immigration (while letting other stuff happen that has made the Democrats show themselves to be completely ridiculous)
The illegals were necessary. They woke up millions of normies and libs. You never would've seen New York liberals become full blown nationalists until you planted thousands of central Americans in their neighborhoods. Then when this is all over, they'll be deported.
Not to mention Chicago.
Exactly. Also: Now they can self deport with the app if they really want a chance for citizenship later.
If they stay they prove they are malicious and likely criminals. Its a great filter. Also lets the gangster bureaucrats expose themselves when they try to harbor illegals and ignore the common sense channels. Keep in mind that the enemy does not want vettable immigrants. They want the criminals.
Judicial tyranny was their sword during the - presidency. They could and did attack any extraneous movements so the path was very narrow.
If true.... then the white hats are the bad guys....
That's not how psychological operations work.
White hats can come out with all the evidence to show all the normies and libs, and the leftist propaganda machine will convince half the country it's fake news. Then we've blown our chance and the nation is permanently divided. That's why you cannot tell people, you have to show them.
What would you rather have, an immigration problem or civil war?
If they have video of a young Obama shooting an American pilot then you shouldn't need anything else..... If you have evidence of what happens to the missing kids, if celebrities fucked, killed, and ate them then you don't need more evidence... Like What the FUCK?
MSM already trying to spin this as "Trump taking revenge on his political opponents". No, it's Trump seeking justice on behalf of all Americans for crimes committed against America.
MSM is complicit and they will be going down as well.
I'm OK with that other thing too............. ( The "r" word )
"Joe Biden did not sign them but, more importantly, he did not know anything about them! The necessary Pardoning Documents were not explained to, or approved by, Biden."
Follow the auto pen
Li alleges that, following Biden’s disastrous debate drubbing, Hunter essentially took over White House operations. Speaking with podcaster Shawn Ryan, she painted a picture of dysfunction at the highest levels of government: “After the [CNN] debate, Hunter basically commandeered the White House. He sat in on all of the White House top-level meetings. We had a former cocaine addict sitting in on the most sensitive meetings of the most consequential and most important government in world history. Does that sit right with you?"
Ryan’s immediate reaction—“No”—reflected what many are surely thinking.
“Without security clearance mind you,” Li added.
The idea that Hunter Biden, with no security clearance, was allegedly dictating the flow of information to his father is a much bigger deal than Elon Musk going after government waste, don’t you think? Sounds like complete fantasy to TaQo...a retarded narrative for the gullible
One Biden White House source told The Post they suspect that a key aide to the then-president may have made unilateral determinations on what to auto-sign.
You want names? You want the real architects?
Ron Klain — Biden’s former Chief of Staff, now conveniently nestled in the corporate insulation of AirBNB. Jeff Zients — another puppet master, with deep roots in Facebook’s digital manipulation grid, also conveniently parachuted into top positions of power, always one step behind the screen.
These men weren’t “staff.” They were managers of the digital presidency. They didn’t advise the President — they replaced him.
But this mechanical regime didn’t start with Biden. It wasn’t born in 2021. It was engineered under Barack Obama.
And that begs the most terrifying question of all: If a machine ran the presidency, what else has already been mechanized?
Military orders?
Financial systems?
Voter roll manipulations?
AI-controlled legislation pipelines?
I believe it was a hunter laptop email that revealed that Hunter was being managed by the us intelligence community as a blackmail leveraged asset, so it makes sense they'd use him as their guy on the inside to get close to parkinsonian Joe and start to 'nudge' him on issues in ways the intel community wanted. This is also why they'd all circle the wagons around saying the laptop was russian disinfo, because it gives up their game.
Interesting - thanks for the insight
they already told you (((who))) it was
Joe Biden's signature, Glowiepedia edition:
That signature seems to have been lifted from this document which Joe wrote to Dakota, a "strong little girl" in Delaware for a wrestling match. Nothing creepy about this.
The Wikipedia archive also includes this signature, also belonging to Joe Biden, apparently. What the heck is this one?
FBI Brittanica curtly informs us: "This is the presidential signature of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., as shown in the executive orders issued by Biden."
Repeated in the caption: Signature of U.S. president Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.
The caption for the first signature is almost laughably simple by comparison: "Joe Biden's signature."
