XXXX is issuing Essential Personnel Letters to employees who may need it to prove essential worker status under their state or local guidelines to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in their locality. Please request your personal letter by clicking the link below. You do not need to request the letter to receive the $250 COVID-19 allowance.
To assist employees with obtaining the COVID-19 vaccine, XXXX is offering employees a $250 allowance. The allowance is to help with the cost of travel, lost work time, and other expenses that employees may incur in their efforts to receive the vaccine. Please visit the link below and follow the instructions to submit proof of vaccination to receive the allowance.
100% correct! I went to HR to complain about harassment and discrimination and they did nothing. I was fired a few months later. I went to a lawyer and that's when I learned that a lawyer is the first stop, not the last. A consultation will be worth the $150-$300 you'll probably pay for it, even just for peace of mind.
That's the thought that came to mind. The individual bonus is an incentive that, I guess, I could live with because it doesn't affect me. But saying that other people's bonuses depend on you is just betting on group pressure and harrassment to do your job for you. Disgraceful.
More significant, in my opinion, than any side effects of the vaccine, is the very minimal risk of death to most people! I just can't understand all the younger people so eager to get vaccinated for an infection that poses such a low risk to them. If they are worried about such low risk things, they shouldn't drive, go swimming, walking on a beach, etc., etc.
Yeah, and it's pretty common. I know someone who's daughter works in a medical office. She is the only employee that hasn't got the vaccine. Every day when she walks into work someone asks her if she got the vax yet. I think that's harassment, but what do I know.
I was thinking the opposite...isn't that coercion of some sort? I would think a good lawyer could make the case that it created undue pressure/bribery etc. Strikes me as a threat...accept this shot that is proven to cause damage or risk your job.
Exactly what pjpants says. This is illegal. And you could hit them with a lawsuit. I have even seen and heard several instances where it has been laid out their companies have to be very careful about offering incentives to employees to get the jab, because of legality reasons.
You could shame them by stating that the Red Cross wont let you donate blood anymore once you receive the vaccine and tell them a $200 bribe can not buy you off for the priceless reward of saving lives. That'd probably shut them up.
Some casinos are paying employees $300 some nurses are being paid $600. If they need to pay you to take take it you probably shouldn't. Watch how fast your health insurance refuses to pay for your adverse reactions to an unsafe medical experiment. This sick tactic of letting your workforce bully each other into participating is disgusting. This entire year has been one huge HIPAA violation.
Oh no way in hell I'm getting the shot. I know of a couple other employees who won't either. The ironic thing is that we make high quality vitamins/supplements, which I take, and when I had "covid", I barely even knew I had it! Only symptom was lost of taste/smell for a week or two. I attribute my lack of symptoms to overall good health due to diet, exercise, and supplements.
The fact that you work in a place that makes vitamins and supplements makes it even worse. What's wrong with them? Don't they trust their own products to keep them healthy? I've been taking vitamins and supplements for about 30 years. I rarely get sick, and when I do I get over it very quickly.
Yes!! how is this not a violation of your privacy (HIPAA)...
companies are not supposed to be able to share your medical info without your written/signed consent. And even then, they are not supposed to make it public—that’s just permission to share between insurance companies/ care providers, etc.
That is illegal, and is considered a hostile work environment. Contact the EEOC and see what they say. So another words if there’s even one person who doesn’t get fully vaccinated the entire company does not get the extra $100 gift card. G you don’t think there’s going to be pressure on somebody to not get the shot now do you
Ask them what their plan for monetary compensation is if you become sick after the vaccine.
My company handed out flyers with instructions on how to get the vaccine whilst explicitly stating this is voluntary and will in now way affect employment.
$100 is peanuts some companies are offering $500. That said they are absolute morons. Perhaps someone in the company should send out an email explaining most people who get the vaccine is dead within 2 years, then see how many go.
When a company gives you a gift card, it is costing them something less than half the face value so they arent being very generous. Depending on the gift card, they can be completely free (say if it is a wine delivery company or somewhere that is willing to pay the cost price of the face value retail price they are offering)...
I would like to file a discrimination lawsuit
a.) if I have an identified health issue that my doctor doesn't want me to get the vaccine, thus I am unable to have the financial compensation of others
b.) my religious beliefs prevent me from getting the " vaccine" thus I am being discriminated against for religious beliefs
c.) HIPPA violation
d.) A gift card is legally taxable if over $25 which means now I only get around $75 and it could influence my tax bracket
e.) and it could be a class action because we all know Karen will be the last one to find the time to get hers and we all have to wait to get our second $100 gift card
Just wait till you are the only one holding out. The company is going to publicly shame you.
