Why did Nancy Pelosi say this before the election:
”No pressure, it’s all riding on Wisconsin, no pressure.”
What did she know about Racine?
Why did Zuckerberg focus on Racine?
Why were Schumer, Weiner and Byrd scrubbed from the Knights of Pythias Wikipedia page in 2017? Where did Lady Gaga grow up? Where was their historic parade held?
They have a very unique and privately controlled international airport.
They have a very corrupt and controlled harbor.
They have extensive interstate access.
It is a major hub for human trafficking.
The secrets of Racine go back to ancient civilizations including Aztalan.
It is the gateway to the Path of Souls through Orion and the Milky Way.
That may sound strange, but it is The Truth, and all of the global elite know about Racine.
They have been meeting there for generations. One of the favorite meeting points is where the Frank Lloyd Wright Trail leads to Wingspread at Exit 333 33 E 4 Mile Road.
It is also closely connected with Finger Lakes and Cornell. Finger Lakes is to New York as Racine is to Chicago. A hub for Evil.
I can agree with your reservations with this situation. It’s wrong on many levels. If Xiden was afraid of the NG on Jan 20th, he might just be shitting his pants now they he has angered the entire military.
I'm getting so weary by praying and praying and it feels like nothing happens. I KNOW God wins in the end, but if we don't see a sliver of that hope right now it really bums one out.
I suppose in those cases we can just say, "I'm praying for everything right now God, I can't narrow it down, there's too many. What is 'everything'? You know better than me, God. Sorry to ask for so much, but in these times we really do need everything."
Yup - it continues. Though: We never needed the audit for what's coming. The audit is so that the public can be shown. It's just one way the public can be shown.
Who cares anymore? I don't. Don't give one shit about this, except the fact that 12 more of my Brothers died today. I don't care that Buyden/Harris have the lowest approval ratings ever. Don't care that Psuki sucks and can't hold a proper press conference. I don't care that our troops are gonna be forced vaxxed by 9/30/21. Don't care anymore. Don't care about 1 audit report, when there should be 50 being released today. I don't even care about the rest of the Americans still in Afghanistan. They shouldn't have been there in the first place. Who in their right minds would willingly travel to, and decide to live in, a war zone? No one, that's who. They were there to get rich quick, nothing more. They can fford to get out on their own. They don't need our help. Let the Afghans have the Taliban. If they really didn't want them, then the Taliban wouldn't exist right now. You know this. I know it. Our govt reps know it. Yet, here we are.
All I care about, and all anyone else here should care about is rising up, en masse, taking to the streets, and demanding an end to the lockdowns, fake vaccines, fake virii, fake Presidents, fake media, fake actors, fake narratives, the Clowns...ALL of it. We should be mounting heads on likes and lining them up along Pennsylvania Ave, like the Romans did with the Appian Way. Yet, here we are.
Y'all better figure that out soon. If you don't, it'll be too late to stop this. Get up off your asses and do it already!!! Or are you chicken?
So far, I seem to be the ONLY person shouting out that WE, THE PEOPLE, have to take command of the situation. One person isn't gonna make a difference, but 10 MILLION, 20, 30...100 MILLION, ALL in the streets, in every major city in this country? That WILL make a difference. And we could do it peacefully. With last he enough numbers, [they] won't even be able to fire one shot without being pummeled to death by a massive crowd numbering innth tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands or millions. We once marched on D.C. with over 1 million civilians in order to get the same rights to the Blacks that the Whites had. Where's THAT spirit? Where is it? Is it hiding behind a keyboard, comfy in the thought that someone else will do it?
Y'all talk about an awakening, a revolution, a "change" to our paradigm? THIS is how it's done, people. On your feet, getting organized, protesting, en masse. Not sitting behind a fucking keyboard, hoping that someone else will do it, all while trumpeting "success" or "winning" while safely air conditioned sipping your lattès watching the rest of the world around you as it goes down the fucking proverbial shitter.
They can't arrest more all of us, much less 100 at a time. And even if they do arrest more than 100, we get let out right away to continue the fight. If you don't want hostilities to start soon, I suggest getting off your asses and doing something about it instead of safely sitting behind keyboards. If I didn't know any better, I'd say most of you here aren't emotionally invested enough to SAVE YOUR COUNTRY, AND THE WORLD YOURSELVES.
Or, maybe, that's what you're actually going for? For someone else to do it for you, so you won't have to get a little uncomfortable, while also being able to say (lie) that "you were there, you did that."
