Seriously. I don't know who this dude is, but he's obviously got way too much free time on his hands. Shouldn't he be out living his life? I see his name over and over again on here with his stupid posts - obviously trying to make himself feel better about his mistakes in life. It's OK Scott - forgive yourself. Get over it.
I think, he can only think in 3-9 panel frames, while projecting those thoughts upon constructs. Maybe someone can mail him a box of crayons to help him get through this.
Exactly, open minded, common sense & discernment (combined with reading skills and basic freaking logic) We have all been brainwashed to some degree to not trust our guts. It appears Scott is struggling with accepting the fact he is brainwashed, he just doesn't know it yet and so he's blaming accidental intelligence.
Their controlled narrative has gotten away from them and their facade of credibility is crumbling around them exposing the ugliness and corruption that lies beneath. They cannot pick up the pieces fast enough and glue them back on where even some of the faithful are not starting to see the fakery. At the point of meltdown all they have left is to lash out personally at that which they blame for their demise instead of looking in the mirror. Blub, blub.... down with the ship. No one is going to throw this misguided fool a life preserver as he spirals into e-oblivion.
The thing is, there's not one individual type of intelligence. My mother is a very accomplished biochemist. When she's talking about chemistry or doing advanced math in her head, she's a genius.
But she's also the most socially retarded person I've ever met and I have to help her un-fuck her computer like once a week. (Amid a host of other areas where she has a childish level of incompetence.)
Adams may have processing power like my mom does. Who knows? But navigating the world is far more complex than what is achievable using only one type of intelligence. You need a community of talent and the humility to lean on others. The raw processing power types really struggle with that.
He bought a restaurant. Under normal times that is a dumb move, if he still has a restaurant in California today... well that is retard level there.
Scott Adams; 2x stupid for restaurant + 3x if he is into his booster series. Hey Scott that 4th booster will be amazing for you! Please take your boosters!
He is smart. What he has not figured out even yet is that this is an end of world scenario that the billionaire class has been fantasizing about for 100 years. No one can believe that what is happening can be on purpose and nefarious except us "dumb lucky guess people." If you don't believe they are trying to kill humanity and enslave whoever is left then you can't see it. That is why he fails. It is beyond his ego making the wrong decision, it's that he still believes the old world exists. It doesn't. They have destroyed all the bridges going back to that world.
He sets it up where anytime HE'S right about something (a relatively rare phenomenon), it's never luck.
It's because he's the self-proclaimed best predictor in the world. He's the elite, the intellectual.
When YOU get something right, it's pure luck. Because you're just the "common people."
He calls this the "two ways to win and no way to lose" setup.
Even when he's wrong, it's OK because everyone else was just guessing too.
What's funny is this purported 'purveyor of insight' is blind as the bat he thinks covid came from, as to how utterly transparent this ruse is to us and how much of a douchebag he looks to the former readers he just transformed into scathing critics who will mock him mercilessly from now on.
He famously claims not to have the normal human neural pathways for embarrassment, so he never feels it no matter how bad he fucks up. Wonder if he's developing those right about now LOL
Scott Adams thinks I am lucky and stupid because I watched Dr. Fauci kill my friends with AZT thirty years ago and made my decision based on my "lived experience," as the leftists like to say.
No kidding. Some of us saw then what a murderer Fauci was. I worked in research for a few years and saw first hand from behind the scenes how the research was held for ransom by the money that this murdering bastard was controlling. Anyone willing to dance got the funds to continue to move forward - as long as they came up with the desired results to push an agenda forward. It all stopped being a search for scientific truth long ago. Research is so compartmentalized, that only the people at the top, or those on the outside with eyes to see, get the bigger picture of how all the pieces fit together. Those that are just the cogs in the wheel seem to be the last to know. They continue to drink the Kool-Aid thinking they serve a noble cause and can be some of the hardest to wake up. I know because I was there.
He's a persuasion expert - unwilling to admit he was out-persuaded and fell under the spell of Mass Formation Psychosis. He can't cope with the fact that he was outsmarted by "common people" who simply didn't fall for the bullshit narrative.
Fuck off Scott Adams, you aren't smart. You didn't bother to look behind the curtain of censorship, and are now pretending that the rest of us got "lucky" after spending years upon years researching their tactics, lies and propaganda. That isn't luck you stupid clown. That is preparation and discernment.
