Agree, dont understand anyone getting so hyped about it. We already dont do everything he says. Nor do we believe he is always right. His position was, Ill push hard for a vaccine that everyone else says is impossible to do in this short timeline. The clot shot calmed some people down and even caused some restrictions to go away. He gave them more than what they asked for. It sucks that some people lost careers but there will be a new health-based-healthcare industry growing out of all this. Even an entirely new parallel economy.
It's more than just "lost careers." Some people lost their loved ones. There's even a horrible graphic viral meme going around of a stillborn baby killed by their mother's booster shot. That's why people are frustrated. We are helplessly seeing our loved deteriorate and even die before our eyes, our younger generation being sacrificed to this horrible agenda, and it seems like nobody in a position of power—not even President Trump—appears to have our back. People are rightfully angry and emotional. Now, that said, the Enemy is using this as a wedge to divide and conquer the Right, and we need to be mindful of the enemy's tricks. But snarking and downplaying other people's pain and frustration like many others in this subreddit are doing doesn't help either.
Trump didn't stick the needle in YOUR body, just stop. Faggots who do what the government tell them to, are the problem. Stop being told what to do and how to act.
Hold the man who "believed" experts, doctors, no-one-can-be-so-evil, after you deal with all the commies, fake news, etc if you still got helicopter fuel leftover.
This is true, but, we aren't born red pilled.
There may be many Trump supporters that were on their way there, that then trusted Trump, got vaxxed, and faced dire fallout because of it.
That's part of why I'm not too sure about the excuses about optics and such for Trump.
If I was a Trump fan, trusted him, trusted the plan, etc and then got the vaxx because of his stance, and I lost someone I loved or had them injured, I'd be mad as hell if it was done for optics.
Yeah but.. my what about the warm and fuzzy feeling of Trump saying what's on our mind?????? What will we do? I guess we have to vote for some rhinos again bois
Could Trump pushing the vax push some people away from it and toward Ivermectin and Fenbendazole? Possibly killing parasites that have caused their brain fog and NPC-ness.
Or maybe they become ok with questioning Pshitty (she tweeted a Trump quote). It may only be baby steps but still in the right direction.
Make yourself a pros/cons list like above. If people will avoid it because you say avoid it, do that. If saying avoid it does no additional benefit and only causes more people to take it, then support it or keep it to yourself.
Because we still have a misplaced love affair with politicians even here. I do not care if politicians have affairs and consensual orgies in their personal time. I care about results and if someone proves they are for the Constitution and put America first, I do not care if they are gay, straight, rich, poor, aced school, flunked school- any number of irrelevant stipulations doesn't matter if they deliver on their promises, keep government in check and make this country freeer and greater. That is all that should ever matter. Yes, we have to take chances on some people, but again, follow what they stand for and judge relevant actions to the position they are applying. And if they have no relevant experience, even better. The point of this system is to avoid career politics. Or at least only allow the good ones to have careers.
Lol. Maybe boomers you know did. Heard "I hope so and so wins. They LOOK so Presidential."
Wtf does that even mean? What about policy? Previous life experience and so on? You might be around awakened folk, but most voters I have encountered still say shit like "oh they're a family person. They share my values!" No they don't.
Member Tiger Woods? Member his fall from grace because he was a famous athlete who had sex? Yeah, in the social political climate I preach about that would not have happened because no one would nor should they care.
Me neither. I don’t understand why people don’t get that he can’t look like he’s anti-mainstream “science”. Someone else that’s reputable and authoritative to the MSM has to come out and dish the vax first.
He’s not taking the easy road but you do you. Believe whatever you want to believe. You think he’s satan. So be it. It’s still a free country. Merry Christmas fren
Anon, you filled your fist with shitty made up statements, then tried jamming your fist into my mouth. No thanks.
I think President Trump is on our side. But he actually let the presidency slip out of his fingers without declassing, without making even a single decent appointment, without declaring an insurrection at the stolen election, etc., and now he's taking pro vaxx stance. I don't think President Trump is satan, but I do believe satan is incredibly tricky, tricky enough even to trick Trump.
How is President Trump on the right side of this issue? Why should we sacrifice our personal relations for this cause if President Trump turns around and stabs us in the back? Should we also be pushing the vaxx, since President Trump doing so is somehow helping our cause?
I can't see how these are questions that would make any anon huffy.
sorry it's Commie News Network but this was like the first video in the youtube covid news banner crap that you can't get rid of and just seeing Trump and the tile of it was the only time I felt the urge to check out a cnn video lol
Just listen and check out the comment section. I definitely think this is some high level maneuvering by Trump
So while my influence and reach is limited, I should advocate against the vaxx. But if I should ever get a soapbox with an audience, I should advocate for the vaxx?
I think this is missing the point. On the right column something big is missing.
Give the media the ability to instantly deboooonk any research or stats showing that the vaccines are unsafe or ineffective, by claiming that it is just Trump fans believing his lies. Trump who is not a doctor and not a scientist. No need to look any further into the research or statistics.
Trump's stance of the vaccines is hurting him greatly by losing supporters. He is taking these arrows for us. So there is no easy explanation for the media as to why his supporters are splitting with him over the vaccines.
I don't think he is losing supporters in any real way. His rallies are as big as ever and he gets booed, and you can see he expects it, every time he mentions the "vaccines".. He also always follows his statements with a strong satement against mandates and for personal choice. It's almost as if he trusts his supporters to make their own decisions and not blindly follow any politician, including himself? Q was a training ground, it's pretty disappointing to see how many here (excluding the obvious doomer shills) did not get the point. The tens of thousands at his rallies who boo his support of the "vaccines" are not going anywhere despite his outward support of them. We are at war and sacrifices have to be made. None of us can know the tough choices that have been made or those that will need to be..
