I’ve worked in the medical device industry my whole career and something is definitely up. Traditionally, the environment is hard core, work until you bleed, into the weekends, during Christmas dinner- do whatever it takes to make the numbers. For the last 6 months to a year, maybe longer, my company, along with almost every other one I know of is dealing with backorders... and no real plan to address them, as if it doesn’t matter. Aside from the constant corporate wokeness factor, I received CEO messaging that basically says to take Fridays off now. I have a friend at a competitive company who was recently given similar instructions to work less. Its as if we are winding down and preparing to close the doors. What’s going on?
Comments (152)
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Won’t need any of those devices if there’s any truth to the med beds.
I sure hope so. It’s been so difficult to be doing something I believe to be so utterly pointless in the last year of knowing what I know
I hear you, i work for a small homebuilder in cost accounting/finance/purchasing and the last 6 months especially i'm just like "what the fuck am i doing right now, this is so pointless" as I watch EVERY SINGLE FACET of my industry raise prices or claim it's impossible to get certain items.
What type of medical stuff do you sell?
You don’t have to give away your company etc but what type of market?
Huge company with a zillion different businesses in it. I work in the cardiovascular part of it but many other parts of the company have the same issues.
Don't man...I need this for my son. Part of me wishes that this vacc is set to wreak neurological havoc. Trump isn't going to let 50% of the country die, even as mindless as they are.
Healing is the one thing to bring this country together. Make these kids stand and walk. Lord. "The truth would send 99% of us to the hospital"
The vaccine is certainly not poison. That is a narrative of fear being spread by the same folks who wanted us afraid of covid. I don't think the vaccine is any more useful than an annual flu shot, but I trust it is not poison. How? As you say, it is not just half of the USA taking it (and many Trump lovers taking it) but people all around the world taking the shot. (not me, I don't think it is necessary)
Trump has endorsed the vaccine, and Q has stated repeatedly that Patriots are in control. Trump and Patriots are not allowing the world to be poisoned or become infertile. That's fearmongering nonsense if people would calm down and think it through logically. Who wants us in fear all the time? Who rules by fear? That's who spreads that story. Now, yes, if Gates and Fauci were actually in charge of something, then, all bets would be off. But we know we are watching a show, a display of how bad things could be under Socialist tyrannical rule.
I wish you and your son well, and all the best!
They have officially killed more people than were killed on 9/11 - People are getting fucked up and nobody is being held responsible, as a matter of fact, they are being promoted! If they weren't poisonous, why does everyone get sick from them? Some permanently unable to work, some die, that sounds like poisoning to me.
"everyone gets sick from them". FALSE.
I am about the only one other than my wife that I know that has not gotten it, and none of them I know are sick, or got sick.
Or is it more logical that the same fear mongers that whipped up the covid scare, have moved onto the vaccine scare to keep you in fear? It is that, or it is TRUMP is poisoning people. Think logically. As the saying goes, it is easier to fool someone than to make them believe they have been fooled. I was very suspicious myself at first, and then I rationalized it out.
Trump and the Patriots are not allowing the world to be poisoned. C'mon.
The vaccines are deadly. do you own research dont take my word or any others.
My buddy at work just got off the phone with his mom,she was pretty upset. Her insurance company said since she got the vaccine ,they will not cover any respiratory illness she gets in the future.
Yea that make sense
Which insurance company?
Blue cross here in Michigan
Wow! That’s a big one too.
If the vaccines are deadly, then you are saying: Trump is trying to poison everyone, because he has endorsed them, and encourages them, more than once.
Also, Q has said 5 different times that Patriots are in Control. So, you are also saying Patriots are letting big Pharma poison everyone.
If it is all the same to you, I will trust Trump and Q. (I still won't get the shot, because I don't think it is necessary, not because I think it is poison.)
No I'm not but this was a 10 year plan and trump and his generals is a small team.. And every system of check and balance has fallen or is compromised by commies or the Cabal. by forcing the Cabal/commies to rush their plan they made mistakes. mistakes we are capitalizing on right now. No doubt a lot of the vaccines has been switched but not all. Trump has actually saved many, many people.
However many people who has taken the vaccines will die. This is a fact.
Now the good news, if you can call it good news. Most of them who has taken the vaccines right now are the most brainwashed leftish/commies etc They will die relative soon so it will make our job much easier and we can focus on waking up the rest of the public.
