This is exactly it. "I don't like it" lol. I've always been a believer that Joe-6-Pack needs to lose everything and everyone he loves before he wakes up. And I'm being proven right every day.
For sure the pendilum will swing hard against them at some point in time (hopefully soon) but until then they know they're backed in a corner and are fighting with all their might. Propaganda, that's a neat trick.. let's do that over and over.
Oh don't even go there..... Drawing a line in the sand in the name of reason is simply ignored by despots. They don't care about you and I. They only care about their own interests. We are dealing with psychopaths.
My comment was sarcasm not necessarily toward you. You are speaking words of reason and common sense. But, that's the problem we're having today. Common sense is no longer common. Logic doesn't exist to the oppressors and all the leftist Marxists.
Of course "people will not buy this shit." And yes, it was I who said "they don't care", not you. The fact is the evil financial Cabal don't care. If they did care, they would be feeding the world's poor. They have usurped (stolen) the vast majority of the world's wealth. Where are they on this? Well, we all know where they are. They busy consolidating their power over us. The CDC already published a white paper for concentration camps. Washington State under that crack pot despot Gov. Inslee has built them and the TN governor is also acting to do so. These 'outliers' of insanity tend to be the trial balloons for other States. They're psychopaths.
Anons, have hope Q is working,but time is precious,make your fucking preparations in case Q plan would be not working too - in such case few months,maybe weeks left probably.
I warn you: That is serious shit. Don't risk being like those man jabbed at the roof on his house because he was not prepared. Don't risk being sended to FEMA camp.
My sister in Melbourne is yelling on Facebook "just get your vax so we can go back to normal" and the rest of the family is hoping for the travel restrictions to be lifted so they can "escape their penial colony" all while bad mouthing me for running out of fingers and toes to count my guns on.
No you silly cunt if you comply more you will be culled or, if deemed productive, confined to a pod and made to eat bugs. Modernity's fascination with letting women believe their opinions are sensible will be the end of us.
It's a much hated truth, but you can literally trace the beginning of the downfall of our culture to women's suffrage. That doesn't mean all women are fools, it just that they can be more easily emotionally manipulated than men.
Look at the news, what is it trying to do 99% of the time, emotional manipulation.
Women evolved to be more emotionally sensitive because it's very important when dealing with children.
Men and women are different, we are on average suited for very different tasks. Making women into "men light" is retarded.
Women are definitely easier to program and brainwash. Conveniently the best way to do that to men is with women. So now we have what we have with soyboys? Whatever term you want lol
What does that have to do with what I said? If you handed the vote to only women then you'd assume that it wouldn't be the end of the world wouldn't you? Have you seen what women as a bloc vote for? Have you seen what women as a bloc contribute in tax base?
The national vote was safeguarded by the fact men making dumb choices would be drafted in to go die exercising them, we've reached in the most woke of woke segments of this timeline the idea that women may in fact be drafted in the same vein and they're collectively laughing and jeering about how they suddenly want to be housewives with no views on anything.
Some 12 year olds can drive cars, some people under legal age of consent can consent in a more appropriate manner than those over the age, sometimes paracetamol kills you, you get it yet? Women don't even want women flying them in charter planes ffs.
I'm sorry Rando- men deserve better than this. I have a couple Dad friends who are in a similar situation.
Okay, in general I do wish there was more cool women around. "Coffee with the NPC's" is the way I mentally brand a lot of the dumb conversations I get stuck in weekly. But, I don't blame a lot of these super sweet-but-brainwashed ladies. (Sure, the truly scary ones can bug off). I blame the brain washers. When they start waking up, if I'm around I'll help them.
Yea…it’s not sexist bullshit comments. There’s the general rule and the exception. You are an exception but a large chunk of women fell for the propaganda. They’re also very vocal and well retarded as they’ve made up for a large base of Democrat votes.
Lady here. Yea, I agree - it is not sexist. Men and women are different, period. It's just a fact of life. Furthermore, I could go on and on about how the women's movement ruined society as a whole. That said, women should obviously have the same rights as men, including the right to vote, despite the proclivity to be more emotional. While we can be more emotional, we can also be more cunning and perceptive than men.
