These fuckers think they can harm the world with their vaccines and then simply migrate us to their treatment drug. Ivermectin will win the battle with whatever Pfizer makes next.
The catch is private companies will still mandate the vaccine as the precedent is set. In 5 years rhe cabal can then slowly inject anything they want... say 20% sterility... which will give them cover to avoid suspicion and attain their "slowing population growth" goals.
Just to dispel rumors out there, this new drug is not anything like Ivermectin or HCQ. Not even close. This new drug is an antiviral protease inhibitor. It will be combined with another antiviral protease inhibitor that had some really nasty side effects at higher dosage in clinical trials. Once again, we see a drug company blowing the dust off of drugs that were already in development for AIDS or some other disease that they more than likely created, revamping them, giving them new fancy names, and presto, a new Covid drug. Hmmm? Another HIV connection? The drug was first developed to deliver by IV, but this will be an oral delivery.
I agree with you. I would not take anything developed for COVID by any company - it is all poison. I think they are realizing that their vax hoax may be falling apart and they need to come up with a new strategy along with treating all the damage they caused from the shots.
For those of you who have been wondering how you can continue to avoid getting vaccine with the pressure on your job, on your ability to travel, etc, HOLD ON JUST A LITTLE LONGER. The mandate has to come to an end over the treatments available.
Fuck that. By “committing” to testing, you’re capitulating. You cannot cede any ground to these tyrants. They will continue to erode the ground you stand on. The vaccine mandate is the “big ask”. It forces people to compromise with things like exemptions. Slowly but surely they’ll chip away at you until you are compromising on things you would have vehemently opposed a year or 2 ago. Slowly but surely they’ll push you farther and farther away from your principles. Do not give these people an inch, or they’ll eventually take everything you have.
Exactly. Remember, there was NO PROOF that Ivermectin worked on covid. But they just so happened to develop a drug that does the same thing Ivermectin does, and it magically cures covid.
Here's a fun fact: Ivermectin - the HORSE DEWORMER THAT IS NOT APPROVED FOR HUMAN USE, AND WILL KILL YOU IF YOU USE IT FOR COVID!!!!!! - is a protease inhibitor
Here's another fun fact: for people old enough to remember, Prilosec used to be a prescription drug. It was hitting the height of its popularity when its patent expired. So, the manufacturer (AstraZeneca) came out with a brand new drug called Nexium - and pushed it as "better and more effective" than Prilosec. Of course, this drug had patent protection which translated into big $$$.
Typically forgotten: Prilosec's drug name is omeprazole. Nexium's is esomeprazole. The closeness stems from the fact that Nexium is a mirror image of the compound used for Prilosec. There is nothing new or novel about it - but it was just different enough to get patent protection, and restore profits to Astra Zeneca.
Ivermectin is off patent. PF-07321332 would have patent protection. Do you see where I'm going with this?
First, they'll quietly move the mandates, then drop them while the media hypes up this new treatment.
Once people kind of forget about the vaccine, we'll get "new" data that will show the vaccines to be super dangerous.
The media will suddenly remember that this whole thing was Trump's fault and this will be the main talking point for months before the 2022 midterms. Trump killed thousands of people by fast-tracking a new and untested treatment.
Trump should have defended the American people against all enemies foreign and domestic. He let this happen. And he still won’t admit it. Instead of trying to “sell” the vaccines, he should disavow these mandates.
Anyone want to bet that they already have developed an antidote to the spike protein replication in the jab? Trying to decide whether to offer it to the highest payers.
Here's the reality of the situation -- think back to The Big Short
For months before the crash, the stock values of the bonds remained the same even as more and more homes slid into default. When the dominoes started falling in earnest the banks refused to return lenders' calls until they themselves had set up short positions.
In other words, they pretended everything was fine until they could guarantee they'd survive the ensuing shitstorm, and then they acted like they knew it was coming all along.
They're doing this for two reasons:
Profit. Always. Duh.
Because the vaccines are failing and will be exposed soon. They'll offer the treatment, rescind the vaccines, and hope to avoid bankruptcy or Nuremberg-style trials.