Trumps supporters are absolutely wavering over this. I’m talking to them and most is saying wtf. There are a lot of his supporters “holding the line” and going thru misery, anxiety, and fears of not being able to keep a roof over their head or food on the table. They’re being treated like 2nd class citizens, the preventable red headed step child, with out a light at the end of the tunnel. They don’t have the time or energy left to take the continuously needed IV hopium, cause of the over whelming stress of this situation at work. They’re like, I’m break my back, beating my head against the wall, taking all holly hell at work due to standing against the Vax and testing mandates. They feel abandoned by, any and all that has any power to do anything to help, including Trump. Right now there seems to only be “moral victories.” We need actual point on the board. We need major decisive wins. Like we’ve been told “win biggly.” Enough of this gas, it’s coming to put up or shut up time, skin that smokewagon.
Sorry but he has already presented himself. He proved better than his word for four years, so we voted for him again in record numbers, and he won the 2020 election in a historic landslide, 410 electoral votes to 128. (And there are SERIOUS doubts about the 128.)
That victory was blatantly stolen from him in a treasonous coup d'etat on live TV, but don't worry: He wrote an entire chapter in his best-selling book The Art of the Deal titled "Getting Even." He has stated that anytime anyone would steal something from him, he would gladly pay TEN TIMES the value of it in legal fees just to force them to return it and suffer the humiliation. And he frequently repeats "When you steal the diamonds, you have to give them BACK." He's coming BACK.
This whole thing is a big nothing-burger, to use a much hated phrase. And this meme is built on a yuuuuge assumption.
Some people here still looking for too much purity, too much overtness. Not understanding the razor's edge that everything rides on. Folks: We're. Not. In. Charge.
We're WATCHING the movie, frens. The cake is baked, and we've come into the conversation almost at its conclusion. Our hopes and understanding HAVE to be filtered 100% of EVERYDAY through the lens that most of what we are watching is designed to reach and awaken those that aren't here: the normies and sheep.
Those of you wanting absolute purity based on a very limited interpretation and understanding of events, really need to re-evaluate and re-assess. Q has always said disinfo is everywhere and necessary. We are only seeing what is meant for us to see. Stop bitching that it doesn't always look like what YOU think it should look like. Welcome to war.
None of us are in charge of any of this. At best, we are along for the ride, voluntarily, and we're all lucky to have been awakened and to have made it to this point. Regardless of what muck and mess is right in front of us, NCSWIC. When you grab the peace in that, you will be alright.
Couldn’t have been said any better than that! Based on so many of the comments here (notice it’s not so much the threads as the comments?) a lot of people are either not as awake as they think they are, or they’re just outright shills.
Except its NOT about being pro-vax/anti-vax. It's the fact that he isn't heavily going against the vax passports/social credit score and mandates. He occasionally puts in a very soft "there shouldn't be mandates.... but the vaccine is really good and you should take it".
He should shut up about whether its good or bad and focus on the important thing... freedom. His base on both the pro and anti vax side support freedom of individual choice. The mandates and passports should be a MAJOR thing that he is basically completely avoiding talking about and it will lose him a shit ton of support.
I couldn't agree more with your statement. Desantis is completely against vaccine passports and loudly gets the message across. It would be helpful to many that support him (Trump) if he'd be hell-bent against the mandates, passports, and loss of freedom like Desantis.
Exactly. But people are caught up in this whirlwind of a cult of personality. Not a good thing to do.
The soft follow ups against mandates are basically farts in the wind when he continues pushing the vaccines. He doesn't even take a very measured stance; the first thing talked about is how they're using it to suffocate our freedoms, and then the quieter and softer statement can be how they are safe.
His statements against mandates are not weak. He says it very consistently every time the "vaccines" are discussed and insists on personal choice. Do you want him to pound his fists on the podium and scream it to the heavens? Optics are nothing to the "Qanon organization" or the hacker known as 4chan, but they are to the POTUS.
And cant be about saving the children from evil on other side while being ok with children being injured/harmed, possibly even long-term, or killed from these unnecessary vaccines.
IMO Anyone suddenly rejecting Trump over a position he has never changed (pro-vaxx/anti-mandate) is doing so because THEY decided he is/was playing some games and now his position doesn't fit with their understanding of the world and the plan as they understand it.
We do NOT have a savior. WE are the savior. Trump can be wrong on MANY things....he is not Jesus.
In any case, I'm not taking the vaxx. I think its Russian roulette that is unnecessary.
Main reasons why I don't trust it and won't take it:
They are deliberately lying about the dangers / benefits
All of the depopulation forces are sinking billions to push it
Mandates / restrictions are dividing and demoralizing the people while the elites sail along their merry way
#3 hit home. My city just mandated it. Now at a crossroads between sticking around for family or completely upending my life and taking a new job offer in a different (free) state.
To say I’m scared is an understatement, sucks it had to be this way but so be it. As long as there’s a light at the end of this tunnel I’m good with it.
Fuck the mandates. I live in SoCal. We've had mandate after mandate. Plenty of people just ignore that shit. Just live your life. Fuck them. Let them enforce it
Which mandate? If your job is mandating it, does it have more than 100 employees? If it doesn’t why are they even doing any of this, it doesn’t affect them. (Last I checked.$
Are you in LA or SF? Sometimes businesses just put the stupid vax pass sign out there for show bc they don’t want trouble. I went into one place with the stupid vax pass and mask bullshit sign with no mask or pass and no one said a damn thing. Try smaller businesses or drive to the next city over. If you’re down south Orange County and SB county don’t have any mandates.
