FFS, why don't they just use contraception? Wouldn't a tiny bit of self responsibility be a whole lot easier than the time, money & physical trauma of an abortion?
Some of these people are just flat out evil. The Church of Satan says that Satanic women have a "religious right" to abortion because they believe in child sacrifice.
They have a higher rate of success than the vaccines, but I would rather crawl through a septic tank, than trust them to protect me from the likes of Hillary!
Texan here. This church advocates pregnancy & abortion as a “devotional service”.
Killing kids for them is basically like being Deacon at a church. You get extra creds for service.
RE: Contraception - most of the people doing this are doing so for fleshly sin. As such there is no end to the want & many end up enjoying the risk of pregnancy and it literally becomes a turn on. Like playing chicken. In a lot of American cultures it is also promoted to run around fathering kids and dumping them on women.
I understand. The darkness is contagious though so it’s important to live a positive life as that welcomes Him in to be able to set things right.
I think of it like we are fences - we can stand right up and not fall one way or the other for a few years. Eventually we do start to age - and we inevitably fall. Either to darkness or towards light.
Ive lived for my self interests. It sucks ass.
When I live focused on others & knowing that for whatever reason, I do good and help others live a positive life, things get better.
I accept that, here, things will get much much better before they get worse.
Regardless of the outcome - maybe I can help save as many people from darkness as I can. Ive been there. I don’t wanna go back - but I will to drag souls out.
The mind is the Battlefield - Your soul is the prize.
The "Church of Satan" has nothing to do with Satan at all. And they do say that because it was their way to "fight" back when abortion got banned. They are mostly atheist.
The point is these people are not Satanists by definition, Satanism yes is about the self but you have a goal, I once was a left hand path Satanist in my past the "Church of Satan" is nothing but people larping for a tax break. They are "anti government" in a way and most definitely anti Christian. They had the statue of baphomet erected when one place had the 10 commandments put up only because they "didn't want to look at it" not to mention the baphomet they use isn't a demon, has nothing to do with Satan, it's just a symbol they decided to hijack. I would say yes they are serving Satan but they are unaware of it. No real Satanist is a part of the Church of Satan nor do they have a satanic bible.
What are you talking about? Either you believe in Light and Jesus Christ or you belong to Satan. The Bible is clear and to the point. Read the Gospels and it’s clear The Church of anything that doesn’t follow this
Admit they’re a Sinner
Believe in your heart that Jesus died for your sins
Call out his name for forgiveness
Belongs to Satan.
Have you Lied?
Have you Stolen?
Have you used the Lords name as a curse word?
Have you had premarital relations or looked
at someone in a sexual way?
Have you ever wished harm or death about someone?
If you answer yes to these which we all would that makes you what?
A lying, thief, Blasphemer, Adultering, Murderer
And that was only 5 of the 10 commandments.
Your opportunity for saving is that Jesus paid your debts when he died on the cross and his last words were “it is finished”.
You aren't getting it. They purposefully create innocent life so they can enjoy extinguishing it.
They have made it legal to kill babies in NY State. All they have to do is claim that the baby was a failed abortion and that the mother doesn't want it. The baby has no rights as a human then.
That is when they light up the Empire state in purple and had a standing ovation in the state Senate when they removed the legal protection for unwanted babies.
See that every section that offered protection has been REPEALED.
I know, I'm from NY. My remark was half sarcastic and half genuinely puzzled. I believe that most of the girls having abortions aren't consciously evil, and I do think many of them probably have post abortion guilt. I'm just thinking of the effort involved, especially with the youngest generations' level of impatience. A rational person would prefer 15 minutes in a drug store or 30 minutes getting a Dr.s' script than the alternative: days/months of morning sickness, breast tenderness etc, followed by the time it takes to book a procedure, followed by feet in the stirrups while a stranger sticks tools up your vagina to remove something growing in you, followed by days of post procedure bleeding etc.
Yeah, I get that people struggle with the heat of the moment, but the first abortion should be enough to put one off taking that chance again. Instead it has become just another form of birth control.
Right...but the pill is not the only option. But now that you mention it, imagine if the govt MANDATED every female (including guys who identify as girls) receive depo-provera every 3 months. Lets equate that with the vax...800, 000 registered sex offenders are the virus that circulate freely amongst us with no outward identifier, a risk to all. You might get raped and survive, but at least you wouldn't suffer with an unwanted pregnancy. Just like you might get covid and survive, but with the vax at least you won't suffer as much. (never mind those pesky side effects). Chemical birth control is a clot risk. The vax is a clot risk... Oh, so many parallels lol, I'm off to create a meme.
