His pulse ox was 64% when my sister took him. I offered the protocol and they wanted to no part of it. They refused the ivermectin, wouldn’t take the vitamins and now he’s going to be admitted and put on the hospitals stupid protocol which will probably kill him. My sisters a nurse and I even told her give him ivermectin and she said it doesn’t work. It’s super frustrating that he would not listen and I am sad. Please keep him in your prayers.
Comments (192)
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My husband and I have COVID too and we are taking the vitamins and the ivermectin and it’s definitely helping us.
The SARS-CoV-2 genome only exists as a computer model based on a simulated mutation of the SARS-1 virus. Every single variant is nothing more than a hypothetical computer simulation of a fictional mutation….and a patent is obtained for each variation.
COVID-19 does not exist in nature. Influenza A and Influenza B are the likely culprits.
Probably but regardless the protocol they put him on will kill him and I am so mad that no one will even freaking try.
Avoid remdesivir at all costs. It’s a Fauci funded creation that causes kidney failure.
I know.
Need zinc too
I was afraid of Remdesivir when they gave it to my dad. But he did ok. I did my research and found out Trump took remdesivir which made me feel better. My dad was not on a ventilator and had taken 4 days of ivermectin Hcq zithromax zinc, b ,c, NAC prior to being admitted for dehydration. He is 74.
Trump took Regeneron not Remdesivir, big difference. Happy your dad is OK.
Yes he did the remdesivir. I didn't believe so either. But his doc said he did. Easy to research
He took both.
Trump took Remdesivir https://www.foxnews.com/health/remdesivir-trump-coronavirus-treatment.amp
They wouldn’t take the zinc, vitamin D, c, NAC. None of it.
It’s weird how many people won’t even try things that have ZERO downside….
What’s the worst that could happen by taking that stack?
I mean especially the vitamins, which have been studied for decades.
Cognitive Dissonance
If this thing that media not telling about works, what other things that media is telling me about will also work?
Nope, cant have that train of thought, so I ain't taking it.
But that’s encouraging about Remdesivir.
Edit. Oh I guess Regeneron is what Trump actually took.
My step mom was put on Remdesivir. Amazingly she was one of a few that survived, even the doctors were shocked.
You did the same thing as me! I didn't think he took remdesivir but he did!
Trump took Remdesivir
So you are saying he took both, lower down the article it says he took Regeneron.
You are going to sauce this with an article from Fox? LOL
My husband had a course of Remdesevir treatment when he was hospitalized last Christmas with a roaring case of Covid. He’s still irritating as ever 😉. Made a full recovery. That being said, he was resistant to the vitamin regimen the rest of us put ourselves on when we became Covid Christmas Campers. We’ve all started taking an immunity cocktail of vitamins and minerals. And have been spreading the word about increasing Vitamin D intake. Amazing how many people don’t know about the need to increase Vitamin D, especially in the winter months.
I am shocked every time someone looks puzzled when I tell them the supplements I take. They act like it's dangerous or something. They ask why my doc has me taking "all that". Haha! Some seem to know about vitamin d but have no idea how much they should take. Most don't take anywhere near what they should.
In 40+ years I've never had a flu that reset my receptors and almost killed me, until Covid. Three months later (thanks to Ivermectin) I'm still suffering from neurological damage and neuropathy in hands/feet.
I spent 17 days in the hospital with Covid. 7 of those in the ICU. Anyone saying Covid doesn't exist has their head up their own ass. It's DEFINITELY not the Flu. The Flu doesn't inhibit your breathing or keep oxygen from entering your blood stream. It was the toughest battle of my life and for a while we didn't think I was going to make it.
Are they counting Flu cases against the Covid cases? I'm sure they are, in order to inflate the numbers. It doesn't change the fact that Covid is real. The only thing that kept me off of a ventilator was the Covid protocol I took before being admitted to the hospital. I'm certain it saved my life. I still have numbness in my toes on my right foot. I imagine that it is probably permanent, but I consider it a small price to pay for my life.
Do you have an oz of proof that any of the variants are patented?
Start here…
Okay I read that, and that is not a patent on a variant.
So now that I've started there do you have any proof that any of the variants are patented?btw,can't patent on a vaccine for a virus that is not I. Circulation is going to be worthless when the next one comes out.
But back to the point- I'd like to see proof of your claims if it's out there. Would be good to know if this is true?
If this kills your father I hope you absolutely rip into your sister who murdered him. Ill pray it does not come to that but unleash hell upon her (lawfully and legally in case any fed faggots are browsing).
Question, who was sick first?
My vaxxed sister.
How did you get the Ivermectin?