It weird that people NEED Trump to be anti-vax to justify why they are. Trump has told you to take what you want. He told you if you dont want it dont take it. He said that hes taken it and he was fine. Thats IT. President Trump didn't wake you up just to blindly follow him. Think people., now, all of this is just about winning an election?
He was supposed to do that in 2020 and usher in the draining of the swamp.
Win an election? is he supposed to win an election amidst national and international election fraud efforts that can hack voting machines, overturn cast votes in favor of the challenger, print and count millions of fraudulent ballots, illegally create a national mail-in ballot campaign, put in place ballot counters that illegally, fraudulently tabulate the vote in favor of the challenger, thwart election audits, thwart election audit results, thwart court cases all the way to the Supreme Court, and control the media message throughout the entire election fraud event, etc?
This theory proposes serious moving of the goal posts.
Support the vax: let the less-smart of my fan base inject themselves with a gene editing "vaccine" to save my own skin.. ignorance or not, the baseline atrocities are that he is promoting a vaccine that was, FROM THE BEGINNING-MRNA, it was NEVER safe. He is clueless.
Remember we are in a war. In war there are casualties - how many died on the beaches of Normandy in 1944 - those who planned, approved and instructed the landings knew the loss of life would be high - but a necessary loss to win the war.
In a war there are also sides. We’re fighting the vaxxxxxers and their unshakeable faith in “science,” their fake pandemic, their mandates, their vaxx passes, and their never ending boosters.
Trump, by contrast, is supporting the vaxxers and their faith in “science,” pretending the pandemic is real, and giving their mandates and vaxx passes and neverending boosters silence, which in this context is consent.
Pretending they are right doesn’t advance our cause. If it does, should we all do as Trump is doing and get the vaxx and tell everyone who trusts us to get it? Vaxx our kids, vaxx our wives, vaxxes for all like Trump said. If you disagree you’re against Trump!
Fuck off with this shit. He’s not on our side anymore.
This war is not only about covid and the vaccine, it is being fought on many many fronts.
Since Q arrived we have had to learn, often the hard way that timing, and comms are not what they may always seem.
Sure I am very disappointed by these statements, we have a 27 year old mmr vaccine damaged son autism/severe learning difficulty the whole sad package! I had hoped from past comments trump would lead an open fight on the matter but perhaps he has a better plan.
So you dump him if you dont want to be mature about it, otherwise buckle up and let us see how it plays out.
He's not a doctor or a scientist. He still believes there are good people that can be trusted in positions of authority. He NEVER talks about the cabal/satanists/genocidal forces. He sees the deep state/permanent bureaucracy and thinks he can expose them and rid us of them AND influence the drones under their power to stand up and do the right thing.
I disagree, but he's good and right on MANY things. Still has my support if he wants to run. No question.
Lol yea even Joe rogan knows all these alternative remedies and clot shot incidents and deaths but Trump with all his military and intelligence connections and his advisers none of them know? That my fren, is unbelievable. He knows and it’s 100% intentional move. Now if you want to argue it’s a black hat move …sure. We can go there. But as has been hashed ad nauseum this whole month, the chances of it being a white hat move is much higher. There is no way all lives can be saved. Unfortunately it was always a calculation of which moves loses the least lives.
Cliff High says Trump is waiting for US to realize that producing & supporting the vaxx stopped the DS from 1). Locking us down for 10 years while finding a “cure” 2). Saved 428 million lives the cabal hoped to kill off. Once we know that (feel it, believe it) the DS craps their pants & the war goes hot. Coming to a theater near you in 2022. We’ll see won’t we!
Well, some of the New Testament is comprised of Paul's Epistles, but there are the 4 Gospel accounts and other writings of the Apostles. However, a lot of early Christian doctrine and practice formed from the more developed Epistles, which were less accounts of Christ's and more explanations of Christ's mission as the Messiah, if that makes sense...
Either Paul's conversion experience was real, or he was a fraud. Considering he was persecuted, imprisoned and executed, that seems to be quite a lot to endure and suffer for a lie. I personally cannot find any reason to doubt the authenticity of Paul's Epistles, but I guess in due time whatever questions we have will be answered if not in this world, then the next.
An even more interesting rabbit hole to go down is how the Books of Moses came to be, even within the biblical Old Testament account. This story was actually referenced in the series Lost by the character named Eko (pronounced Echo).
Eko's best line in the series: "Don't confuse coincidence with fate John."
IF SO, then this is simply politically calculated to position him for future elections. That would mean this is Trump being a typical politician not 5D chess. If that's the case, personally I have no place for Trump in my hopes and ambitions for bringing the country to a better place. We're going to need a DeSantis or someone of that ilk who's not so concerned about being targeted by the media or MSM polls that they would knowingly bullshit the public about life and death issues like this. Think this through, if you can't trust what he says on this because you're banking on his reverse psychology, how do you know what you can trust him on? Are you really sure you'll know whenever he says one thing and codes to anons the opposite?
And so if we can't get the president we want and need, then we adapt accordingly and carve out a parallel society until totalitarianism blows over (it always does).
I'm just done with politics as usual when these optics look like Trump is angling for personal ambitions. I'd like to be wrong about this but I can only go on what I'm seeing and hearing.
Or just... Don't keep answering the questions with a positive?
Did people get stupid or something here?
There is a middle ground and that's that he doesn't play the game and stops pushing the vaccine.
You don't have to go hard anti-vax, you just have to stop being so pro-vax.
Additionally, he's losing support of more than what's in column A. I was pro-vax. I was even in favor of this vaccine before the information on testing and lack thereof came out.
