Wife’s uncle died today. Took the jab earlier this year. Started developing blood clots in March-April. Found dead today.
The victims of this attack by evil share the stories of those jumping out of the Twin Towers, to their death. They are and will be victims of a silent enemy. One that Satan supports. One that lies to us daily, as our country’s leaders.
One that WILL pay for what they’ve done. The rest of us will have to see this evil brought to justice. We have to. It’s what we owe the innocent.
I didn’t need a warning a year ago. I have faith in God.
The TT had security from plane crashes, the building was designed for it, yet people died from “planes”. There was no threat of this kind of death. They trusted their situation. They trusted their officials. They trusted what they were told to believe. Yet found themselves jumping 100 stories up from this confusing last moments.
Vaccine takers, millions of them, are similar. Me and you are informed. But they trust the system. Their securities. Their officials. Their situation. And took the leap. Some, unfortunately were made to, like OP here. Although I still wouldn’t have. Maybe I would have had pain, maybe I would have died, like a friends husband with colon cancer, by not getting the shot. But that’s me. I know my enemy in this situation. And I know when to say no. Many don’t. No matter how many times you preach “insanity”.
The silent enemy is real. And without faith in God, or just really really stubborn, they’ll get you. Either on their terms, or yours.
I agree with all your words. Except for, if they're going to get me on my terms, which is what it would be, it would literally be dragging me from the deepest depths of the deepest forest where I'd been eking out a meagre foraging existence, but yet at one with nature, the natural order. And at least I'd have the satisfaction of that making them look even more absurdly like the fucking desperate, soulless, utterly irrelevant cunts that they are.
On our terms m, to me, is like the OP. He needed a surgery, can get it unless your jabbed. It’s the choice. I would had went to a lawyer another doctor, everything I could..but would not have gotten that shot. I want my surgery supervised by my family physician, that I trust, so they don’t inject me when I’m asleep. Everything possible. And as said before. I may die due to lack of surgery and aid because I fought off them Covid nuts and jabbers. It happened to friends of mine. I may be next. But it will my choice. Not a fixed one.
I’m sorry for OP. This sucks. I hope somehow this all works out for you and millions more. I really do.
Back pain is agony. Having to think twice about every thing you do. Barely able to sleep and being in pain no matter your position , sitting , standing or walking. I'm sure he endured much before the time came to do something to lessen the pain. I understand totally.
I’ve been building houses for 26 years. Know all about back pain. I actually still remember the day my back went out. It was the 10 year anniversary of 9-11. Went to my knees and could barely walk back to the house. The sciatic nerve is a real pain. My back has went out many many times since. It just happens, like getting struck by lightning. I’ve heard many people talk about getting surgery for it. I’m not. And I hurt everyday. Some days are much worse of course. There are many remedies to counter back pain. It just something we have to live with.
That is my sue. Sciatic nerve pain. I am reading reviews for local chiropractor looking for one who specifically deals with this . My friend and sister think I'm crazy to not go to my doctor, but right now my faith in the medical community is pretty much non existent. ( they took the jab willingly )
I've had a back injury for years, with siactica down my left leg. Been on pain meds, gabba, Lyrica etc... after 10 years I found stretching out my hip flexes (psorite machine) and Weed has worked the best. Cbd has by far been the best relief I've ever gotten...for me it erased 80% of my sciatic pain.
No sure if any of you smoke but I swear by it. Cbd joint before bed and... 👌 it really hits the nerve pain unlike regular pain meds. Anyway hope it helps. Wwg1wga
Only smoke tobacco. never had CBD oil and have not taken drugs. Muddling through as best I can , though I am now getting spasms as well. Do you recommend any specific CBD oil ?I have gotten suggestions from a couple of others and want to see if there is a consensus. Thanks in advance.
IMO, since sciatica is caused by pinching of the nerve between the skeletal structure, adjustment of the structure coupled with anti-inflammatories makes more sense anyway than anti-inflammatories & narcotics...
Yeah narcotics are the devil. I have had and will have nothing to do with them hence my constant pain. I have been taking tart cherry juice as an anti inflammatory and lots of vitamins and minerals to try to fight this pain. I used to look forward to bed, and now I dread it because no matter what I do I am in pain. The only comfort I get is sleeping on folded arms in my chair at my desk. Hopefully I can find a Chiropractor who understands what I am going through.I can only imagine the relief I will feel when the right bone is moved back in place and I have less pain. Sick of walking like Quasimodo.
Hey Cyberhawk or whoever else is suffering from pain, check out kneesovertoesguy on youtube. All of his content is ad free, he is truly trying to help people. His business is named the Athletic Truth Group, guy is full of knowledge. Your situation may be specific to injury, but a lot are just bodies that haven't properly been cared for. He does have a few videos on back pain specifically, and with you mentioning your sciatic nerve, I bet what he preaches would help. Best of luck to you!!