You might be right. I did NOT vote for Obozo either. I kept open mind and listened to all the debates and his campaigning - I argued with friends who thought he was JFK come back to life- bullshit - he had golden tongue yes but said NOTHING. I listened closely lol - said nothing
I'm not trolling, why do you think 85-90% of marketing is aimed at women?
Im not into woke but the fact is most people in charge of all thats wrong right now are men.
"In charge", no one is in charge nominally, that is the point of democracy turned anarcho-tyranny. The "men" in charge talking about faggot rights and saving brown people do so with the "legitimacy" of facebook temp profile using women and their attendant simps. Look at government spending in any country after women's [national] suffrage. What did women do with their votes again? They voted themselves into the most medicated, depressed state they've ever been in and handing their daughters into Tinder and given their countries to 3rd world rapists. Spare me your moral indignation I couldn't give less of a fuck.
This is obviously a subject you are completely clueless on. You’ve failed to study women voting patterns, marketing, socially engineered hot topics. Sit back, go study and realize you are not only wrong but very wrong.
She not paying attention? Why would that suddenly work now when it hasn't yet? "Just one more shot, just one more booster, just mask up nn more weeks and it'll all be okay again!"
Our enemy is the devil. We won't have peace until he or we are destroyed, and the former won't occur if you do what he says.
We know how that story ends, but so many have been deceived. They will see it, I pray so hard before it’s too late. Their bodies may perish but I hope that they save their souls. Forever is a long time I for one do not want to spend it in the company of Satan
No joke. I have already cut off tyrant family members. I would cut off my parents if they began acting like tyrants. This is between me and God. I'm not sacrificing it for anyone.
Famous last words. Pride cometh before the fall. Get ready for millions of americans to willingly give up their guns and freedoms when they come for them outright. Because throwing down is much harder than complying (read: complaining on the internet), and many people have grown fat and complacent in the modern world with all its running water, air conditioning, and electricity. This isn't dooming this is a statement of fact.
Where I work, a bunch of the vaccine holdouts went ahead and got the clotshot several months ago when there was talk of the company maybe mandating it sometime in the future (it hasn't happened and probably won't happen), to give you an idea.
It's like everyone conveniently forgets how many people complied with the stupid lockdowns here in the US. People saying that there's no way this can happen are wrong.
They won't outright try this, but they'll slowly implement things until it's too late. Death by a thousand cuts.
I hope that this plan is real but people really do need supplies in case things do go down hill.
They've been trying hard to get the guns for decades now, and the number of guns in the hands of the people just keeps on growing with every bullshit tactic they try. The people understand what their end game is, and now it is becoming even clearer as we watch them take over Australia and Britain's unarmed populations.
I don't think you'll see the America patriots give up shit without a fight, and a lot of us are tired of this slow roll, and ready for that fight to break out.
No, I know many will fight (myself included). But many will fold; and the number that will fight; the number of guns won't deter them from at least trying and giving their best go. But it is sheer arrogance to just say "ahh, they'll never try that here" because they're already well on their way.
they'll wipe us out financially, raise up all the markets so we sell our cars, houses, toys. then buy into more expensive houses cause we need a place to live.
by the time they're done you wont have a penny to your name except what you earn next week.
except they're creating an economy where no one wants to work. making those that want to works jobs harder.
make your fucking preparations in case Q plan would be not working
If the Q plan were not working, no preparations would be effective against a ruthless global satanic totalitarian communist cabal ruling the world—with the entire news media, social media, political, educational, and entertainment systems fully behind them. Just funeral preparations.
We would be ending up in a concentration camp, a work prison, or a morgue. I would be choosing the latter, because Live Free or Die isn't just the best state motto.
If the Q plan were not working, no preparations would be effective against a ruthless global satanic totalitarian communist cabal ruling the world—with the entire news media, social media, political, educational, and entertainment systems fully behind them. Just funeral preparations.
Even if that thing would happen, we would need to TRY, OR DIE STANDING anon.Stop inner panicking. Q will save us or not - WE WILL HOLD THE FUCKING LINE. And we will WIN. Even if some of us would have to join sandbag division.
with the entire news media, social media, political, educational, and entertainment systems fully behind them
We are right however,and we are really majority or near majority. We have morale they have not. We are morally right and blessed by God while they are not.We have more to lose,so we would be determined while they are not. And even if we would be somehow deemed to lose - what would future generations say (if there somehow would be better future) after they will liberate themselves if we would somehow fail ?