No matter what, to sit there and continue to stand by a vaccine that is killing people is irresponsible with his level of influence and exposure.
I think Trump doesn’t want to be the lightning rod of controversy right now, not until the timing is right. Better for the public’s focus to be on Biden and how awful he is. He gets asked the question so he gives the least controversial answer.
Bingo! The much bigger battle is the Great Reset. It is this that the entire 'COVID' SCAMdemic is being used to usher it in. Recall what happened to Trump when he recommended alternative prophylactics like HCQ? The backlash from the MSM and DS was astounding. Trump is instead using their narrative to commandeer it from Brandon. Controlling the narrative is like taking control of the Wheel house on a ship.
Quite right. Trump is the only President to not receive a salary and lose over a billion dollars of his fortune. He lost money BIG TIME being President. Trump even said he could have made so much more money not being President. The only reason he took the job is because of his love for this country and its people. It seems we continuously have to refute the claims of the never-Trumpers though. They especially come out in times like this and some people claim they are shills sent to undermine this forum.
t's easy for anyone to point fingers when the bigger picture isn't understood. The far larger death toll has been the lock-downs than the Clot shot. Even now after they seem to have ebbed, especially in the United States. Lock-downs had been partially applied worldwide. If it wasn't for Operation Warp Speed, we would have had a complete worldwide lock-down and instead of the 38 million that have currently perished due to lock-downs, it would have been 20 times that by now. And almost all Americans wouldn't have a clue right now about the Clot Shot because it was suppose to be first tolled out in 2025 after mandatory vaxxination would have been implemented. By then over a billion people would have perished due to the worldwide lock-downs. The clot shot would have caused another wave of mass killings.
Quite right. All that doesn’t even consider the emotional/psychological tolls. And of course, the children. Their childhoods are ruined and they’ve witnessed mass psycho-drama from about every “adult” they run across. The future toll there is incalculable.
Respectfully disagree. The absolute best thing to do—what most of us would do in his position—is either keep our mouth shut or push the treatments. But the vaccines are dangerous and there is NO WAY if he knew they were dangerous that he would say to get the vaccine. So he thinks they are good.
No, the right column is wrong. He’d win elections all day everyday if they weren’t rigged. His stand on vaccinations won’t lose him elections, Dominion and electronic/mail-in ballot rigging will.
The good guys turned off the DS’s ability to cheat in 2016 but allowed it to go through in 2020 to wake everyone up... will it work, I dunno, I doubt it... so hopefully Trump’s recent vaccine comments are part of plan B.
I have to say I've disagreed with the shot from the very beginning. One of the things I disagree with 45 on... that's cool. I'm not going to vote for him or against him over gene therapy. I voted for him the first two times for his America 1st agenda. That hasn't and won't change unless he shifts from those ideas. I could care less about his stance on the shots bc he won't be making my personal decision to remain a pureblood, period. As long as he continues to respect our right to choose, who even cares.
Agree, dont understand anyone getting so hyped about it. We already dont do everything he says. Nor do we believe he is always right. His position was, Ill push hard for a vaccine that everyone else says is impossible to do in this short timeline. The clot shot calmed some people down and even caused some restrictions to go away. He gave them more than what they asked for. It sucks that some people lost careers but there will be a new health-based-healthcare industry growing out of all this. Even an entirely new parallel economy.
It's more than just "lost careers." Some people lost their loved ones. There's even a horrible graphic viral meme going around of a stillborn baby killed by their mother's booster shot. That's why people are frustrated. We are helplessly seeing our loved deteriorate and even die before our eyes, our younger generation being sacrificed to this horrible agenda, and it seems like nobody in a position of power—not even President Trump—appears to have our back. People are rightfully angry and emotional. Now, that said, the Enemy is using this as a wedge to divide and conquer the Right, and we need to be mindful of the enemy's tricks. But snarking and downplaying other people's pain and frustration like many others in this subreddit are doing doesn't help either.
Trump didn't stick the needle in YOUR body, just stop. Faggots who do what the government tell them to, are the problem. Stop being told what to do and how to act.
If you’re blindly obedient to what ANY politician says, you are part of the problem.
And not wanting them held accountable for when they knowingly hurt people are also part of the same problem...
Hold the Rhino accountable first.
Hold the man who "believed" experts, doctors, no-one-can-be-so-evil, after you deal with all the commies, fake news, etc if you still got helicopter fuel leftover.
This times a 1000!
Truth spoken ironically by Peter strozk of all people
This is true, but, we aren't born red pilled. There may be many Trump supporters that were on their way there, that then trusted Trump, got vaxxed, and faced dire fallout because of it.
That's part of why I'm not too sure about the excuses about optics and such for Trump. If I was a Trump fan, trusted him, trusted the plan, etc and then got the vaxx because of his stance, and I lost someone I loved or had them injured, I'd be mad as hell if it was done for optics.
This is WAR.
Nobody that took it would have changed their mind if Trump said it was bad. Period.
Yeah but.. my what about the warm and fuzzy feeling of Trump saying what's on our mind?????? What will we do? I guess we have to vote for some rhinos again bois
He also push therapeutics, from the very beginning, and if you took the vx which got rushed out in less than 9 months does that make you a fool?
This is not a cult, and this is war, he isn't just helping America to wake up but the world.
Also, there was another post on here tonight about parasites.
Could Trump pushing the vax push some people away from it and toward Ivermectin and Fenbendazole? Possibly killing parasites that have caused their brain fog and NPC-ness.
Or maybe they become ok with questioning Pshitty (she tweeted a Trump quote). It may only be baby steps but still in the right direction.