For a lot of us it was just a gut instinct. A lot of people on here didn’t need to even dig into any data and just felt uneasy about the propaganda push and wanted to give things some time to get a better perspective. This is not stupid and is completely logical. Wild this guy calls that stupid. Complete denial.
As a professional, I always warned my patients to think for themselves and to allow their own gut instincts to either agree with the advice I was giving them, or to not. Even though a person may not know the language or process of science does not mean they do not have an understanding on some level of basic truth. My job was to help guide someone through the process and not to dictate. If the advice given does not have a ring of truth that a person knows in their gut, it may not be the right direction for them. It is not one size fits all. Too many people have been indoctrinated into allowing others to make the decisions for them by making them think they are less capable - especially when it comes to their own bodies. Many people exercise more independence buying a car or a pair of shoes than being a participant in their own health.
You are right in that the Almighty equipped us with common sense and gut instinct in order to keep us safe. When we allow outside forces to cause us to silence or question the safety mechanisms that the Creator placed within us, because we are under the illusion that others may know more than we, is it any wonder why we blindly fall into a ditch. The beauty is, that even when we fall into that ditch, if we are willing to repent for our stupidity, He will reach down and pull us out of that pit, or at the minimum, give us the means to crawl out of it.
I really thought that the combined facts that this jab was released in less than a year plus being so heavily promoted by Trump would mean almost no one would take it. How wrong I was.
I was just making this comment on another thread. Indeed - if people can learn to trust their instincts, we can make better judgements overall, and at the very least it will drive us to look for better questions and get better answers.
They may have high IQs but they are morally stupid. I know so many intellectuals who fell for this crap hook, line and sinker. I also know many "ordinary" people - barbers, mechanics, shelf stackers - with half their IQ who knew from the beginning that this was BS.
guess he doesn't consider this guy relevant because it's not official governmental information. Scott Adams is a total leftist that thinks like a leftist. He often said that he's left of bernie sanders.
They always show you their true intentions while trying to brainwash you. That's like an unwritten law.
The man is a hardcore narcissist. People he thinks are dumb as a box of rocks got it right. It must be an accident. No way he was uninformed and WRONG.
There are people way smarter than him who have said the vaccine was very bad.
And there were idiots who have tried everything to get us to take the vax, in hopes of killing off a big chunk of the population. He followed the idiots. Brilliant move.
I remember when my manager gleefully announces the vaccine rollout. She made the announcement at our morning meeting. I remember rolling my eyes in disgust and mocking her relentlessly because of the stupidity of it. It's called skepticism and it's served me well through the last two years.
This is denial and as time goes on, the reality is going to hit these people like a ton of bricks. It's going to hurt because they cannot look themselves in the mirror and believe they could have been so easily manipulated into taking an experimental drug with no long term data on side effects. Some of them will wake up, but most will try to blame others for the consequences of their uninformed decisions.
I can relate. I have many colleagues that will be in the same boat. I withdrew rather than poison myself or others until some sanity returns to the system. Others I am afraid, are not in a position to wait it out. There are a few well meaning colleagues that I am not sure how they are going to process the reality of what they have been promoting. I am getting the feeling however that their tune is changing because they are not as gung ho about promotion as they were in the beginning. They are probably starting to see those patients that they insisted to get jabbed coming back with complications - far outpacing the number of patients they thought were hospitalized or died from the Rona in 2020. This indeed is going to be a very bitter pill.
Maybe tell them that one of America's largest insurance companies is seeing 40% increases in payouts for weird sudden deaths after the vaxx. Truly. Fucking. Terrifying!
True. I have also been chiming in on that thread today as well.
It will be a sad day for my colleague when their light bulb finally does come on. Sad because they really thought they were doing the right thing even though they have been misguided. Surprisingly, I can have some compassion for them to a degree. But, those that have known some of the dangers and continued anyway, I have a bigger problem with them because they are knowingly harming others for a paycheck.
A fellow RN ran the covid clinic nearby. I don't think she even gave any thought to giving experimental vaccines. She did say she doesn't want the booster, so maybe she will wake up soon. My current RN role is not in pt care, and I'm so glad about that. No jabs given or received.
