By forcing them to release the jab early, Trump forced them to do something they never thought they'd have to: Actually do science. He is making them test it in front of the whole world.
It's also a test. If you are willing to inject shit into your blood, they win.
Not only can they make you do anything, blood is really important to "them" and "their" rituals.
I thought of this as well. People keep asking for scientific proof, and they keep dancing around it - using force and intimidation to maintain momentum. Their plan will fail.
A scientific researcher. on Twatter said exactly this. They admitted in their own literature they discarded their "control group" as it was "unethical" to take chances of them contracting a virus with an almost 0 chance of dying. Now they need to remove the "control group" from the world.
This all sounds really complicated. The real reason people keep pushing the ‘vaccines’ is because they either do believe the bullshit that they’re somehow going to let us achieve 0 Covid and that Covid’s Ebola, and/or because there’s a shitton of money behind this pushing people to say that.
They’re not trying to eliminate the control group that would disprove the vaccines, they just believe Covid’s Ebola and that somehow if everyone gets jabbed we’ll have come together as a world and eradicated a virus. Considering we didn’t do that with influenza or other things that’s all bullshit though. Covid’s just another influenza now that skews differently and hits some people worse and some people less.
The lower-level people, yes. But the people at the top know what they're doing. That's how it always works: diabolical schemers at the top, useful idiots and paid-off crooks on the lower levels.
The elites who got saline know covid is an overblown flu. They go maskless at their events and have no fear. This tells you their pockets are being lined by big pharma to keep pushing this narrative.
I agree the lower level sheep are fully bought in to the narrative the MSM is pumping out.
He also forced them to release the “virus” early. This is why the “virus” does not exist EXCEPT on paper..
It’s all a lie..
And we all know the vaccine is full of shit..
They don’t want to be so obvious but they have NO choice-they are “programmed” once the “plan” is enacted no matter how awry it goes, they have to stick with it..
I always thought it odd that they proceeded as if NO ONE can see what they are doing. They know we can, they just cannot stop whatever their plan is..
I find it hard to believe that a virus doesn't exist. I do acknowledge that media and politicians messed with the reporting and PCR tests to amplify the numbers, but I'm fairly certain the virus is around and spreads. Some people got hit bad early on.
It is a method used to take small pieces of genetic material and amplify (copy) to make a larger sample..
They used beta coronavirus and influenza to calibrate the “test” as they did not have any samples of whatever this is..which is one of the many reasons why it has been d/c per the FDA..
But not until Dec. 2021..
Any information about this virus was put into a database by CHYNA and that is what they used..
I spoke with a scientist in my state about a year ago. She told me to her knowledge NO ONE in the state lab had isolated this virus..
Also, intubating people is killing people.. it used to be intubation was a last resort because it does so much damage but not anymore.. and they leave them on them for longer than they should..
It fucks up your lungs and can cause life long issues..
Family member works in a hospital on a fluvid floor where they are not recording vaccinated status only unvaccinated..
I don’t believe anything that they have said about this fake virus..
They always have several contingency plans but too many of seeing through their bs for any to work. It's only odd if you haven't noticed before, so I am glad you are.
Well, the unvaxxed are getting it, (I know a TON of them right now) but they are taking HCQ/Ivermectin and recovering quickly and now they have the antibodies. I live in a crazy blue state where most people (even pastors) are vaxxed and sincerely believe masks work to stop the virus. Yes, it is an IQ test. Right now, I am just trying to not bang my head on a wall when people I care about and love say the STUPIDEST things. I am hoping they are still around in 3 years. Honestly, I don’t want to have to go to that many funerals.
Yup, un-jabbed here and it went through my household, four of us got wrecked by the flu all within a week of the first person to come down with it. Couldn't get any ivermectin but we beat it just by resting and plenty of fluids. It absolutely sucked.
Hilton's last sentence in that picture above is very incorrect.
If this video is the beginning of what we are going to start seeing with babies born to both parents that were vaxxed prior to conception, this is going to wake people up like nothing we've seen before. This is only one video, but the baby does not look normal and does not look like is has Down's Syndrome. I really do pray it is just an anomaly and not a preview of coming attractions.