I bought mine from southern ag. I spent 150 for the pills for my wife when she got ill, but I bought horsepaste for myself in case I ended up getting sick 😂
Reliablerxpharmacy.com takes about a month.
Ordered twice.
I am so sad at how brainwashed so many people are. Did you send them the article talking about the court order forcing the hospital to administrator the invermectin as a last option and it worked?
They thinking it’s a crazy conspiracy theory and I am a crazy conspiracy theorist. Meanwhile I am healing my husband and myself at home with the protocols that work.
I wouldn't give a hoot what they think. Lawyer up and go fight for your dad.
I send them all kinds of stuff and they never read it. It’s so frustrating to have everyone think you are a loon when you know for a fact they are being a pack of lies.
We are all in that boat !
Thank you fren.
I am living your same life. Both my parents, all my siblings, their spouses and several nieces and a nephew or two are all vaxxed. I have SO MUCH information I could share but they all made it clear about a year ago that they thought I was selfish and that not getting the vax means I don't care if I got my elderly parents sick. They will never let go of it now because they won't be able to admit they were and are wrong. Your family is in my prayers.
It just doesn't work to try to tell someone who won't hear it. In fact, they double down. I just say that I'm one of the people who doesn't believe it, and I leave it at that. If they want to know more (seldom) I will tell them.
You and your family are in my prayers too.
Same here
I feel you, everyone left in my family thinks I'm crazy and I'm the only one who ever spent time studying bioscience.
I feel the exact same way.
Have you tried using words from their playbook? “Do you believe ‘The Science’? Well here’s ‘The Science’ of Ivermectin, let’s read it together”
If you want to message me your sisters phone number I will "accidently" send ivermectin success stories until she tells me I got the wrong number.
You are the best.
Your sister sounds too stupid to be a nurse. I hope your dad makes it.
You don’t know enough nurses
Haha, sounds to me like the only qualification to be a nurse now a days is to have a 4th grade reading level and a pulse
I know A LOT of stupid nurses.
Back in spring '20 (during the quarantine that I didn't partake in) I had a brief conversation with a neighbor, who's a nurse. I told her staying quarantined inside, constant hand washing and sanitizing everything would just weaken a person's immune system, and that it's futile to try and hide from a virus. She didn't share my opinion.
Might as well try to restrain the wind as try and restrain a virus.
You joke but that’s literally why people wear masks
My mother is a veteran battle ax nurse - retired a while back. She will tell you the training most nurses get these days is very subpar. They just want warm bodies pushing iv pain meds and shitting on their cnas.
A lot of nurses are like this. I have a ton of nurse friends who are going along with the CDC protocols and getting freaked out, mad at everyone who doesn’t get vaxxed. But I also have several nurse friends who are like us—have done the research and understand the big picture.
The difference is people/nurses who think for themselves vs those who will blindly believe and do what they're told.
I know. I am so frustrated with her.
Visit your dad alone. Sneak in the drugs. Tell your dad even if he doesn't believe in it, do it for you. Tell him he has nothing to lose. There is no downside, no side effects, no interference with other drugs. And do not tell your sister anything until he is cured.
nurses tend to be needy people... always wanting to fix others .. and they think they know more than the doctor sometimes.
Her own fucking father's life is on the line and she's still blinded by her brainwashing. I mean, it won't fucking hurt to try!!
EXACTLY THIS!!! Why not fucking try it?
He is as much your father as he is hers. Fulfill your duties as a son and save him. You don't have to post here to get sympathy points.
Tell them won't hurt, might help... so worth trying. No one has ever died from taking ivermectin.
Yep told them. My sister says it’s ineffective so now one else listens.
Dont forget that horse paste can be absorbed through the skin. Go visit your Dad and give him a big horsey hug.
ive known 7 people now with covid and i gave them ivermectin and all of them get over it within 1-2 days
tbh i also give them quercetin and zinc.
How much quercetin and is it the same amount that can be used for a maintenance dose? Any particular brand? There's tons of it on the market.
Take a look at Zelenko’s protocols for amounts. https://vladimirzelenkomd.com/treatment-protocol/
I take 1000mg every day. I just use naturebell on amazon. i havent tried other brands so i cant vouch for them but this one seems to remove a lingering cough i have and clears up allergies along with being a zinc ionophore which is good against colds.
IVM will work, but in reality you need IVM and zinc.
That’s right. I am just trying to get them to bite on something. I told them about the vitamins a week ago.
Go into his room, while standing next to his bed lean into his ear and whisper to him, "Was it worth it?"
Then slap the ivermectin (buy a horse paste tube) in his lap with a spoon and straight up TELL him to his face if he wants to fucking live to take it. Then walk out of the room.