They already have a fall guy: Trump. The only trials we'll see is another sham trial against Trump for fast tracking the "vaccines" and not following the science.
The point is you have tweets from Trump literally saying "I did this, the vaccines are my responsibility".
The context won't matter, it never does. You'll have a 24/7 media narrative blasting "this is Trump's fault!" and all the two-faced rat sons of whores now pushing mandates will only be too happy to pretend they had nothing to do with anything and blame someone else.
They won't. They are trying to memory hole literally everything that happened over the past two years. The plan worked. They are backing down.. But we are barely through the battle, we are just getting started. Now we grab those positions in government and start all over from 1776 again. That's when the real test comes, because i guarantee you they will create total war over it, just like they did back then. The WH and COGbois will get rid of most of it, but two heads will emerge when one is cut off, so that is where we come into play. We have to remember our style of government is very fragile, but for maximum security and freedom without sacrificing either, we have to further define our laws, not reform them. What we have on the books (for the most part, besides the Fed, income taxes, Patriot Act, etc.) does work. It's getting these clowns out that subvert the law, and we have to foster a society that puts people that are worthy of those positions into power rather than allowing pigs and snakes into the halls of our government.
As with our DOJ/FBI/CIA/etc, I have no confidence in Big Pharma and their "products". Never have. Their agenda for any symptom or disease is to prolong you purchasing their "placebo" to keep the money flowing in. They are not trying to cure anything, though I am sure they have the cures for many. You don't receive billions of dollars a month for decades without curing anything.
How many billions, if not trillions, went in for the Muscular Dystrophy telethons with Jerry Lewis? Well over 60 years of donations. Still a viable disease (possibly as a result from those early vaccines before you were forced to get to go to school).
Edit: perhaps the reason is to make sure it's not an "approved therapy" to keep their "vaccine" and every other companies for that matter out there poisoning everyone.
Vax of experimental drug has already failed. This needs to be thoroughly checked for poisons to human ingredients and namobots or anything new or unknown before anyone tries it
Just a thought. There are a fair number of people who have suggested that the S-protein (the spike protein) is itself toxic. We don't know precisely what it does in the cell once it binds to the ACE2 receptor, but we have seen a ton of adverse effects from the vaccine that seem to involve clots.
My first question is this: does this new protease inhibitor inhibit human proteases which break down the S-protein?
My second question is: Since HIV-1 protease inhibitors are notorious drugs for nasty side effects and drug interactions, will this new one have the same terrible safety profile?
(I don't know yet, but my antennae are way up. I wouldn't trust Pfizer to serve me a glass of water at this point. I'd ask for a sealed bottle.)
Whats going on here because we now the DS's endgame and Reset Agenda is all about the digital passport. Why would Pfrizer bring these wonder drugs out that dont require digital proof?
okay my friends kid had pin worms. She went to Wally World to get the over the counter Pin-X. Pharmacy said sorry all out. People are buying it because they were told it cures Covid………. What next.
If this becomes a "buy a pill package" instead of "go to the doctor and get an injection" i'll buy the pill package, take them home and flush them once a day and say "yep im taking them, see.. the bottle's 1/2 gone!"
If they're like "no you need the injection first" they're spouting bs
Gearing up for the next disease rending vaccine panic since the coof ran its course? How many times have we don’t this now...... or maybe it’s rolling blackouts. Either way, they are already conjuring up the next emergency.
There's nothing good about this. It says it's a "protease inhibitor". Protease is a natually occurring enzyme in the body that aids in the digestion of proteins. Granted it might retard the spike protein growth but would also not allow the proper digestion of other proteins leading to digestive issues. Add that to them giving it with their HIV vaccine ingredients and you just have another death product.
No it is not like ivermectin. There is a very well known doctor that says it works in a very similar way to remdesivir. And it is very dangerous. It will give you cancer.
