Now that you mentioned these... Snowden twice on Rogan's podcast gains a whole new meaning. Rogan just listened, he didn't challenge Snowden with as much as raising his eyebrows once. Snowden needed to work his magic on the masses, Joe provided a platform.
rogan has been a pos for a while. a smart guy and hilarious comic, but when I watched the Candace Owens episode, notice this libertarian guy telling her she cant think like that? said it a bunch of times, so how can he respect how people think if he tells people how to think?
Maybe not controversial take but his stand up is subpar. I’m not saying he’s not funny, but he’s funnier on the podcasts (at least a few years ago I haven’t listened to him regularly in years)
Yep and if Hollyweird makes you out to be a hero, you're most likely a villain in real life. It's opposite with these freaks. What's good is evil, evil is good. Duality as they call it. That's the reason for all the trans.
How many hours you got? Where shall we start? I’m sure all of us have been though the washing machine with our brains and money numerous times before. You ain’t alone.
As I understand it, he gave away information on how the NSA operated. This allowed the Black Hats/Deep State (around the world) to change how they communicated. I'm guessing the NSA had to modify their operations based on the Snowden leaks.
In a nutshell - Snowden is a CIA asset, sent to infiltrate the NSA and hinder their surveillance capabilities so that Obama and the CIA could conduct the Iran deal with "blue skies" (free from surveillance).
people (like me when i was naive and asleep) wanted NSA shut down. Just like getting people to strip themselves of gun rights after a public school shooting FF, this gets the public pressure to shut down NSA and strip Q team of their ability to record dirt on cabal and be 5 steps ahead.
there was some segment where he was on with roger stone and they were talking about Reince Priebus errr something, and he kept on slipping in "Rinse Penis". roger was trying to keep things mega serious. gawd, it struck me so funny. I'd love to see that again wherever it is. i really enjoyed his Rogan visits.
So, if he is really mossad, does that mean there is a good part of mossad because his overall effect has been a lot of exposure to some bad things going on. Then again, i might understand what some truthers say is that once he adopts stuff, they become toxic. So if he is designed to take truth leaks and make them crazytown so that no serious people look at them, I kinda understand, though I think we are way passed thinking government corruption is for cardboard sign holding crazies on the street corner now. I mean the most main stream people can't believe Epstein killed himself, right?
This sounds about right to me and how I’ve always viewed him. I always said that Jones has spoken the truth on a lot of things but he mixes in the batshit insane stuff too. almost like a cover. Like he can say the batshit insane true things but because he ranted about frogs being turned gay, it makes the rest of what he says look ridiculous. “Oh that’s the frogs are gay guy? Don’t believe a word of what he says.”
Remember when he started getting too into the truth and they threatened his family and he kinda simmered down? Yeah.
Maybe "forced transitioning" or "feminizing males" is a better phrase. But there really is a chemical shown to feminize frogs (and others) that is found in certain areas' drinking water. In my opinion with the intention to feminize men.
AJ has a lot of retarded redneck followers (I say that as a florida born and raised "redneck") that don't understand how to make sense of hyperbole. And so they go around announcing verbatim that frogs are literally turning gay to all the normies. Normies in turn use google to fact check and see that "factcheck dot org" says it's a lie and Google suppresses anything else showing the clarification of AJs hyperbole. AJ also doesn't put a whole lot of effort into translating his hyperbole and when you combine that with being cancelled from all social media and mainstream sources so he couldn't, even if he wanted to, that's when you get normies with bad takes on who AJ is.
I don't think it's a bad thing to not clarify your hyperbolic points though. The ones with a truly balanced and curious mind will figure it out on their own, which further bolsters one's critical thinking skills. Which is what we're lacking as a culture anymore.
Idk man. AJ says, and I think many would agree with this statement regardless, that "everything is a psy-op". It doesn't mean the psy-op is always bad though. You can't force people to think more critically. They have to figure out how on their own, or drown. I wouldn't take his Q denials to heart. He doesn't even focus on it that much and he certainly doesn't go into detail on it. The guy has a long history of exposing fucked up shit and a near perfect score doing it. It just doesn't make sense that he'd be running interference for some deep state organization now.
Then again, maybe the internet is a fucking psy-op and I'm literally a gorilla.
I'm with you, I don't think this is over. I have always been "Q-Curious" at the very least. My intel background and some of the stronger proofs solidified that in my eyes SOMETHING is happening. I was on the board browsing during the "Tippy Top Shape" request. Then it happened, lost my fucking mind. 100% believed that Q is at least a legitimate person (or more likely AI) connected to Trump admin.
Troops in DC, PEDOUTS still hasnt been on AF1, no 21 gun actual LAWS signed (just EOs/EAs)...the whole thing feels like the matrix, to even the normals.
The problem with reddit-style sites is the echo chamber it creates due to upvoted content being shown more, thus getting upvoted thus being shown more. Add that we are all upvotes all the time (CSS blocks downvotes on posts) making the chamber 'worse'.
I understand the PW anger, because the "hivemind" thinks that checking out Q means a lack of real action. I disagree (you and other are evidence) but I understand. We "lost" and it hurts. If we are proven right, I hope this community extends olive branches more than "told you so"s. The aftermath is going to be a messy cleanup and at the end of the day both groups have the same goals and ideals.
Because you're my first and longest lasting TDW friend, you get my AJ theory....
My theory is honestly that AJ is on team Patriot. AJ had Gen Flynn on for an interview right before the 6th (I think it was the 4th). You're telling me you have a person who might be the most publicly connected to Q and that ISNT what they talked about off camera??? I think AJ is one or two rings from the "inner circle" if you will. After that interview Flynn gave AJ some guidance.
Also POTUS basically launched his campaign from Infowars, and in the beginning he was there the most often. A really good argument could be made that POTUS won the primary mainly due to AJ's audience. For much of his 1st term, he talked to AJ on a monthly (ish) basis. MSM made a HUGE deal about it, and the WH confirmed it was happening.