Sometimes you have to play fucking hardball with people.
Yeah I totally would but of course the hospital won’t let anyone with him. Convenient right.
Are you actually going to let them murder your father?
Okay seriously what am I going to do? Break in the hospital.
What if you walked straight in wearing scrubs and a mask? I wonder if anyone would even stop you.
This is an amazing idea!
Annnd do a little research before you go, if you're stopped make sure the person knows they might have offended you and say, with authority, 4West. (or whatever floor you researched)
It's all in the attitude. Walk a little fast, look like you're thinking deeply, tired, stressed, a little pissed off, have a headache, hungry and need to pee. Everyone will think you're a nurse!
This is exactly how I do physical security audits. I’ve gotten into so many places it’s alarming. Only challenged twice.
Its not breaking in if you just walk in and ignore their requests to stop. Walk right past the front desk and dont stop till you get to his room. Give him the tube. Security shows up, you get removed. Doesnt matter though cause you already gave it to him. just dont let them see you hand it to him
Whatever your heart and conscience feels is right.
Get a lawyer and check him out of the hospital on hospice. Hospice will provide the oxygen that he needs while you get him the proper treatment. Frontline doctors have lawyers that I think can help you with this.
Remember: In an insane world, only the sane appear insane.
Demand you see him for his last will and testament, and have them escort you to the room, they will make the exception.
Call ahead if you need to and while your there slip him the tube.
I am so sorry. I had family members who made bad decisions, too. I finally had to just let them do what they wanted. Everyone is free to make their own healthcare choices, even when we disagree and feel it is not the best for them. Just love your dad, thank your sister for being there for your dad, and PRAY that God gives them wisdom and knowledge.
Thank you.
There is still hope, he has to refuse remdesivir and whatever the name of the other drug like it is. My ex was in the hospital last week and we told him to refuse it and he did. He came out fine after 4 days. No ventilator, no Remdesivir.
They won’t listen to me.
Then get louder
Does your Dad have any trusted friends who he'd listen to? Ones that would help your side?
Not really. He’s surrounded by the brainwashed.
Why are these people being admitted? Are they trying to 'tough it out' too long before they do ivm treatment and getting too low in o2 saturation?
Yes that’s what happened. They literally let him lay there getting worse and worse until his o2 saturation was in the 60s. He didn’t take anything at all to help him.
That's my question as well. With my ex they made up concerns about his heart with the low oxygen level. But it wasn't that low, there would have been other options. I think they are being greedy and admitting patients who never should be in the hospital to start with. His O2 was 91 when admitted???
I am genuinely sorry, fren. You did everything you could. Let that keep your mind and heart at peace moving forward. I wlll say a prayer for you, your dad, and your family.
Your sister is dumb as a fuck and when your dad dies she will use that for social media attention.
Probably. I blame all of them for not giving him a fighting chance.
Go to the hospital with some ivermectin paste mixed in with lotion. Rub it on your dad‘s legs and arms. It won’t work as well without it being swallowed, however I’ve heard this work for some people. Why do you have to lose? If they’re going to try and kill him anyway, you might as well do what you can. If your father dies, it will be blood on your sisters hands, and I would never speak to her ever again
Can’t get to him. No visitors. I told my husband I hold them all accountable if he dies. They wouldn’t even try anything.
Document the entire process for the inevitable court proceedings later on. Hell, there might even be possible murder charges that would stick once all of this is exposed, and it would help put them away if you have the process documented. Everything from your recommendations to them, from the hospital denying your requests of visitation, etc
I will do this.
They make a cattle Ivermectin that is sprayed, and is designed to be absorbed through the skin. They spray this on cattle, it's an oily mixture; farmers tend to get treated simply by working with their animals.
Or this...
They will stick a vent in him, give him remdisivir (shuts down organs) and will wait for him to pass. DO NOT LET THEM VENTILATE or give Remdisivir.
I pray your father lives. God Bless you all.
I know that’s my biggest worry.
Doctors will say there aren't enough studies, show them this: http://www.ivmmeta.com
I know you mentioned sharing the protocols, here is another if it is different or helps or for others reading this post. https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/FLCCC-Alliance-MATHplus-Protocol-ENGLISH.pdf
Success stories in other countries.
Ask the doctor if he/she will be fired if they prescribe ivermectin. Many hospitals have sent letters to all docs and PAs not to prescribe ivermectin or they will lose their jobs. Remind the doctor of their hippocratic oath. First, do no harm. Do they care more about their patients or their paychecks.
Your family may come around. After your dad is in the hospital for a few days, they are going to start looking for answers. You have them. Godspeed to you.