"You would all be getting 100$ but Mr. Johnson is not getting his vaccination"
You hit them with a hipaa / hr complaint and sue their fucking ass then
but but public safety is more important that Mr Johnsons privacy....
I wish I could laugh at this but it's actually how people are thinking right now.
XXXX is issuing Essential Personnel Letters to employees who may need it to prove essential worker status under their state or local guidelines to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in their locality. Please request your personal letter by clicking the link below. You do not need to request the letter to receive the $250 COVID-19 allowance.
To assist employees with obtaining the COVID-19 vaccine, XXXX is offering employees a $250 allowance. The allowance is to help with the cost of travel, lost work time, and other expenses that employees may incur in their efforts to receive the vaccine. Please visit the link below and follow the instructions to submit proof of vaccination to receive the allowance.
slam dunk lawsuit imo
You don't talk to HR. You talk to a lawyer.
100% correct! I went to HR to complain about harassment and discrimination and they did nothing. I was fired a few months later. I went to a lawyer and that's when I learned that a lawyer is the first stop, not the last. A consultation will be worth the $150-$300 you'll probably pay for it, even just for peace of mind.
Or they all die and OP become CEO. Kek
playin the long game... or not so long game :/
can i become sec,
I wanna be Treasurer!!! We’ll split the box of $100’s 3-ways?!!
That's the thought that came to mind. The individual bonus is an incentive that, I guess, I could live with because it doesn't affect me. But saying that other people's bonuses depend on you is just betting on group pressure and harrassment to do your job for you. Disgraceful.
The same line is used for United Way "donations"... :(
Badge of honor.
Certainly reads that way
just imagine a "vaccine" so damned good that you have to be paid to take it!!!!
For a virus you have to be tested for to know you have it.
take the virus if you want tonknow whatbis in it.
spraker of the house peloci
Did you get the Fauci flu shot before you wrote this? It needs to be spell checked badly!
hid wibs ar nub.
And for an illness less likely to kill you, if you are under 40 and reasonable health, than the drive to work each day.
Please note - the second gift card will not be forthcoming.
The sane one.
HaHa, that would be epic....
They can keep their 30 pieces of silver
reply from an alt email
Pin it on company bulletin board ??
Hit Reply All and fuck em up with vaccination hospitalization stats
Not exactly what you asked for, but this thread is collecting many sources.
More significant, in my opinion, than any side effects of the vaccine, is the very minimal risk of death to most people! I just can't understand all the younger people so eager to get vaccinated for an infection that poses such a low risk to them. If they are worried about such low risk things, they shouldn't drive, go swimming, walking on a beach, etc., etc.
This thread is lit. I had the mods hunt it down for me yesterday for another friend (the mods). Not sure if you saw it... But major eye opener :
LOL are they actually using peer pressure to get you to take a drug? That's 6th grade D.A.R.E. shit.
Yeah, and it's pretty common. I know someone who's daughter works in a medical office. She is the only employee that hasn't got the vaccine. Every day when she walks into work someone asks her if she got the vax yet. I think that's harassment, but what do I know.
This same thing is happening to both of my daughters. Every Day.
That sucks. I wish them well, peer pressure, especially when they gang up on one person can be unbelievable.
I thought the D.A.R.E. class is actually helping!
It’s actually very smart because if you get paid to do something and you take the money you release them from all liability.
I wonder if you can do the reverse and get them to sign a legal waver making them completely liable for damages if you do take it.
Is that the American spelling of "waiver"?
(Askin for a fren.)
I was thinking the opposite...isn't that coercion of some sort? I would think a good lawyer could make the case that it created undue pressure/bribery etc. Strikes me as a threat...accept this shot that is proven to cause damage or risk your job.
Well I guess your gonna screw up the 100% company wide 2nd bonus!! I?????????
Be proud fren! Stand firm...
Imagine being so retarded you get an experimental shot by known population control enthusiasts....for $100 gift card.
Better spend that $100 quick!
down payment on funeral expenses...
People don't value their lives or bodies anymore. People willing to sell themselves for a quick buck.
Exactly what pjpants says. This is illegal. And you could hit them with a lawsuit. I have even seen and heard several instances where it has been laid out their companies have to be very careful about offering incentives to employees to get the jab, because of legality reasons.
The jab has become the ultimate virtue signal. People leave meetings early or miss work to get it and have to tell everyone ?
You could shame them by stating that the Red Cross wont let you donate blood anymore once you receive the vaccine and tell them a $200 bribe can not buy you off for the priceless reward of saving lives. That'd probably shut them up.
Great point.
Some casinos are paying employees $300 some nurses are being paid $600. If they need to pay you to take take it you probably shouldn't. Watch how fast your health insurance refuses to pay for your adverse reactions to an unsafe medical experiment. This sick tactic of letting your workforce bully each other into participating is disgusting. This entire year has been one huge HIPAA violation.