The enemy wanted the 6th to be a catastrophe, an ultimate victory for them was a burned down capitol, and a martyr. Go watch speeches from the House/Senate after the storming, how did they all write looooong speeches about the tragic event while they were in the tunnels escaping said event? Staged.
POTUS knew of at least some of this was going down, which was why he stretched out the speech (I think I remember him saying something like "you arent going to like this speech its kind of boring"). All the chaos started before he was done speaking. AJ and others were at least somewhat involved in the coordination of that day. (or at least the coordination of the publicly facing plan)
My theory is that Flynn told AJ where to be, what to do, what to say. Those instructions were basically "act as if all has failed". AJ then goes on the Q hating spree of his life. He was always neutral or dismissive of Q, overnight he turns into one of the largest critics. Since the 6th he and other hosts say odd things like "Kind of odd the China Joe isn't using AF1" "So weird that we haven't heard the 21 gun salute yet"...
What is the best way to convince the enemy they have won? Change your messaging to your own people that all is lost. Art of War and basic tactical doctrine support this.
I know he isnt a super popular guy, but if AJ comes out at the end of all this and has a video of him working with Flynn, I will not be surprised. Disinfo is necessary. Q calling AJ out was either disinfo, or a "shut the fuck up or you're out" kind of move. (remember he was saying he knew people involved and stuff)
As for the name change...from a technical perspective I understand the reasoning. That other guy owned the domain. So he was a liability. Similar to Parler being on AWS really. One glaring weakness. I did my due diligence, checked how I know how to check, I don't like the name change, but I trust Doggos and after the change, the site raised no alarms for me. I have worked in tech/IT for a decade and I give it the CrackBaby seal of approval.
I ranted as I do, but I have been here and there the whole time. Not as active but here. Last summer I promised myself a break after the election, Nov 3rd quickly turned into Jan 20. So I am just starting to come back. Got my site running at full swing, with a weekly podcast with a friend. Waiting/hoping for the hammer to drop.
Great explanation. The cabal's Luciferian religion requires that they disclose their agenda to the public before executing them. They usually do this subliminally through movies and TV shows but they can easily do this through AJ because he's nutty enough for normies not to take him seriously.
Q sabotaged AJ's gatekeeper's role by teaching people to bypass gatekeepers and research independently using military intelligence drops. That explains why AJ has been on a rampage trying to smear the Q movement.
So how does AJ getting deplatformed come into play in this scenario? What does that mean exactly? Did they just think too many people were starting to take him too seriously so it doesn't work the way they want it to anymore? Or was it to seemingly give him even more credibility?
While I agree with everything you said, something is wrong with AJ.
He was probably the single biggest media personality with the most influence who was pro-trump. And he pulled hard Trump early.
And on election night, I happened to be out of the country , and I was listenting to him. I went to bed early, before official numbers came, because AJ seemed to be in the know, in the circle of trust so to speak ...
But I know AJ doesn’t like Q, because it cost him money and listeners. I left AJ organically, as Q became the news, didn’t take long. So AJ could be an ass-hole from a pure capitalist perspective.
His whole “he has the real Q” could have been more desperation than anything, I’m sure his audience plummeted as Q came into force like spring / summer of 2018.
I don't watch Tim Pool, but he still red pills people. I don't watch Alex's show, but I've enjoyed him on Rogan's show, and he's opened the eyes of tons of people.
Why do people keep saying he is connected to Mossad? I've yet to see someone post a source.
I remember that from one of the rallies. Jones rolled up on Flynn in a super aggressive manner and tried to shake his hand, saying stuff about "winning"; meanwhile Flynn wasn't really having any of it... he seemed mildly irritated.
Yeah looking at the way Flynn's security was on AJ it was probably his fault for approaching so aggressively in the first place. A guy like Flynn has 99 reasons to be cautious in public.
Yeah gonna still stick with AJ/Snowden. AJ doesn't like Q, Q doesn't like AJ. I don't really care. They are good for different things and shine light on different subjects. AJ has been in this game for decades and has a decent history of hitting things on the head. He's redpilled more millions than Q can imagine, he's the trailblazer. He's a net positive to the movement of waking people up. If you need someone to tell you what opinion to have about someone else, you're the one who is controlled.
For context obviously I follow Q as well because I'm here. I just don't care what they have to say about each other. Neither of them is infallible to me.
Redpilling is a necessary part of the Q objective, but it's not the only one, and possibly not the central one. Saving the country by restoring honest government and eliminating commies and other foreign influencers is a biggie. AJ is foreign controlled, so eventually has to go. Listen if you like but be aware. Perverted truth at best is less healthy than truth, and at worst is poisonous.
wasnt there a q post about "cutting their strings" like freeing people like AJ from their blackmail handlers etc. They are not bad guys but got compromised and now have to dance to a tune.
I certainly believe in second chances and forgiveness when appropriate. But even if he's been turned, we still don't know whether to trust what he says or not, as the turning may involve playing to the old masters to some degree. I've never listed to Alex Jones, so I don't have strong opinions one way or another. But with the Q posts, I'd rather just stay away and learn things without that particular influencer.
AJ is also the first point of attack when you try to share non-MSM approved info with normies.
“Ha ha, I bet you listen to Alex Jones too!”
(Rolls eyes) “ooookay, Alex Jones much?”
He gets rolled right in with gay frogs, aliens, flat earth, and chemtrails. Not saying those aren’t areas that are fun to research (and that AJ hasn’t done a lot of good over the years), but he is one of the first things that gets thrown back in your face when normies want to shut you down.
And I don’t even listen to him more than maybe once a year. Just because he was good doesn’t mean he still is good. He could’ve sold out at some point and the fact that he tried to hijack Q was a pretty big red flag. So I have doubts whether he’s a net positive or net negative for people seeking truth.
Snowden? Snowden constantly gets invited to do webex calls at Silicon Valley tech events. In the last 5 years, anyone who’s managed to really land a punch with the establishment has been censored, lost their jobs, lost their house, been visited by the FBI, ended up in jail, or ended up dead in a car crash. If you’re really sticking it to the man, you don’t get the celebrity in exile treatment.