If you go by strict human survivability rate % that we kind of have to now since our entire species are in danger killing of the most brainwashed leftist/commies is most likely a good thing since they are doing way to much damage to our society right now and have become a hinder, liability. Yes I sound like a fascist but we have to start looking at the big picture now.
We all die. That "many people who have taken the vaccine will die" FROM the vaccine is NOT a fact, it is your belief in an event which has not yet happened, nor may it ever.
A fact is a fact, a piece of information that is 100% true. Being 100% convinced something will happen, does not make it a fact.
I am NOT a fan of the vaccine. Not at all. However, I do not live in fear of it, nor will I believe Trump is allowing the world to be poisoned. Or that Q, who has stated repeatedly that Patriots are in Charge and that we should relax and enjoy the show, is allowing the world to be poisoned.
Please realize that you, just like I was, was tricked about the deadliness of the vaccine. This is the great awakening. it is time to awaken to the idea that you are still capable of being tricked. I am not better or smarter than you. I was you, a month ago. Then it dawned on me - the rumors, the stories, the sketchy internet links of this death and that death, and this nurse fainting etc, that it all played on my predisposed suspicion of the vaccine.
Say this out loud: "Trump has endorsed the vaccines. Is he letting the world be injected with poison?"
Like I said do you own research dont take my word.
And its quite clear this vaccine got nothing to do with Covid.
So here is a promise before God. Ill will annihilate anyone who had part in this. From the doctor to the Journalist.
Ill give my life to get them. Now I might be stopped before I can get them all. but we are a legion. If one fall doesn't matter another take my place.
This oath I make before God
SCIENTIFIC INFO: DR SHERRI TENPENNY https://www.bitchute.com/video/6fG9IF6Ku21N/
SERIOUS SIDE EFFECTS: https://www.bitchute.com/video/v8F2OrQKjVO6/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/YcErFhnb66nq/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/noy1pCGMpWKK/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ix0iYXsp1WWH/
Forgive my ignorance, but what are med beds?
yep. On a Reddit stock forum the other day, a screen shot was posted from a Goldman Sachs investment seminar for a biotech medical firm. The photo was of the crowd in the banquet room and the stage, with a slide show or powerpoint presentation in progress. The slide read: "Is healing patients a viable business model?"
Disgusting. Thanks for sharing.
Even in Star Trek Bones said, “He’s dead Jim”.... As Q stated, “sometimes you just can’t tell people, you have to show them”. I’m taking Crytop’s linked story with more than a grain of salt.
So if you riatomize is it still you that comes out of the other side or your clone and you were vaporized atom by atom? Always wondered that on the star trek transporter.
Good, I can live a bit longer if it can "fix" the old knees!
Same. I've seen them mentioned many times before but have never seen any evidence they exist... Allegedly, they can make very sick people well again.
Same pls ty
MedBeds are a crock, but what if Ivermectin and HCQ is only the tip of the iceberg.........
Think about it, medical devices exists for a reason, could a be a lot of stuff that would remove that reason, medication, surgical tech and cures systematically suppressed is a far more likely scenario....
People more interested in treating something than curing it, medical devices means something is prevalent enough to warrant the product development and production, think about all the big and most common ailments, what if most of them can be cured rather than treated ad infinitum...
Won't need them much if truth comes out about our health, wellbeing and history. As well as holistic healing truths
This. It's become so evident to me that 95% of our health problems have been due to horribly toxic chemicals created by large chemical and food companies. Toxic chemicals found in our cleaning products, construction products, foods, drinks, hair products, body products, medicines, etc. As well as horribly detrimental foods containing processed carbs, sugars, and other chemicals.
There's probably more to it than just these things... but it's always mind boggling for me to look around and see that we have technology that can send packets through wires from one side of the Earth to the other in a matter of seconds, but we can't figure out what food is healthy for humans and what is causing a plethora of diseases such as cancer. I just don't buy it. Especially when if you solve the human-health problem, many industries (i.e. big pharma, healthcare, chemical) will lose out on the majority of their profits or potentially be sued into oblivion.
Spot-ON post. I go into stores now with an attitude of...”well, what WON’T KILL ME”??!!! A minor concern in my conspiratorial mind is if these Corps crumble, what’s their last gasp chess move? Scary times.