They already do this at many companies. Look up Staywell programs.
Approaching coercion and inciting conflict among Staff. An excellent set of Management Skills. A based HR department would have a field day.
This was from the director of HR! Fortunately my boss doesn't agree with this and knows I won't be getting the shot (and he's supportive of that).
HR should be fired for this piece of sh*t. File a lawsuit.
Someone needs to find the HIPPA law(s) this violates. Especially that last part.
Also, get $100 for your funeral or stay living and make hundreds of thousands? ?
Now hold on, if everybody has a funeral you’ll get $200 ?
Sell your soul to the devil and we'll give you a $100 gift card?
I wonder how many pieces of silver you can get for $100....I bet it isn't 30.
I know the devil is getting cheap on us now.
The poor sheeple are such cheap dates.
If they have to pay you to do something, the something is NEVER a good thing.
My brother told me his employer is going to reduce or deny the normal annual bonus from people who don't get vax.
... of course they're going to attach the vax to money. Just remember they're making that money worthless.
Social shaming is the new Hitler
It was also the old Hitler. The tactics work regardless of what generation or country they’re used in.
DON'T DO IT!!! strong and encourage others to stay away too.....the jab of poison is a bad deal.
Oh no way in hell I'm getting the shot. I know of a couple other employees who won't either. The ironic thing is that we make high quality vitamins/supplements, which I take, and when I had "covid", I barely even knew I had it! Only symptom was lost of taste/smell for a week or two. I attribute my lack of symptoms to overall good health due to diet, exercise, and supplements.
Oh, the irony. Makes you wonder why not 1 expert in the MSM has told us to lose weight to be less susceptible to COVID. Not one.
And a free Sam Adams beer! My spouse’s company is giving away a $20 gift card. So comical.
The fact that you work in a place that makes vitamins and supplements makes it even worse. What's wrong with them? Don't they trust their own products to keep them healthy? I've been taking vitamins and supplements for about 30 years. I rarely get sick, and when I do I get over it very quickly.
are you hiring? nutrition senior here :D
If you had Covid, you are immune for life. So no need to get a shot. LOL
... and when 50% of the employees develop mad cow disease, or auto-immune disorders over the next 18-months... the company will happily send flowers.
No. They will make them use all their PTO then fire them.
sadly this is the truth
A product so great you need to pay people to get it.
I'll make you a counterfeit Vax card if you cut me half of that $100?
Gift card is probably for Walmart. Corporations sticking together.
Tell them to keep their gift cards. Instead you want them to accept liability for any side effects.
Make a fake vax card.... Collect $50 from everyone if they want the other $50.
Yes!! how is this not a violation of your privacy (HIPAA)...
companies are not supposed to be able to share your medical info without your written/signed consent. And even then, they are not supposed to make it public—that’s just permission to share between insurance companies/ care providers, etc.
My life is worth more than 200 dollars
Bribes for taking experimental drugs should be illegal.
Ah, to turn employees against each other
Yes comrade. If you see something, say something. ?
That is illegal, and is considered a hostile work environment. Contact the EEOC and see what they say. So another words if there’s even one person who doesn’t get fully vaccinated the entire company does not get the extra $100 gift card. G you don’t think there’s going to be pressure on somebody to not get the shot now do you
Ask them what their plan for monetary compensation is if you become sick after the vaccine.
My company handed out flyers with instructions on how to get the vaccine whilst explicitly stating this is voluntary and will in now way affect employment.
$100 is peanuts some companies are offering $500. That said they are absolute morons. Perhaps someone in the company should send out an email explaining most people who get the vaccine is dead within 2 years, then see how many go.
When a company gives you a gift card, it is costing them something less than half the face value so they arent being very generous. Depending on the gift card, they can be completely free (say if it is a wine delivery company or somewhere that is willing to pay the cost price of the face value retail price they are offering)...
just saying, as a PSA
Our direct competitor is offering $1,500. Crazy.
Fuck that
I would like to file a discrimination lawsuit a.) if I have an identified health issue that my doctor doesn't want me to get the vaccine, thus I am unable to have the financial compensation of others b.) my religious beliefs prevent me from getting the " vaccine" thus I am being discriminated against for religious beliefs c.) HIPPA violation d.) A gift card is legally taxable if over $25 which means now I only get around $75 and it could influence my tax bracket e.) and it could be a class action because we all know Karen will be the last one to find the time to get hers and we all have to wait to get our second $100 gift card
I support this.
A hit man costs 5 grand. They're trying to get rid of you for 2 cents on the dollar