My daughter is Downs this is not a Downs child’s sad to say but it looks like something sci fi like an alien ..not that I want to get on alien topic I’m just trying to say it almost doesnt look human , like a shrunken man or something , it looks like a shrunk goofy older person
Going on the premise that these jabs have actually changed our DNA, which based upon the research I have done, this result must be part of the purpose of these jabs. The Pharma company researchers are not that stupid that permanent genetic manipulation with patented genes was not a consideration. Monsanto GMO science taught them the basics. They are just moving that tech into higher life forms like mammals.
I agree that this baby does not look like Down's or anything else my years as a clinician have seen. It does have an alien look. The eyes are strange - like the black eyed kids that have been written about for years. I am going to keep my eyes and ears open for any other such reports. I do think the midwives are the ones we are going to be hearing reports from since most of the rest of hospital staffing will have been culled of truthers.
No doubt Bones. I have been nervously waiting since the roll out to hear about births post jab. I am also sure we are going to have great difficulty getting hands on actual birth rates and other vital stats. They always are lagging behind anyway by at least a year. The last stats I can find are 2019. I am keeping my ears to the ground for any other reports of these strange happenings. I worked at the VA Medical Center for a while and I had Gulf War patients that has children with strange birth defects. We were seeing the same defects in children born in Iraq. I was getting pleas for help from Iraqi docs about all the birth defects they were seeing. The US government ignored their pleas for help. I really hope this, whatever it is, is an isolated incident. The implications if wider spread are unthinkable.
My God Bones, what the hell are they creating here? Are the bodies of these children keeping up with their obvious acceleration in mental development? I have seen many babies that tried to stand and walk very young and the parents had to be told not to encourage the behavior because the skeletomuscular structure at their current age was not ready to take on the load. Normally their bones are still pretty soft and take time to calcify. The eyes and the shape of the face are what seem weird. Are we seeing the black eyed children being born into the population at large? - those same black eyed children we have heard about for years anecdotally. I just remember every one of the encounters with these kids was really creepy.
Best example from the UK - a funneral director, person who knows who was jabbed or not, because the families tell him. A MUST SEE video:
This is an EXCELLENT point. It has already become clear to millions that the vax is crazy-unsafe, and you BET that more people are waking up to that every day.
The whole scam is coming down; the avalanche of awareness has already started. And not just for the vax: every lie, corruption, and evil is coming to the surface. NCSWIC is for real.
no matter how much they try, they aint EVER getting 100%. all of us who've been fired, can't go places, wahtever, we will sooner change our entire lives than get it. try scaring us all you want, fuckers. there's more of us than there are of the sheep.
My thought has been that they’re just pressed for time because more and more people who’ve gotten the jab will be getting sick as the weather turns, and they are not going to be able to keep up the narrative that it’s the unvaxxed making everybody sick - because we already aren’t getting sick as often as the jabbed. They want to push it before many more sheep begin to awaken.
I think the heart and lung issues are already starting to crop up, it won't take four years. It's very clear that they are working against the clock and are DESPERATE to push forward faster.
Where are we getting the timelines of effects of the vax? I keep seeing different numbers for how long it will take people to die, or become infertile, etc... But where are those numbers coming from?
Yep, this is the turn or keep the normies in check with a semi truth. Yes, the vaxc does hurt people in its current form but I think they wanted to set a precedent to keep injecting people as a norm.
Also, keeping the vaccines rolling keeps people sick and the narrative running since the vaccinated shed the virus. It should be getting weaker not stronger. Since when is there so much lung hospitalizations in summer?!
Not to detract from post but I have seen info which suggests infertility may actually skip a generation, leaving 16 to 20 years more for unsuspecting victims to partake.
My favorite band is Iron Maiden, and has been for around 20 years. If they mandate the death serum at their shows, I'm not going. Anybody that knows me, knows that's a huge statement.
I don't think they want the vaccine to kill people, or at least not a lot of people, just deadly enough that smart people won't want to take it but dumb people will just do it. The people most likely to take are the people that are easiest to control and will give them their vote in almost any circumstances, so it doesn't make sense for them to want to kill their own voters.
I think a more likely reason is they want to identify and weed out the uncompliant, especially from important government jobs like police and military. Then they can use their new stormtroopers to enforce unconstitutional edicts on anyone who opposes their rule. If you think the lockdowns were bad when police officers were just afraid of losing their job, it's only going to get worse as the percentage of police officers that enjoy making people suffer increases.