Exactly. America, where we are shutting down our entire country over a virus with 99.9% survival yet everyone has been just fine with fucking liquor stores and McDonalds on every street corner. Makes me fucking sick even thinking about all this. Big Pharma etc... I've been really looking into the water we drink, shower with and brush our teeth. Also, the vitamins I buy. How do I know they are really what I think I'm getting? Can I trust Kirkland brand at Costco to sell me quality Fish Oil? Probably not.
Half the buildings in the US have toxic mold in them. So many people with chronic illness have no idea how sick mold can make you. There are hundreds of different mold strains.
When President Trump comes back he is bringing with him as many as 6000 patents that have been kept secret until now. All medical devices that we currently use will become obsolete and big pharma will be gone. It will be glorious.
The best source
― Oldaccountjacked
― Isaac Asimov, The Roving Mind
I’m sorry but think about it, everything that we need to thrive is already here. The “health” industry is the biggest croc of shit ever perpetrated. Our cures come from the earth. Let me get this straight, we were created with immune systems but we need some dip shit in a lab coat to synthesize what nature already provides? Right not sketchy at all.
This is purely anecdotal, but when I in-processed my last Army installation, the civilian who goes through this process of receiving people and giving the same information over and over (a real charmer with nothing to gain, a crusty person you might say) was bragging about his son who worked with IBM about how they had machines that could test your poop and know if you had cancer as well as other devices. He mentioned it so offhand.
Another anecdotal story is about a prototype for spray applicated solar energy. Like a paint spray can, you just spray a rock and hook a wire up to it and it provides solar electricity.
I know these are very much hearsay, but what did either individual have to gain by telling some random person about this technology?
Not solar but a slightly more advanced procedure with 2 or 3 different sprays may certainly make something like spray-on peltier elements possible and that could be rather huge......
Let's say there will be a release of new technology (medical and otherwise)... that could fit into a theory that they cooked up the vaccine idea as one last big hurrah for big pharma before the shift... and why does Trump support the vax? Maybe it's really just harmless saline... wouldn't that be a nice end to the story... That starts to line up with trying to shut down pipelines and rising gas prices too... if there were going to be a release of some new form of alternative energy....
I can certainly get on the wishful thinking bandwagon for a moment to entertain that.
Yes, but. People aren't dying from useless saline injections.
Agreed. Didn't say I believed it... just a "wouldn't it be nice if" scenario...
yes, I'd love to think that all the vaccines are in reality saline and it was all just a big scare. But we are still in a real war so I think that's unlikely.
prepare for the worst. hope for the best.
I will still not let my family get anywhere near the jab. Period. We will suffer whatever consequences come our way and I will fight it with all means available to me.
And then there are momentary flashes where I worry that we are prepping for some kind of crazy biowar scenario where those who don't take it might look back and wish we had.
And then the millisecond is past and I'm back to my normal government hating non-trusting self.
That is the problem when your government lies to you about important things.
If this were some big elaborate way to try to immunize the population for our own good against a threat, just fucking tell us the truth and let us decide.
Thus, it seems much worse. And who the hell really knows the truth. All we know for sure is they are lying.
I'll still put my trust in God, even in the face of a bioweapon.
Choo choo! Thanks for the hopium.
As someone we go knows people who desperately need healing to their illnesses this is both exciting and enraging!
yes!! i pray often my dad is around for this to happen
Wow will college be "free" too.
Perhaps there are med beds but didn't someone invent them. Aren't they part of business? People get to make money no?
I don't doubt Big Pharma has colluded to hide cures, but at the same time, someone developed those hidden cures and when you provide a service you are entitled to get paid for it.
There are some Great Awakees out there who think the post Awaking world will be a like a communist utopia without realizing that is what they are dreaming about.
I remember there was a some hopium a few years ago ‘Labour ‘the world’s first 200 year olds have already been born’ and for me it conjured up the image of a generation of young kids now growing up into an amazing future of abundance, medical marvels, advanced gerontology, longevity and healthy old age. Based on what I now see, but pray can be overturned, it turns out those first 200 year olds are more likely already between 60-80, are gazillionaires, and through a combination of illicit cloned organ transplants, depopulation of the unruly, enslavement of the compliant, med beds, super drugs and whatever defilement of science and ethics is needed, will be kept alive another 100 years+. Everyone else will eek out their average meagre lifespan.
Ugh...the image of ballsack-face-George Soros with another 100 years of mileage on his greasy evil carcass...?