One more note I'd like to add: I could not find an image or hyperlink to this 'Presidential' signature ANYWHERE in the whole series of Wiki entries. Not just the main Biden article, mind you - Presidency of Joe Biden, Inauguration of Joe Biden , Pardons Granted by President Biden, Stutters of Joe Biden, Mental Vacuity of Joe Biden etc etc.
You gotta dig in deep to find this... seems a little odd for a 'Presidential' signature, no?
I'm not even going to delve into the veritable Whitmans sampler of different signatures we could compare and contrast.
This horse has been mutilated and brutalized to such an extent that it beggars belief; but hey, maybe when Joe got that "plastic surgery" they threw in a new set of hands and wrists too. Why not? 🤣
we already know that biden was white hat installed to serve 2 purposes:
this is Q 101. shocking (and saddening) that most of the people don't know this. but then again most of you think that Alex Jones isn't a Mossad agent despite Q specifically calling him one so go figure
If true, Q is the villain then. Communist will be able to accurately say, that wasn't real communism.
Replacing your opposition, with your actors, then having your actors commit crimes
Isn't this the logic behind jan 6? We are mad that under cover agents caused the violence and damage pretending to be Trump supporters. Hence those under cover agents are bad people, acting in bad faith.....
You think they'll admit it?
Anons theorized "Biden's" term was null and void a long time ago. Looks like we were right again
By the time I'm finished, it will be like you were never here - (from memory)
Follow the pen
It was white cats...
Well played. I see what you did there…
Just a sudden thought. The "pardons" may have also made them relax and not worry as much about keeping Trump out.
I suggested this a few days ago when he posted this...
Military operation. A lot of it was probably theatre mixed in with the criminals doing what they do.
If “”we have it all” wasn’t a bluff they wouldn’t need any extra evidence. In fact, half the posts on here are about some crazy criminal activity perpetrated by these evil fucks the last 12 years at least. I’m still w siting to see Obama spraying the red,white, and blue.
Having it all is only part of the equation, you have to have the backing of the majority of the people aka moral authority, and then you can move forward with the rolling out of the evidence.
Well, considering how many times the claim has been made here that the White Hats were in charge during the entirety of Biden's time in office, then it would follow that they were in control of the use of the Autopen as well. At least that seems to be the logical conclusion to me.
Or, the Biden handlers over-reached and bungled the job. No White Hats need to be in charge of a clumsy dancer. The idea that everything is executed from a detailed plan is less credible than thinking our wits are faster than theirs. Remember, Trump has the instincts and mentality of a boxer. While a boxer may have a strategy, each round in the ring depends on split-second choices and actions.
There is also legal argument that says the President cannot delegate the power of the pardon---as to any clerk or subordinate who actually signs the pardon. The pardon is supposed to be a personal act of mercy from the President, not a routine function of a bureaucracy.
I for one cannot wait for Suicide Week to happen.
You think! This whole auto pen saga leads to White Hats covering all bases! NCSWIC!
Nope...he was just a lazy bastard that could barely sign a personal check
This is a solid theory
Well done.
If your theory holds true, Patriots have been in control the entire time!
I dont know if this is good though cos without the pardon they plead the fifth. The pardons were actually a good thing cos it removes that need so shouldnt be undone in my book.
Accepting a pardon for a crime not [yet] committed is no admission of guilt. How could it be? You haven't committed the crime.
And accepting a pardon as protection against trial for, say, treason isn't admitting being a traitor, either. It's saying "Thanks for pardoning me in advance, so malicious political operatives can't manufacture a treason case against me out of thin air and drag me through it."
Yes. This whole thing is a coded out Game and String Theory process full of misdirected what-if’s mixed in with actual proofed events to come/be proofed to 1 or a few sentences per Q-Post. And we can only know on this side once Future or “current event” Proves Past post piece.
Of course, it still boggles my mind how anyone now near a decade ago, as the Q-Posts were first typed out, knew these exact events would still carry out as foretold. That’s were I’ve stood that indeed God/Christ is directly helping with the info beyond “time dilation”.
I've personally been humbled over the many years in seeing just how many layers to some of Q's favorite sayings there has been. The depth some of these simple sayings just blows my minds some times:
Even today, we are seeing things being unlocked, that ties directly back to another layer from years ago.
Agreed. How things have unfolded over the many years, to me, I just don't see humans alone being able to be so precise, so often. We are getting help 100%.
Hallelujah amen Anon. Yashuah bless you too. ☺️ might entertain ' off world help ' - the 7 sisters