States need to stand up and start passing laws against this kind of thing. Even if they already have them they need to do it again if for nothing else than on principle to help re-enforce the idea and help embolden other states to do that same.
I'm not going to disagree with you. For me, the jury is still out on the vaccine itself, but why are they going full Nazi to push it on everyone? That by itself caused me to delay my getting it. Now it seems like the virus is beating the vaccine. The vaxxed are still getting covid.
Do a little research. The covid shots are not vaccinations! They alter EVERY cell in your body (real vaccines don't do that). The percent of covid shot recipients who have side effects is at least 10x that of real vaccines. And now, due to covid mutations, which all coronaviruses do (thus the reason there can be no vaccination for the common cold or flu), the original covid shots are minimally effective (if they ever were), and will probably be down to almost zero effectiveness after another round of covid mutation.
You are like me then. I will not be getting the vax either. Look at your own words “the jury is still out on the vaccine itself” if that is true than you are just like me. Wondering why people here post that it is a death shit when it’s not.
the fact that you dont understand vaccines are useless for human health and literally only serve as bio weapons to the satanic cabal shows u have no idea what ur talking about
"Q:If vaccines actually do harm, why are they given?
A:First of all, there is no “if.”They do harm. It becomes a more difficult question to decide whether
they do harm in those people who seem to show no harm. Then you are dealing with the kind of
research which should be done, but isn’t. Researchers should be probing to discover a kind of map, or
flow chart, which shows exactly what vaccines do in the body from the moment they enter. This
research has not been done. As to why they are given, we could sit here for two days and discuss all
the reasons. As you’ve said many times, at different layers of the system people have their motives.
Money, fear of losing a job, the desire to win brownie points, prestige, awards, promotion, misguided
idealism, unthinking habit, and so on. But, at the highest levels of the medical cartel, vaccines are a top
priority because they cause a weakening of the immune system. I know that may be hard to accept, but
it’s true. The medical cartel, at the highest level, is not out to help people, it is out to harm them, to
weaken them. To kill them. At one point in my career, I had a long conversation with a man who
occupied a high government position in an African nation. He told me that he was well aware of this.
He told me that WHO is a front for these depopulation interests. There is an underground, shall we
say, in Africa, made up of various officials who are earnestly trying to change the lot of the poor. This
network of people knows what is going on. They know that vaccines have been used, and are being
used, to destroy their countries, to make them ripe for takeover by globalist powers. I have had the
opportunity to speak with several of these people from this network."
You are at minus 2 at my reading for your non-negative statement on the vax itself even though you are not getting it. They REALLY hate that vax around here. The government thinks they're going to force it on them.
I think you may be in the wrong forum if you continue your attitude like this. I’m asking you to please stop. Our Anons are laying down facts while you have none to show in your arguments. Bring data before you’re going to talk down to people bringing the truth. You’ve been warned by the Moderators.
If the vaccines were safe then why the need to lie about the number of people experiencing adverse reactions and the efficacy. There are so many lies being spread about experimental vaccines that were never put through the normal testing protocols all for a virus that is not much more dangerous than a seasonal flu. Feel free to be a test subject and I wish you well. If you fail to see the criminal fraud surrounding this entire scam then you are lost.
By forcing them to release the jab early, Trump forced them to do something they never thought they'd have to: Actually do science. He is making them test it in front of the whole world.
Remember they wanted the lockdowns to last longer so everybody would willingly get the vax out of desperation to return to normal
Make everything so horrible that eventually communism would start to look more palatable.
It's also a test. If you are willing to inject shit into your blood, they win. Not only can they make you do anything, blood is really important to "them" and "their" rituals.
I thought of this as well. People keep asking for scientific proof, and they keep dancing around it - using force and intimidation to maintain momentum. Their plan will fail.
A scientific researcher. on Twatter said exactly this. They admitted in their own literature they discarded their "control group" as it was "unethical" to take chances of them contracting a virus with an almost 0 chance of dying. Now they need to remove the "control group" from the world.
This all sounds really complicated. The real reason people keep pushing the ‘vaccines’ is because they either do believe the bullshit that they’re somehow going to let us achieve 0 Covid and that Covid’s Ebola, and/or because there’s a shitton of money behind this pushing people to say that.