And to the OP, I would have found another place personally, but I can only make that observation from my shoes, not yours. I'm sure you made the best decision for yourself in that moment. I am sorry that it turned out this way, and as another said, live your life to the fullest. It's not over until it is.
Well I'm very stubborn, so when I say No to something that's what I mean. Never changed my mind when I said no to my children because if I backed down they would know that mom "may" change her mind. Even when my husband tried to get me to change my mind I wouldn't and told him why, he understood but he is a softy where the kids are concerned. Love my kids but I was the one who was always there every single day, day in and day out taking care of them always, he worked a lot and when he was with the military was gone for a 6 months to a year+ at a time. Those were times when the kids are small you can't get back. All the kids (3) are grown and on their own now, youngest is 22, Lord how time flies!
I've always been stubborn even as a child. I would rather get beaten up than to change my mind, that was my mindset I guess as a child. My older brother would hit me if I didn't do his chores for him, never did do his chores no matter what he yelled/called me or did to me. He did some bad things to me besides hitting me, and yes if you are thinking what the "bad" things are, you probably know what that means. I still won't have anything to do with him to this day, and don't know or want to know his wife and kids.Not interested at all. Maybe I'm a bitch, but rather be a bitch than someone who gives in to pressure, I will say my mind when I want to and don't usually have lots of filters when I do, lol.
I had a heart stent put in when I was 35. I go every 2 years to get my heart checked. in 2018 Everything was perfect. As a matter of fact, the doctor said I had done something not many could do is reverse heart disease. I went to the ER on Thursday because I could not breathe. They thought it was just an asthma attack. Until they ran blood gases check. My B-TYPE NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE was 4,700 normal is .125. The ER doctors were shocked beyond belief that a number this high was possible. The ER Doctor in charge started yelling at all the nurses to start meds stat. My Cardio Doctor said he was shocked that I had a 100% blockage and that my numbers were so bad. He said the heart usually does not go this fast.
Usually is the operative word here. Prayers for you and your family. You know, the older I get the more I yearn for my mansion just over the hilltop. Keep in mind you'll expire when God says it's over and not a moment sooner...just like the rest of us.
PLEASE do not fear. Our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made. As long as you're breathing your body can and will heal, it was designed to be self-healing.
I view all health challenges through a bio-energetic lens, cells make tissue, tissue makes organs. If you give your cells exactly what they need your heart tissue will repair, rebuild and your body will heal. You have time. Please read the work of Ray Peat, PhD and Dr. Broda Barnes, MD. There are MANY strategies to mitigate damage and heal your body.
Heart disease is ALWAYS tied to low thyroid function, but your doctor will never tell that. Doctors are specialists these days and they won't stray from their specialty.
In order to heal properly, you need to take a holistic view of health and treat the ROOT CAUSE.
“Broda Barnes was right when he said that the “riddle of heart attacks” was solved when he demonstrated that hypothyroidism caused heart attacks, and that they were prevented by correcting hypothyroidism. He also observed that correcting hypothyroidism prevented the degenerative conditions (including heart disease) that so often occur in diabetics.” -Ray Peat, PhD
Thyroid hormone T3 is particularly important. Unfortunately you'll be hard-pressed to get a doctor to test you properly, but you can order that test yourself online from Quest or Labcorp. A FULL thyroid panel done fasted, first thing in the morning. If you can't get a doc to prescribe T3 then you can buy it over the counter/online from Mexico. I did that for years before I finally found a doc to prescribe this life saving hormone. I only know of two doctors in America that will prescribe T3. Nearly half of all Americans over the age of 50 need to supplement some T3 to stave off chronic degenerative disease, especially if you've been eating the standard American PUFA laden diet or been exposed to radiation (dental/medical x-rays).
Also important are all the fat soluble vitamins: A,D,K2 and high gamma vitamin E. Reducing estrogen as much as possible and using pregnenolone, CoQ10, aspirin, etc.
Dr. Peat's website is a treasure trove of healing information. He puts his research out there for free and it's fully cited at the bottom of each article for further research and self-experimentation. I wish you all the best on your newest journey❤️❤️❤️
Fuck man. I'm so sorry. Sending love and high energy, praying for help for you. I can't imagine getting that kind of news. Hope you get peace in your remaining years patriot. We'll keep the fight going in your honor! Love man. Sending lots of love.
I’ve witnessed God’s miracles first hand fren. Mighty miracles too I might add. I also believe the med beds will provide miracles especially jab related ones. Stay positive and thankful. It ain’t over til God says so. You are and will be in my prayers
Joining your prayer and standing in the gap for CCPB. I'll add to my prayers as well. No weapon formed against will prosper and by Jesus's stripes he is healed. In Jesus's name Amen.