The choice will ultimately be yours, just like it always has been. But you better make that choice now, and it better be the right one, folks. Because time's running out.
Now all we need is for you to read this out patriotically with the main theme from “The Last of the Mohicans” playing in the background!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Seriously, though. Every time I see your handle all I think of is the show “locked up” when this dude says “It’s hard to stay sucker free in a land full of lollipops 🍭 “
I’m with you brother. You said what I feel. To many people unwilling to do what it takes. All my friends and family.... I know now who would hide Anne Frank and who would turn her over... I stand alone with that choice. How do we get keyboard warriors to become real?
Why was the former commander of Afghanistan from Racine Wisconsin?
Dark into light
Watch the water
What is being built in Racine
Who uses the port there
Democrat (Deep State) planned and facilitated attack. Benghazi all over again, lather rinse repeat.
Set em up.
Point your bad guys at em.
Do nothing to protect or intervene.
Not the actions of champions of freedom and the world's preeminent Superpower. That is of course, the whole idea. There is no room for Amreica, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, in the Chinese Century. Quid pro Qou.
The Dam? Waterford Dam, which controls the Root river, doesn't the truth guy always say watch the root?. People have been asking for a post on Racine for a long time, but the user hasn't made one standing on its own since I've been on this site, just comments here and there. I think I remember doing a bit of digging and Racine was supposed to be a model for the NWO? A model for something, pretty much all I could find was just as vague as the posts, a ton of coincidences, like way more coincidences than statistically possible. I'm going out on a limb and saying it's probably a hub for the various evil people consistently named here. God knows what's hidden there. Unfortunately a jumbled mess of coincidences of terrible people with connections there is all I got.
'Biden was meeting in the Situation Room with top national security officials, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, when the attack took place. CNN observed Blinken, Austin, and Milley arriving in the West Wing early in the 9 a.m. ET hour and the meeting was set to begin at 9:15 a.m. Vice President Kamala Harris attended the meeting virtually aboard Air Force Two as she traveled from Vietnam to Guam, and commanders on the ground were also in attendance virtually, according to the White House.
Biden, according to the White House, “will continue to be briefed on updates on the evolving situation throughout the day.” '
Thanks for making me read the whole damn cnn page to find any mention of Biden being briefed. lol.
There is no doubt in my mind that Biden has been President. I think the audits will provoke that Biden and Harris to be thrown out of office. And that leaves San Fran Nan as President. The Ultimate Plan.
I thinks it's pretty clear pelosi has been controlling biden. question is who's controlling pelosi?
Who controls the liquor?
I am the liquor
Make sure to clean your tongue!
Updoots for all of the Trailer Park Boys references!
Let the liquor do the thinking!
Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker.
Nancy Lahey
The ice cream
Randy, I am the liquor
Why did Nancy Pelosi say this before the election:
What did she know about Racine?
Why did Zuckerberg focus on Racine?
Why were Schumer, Weiner and Byrd scrubbed from the Knights of Pythias Wikipedia page in 2017? Where did Lady Gaga grow up? Where was their historic parade held?
Expose the Root.
Evergreen is a common visitor to the Port.
They have a very unique and privately controlled international airport.
They have a very corrupt and controlled harbor.
They have extensive interstate access.
It is a major hub for human trafficking.
The secrets of Racine go back to ancient civilizations including Aztalan.
It is the gateway to the Path of Souls through Orion and the Milky Way.
That may sound strange, but it is The Truth, and all of the global elite know about Racine.
They have been meeting there for generations. One of the favorite meeting points is where the Frank Lloyd Wright Trail leads to Wingspread at Exit 333 33 E 4 Mile Road.
It is also closely connected with Finger Lakes and Cornell. Finger Lakes is to New York as Racine is to Chicago. A hub for Evil.
I think the skank Gaga grew up in Yonkers NY
Lady Gaga grew up in a Knights of Pythias lodge.
Lahey: "The liquor is calling the shots now, Randy"
Conky might disagree.
The real question is, who is controlling her dentures? It’s not her mandible.
😊 Not really in the mood for laughing especially if this news about our soldiers is true but your comment made me smile.
I can agree with your reservations with this situation. It’s wrong on many levels. If Xiden was afraid of the NG on Jan 20th, he might just be shitting his pants now they he has angered the entire military.
Dr. Schnapps
Remember that weird trend on Twitter; Pelosi loves Trump?
What was that all about?
She wants to take his orange girth.
I'm sure there's some disturbing deepfake gif of something like that.
piglosi hates trump, with a passion.
