Japanese Trump forums are all abuzz because a lot of Q's. Maybe just coincidence, but it's getting weird.
During the Closing Ceremony the first singer is Kyu Sakamoto whose name is literally pronounced as "Q Sakamoto". And then NHK and all the Japanese news channel abruptly ceased their live coverage of the Olympic ceremonies (right as Kyu Sakamoto is singing) to switch to covering Typhoon 9 or what is known in Japan as Typhoon Kyu (pronounced as Typhoon Q) which is hitting in Kyushu right now (Q-shu). Japanese had to scramble to a sub channel to watch the Olympics where they next played Beethoven Code 9 (which 9 is "Kyu" in Japanese and pronounced "Q").
The Beethoven Code 9 (Codo Kyu) "Ode to Joy":
The orchestra who played for the closing ceremony is a 9 member orchestra. Interesting the use of 9 since it's pronounced "Q" in Japanese.
Just wanted to share.
I didn't realize but using Kyu Sakamoto's original song had bigger meaning than I knew.
Several booms happened last night that I didn't quite understand. Choosing Kyu Sakamoto to sing the first song of the Olympics is equivalent of throwing down the gauntlet. It's a major FU to the Deep State.
Kyu Sakamoto was huge back in the day, but his death was more mysterious. (They played the song sung by him. They didn't have a singer re-sing, that was Kyu Sakamoto's actual voice at the Olympics).
Kyu Sakamoto died on August 12, 1986 when flight 123 (1 + 2 + 3 = 6) crashed in Gunma prefecture. It was 12 hours before rescue services were allowed in. The Japanese military was there first and no one knows what they were doing.
Several Panasonic engineers pioneering the TRON system were on that flight. TRON was an extremely innovative Operating System and the Japanese were going to beat the US to making an OS ahead of its time.. Deep State couldn't have that. So not only did Sakamoto die, but most of the TRON engineers died on that flight. (Look at when Windows came out. Look at the timeline).
To this day there are many rumors that Kyu Sakamoto's death was no accident. That he was murdered by the Deep State.
When his song came on in the Olympic Closing ceremony the live feed was cut on all Japanese TV stations but one. This was a huge shock for many Japanese who had to scramble to the only channel playing it live. The official excuse for cutting the live feed was "Typhoon 9", but it was sudden. It was just a minute into Kyu Sakamoto's song being played.
I think someone got the message and scrambled.
More on Kyu Sakamoto:
At the Olympics they played his most famous song "Sukiyaki" which became a massive hit even in the US. It's been used by many US singers and played in many US films.
One of the famous lyrics is "I keep my eyes on the skies as I walk so that my teardrops never fall".
Qlap! Qlap! Qlap!
lol I always think of this when I'm doing chores at the house. Putting a load of laundry into the wash..."please clap"...finishing with kitchen clean up..."please clap"
It's a weird habit but makes me laugh every time.
lol that's perfect!
Lol. Well said.
Japanfag here. My wife was watching that crap on TV while I was in the hobby room watching other stuff. I just asked her and she confirmed it.
Gee, what a Kyuu-incidence.
You might want to check out this guy's channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX8aZl6VTVsfHJg0Yo9imMg
There are six videos that are a minute long. Each have a link to a 90 minute unlisted video. The content is of a guy who worked for the emperor goes over how money is created and then handed off as helicopter money.
6 = 666 = Clown
9 = Flipped to the Patriots
9 also means "no" in German. 😜
Jein, well, kind of. Neun is pronounced [nɔɪ̯n], while nein = [naɪ̯n].
It was a joke. Thats why I used a smiley face.
Germans don't make jokes.
Germans don't laugh. They make a series of efficient chortles. Ach ach ach.
Germans have a special kind of humor
That actually explains a lot.
They are droll
German humor is no laughing matter!
An NSFW joke by Conan o' Brien: https://youtu.be/QqugCQzWOYA?t=401
LOL the international pronunciation key.
All 12 people who have ever learned it are enjoying it. :) I miss the standard, intuitive, easy to read pronunciations we learned as kids.
Anyway, Chronic was right on target. He wasn't referring to neun, the German word for nine (pronounced noin). Instead, he meant that if you say the word nine in English, it sounds very close to nein (meaning no) in German.
Nine is neuf in French, which can also mean NEW.
New world of light, new economic system, new understanding that global communism is hideous and insidious?
Ha ha
No world order?
Well they arent in Germany so stay with the right country
Japan loves America. There's a saying: When America has a cold, Japan sneezes.
Hahaha the japs knows what's up.
Doubtful. Around 98% of japanese don't believe in the God almighty, or the Bible, or in Jesus. As per a 2018 census, less than 2% (around 1% to 1.5%) were self-declared Christians. The other 98% are either self-declared Buddhists, Shinto, or both (Shinto+Buddhist), or atheists.
That’s a whole lot of coincidences…Thanks!
Especially in a country that's big on symbolism
The olympics happened?
Inconceivably based
This is awesome. Adds a bucket of extra Q proof to White Hat Olympics.