How many movies have been made about Snowden at this point? Hollywood and/or documentary style? And how many movies have they made about Q? Q is probably the most interesting thing I’ve ever come across. Why has Hollywood (aside from smearing it) ignored Q or consistently misrepresented it?
I think they ignore it because there is something about Q that threatens the establishment far more than any Snowden or Alex Jones ever did.
AJ is also the first point of attack when you try to share non-MSM approved info with normies.
“Ha ha, I bet you listen to Alex Jones too!”
(Rolls eyes) “ooookay, Alex Jones much?”
He gets rolled right in with gay frogs, aliens, flat earth, and chemtrails. Not saying those aren’t areas that are fun to research (and that AJ hasn’t done a lot of good over the years), but he is one of the first things that gets thrown back in your face when normies want to shut you down.
This is EXACTLY the point of controlled opposition. Jones provides an easy rebuff when normies and skeptics are presented with any true or real information that he has already touched.
He sets up his image as discredited in the eyes of the mainstream, and then proceeds to poison (intellectually) anything he touches.
Who can say for sure but for as long as I’ve followed those two, I see it in the reverse.
Glenn Beck was actually good back in the day. He was the one who brought the Saul Alinsky stuff to my attention, and the cloward piven strategy. Then he sold out, went semi mainstream and got all kinds of lucrative gigs. It wasn’t until halfway through Trump’s term that he started breaking stuff related to Ukraine.
I don’t follow either of that that closely but Beck kinda redeemed himself with the Biden-Ukraine phone calls he released. That and all the other materials he released were legit Journalism in my opinion.
They’re probably both controlled opposition to some degree but Glenn Beck seemed to get better once Q happened, whereas Alex Jones got worse.
AJ literally tried to say his boy Zack talked to Qanon. How the fuck you can be on the qtrain and still give him any time of day outside of his humor? He is the most successful limited hangout of all time. You really think he got that footage of Bohemian Grove by parking on the side of a public road and backpacking to his vantage point?
Yes I do. I've seen fake "leaked" videos. Production quality is significantly higher.
I'm also not a blind faith follower of any one person or source and I'm still not entirely convinced Q is real, let alone waging some secret war against the bad guys. Until public proof is made and/or Trump is reinstalled, Q remains a fascinating coincidence.
Don't get me wrong. I want it to be real. But want and reality... Don't always align.
Yeah, AJ has been around a long time. The idea that he was created to counter Q is laughable. Still, he might be an agent or compromised at this point as some suggest. Hard to tell. Though I agree with those who call him out for running around and yelling 1776 everywhere before Jan 6th and then singing a different tune after the events of that day...
That’s a great aide memoir mate..... thanks for sharing ?
AJ is a proven fraud..... or rather the controlled opposition....! He is just the other side of Cooper (Van Der Bilt) .....
Just think back to how using Jerome Corsi, as a willing conspirator, AJ pushed the Q narrative and those new (at the time) and nooby following of the Q posts on the boards as it spilled out into a wider social network.... I’m referring to Q (Anon as the Q Team were at the start ) ..... at that point a lot of people saw this as a potential threat and others as an Opportunity (Paytriot).... a lot of those people fell by the wayside since then but some are still here and still chipping away at US all...! A point in case is Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi to steer people away to their own sources of news and inside the Q team that Jones wanted to usurp by giving us people Zach.... and in so doing hoped to profit and control the following of Q or at least the majority in the mainstream of ‘Alternative’ media....
Just by finding out who manages Alex Jones financial situation and has done so since 2008 you will see a direct link to The CF financial management company...!
I am also reminded of the Link Q posted to us which went straight to Serial Brains analysis on AJ and that time.... that’s worth reading... it’s still available from archive from Reddit..... indeed the link might still be live... I haven’t checked it for a few years....
I was actually surprised when I realized Jones was Mossad but then it made perfect sense. He's sort of like the information dispenser for them. He gets the pulse of what America fears and then distills it into Mossad's plans. Mossad then takes what he's saying and creates disinformation with it that then goes to the MSM.
Snowden I kind of knew was a fraud from the get go. After the whole Collateral Death drops the DS was scared about what other things might get leaked out so they sacrificed one of their less morally reprehensible programs as a distraction and to attempted to normalize it while they dealt with other leaks. I had been following Obama's wrangling of the press for years. Aaron Shwartz, Michael Hastings and Wikileaks itself. It's what made me leave the Democrat party and become politically apathetic until Trump came along.
Even when I wasn't awake, I remember the Aaron Swartz death and thought to myself that the "Chasing of the crime" doesn't match up with the actual "crime" itself and that something else must be going on that I'm not seeing. It's clear that they were trying to ruin him for some information that he came into possession of.
Yeah. I was like, "So what? He grabbed some data on some research for a new version of Zicam or whatever. It wasn't until years later that I realized he had documents that proved American academic research had been funded by the government black book and shell corporations for decades and that a lot of the research went to morally reprehensible things like population control by putting things in food and water supplies, psychological warfare on Americans and disinformation programs.
Infuriates me even more that we don't have him here to tell his story. I felt the whole thing was suspect and it just kind of got brushed away after a bit. Also, it's no surprise that Reddit changed their lineup to remove Aaron's name.
Seeing his mom's tweet last month really hit me in the feels.... :(
CIA was pissed the NSA was picking up all their comms so they had him infiltrate and expose while the CIA handlers in hollywood cooked up a fake news story about him fighting for privacy.
Yeah this is why when everyone was whining about a Trump not pardoning him or assange I was kind of rolling my eyes. I think assange’s work is important, but I know we don’t have the whole story on him either.
Thanks for helping with my understanding...I'm relatively new here after wandering around the internet looking for where I fit....finally found ya'll ! Some great people here, really smart too!
Blessings fren....
This does help. I knew there was no love loss, but didnt know the back story. I had heard about 2 min. Of AJ, more than enough to know he's not anything I'm intwrested in listening to, but good to know there is a reason.