I've been watching the numbers in news reports, chyrons, headlines and the fake news definitely pays homage to certain numbers. (3,6,9 paradigm, prime numbers and 11/22/33. Another example would be the mirror of the number 17 -- 71.
In this headline it's not the 89%; its about the other 11%, or Satan. Satan's a trickster and he thinks by being the number 11 (having 2 "number 1s") he is twice as good as God.
Remember the number zero means nothing. Remember the scarf lady reeeeing on trump and saying we could save 130,000 lives? 130,000 = 13.
I ain't taking anything produced by Pfizer.
These fuckers think they can harm the world with their vaccines and then simply migrate us to their treatment drug. Ivermectin will win the battle with whatever Pfizer makes next.
Exactly. Where is the catch?
Its going to be mostly ivermectin...but with a few toxic additions...
Yeah, "(word) almost makes a big difference"
A spoonful of horsepaste helps the mRNA spike proteins go down...
The catch is private companies will still mandate the vaccine as the precedent is set. In 5 years rhe cabal can then slowly inject anything they want... say 20% sterility... which will give them cover to avoid suspicion and attain their "slowing population growth" goals.
That’s it. There’s a precedent now and they know the sheep will gladly line up for whatever it is without knowing what it’s made of or any risks.
Go away
Just to dispel rumors out there, this new drug is not anything like Ivermectin or HCQ. Not even close. This new drug is an antiviral protease inhibitor. It will be combined with another antiviral protease inhibitor that had some really nasty side effects at higher dosage in clinical trials. Once again, we see a drug company blowing the dust off of drugs that were already in development for AIDS or some other disease that they more than likely created, revamping them, giving them new fancy names, and presto, a new Covid drug. Hmmm? Another HIV connection? The drug was first developed to deliver by IV, but this will be an oral delivery.
I agree with you. I would not take anything developed for COVID by any company - it is all poison. I think they are realizing that their vax hoax may be falling apart and they need to come up with a new strategy along with treating all the damage they caused from the shots.
Came here to say this!
For those of you who have been wondering how you can continue to avoid getting vaccine with the pressure on your job, on your ability to travel, etc, HOLD ON JUST A LITTLE LONGER. The mandate has to come to an end over the treatments available.
Mandate got moved again. To January. Don't take the Vax. Wait em out.
thank you for this
Fuck that. By “committing” to testing, you’re capitulating. You cannot cede any ground to these tyrants. They will continue to erode the ground you stand on. The vaccine mandate is the “big ask”. It forces people to compromise with things like exemptions. Slowly but surely they’ll chip away at you until you are compromising on things you would have vehemently opposed a year or 2 ago. Slowly but surely they’ll push you farther and farther away from your principles. Do not give these people an inch, or they’ll eventually take everything you have.
I'm stealing this
So—5$ Ivermectin pills—with a $400 candy-coated shell?
Exactly. Remember, there was NO PROOF that Ivermectin worked on covid. But they just so happened to develop a drug that does the same thing Ivermectin does, and it magically cures covid.
I'm gonna guess: Ivermectin, zinc, nanobots, fetal cells, and metal shavings?
You forgot Jeffrey Epstein's jizz
ya and the candy coating probably gives you HIV
Red #2 has entered the chat
That’s Pfizer flavoring, UncleHooly. And i bet they call it “all natural”.
I just bought 500 12mg ivermectin from India for $150.
Fuck Pfizer
Sweet! Did you need a prescription? More info please.
Go there, search Ivermectin, and submit an inquiry. You'll get several responses with prices. Order as much as you need.
Here's a fun fact: Ivermectin - the HORSE DEWORMER THAT IS NOT APPROVED FOR HUMAN USE, AND WILL KILL YOU IF YOU USE IT FOR COVID!!!!!! - is a protease inhibitor
This Pfizer drug, code named PF-07321332, is also a protease inhibitor. You can read about it on their press release.
Here's another fun fact: for people old enough to remember, Prilosec used to be a prescription drug. It was hitting the height of its popularity when its patent expired. So, the manufacturer (AstraZeneca) came out with a brand new drug called Nexium - and pushed it as "better and more effective" than Prilosec. Of course, this drug had patent protection which translated into big $$$.