They’re not trying to eliminate the control group that would disprove the vaccines, they just believe Covid’s Ebola and that somehow if everyone gets jabbed we’ll have come together as a world and eradicated a virus. Considering we didn’t do that with influenza or other things that’s all bullshit though. Covid’s just another influenza now that skews differently and hits some people worse and some people less.
The lower-level people, yes. But the people at the top know what they're doing. That's how it always works: diabolical schemers at the top, useful idiots and paid-off crooks on the lower levels.
The elites who got saline know covid is an overblown flu. They go maskless at their events and have no fear. This tells you their pockets are being lined by big pharma to keep pushing this narrative.
I agree the lower level sheep are fully bought in to the narrative the MSM is pumping out.
Other than the timeline, it makes sense.
It seems we are about to hit the real test, where the first group will get reexposed to the same illness. That should be the ADE test?
He also forced them to release the “virus” early. This is why the “virus” does not exist EXCEPT on paper..
It’s all a lie..
And we all know the vaccine is full of shit..
They don’t want to be so obvious but they have NO choice-they are “programmed” once the “plan” is enacted no matter how awry it goes, they have to stick with it..
I always thought it odd that they proceeded as if NO ONE can see what they are doing. They know we can, they just cannot stop whatever their plan is..
It’s very odd, unnatural behavior to observe..
I find it hard to believe that a virus doesn't exist. I do acknowledge that media and politicians messed with the reporting and PCR tests to amplify the numbers, but I'm fairly certain the virus is around and spreads. Some people got hit bad early on.
The polymerase chain reaction is NOT a test.
It is a method used to take small pieces of genetic material and amplify (copy) to make a larger sample..
They used beta coronavirus and influenza to calibrate the “test” as they did not have any samples of whatever this is..which is one of the many reasons why it has been d/c per the FDA..
But not until Dec. 2021..
Any information about this virus was put into a database by CHYNA and that is what they used..
I spoke with a scientist in my state about a year ago. She told me to her knowledge NO ONE in the state lab had isolated this virus..
Also, intubating people is killing people.. it used to be intubation was a last resort because it does so much damage but not anymore.. and they leave them on them for longer than they should..
It fucks up your lungs and can cause life long issues..
Family member works in a hospital on a fluvid floor where they are not recording vaccinated status only unvaccinated..
I don’t believe anything that they have said about this fake virus..
Yes, it was supposed to be released towards the end of the war with China + Russia, similar to the Spanish Flu after WWI.
They never thought she would lose.
They always have several contingency plans but too many of seeing through their bs for any to work. It's only odd if you haven't noticed before, so I am glad you are.
Anyone noticed the Operation Warp speed looks like a Q.
Well, the unvaxxed are getting it, (I know a TON of them right now) but they are taking HCQ/Ivermectin and recovering quickly and now they have the antibodies. I live in a crazy blue state where most people (even pastors) are vaxxed and sincerely believe masks work to stop the virus. Yes, it is an IQ test. Right now, I am just trying to not bang my head on a wall when people I care about and love say the STUPIDEST things. I am hoping they are still around in 3 years. Honestly, I don’t want to have to go to that many funerals.
Yup, un-jabbed here and it went through my household, four of us got wrecked by the flu all within a week of the first person to come down with it. Couldn't get any ivermectin but we beat it just by resting and plenty of fluids. It absolutely sucked.
Hilton's last sentence in that picture above is very incorrect.
If this video is the beginning of what we are going to start seeing with babies born to both parents that were vaxxed prior to conception, this is going to wake people up like nothing we've seen before. This is only one video, but the baby does not look normal and does not look like is has Down's Syndrome. I really do pray it is just an anomaly and not a preview of coming attractions.
My daughter is Downs this is not a Downs child’s sad to say but it looks like something sci fi like an alien ..not that I want to get on alien topic I’m just trying to say it almost doesnt look human , like a shrunken man or something , it looks like a shrunk goofy older person
Going on the premise that these jabs have actually changed our DNA, which based upon the research I have done, this result must be part of the purpose of these jabs. The Pharma company researchers are not that stupid that permanent genetic manipulation with patented genes was not a consideration. Monsanto GMO science taught them the basics. They are just moving that tech into higher life forms like mammals.
I agree that this baby does not look like Down's or anything else my years as a clinician have seen. It does have an alien look. The eyes are strange - like the black eyed kids that have been written about for years. I am going to keep my eyes and ears open for any other such reports. I do think the midwives are the ones we are going to be hearing reports from since most of the rest of hospital staffing will have been culled of truthers.