Wasnt following politics during the snowden stuff, so this is good to know too. Ty!
I could be wrong but I think Q is saying that OANN is a good organization and they are trying to corrupt it. I think it was right after they aired the piece on “QANON”
No, that drop is saying don’t let AJ and company being Mossad ruin our trust for a GOOD organization like OANN. Meaning OANN is good even if Jack POS happened to work their. My take.
He's controlled opposition. His job is to go out there and take some lumps. It's also a big flex to tell the 'truther' communities he's involved with that even their biggest star can be removed from big tech platforms and it will "confirm" in some people's eye that he is indeed fighting the establishment. He's the resident crazy person with name recognition. Namefagging is dangerous because of where it can lead. I think that's why anons are the best.
I can’t stand any of these slimeballs. They are the reason, one of them, why we can’t speak freely about loxists, vaccines causing autism, pedophelia, or q.
the "AJ = MOSSAD" info makes no god damn sense whatsoever
i know Q says that. but my own brain is my #1 source of intel.
there is no rationalization i can come up with where "AJ=DEEP STATE" makes one iota of sense whatsoever.
the only conspiracy that gets suppressed on infowars is Q. literally everything else is fair game. the pedophilia, the satanism, the cannibalism, the fake election, that fake pandemic, the fake vaccine, the international banking cartel, the great reset....
wtf other media outlet is covering this shit? not one. what possible reason could there be for the black hats to broadcast this stuff? so that they can "control that 1% sliver of information?" sorry bros but that rationale makes no sense. infowars makes it very clear that you should be verifying the research yourself.
i dunno why this board buys into the AJ=blackhat stuff so easily. imo the most likely reason Q says AJ=MOS is for protection. deep state sure as hell wouldnt want to assassinate a mossad agent...
Alex Jones is, unfortunately too vulnerable to really give accurate news anymore. After Sandy Hook, he simply can't do newsworthy analysis without spending millions defending himself in lawsuits. This is why he is so muzzled right now. Just that one video about Ashley Babbot and the entire scripted false flag should've been the top news story on his site, instead, he's still bitching about Q people and how January 6th was such a horrible event for him. It just gets tiresome, but I can see why he avoids these topics, it's because he can have his bank accounts liquidated and assets frozen on a whim! Then he can't host his videos and his site anymore, and its game over for what he's spent 20 years building up.
One reason I don't trust Snowden other than the fact Hollywood made him out as a hero is that Democrats like Cenk Uygur were urging Trump to pardon him. If Snowden was a hero, I'm pretty sure Democrats would hate him. That's too many red flags imo.
The info graphic is thoroughly confusing and makes zero sense to me but the snowden thing is explained earlier in the thread. I suppose that makes sense to me. Snowden is running from the NSA, not the deep state.
The AJ thing just doesn't really hold up imo. The guy has been doing this shit since the early 90s (longer even?) and it just wouldn't make sense to me that after making so many enemies, he would run interference for the deep state now. The ONLY thing I'm iffy about is how Jones came to get involved in this before the internet. Like, who were his insiders? His connections? Maybe I just haven't looked into it enough. It's curious to think about though.
AJ is also the first point of attack when you try to share non-MSM approved info with normies.
“Ha ha, I bet you listen to Alex Jones too!”
(Rolls eyes) “ooookay, Alex Jones much?”
He gets rolled right in with gay frogs, aliens, flat earth, and chemtrails. Not saying those aren’t areas that are fun to research (and that AJ hasn’t done a lot of good over the years), but he is one of the first things that gets thrown back in your face when normies want to shut you down.
This is EXACTLY the point of controlled opposition. Jones provides an easy rebuff when normies and skeptics are presented with any true or real information that he has already touched.
He sets up his image as discredited in the eyes of the mainstream, and then proceeds to poison (intellectually) anything he touches.
Now that you mentioned these... Snowden twice on Rogan's podcast gains a whole new meaning. Rogan just listened, he didn't challenge Snowden with as much as raising his eyebrows once. Snowden needed to work his magic on the masses, Joe provided a platform.
rogan has been a pos for a while. a smart guy and hilarious comic, but when I watched the Candace Owens episode, notice this libertarian guy telling her she cant think like that? said it a bunch of times, so how can he respect how people think if he tells people how to think?
Maybe not controversial take but his stand up is subpar. I’m not saying he’s not funny, but he’s funnier on the podcasts (at least a few years ago I haven’t listened to him regularly in years)
Most of it is OK, imo
But rocky mountain high was to me a great hour in comedy.
I’ll say it: his comedy sucks.
Yep and if Hollyweird makes you out to be a hero, you're most likely a villain in real life. It's opposite with these freaks. What's good is evil, evil is good. Duality as they call it. That's the reason for all the trans.
*Follow the white rabbit... *-Q
wow, yet another time i was brainwashed by a movie, wtf is wrong with me lol
How many hours you got? Where shall we start? I’m sure all of us have been though the washing machine with our brains and money numerous times before. You ain’t alone.
Yep, this shit starts when you are just a child. There's no way it hasn't happened to each and every one of us in some way at some point in our lives.
Exactly. Thank you
As I understand it, he gave away information on how the NSA operated. This allowed the Black Hats/Deep State (around the world) to change how they communicated. I'm guessing the NSA had to modify their operations based on the Snowden leaks.
In a nutshell - Snowden is a CIA asset, sent to infiltrate the NSA and hinder their surveillance capabilities so that Obama and the CIA could conduct the Iran deal with "blue skies" (free from surveillance).
Fleshed out through the Q drops here:
people (like me when i was naive and asleep) wanted NSA shut down. Just like getting people to strip themselves of gun rights after a public school shooting FF, this gets the public pressure to shut down NSA and strip Q team of their ability to record dirt on cabal and be 5 steps ahead.
What is the significance of the Jack Posobiec picture?