Start to believe you are strong because YOU ARE. It is also about this fren.
They think they will intimidate us. Now look at other anons comments ! Maybe they observe us. And our (wonderful) answer for them is:
It's a constant battle to stay positive and to have faith that there's good people fighting on the frontlines... Its seems like 90% of the people in power are evil. If the people are evil enough to plan and execute on the the situation we're in now, then it's not crazy to question whether they were behind Q... Not trying to be a doomer, but it seems rational to question everything due to the situation.
The longer this drags out the more devastating consequences are. No matter how this ends, it seems for sure to be a long and difficult road back to anything resembling normalcy.
it's not crazy to question whether they were behind Q
It's not crazy to question it. But it is crazy after questioning it and finding the entire idea ridiculously absurd to continue putting forth the idea that Q is a psy op by the cabal.
In what galaxy could it ever make sense to reveal your own darkest secrets, the heinous crimes you've committed at the highest level of politics and industry, the intermarriages among news media personnel and politicians, your demonic plans for world domination, your sickening lust for sex and torture of children and for using them as pawns in transactions?
In what universe would it make sense to pump up your enemy (patriotic Americans) with faith, hope, fervor, iron-willed determination, confidence, and absolute certainty that God would win...and constantly goad them into researching (and ever-intensifying activism against) your monstrous globalist aims?
Every time someone puts forth this idea about the C_A and cabal deliberately fortifying patriots with Q posts—as if intensely boosting our morale and grim resolve to fight them tooth and nail to the death would somehow make us more manageable—I enjoy utterly laying waste to it like this. Nothing personal anon! Again I say, nothing wrong with questioning.
FEMA? There aren't enough military/leo to enforce that. Do you believe no one in the US would start shooting? Sure, they'll get some in the beginning but after that the price goes up. If you're one of the saps tasked with doing this and know there is a good chance you'll be shot do you keep doing it? This is exactly the same mechanics as seizing guns, not going to happen.
This is one of the reasons so much ammunition and guns were sold. So if there is a stay for government workers, healthcare workers and everyone in general re. the mandates, which are not laws, not even put into law by Congress, why the need for internment camps except to exert control over someone else’s body, health, choice/destiny?
First its not a vaccine... its gene therapy... once that narrative is fixed the rest will fall. Changing the definition of what the Clot shot is, doesn't make it true just proves there was a concerted effort to hide the truth.
Even "therapy" is the wrong word because therapy is a good thing, while this is designed only to hurt and kill innocent humans.
Fortunately, the practice of wordnerdery provides us a cunning solution.
Genetic modification (or manipulation) is more accurate but a bit clumsier to say. So, let's call it the "GMO shot".
People—especially liberals!—have already been programmed to intensely fear "GMO", so let's use that irrational fear as a weapon against the cabal.
The "GMO shot" very literally turns you into a genetically modified organism. As such, did you know you're no longer considered a "human" in the eyes of the law? You are instead a new biological product with a patent number on you. The owner of the patent is now in control.
The talks of a 4th one is really scaring the smooth-brains, lots of wage-cucks (not like I’m any better lol) complaining about using up all their PTO to heal from the clot shot.
Just like if a thug orders you at gunpoint to get in the car, NEVER get in the car. You're going to die for sure that way.
Instead resist, refuse, and puke, poop and piss all over yourself to make yourself disgusting if you can, etc. NEVER get in the car with the bad guys. Even if they promise you it's for your own good, like the globalist thugs are doing.
Haha fr, at least then I know I tried. I could surrender to the enemy and live the rest of my days miserable, or live the next 2 minutes like a badass.
That's the UK and that can easily happen. News flash, that WON'T happen in the US but Europe it's highly plausible unless the people actually push back and they are.
Brazen yes but also spectacularly stupid. People will not buy this shit.
In this case there is fear of being locked up like a prisoner. Good motivator.
This is exactly it. "I don't like it" lol. I've always been a believer that Joe-6-Pack needs to lose everything and everyone he loves before he wakes up. And I'm being proven right every day.