Only cause she jealous of Melania.
I'm pretty sure Obama was briefed as well.
Im pretty sure big mike gave him the briefing.
u/Barack-Obama2 any comment?
Big Mike de-briefs Barry routinely.
C’MON MAN?!! Barry wears panties, not briefs.
A thong
ooohh, ok. Ha haahh I blurted-out laughs 👍🏼
Balls deep state.
I can’t find the lie.
Nothing matters to sleepy Joe except his ice cream & sniffing kids.
I felt that this sort of evil would happen. Don't think it was the Taliban. More like Clowns and their Khazarian Buddies. Who benefits?
I believe “ISIS” is another word for globalist/CIA
It sure is!
Oh dear Lord, help --just help.
Seriously. 🙏
I'm getting so weary by praying and praying and it feels like nothing happens. I KNOW God wins in the end, but if we don't see a sliver of that hope right now it really bums one out.
Galatians 6:9 Fren. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.
Thanks fren. We need to remember it pays off in the end, even if we see none of the harvest right now.
I actually said to God there’s so much to pray for- it’s hard to pick a few things or to name each one in my lifetime! It’s overwhelming.
I suppose in those cases we can just say, "I'm praying for everything right now God, I can't narrow it down, there's too many. What is 'everything'? You know better than me, God. Sorry to ask for so much, but in these times we really do need everything."
President Pelosi seems more and more imminent.
No Senate confirmation
No national election, not even a state election.
Is this their way around the audit?
Yup - it continues. Though: We never needed the audit for what's coming. The audit is so that the public can be shown. It's just one way the public can be shown.
Well I guess that will start something huh?
Well its sundowning time in dementia world. Mom always got funky around these hours.
They briefed Biden as well to which he responded: "Come on man, the unvaxxed are killing you know the thing."
Actually I'm pretty sure his comment was, "Come on man, that was like four or five hours ago."
His permanent go-to
Who cares anymore? I don't. Don't give one shit about this, except the fact that 12 more of my Brothers died today. I don't care that Buyden/Harris have the lowest approval ratings ever. Don't care that Psuki sucks and can't hold a proper press conference. I don't care that our troops are gonna be forced vaxxed by 9/30/21. Don't care anymore. Don't care about 1 audit report, when there should be 50 being released today. I don't even care about the rest of the Americans still in Afghanistan. They shouldn't have been there in the first place. Who in their right minds would willingly travel to, and decide to live in, a war zone? No one, that's who. They were there to get rich quick, nothing more. They can fford to get out on their own. They don't need our help. Let the Afghans have the Taliban. If they really didn't want them, then the Taliban wouldn't exist right now. You know this. I know it. Our govt reps know it. Yet, here we are.
All I care about, and all anyone else here should care about is rising up, en masse, taking to the streets, and demanding an end to the lockdowns, fake vaccines, fake virii, fake Presidents, fake media, fake actors, fake narratives, the Clowns...ALL of it. We should be mounting heads on likes and lining them up along Pennsylvania Ave, like the Romans did with the Appian Way. Yet, here we are.
Y'all better figure that out soon. If you don't, it'll be too late to stop this. Get up off your asses and do it already!!! Or are you chicken?
So far, I seem to be the ONLY person shouting out that WE, THE PEOPLE, have to take command of the situation. One person isn't gonna make a difference, but 10 MILLION, 20, 30...100 MILLION, ALL in the streets, in every major city in this country? That WILL make a difference. And we could do it peacefully. With last he enough numbers, [they] won't even be able to fire one shot without being pummeled to death by a massive crowd numbering innth tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands or millions. We once marched on D.C. with over 1 million civilians in order to get the same rights to the Blacks that the Whites had. Where's THAT spirit? Where is it? Is it hiding behind a keyboard, comfy in the thought that someone else will do it?
Y'all talk about an awakening, a revolution, a "change" to our paradigm? THIS is how it's done, people. On your feet, getting organized, protesting, en masse. Not sitting behind a fucking keyboard, hoping that someone else will do it, all while trumpeting "success" or "winning" while safely air conditioned sipping your lattès watching the rest of the world around you as it goes down the fucking proverbial shitter.
They can't arrest more all of us, much less 100 at a time. And even if they do arrest more than 100, we get let out right away to continue the fight. If you don't want hostilities to start soon, I suggest getting off your asses and doing something about it instead of safely sitting behind keyboards. If I didn't know any better, I'd say most of you here aren't emotionally invested enough to SAVE YOUR COUNTRY, AND THE WORLD YOURSELVES.