I know he's controlled, but AJ is funny as fuck.
there was some segment where he was on with roger stone and they were talking about Reince Priebus errr something, and he kept on slipping in "Rinse Penis". roger was trying to keep things mega serious. gawd, it struck me so funny. I'd love to see that again wherever it is. i really enjoyed his Rogan visits.
So, if he is really mossad, does that mean there is a good part of mossad because his overall effect has been a lot of exposure to some bad things going on. Then again, i might understand what some truthers say is that once he adopts stuff, they become toxic. So if he is designed to take truth leaks and make them crazytown so that no serious people look at them, I kinda understand, though I think we are way passed thinking government corruption is for cardboard sign holding crazies on the street corner now. I mean the most main stream people can't believe Epstein killed himself, right?
This sounds about right to me and how I’ve always viewed him. I always said that Jones has spoken the truth on a lot of things but he mixes in the batshit insane stuff too. almost like a cover. Like he can say the batshit insane true things but because he ranted about frogs being turned gay, it makes the rest of what he says look ridiculous. “Oh that’s the frogs are gay guy? Don’t believe a word of what he says.”
Remember when he started getting too into the truth and they threatened his family and he kinda simmered down? Yeah.
I love when people use the frogs gay line as a way of showing how "wrong" AJ is...
Maybe "forced transitioning" or "feminizing males" is a better phrase. But there really is a chemical shown to feminize frogs (and others) that is found in certain areas' drinking water. In my opinion with the intention to feminize men.
AJ has a lot of retarded redneck followers (I say that as a florida born and raised "redneck") that don't understand how to make sense of hyperbole. And so they go around announcing verbatim that frogs are literally turning gay to all the normies. Normies in turn use google to fact check and see that "factcheck dot org" says it's a lie and Google suppresses anything else showing the clarification of AJs hyperbole. AJ also doesn't put a whole lot of effort into translating his hyperbole and when you combine that with being cancelled from all social media and mainstream sources so he couldn't, even if he wanted to, that's when you get normies with bad takes on who AJ is.
I don't think it's a bad thing to not clarify your hyperbolic points though. The ones with a truly balanced and curious mind will figure it out on their own, which further bolsters one's critical thinking skills. Which is what we're lacking as a culture anymore.
Idk man. AJ says, and I think many would agree with this statement regardless, that "everything is a psy-op". It doesn't mean the psy-op is always bad though. You can't force people to think more critically. They have to figure out how on their own, or drown. I wouldn't take his Q denials to heart. He doesn't even focus on it that much and he certainly doesn't go into detail on it. The guy has a long history of exposing fucked up shit and a near perfect score doing it. It just doesn't make sense that he'd be running interference for some deep state organization now.
Then again, maybe the internet is a fucking psy-op and I'm literally a gorilla.
My thoughts exactly. Alex opened my eyes years ago and I’ll always have a soft spot for him. But...
holy shit. Rooftoptendie?? Are you the dude who ran a meme bootcamp forever ago?
I'm with you, I don't think this is over. I have always been "Q-Curious" at the very least. My intel background and some of the stronger proofs solidified that in my eyes SOMETHING is happening. I was on the board browsing during the "Tippy Top Shape" request. Then it happened, lost my fucking mind. 100% believed that Q is at least a legitimate person (or more likely AI) connected to Trump admin.
Troops in DC, PEDOUTS still hasnt been on AF1, no 21 gun actual LAWS signed (just EOs/EAs)...the whole thing feels like the matrix, to even the normals.
The problem with reddit-style sites is the echo chamber it creates due to upvoted content being shown more, thus getting upvoted thus being shown more. Add that we are all upvotes all the time (CSS blocks downvotes on posts) making the chamber 'worse'.
I understand the PW anger, because the "hivemind" thinks that checking out Q means a lack of real action. I disagree (you and other are evidence) but I understand. We "lost" and it hurts. If we are proven right, I hope this community extends olive branches more than "told you so"s. The aftermath is going to be a messy cleanup and at the end of the day both groups have the same goals and ideals.
Because you're my first and longest lasting TDW friend, you get my AJ theory....
My theory is honestly that AJ is on team Patriot. AJ had Gen Flynn on for an interview right before the 6th (I think it was the 4th). You're telling me you have a person who might be the most publicly connected to Q and that ISNT what they talked about off camera??? I think AJ is one or two rings from the "inner circle" if you will. After that interview Flynn gave AJ some guidance.
Also POTUS basically launched his campaign from Infowars, and in the beginning he was there the most often. A really good argument could be made that POTUS won the primary mainly due to AJ's audience. For much of his 1st term, he talked to AJ on a monthly (ish) basis. MSM made a HUGE deal about it, and the WH confirmed it was happening.
The enemy wanted the 6th to be a catastrophe, an ultimate victory for them was a burned down capitol, and a martyr. Go watch speeches from the House/Senate after the storming, how did they all write looooong speeches about the tragic event while they were in the tunnels escaping said event? Staged.
POTUS knew of at least some of this was going down, which was why he stretched out the speech (I think I remember him saying something like "you arent going to like this speech its kind of boring"). All the chaos started before he was done speaking. AJ and others were at least somewhat involved in the coordination of that day. (or at least the coordination of the publicly facing plan)
My theory is that Flynn told AJ where to be, what to do, what to say. Those instructions were basically "act as if all has failed". AJ then goes on the Q hating spree of his life. He was always neutral or dismissive of Q, overnight he turns into one of the largest critics. Since the 6th he and other hosts say odd things like "Kind of odd the China Joe isn't using AF1" "So weird that we haven't heard the 21 gun salute yet"...
What is the best way to convince the enemy they have won? Change your messaging to your own people that all is lost. Art of War and basic tactical doctrine support this.
I know he isnt a super popular guy, but if AJ comes out at the end of all this and has a video of him working with Flynn, I will not be surprised. Disinfo is necessary. Q calling AJ out was either disinfo, or a "shut the fuck up or you're out" kind of move. (remember he was saying he knew people involved and stuff)
As for the name change...from a technical perspective I understand the reasoning. That other guy owned the domain. So he was a liability. Similar to Parler being on AWS really. One glaring weakness. I did my due diligence, checked how I know how to check, I don't like the name change, but I trust Doggos and after the change, the site raised no alarms for me. I have worked in tech/IT for a decade and I give it the CrackBaby seal of approval.
