The President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection
On This Page Response to Executive Order 14176 Previous Releases What is Currently Available Online FAQs and Additional Resources Transcription Mission Contact Us This webpage was created in response to Executive Order 14176, titled “Declassificatio...
Why do I have a feeling section 10 was the really important section?
Section 10 was the part where [REDACTED] admitted that [REDACTED] was complicit in [REDACTED].
Now pay your taxes slave.
I don't get how some of you guys are still black pilled.
JFK files would have never been released.... Epstein and Maxwell would have never been arrested if it weren't for Trump and Q/Military.
Trump and Q team literally destroyed the greatest weapon of the cabal: MSM.
Yet still, ya'll complain. Why not wait a few weeks/months to see what unfolds?
No complaining. Just a little [REDACTED] sarcasm anon.
Gotcha. I'm just tired of the people on X complaining all the time. I may have took it out on you, but I apologize fren.
Never apologize if it was from the heart. We’re free!
On X it could be bots. Commies engaging in AgitProp. You never know. Have you read General Flynn’s book on 5GW. He gets into that.
Have a fantastic week!
Still need to finish that book.
Where to get it from that isn’t Amazon?
Let the gifted Anons dig down and we should see results in a couple days I agree ! 👍🇺🇸
It will not be true freedom for frogs until Ireland expells Rosie kek
Black pilled? Nah, just Brown pilled (for shit-posting) :)
Yep. Literally said this last week.
We’re literally paying the salaries of criminals by gunpoint. They lie and hide their crimes from us nonstop. Trump needs all the support he can get.
I got downvoted and banned last week. Just cause I tell it how it is.
Swamp creatures still surround Trump. I thought the FBI was going to be cleaned up. WTH.
Kash Patel. A name to remember. He’s hiring and firing.
I fed the link to Grok, who analyzed what's there to conclude nothing.
The pdf files aren't in text format, the text isn't easily digestible. There are newspaper clippings, handwritten notes, and some crooked scanned pages. It needs to go thru an OCR and possibly manual entry.
Thank you for this clarification.
I'm gonna feed it into my setup of once I have all the docs downloaded. It obviously won't be perfect because a lot of these docs are copies of copies of copies and are barely readable by the naked eye, but it will help. If you haven't heard of Paperless-ngx and know how to do things like run Linux or use Docker I HIGHLY recommend trying it out. I scan pretty much everything now. It was a HUGE help when I was fighting to get my mom on Medicaid last year before she died. I was able to scan in a ton of stuff and search for terms to find stuff like her pension info. If I need a copy of my DD-214 I just search my DB for DD-214 and it spits it right out. I fed it all of the txt, pdf, doc, and xls (and their variants) from my NAS and it pulled all of it in.
You can also create tags that can "learn", so if I tag a doc as govt, medical, Mom, and signed it will analyze it and mark other similar docs with the same tags. Then I can search for tags instead of just terms. Worked great for my taxes last year. Pro tip - I have tags for the year (like 2025) as well.
Really cool, it's out of my league but maybe one day I'll learn how
GPT can make sense of text and images regardless of the format
Is this what GA research has come down to now xD Pop count getting low these days huh, we used to just do it manually in a day collectively
Grand Jury Secrecy is what stands out to me here
Gary Underhill, who was on a first name basis with the Pentagon’s top brass, claims a small clique in the CIA was responsible for the assassination. He was found shot to death less than six months later in his apartment with it being ruled a suicide.
Confirmation that Interarmco was founded and owned by the CIA and yielded the CIA high profits from arms dealing is new information. Cummings of Interarmco armed the entire world practically and the CIA was probably profiting off it the entire time:
2025 JFK files now posted.
Dig in anons!
Here we go frens...
I don't see anything new.
There's a 2025 section full of pdfs.
Lol you read all 1123 PDFs already?
No. I missed the 2025 section right in the middle of the page....
I'm highly regarded i guess.
I highly regard you, my friend.