He is the cardiologist who pioneered the Covid-19 HCQ and Ivermectin treatment protocols and has been leading the charge in providing treatment for vaccine injuries. He isn't a celebrity, he is a doctor who treats patients and he is very good at his job.
Sorry to hear that. My wife had major back surgery in November. At the time, no vax was available, so even the doctors and nursing staff at hospital were unvaxed.
My family refuses to take that mRNA vax.
The spine surgeon DID take the vax in January. His hands and arms went numb, with feeling coming & going over the next 12- hours or so after the vax. I think he still had some minor muscle and nerve problems for a week or so afterwards. That scared the religion out of him. Imagine being a highly trained surgeon... who has muscle twitches or who sometimes loses feeling in his hands? I think everything returned to normal for him after a week.
However... you never know. If the vax can do that once, then who's to say it can't lie dormant and return later to do that again? HE certainly didn't press us about getting vaccinated.
The one bit of peace I have with death is that it happens to all of us. Loved ones, and generations to come.
I hope to be on this planet beyond the time I’m granted, but God has a plan for all of us. Big or small. Find peace with God and peace with yourself.
A lot can happen in 10 years. I know a few people who outlived their doctor's files and broke the actuarians' curve. Think about NAC and suramin when you have time ... I hear every cell in your body gets replaced regularly, and the new ones ought to be free of absorbed alien mRNA with enough time. Sorry to hear the news. Prayers, fren.
I don't pretend to know exactly what's in any of the vaccines, but to me it seems logical that all new cells would be untouched.
But for many people, including our friendly planefagging OP Captain Bacon, the challenge is overcoming the damage from the spike proteins, which may continue for a while. For that, there seems to be consensus that NAC is very beneficial. And I've heard suramin may also be good, but haven't done any research myself. I hope that helps.
Of course; more than welcome. From what I've gathered, the vax seems to produce the same effects as Covid... diverse clotting within the blood stream. Those clots tend to attract each other and also tend to get stuck in any small artery. NAC works in 2 ways, one to dissolve clots and two, to interrupt the way the spike proteins bind to the body's cells (in theory that means it will help filter them out of your system). I got severe covid last April, came close to death, and did a lot of research, mostly before the censors kicked in. I'm sure there are many good resources, but the best sources for me were a blog by Dr. Brownstein in Ann Arbor (now censored/ taken down, but you can become a remote patient if his clinic is right for you) that provided me with a hydrogen peroxide protocol (roughly similar protocol on Dr. Mercola's site, if that's still up) that I credit with saving my life, and medcram.com which has way more info on everything covid than this board's entire history. It's well organized, but I haven't checked it in a while. And was close to a guy who had emergency heart surgery and was given 5-10 years by his doctor, now 15 years ago and counting, who was in great shape the last time I saw him. Keep the spirits up, and don't forget to pray!
take large doses of ubiquinol... my mother lived for 10 years after a similar heart attack; doctors said she would be dead within 2 years. but she was also diabetic and a sugar cheater (and refused to take Omega 3's - which you should also take). you can live much longer. fuck big pharma.
last night I remembered a old football player (Steve Courson - Steelers) who was on the heart transplant list (1989) due to steroid use... he was way down the list tho. He bought a heart monitor and a tread mill and just walked on it for hours whiles watching TV and monitoring his heart rate. Eventually he was taken off the transplant list because his heart had recovered. (He died in 2005 after an accident at home). I think he was off the list by about 1991-2.
You can still find news articles about him needing a heart transplant, but his wikipedia page only says he had a heart condition due to steroid use...
I have a cat that has a heart condition. Vet gave it 2 months to live... 3 years ago.
I give it 1mil salmon oil with ubiqinol twice daily. (I mix 12 salmon oil caps with 2 ubiquinol caps - I poke a hole in the caps and squeeze then out into a small container.
last vet check had the guy scratching his head...
Edit: I use Carlson Norwegian salmon oil and Dr's Best or LEF ubiquinol depending on sales...
What do you mean you had to? I thought hospitals stopped at the COVID test...you're telling me they would have refused you service based on the vaccine?
Wow talk about total medical tyranny...any doctor/hospital involved in forcing the vax for any treatment should be dealt with by the most aggressive means possible. Firing squad anyone?