I ranted as I do, but I have been here and there the whole time. Not as active but here. Last summer I promised myself a break after the election, Nov 3rd quickly turned into Jan 20. So I am just starting to come back. Got my site running at full swing, with a weekly podcast with a friend. Waiting/hoping for the hammer to drop.
I hope you are well my friend.
Great explanation. The cabal's Luciferian religion requires that they disclose their agenda to the public before executing them. They usually do this subliminally through movies and TV shows but they can easily do this through AJ because he's nutty enough for normies not to take him seriously.
Q sabotaged AJ's gatekeeper's role by teaching people to bypass gatekeepers and research independently using military intelligence drops. That explains why AJ has been on a rampage trying to smear the Q movement.
So how does AJ getting deplatformed come into play in this scenario? What does that mean exactly? Did they just think too many people were starting to take him too seriously so it doesn't work the way they want it to anymore? Or was it to seemingly give him even more credibility?
did you mean to say "CRUCIAL that you "DON'T" believe"?
You know? How do you know?
While I agree with everything you said, something is wrong with AJ.
He was probably the single biggest media personality with the most influence who was pro-trump. And he pulled hard Trump early.
And on election night, I happened to be out of the country , and I was listenting to him. I went to bed early, before official numbers came, because AJ seemed to be in the know, in the circle of trust so to speak ...
But I know AJ doesn’t like Q, because it cost him money and listeners. I left AJ organically, as Q became the news, didn’t take long. So AJ could be an ass-hole from a pure capitalist perspective.
His whole “he has the real Q” could have been more desperation than anything, I’m sure his audience plummeted as Q came into force like spring / summer of 2018.
His audience plummeted because he got censored and deplatformed.
He doesn't like Q because he thinks Q lulls people into complacency. I think there's validity to those claims until publicly proven otherwise.
i dont care, i like alex and Q
Remember when he threatened to beat up Ted Cruz lmao
I’d take Alex Jones in a fight over Tes Cruz every day of the week Easy money
He used to be but nowadays he's just a Mossad controlled kook.
What's really funny is how you try to legitimatize him by saying he's got humor. I bet you even give him views.
I don't watch Tim Pool, but he still red pills people. I don't watch Alex's show, but I've enjoyed him on Rogan's show, and he's opened the eyes of tons of people.
Why do people keep saying he is connected to Mossad? I've yet to see someone post a source.
You'll figure it out, look around some. It's easy to figure out on your own there's no smoking gun paper trail if you don't count marriage licenses.
Source: Trust me bro
It's the exact opposite of what I said. I said ''go check out the circles he runs in, yourself.''
I do not view his content.
Same issue that occurs in hiring.
"That person would be a great cultural fit. I like their humor."
Same person later: "HIRE FOR DIVERSITY!!!! Gosh, this candidate is REALLY funny. Let's go with them."
Earlier this year when AJ walked up to Esteemed General of the Free World Flynn, AJ got a very cold reception him.
But then Flynn agreed to do an interview with him afterwards. Very odd.
On a very important day and was warm to him, I thought, in the interview
I remember that from one of the rallies. Jones rolled up on Flynn in a super aggressive manner and tried to shake his hand, saying stuff about "winning"; meanwhile Flynn wasn't really having any of it... he seemed mildly irritated.
I think the timing was just not good for whatever reason
Yeah looking at the way Flynn's security was on AJ it was probably his fault for approaching so aggressively in the first place. A guy like Flynn has 99 reasons to be cautious in public.
Well....he is a terrible interviewer.
This clears so much up, hope everyone get's a chance to see this.
Yeah gonna still stick with AJ/Snowden. AJ doesn't like Q, Q doesn't like AJ. I don't really care. They are good for different things and shine light on different subjects. AJ has been in this game for decades and has a decent history of hitting things on the head. He's redpilled more millions than Q can imagine, he's the trailblazer. He's a net positive to the movement of waking people up. If you need someone to tell you what opinion to have about someone else, you're the one who is controlled.
For context obviously I follow Q as well because I'm here. I just don't care what they have to say about each other. Neither of them is infallible to me.
Redpilling is a necessary part of the Q objective, but it's not the only one, and possibly not the central one. Saving the country by restoring honest government and eliminating commies and other foreign influencers is a biggie. AJ is foreign controlled, so eventually has to go. Listen if you like but be aware. Perverted truth at best is less healthy than truth, and at worst is poisonous.
wasnt there a q post about "cutting their strings" like freeing people like AJ from their blackmail handlers etc. They are not bad guys but got compromised and now have to dance to a tune.
I certainly believe in second chances and forgiveness when appropriate. But even if he's been turned, we still don't know whether to trust what he says or not, as the turning may involve playing to the old masters to some degree. I've never listed to Alex Jones, so I don't have strong opinions one way or another. But with the Q posts, I'd rather just stay away and learn things without that particular influencer.
Yeah exactly what I'm saying, never take anyone's word as 100% truth. Always critically think for yourself.
Source please.
It's in the Qpost listed by the OP. Right hand side near the top.
Post the link if you believe in it so badly.
EDIT: Downvotes are not sources or proof, ding dongs.
It's literally in OP's post. Read the graphic before commenting.
That's all you got?
Just trying to clarify the OP's point. Nothing more. Watch him if you like him.
You do realize this is a Q forum?
If you're anti-Q you don't belong here.
AJ is also the first point of attack when you try to share non-MSM approved info with normies.
“Ha ha, I bet you listen to Alex Jones too!”
(Rolls eyes) “ooookay, Alex Jones much?”
He gets rolled right in with gay frogs, aliens, flat earth, and chemtrails. Not saying those aren’t areas that are fun to research (and that AJ hasn’t done a lot of good over the years), but he is one of the first things that gets thrown back in your face when normies want to shut you down.