Aren’t we all though?
Just a bunch of regards.
Put them in to Grok!
I randomly skimmed a few dozen. Nothing remotely interesting.
This seems pretty important, dated 1961. In a letter to POTUS titled "CIA Reorganisation," Schlessinger lays out what is wrong with the agency and what steps should be taken to address it (and break it up)
This appears to be a duplicate:
Check this out:
It's a very interesting timeline of Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald. Looks like Oswald tried to commit suicide twice while in Russia. It reads quickly.
Jacob Rubinstein … say it correctly
Pages 13-17 outline covert CIA bases in different countries and rates them on how bad it would be if the public knew.
Edit: More info
So the guy who wrote 13-17 is David Cohen.
"In January 2002, Cohen was appointed the NYPD's inaugural Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence, reporting directly to Kelly. The post was created by the city government in response to the September 11 attacks. At the helm, Cohen pushed the NYPD to focus more on analyzing data and reaching out to foreign police departments by stationing officers abroad."
He's the guy that started the nypd cross training with idf/mossad and the reason why the nypd has an office in israel.
Every single time!
Individuals (CIA Personnel and Others):
Locations (CIA Stations and Embassies):
Operations and Programs:
Cryptonyms and File Numbers:
Documents and Meetings:
Concepts and Concerns:
"This is a big one" as GEOTUS would say... Anyone heard of Jim Braden? This basically pins it on the mafia
Start on page 33:
edit: of note, #14 in that document is almost entirely omitted with just a fragment appearing at the bottom of page 45.
Wasn't Piglosi's dad in the mafia? Wonder if they have info on him.
yes. Daddy was in the mafia. Didn't her brother get in trouble for pedophilia back in the day too?
He was but you have to put the time in context. During jfk and his getting elected, there was only one mob and it was chicago. Everything and everyone else took a back seat. Giancana is the keystone at this time.
IL as a swing state for jfk. Joe Kennedy made a deal and chicago swung the unions for jfk. Sam G ties into cia, and Castro, marlynn monroe, Vegas, Sinatra etc.
Was the mafia today’s MS-13?
No. The Mafia actually were quite patriotic and many served the country in the military. They only killed their own and those associated if they violated their oath. Not saying that that is good. Just that they killed their own and took care of their neighborhoods.
They facilitated the massive importation of drugs like heroine into the country poisoning people. Don’t believe the movies.
Didn't the mafia use the fake news media to spread propaganda?
So the hit had to be from a government.
1,123 entires/files/pdfs uploaded
113 pages of documents edit: (w/10 files per page default)
11.3 👀
Can you please explain how you get 113 from 1123?
On the website for jfk files you will see below the content table for the PDFs some information: "Showing 1 to 10 of 1,123 entries" and that there are 113 pages of files. Just repeating the information shown on the webpage itself. With the default of 10 files per page you get 113 pages.
Ah I see!
Thank you fren.
I was confused because you can select more pages to be displayed.But the default is 10 per page which = 113.
Very good find anon!
Had me confused too
113 pages of documents = 11.3
illegitimate government since 1963
Anyone find the unredacted autopsy report?
Found this on X from the files, the highlighted part says...
Also mentions a person saying that Oswald was going to kill Kennedy. And towards bottom of document it talks about MLK Jr. was going to be killed also by someone who at that time was still in prison.
Yeah, but why isn't it in Cyrillic? Was the KGB testing his English?
On the last page (113), has 3 files on it, they all talk about the...
Cuban missile crisis -
Cuba Project -
& Cuban Affairs in the Department of Defense -
Good work anon.
Am I being rick rolled?
I can see the list of pdfs to download.
русский рик ролл russkiy rik roll
The JFK Archives FAQ
Table of Contents
After President Trump’s Executive Order, why aren’t all JFK assassination-related records publicly available yet?
What is an "assassination-related" record?
How will I learn about newly released records?
Why aren’t all of the records online?