I heard just yesterday that a woman who works in our facility was told by her OB that he wouldn't deliver her baby at his hospital unless she got vaxxed. I read in a document, medical chart, a mother was seeking a new pediatrician because the one she had for her children wouldn't continue their care unless they, the children, were vaxxed. Sick!🤬
Well that doc most likely wouldn't have delivered her baby IF she got the vaxx, at least not a living baby. She and anyone like her and the other mother seeking a new pediatrician for her kids for not getting them vaxxed, should all be looking for based doctors. Too bad someone in each county in every state doesn't have a good list of based doctors. If anyone has them maybe their should have a post especially for that on here. It could help others looking for a new doctor. I like our doctor because she is a good doctor and has pretty much seen our kids grow up, but my husband said last time he saw her, she said we should both get the vaxx, I told him good thing I wasn't there because I would have said "oh hell no!" lol, and I wouldn't have been a bit worried about what she thought about it. Not sorry I don't have a lot of filters. Thankfully she isn't that pushy, and never made me wear a mask in her office even when covid was in full swing, not that I go see her often. She really does care about her patients, she either is made to say get the jab (she's in an office with other doctors, not her own practice) or she has been lied to and brainwashed.
I cannot believe the doctors don't know. The jab inhibits the placenta and can be passed through breast milk.
It's their duty, responsibility and job to learn all aspects of medical treatment, i.e. vaccines and share that with the patient to ensure full knowledgeable consent. There is absolutely NO EXCUSE.
A doctor who gives the jab, knowing it leads to injury and death is a BAD DOCTOR.
A doctor who hasn't learned what the jab is, what it does, how it does it and benefits and risks, but gives the jab is a BAD DOCTOR.
Damn, I'm so sorry. You are one of the few anons I know by user name. I will keep you in my prayers. I have a feeling life on this planet will be very different in even one year. I hope we all get to see GEOTUS ' magnificent return. 🙏
Tragically, I keep seeing more posts about these types of injuries. I am so worried for my loved ones. If they would listen, this is what I would advise:
File a report with VAERS. People continue to be coerced into taking these injections every day. You can make a difference for others who are on the fence by making sure your injury is reported.
Visit covid19criticalcare.com to review their protocol for post vaccine inflammatory syndrome.
The protocol may help in restoring some of your health.
Fire your physician if they recommended the COVID vaccine for you. They are either incompetent or malignant, it matters not which since your outcome is unchanged either way. Complete an online consultation with www.myfreedoctor.com. They will review your case and prescribe Ivermectin or other drugs that may help in your present situation.
Subscribe to Children's Health Defense and Americas Frontline Doctors for updates as new treatments become tested and recommended for people who have developed your specific type of vaccine injury and reach out to Dolores Cahill to see if she has any new information on latest treatments that can help restore your health.
*To the people responding with cruelty here: Really? Stop. Just stop. If you don't have anything helpful or at least potentially helpful to say or offer please just scroll on by. Your narcissistic need for affirmation that you were right and others were wrong has no place where people are actually suffering and lives are being lost or shortened.
Any one of us could be in the same boat. Vital surgery needed , can't get the vital surgery if you don't get the jab ,so STFU with your "shouldn't have gotten the surgery"
I am sorry to hear that. Hopefully the grief that this scam has caused you and millions of others will be avenged soon. Hold onto hope; my father had a major heart attack eighteen years ago and they gave him five years to live but he is still going strong!
I am so sorry that this has happened to you. I will pray for you
Wife’s uncle died today. Took the jab earlier this year. Started developing blood clots in March-April. Found dead today.
The victims of this attack by evil share the stories of those jumping out of the Twin Towers, to their death. They are and will be victims of a silent enemy. One that Satan supports. One that lies to us daily, as our country’s leaders.
One that WILL pay for what they’ve done. The rest of us will have to see this evil brought to justice. We have to. It’s what we owe the innocent.
I didn’t need a warning a year ago. I have faith in God.
The TT had security from plane crashes, the building was designed for it, yet people died from “planes”. There was no threat of this kind of death. They trusted their situation. They trusted their officials. They trusted what they were told to believe. Yet found themselves jumping 100 stories up from this confusing last moments.
Vaccine takers, millions of them, are similar. Me and you are informed. But they trust the system. Their securities. Their officials. Their situation. And took the leap. Some, unfortunately were made to, like OP here. Although I still wouldn’t have. Maybe I would have had pain, maybe I would have died, like a friends husband with colon cancer, by not getting the shot. But that’s me. I know my enemy in this situation. And I know when to say no. Many don’t. No matter how many times you preach “insanity”.
The silent enemy is real. And without faith in God, or just really really stubborn, they’ll get you. Either on their terms, or yours.
I agree with all your words. Except for, if they're going to get me on my terms, which is what it would be, it would literally be dragging me from the deepest depths of the deepest forest where I'd been eking out a meagre foraging existence, but yet at one with nature, the natural order. And at least I'd have the satisfaction of that making them look even more absurdly like the fucking desperate, soulless, utterly irrelevant cunts that they are.