Because they got vxed and whining about why Trump is pushing it.
So if it’s okay for him to do it, is it okay for me to do it?
Make yourself a pros/cons list like above. If people will avoid it because you say avoid it, do that. If saying avoid it does no additional benefit and only causes more people to take it, then support it or keep it to yourself.
About says it....
Does it also “say it” for you and I? Or should we still fight the vaxx?
Make up your mind if you want it like a grown ass man,or woman as the case may be.
I've made up my mind, regardless of what anyone including President Trump says or does. The vaxx is the hill I'll die on.
Sure would be nice to have some support in this noble and just cause from, you know, the leader of our movement, is all I'm saying.
Whatever you like...
Because we still have a misplaced love affair with politicians even here. I do not care if politicians have affairs and consensual orgies in their personal time. I care about results and if someone proves they are for the Constitution and put America first, I do not care if they are gay, straight, rich, poor, aced school, flunked school- any number of irrelevant stipulations doesn't matter if they deliver on their promises, keep government in check and make this country freeer and greater. That is all that should ever matter. Yes, we have to take chances on some people, but again, follow what they stand for and judge relevant actions to the position they are applying. And if they have no relevant experience, even better. The point of this system is to avoid career politics. Or at least only allow the good ones to have careers.
Boomers felt like that too.. and here we r
Piss off with your boomer bullshit. Those boomers fought for this country in WWII, Korea, Nam etc...
Lol. Maybe boomers you know did. Heard "I hope so and so wins. They LOOK so Presidential."
Wtf does that even mean? What about policy? Previous life experience and so on? You might be around awakened folk, but most voters I have encountered still say shit like "oh they're a family person. They share my values!" No they don't.
Member Tiger Woods? Member his fall from grace because he was a famous athlete who had sex? Yeah, in the social political climate I preach about that would not have happened because no one would nor should they care.
matrix 4 "feelings are more much easier to control than facts"
The who point of the movie is that 2020 Matrix built on feelings>1999 matrix built on logic.
How can Trump control feelings? make Patriot not complacent while attaining leadership with the disfranchised Left?
Me neither. I don’t understand why people don’t get that he can’t look like he’s anti-mainstream “science”. Someone else that’s reputable and authoritative to the MSM has to come out and dish the vax first.
So should we avoid looking like we’re anti mainstream “science”?
If not, why does Trump get a pass for taking the easy road?
He’s not taking the easy road but you do you. Believe whatever you want to believe. You think he’s satan. So be it. It’s still a free country. Merry Christmas fren
Anon, you filled your fist with shitty made up statements, then tried jamming your fist into my mouth. No thanks.
I think President Trump is on our side. But he actually let the presidency slip out of his fingers without declassing, without making even a single decent appointment, without declaring an insurrection at the stolen election, etc., and now he's taking pro vaxx stance. I don't think President Trump is satan, but I do believe satan is incredibly tricky, tricky enough even to trick Trump.
How is President Trump on the right side of this issue? Why should we sacrifice our personal relations for this cause if President Trump turns around and stabs us in the back? Should we also be pushing the vaxx, since President Trump doing so is somehow helping our cause?
I can't see how these are questions that would make any anon huffy.
That’s true. Biden doesn’t give a shit about optics 😂🤣😂🤯
All the smart leaders use and know how to manipulate it to their advantage.
sorry it's Commie News Network but this was like the first video in the youtube covid news banner crap that you can't get rid of and just seeing Trump and the tile of it was the only time I felt the urge to check out a cnn video lol
Just listen and check out the comment section. I definitely think this is some high level maneuvering by Trump
Trump's score card is still top notch
Whoever put this together, thank you very much. This is a perfect format to explain this to people.
So should we also follow the same reasoning and tell our friends and family to get the vaxxxxxx?
If not, why is it okay for Trump?
Are you trump? Do you have the following trump has? Do you have the amount of hate from msm? If so, maybe.
So while my influence and reach is limited, I should advocate against the vaxx. But if I should ever get a soapbox with an audience, I should advocate for the vaxx?
Make it make sense, anon.
I think this is missing the point. On the right column something big is missing.
Trump's stance of the vaccines is hurting him greatly by losing supporters. He is taking these arrows for us. So there is no easy explanation for the media as to why his supporters are splitting with him over the vaccines.
He is hurting himself to help us.
I don't think he is losing supporters in any real way. His rallies are as big as ever and he gets booed, and you can see he expects it, every time he mentions the "vaccines".. He also always follows his statements with a strong satement against mandates and for personal choice. It's almost as if he trusts his supporters to make their own decisions and not blindly follow any politician, including himself? Q was a training ground, it's pretty disappointing to see how many here (excluding the obvious doomer shills) did not get the point. The tens of thousands at his rallies who boo his support of the "vaccines" are not going anywhere despite his outward support of them. We are at war and sacrifices have to be made. None of us can know the tough choices that have been made or those that will need to be..
Trumps supporters are absolutely wavering over this. I’m talking to them and most is saying wtf. There are a lot of his supporters “holding the line” and going thru misery, anxiety, and fears of not being able to keep a roof over their head or food on the table. They’re being treated like 2nd class citizens, the preventable red headed step child, with out a light at the end of the tunnel. They don’t have the time or energy left to take the continuously needed IV hopium, cause of the over whelming stress of this situation at work. They’re like, I’m break my back, beating my head against the wall, taking all holly hell at work due to standing against the Vax and testing mandates. They feel abandoned by, any and all that has any power to do anything to help, including Trump. Right now there seems to only be “moral victories.” We need actual point on the board. We need major decisive wins. Like we’ve been told “win biggly.” Enough of this gas, it’s coming to put up or shut up time, skin that smokewagon.
even better than that, more like he only will lose like 1-10% of his anti jab voter base
I’m anti vax and he certainly won’t lose my support. I’ve agreed to disagree with him on this one.