And I don’t even listen to him more than maybe once a year. Just because he was good doesn’t mean he still is good. He could’ve sold out at some point and the fact that he tried to hijack Q was a pretty big red flag. So I have doubts whether he’s a net positive or net negative for people seeking truth.
Snowden? Snowden constantly gets invited to do webex calls at Silicon Valley tech events. In the last 5 years, anyone who’s managed to really land a punch with the establishment has been censored, lost their jobs, lost their house, been visited by the FBI, ended up in jail, or ended up dead in a car crash. If you’re really sticking it to the man, you don’t get the celebrity in exile treatment.
How many movies have been made about Snowden at this point? Hollywood and/or documentary style? And how many movies have they made about Q? Q is probably the most interesting thing I’ve ever come across. Why has Hollywood (aside from smearing it) ignored Q or consistently misrepresented it?
I think they ignore it because there is something about Q that threatens the establishment far more than any Snowden or Alex Jones ever did.
This is EXACTLY the point of controlled opposition. Jones provides an easy rebuff when normies and skeptics are presented with any true or real information that he has already touched.
He sets up his image as discredited in the eyes of the mainstream, and then proceeds to poison (intellectually) anything he touches.
Glenn Beck sold out. Alex Jones did not.
Who can say for sure but for as long as I’ve followed those two, I see it in the reverse.
Glenn Beck was actually good back in the day. He was the one who brought the Saul Alinsky stuff to my attention, and the cloward piven strategy. Then he sold out, went semi mainstream and got all kinds of lucrative gigs. It wasn’t until halfway through Trump’s term that he started breaking stuff related to Ukraine.
I don’t follow either of that that closely but Beck kinda redeemed himself with the Biden-Ukraine phone calls he released. That and all the other materials he released were legit Journalism in my opinion.
They’re probably both controlled opposition to some degree but Glenn Beck seemed to get better once Q happened, whereas Alex Jones got worse.
AJ literally tried to say his boy Zack talked to Qanon. How the fuck you can be on the qtrain and still give him any time of day outside of his humor? He is the most successful limited hangout of all time. You really think he got that footage of Bohemian Grove by parking on the side of a public road and backpacking to his vantage point?
Yes I do. I've seen fake "leaked" videos. Production quality is significantly higher.
I'm also not a blind faith follower of any one person or source and I'm still not entirely convinced Q is real, let alone waging some secret war against the bad guys. Until public proof is made and/or Trump is reinstalled, Q remains a fascinating coincidence.
Don't get me wrong. I want it to be real. But want and reality... Don't always align.
Knowing what I know now about Hollywood the fact that Snowden got a movie portraying him positively is reason enough to be suspicious of him.
Yeah, AJ has been around a long time. The idea that he was created to counter Q is laughable. Still, he might be an agent or compromised at this point as some suggest. Hard to tell. Though I agree with those who call him out for running around and yelling 1776 everywhere before Jan 6th and then singing a different tune after the events of that day...
AJ's dad was/is C_A. AJ works with/for Stratfor. What else needs to be said?
I found the link below, but no interview. Got a link to the interview?
That’s a great aide memoir mate..... thanks for sharing ?
AJ is a proven fraud..... or rather the controlled opposition....! He is just the other side of Cooper (Van Der Bilt) .....
Just think back to how using Jerome Corsi, as a willing conspirator, AJ pushed the Q narrative and those new (at the time) and nooby following of the Q posts on the boards as it spilled out into a wider social network.... I’m referring to Q (Anon as the Q Team were at the start ) ..... at that point a lot of people saw this as a potential threat and others as an Opportunity (Paytriot).... a lot of those people fell by the wayside since then but some are still here and still chipping away at US all...! A point in case is Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi to steer people away to their own sources of news and inside the Q team that Jones wanted to usurp by giving us people Zach.... and in so doing hoped to profit and control the following of Q or at least the majority in the mainstream of ‘Alternative’ media....
Just by finding out who manages Alex Jones financial situation and has done so since 2008 you will see a direct link to The CF financial management company...!
I am also reminded of the Link Q posted to us which went straight to Serial Brains analysis on AJ and that time.... that’s worth reading... it’s still available from archive from Reddit..... indeed the link might still be live... I haven’t checked it for a few years....
Corsi, A Rockefeller, Mossad, and B’nai B’rith. #MISINFO Everywhere! #QAnon
What has Posobiec done? Genuinely asking, I don’t know much about him.
I was actually surprised when I realized Jones was Mossad but then it made perfect sense. He's sort of like the information dispenser for them. He gets the pulse of what America fears and then distills it into Mossad's plans. Mossad then takes what he's saying and creates disinformation with it that then goes to the MSM.
Snowden I kind of knew was a fraud from the get go. After the whole Collateral Death drops the DS was scared about what other things might get leaked out so they sacrificed one of their less morally reprehensible programs as a distraction and to attempted to normalize it while they dealt with other leaks. I had been following Obama's wrangling of the press for years. Aaron Shwartz, Michael Hastings and Wikileaks itself. It's what made me leave the Democrat party and become politically apathetic until Trump came along.
Even when I wasn't awake, I remember the Aaron Swartz death and thought to myself that the "Chasing of the crime" doesn't match up with the actual "crime" itself and that something else must be going on that I'm not seeing. It's clear that they were trying to ruin him for some information that he came into possession of.
Yeah. I was like, "So what? He grabbed some data on some research for a new version of Zicam or whatever. It wasn't until years later that I realized he had documents that proved American academic research had been funded by the government black book and shell corporations for decades and that a lot of the research went to morally reprehensible things like population control by putting things in food and water supplies, psychological warfare on Americans and disinformation programs.
Infuriates me even more that we don't have him here to tell his story. I felt the whole thing was suspect and it just kind of got brushed away after a bit. Also, it's no surprise that Reddit changed their lineup to remove Aaron's name.
Seeing his mom's tweet last month really hit me in the feels.... :(
So snowden would be a limited hangout then ....
