Hey frens just wanted to share my interview experience at palm harbor honda. I came to an interview today for a tech position that pays more than my current position and is closer to home. I was told that one of the requirements for employment was to get the cOviD vaccine. Of course me being who i am i told buddy absolutely not and shook his hand and left. It was pretty discouraging hearing that because the reason i left my home of 10+years in colorado was to get away from that shit. Didnt think this was allowed in Florida. Thanks for reading anons. NCSWIC
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The email to report this is vaxpassfreefl@flhealth.gov
They will email you back with anything else they need to investigate.
Is there one of these for Texas? I've interviewed at a couple places that have this, and it would be nice to have this as well seeing as it's Texas.
Unsure. It took me quite a bit of digging to find that one. I needed it myself awhile back for my mother in law being coerced by livenation. I’ll see what I can find for Texas. They might have it set up differently there though.
Ron Wordon, General Manager, 727-201-5785
Be civil.
Fuck livenation.
Texas does not prohibit employers from mandating this shit. There was a small group of legislators trying to get it passed. Apparently, most of the R state legislators are Pfizer cock sucking pieces of Rhino shit because the good R’s could not move it forward.
Hoping Sara Sanders will model off Florida and not RINO out on us when we elect her next year.
Send this to him directly, doesnt look like he saw this.
Is it possible that they can’t fire current employees, but can chose to hire only vaccinated going forward?
That’s a big mistake for them, in my opinion, but it’s possible that it’s legal.
It’s illegal. Heard it straight from my CEO they can’t do that anymore. They aren’t happy.
Your CEO isn't happy they can't enforce illegal and unconstitutional mandates for a death serum?
Your CEO is a piece of shit.
What a piece of shit.
Well, guess the saying about being what one eats is true!
My company, huge federal contractor, is doing this.
Yep. The only businesses that are legally allowed to give out the shot are hospitals or any other businessess that are backed by federal money. Which is retarded, imo.
Executive Orders are only orders for the Executive Branch of government. It has absolutely nothing to do with anyone unless they are in that branch of government.
I work for a global company hq’d in Dallas. My kalifornia peers can carry over vacation, I can not, goes state by state.
I'm guessing u/FiveDogs works at the Dallas location, or in another state that can't carry over vacation, but the employees based in California can because of California law.
Co. Policy is use all vacation time in the calendar year. kali state law requires employees be allowed to carry vacation into the next year.
My company’s headquarters is in a blue state. They tell us what they expect out of us, in great detail, and make us sign saying we understand- but they also advise us that what they are asking must be in line with our own states guidelines- and that the state is the ultimate authority on it. I could probably find a copy of it, actually.
They are lying to you, fren.
Dealerships are resellers, not corporate stores, so it doesn't matter
Dealers are franchised so that doesn't matter.
Let's make Palm Harbor Honda famous, pedes! Seems like we shouldn't shop there, anymore. Spread the word to all our Florida frens!
Straight Up Right! It’s time we take our stand! Lest we fall!
A lot of remote jobs on flexjobs.com have been saying that they require the jab. Some will say medical exemption will be considered, but not all.
During this so called Interview you should have asked.... How exactly is the cOviD vaccine going to help me get my work done? The employer is not responsible for the health of there staff/ that would fall on you and you alone.
Anyways this only means there are better things out there for you :)
Devils advocate: well you see Mr Wage Slave, the vaccine helps you stay well, so that you don’t up and die on me
Unfortunately, Mr. Wage Slave Driver, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, otherwise known as the ADA, expressly forbids you as an employer from asking me medical questions, which would include what vaccinations I may have received, prior to making a job offer, or at any time during employment.
Additionally, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, otherwise known as HIPAA, expressly forbids you from obtaining this information from medical personnel or their business associates, such as hospitals, medical specialists, or health insurance providers.
It’s illegal. My employer was doing this and has been advised by legal they can no longer mandate it. Heard it straight from the CEO 2 hours ago. Gotta love Desantis.
Yes Sir!
Keep the faith.
In early 2022, these same businesses will have to face reality. The 'vaxed' tend to have weak immune systems and repeatedly call in sick for colds, flu and are always falling ill for some reason or another.
The "unvaxed" are relatively healthy and take less time off work.
Eventually, businesses will do what they have always done... make a business decision. They will hire the healthier "unvaxed", because they are more reliable and less-costly employees. It will happen.