Same here
Not even. That many people may have different feelings about him now, but when it comes to a vote you think they're really gonna go to the other side?
That's my thing, who the fuck qualifies OVERALL better than Trump?
Should a candidate present himself between now and 2024…?
Sorry but he has already presented himself. He proved better than his word for four years, so we voted for him again in record numbers, and he won the 2020 election in a historic landslide, 410 electoral votes to 128. (And there are SERIOUS doubts about the 128.)
That victory was blatantly stolen from him in a treasonous coup d'etat on live TV, but don't worry: He wrote an entire chapter in his best-selling book The Art of the Deal titled "Getting Even." He has stated that anytime anyone would steal something from him, he would gladly pay TEN TIMES the value of it in legal fees just to force them to return it and suffer the humiliation. And he frequently repeats "When you steal the diamonds, you have to give them BACK." He's coming BACK.
This whole thing is a big nothing-burger, to use a much hated phrase. And this meme is built on a yuuuuge assumption.
Some people here still looking for too much purity, too much overtness. Not understanding the razor's edge that everything rides on. Folks: We're. Not. In. Charge.
We're WATCHING the movie, frens. The cake is baked, and we've come into the conversation almost at its conclusion. Our hopes and understanding HAVE to be filtered 100% of EVERYDAY through the lens that most of what we are watching is designed to reach and awaken those that aren't here: the normies and sheep.
Those of you wanting absolute purity based on a very limited interpretation and understanding of events, really need to re-evaluate and re-assess. Q has always said disinfo is everywhere and necessary. We are only seeing what is meant for us to see. Stop bitching that it doesn't always look like what YOU think it should look like. Welcome to war.
None of us are in charge of any of this. At best, we are along for the ride, voluntarily, and we're all lucky to have been awakened and to have made it to this point. Regardless of what muck and mess is right in front of us, NCSWIC. When you grab the peace in that, you will be alright.
Be at peace frens. Hold the line. Wait and watch.
Couldn’t have been said any better than that! Based on so many of the comments here (notice it’s not so much the threads as the comments?) a lot of people are either not as awake as they think they are, or they’re just outright shills.
Totally agree.
Except its NOT about being pro-vax/anti-vax. It's the fact that he isn't heavily going against the vax passports/social credit score and mandates. He occasionally puts in a very soft "there shouldn't be mandates.... but the vaccine is really good and you should take it".
He should shut up about whether its good or bad and focus on the important thing... freedom. His base on both the pro and anti vax side support freedom of individual choice. The mandates and passports should be a MAJOR thing that he is basically completely avoiding talking about and it will lose him a shit ton of support.
I couldn't agree more with your statement. Desantis is completely against vaccine passports and loudly gets the message across. It would be helpful to many that support him (Trump) if he'd be hell-bent against the mandates, passports, and loss of freedom like Desantis.
Exactly. But people are caught up in this whirlwind of a cult of personality. Not a good thing to do.
The soft follow ups against mandates are basically farts in the wind when he continues pushing the vaccines. He doesn't even take a very measured stance; the first thing talked about is how they're using it to suffocate our freedoms, and then the quieter and softer statement can be how they are safe.
It's totally reversed and not good.
His statements against mandates are not weak. He says it very consistently every time the "vaccines" are discussed and insists on personal choice. Do you want him to pound his fists on the podium and scream it to the heavens? Optics are nothing to the "Qanon organization" or the hacker known as 4chan, but they are to the POTUS.
And cant be about saving the children from evil on other side while being ok with children being injured/harmed, possibly even long-term, or killed from these unnecessary vaccines.
I like Styx' take:
IMO Anyone suddenly rejecting Trump over a position he has never changed (pro-vaxx/anti-mandate) is doing so because THEY decided he is/was playing some games and now his position doesn't fit with their understanding of the world and the plan as they understand it.
We do NOT have a savior. WE are the savior. Trump can be wrong on MANY things....he is not Jesus.
In any case, I'm not taking the vaxx. I think its Russian roulette that is unnecessary.
Main reasons why I don't trust it and won't take it:
#3 hit home. My city just mandated it. Now at a crossroads between sticking around for family or completely upending my life and taking a new job offer in a different (free) state.
To say I’m scared is an understatement, sucks it had to be this way but so be it. As long as there’s a light at the end of this tunnel I’m good with it.
Fuck the mandates. I live in SoCal. We've had mandate after mandate. Plenty of people just ignore that shit. Just live your life. Fuck them. Let them enforce it
Problem is the ones mandating it don’t enforce it, private business does. Have you seen businesses enforcing it?
Which mandate? If your job is mandating it, does it have more than 100 employees? If it doesn’t why are they even doing any of this, it doesn’t affect them. (Last I checked.$
The city. Really can’t go anywhere or do anything without proof of vax. And I’m not getting a stupid fake card.
Are you in LA or SF? Sometimes businesses just put the stupid vax pass sign out there for show bc they don’t want trouble. I went into one place with the stupid vax pass and mask bullshit sign with no mask or pass and no one said a damn thing. Try smaller businesses or drive to the next city over. If you’re down south Orange County and SB county don’t have any mandates.
It weird that people NEED Trump to be anti-vax to justify why they are. Trump has told you to take what you want. He told you if you dont want it dont take it. He said that hes taken it and he was fine. Thats IT. President Trump didn't wake you up just to blindly follow him. Think people.