I know, fren. I hope I didn't sound like I was dooming, I'm just fucking livid. These dickless, soulless, human-scrotum chimera megalomaniacs and their steroidal Golem levels of dark triad lust for power, wealth and perversion are everything that is and always has been wrong since forever with what should otherwise be a fucking nirvana and paradise on this beautiful 3rd rock from the sun for every other sane and decent life form on the planet. They're the reason we don't have jet packs, the cure for cancer, abundant energy or a solution to WW3. We need a multilateral commission to identify and prevent these fucksticks ever gaining power, influence, or contributing to the gene pool.
Wow. The sinister music started up while I was reading your post!
Some scarcity is likely to be artificial. I agree with what you say though.
I hear the med beds will be used in Florida first. Think about how awesome it will be to help the veterans.
Any company that is spewing woke ideology (intentionally giving away business of normal people) or suddenly being less money driven, is being funded by something or someone outside. No company or CEO would choose to make less money, they are being paid in some other means.
Definitely not a great year but things have ramped up considerably. It’s very curious that the CEOs are saying to slow down in a time where all signs point to “hurry up”
"Biden signs deal to buy $2 trillion of medical devices from China in deal that will save millions of lives."
CNN headline circa late 2021
Like how California is letting their reservoirs drain when it's looking to be a very dry year coming up?
What do you mean letting them drain? Any links to verify CA letting reservoirs dry up OR first hand knowledge?
I just had the thought that it could be the swamp has advised them to slow down in order to create an artificial shortage? Or make the shortage worse?
They are expecting Medicare for all. If that happens they expect to lose a lot. No sense in ramping up production just to have to give it all away at cost.
OP stated there are backorders, so that doesn't appear to be the case.
Ah, then that's a different story.
With all of the talk surrounding the gov't being able to confiscate assets of corporations for certain illegal actions on their part, one has to wonder if the CEOs in the medical device industry have also been up to no good, and now see the handwriting on the wall. There would be no reason to make big money if it is only going to be taken away.
Exactly! Plus the directive to basically cut your work week by 20%. It doesn’t feel as if they are doing it to intentionally keep patients from what they need - on the local level we do everything in our power to get the patient what they need even if that means bringing in our competitors. Patient first ALWAYS.
Bless you.
they didn't just forgo them, doctors cancelled tons and tons of medical procedures that were probably deemed "discretionary" rather than life or death necessary but many of them were likely needed and the kind thing you have if you like your life.
Depopulation "vaccine" plans are well underway.
Within a year, nearly every medical insurance plan will be financially broke... so no plans will be left to pay for medical devices. Huge numbers will have problems with blood clots, advanced Alzheimers at only 30-years-old, cancers, respiratory problems, heart problems, etc... . They will be beyond saving.
Yes, the medical industry is fully aware and participating in the planned depopulation through the vax.
If the Freemasons want to reach their 500,000,000 population, a lot of people have to die. So anything that involves saving a life has to be dealt with.
I'd love to know how much the Freemasons are involved in all this.
Watch this video sometime. They are 100% involved.
I fully believe companies are given some kind of instructions from someone or somewhere. I find it odd that the telecommunications company I work for, another small company in the area and the corporate vampire, Comcast all created the same type of job/department for 3 different but similar companies at the same time. In this case it could very well be some kind of government regulation or something, but it’s just odd to me.
What job/dep would that be?
It’s called CAP. I can’t remember what the acronym stands for, but it’s basically a customer service position for people that have had to call with issues in the last 60 days and want to cancel service. When those conditions apply you get them to a CAP agent that tries to ensure they don’t cancel service. I was looking for other jobs around the time this program came into effect and another telecommunications company had the same positions opening and then Comcast had them as well.
So they're responsible for that video of the guy spending an hour trying to cancel his service?
The 'vaccines' are murdering all of your <s>customers</s> patients. You can all go home now. Take the rest of your career off.
Either medbeds are coming & they know there is little/no need for their products soon.
They are fully aware those who use medical devices & got the MRNA experiment will die off & their product demand will diminish greatly.
They are creating a false fear shortage.
Sorry for my ignorance here, but what are med beds?
I have seen claims by others that they are a sonic or some other energy technology that can repair any ailment in our bodies.
I don't know if they are real, but there are Ted Talks on using sound to destroy cancer cells, so it is possible.
These 4 vids just show a proof of concept for sound/energy waves being able to heal us & that is the tech claimed by some on this board to be used in med beds. I don't really have much info on them, but am piecing it together myself.