I was considering getting vaccinated but then I changed my mind because I didn’t want to become ‘at-risk’ from the unvaccinated.
A thought...
In near future, the vaxxed (and their new high risk stature) will eventually take the heat off of smokers & obese as the new reasons for unaffordable Healthcare. Oh the irony, when the pro-vax mentality (left) tend to be the ones hardest on those fat, nasty smokers.
Lord works in mysterious...
Sorry to hear. Chin up and keep pushing forward. We got this.
It’s not. Not in the great state of FL.
Report them to the Govs office and spam it if need be. Make sure they’re held accountable.
I lost my job two weeks ago over the vaccination registry they are trying to implement in FL, when I called and spoke to a lawyer he said “they could only protect my medical privacy if it had something along the lines of being a pedophile, and he also said I have no rights and that I should just get the jab cuz otherwise life will be harder and it’ll be harder to get and keep a job.”
I realized this is a lost soul and just said sir, I am a medical professional those shots are not as safe or effective as you think they are, I hope your realize that before it’s too la the.
And that was that, this bullcrap will only end when We The People end it keep fighting you are not alone
Start your own shop.
8507179337 Governor Ron Desantis
Tell him you feel.like a jew in Germany. I do, everytime I call.
update hey frens thanks for all the support and advice! I sent an email to vaxpassfreefl@flhealth.gov telling them what happened! If i get an email back ill update yall again but again thanks everyone yall are amazing! Ncswic
I agree with everyone else;
Report it to the state gov.
Based on the headlines I've seen (I haven't immersed myself in the details); it seems like this would be in fact patently illegal in Florida.
Chin up, you'll find something even better soon!
In these circumstances we should not answer the vaxx question right away but answer theirs with a question:
"What other irreversible medical procedures will I be expected to get as an employee?"
Is it a federal contractor? They are the ones that are really doing the mandate no matter what state you're in.
Yup. (You are correct on the federal mandates)
Or leave a call back number for when all their techs flop dead.
I would call Desantis!
In FL, they have to offer you exemptions and alternatives to getting the shot.
And the company is responsible for the costs related to testing and they are required to provide you with the PPE if you go that route.
So what you should do is neither accept or reject the requirement to be vaccinated. Say something like "I understand" or "Okay, no problem." This is so they can't refuse to hire you because you're not vaccinated. Then when you're hired and HR asks for your vax card, you can tell them that you're going to opt for testing or PPE as an exemption... If they don't allow you to do that, then they are in violation of the law and can be fined... (Just be prepared to be fired in the near future)
Just left work today…. Weekly mgmt meeting confirmed, “we will not hire anyone who is not vaccinated”
THEY HATE US. They would be happy if none of us existed still because they are having to spend so much time trying to figure out what to do with us! They know what they are asking/what they are doing is MESSED UP. Yet here they are…. Stuck with a lot of us employees who chose not to engage in experimental vaccination… my days are likely numbered @ my place of employment. I know I have been called to a higher position outside of the corporate world, it feels scary breaking off & trying to make your own way, forge your own path, but we must keep faith & have courage. Do not lose heart anons!
Report them to the Florida attorney general While your at it anonymously report them to the DOL wage and labor division for practices you’ve heard that violate laws.
Should've taken the job and refused to get the shot, and when they pressed the issue ignore them.
Up for an interview tomorrow, I also will not be getting the shot. Q. Can they ask about your vaxx status?
Governor Ron DeSantis Signs Legislation to Protect Florida Jobs On November 18, 2021, in News Releases, by Staff
BRANDON, Fla. – Today, Governor Ron DeSantis was joined by Florida Speaker Chris Sprowls and Senate President Wilton Simpson to sign legislation that will protect Floridians from losing their jobs due to COVID-19 vaccine mandates and protect parents’ rights to make healthcare decisions for students. The bills were passed through a Special Session of the Florida Legislature and are effective upon the Governor’s signature. The legislation signed today is the strongest pro-freedom, anti-mandate action taken by any state in the nation. Read about the legislation HERE.
In Florida, effective immediately:
✓ Private Employer COVID-19 vaccine mandates are prohibited. ‣ Employees can choose from numerous exemptions, including but not limited to, health or religious concerns; pregnancy or anticipated future pregnancy; and past recovery from COVID-19. ‣ Employees can choose to opt for periodic testing or PPE as an exemption. ‣ Employers must cover the costs of testing and PPE exemptions for employees.