I believe that Trump took it about as much as I believe Kamala or Biden took it. Just saying.
So should we all just take it and tell our loved ones and those who trust us to take it?
It’s somehow good for our cause when Trump did it, so it must be good for us to all do it too, right?
Finally in a format that the cheap seats will understand.
The cheap seats... perfect descriptor... That's you, doomers. The cheap seats., now, all of this is just about winning an election?
He was supposed to do that in 2020 and usher in the draining of the swamp.
Win an election? is he supposed to win an election amidst national and international election fraud efforts that can hack voting machines, overturn cast votes in favor of the challenger, print and count millions of fraudulent ballots, illegally create a national mail-in ballot campaign, put in place ballot counters that illegally, fraudulently tabulate the vote in favor of the challenger, thwart election audits, thwart election audit results, thwart court cases all the way to the Supreme Court, and control the media message throughout the entire election fraud event, etc?
This theory proposes serious moving of the goal posts.
Yes, like nailing jello to the wall.
But not for the effort of prevailing and repeated predictions over the last 4+ years. Of which, none have materialized.
That isn't dooming or shilling. It is just stating what is most intuitively obvious to the most casual of observers.
Never getting the clot shot AND he will always have my vote!🇺🇸
Honestly, his position on the vaccine is as moderate as you can get: "Get it, it will protect you. But I won't force you to get it."
For me, that is totally reasonable. I am anti-vaccine - just based on my age and health. But I never stopped anyone from getting it.
“Get it, it will protect you” isn’t moderate.
The vaxx isn’t safe, isn’t effective, and the moderate position is “covid isn’t real.”
Entertaining the lie and entertaining a further lie takes us further from reality.
If Trump pushing vaxxes helps us, them should we all do it too? Why not?
Support the vax: let the less-smart of my fan base inject themselves with a gene editing "vaccine" to save my own skin.. ignorance or not, the baseline atrocities are that he is promoting a vaccine that was, FROM THE BEGINNING-MRNA, it was NEVER safe. He is clueless.
Remember we are in a war. In war there are casualties - how many died on the beaches of Normandy in 1944 - those who planned, approved and instructed the landings knew the loss of life would be high - but a necessary loss to win the war.
In a war there are also sides. We’re fighting the vaxxxxxers and their unshakeable faith in “science,” their fake pandemic, their mandates, their vaxx passes, and their never ending boosters.
Trump, by contrast, is supporting the vaxxers and their faith in “science,” pretending the pandemic is real, and giving their mandates and vaxx passes and neverending boosters silence, which in this context is consent.
Pretending they are right doesn’t advance our cause. If it does, should we all do as Trump is doing and get the vaxx and tell everyone who trusts us to get it? Vaxx our kids, vaxx our wives, vaxxes for all like Trump said. If you disagree you’re against Trump!
Fuck off with this shit. He’s not on our side anymore.
This war is not only about covid and the vaccine, it is being fought on many many fronts.
Since Q arrived we have had to learn, often the hard way that timing, and comms are not what they may always seem.
Sure I am very disappointed by these statements, we have a 27 year old mmr vaccine damaged son autism/severe learning difficulty the whole sad package! I had hoped from past comments trump would lead an open fight on the matter but perhaps he has a better plan.
So you dump him if you dont want to be mature about it, otherwise buckle up and let us see how it plays out.
Your implication that questioning President Trump is immature is ridiculous. We are to question everything.
He's not a doctor or a scientist. He still believes there are good people that can be trusted in positions of authority. He NEVER talks about the cabal/satanists/genocidal forces. He sees the deep state/permanent bureaucracy and thinks he can expose them and rid us of them AND influence the drones under their power to stand up and do the right thing.
I disagree, but he's good and right on MANY things. Still has my support if he wants to run. No question.
Lol yea even Joe rogan knows all these alternative remedies and clot shot incidents and deaths but Trump with all his military and intelligence connections and his advisers none of them know? That my fren, is unbelievable. He knows and it’s 100% intentional move. Now if you want to argue it’s a black hat move …sure. We can go there. But as has been hashed ad nauseum this whole month, the chances of it being a white hat move is much higher. There is no way all lives can be saved. Unfortunately it was always a calculation of which moves loses the least lives.
Exactamundo! And everyone remember, the ending won’t BE for everyone.
Seriously…. “He didn’t know!!!” Ummmmm he’s like the first guy to mention HCQ …he didn’t know….🙄
I think he was being /s.
Really? You sure?
Oops, it was you! 😂 Shit man, I thought you were? lmao first of my day 🤣
Kek…all good. Thanks for looking out. Got me re reading and re reading ….🤣😂
Look this is a war man. People are going to die. Freeing humanity is worth the cost. God Rest their souls!
Cliff High says Trump is waiting for US to realize that producing & supporting the vaxx stopped the DS from 1). Locking us down for 10 years while finding a “cure” 2). Saved 428 million lives the cabal hoped to kill off. Once we know that (feel it, believe it) the DS craps their pants & the war goes hot. Coming to a theater near you in 2022. We’ll see won’t we!
"If I'm President, Hillary will be in jail."
"Mandates are bad but vax is good."
For a "nonpolitician", Trump has mastered the craft of a politician 😂
Maybe has something to so with when all of the .Wins were down the other night?
Well, some of the New Testament is comprised of Paul's Epistles, but there are the 4 Gospel accounts and other writings of the Apostles. However, a lot of early Christian doctrine and practice formed from the more developed Epistles, which were less accounts of Christ's and more explanations of Christ's mission as the Messiah, if that makes sense...