Or, maybe, that's what you're actually going for? For someone else to do it for you, so you won't have to get a little uncomfortable, while also being able to say (lie) that "you were there, you did that."
The choice will ultimately be yours, just like it always has been. But you better make that choice now, and it better be the right one, folks. Because time's running out.
Well, cant say I disagree with any of that lol.
Other than Q/MIL not going to do it. I think they will but we need to show them we support that play.
Now all we need is for you to read this out patriotically with the main theme from “The Last of the Mohicans” playing in the background!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Seriously, though. Every time I see your handle all I think of is the show “locked up” when this dude says “It’s hard to stay sucker free in a land full of lollipops 🍭 “
Promontory. Great song.
I’m with you brother. You said what I feel. To many people unwilling to do what it takes. All my friends and family.... I know now who would hide Anne Frank and who would turn her over... I stand alone with that choice. How do we get keyboard warriors to become real?
Guessing we won't see her at Dover greeting the bodies in the middle of the night.
Why was the former commander of Afghanistan from Racine Wisconsin? Dark into light Watch the water What is being built in Racine Who uses the port there
Wanna be Q
literally the same thing that that Truth guy keeps saying, but no one shits on him.
It’s not as if there is any difference between any of them.... they are all equally incapable.
Democrat (Deep State) planned and facilitated attack. Benghazi all over again, lather rinse repeat.
Set em up.
Point your bad guys at em.
Do nothing to protect or intervene.
Not the actions of champions of freedom and the world's preeminent Superpower. That is of course, the whole idea. There is no room for Amreica, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, in the Chinese Century. Quid pro Qou.
That's because biden is not the President.
The real question is what is going on in Racine...
The Dam? Waterford Dam, which controls the Root river, doesn't the truth guy always say watch the root?. People have been asking for a post on Racine for a long time, but the user hasn't made one standing on its own since I've been on this site, just comments here and there. I think I remember doing a bit of digging and Racine was supposed to be a model for the NWO? A model for something, pretty much all I could find was just as vague as the posts, a ton of coincidences, like way more coincidences than statistically possible. I'm going out on a limb and saying it's probably a hub for the various evil people consistently named here. God knows what's hidden there. Unfortunately a jumbled mess of coincidences of terrible people with connections there is all I got.
God knows what’s hidden there. Who else? Who wants to save the world? Who was on the tarmac? Why don’t you get tired of winning?
Very weird town!!
Those dang white supremacists strike again.
I had a thought regarding today's events: what if suicide weekend is suicide bombers? I hope not, but given the situation...
Holy shit, just looked at the drop referencing it. Today is the delta.
you should make a post...huge if true
'Biden was meeting in the Situation Room with top national security officials, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, when the attack took place. CNN observed Blinken, Austin, and Milley arriving in the West Wing early in the 9 a.m. ET hour and the meeting was set to begin at 9:15 a.m. Vice President Kamala Harris attended the meeting virtually aboard Air Force Two as she traveled from Vietnam to Guam, and commanders on the ground were also in attendance virtually, according to the White House. Biden, according to the White House, “will continue to be briefed on updates on the evolving situation throughout the day.” '
Thanks for making me read the whole damn cnn page to find any mention of Biden being briefed. lol.
How might you account for deep state bodies being killed in Afghanistan. Let's hope it is a part of rhe show fellas.
I don't think I like this movie.
12 of our people who should not have even been there!
Our next P and VP? Please God, no.
Wtf 12 have died… prayers go out to them and fam!! Ugh that’s so upsetting.. does this mean war?
How might you account for deep state bodies being killed in Afghanistan. Let's hope it is a part of rhe show fellas.
Far as I’m concerned, the military, cops, DOJ, FBI, all other intel agencies, NIH, CDC, Department of Education, can all go fuck themselves.
Every day that Joe Biden is president, is a day they all fucked America.
Every day kids are in masks and not allowed to be kids, they crossed Americans.
If Biden is in control, fuck everyone above.
If the military is secretly in control, fuck everyone above.
If Trump is secretly in control, fuck him, and everyone above.
And Pelosi left town and tweeted about women's rights.
Warming up the 25th
cnn link gets a sticky? WTF?
really though who gives a rats ass what cnn reports
There is no doubt in my mind that Biden has been President. I think the audits will provoke that Biden and Harris to be thrown out of office. And that leaves San Fran Nan as President. The Ultimate Plan.
I just threw up in my mouth please God no.
Military's in control, so who cares who or whether they're briefed?