On our terms m, to me, is like the OP. He needed a surgery, can get it unless your jabbed. It’s the choice. I would had went to a lawyer another doctor, everything I could..but would not have gotten that shot. I want my surgery supervised by my family physician, that I trust, so they don’t inject me when I’m asleep. Everything possible. And as said before. I may die due to lack of surgery and aid because I fought off them Covid nuts and jabbers. It happened to friends of mine. I may be next. But it will my choice. Not a fixed one.
I’m sorry for OP. This sucks. I hope somehow this all works out for you and millions more. I really do.
Back pain is agony. Having to think twice about every thing you do. Barely able to sleep and being in pain no matter your position , sitting , standing or walking. I'm sure he endured much before the time came to do something to lessen the pain. I understand totally.
I’ve been building houses for 26 years. Know all about back pain. I actually still remember the day my back went out. It was the 10 year anniversary of 9-11. Went to my knees and could barely walk back to the house. The sciatic nerve is a real pain. My back has went out many many times since. It just happens, like getting struck by lightning. I’ve heard many people talk about getting surgery for it. I’m not. And I hurt everyday. Some days are much worse of course. There are many remedies to counter back pain. It just something we have to live with.
That is my sue. Sciatic nerve pain. I am reading reviews for local chiropractor looking for one who specifically deals with this . My friend and sister think I'm crazy to not go to my doctor, but right now my faith in the medical community is pretty much non existent. ( they took the jab willingly )
I've had a back injury for years, with siactica down my left leg. Been on pain meds, gabba, Lyrica etc... after 10 years I found stretching out my hip flexes (psorite machine) and Weed has worked the best. Cbd has by far been the best relief I've ever gotten...for me it erased 80% of my sciatic pain.
No sure if any of you smoke but I swear by it. Cbd joint before bed and... 👌 it really hits the nerve pain unlike regular pain meds. Anyway hope it helps. Wwg1wga
Only smoke tobacco. never had CBD oil and have not taken drugs. Muddling through as best I can , though I am now getting spasms as well. Do you recommend any specific CBD oil ?I have gotten suggestions from a couple of others and want to see if there is a consensus. Thanks in advance.
IMO, since sciatica is caused by pinching of the nerve between the skeletal structure, adjustment of the structure coupled with anti-inflammatories makes more sense anyway than anti-inflammatories & narcotics...
Yeah narcotics are the devil. I have had and will have nothing to do with them hence my constant pain. I have been taking tart cherry juice as an anti inflammatory and lots of vitamins and minerals to try to fight this pain. I used to look forward to bed, and now I dread it because no matter what I do I am in pain. The only comfort I get is sleeping on folded arms in my chair at my desk. Hopefully I can find a Chiropractor who understands what I am going through.I can only imagine the relief I will feel when the right bone is moved back in place and I have less pain. Sick of walking like Quasimodo.
Hey Cyberhawk or whoever else is suffering from pain, check out kneesovertoesguy on youtube. All of his content is ad free, he is truly trying to help people. His business is named the Athletic Truth Group, guy is full of knowledge. Your situation may be specific to injury, but a lot are just bodies that haven't properly been cared for. He does have a few videos on back pain specifically, and with you mentioning your sciatic nerve, I bet what he preaches would help. Best of luck to you!!
And to the OP, I would have found another place personally, but I can only make that observation from my shoes, not yours. I'm sure you made the best decision for yourself in that moment. I am sorry that it turned out this way, and as another said, live your life to the fullest. It's not over until it is.
Well I'm very stubborn, so when I say No to something that's what I mean. Never changed my mind when I said no to my children because if I backed down they would know that mom "may" change her mind. Even when my husband tried to get me to change my mind I wouldn't and told him why, he understood but he is a softy where the kids are concerned. Love my kids but I was the one who was always there every single day, day in and day out taking care of them always, he worked a lot and when he was with the military was gone for a 6 months to a year+ at a time. Those were times when the kids are small you can't get back. All the kids (3) are grown and on their own now, youngest is 22, Lord how time flies!
I've always been stubborn even as a child. I would rather get beaten up than to change my mind, that was my mindset I guess as a child. My older brother would hit me if I didn't do his chores for him, never did do his chores no matter what he yelled/called me or did to me. He did some bad things to me besides hitting me, and yes if you are thinking what the "bad" things are, you probably know what that means. I still won't have anything to do with him to this day, and don't know or want to know his wife and kids.Not interested at all. Maybe I'm a bitch, but rather be a bitch than someone who gives in to pressure, I will say my mind when I want to and don't usually have lots of filters when I do, lol.
And I have faith in God! Win Win!
I didn't even consider that many of the jumpers on 9/11 never knew that it was an attack.
The time we spend on this earth is but the twinkling of an eye compared to eternity; our spirits will move on...in different trains...
Profit incentivized hospital likely calling jab deaths Covid!
These people are pure evil.