For sure the pendilum will swing hard against them at some point in time (hopefully soon) but until then they know they're backed in a corner and are fighting with all their might. Propaganda, that's a neat trick.. let's do that over and over.
The cult will buy it unfortunately
Yep and it's arming them with the words and mindset to adopt to justify it to themselves and others.
Oh don't even go there..... Drawing a line in the sand in the name of reason is simply ignored by despots. They don't care about you and I. They only care about their own interests. We are dealing with psychopaths.
Go where? I didn't say they care about you and 'me' :) or suggest they aren't psychos.
I just said we won't buy it, it won't work. Is that a line? If it is, OK it's a line. Whatever.
My comment was sarcasm not necessarily toward you. You are speaking words of reason and common sense. But, that's the problem we're having today. Common sense is no longer common. Logic doesn't exist to the oppressors and all the leftist Marxists.
Of course "people will not buy this shit." And yes, it was I who said "they don't care", not you. The fact is the evil financial Cabal don't care. If they did care, they would be feeding the world's poor. They have usurped (stolen) the vast majority of the world's wealth. Where are they on this? Well, we all know where they are. They busy consolidating their power over us. The CDC already published a white paper for concentration camps. Washington State under that crack pot despot Gov. Inslee has built them and the TN governor is also acting to do so. These 'outliers' of insanity tend to be the trial balloons for other States. They're psychopaths.
Sabrina Johnson and The Press Association need a midnight visit.
Anons, have hope Q is working,but time is precious,make your fucking preparations in case Q plan would be not working too - in such case few months,maybe weeks left probably.
I warn you: That is serious shit. Don't risk being like those man jabbed at the roof on his house because he was not prepared. Don't risk being sended to FEMA camp.
This in the UK where they have no guns. They won't try this shit in the US. Way too many Americans are willing to go down with a fight.
Their game plan here in the states is to make our lives as unbearable and miserable as possible until we are forced to get the clot shot.
Yeh I'm worried for us in aus. They're cracking down hard
My sister in Melbourne is yelling on Facebook "just get your vax so we can go back to normal" and the rest of the family is hoping for the travel restrictions to be lifted so they can "escape their penial colony" all while bad mouthing me for running out of fingers and toes to count my guns on.
No you silly cunt if you comply more you will be culled or, if deemed productive, confined to a pod and made to eat bugs. Modernity's fascination with letting women believe their opinions are sensible will be the end of us.
Was with you til the end there😂 You do know that some of the awakened are women too, right?
It's a much hated truth, but you can literally trace the beginning of the downfall of our culture to women's suffrage. That doesn't mean all women are fools, it just that they can be more easily emotionally manipulated than men.
Look at the news, what is it trying to do 99% of the time, emotional manipulation.
Women evolved to be more emotionally sensitive because it's very important when dealing with children.
Men and women are different, we are on average suited for very different tasks. Making women into "men light" is retarded.
Can be traced to feminism. A cancer.
Women are definitely easier to program and brainwash. Conveniently the best way to do that to men is with women. So now we have what we have with soyboys? Whatever term you want lol
What does that have to do with what I said? If you handed the vote to only women then you'd assume that it wouldn't be the end of the world wouldn't you? Have you seen what women as a bloc vote for? Have you seen what women as a bloc contribute in tax base?
The national vote was safeguarded by the fact men making dumb choices would be drafted in to go die exercising them, we've reached in the most woke of woke segments of this timeline the idea that women may in fact be drafted in the same vein and they're collectively laughing and jeering about how they suddenly want to be housewives with no views on anything.
Some 12 year olds can drive cars, some people under legal age of consent can consent in a more appropriate manner than those over the age, sometimes paracetamol kills you, you get it yet? Women don't even want women flying them in charter planes ffs.
We MUST end Women's Suffrage!!!
Yeah - gotta agree with the handshake - as a woman I get VERY TIRED of the constant sexist bullshit comments.
Try paying alimony and child support while reading about how you should be genocided, you have no idea what tired is.
I've been a single mother on disability for years - I know all about no money and fucking tired.