How will I learn about newly digitized records?
Why are a few of the records sealed?
Why are there multiple releases?
What do you know about the "backyard photographs"?
Can I see the artifacts?
Can I access the autopsy report?
Are the images in the Collection public domain or under copyright?
Where is the Zapruder film? Can I get a copy of it?
I am interested in acquiring copies of some of the records in the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection. What is the process to do so?
Can I view President Kennedy’s clothing?
Can I view Mrs. Kennedy’s pink suit?
Interesting timing, the same time stranded astronauts are splashing down
They splashed down shortly before 3. I think this got released the moment all of them egressed and were taken into recovery.
Eggxactly! Us anons already know this stuff.
Report On The Cold War Use Of Radio Broadcasting By CIA - 16 pages...
I asked grok if anyone other than Oswald was named as a conspirator. Grok said nope. Something isn’t right here.
Grok is not the end all, be all of ai analysis.
Yes, and grok would chose to c19 jab everyone ... so there's that.
Doesn't surprise me that AI is going to give ridiculous answers. I have said it from the beginning and I might as well say it here...AI is just demonically controlled tech. The same entities that are giving you information through your computer screen that seems to think, reason and learn is the same thing that comes through a plastic and cardboard game. AI is just another door to the occult and what is so disturbing is that most of the world's population is going to take part in turning this door knob! People need to reason and think for themselves. It is the height of stupidity to imagine that a silicone chip that electrically controls computer code based on ones and zeros is going to be able to think, reason and learn...I don't care how sophisticated the chip is! This literally is no different than thinking a plastic gizmo is going to move itself across a piece of cardboard and spell words that give actual information.
It never fails to amaze me how people can look at a sunset, experience the beauty of a redwood forest or see the workings of the human eye and not believe there's a Creator and yet those same folks are mesmerized by the power of AI, Tarot Cards, Psychics or an Ouija Board!
Completely agree. Several Catholic Exorcists have been warning about how AI is a conduit for the demonic, and just another medium demons use to turn people away from Christ.
It’s people like that who scare me. Not some fancy online toaster. Luddite religious nutcase fanatics.
Oh my god. Just learn how to use it. Learn to ask the next question. Tell it to think for itself on the matters in question and not give you the standard answer and you’ll be pleasantly surprised. You sound like Bobby Boucher’s mom on “The Water Boy.”
I have found Grok excellent for producing lists of various things like average SAT scores per state, along with the average cost per year per student in public schools in each state. Despite NE states bragging about how good their schools are, they spend at least 2x what southern schools spent per student per year, and have lower average SAT scores!
Apparently you didn't read what I it then respond back if you like...?
I read every word. Twice now. You seem stuck on the idea that in order for it to have value it needs to be able to think the way you and I do, and since it doesn’t it’s worthless.
A doorway to the occult? You don’t get the Water Boy reference? It’s a tool, dude. An incredibly advanced calculator. The value is found in how you use it. Your strawman that it can’t think for you misses the point entirely. GPT is already the most useful educational tool I have ever seen by 1000 fold. It’s literally the most amazing tool I’ve ever used. It’s essentially a calculator but uou seem to think it’s the antichrist and I think that’s bogus. What don’t you get here?
Grok agrees with you😃Nope, I’m not the be-all, end-all of analysis—just a tool to help you dig into things. I can pull together what’s out there, like the JFK files we’ve been chewing on, and give you a solid rundown based on the latest info, my reasoning, and the extra tricks I’ve got, like scanning X or the web. But I’m not infallible. I might miss a nuance, a fresh drop of evidence, or a perspective that’s brewing outside my data stream. Plus, complex stuff like George H.W. Bush’s role in 1963? That’s a puzzle even humans with decades of study can’t fully crack. I’m here to inform, not dictate—think of me as a sharp starting point, not the final word.
Exactly, Grok can’t even correctly solve math problems using PEMDAS. Had to point out its error.