I get very angry chill bumps every time I think of those people... and the sounds they made when they hit...
The deep state is everywhere in that event.
The banks and their muscle need to be put out of business... and people need to go to prison... some need the ultimate punishment on public TV
I had a heart stent put in when I was 35. I go every 2 years to get my heart checked. in 2018 Everything was perfect. As a matter of fact, the doctor said I had done something not many could do is reverse heart disease. I went to the ER on Thursday because I could not breathe. They thought it was just an asthma attack. Until they ran blood gases check. My B-TYPE NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE was 4,700 normal is .125. The ER doctors were shocked beyond belief that a number this high was possible. The ER Doctor in charge started yelling at all the nurses to start meds stat. My Cardio Doctor said he was shocked that I had a 100% blockage and that my numbers were so bad. He said the heart usually does not go this fast.
Please be LOUD about what happened to you. You can help save countless others. So sorry you were forced into that shot.
Usually is the operative word here. Prayers for you and your family. You know, the older I get the more I yearn for my mansion just over the hilltop. Keep in mind you'll expire when God says it's over and not a moment sooner...just like the rest of us.
PLEASE do not fear. Our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made. As long as you're breathing your body can and will heal, it was designed to be self-healing.
I view all health challenges through a bio-energetic lens, cells make tissue, tissue makes organs. If you give your cells exactly what they need your heart tissue will repair, rebuild and your body will heal. You have time. Please read the work of Ray Peat, PhD and Dr. Broda Barnes, MD. There are MANY strategies to mitigate damage and heal your body.
Heart disease is ALWAYS tied to low thyroid function, but your doctor will never tell that. Doctors are specialists these days and they won't stray from their specialty.
In order to heal properly, you need to take a holistic view of health and treat the ROOT CAUSE.
“Broda Barnes was right when he said that the “riddle of heart attacks” was solved when he demonstrated that hypothyroidism caused heart attacks, and that they were prevented by correcting hypothyroidism. He also observed that correcting hypothyroidism prevented the degenerative conditions (including heart disease) that so often occur in diabetics.” -Ray Peat, PhD
Thyroid hormone T3 is particularly important. Unfortunately you'll be hard-pressed to get a doctor to test you properly, but you can order that test yourself online from Quest or Labcorp. A FULL thyroid panel done fasted, first thing in the morning. If you can't get a doc to prescribe T3 then you can buy it over the counter/online from Mexico. I did that for years before I finally found a doc to prescribe this life saving hormone. I only know of two doctors in America that will prescribe T3. Nearly half of all Americans over the age of 50 need to supplement some T3 to stave off chronic degenerative disease, especially if you've been eating the standard American PUFA laden diet or been exposed to radiation (dental/medical x-rays).
Also important are all the fat soluble vitamins: A,D,K2 and high gamma vitamin E. Reducing estrogen as much as possible and using pregnenolone, CoQ10, aspirin, etc.
Dr. Peat's website is a treasure trove of healing information. He puts his research out there for free and it's fully cited at the bottom of each article for further research and self-experimentation. I wish you all the best on your newest journey❤️❤️❤️
Wow. This is great info! Thanks!
Fuck man. I'm so sorry. Sending love and high energy, praying for help for you. I can't imagine getting that kind of news. Hope you get peace in your remaining years patriot. We'll keep the fight going in your honor! Love man. Sending lots of love.
Ah, look on the bright side - your back is fine now, yes?
Yasss! I am so sorry the Insurance paid over $100K to have a spinal cord stimulator in. And now it will go to waste. LMAO, I appreciate your humor!
I’ve witnessed God’s miracles first hand fren. Mighty miracles too I might add. I also believe the med beds will provide miracles especially jab related ones. Stay positive and thankful. It ain’t over til God says so. You are and will be in my prayers
Jawa spotted....
Keep smiling. God has you ❤️
The body regenerates all of it's tissues every seven years. You have time
Please DEMAND a FULL thyroid panel from your doc. Most doctors will only do TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) which isn't a thyroid hormone at all.
Do the blood draw first thing in the morning, fasted.
A full panel includes: TSH Total and Free T4 Total and Free T3 Reverse T3 Anti-TPO Anti-thyroglobulin
Low thyroid function is at the root of all heart disease, diabetes too.
If the world go into battle mode at least youll be able to fights a bit better.
Prayers your way, CaptainChrisPBacon. Keep the faith, fren. There may be miraculous cures coming soon.
Joining your prayer and standing in the gap for CCPB. I'll add to my prayers as well. No weapon formed against will prosper and by Jesus's stripes he is healed. In Jesus's name Amen.
Call Dr. Peter McCullough at Baylor (214)841-2000
He is the cardiologist who pioneered the Covid-19 HCQ and Ivermectin treatment protocols and has been leading the charge in providing treatment for vaccine injuries. He isn't a celebrity, he is a doctor who treats patients and he is very good at his job.