I'm sorry Rando- men deserve better than this. I have a couple Dad friends who are in a similar situation. Okay, in general I do wish there was more cool women around. "Coffee with the NPC's" is the way I mentally brand a lot of the dumb conversations I get stuck in weekly. But, I don't blame a lot of these super sweet-but-brainwashed ladies. (Sure, the truly scary ones can bug off). I blame the brain washers. When they start waking up, if I'm around I'll help them.
Yea…it’s not sexist bullshit comments. There’s the general rule and the exception. You are an exception but a large chunk of women fell for the propaganda. They’re also very vocal and well retarded as they’ve made up for a large base of Democrat votes.
Lady here. Yea, I agree - it is not sexist. Men and women are different, period. It's just a fact of life. Furthermore, I could go on and on about how the women's movement ruined society as a whole. That said, women should obviously have the same rights as men, including the right to vote, despite the proclivity to be more emotional. While we can be more emotional, we can also be more cunning and perceptive than men.
Fuck your left right illusion. People on the right fall for propaganda all the time.. let me remind you of a few times .. 911, afghanistan, Iraq.
You might be right. I did NOT vote for Obozo either. I kept open mind and listened to all the debates and his campaigning - I argued with friends who thought he was JFK come back to life- bullshit - he had golden tongue yes but said NOTHING. I listened closely lol - said nothing
I know some dudes who think like this and many women who do not.
Dudes aren't men, and the dudes you talk about only politically exist because they shape their views to try and get into women's pants.
Nice troll.
The irony is apparently you were allowed to have this utterly disgusting opinion i assume because you have a dick swinging between your legs.
What complete BS.
Im not into woke but the fact is most people in charge of all thats wrong right now are men.
I'm not trolling, why do you think 85-90% of marketing is aimed at women?
"In charge", no one is in charge nominally, that is the point of democracy turned anarcho-tyranny. The "men" in charge talking about faggot rights and saving brown people do so with the "legitimacy" of facebook temp profile using women and their attendant simps. Look at government spending in any country after women's [national] suffrage. What did women do with their votes again? They voted themselves into the most medicated, depressed state they've ever been in and handing their daughters into Tinder and given their countries to 3rd world rapists. Spare me your moral indignation I couldn't give less of a fuck.
Top bants.
This is obviously a subject you are completely clueless on. You’ve failed to study women voting patterns, marketing, socially engineered hot topics. Sit back, go study and realize you are not only wrong but very wrong.
She not paying attention? Why would that suddenly work now when it hasn't yet? "Just one more shot, just one more booster, just mask up nn more weeks and it'll all be okay again!"
Our enemy is the devil. We won't have peace until he or we are destroyed, and the former won't occur if you do what he says.
We know how that story ends, but so many have been deceived. They will see it, I pray so hard before it’s too late. Their bodies may perish but I hope that they save their souls. Forever is a long time I for one do not want to spend it in the company of Satan
No joke. I have already cut off tyrant family members. I would cut off my parents if they began acting like tyrants. This is between me and God. I'm not sacrificing it for anyone.
PDF are commies or no?
I’m confused by the whole thing. Just posted the 3D “option” for your country.
Famous last words. Pride cometh before the fall. Get ready for millions of americans to willingly give up their guns and freedoms when they come for them outright. Because throwing down is much harder than complying (read: complaining on the internet), and many people have grown fat and complacent in the modern world with all its running water, air conditioning, and electricity. This isn't dooming this is a statement of fact.
Where I work, a bunch of the vaccine holdouts went ahead and got the clotshot several months ago when there was talk of the company maybe mandating it sometime in the future (it hasn't happened and probably won't happen), to give you an idea.
It's like everyone conveniently forgets how many people complied with the stupid lockdowns here in the US. People saying that there's no way this can happen are wrong.
They won't outright try this, but they'll slowly implement things until it's too late. Death by a thousand cuts.
I hope that this plan is real but people really do need supplies in case things do go down hill.
Pray for deliverance, prepare to deliver.
They've been trying hard to get the guns for decades now, and the number of guns in the hands of the people just keeps on growing with every bullshit tactic they try. The people understand what their end game is, and now it is becoming even clearer as we watch them take over Australia and Britain's unarmed populations.
I don't think you'll see the America patriots give up shit without a fight, and a lot of us are tired of this slow roll, and ready for that fight to break out.