Lucky you. I knew I could not participate in that slaughter. For years I have had to struggle with the down side of it all by treating those damaged by a combination of their own doing and the system when they sought help. The number of people that are vaxxine damaged is overwhelming when you actually understand and are willing to look. This current situation was just a bridge too far for me and the really sad part of it is that some of us could see it coming - it was just a matter of time until they pulled the switch.
So, I have been on the sidelines. Most of my time has been spent educating others so I have not been useless. Between this board and my e-mailbox, I have plenty to do. There is an old saying, that if you save one life, you have saved the world. I would like to think that those such as we have saved many worlds.
This gives me reassurance that there are some allopathic medical doctors out there that still can think for themselves and want to do the right thing rather than just taking a paycheck.
Quite frankly, I have distanced myself from my allopathic doctor friends. I actually had about half a dozen close ones. They either are completely unwilling to look at any information I share with them, and only one has alluded to the fact that considering my point of view would cost him his job (he works for a hospital group).
If you get a chance, let me know what you think of this document:
Can't open the first link - I tried earlier after I received it and thought I would revisit it later. Still can't get to it. The book in the second link I would have to purchase. And the last one requires me to open an account.
Dr Cowan I am already familiar with and I have seen several of his videos. He makes some really good points and in many areas I completely agree with him - but there are also areas where I disagree - and that is okay. Science is something we should continue to struggle with as we find new paths that previously were unknown. That is just the nature of discovery. In addition we must occasionally go back and take a new look at what we thought we knew. I see no problem there either.
I agree with Cowan in that our current mainstream understanding about cancer and heart disease have all for the most part been wrong and there is no incentive to change because they are some of the biggest money makers for big pharma and the medical industry. I first started down the road on rethinking cardiovascular disease due to the work of cardiologist Dr Stephan Sinatra. He wrote The Cholesterol Myth. That was an eye opener for me as it basically blew apart what mainstream medicine teaches concerning cardiovascular disease and its causes - mostly attributed to cholesterol. There has been others that have contributed to my non-mainstream understanding of disease and its causes - like Dr David Brownstein and Dr Russell Blaylock to mention a couple. I also learned a lot from Dr Richard Becker who was a family practitioner that has a great deal of knowledge about nutritional supplementation as it applies to clinical practice. It changed how I approached the use of supplements and herbals versus pharmaceuticals.
Like any other awakening, once one brick is removed from the wall that hides knowledge, and you can see the other side peeking through, you start looking for more bricks that can be removed so you can see. We are all on that journey looking to get to the other side where truth lies.
I still have to look at the people in the last link you sent. Those names don't seem familiar but that is not to say I have not run across them in my wanderings.
I really cannot say I am ready to jump on the Andy Wakefield bandwagon about viruses and am not willing to take on terrain theory completely - however, they do bring some interesting food for thought to the table. There are far too many people that work with the critters to blow off viral germ theory altogether, even though they have gotten really sloppy and lazy when it comes to doing real science. Many of the emergent infectious pathogens of the twentieth century have been manufactured and are all part of the hoax. So, what exactly have they been creating that makes people sick? I just cannot buy the theory it is completely toxins, although they may play a part. There is an infectious process at play.
Many of these people claiming terrain theory come from a variety of occupations, such as physicists, engineers, etc. They claim there is no proof of viruses, but yet they offer nothing in the way of proving their own point beyond speculation and hypothesis. So, I listen to them and reserve judgement. When I can see more hard data coming from that camp I will be more than happy to listen. But for the moment, they seem to have a small group of people that circulate these ideas among each other and actually seem just as entrenched and unmovable in their opinions and need to be right as people on the germ theory side of the argument. Some of them are actually very rude and vicious in their attacks of the other side. It does not lend much to their credibility. My thought is always to just let the evidence speak for itself. When it becomes personal, you have already lost the argument.
I do not throw the baby out with the bath water by claiming that terrain is not a factor. In everything I look for balance because somewhere between the differing end points of view lies the truth probably somewhere in the middle between germ and terrain theory. But is that not science? It is always evolving and is never settled.
In reference to your request for hard data: could you please read the pdf I linked? It is short. The book I linked is longer, but provides more data as well.