Either Paul's conversion experience was real, or he was a fraud. Considering he was persecuted, imprisoned and executed, that seems to be quite a lot to endure and suffer for a lie. I personally cannot find any reason to doubt the authenticity of Paul's Epistles, but I guess in due time whatever questions we have will be answered if not in this world, then the next.
An even more interesting rabbit hole to go down is how the Books of Moses came to be, even within the biblical Old Testament account. This story was actually referenced in the series Lost by the character named Eko (pronounced Echo).
Eko's best line in the series: "Don't confuse coincidence with fate John."
personally im not anti vax.. Im anti forced vax..
I choose not to get the vax cause the virus has a 99.7% recovery rate..
seems like a lot of people here consider themselves anti vax and will never take another vax again.
I think some of us totally miss the reason why he supports it. but this post sums it up.
Exactly. He gave Candace exposure to cnn normies. Maybe their ears will perk up ….what kid myocarditis??
I voted for trump in the 2016 primary because I knew he would fight to win.
Not that I agreed with all his positions.
Nothing has changed.
IF SO, then this is simply politically calculated to position him for future elections. That would mean this is Trump being a typical politician not 5D chess. If that's the case, personally I have no place for Trump in my hopes and ambitions for bringing the country to a better place. We're going to need a DeSantis or someone of that ilk who's not so concerned about being targeted by the media or MSM polls that they would knowingly bullshit the public about life and death issues like this. Think this through, if you can't trust what he says on this because you're banking on his reverse psychology, how do you know what you can trust him on? Are you really sure you'll know whenever he says one thing and codes to anons the opposite?
And so if we can't get the president we want and need, then we adapt accordingly and carve out a parallel society until totalitarianism blows over (it always does).
I'm just done with politics as usual when these optics look like Trump is angling for personal ambitions. I'd like to be wrong about this but I can only go on what I'm seeing and hearing.
Or just... Don't keep answering the questions with a positive?
Did people get stupid or something here?
There is a middle ground and that's that he doesn't play the game and stops pushing the vaccine.
You don't have to go hard anti-vax, you just have to stop being so pro-vax.
Additionally, he's losing support of more than what's in column A. I was pro-vax. I was even in favor of this vaccine before the information on testing and lack thereof came out.
No matter what, to sit there and continue to stand by a vaccine that is killing people is irresponsible with his level of influence and exposure.
I think Trump doesn’t want to be the lightning rod of controversy right now, not until the timing is right. Better for the public’s focus to be on Biden and how awful he is. He gets asked the question so he gives the least controversial answer.
Bingo! The much bigger battle is the Great Reset. It is this that the entire 'COVID' SCAMdemic is being used to usher it in. Recall what happened to Trump when he recommended alternative prophylactics like HCQ? The backlash from the MSM and DS was astounding. Trump is instead using their narrative to commandeer it from Brandon. Controlling the narrative is like taking control of the Wheel house on a ship.
I also think he doesn't want to create vaccine hesitancy, as the military's vaccine might actually cure them.
I’ll never give up on him as he sacrificed so much for ALL of us. There’s zero other politicians that would do half what he has done. I’m all-in. 🃏
Quite right. Trump is the only President to not receive a salary and lose over a billion dollars of his fortune. He lost money BIG TIME being President. Trump even said he could have made so much more money not being President. The only reason he took the job is because of his love for this country and its people. It seems we continuously have to refute the claims of the never-Trumpers though. They especially come out in times like this and some people claim they are shills sent to undermine this forum.
t's easy for anyone to point fingers when the bigger picture isn't understood. The far larger death toll has been the lock-downs than the Clot shot. Even now after they seem to have ebbed, especially in the United States. Lock-downs had been partially applied worldwide. If it wasn't for Operation Warp Speed, we would have had a complete worldwide lock-down and instead of the 38 million that have currently perished due to lock-downs, it would have been 20 times that by now. And almost all Americans wouldn't have a clue right now about the Clot Shot because it was suppose to be first tolled out in 2025 after mandatory vaxxination would have been implemented. By then over a billion people would have perished due to the worldwide lock-downs. The clot shot would have caused another wave of mass killings.
Quite right. All that doesn’t even consider the emotional/psychological tolls. And of course, the children. Their childhoods are ruined and they’ve witnessed mass psycho-drama from about every “adult” they run across. The future toll there is incalculable.
This is what I said yesterday although without the meme
Respectfully disagree. The absolute best thing to do—what most of us would do in his position—is either keep our mouth shut or push the treatments. But the vaccines are dangerous and there is NO WAY if he knew they were dangerous that he would say to get the vaccine. So he thinks they are good.
No, the right column is wrong. He’d win elections all day everyday if they weren’t rigged. His stand on vaccinations won’t lose him elections, Dominion and electronic/mail-in ballot rigging will.
The good guys turned off the DS’s ability to cheat in 2016 but allowed it to go through in 2020 to wake everyone up... will it work, I dunno, I doubt it... so hopefully Trump’s recent vaccine comments are part of plan B.
I have to say I've disagreed with the shot from the very beginning. One of the things I disagree with 45 on... that's cool. I'm not going to vote for him or against him over gene therapy. I voted for him the first two times for his America 1st agenda. That hasn't and won't change unless he shifts from those ideas. I could care less about his stance on the shots bc he won't be making my personal decision to remain a pureblood, period. As long as he continues to respect our right to choose, who even cares.
fyi: He didn't get vaxed or bosted, he and Melania are immune through 'outside' help.... one of the doubles bit that bullet....
Quite right. Good post.
GREAT post
So he is lying for political gain? Sounds scummy to me.
This is it exactly.Simple and easy to understand for those who don’t get it. Nicely done!
The idol worship in this place is fucking embarrassing.