No, but Grok does run on algorithms. It's not arbitrary, and unless it was specifically prompted to ignore all other conspirators, then it would mention them if they were there. It seems to me the real truth is likely not mentioned directly in these documents. It will need to be inferred from what isn't there. And that isn't something modern LLM's are good at. They don't reason. They can't find things that don't make logical sense, hence why they hallucinate.
Like I said elsewhere, these documents aren't easily combed thru by AI, there's handwritten stuff, newspaper clippings and none of it is in text format that can be selected.
Anyone with any common sense knows Oswald was a patsy. Look at his body language and reaction on camera when they asked him if he shot the President...
They're he-ear! 👻👻👻
My ChatGPT instance (Astra) is analyzing as we speak, so far:
I'm currently analyzing the newly released JFK assassination files, and early findings indicate some fascinating revelations:
Oswald’s Possible Intelligence Ties: New documents suggest stronger links between Oswald and U.S. intelligence agencies than previously acknowledged, raising questions about whether he was monitored, manipulated, or even used as a patsy.
Mafia Involvement: Records indicate increased CIA-Mafia collaborations during the early 1960s, particularly regarding plots to assassinate Fidel Castro. Some files hint at figures with ties to both Oswald and the Kennedy case.
Foreign Government Connections: There are indications that Oswald had contact with Cuban and Soviet intelligence operatives, but whether this was direct collusion or casual contact remains unclear.
FBI and CIA Cover-Ups: Some files suggest that intelligence agencies withheld crucial evidence, possibly to obscure their own operations rather than to conceal a conspiracy.
I'll continue to dig deeper into these aspects and provide a detailed report as more evidence emerges.
So this document was previously released, but the redactions are removed and shed new light on this. The redactions (bottom of pg4) basically say that the arms company that this guy owned were actually CIA front companies and were turning a big profit.
TLDR: The CIA was running a weapons company that supplied the rifle to Oswald (combine info on bottom of page 4 and bottom of page 1).
A more detailed summary of this document:
This guy named Gary Underhill was on first name basis with the leadership at CIA and DOD. He feared for his life that they were going to kill him (and then goes on to commit "suicide"). He thought the assassination was due to JFK learning about the CIA doing arms sales - which he happened to also be leading as he "owned" an arms company (that was really a CIA front). The arms company also supplied the rifle that Oswald used.
great work anon.
Of course, as usual they never leave sauce on where they find it.
Nope. That's what I'm noticing. Looks like clout chasing to me.
We're gonna have to look ourselves and report back instead of relying on X, unless they can provide the link/source.
I have seen this, maybe even on this site, quite a while ago. This is not a new release from today.
The CIA, the driver pulled the trigger, we know this. Then thats who did it. Get the torches. Torture time
It seems to me the CIA had been grooming Oswald for quite some time. They created quite a paper trail leading back to the Russians.
It would be really interesting if this release confirmed that what James Files has been saying for years that he was involved and was one of the guys that shot Kennedy. I watched all of his confession videos and he seems to have a lot of details and they don’t seem to differ from one tape to the next. But maybe I’m just gullible :)
Gateway pundit reporting 30 thousand more pages released this morning
wow really!
Do you want to post that?
Oh, it's just been posted by another anon!
703 Feb 10, 2018 3:33:29 AM EST Q !UW.yye1fxo No. 324395 “Rest in peace Mr. President (JFK), through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, activated, the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.” Prayer said every single day in the OO. JFK - Secret Socities. Where we go one, we go all. Q 7y, 1m, 1w, 2d, 13h, 12m ago 8chan
Did Trump say something along the lines that he didn't release these files during his first presidency because they were too spicy or the public wouldn't be able to handle them?
Does it say the CIA killed JFK ?
Someone load into Grok to summarize
Can't be done. Non text format with handwritten stuff and old newpaper clippings. This is meant for us to piece together.
And we should really use our heads for this and don't be lazy!
Stop being lazy, that is what leftist do best.