Birth control pills can be benign, but doctors absolutely don’t know the risks and rarely provide full disclosure. They promote it as completely harmless, when it can cause many disorders and diseases by changing your body chemistry.
Unfortunately, I personally suffered irreversible side effects, and at least 6 different doctors told me it was just random and unrelated.
I actually had to print off peer reviewed journal studies to take to the “best specialist in my state” and he basically dismissed me.
They don’t care until it affects them. And even then they may still think it’s unrelated bc they’ve been conditioned to think like that. Once the mind worm is burrowed in, it’s very hard to extract.
Normal birth control pills don't stop fertilization, so the 2 week old fertilized egg simply fails to send the signal that says, "Don't dump me" and the period happens.
Plan B does exactly the same thing, but not having the constant hormones in the blood means a bigger dose is needed for the effect.
In both cases, a fertilized egg--two week old baby if you prefer--is flushed down the toilet.
Wondering the same, what's the bomb? Does she know something we don't about HRC? Does she know hrc is dead, Bill's unavailable and she is free to speak out without a threat to her life? Why now?
I was at a really elite party and sat at a table with Epstein (I've never been rich or elite, this was a weird and unprovoked dream). He started talking and frim what he said I knew he was not on the side of evil but had done evil. Fucking weird feelimg and outcome for a dream. Maybe this was telling ne that he flipped.
Or I had a random dream about having a drink with everyone's favorite pedophile
IMO - Liberals and Democrats can work together, compromise, and create a fair society for all. What we have is an evil uniparty that will use people to advance evil. Can I be tolerant of others lifestyles? Sure, you do you and I will do me. We both get positive and negative consequences based on our lifestyle. What Unioarty wants is for us to love every lifestyle that is considered evil by God, and hate every lifestyle that is considered good by God.
In April, Rose dropped a photo of Bill Clinton in a hotel room getting a massage that got her kicked off twitter. She definitely has some issues with them. She also had major beef with Harvey Weinstein.
Well maybe it really isn't an art piece, but in order for it to stay up and such, they are saying it's an art piece.
I mean, If someone sees a naked woman, they'd automatically think it's lewd and perverse but the minute they hear that it's art, their opinion changes and then say it's a fine piece of artwork. And I guess, to bypass "censorship", you have to say it's art so it stays up?
Hillary's rage is a fine example of her ability to talk out the side of her face...
Can someone explain to me why a liberal democrat marxist socialist would be supporting the annihilation by abortion of potential future liberal democrat marxist socialists ???? Isn't the goal to ensure a future society proportioned with a greater number of Liberal Democrat Marxist Socialist Voters?
Is this an example of reverse psychology?
Is she truly a supporter of Women's Rights or Population Control for the Uber Wealthy?
Full term abortions, live births for organ harvesting, sale of babies for sacrifice on the alter of evil. The line has been crossed. What's next? Abortion breeders for pay? My god, woman, what frontiers are you willing to trek?
If the story is true, Stop eating children , I can't believe I had to say this out loud. I heard that their is a video. The 3 second glimpse I have seen chills me to the bone. I hope to god I am strong enough for the truth.
She's a shunned progressive, because she came out against Biden for his sexual assaults, but she's still a prog. Remember her tweet after President Trump roasted the Iranian terrorist? Very anti-Trump and cowardly.
Shadow leader in the service of evil. Sounds about right. As I said before, my moneys on Killary running the whole operation. Remember how quickly the Trudeau Afghanistan call got memory holed? I’ll bet it’s not 0bama behind all this, but her.
FFS, why don't they just use contraception? Wouldn't a tiny bit of self responsibility be a whole lot easier than the time, money & physical trauma of an abortion?
There's just no sense whatsoever.
Some of these people are just flat out evil. The Church of Satan says that Satanic women have a "religious right" to abortion because they believe in child sacrifice.
Imagine if they pushed rubbers the way they push masks, lol.
They have a higher rate of success than the vaccines, but I would rather crawl through a septic tank, than trust them to protect me from the likes of Hillary!
Are you saying you'd support abortion in the singular instance where the abortee was killary?
Post birth abortion? Hmmm. ;)
How much harder can they push rubbers? They're giving them to 5th graders in some places
Condom porn was a big thing in the 80s when AIDS hit.
Then after testing became more and more prevalent, some studios went condom less and the condom porn sales dipped noticeably.