What I will say is that the burden of proof is on the person claiming that invisible exogenous contagious pathogens exist, not the other way around. It is not anyones responsibility to prove that it doesn’t exist - that is preposterous. This is like if I told you that aliens were in the atmosphere beaming fields that make people in the same proximity sick, and you said interesting what proof do you have of that, and I said what proof do you have that it isn’t that? A virus has never been isolated. We have electron microscopes and can see particles smaller than a virus. It is preposterous to go on with a materialistic worldview of a physical thing and yet not be able to show it.
In terms of the number of people working on it - good luck having a career in that field if you don’t adhere to the virology cult. They are all performing the ridiculous Elders process compounded into computer simulation theory - it’s utterly ridiculous, and not scientific at all.
In terms of what makes people sick then - good question. Perhaps that could actually be addressed if we were allowed to at least question the virology cult. Btw, the title of the second book I linked is in fact “what really makes us ill”.
At this point anyone with a basic understanding of correct diet (very few people) would understand that almost everyone is poisoning themselves from the moment they wake up to the moment they go to bed. Not to mention injecting themselves with formaldehyde and aluminum and god knows what else. And not fasting, ever. People live their whole lives without ever entering ketosis. And yet we wonder why everyone is sick.
He is the creator of the comic strip Dilbert and had been an early Trump supporter. He prides himself on being a critical thinker (kek). He is kinda like Tim Pool, jumping back and forth
Just another shit head with a mic it sounds like.. There's so many people who (wrongly) think they know what's going on but immediately label Q or anyone talking about it in a positive light as insane
Same here but it was like a year ago. He was constantly pushing socialists ideas and philosophies like always twisting the fact about ''climate change'' where he does not say he agrees, but he's telling us we should look into it and wait for the expert's advice/research and shit like this.
Yeah, he's showing himself to be pretty good observer (which is why his comic strip often works, if we ignore the fact that he started collecting ideas from others a long time ago), but probably couldn't think his way out of a paper bag.
It's an idea taken from one of his old comic strips. We weren't smart enough to to do something stupid. So too stupid to get the vax, but it worked out in our favor, as it turns out.
Maybe he's doing a little back-peddling. I'm not sure because I don't pay attention to him, and hardly ever read his comic strip.
This is why 'Appeal to authority' is a logical fallacy and has no weight in a logical argument. It was never luck, it was the logical choice even as the information began to trickle forth.
Personally I remember feeling so yucky the first time I came across a post somewhere where it used the word "plandemic". This was before I had opened my eyes fully, and was still hooked to the matrix. But just because it felt yucky, I didnt stop reading the post since the rest of the post made sense.
When the vaccines were first announced, I remember being profoundly disturbed by one aspect of the vaccine - the fact that it had new genetic "alphabet" beyond the 5 naturally occurring in DNA and RNAs. Its literally a synthetic chemical - its not really a mRNA, its a synthetic mRNA. To inject something like that into me, I personally would need to see atleast 2 generations being safe and sound having taken this. And even after that I would be worried.
This is why I was extremely suspicious when they said that the clinical trials are proven 95% efficacy. And this why I dove into their clinical study paper to understand exactly how they came up with that number. And when I realised that number was based on < 1% of the participants who turned positive in both cohorts, I knew it was bullshit.
Both these data points were available to everyone and were objective data points - you didnt have to trust someone to believe it. Of course if you add subjective data points - there were tons more. I find it so strange that people actually try to defend their wrong choice as some kind of intellectual highground.
Sadly, I wouldnt call him a "normie". He has always been back and forth between different issues. The reason I used to respect him was that he used his highly popular Dilbert platform to express his pro-Trump views right from the beginning, when it made him unpopular amongst his own fan base.
When the "experts" rely on .gov grants for their funding, they will find what .gov wants to find, lest they lose their free funding. Experts are no more than propaganda mouthpieces anymore, at least that ones they put on the TV, and many beside that.
It's not even .gov funding. Any funding that is contingent upon a specific endpoint should be banned.
Also, if you care too much about money and becoming rich, its better to be in the industry and stay away from research. A researcher should be ones who are really drawn towards discovering new things that benefits humanity, regardless of the lack of lifestyle that comes with.