Typically forgotten: Prilosec's drug name is omeprazole. Nexium's is esomeprazole. The closeness stems from the fact that Nexium is a mirror image of the compound used for Prilosec. There is nothing new or novel about it - but it was just different enough to get patent protection, and restore profits to Astra Zeneca.
Ivermectin is off patent. PF-07321332 would have patent protection. Do you see where I'm going with this?
Yep. They change one molecule, rebrand it and then market it as a new miracle drug. They do it with Cancer drugs, antidepressants etc etc.
The horse paste worked just fine for us last month when we had Covid. 😆🐎🐎🐎
Now that there is an effective treatment can we get rid of the EUA vaccines please
You would think. It's going to be interesting to see how clown world walks this forward.
I made a prediction months ago:
First, they'll quietly move the mandates, then drop them while the media hypes up this new treatment.
Once people kind of forget about the vaccine, we'll get "new" data that will show the vaccines to be super dangerous.
The media will suddenly remember that this whole thing was Trump's fault and this will be the main talking point for months before the 2022 midterms. Trump killed thousands of people by fast-tracking a new and untested treatment.
Yes maybe but Trump did not force the vaccine on anyone thats been all them!
Trump should have defended the American people against all enemies foreign and domestic. He let this happen. And he still won’t admit it. Instead of trying to “sell” the vaccines, he should disavow these mandates.
He’s not the President now. Let the current President take all the accolades.
amazing how easy it is for a democrat operative to be active in here
Anyone want to bet that they already have developed an antidote to the spike protein replication in the jab? Trying to decide whether to offer it to the highest payers.
Yup… wonder if it’s the new pill?
I've wondered the same thing.
Here's the reality of the situation -- think back to The Big Short
For months before the crash, the stock values of the bonds remained the same even as more and more homes slid into default. When the dominoes started falling in earnest the banks refused to return lenders' calls until they themselves had set up short positions.
In other words, they pretended everything was fine until they could guarantee they'd survive the ensuing shitstorm, and then they acted like they knew it was coming all along.
They're doing this for two reasons:
They already have a fall guy: Trump. The only trials we'll see is another sham trial against Trump for fast tracking the "vaccines" and not following the science.
Trump fast tracked it to save our economy if he had not they would have dragged our economy down the shitter
AND... we would have been in strict lockdowns for years!
The point is you have tweets from Trump literally saying "I did this, the vaccines are my responsibility".
The context won't matter, it never does. You'll have a 24/7 media narrative blasting "this is Trump's fault!" and all the two-faced rat sons of whores now pushing mandates will only be too happy to pretend they had nothing to do with anything and blame someone else.
That’s what happens when you make a deal with the Devil.
The mechanisms of action of Ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2: An evidence-based clinical review article
It does a few things.
It's basically admission, there's another drug more effective than graphene oxide death shots.
They won't. They are trying to memory hole literally everything that happened over the past two years. The plan worked. They are backing down.. But we are barely through the battle, we are just getting started. Now we grab those positions in government and start all over from 1776 again. That's when the real test comes, because i guarantee you they will create total war over it, just like they did back then. The WH and COGbois will get rid of most of it, but two heads will emerge when one is cut off, so that is where we come into play. We have to remember our style of government is very fragile, but for maximum security and freedom without sacrificing either, we have to further define our laws, not reform them. What we have on the books (for the most part, besides the Fed, income taxes, Patriot Act, etc.) does work. It's getting these clowns out that subvert the law, and we have to foster a society that puts people that are worthy of those positions into power rather than allowing pigs and snakes into the halls of our government.
Not ready to play nice and trusting.
I was wondering what are they plotting now?
Exactly!!!! Perfect comment !!!!
As with our DOJ/FBI/CIA/etc, I have no confidence in Big Pharma and their "products". Never have. Their agenda for any symptom or disease is to prolong you purchasing their "placebo" to keep the money flowing in. They are not trying to cure anything, though I am sure they have the cures for many. You don't receive billions of dollars a month for decades without curing anything.