You're father made his choice when he took the jab. I am so sorry for you as there is no easy way to deal with this. In my mother's final hours all we could do was pray and accept God's Will... though I don't think it was His Will for her to die of cancer, I do believe He called her to a higher purpose.
Wish I could be more helpful... prayers.
I know you are right. He made his choice thinking the jab would save him. He kept telling me it was gonna keep people out of the hospital well we see how that turned out.
We did see them but actually caught it from them and they know for a fact they got it from my vaxxed sister and her family. But we know how they love to twist it and those are good points. Thank you.
Show them the picture of this Merck plaque:
I sent them the protocols, sent them the information for Frontline Doctors they just acted like I was crazy. Soooo infuriating.
Send them some of the reports from Japan and India about their incredible success rates over there
Something that I've seen get through to people who reject all things Ivermectin is Corticosteroids. Budesonide, like the inhalers you get when you have allergies or a cold. Practically no one rejects breathing a little easier, and it's well documented that they help.
For your eyes, because it's sounding like anything you suggest as a "Covid cure" will get rejected as against their golden calf religion: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33844996/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8310374/
There's several types of corticosteroids, and they pretty much all work versus Covid. The body can defeat Covid. You just need to keep it alive while it does.
The NIH’s own website, COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines, lists Ivermectin as a treatment option. Use this as hard proof for any doctor that refuses to prescribe it or pharmacist that refuses to fill it.
Table 2e. Characteristics of Antiviral Agents That Are Approved or Under Evaluation for the Treatment of COVID-19 https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/tables/table-2e/
So, you give it to him yourself. Be damned with everyone else.
I can’t get to him now. The hospital won’t let anyone in to see him because they won’t to kill him without being bothered.
Then, you're going to have to try like hell to get your sister on-board.
Show her this:
She's going to have a hard time arguing against the NIH.
That's a hit job meta analysis that picks the smallest, most inclusive studies.
This has many, many more studies and grabs everything regardless of narrative. https://c19ivermectin.com/
Whoa! I haven't seen this one. Thanks for the assist, fren!
Here's another one for you, fren:
is it possible to find an attorney to get access to your dad? i know time is short. . .if you can just get in, you can administer ivermectin when they are not lookin'. others have had success. i feel for you dear, this rotten business is dividing families.
I will pray for your dad. It's so frustrating and scarey
Saying prayers for your Dad.
The best we can do is tell people the truth with love and with logic.
You can't make their decisions for them. Don't feel guilty. I am sorry for your troubles. If I were you, I would get the meds ready and have them in a bag ready to go- so when he inevitably takes a turn for the worst if when he is given Remdesivir and gets put on a ventilator, you still have an opportunity to save him. I've got a Covid therapy bag for my wife with a prescription filled and ready to go if needed. I'm good with my green apple.
Here are peer-reviewed studies with meta analysis for your sister to read. You can browse through many different therapies on the top. I personally jump on stuff with no side effects, like Vitamin C, D, Zinc, Curcumin (turmeric), Melatonin, etc... https://c19ivermectin.com/
I am praying for your Dad!
NIH says it works dude:
Get him out of that hospital ASAP!
You and your family will be in my daily prayers. ((Big hugs)) It is very hard when people you love refuse to really listen, hear and research information.
Perhaps Regeneron?
I asked my sister to ask for this and she said the hospital only gives you those if you are not being admitted. She thinks she knows everything because she works at another hospital.
That's odd. Regeneron is administered by infusion. On Doctor's orders it can be administered outpatient at a clinic or even in your home by visiting nurse. You could call your own Doctor about it for clarification. Or, perhaps you can find more info for your general area/state via www.americasfrontlinedoctors.org or FLCC Frontline Critical Care
At this time, I do not want to enter any hospital unless it's absolutely necessary. So in my planning I have obtained most of the meds I'd need to treat covid. I do know that Florida has Regeneron available outpatient in many clincs now as I spend 6 mos there. And here where i spend the other 6 months one of my doctors advised me Ihat monoclonal antibodies (like Regeneron) could be administered here at home by visiting nurse.
I'll keep you ladies in my prayers
We are praying for your dad! Its too bad he got the clotshot the survival chance is really diminshed now. STAY STRONG! Smuggle him some horse paste!
Perhaps you should give your sister, the NURSE some information
So her ignorance, doesn't kill her Dad, and yours. Ignorance can be cured; stupid is forever
Show her this. NIH study.
I'm so sorry. It's extremely frustrating and I know how you feel. My dad passed in October in the hospital from covid that was NOT treated properly, as we all know. I will pray for you and your family. Stay strong.
Prayers sent..hope you are able to get them to give ivermectin.