Look into Dr Royal Rife and his Rife machine. On YT there’s a Channel called Spooky2 Rife with links to their webpage most affordable Rife Machines out there. It’s legit tech. As far as medbeds, could be a combo of Rife tech and UV light(?).
Here’s another link on medbeds: https://americaoutloud.com/the-quantum-healing-technologies-of-med-beds/
Supply disruption and PPE shortages were the first things that were noticed by front line workers when the plandemic first hit. If there is going to be a Covid21 (which was planned) then yeah, it would be most effective if supplies were next to impossible to procure.
There was no PPE shortage... it was all shipped to china.
When it first “hit” in Chyna I went to get N95’s at a med store. There were 4 left so I bought 2 at $3 per. I was pissed & asked lady there’s been a run on these, eh? Her answer;
“Not at all, we’re shipping them overseas”. Yeah. Edit: Only mask I’ve owned the whole time, it’s filthy could care less.
This probably doesn't account for all of it, but my DH is in a logistics company that services a medical vendor and they were attacked recently. My nontechnical name for it is DDOS-ed, but it probably was much more. They were able to overcome after a whole weekend of round-the-clock code red, but the higher-ups are mysteriously hush-hush about it.
Creating an artificial shortage to jack up prices, just like lumber.
Manufactured scarcity, like the gas shortages. All in time for the summer surge I’m expecting around the Fourth of July
The hospital I work at has back order issues EVERY DAY here, most of the items I’m requesting and needing are for surgical cases too, so you’d think they would get them in. But nothing has been done, anytime I ask, “xxx items is just on back order, nothing we can do”.
Winding down? Eh wouldn’t say so, more or less have been at a constant workload of 30 surgieres per day since we re-opened electives cases after the corona shutdown.
What the name of the company
I haven’t seen mentions of this in other comments, but there’s another pretty simple explanation. It may not apply here, but it’s cool to consider.
The vast majority of modern human disease is a direct result of the crap diet we are given and the poisons deliberately put into the food, water, and air to harm us and keep us sick and docile and focused on small problems.
Once the lid is ripped off and the Elites stop poisoning us, everyone will easily live completely healthy lives to at least 100. And if we remove the stressors of mental health conditions caused by artificial scarcity and targeted malnutrition and the mountains of toxic medications mixed in with the handful of actual good stuff, people will be stress free and happy all the time.
And this is all without any hidden patents being revealed. If med beds or tens of thousands of helpful patents are restored to the people, there may be a real chance that some of us might actually see the full 1,000 years mentioned in the book of Revelations.
My corporation has done the same thing. CEO holds a meeting for anyone in the company to join. The new level of wokeness & multiculturalism is UNREAL & not to mention CEO says we all need to take vacations. Taking vacations at our factory is a sin. You don't do it. You never have done it. My chances of getting a day off at our place, FFS... Not going to happen LOL. The old guard is rolling over in their graves, lol. Something's up, I've been saying this for the last two years
Okay this is sooo weird! I work for a health plan in CA. We also are now getting 3 hrs off in the summer on fridays. We also have constant woke culture. They are also giving bonus vacation days....
This implies loss of investment and purchasing of the product. That then further implies a better product exists. Forward the medbed one would hope
Well, before you take Fridays off, can you send me 2 new knees? LOL
I've had a VERY similar experience in a completely different field.
Same in chemical manufacturing industry. It cost 10’s of thousands of dollars every MINUTE a unit is not running. Past 6 months that sense of urgency has disappeared. Now if something breaks during the night, they say just stay down until maintenance comes in tomorrow.
If you're working four 12s, why not have Friday off?
fake coronavirus tests made all them billions in just 1 year. the fraud is so massive.
Can you look for another job?
Years ago when my husband used to come home from work (IT person for Sun Micro) complaining about work slowing down, he instinctively knew to go look for another job.
I think it would be more of the same from everyone else I’m hearing from
In IL, state and countyemployees have been getting paid to stay home and not work.
Reading through these comments convinces me there are too many nutters posting on here.
Buttering up potential whistleblowers. Class action lawsuits are a bitch.
I actually think they may be using covid as an excuse to work less.
Joe has told the CEO's to stop producing in the USA and to give all their patents to China companies who will start making their products as they can produce them cheaper and then import them to the USA.
What medical devices are you talking about ventilators ? Or something we use day to day, because those two things can mean two very different things