That is really disturbing.
No doubt Bones. I have been nervously waiting since the roll out to hear about births post jab. I am also sure we are going to have great difficulty getting hands on actual birth rates and other vital stats. They always are lagging behind anyway by at least a year. The last stats I can find are 2019. I am keeping my ears to the ground for any other reports of these strange happenings. I worked at the VA Medical Center for a while and I had Gulf War patients that has children with strange birth defects. We were seeing the same defects in children born in Iraq. I was getting pleas for help from Iraqi docs about all the birth defects they were seeing. The US government ignored their pleas for help. I really hope this, whatever it is, is an isolated incident. The implications if wider spread are unthinkable.
More recent findings from La Quinta Columna: Video #2:
My God Bones, what the hell are they creating here? Are the bodies of these children keeping up with their obvious acceleration in mental development? I have seen many babies that tried to stand and walk very young and the parents had to be told not to encourage the behavior because the skeletomuscular structure at their current age was not ready to take on the load. Normally their bones are still pretty soft and take time to calcify. The eyes and the shape of the face are what seem weird. Are we seeing the black eyed children being born into the population at large? - those same black eyed children we have heard about for years anecdotally. I just remember every one of the encounters with these kids was really creepy.
I know a lot too that got it FROM the VAXED!
Best example from the UK - a funneral director, person who knows who was jabbed or not, because the families tell him. A MUST SEE video:
Also its impossible to maintain X% of vaccinated unless X = 100 because the vaxx population keeps getting reduced.
Good point.
This is an EXCELLENT point. It has already become clear to millions that the vax is crazy-unsafe, and you BET that more people are waking up to that every day.
The whole scam is coming down; the avalanche of awareness has already started. And not just for the vax: every lie, corruption, and evil is coming to the surface. NCSWIC is for real.
Consciousness is spreading..
Let me emphasize: if my neighbors ain’t dropping like flies it ain’t no demic.
Honestly, this is one of the most plausible theories I have seen.
no matter how much they try, they aint EVER getting 100%. all of us who've been fired, can't go places, wahtever, we will sooner change our entire lives than get it. try scaring us all you want, fuckers. there's more of us than there are of the sheep.
My thought has been that they’re just pressed for time because more and more people who’ve gotten the jab will be getting sick as the weather turns, and they are not going to be able to keep up the narrative that it’s the unvaxxed making everybody sick - because we already aren’t getting sick as often as the jabbed. They want to push it before many more sheep begin to awaken.
I think the heart and lung issues are already starting to crop up, it won't take four years. It's very clear that they are working against the clock and are DESPERATE to push forward faster.
This article comes to the same conclusion. Eliminating the control group.
Great article. Thanks for sharing.
They're going to have a hard time hiding the structures left by the vaccine. German scientists reveal all (with English voiceover)
Where are we getting the timelines of effects of the vax? I keep seeing different numbers for how long it will take people to die, or become infertile, etc... But where are those numbers coming from?
TY. A concise explanation of why . Well done.
Yep, this is the turn or keep the normies in check with a semi truth. Yes, the vaxc does hurt people in its current form but I think they wanted to set a precedent to keep injecting people as a norm.
Also, keeping the vaccines rolling keeps people sick and the narrative running since the vaccinated shed the virus. It should be getting weaker not stronger. Since when is there so much lung hospitalizations in summer?!
This 100%
Not to detract from post but I have seen info which suggests infertility may actually skip a generation, leaving 16 to 20 years more for unsuspecting victims to partake.
Just think about the property bargains if vaxxed start dropping dead.
Sadly, I’ve considered this...
My favorite band is Iron Maiden, and has been for around 20 years. If they mandate the death serum at their shows, I'm not going. Anybody that knows me, knows that's a huge statement.
I've already resigned myself to never seeing another concert again.
Concerts will come back after the awakening. There will be a lot of celebrating to do if we beat the cabal.
It really is fucking sad, isn't it.
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Pureblood
Same, I've seen them in Toronto 3 times and resigned to the idea that I probably never will again.
"There's an evil virus that's threatening mankind..."
This has been known for a while. I hope more people wake up like this.
This is why the unvaccinated deaths are blamed on Covid. To lower those control numbers.