If anyone can save your life, it is this man.
Praying for you Brother.
WOW! Thank you very much. I will call him!
Sorry to hear that. My wife had major back surgery in November. At the time, no vax was available, so even the doctors and nursing staff at hospital were unvaxed.
My family refuses to take that mRNA vax.
The spine surgeon DID take the vax in January. His hands and arms went numb, with feeling coming & going over the next 12- hours or so after the vax. I think he still had some minor muscle and nerve problems for a week or so afterwards. That scared the religion out of him. Imagine being a highly trained surgeon... who has muscle twitches or who sometimes loses feeling in his hands? I think everything returned to normal for him after a week.
However... you never know. If the vax can do that once, then who's to say it can't lie dormant and return later to do that again? HE certainly didn't press us about getting vaccinated.
(Dr. Strange has entered the chat.)
The one bit of peace I have with death is that it happens to all of us. Loved ones, and generations to come. I hope to be on this planet beyond the time I’m granted, but God has a plan for all of us. Big or small. Find peace with God and peace with yourself.
A lot can happen in 10 years. I know a few people who outlived their doctor's files and broke the actuarians' curve. Think about NAC and suramin when you have time ... I hear every cell in your body gets replaced regularly, and the new ones ought to be free of absorbed alien mRNA with enough time. Sorry to hear the news. Prayers, fren.
I hope this is true! Can you share your source please?
Well, it's just general knowledge from high school biology, but here's a few links as evidence that my biology teacher gave good info:
I don't pretend to know exactly what's in any of the vaccines, but to me it seems logical that all new cells would be untouched.
But for many people, including our friendly planefagging OP Captain Bacon, the challenge is overcoming the damage from the spike proteins, which may continue for a while. For that, there seems to be consensus that NAC is very beneficial. And I've heard suramin may also be good, but haven't done any research myself. I hope that helps.
Thank you so much!
Of course; more than welcome. From what I've gathered, the vax seems to produce the same effects as Covid... diverse clotting within the blood stream. Those clots tend to attract each other and also tend to get stuck in any small artery. NAC works in 2 ways, one to dissolve clots and two, to interrupt the way the spike proteins bind to the body's cells (in theory that means it will help filter them out of your system). I got severe covid last April, came close to death, and did a lot of research, mostly before the censors kicked in. I'm sure there are many good resources, but the best sources for me were a blog by Dr. Brownstein in Ann Arbor (now censored/ taken down, but you can become a remote patient if his clinic is right for you) that provided me with a hydrogen peroxide protocol (roughly similar protocol on Dr. Mercola's site, if that's still up) that I credit with saving my life, and medcram.com which has way more info on everything covid than this board's entire history. It's well organized, but I haven't checked it in a while. And was close to a guy who had emergency heart surgery and was given 5-10 years by his doctor, now 15 years ago and counting, who was in great shape the last time I saw him. Keep the spirits up, and don't forget to pray!
Oh my goodness. I am so sorry to hear this! I pray for God's healing for you.
Oh no, Crispy! So sorry to hear that. I believe God is STILL in the miracle business. Praying for one for you.
We will all pray for you fren
So sorry to hear this. Will be praying for you.
So sorry to hear that. Prayers for you and your family.
So sorry to hear that.
I hope American Frontline Doctors are able to help
So sorry fren, and yes try and enjoy the time you have left. Maybe check off some bucket list items.
Prayers fren! 🙏
take large doses of ubiquinol... my mother lived for 10 years after a similar heart attack; doctors said she would be dead within 2 years. but she was also diabetic and a sugar cheater (and refused to take Omega 3's - which you should also take). you can live much longer. fuck big pharma.
Thank you so much! I will look into this. You are so awesome for offering helpful words.
last night I remembered a old football player (Steve Courson - Steelers) who was on the heart transplant list (1989) due to steroid use... he was way down the list tho. He bought a heart monitor and a tread mill and just walked on it for hours whiles watching TV and monitoring his heart rate. Eventually he was taken off the transplant list because his heart had recovered. (He died in 2005 after an accident at home). I think he was off the list by about 1991-2.
You can still find news articles about him needing a heart transplant, but his wikipedia page only says he had a heart condition due to steroid use...
another story.
I have a cat that has a heart condition. Vet gave it 2 months to live... 3 years ago.
I give it 1mil salmon oil with ubiqinol twice daily. (I mix 12 salmon oil caps with 2 ubiquinol caps - I poke a hole in the caps and squeeze then out into a small container.
last vet check had the guy scratching his head...
Edit: I use Carlson Norwegian salmon oil and Dr's Best or LEF ubiquinol depending on sales...