No, I know many will fight (myself included). But many will fold; and the number that will fight; the number of guns won't deter them from at least trying and giving their best go. But it is sheer arrogance to just say "ahh, they'll never try that here" because they're already well on their way.
they'll wipe us out financially, raise up all the markets so we sell our cars, houses, toys. then buy into more expensive houses cause we need a place to live.
by the time they're done you wont have a penny to your name except what you earn next week.
except they're creating an economy where no one wants to work. making those that want to works jobs harder.
They're going to have a much more difficult time here after the recent court rulings. The mandates are all but dead.
If the Q plan were not working, no preparations would be effective against a ruthless global satanic totalitarian communist cabal ruling the world—with the entire news media, social media, political, educational, and entertainment systems fully behind them. Just funeral preparations.
We would be ending up in a concentration camp, a work prison, or a morgue. I would be choosing the latter, because Live Free or Die isn't just the best state motto.
Prep all you want, and trust the Plan.
Even if that thing would happen, we would need to TRY, OR DIE STANDING anon.Stop inner panicking. Q will save us or not - WE WILL HOLD THE FUCKING LINE. And we will WIN. Even if some of us would have to join sandbag division.
We are right however,and we are really majority or near majority. We have morale they have not. We are morally right and blessed by God while they are not.We have more to lose,so we would be determined while they are not. And even if we would be somehow deemed to lose - what would future generations say (if there somehow would be better future) after they will liberate themselves if we would somehow fail ?
Start to believe you are strong because YOU ARE. It is also about this fren. They think they will intimidate us. Now look at other anons comments ! Maybe they observe us. And our (wonderful) answer for them is:
It's a constant battle to stay positive and to have faith that there's good people fighting on the frontlines... Its seems like 90% of the people in power are evil. If the people are evil enough to plan and execute on the the situation we're in now, then it's not crazy to question whether they were behind Q... Not trying to be a doomer, but it seems rational to question everything due to the situation.
The longer this drags out the more devastating consequences are. No matter how this ends, it seems for sure to be a long and difficult road back to anything resembling normalcy.
Have hope for the best,be prepared for the worst,it is all about that fren.
It's not crazy to question it. But it is crazy after questioning it and finding the entire idea ridiculously absurd to continue putting forth the idea that Q is a psy op by the cabal.
In what galaxy could it ever make sense to reveal your own darkest secrets, the heinous crimes you've committed at the highest level of politics and industry, the intermarriages among news media personnel and politicians, your demonic plans for world domination, your sickening lust for sex and torture of children and for using them as pawns in transactions?
In what universe would it make sense to pump up your enemy (patriotic Americans) with faith, hope, fervor, iron-willed determination, confidence, and absolute certainty that God would win...and constantly goad them into researching (and ever-intensifying activism against) your monstrous globalist aims?
Every time someone puts forth this idea about the C_A and cabal deliberately fortifying patriots with Q posts—as if intensely boosting our morale and grim resolve to fight them tooth and nail to the death would somehow make us more manageable—I enjoy utterly laying waste to it like this. Nothing personal anon! Again I say, nothing wrong with questioning.
FEMA? There aren't enough military/leo to enforce that. Do you believe no one in the US would start shooting? Sure, they'll get some in the beginning but after that the price goes up. If you're one of the saps tasked with doing this and know there is a good chance you'll be shot do you keep doing it? This is exactly the same mechanics as seizing guns, not going to happen.
It's a show. A shit show, but a show. Almost nothing we think has happenrd has actually happened. Much that has we haven't seen.
Here's one:
Hardcore vaccine advocates could need firing squad like nazi war criminals.
Sometimes you gotta speak 'their' language to get the point across.
Good point. Though i dont know how i feel about nazis considering they laid the groundworks for our current military industrial complex
Keep pokin' the bear with the stick faggots.
Definition of fuck around and find out. I’m not taking that trash if bill gates and Fauci came to my house and sucked me off in exchange.
I might take one (for the team) if in exchange, I got to pull the lever on the hanging platform...
My death for their death... fair trade... that would keep my kids safe from those to globalist fucks at least.
Hasn't woken up the bear yet.