They did that in the 80's. No Bueno
Yes, the Church of Satan in Texas launched a lawsuit against the Texas government saying abortion is a religious right.
Texan here. This church advocates pregnancy & abortion as a “devotional service”.
Killing kids for them is basically like being Deacon at a church. You get extra creds for service.
RE: Contraception - most of the people doing this are doing so for fleshly sin. As such there is no end to the want & many end up enjoying the risk of pregnancy and it literally becomes a turn on. Like playing chicken. In a lot of American cultures it is also promoted to run around fathering kids and dumping them on women.
I’m kinda ready for the Lord to start the smiting, ngl.
I understand. The darkness is contagious though so it’s important to live a positive life as that welcomes Him in to be able to set things right.
I think of it like we are fences - we can stand right up and not fall one way or the other for a few years. Eventually we do start to age - and we inevitably fall. Either to darkness or towards light.
Ive lived for my self interests. It sucks ass.
When I live focused on others & knowing that for whatever reason, I do good and help others live a positive life, things get better.
I accept that, here, things will get much much better before they get worse.
Regardless of the outcome - maybe I can help save as many people from darkness as I can. Ive been there. I don’t wanna go back - but I will to drag souls out.
The mind is the Battlefield - Your soul is the prize.
Are you sure that this is true, or is it speculation?
Direct comments from people I’ve known.
“Rubbers take all the fun out of it.” Etc
Are you sure they meant they enjoy the pregnancy risk, though? Maybe they meant they didn't like how condoms reduce the physical sensations.
I was just trying not to be more explicit. Some of them brag about how many girls they have knocked up “at the time”.
Rap did a number on the youth.
They’ll make any excuse for their reckless lifestyle. What do they have to say about the pill? “It makes me bloated...wah wah wah” 👶🍼👶
They say it turns off their labido. Not untrue. After all the pill is designed to mimic pregnancy
Pretty much.
Murder is NEVER a right.
Imagine how far they could push 'religious rights' if they win such a case.
HRC is a full blown psychopath.
I have reeeeally been thankful for how seldom I see that pug face
Worse. She's a Night Mother or Mother of Darkness (whatever the title is).
And High Preistess of Minerva
You either want government to tell you how, who, and what to worship or you don’t.
The "Church of Satan" has nothing to do with Satan at all. And they do say that because it was their way to "fight" back when abortion got banned. They are mostly atheist.
Satanists love to worship the self. If Satan can get one person to turn from God, then he has accomplished his goal.
The point is these people are not Satanists by definition, Satanism yes is about the self but you have a goal, I once was a left hand path Satanist in my past the "Church of Satan" is nothing but people larping for a tax break. They are "anti government" in a way and most definitely anti Christian. They had the statue of baphomet erected when one place had the 10 commandments put up only because they "didn't want to look at it" not to mention the baphomet they use isn't a demon, has nothing to do with Satan, it's just a symbol they decided to hijack. I would say yes they are serving Satan but they are unaware of it. No real Satanist is a part of the Church of Satan nor do they have a satanic bible.
What are you talking about? Either you believe in Light and Jesus Christ or you belong to Satan. The Bible is clear and to the point. Read the Gospels and it’s clear The Church of anything that doesn’t follow this
Admit they’re a Sinner Believe in your heart that Jesus died for your sins Call out his name for forgiveness
Belongs to Satan.
Have you Lied? Have you Stolen? Have you used the Lords name as a curse word? Have you had premarital relations or looked at someone in a sexual way? Have you ever wished harm or death about someone?
If you answer yes to these which we all would that makes you what?
A lying, thief, Blasphemer, Adultering, Murderer And that was only 5 of the 10 commandments.
Your opportunity for saving is that Jesus paid your debts when he died on the cross and his last words were “it is finished”.
You seemed to have missed my point completely.
I’m sorry you feel that way but it’s one or the other so if they are attending a Church of Satan they indeed are a Satanist. That is the point.
they split, Temple of Set were the theistic folks, LaVey and his crowd were just zionist gun runners
You aren't getting it. They purposefully create innocent life so they can enjoy extinguishing it.
They have made it legal to kill babies in NY State. All they have to do is claim that the baby was a failed abortion and that the mother doesn't want it. The baby has no rights as a human then.
That is when they light up the Empire state in purple and had a standing ovation in the state Senate when they removed the legal protection for unwanted babies.
See that every section that offered protection has been REPEALED.