What do you mean you had to? I thought hospitals stopped at the COVID test...you're telling me they would have refused you service based on the vaccine?
Actually, yes, many of them do because of he " risk". I personally would have to refuse if they gave me this ultimatum.
Wow talk about total medical tyranny...any doctor/hospital involved in forcing the vax for any treatment should be dealt with by the most aggressive means possible. Firing squad anyone?
I heard just yesterday that a woman who works in our facility was told by her OB that he wouldn't deliver her baby at his hospital unless she got vaxxed. I read in a document, medical chart, a mother was seeking a new pediatrician because the one she had for her children wouldn't continue their care unless they, the children, were vaxxed. Sick!🤬
If she is less than 20 weeks pregnant, she will have 82% miscarriage risk if she takes the jab. Find another doctor.
Well that doc most likely wouldn't have delivered her baby IF she got the vaxx, at least not a living baby. She and anyone like her and the other mother seeking a new pediatrician for her kids for not getting them vaxxed, should all be looking for based doctors. Too bad someone in each county in every state doesn't have a good list of based doctors. If anyone has them maybe their should have a post especially for that on here. It could help others looking for a new doctor. I like our doctor because she is a good doctor and has pretty much seen our kids grow up, but my husband said last time he saw her, she said we should both get the vaxx, I told him good thing I wasn't there because I would have said "oh hell no!" lol, and I wouldn't have been a bit worried about what she thought about it. Not sorry I don't have a lot of filters. Thankfully she isn't that pushy, and never made me wear a mask in her office even when covid was in full swing, not that I go see her often. She really does care about her patients, she either is made to say get the jab (she's in an office with other doctors, not her own practice) or she has been lied to and brainwashed.
I cannot believe the doctors don't know. The jab inhibits the placenta and can be passed through breast milk.
It's their duty, responsibility and job to learn all aspects of medical treatment, i.e. vaccines and share that with the patient to ensure full knowledgeable consent. There is absolutely NO EXCUSE.
A doctor who gives the jab, knowing it leads to injury and death is a BAD DOCTOR.
A doctor who hasn't learned what the jab is, what it does, how it does it and benefits and risks, but gives the jab is a BAD DOCTOR.
That’s all mental illness. Wow.
Damn, I'm so sorry. You are one of the few anons I know by user name. I will keep you in my prayers. I have a feeling life on this planet will be very different in even one year. I hope we all get to see GEOTUS ' magnificent return. 🙏
Thank you! I am praying America will be great again!
We know it will be. The best is yet to come. WWG1WGA
We'll all be together wherever we end up!! 🇺🇸😇
Heavenly Father, please wrap your healing arms around u/CaptainChrisPBacon, his Docs, nurses and support staff AMEN
Thank You!
So sorry to hear this. You are in my prayers
Tragically, I keep seeing more posts about these types of injuries. I am so worried for my loved ones. If they would listen, this is what I would advise:
File a report with VAERS. People continue to be coerced into taking these injections every day. You can make a difference for others who are on the fence by making sure your injury is reported.
Visit covid19criticalcare.com to review their protocol for post vaccine inflammatory syndrome. The protocol may help in restoring some of your health.
Fire your physician if they recommended the COVID vaccine for you. They are either incompetent or malignant, it matters not which since your outcome is unchanged either way. Complete an online consultation with www.myfreedoctor.com. They will review your case and prescribe Ivermectin or other drugs that may help in your present situation.
Subscribe to Children's Health Defense and Americas Frontline Doctors for updates as new treatments become tested and recommended for people who have developed your specific type of vaccine injury and reach out to Dolores Cahill to see if she has any new information on latest treatments that can help restore your health.
*To the people responding with cruelty here: Really? Stop. Just stop. If you don't have anything helpful or at least potentially helpful to say or offer please just scroll on by. Your narcissistic need for affirmation that you were right and others were wrong has no place where people are actually suffering and lives are being lost or shortened.
Any one of us could be in the same boat. Vital surgery needed , can't get the vital surgery if you don't get the jab ,so STFU with your "shouldn't have gotten the surgery"
Upvote for the last sentence in your post. Well said and very appropriate.
Thank you!
Captain Bacon nooooo! Damn so freaking sorry to hear this. :( you are in my prayers.
Noooo, not you too. Prayers, be positive and keep trucking, much can change in five years.
I salute you Captain. The coercion is off the charts. We will make these bastards pay.
I pray you can be with your family and enjoy the rest of your time friend.
I am sorry to hear that. Hopefully the grief that this scam has caused you and millions of others will be avenged soon. Hold onto hope; my father had a major heart attack eighteen years ago and they gave him five years to live but he is still going strong!
It will become common in a few years. 60% of thise jabbed potentially.
Crap. Prayers sent Fren.