Had a pondering on this guy's name while browsing, he won Gold in Pole Vault, Swedish competing dual US-Swede citizen:
Armand 'Mondo' Deplantis - 'World Plant'
Once dated: Desiré Inglander- 'Wanting(?) an Englishman / England(?)'
The Japanese Q places are lit and so hyper active at decoding stuff. They see things in a different light. I doubt most of us from the West would connect 9 with the Japanese word "Kyu" and then realize how it can be used to mean "Q". The Japanese are all over that one. We see 17s, they see 9s.
We only see 9s as the reverse of 6, but for Japanese decodes it's another way to symbolize Q. Even better is that so many words and names use "Kyu" in Japanese making for endless possible ways to disguise comms.
Fascinating…thanks for this SS. Yeah, the Japanese are Based AF. 👍🏼
9 is the number of completion. Q being 9 makes sense
Interestingly, 17 has the Biblical meaning of Complete Victory.
And, the number 9 has the Biblical meaning of Divine Completeness.
I updated my post with more information. Choosing Kyu Sakamoto's song (it was his actual voice they played) is a major message to the DS. A middle finger would be more subtle.
Kyu Sakamoto's death remains controversial in Japan. It's like JFK's assassination. He died August 12th, 1986 on flight 123 (1+ 2 + 3 = 6). Rescue workers were not allowed to go the crash site for over 12 hours. No attempt was made to rescue. However, many witnesses saw the military there for hours "cleaning" up.
On the flight were also several Panasonic engineers who key in the development of Panasonic's TRON system, an OS way ahead of its time (before windows and far better), and they all died on that flight. The TRON system was suddenly scrapped and forgotten like it never existed. Windows became big not long after.
Lots of meaning besides "Q" to choosing a singer long considered 187'd by the Deep State.And to have his real voice play. They didn't have someone re-sing his song, they played Sakamoto's voice. Just a minute into his singing all Japanese news stations cut their live feeds to the Olympics under the guise of "Typhoon Kyu" coverage.
It was a huge shock to the Japanese. There was only one station still airing the Olympics after that and everyone had to go there to continue watching.
Welcome my fellow droogs.....!
Could you share a Japanese Trump forum? I am curious. Thank you.
I'll pm you to one. The person is livestreaming. It's in Japanese though. The problem is that many Japanese Trump streamers do livestreams to decode and analyze then delete the livestreams.
An interesting side note, the 17th Rune in the elder futhark is Tiwaz, a symbol for the Norse god Tyr, the force of law and justice.
Hai Qu
silent war
kobayashi maru
nessun dorma
Yea that is a a lot of Q
Most excellent and original contribution, thank you very much!
High quality post, Anon!
Any japanese pedes here ?
Ie, sumimasen. :(
Hmm...interesting. Very, very interesting.
Asians love flash mobs, especially when it is Ode to Joy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEarlhvc9dY
Love the symbolism!
That is good eyeball on sir.
So now, cue the 9's!!!
Sugoi Nippon
Tesla used 432hz frequency for healing. In utube there are several videos and music about this/these frequencies as well as the numbers 3,6 and 9. Just throwing it out there. Personally I would try to recreate the frequencies using my own sound system rather than utube because you never know how they might be affected by going through a platform. Krystal Tini also talks about frequencies and vibrational healing.
Q posted some of the 432hz songs from YouTube
Thank you
I enjoyed Flow State, by Above & Beyond.
Q posted a YouTube link to the full album in post 3975 (with an echo in post 3979).
I'll check it out. Thank you
But why are the Japanese government going hardcore with lockdowns and mask mandates? The olympics were basically barren from any and all people, which is total bullshit. Not to mention the potential billions lost in tourism dollars?
And what does the general Japanese populace think of that?
It sure is not very subtle, yet, elegant nonetheless.
I am still very suspicious about them offering apology for a comedian who "might" have made some jokes now thought to be inappropriate, in the context of the Taiwan issue.
Everyone afraid of cyna,
Not necessarily, I think.
There are other countries who could get a bit nervous when Japan is saying it has muscle. By apologizing for such an inconvenience as somebody who MAY have made a joke, or not, about something that happened in Europe 80 years ago, it could make clear there are no Imperial aspirations.
But your actions have consequences. Don't go all sociopath on us.
Fellow lightworker, I see you and appreciate your efforts! Love & Light
So profound
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” - Nikola Tesla
What are the technologies of tomorrow?
Is it possible to pull energy out of thin air?
Where does lightening come from? [Zeus?]
How do you get gizmos to light up without paying Pharaoh?
How do you get a wheel to roll uphill without paying Rockefeller?
Why was the gold removed from the capstone of the Washington Monument?
What is the charge of the sky? ( - )
What is the charge of the earth? ( + )
Are we sitting on top of a giant battery?
How do we plug in?
In 2019, you can charge an iPhone wirelessly on a charging pad.
How far could this technology be scaled up?
How many other applications could there be?
What if roads were charging pads for cars.
Why is wireless electricity so hard to figure out?
Did Tesla figure it out?
His journals told tales of complete machines being downloaded into his mind.
Did he have help from beyond mortal perception?
Why won’t “they” help just anyone?
What made Tesla so special?