I know, I'm from NY. My remark was half sarcastic and half genuinely puzzled. I believe that most of the girls having abortions aren't consciously evil, and I do think many of them probably have post abortion guilt. I'm just thinking of the effort involved, especially with the youngest generations' level of impatience. A rational person would prefer 15 minutes in a drug store or 30 minutes getting a Dr.s' script than the alternative: days/months of morning sickness, breast tenderness etc, followed by the time it takes to book a procedure, followed by feet in the stirrups while a stranger sticks tools up your vagina to remove something growing in you, followed by days of post procedure bleeding etc.
Yeah, I get that people struggle with the heat of the moment, but the first abortion should be enough to put one off taking that chance again. Instead it has become just another form of birth control.
Satan requires sacrifice. To the elite, abortion is government sponsored sacrifice. War too.
Well there is one definite problem...
OTC birth control pills aren't a thing.
Low dose BCP have just a few benign side effects but nothing more serious than any other OTC medicine.
Plan B is available OTC with no questions asked yet that has way more side effects and risks than just regular pills.
But the uniparty doesn't actually want to prevent anything, so BCP stays behind prescription wall
Kind of sounds like they want more aborted babies. Wonder why though?
$$$$$$$, as usual.
Fetal tissue goes for big bucks.
Sacrifice to Moloch.
Right...but the pill is not the only option. But now that you mention it, imagine if the govt MANDATED every female (including guys who identify as girls) receive depo-provera every 3 months. Lets equate that with the vax...800, 000 registered sex offenders are the virus that circulate freely amongst us with no outward identifier, a risk to all. You might get raped and survive, but at least you wouldn't suffer with an unwanted pregnancy. Just like you might get covid and survive, but with the vax at least you won't suffer as much. (never mind those pesky side effects). Chemical birth control is a clot risk. The vax is a clot risk... Oh, so many parallels lol, I'm off to create a meme.
You have a solid red pill fren! The my body my choice "folx" on the left won't know what hit them
Partially true.
Birth control pills can be benign, but doctors absolutely don’t know the risks and rarely provide full disclosure. They promote it as completely harmless, when it can cause many disorders and diseases by changing your body chemistry.
Unfortunately, I personally suffered irreversible side effects, and at least 6 different doctors told me it was just random and unrelated.
I actually had to print off peer reviewed journal studies to take to the “best specialist in my state” and he basically dismissed me.
They don’t care until it affects them. And even then they may still think it’s unrelated bc they’ve been conditioned to think like that. Once the mind worm is burrowed in, it’s very hard to extract.
Normal birth control pills don't stop fertilization, so the 2 week old fertilized egg simply fails to send the signal that says, "Don't dump me" and the period happens.
Plan B does exactly the same thing, but not having the constant hormones in the blood means a bigger dose is needed for the effect.
In both cases, a fertilized egg--two week old baby if you prefer--is flushed down the toilet.
Exactly, Sidhe007. We are awash in contraceptives - how did we get to the point where getting an abortion is like going to the shops?
The higher the temperature the lower the sperm count. Sit in a tub of hot water and get squeaky clean.
I'll be first, Rose didn't kill herself.
The fall from the 20th floor balcony was a freak accident I'm sure
why isn't the Pokemon go thing thrown around more often??? I really wish it were.
Alysa Milano going to silence her one last time
Beat me to it!
What’s the bomb? She was 10 when she was in that hotel room?
Wondering the same, what's the bomb? Does she know something we don't about HRC? Does she know hrc is dead, Bill's unavailable and she is free to speak out without a threat to her life? Why now?
Spidey Sense say “Maxwell!!!!”
Max effect = Epstein is alive and testified against Maxwell who names HRC - all while Durham hits and proves HRC rigged the entire DNC / FBI / CIA etc
An anon can hope.
My ultimate wet dream
Though now I personally wanna leg down the FBI.
They are insanely corrupt and I am sick of it.
They have hurt me and people I know.
my ultimate wet dream involves kmac, chanel rion, and tiffany trump
Interesting choice...Tiffany?? Ivanka too bony?
I had a really weird dream last night...
I was at a really elite party and sat at a table with Epstein (I've never been rich or elite, this was a weird and unprovoked dream). He started talking and frim what he said I knew he was not on the side of evil but had done evil. Fucking weird feelimg and outcome for a dream. Maybe this was telling ne that he flipped.
Or I had a random dream about having a drink with everyone's favorite pedophile
He def was being handled. It was not him calling shots.
?> Lex Wexner > Ghislaine Maxwell > Epstein
Don’t get me wrong. Likely is good.
Just knowing them - waiting.