✓ Employers who violate these employee health protections will be fined. ‣ Small businesses (99 employees or less) will face $10,000 per employee violation. ‣ Medium and big businesses will face $50,000 per employee violation.
✓ Government entities may not require COVID-19 vaccinations of anyone, including employees.
✓ Educational institutions may not require students to be COVID-19 vaccinated.
✓ School districts may not have school face mask policies.
✓ School districts may not quarantine healthy students.
✓ Students and parents may sue violating school districts and recover costs and attorney’s fees.
“I told Floridians that we would protect their jobs and today we made that the law,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “Nobody should lose their job due to heavy-handed COVID mandates and we had a responsibility to protect the livelihoods of the people of Florida. I’m thankful to the Florida Legislature for joining me in standing up for freedom.”
Also at the event today, Attorney General Ashley Moody announced that Florida is challenging the CMS rule in court. Read more about that announcement HERE.
“Governor DeSantis has shown exemplary leadership throughout the pandemic, and I am proud to stand with him as we challenge unlawful vaccine mandates forced on Floridians by the president and his power-hungry bureaucrats,” said Attorney General Ashley Moody. “I will always fight for freedom, Florida’s sovereignty and the autonomy of American workers.”
“Governor DeSantis was clear: no Floridian should lose their jobs over vaccines mandates,” said Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez. “I applaud the leadership of President Simpson and Speaker Sprowls for their efforts in protecting Floridians. The Free state of Florida will never bend the knee to the Biden Administration’s unconstitutional overreach.”
“I am honored to be here today as Governor DeSantis signs the ‘Keep Florida Free’ agenda into law,” said Senate President Wilton Simpson. “We are sending a clear message that Florida stands for freedom. To our health care workers, law enforcement, first responders, farmers, truckers, and every other worker who never got a day off and couldn’t work from home during the pandemic – thank you for getting us through this crisis. Thank you for putting your family at risk. You stood with us when we needed you most, and we are proud to stand with you now. The Florida Legislature and Governor DeSantis are fighting for you. We will not allow the Biden Administration to make political pawns of the very people who put their lives on the line to keep our economy running while everyone else was safe at home, and we certainly will never cede the responsibility of parenting to the school system or bureaucrats in the federal government. Florida respects the dignity of work, the responsibility to parent and the right to live in freedom.”
“Today is a great day for Florida. Working together with Governor DeSantis, Senate President Simpson, House members and our Senate colleagues, we have passed the smartest, strongest legislation in America to combat the Biden Administration’s unlawful vaccine mandate,” said Speaker Chris Sprowls. “We are proud to stand alongside every Florida parent and worker and say that forced masking of our kids in schools and forced vaccinations to keep your job stops here in Florida. We are proud to stand alongside businesses and provide some sanity and options to treat their employees as the individuals they are instead of succumbing to a one-size-fits-all federal mandate. The result of this week’s work is simple: No one who is subject to Florida law will be forced to get a vaccine who does not want one.”
“The mission of this special session was to ensure that the law reflects the values of liberty in our state,” said Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo.“Floridians are now protected in their jobs, at school and as parents to choose how to protect themselves from COVID-19. Thank you Governor DeSantis for your leadership in making practical and informed decisions based on science.”
Call the Governor you might find he is on your side! Are you gonna give up so easily! Part of being A patriot is to FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT! You can slump crawl into a pity party or Patriot sue the hell out of them!!! Call the Desantis!!!
"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
-Mark Twain
It's a stealership. Sue those lowlifes into the ground. Worked at a lot of dealership, their only goal is to screw the customer and make even more profits off of screwing their employees. Go to an independant shop and get paid what you're worth.
Dude if they are still getting away with this shit in Florida.... imagine the hell that pure blue states are... Pray for us
They are already getting away with it - lots of remote jobs are requiring vaccine as part of their process, because they 'care' so much about everyone's health eye roll
It shouldn't be allowed ANYWHERE.
Keep your chin up! Though it's discouraging thank God you have discernment to see through the b.s. You'll land something else. Stay strong and continue standing firm.
Reach out to https://twitter.com/hiringfreedom
They say they can try and help you locate a job for unvaccinated people.
Twitter?? lol what are you doing, dude.
Our Oppressors must firstly be resisted (well done fren) and then punished.
Again, congratulations on having the strength to show the courage of your convictions!