This is one of the reasons so much ammunition and guns were sold. So if there is a stay for government workers, healthcare workers and everyone in general re. the mandates, which are not laws, not even put into law by Congress, why the need for internment camps except to exert control over someone else’s body, health, choice/destiny?
First its not a vaccine... its gene therapy... once that narrative is fixed the rest will fall. Changing the definition of what the Clot shot is, doesn't make it true just proves there was a concerted effort to hide the truth.
Even "therapy" is the wrong word because therapy is a good thing, while this is designed only to hurt and kill innocent humans.
Fortunately, the practice of wordnerdery provides us a cunning solution.
Genetic modification (or manipulation) is more accurate but a bit clumsier to say. So, let's call it the "GMO shot".
People—especially liberals!—have already been programmed to intensely fear "GMO", so let's use that irrational fear as a weapon against the cabal.
The "GMO shot" very literally turns you into a genetically modified organism. As such, did you know you're no longer considered a "human" in the eyes of the law? You are instead a new biological product with a patent number on you. The owner of the patent is now in control.
yes this works even better!
Dust off those Walmarts......!
It would be called 're-education camps'
And they can fuck rivht off with that.
Once awake, always awake.
Trying to force a narrative on an awake populace only wakes up the remaining ppl who are still asleep.
This would actually expedite our cause, not hinder it.
Ie; look to the OZ
They can create a narrative for licking my balls next
Eeewwwww…THAT’s rotten, Jack?!!
I've stopped showering in preparation.
Haha stop shaving too, hair easily burns, although smelly
There Ya go…!
Go ahead.
"Deradicalize" me.
I've been waiting a long time for you to come take my guns.
Let's get the party started.
Was juuust gonna say that.
Gotta use that fancified Frenchy spelling. Centre, theatre, colour, realise, etc.
Keep in mind that this covers people who got the 1st and 2nd jab, but refused the 3rd.
Or refused any at all.
How many boosters before the compliant wake up and smell the death shots?
The talks of a 4th one is really scaring the smooth-brains, lots of wage-cucks (not like I’m any better lol) complaining about using up all their PTO to heal from the clot shot.
NEVER get on the bus.
Just like if a thug orders you at gunpoint to get in the car, NEVER get in the car. You're going to die for sure that way.
Instead resist, refuse, and puke, poop and piss all over yourself to make yourself disgusting if you can, etc. NEVER get in the car with the bad guys. Even if they promise you it's for your own good, like the globalist thugs are doing.
Yeah I'm not going to shit or puke all over myself. I'm going to simply just start shooting.
Haha fr, at least then I know I tried. I could surrender to the enemy and live the rest of my days miserable, or live the next 2 minutes like a badass.
that's even better, I was thinking of unarmed female victims :p
Bring it
This will never happen, just further scare tactics from a collective of benevolent losers.
Edit: Here in the US anyway. God willing miserable failure here starts dominos dropping for a global peace and harmony.
There won't be any concentration of us. We are too spread out and many dug in.
So can we call people who abort innocent children womb terrorists?
Sounds a lot like the "Happy Camps" that Hillary wanted to build a few years back.
I used to think, it can't happen here. Now I'm not so sure.
I am. We'll see who wins.
If I do, we all do :)
That's the UK and that can easily happen. News flash, that WON'T happen in the US but Europe it's highly plausible unless the people actually push back and they are.
In the USA many, many people will die if they try this.
Follow this digital footprint: FUCK OFF COMMIES! FUCK OFF FASCISTS!
We’ll wipe them out before this happens!
They are already crazy dumb but powerful motherfuckers thinking they are genius,that's the problem... They are literally so dumb to try it seems.
LOL the terrorists are the ones pushing the deadly poison.
Those Mockingbird talking points again.
Using the word refuseniks is pretty brazen…. Not hiding anything at all.
Branding us using a word that resembles Russian—because the simple-minded bots of the left wing have been programmed to think "Russia bad."
Do you guys still want to tell me that there's a peaceful solution to this?
That we should just vote harderer?
This is when the shooting starts.
Hardcore propagandists need to hang from trees.
It's a mirror. Who are the terrorists firing out the threats, using fear, bribery and coercion?
Lock those assholes up before we get to that point.
Just because someone says they don't want to take a vaccine doesn't make them a hardcore refusenik.
Pretty sure this is all UK media.