I'm sure we will find out soon. These pedos didn't impregnate kids and then get them abortions?
Just two more weeks. Drip drop.
I think she’s saying her and Bill Clinton got it on… that’s what it sounds like…
I bet when she was very very young
I was wondering this, too.
Well, make sure you check out Hannity for Rose's bombshell interview in... ah, in 14 days. She'll have the news ready for sure.
I have real respect for Rose, she might be a liberal, but she's not a hypocrite.
IMO - Liberals and Democrats can work together, compromise, and create a fair society for all. What we have is an evil uniparty that will use people to advance evil. Can I be tolerant of others lifestyles? Sure, you do you and I will do me. We both get positive and negative consequences based on our lifestyle. What Unioarty wants is for us to love every lifestyle that is considered evil by God, and hate every lifestyle that is considered good by God.
These are not liberals.
Liberals can not be Authoritarians.
They are just Authoritarian NPCs.
I have respected the heck out of her since the opening scene of Grindhouse.
Same here ... same here :-)
In April, Rose dropped a photo of Bill Clinton in a hotel room getting a massage that got her kicked off twitter. She definitely has some issues with them. She also had major beef with Harvey Weinstein.
So that picture is an "art piece".
Why don’t they show the high def pic of it to deboonk it then? Sure sure. Nothing to see here.
Edit: Rose actually says it’s an art piece. So maybe it is. From u/darkwinter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Se55Pird5Fo
Well maybe it really isn't an art piece, but in order for it to stay up and such, they are saying it's an art piece.
I mean, If someone sees a naked woman, they'd automatically think it's lewd and perverse but the minute they hear that it's art, their opinion changes and then say it's a fine piece of artwork. And I guess, to bypass "censorship", you have to say it's art so it stays up?
The picture looks staged. Particularly "Bill's" hair.
There's also this picture in the same article, which is genuinely funny and supports the fake/art claim.
That’s not a pic if Clinton, you idiot. You should read your own links.
Hillary's rage is a fine example of her ability to talk out the side of her face...
Can someone explain to me why a liberal democrat marxist socialist would be supporting the annihilation by abortion of potential future liberal democrat marxist socialists ???? Isn't the goal to ensure a future society proportioned with a greater number of Liberal Democrat Marxist Socialist Voters?
Is this an example of reverse psychology?
Is she truly a supporter of Women's Rights or Population Control for the Uber Wealthy?
They don’t need real people for that silly. You can grow and condition them from the lab
wheres the bomb? drop that mutha
Wow, I’ve never seen that pic of Bill before! This is getting good. Patiently waiting for the “bomb.”
Wait, what?
Blood is currency in the spirit realm!!! Rose knows what’s up! Come out with it! Call ‘em out!! Keep speaking truth!!
Unless they're foreign invaders...................
Full term abortions, live births for organ harvesting, sale of babies for sacrifice on the alter of evil. The line has been crossed. What's next? Abortion breeders for pay? My god, woman, what frontiers are you willing to trek?
Dinner for the witch...DENIED 😡
Rose McGowan did not kill herself!
They need to step up and streamline adoptions. So many good people cannot have children.
That is a separate problem
No wonder she is living in a Mexican jungle...
If the story is true, Stop eating children , I can't believe I had to say this out loud. I heard that their is a video. The 3 second glimpse I have seen chills me to the bone. I hope to god I am strong enough for the truth.
What's the bomb
I couldn't have said it better. What was that end statement all about? Any of you guys know?
am i missing something i dont see this on her twitter
She's just mad about abortions being banned because it cuts into her food supply.
Since when is Hillary still alive?
For being as based as she is about these things, why does she still have that damn blue wave in her name?
She's a shunned progressive, because she came out against Biden for his sexual assaults, but she's still a prog. Remember her tweet after President Trump roasted the Iranian terrorist? Very anti-Trump and cowardly.
Edit: link to Soleimani tweet
Those who sacrifice children to satan would be mad…
I know, the sooner that BitchCunt Hillary no longer lives and breathes the world will be a much better place. Am I right!?
Didn’t realize Hillary had a voice considering she doesn’t hold any govt position.
she’s hiding out in the west wing taking phone calls, which i can only assume are voice calls
Yeah, I sitting my ass down and re-watching the original series of Charmed again....
Wow Rose McGowan! Just wow 💣
Shadow leader in the service of evil. Sounds about right. As I said before, my moneys on Killary running the whole operation. Remember how quickly the Trudeau Afghanistan call got memory holed? I’ll bet it’s not 0bama behind all this, but her.