I'm guessing AJ hates q because he is threatened by q? For money?
Read OP's graphic. Read Q's drops.
Don't post again until you can actually bother yourself to read posts before replying to them.
He hates Q because that's his assignment. And when Q is successful, it'll also blow his cover as a side effect.
Is that Jack Posobiec in that photograph (dude with the red shirt)?
Never liked AJ, seems so phony. Snowden was the dems bitch then ran so that tells me he's a wuss
Snowden was a CIA agent used to strike the NSA during an interagency turf war.
Is that the case, I never looked into him very much. I didn't know that.
CIA was pissed the NSA was picking up all their comms so they had him infiltrate and expose while the CIA handlers in hollywood cooked up a fake news story about him fighting for privacy.
Well knowing he was CIA makes me like him even less.....
Yeah this is why when everyone was whining about a Trump not pardoning him or assange I was kind of rolling my eyes. I think assange’s work is important, but I know we don’t have the whole story on him either.
Thanks for helping with my understanding...I'm relatively new here after wandering around the internet looking for where I fit....finally found ya'll ! Some great people here, really smart too! Blessings fren....
This does help. I knew there was no love loss, but didnt know the back story. I had heard about 2 min. Of AJ, more than enough to know he's not anything I'm intwrested in listening to, but good to know there is a reason.
Wasnt following politics during the snowden stuff, so this is good to know too. Ty!
I‘m not getting the part of OANN. Does that mean OANN is good or bad? I know Q warned of Posobiec, but is the whole of OANN not to trust?
I could be wrong but I think Q is saying that OANN is a good organization and they are trying to corrupt it. I think it was right after they aired the piece on “QANON”
Thanks for clarifying, very much appreciated.
No, that drop is saying don’t let AJ and company being Mossad ruin our trust for a GOOD organization like OANN. Meaning OANN is good even if Jack POS happened to work their. My take.
Thank you, this clears it up for me.
But...then why would AJ have been attacked first by censorship?
Why did he shine a light on ACTUAL conspiracies like Bohemian Grove?
Why did he speak out about the immense irregularities of the Sandy Hook shooting?
I'm open minded to these things, but im a bit conflicted by why he seemingly was attacked so much by the elites and big tech.
He's controlled opposition. His job is to go out there and take some lumps. It's also a big flex to tell the 'truther' communities he's involved with that even their biggest star can be removed from big tech platforms and it will "confirm" in some people's eye that he is indeed fighting the establishment. He's the resident crazy person with name recognition. Namefagging is dangerous because of where it can lead. I think that's why anons are the best.
Interdasting. Any ideas what the failed Snowden II was?
I can’t stand any of these slimeballs. They are the reason, one of them, why we can’t speak freely about loxists, vaccines causing autism, pedophelia, or q.
the "AJ = MOSSAD" info makes no god damn sense whatsoever
i know Q says that. but my own brain is my #1 source of intel.
there is no rationalization i can come up with where "AJ=DEEP STATE" makes one iota of sense whatsoever.
the only conspiracy that gets suppressed on infowars is Q. literally everything else is fair game. the pedophilia, the satanism, the cannibalism, the fake election, that fake pandemic, the fake vaccine, the international banking cartel, the great reset....
wtf other media outlet is covering this shit? not one. what possible reason could there be for the black hats to broadcast this stuff? so that they can "control that 1% sliver of information?" sorry bros but that rationale makes no sense. infowars makes it very clear that you should be verifying the research yourself.
i dunno why this board buys into the AJ=blackhat stuff so easily. imo the most likely reason Q says AJ=MOS is for protection. deep state sure as hell wouldnt want to assassinate a mossad agent...
Pretty sure Washington Post has to be some sort of disinformation / propaganda engine. They were bitching about Q even back then.
If you google who owns the washington post jeff bozos shows up.
Whoa... I don't like either and some of this is new to me.
Thank you
Interesting, thank you I was not aware of these drops before.
Alex Jones is, unfortunately too vulnerable to really give accurate news anymore. After Sandy Hook, he simply can't do newsworthy analysis without spending millions defending himself in lawsuits. This is why he is so muzzled right now. Just that one video about Ashley Babbot and the entire scripted false flag should've been the top news story on his site, instead, he's still bitching about Q people and how January 6th was such a horrible event for him. It just gets tiresome, but I can see why he avoids these topics, it's because he can have his bank accounts liquidated and assets frozen on a whim! Then he can't host his videos and his site anymore, and its game over for what he's spent 20 years building up.
One reason I don't trust Snowden other than the fact Hollywood made him out as a hero is that Democrats like Cenk Uygur were urging Trump to pardon him. If Snowden was a hero, I'm pretty sure Democrats would hate him. That's too many red flags imo.
can we get this stickied for at least a year
Julian Assange is clear, right?
Well said!
I have no idea how to interpret this lol. Please explain like I’m 5
The info graphic is thoroughly confusing and makes zero sense to me but the snowden thing is explained earlier in the thread. I suppose that makes sense to me. Snowden is running from the NSA, not the deep state.
The AJ thing just doesn't really hold up imo. The guy has been doing this shit since the early 90s (longer even?) and it just wouldn't make sense to me that after making so many enemies, he would run interference for the deep state now. The ONLY thing I'm iffy about is how Jones came to get involved in this before the internet. Like, who were his insiders? His connections? Maybe I just haven't looked into it enough. It's curious to think about though.
That's the trouble with having heroes. You tend go build them up so you dont want them knocked down.
Woe unto the celebrity fan world, for they will be weepong for time to come.
Snowden today at the house, getting shilly in here...????
This is EXACTLY the point of controlled opposition. Jones provides an easy rebuff when normies and skeptics are presented with any true or real information that he has already touched.
He sets up his image as discredited in the eyes of the mainstream, and then proceeds to poison (intellectually) anything he touches.
Thank you! Much appreciated
This is good to know, because I can't stand Alex Jones.
I personally like Alex. He's the one that first woke me up in 2015 when I was going through a rough time.