How many billions, if not trillions, went in for the Muscular Dystrophy telethons with Jerry Lewis? Well over 60 years of donations. Still a viable disease (possibly as a result from those early vaccines before you were forced to get to go to school).
Watch it be a pill of ivermectin, hcq, and zinc. Boom - patentable improvement.
I have lost any trust I had.
Do not ingest anything from Pfizer.
And they are requesting EUA for it... hmmm...
Edit: perhaps the reason is to make sure it's not an "approved therapy" to keep their "vaccine" and every other companies for that matter out there poisoning everyone.
I see that the Covid pill has been approved in the U.K......
Vax of experimental drug has already failed. This needs to be thoroughly checked for poisons to human ingredients and namobots or anything new or unknown before anyone tries it
Pfizer is amateur at this point. I say fuck Pfizer and Neigh 🐴
Just a thought. There are a fair number of people who have suggested that the S-protein (the spike protein) is itself toxic. We don't know precisely what it does in the cell once it binds to the ACE2 receptor, but we have seen a ton of adverse effects from the vaccine that seem to involve clots.
My first question is this: does this new protease inhibitor inhibit human proteases which break down the S-protein?
My second question is: Since HIV-1 protease inhibitors are notorious drugs for nasty side effects and drug interactions, will this new one have the same terrible safety profile?
(I don't know yet, but my antennae are way up. I wouldn't trust Pfizer to serve me a glass of water at this point. I'd ask for a sealed bottle.)
Lol! Yes -I wouldn’t take a sealed bottle -might have put something in it before it was sealed !!
Whats going on here because we now the DS's endgame and Reset Agenda is all about the digital passport. Why would Pfrizer bring these wonder drugs out that dont require digital proof?
Is it not taking tge Jab?
I hope there are more, effective treatments coming out to save peoples' lives and to end this pandemic/vax mandate
That said, here are the side effects shared by Dr Zelenko
So, the pill is the antidote (to some degree) to the vaccine?
Brilliant fucking plan from the cabal's perspective.
My thoughts exactly!
By keeping the "treatment" in a never ending EAU status, that's how.
okay my friends kid had pin worms. She went to Wally World to get the over the counter Pin-X. Pharmacy said sorry all out. People are buying it because they were told it cures Covid………. What next.
If this becomes a "buy a pill package" instead of "go to the doctor and get an injection" i'll buy the pill package, take them home and flush them once a day and say "yep im taking them, see.. the bottle's 1/2 gone!"
If they're like "no you need the injection first" they're spouting bs
Check out the side effects. Ivermectin is WAY safer.
There are effective treatments. They use them.
The vaxx mandates and EUA are NOT about no treatments available.
Gearing up for the next disease rending vaccine panic since the coof ran its course? How many times have we don’t this now...... or maybe it’s rolling blackouts. Either way, they are already conjuring up the next emergency.
AZ far as xovid goes, without the Vax youndont need a treatment. The treatment is good for flu and cold though, among many other things.
There's nothing good about this. It says it's a "protease inhibitor". Protease is a natually occurring enzyme in the body that aids in the digestion of proteins. Granted it might retard the spike protein growth but would also not allow the proper digestion of other proteins leading to digestive issues. Add that to them giving it with their HIV vaccine ingredients and you just have another death product.
No it is not like ivermectin. There is a very well known doctor that says it works in a very similar way to remdesivir. And it is very dangerous. It will give you cancer.
I've been watching the numbers in news reports, chyrons, headlines and the fake news definitely pays homage to certain numbers. (3,6,9 paradigm, prime numbers and 11/22/33. Another example would be the mirror of the number 17 -- 71.
In this headline it's not the 89%; its about the other 11%, or Satan. Satan's a trickster and he thinks by being the number 11 (having 2 "number 1s") he is twice as good as God.
Remember the number zero means nothing. Remember the scarf lady reeeeing on trump and saying we could save 130,000 lives? 130,000 = 13.