Is it time to put our focus on Atlantean technology instead of Facebook and Instagram?
What are the ancient earthworks of the Ohio Valley really about?
Why do they mimic sites like the Giza Plateau?
Where did the structures go?
Why do only the terraformed platforms and energy signatures remain?
How to call lightening at will.
How to use that energy constructively.
How to make land fertile.
How to generate manna.
How to live in infinite abundance.
Is a Wardenclyffe tower much like a pyramid?
Is there not some way to throw granite, crystals, gold, lightening, pyramids, and circles into a hat, and then pull out free energy.
Why not throw in some geomancy and ritual for a little extra pizzazz.
Interesting - what is the backstory with this site?
Good question. The founder/creator behind this website and several maps is called Dylan Louis Monroe. I found him when I was digging through some rabbit holes. I think he made a couple of interviews that's spread around his website.
I can recommend the section about 'The Cult of Baal', that's guiding us through historical events that's connected to the cabal. That was the first map that caught my eyes.
'The healing tree' is also really good to know, learn more about your mind and body, just don't forget to scroll down.
'Orbit-B Codex' has some really great questions that everyone should know.
I think the reality that we think we know is just the surface. We are all a part of creation. We are linked. The energy that is life force/spirit/soul, whatever you want to call it comes from a single source. I believe that anything is possible with mastery over the fabric and energy of the universe. Removing a single proton from an atomic nucleus and you have a different elelment. The tiniest change in a nucleus creates something totally different. It is amazing and ridiculously simple. Technology is one day to do these things, but maybe there is a far easier way. Who knows? Fun to consider
“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe,” Roy says. “Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.”
Why doesn’t everyone think like this?!?!?
On a tangent, Non Player Characters (NPCs) are role-less. 👍🏼
I get the connection. That clip nailed it 👍🏼 I think I sailed on that vessel a few times; a vague recollection.
Look towards the sky, a star of medium brightness far across the universe guiding those lost at sea... or on a voyage of discovery.
Look down, towards the horizon, empty and foreboding... but you fear not, as power above all men is with you.
As the Morning Star looks upon your journey, keeping an ever watchful eye on your vessel, you sail towards a place only mentioned in old manuscripts and tales of fantasy... of creatures lost in time, giants that once roamed the land, structures of brilliance.
Keep on sailing fren, and when you return, tell me your tales.
I’m off to Xanadu...seeking that sacred River Alph. A gourmet AND a Poet. 😎💕
Aaand we lost him...
This is what "the cult" does when you call them out on their words. It must be my vibration, I'm not connected with spirit, I'm the one whose lost.
My role this morning was anything but commenting. How dare I. 😆
Da fuq are you on about?
Tapping into the Universal Field (source) is something that can be entrained, we have learned, and not just an innate ability. Tesla, Nostradamus and the Prophets had this innately. Most people can train themselves using the right techniques.
https://www.edgarcayce.org/edgar-cayce/his-life/ a contemporary in this last century with a proven record of knowing things he shouldn't know. Well documented and very fascinating.
Yes! Another innate Uni-Field man. He had SO much to teach us. Thanks for this ☝🏼😎
Reading about him and the records red-pilled me 20 years ago that what we believe to be reality is just the surface. Only now is science starting to pull theories that are on the right track. String theory is closer than they've ever been.
Ties-in with multiverse theories 👍🏽
Yes, absolutely. Cayce’s story and the healings and knowledge gained through his documented (decades long) sleeping prophet sessions is extraordinary
This is new age garbage, veiled as Christianity, do not fall for this. We are not God's, we are sinners in need of a savior and he is Jesus Christ. Only his Holy blood can wash over us and be a worthy propitiation for us the eyes of God.
Everything we have is created by God. All tools were created by him. The Universe was created by this Will. The gift he gave us was life, but our potential is nearly unlimited. Nothing in this universe is evil or good, it is what we do with his gifts that matter. If you do his Will in all things, you will create no evil.
No one is saying they’re Gods
By the way, around 98% of japanese don't believe in the God almighty, or the Bible, or in Jesus. As per a 2018 census, less than 2% (around 1% to 1.5%) were self-declared Christians. The other 98% are either self-declared Buddhists, Shinto, or both (Shinto+Buddhist), or atheists.
This is how you know OP and those on the japanese Q forums are bullshitting. Makes you wonder why this post got stickied...
ThanQ Captain this resonates w me gr8ly...
Deep Seeding young Dragonfly.. (>|<)
Watching a Movie...
The dreams have been wild lately - as we guide these vessels through the storm.
A Great Awakening...
/\ Always Above /\
Declaring the creative force to be God is too subjective and falls apart on scrutiny IMHO. If someone gets in a creative state and writes a demonic song, satanic book, or sick sadistic pedophile movie with a slew of child sex references (say, a Disney feature),...is the higher power influencing them still God?
Or does the declaration now need to be altered?
Anon is referring to an old twatter and plebbit poster who went on and on ad nasuem about Pleadian theories and overlapped them with various new age and traditional spirituality concepts.
I'd take some of those links. That stuff sounds interesting and worth at least reading about.
Arigato MFERS Amy favorite thread so far 🐸