“Was he hit by a car? Yes? Unvaccinated? Then I’m pretty sure he died of Covid.”
Tonight, on the news. Pedestrian dies of Covid. And he was UNvAxXeD!!
I don't think they want the vaccine to kill people, or at least not a lot of people, just deadly enough that smart people won't want to take it but dumb people will just do it. The people most likely to take are the people that are easiest to control and will give them their vote in almost any circumstances, so it doesn't make sense for them to want to kill their own voters.
I think a more likely reason is they want to identify and weed out the uncompliant, especially from important government jobs like police and military. Then they can use their new stormtroopers to enforce unconstitutional edicts on anyone who opposes their rule. If you think the lockdowns were bad when police officers were just afraid of losing their job, it's only going to get worse as the percentage of police officers that enjoy making people suffer increases.
States need to stand up and start passing laws against this kind of thing. Even if they already have them they need to do it again if for nothing else than on principle to help re-enforce the idea and help embolden other states to do that same.
If the vaccine is safe, you can have my dose, and my wife’s dose as well. Enjoy.
I’m not on the age/health group that needs it. But thanks? Try looking at facts pal !
Umm, what?
Just a shill. Ignore.
President Trump is a shill? Go back to Twitter son.
I'm not going to disagree with you. For me, the jury is still out on the vaccine itself, but why are they going full Nazi to push it on everyone? That by itself caused me to delay my getting it. Now it seems like the virus is beating the vaccine. The vaxxed are still getting covid.
Dr. Carrie Madej is what kept me from getting the vaccine that's not a vaccine; she's all I need.
Love her
Do a little research. The covid shots are not vaccinations! They alter EVERY cell in your body (real vaccines don't do that). The percent of covid shot recipients who have side effects is at least 10x that of real vaccines. And now, due to covid mutations, which all coronaviruses do (thus the reason there can be no vaccination for the common cold or flu), the original covid shots are minimally effective (if they ever were), and will probably be down to almost zero effectiveness after another round of covid mutation.
Thanks for the info.
You are like me then. I will not be getting the vax either. Look at your own words “the jury is still out on the vaccine itself” if that is true than you are just like me. Wondering why people here post that it is a death shit when it’s not.
the fact that you dont understand vaccines are useless for human health and literally only serve as bio weapons to the satanic cabal shows u have no idea what ur talking about
"Q:If vaccines actually do harm, why are they given? A:First of all, there is no “if.”They do harm. It becomes a more difficult question to decide whether they do harm in those people who seem to show no harm. Then you are dealing with the kind of research which should be done, but isn’t. Researchers should be probing to discover a kind of map, or flow chart, which shows exactly what vaccines do in the body from the moment they enter. This research has not been done. As to why they are given, we could sit here for two days and discuss all the reasons. As you’ve said many times, at different layers of the system people have their motives. Money, fear of losing a job, the desire to win brownie points, prestige, awards, promotion, misguided idealism, unthinking habit, and so on. But, at the highest levels of the medical cartel, vaccines are a top priority because they cause a weakening of the immune system. I know that may be hard to accept, but it’s true. The medical cartel, at the highest level, is not out to help people, it is out to harm them, to weaken them. To kill them. At one point in my career, I had a long conversation with a man who occupied a high government position in an African nation. He told me that he was well aware of this. He told me that WHO is a front for these depopulation interests. There is an underground, shall we say, in Africa, made up of various officials who are earnestly trying to change the lot of the poor. This network of people knows what is going on. They know that vaccines have been used, and are being used, to destroy their countries, to make them ripe for takeover by globalist powers. I have had the opportunity to speak with several of these people from this network."
You are at minus 2 at my reading for your non-negative statement on the vax itself even though you are not getting it. They REALLY hate that vax around here. The government thinks they're going to force it on them.
I think you may be in the wrong forum if you continue your attitude like this. I’m asking you to please stop. Our Anons are laying down facts while you have none to show in your arguments. Bring data before you’re going to talk down to people bringing the truth. You’ve been warned by the Moderators.
If the vaccines were safe then why the need to lie about the number of people experiencing adverse reactions and the efficacy. There are so many lies being spread about experimental vaccines that were never put through the normal testing protocols all for a virus that is not much more dangerous than a seasonal flu. Feel free to be a test subject and I wish you well. If you fail to see the criminal fraud surrounding this entire scam then you are lost.