When a subset of "the common people" get one right, entirely by luck...
So persuasive.
Scott's the all-time MASTER. See, fellow common people, when he begins sentences this way, it doesn't come off to "common people"—meaning us, the readers he's desperately trying to attract and enlist to share his content—as elitist, snobbish, supercilious, or condescending.
It's persuasion. He's persuading you that you're stupid. (Are you too stupid to recognize that? Then you're stupid twice! See? :)
Clearly, talking down to his audience this way and literally calling us stupid doesn't DIVIDE us, the common folk, from him, the self-proclaimed Greatest Predictor in the World. He's not revealing that he's acutely insecure, which he masks with self-importance, self-aggrandizement, and narcissism. Not at all. No one should feel insult, resentment, or anything but admiration and adulation, and abundant gratitude for having been allowed to bask in the radiant glow of his awesomeness.
Remember, this vaccine experiment is more of an EQ (emotional quotient) test than an IQ (intelligence quotient) test. Read that somewhere and it makes total sense. Some smart people are getting the jab.
Most people are low EQ, think of the "Thermians" from the movie 'Galaxy Quest' they are like children who can't understand a lie or that someone may have evil motives or intentions. High EQ is akin to street smarts where you question every persons motivations first and foremost.
I find the whole concept of EQ a little unsavoury (just like the idea of IQ) and I will explain why.
The choices we make are the best choices if we can apply the sum total of all our experiences into it. This cannot be done purely by logic or emotions.
Roughly speaking, think of IQ and EQ as the X and Y axis in a two dimensional space. Individually they are pretty useless, but even in combination they only cover 2 dimensions, whereas we have an additional dimension at our disposal.
You can call this intuition, or spirituality or spiritual intuition. When we trust this intuition, we can make the best choice and sometimes it flies against both our logic and our emotions.
All that being said, the smart people we think are getting the jab are not really smart. They are so called intellectuals, but they are not intelligent.
I didn't avoid it due to stupidity, I wanted to see for myself what it did. At least I wasn't conned into taking it out of fear, like apparently 60% or so of people, who I can only imagine are dumber than stupid because they chose primal gut instinct instead of even any rudimentary form of analysis. It's like no mental process was involved in the decision at all. None. Whatsoever.
So, I suppose I should be proud I am stupid/skeptical/have a few brain cells firing.
I mean, people like Scott and other vaxxed people were so proud to inject them selves with - they have no idea. That makes them smart?
It's like seeing a box of rat poison on a table, and a spoon, and a glass of cloudy water, and a syringe. The sign says, you will live if you inject this. Trust us, we're from the government. Did IQ's drop all of a sudden?
Did someone redefine Merriam Webster to change the entry from prudence to stupidity? I must have missed that one.
What he doesn't seem to realise yet was that he trusted the professionals paid to do a job would do the job he pays them to do. He didn't consider someone else may be paying the same people he calls experts to lead us all to our deaths.
Scott can make some good arguments; this is not one of them
And I did not share this because it was good argument, only because it was entertainingly stupid.
When people make personal attacks on others, its usually because they themselves feel insecure and they are trying to deflect it.
I can see that Scott feels incredibly stupid, but he is not able to accept that he made a mistake, which would enable him to become smarter for the next time, but rather go into denial and project it on everyone.
he's having trouble accepting that he isn't as intelligent as he thought he was
just going through the stages of grief
Worse than that, the fact that people he looks down upon are smarter than him is making him scratch his face with long nails.
Wait til Scott find out he was stupid 3 times.
His word salad is barf worthy.
WTF is he trying to say? 😵
Agreed, read it 3 times and still not sure?
Seriously. I don't know who this dude is, but he's obviously got way too much free time on his hands. Shouldn't he be out living his life? I see his name over and over again on here with his stupid posts - obviously trying to make himself feel better about his mistakes in life. It's OK Scott - forgive yourself. Get over it.
He writes a cartoon series called "Dildo" - or at least it ought to be called Dildo.
I dont know about three. Atleast once per each page in this book
Maybe more informed would be a better way of putting it.
I think, he can only think in 3-9 panel frames, while projecting those thoughts upon constructs. Maybe someone can mail him a box of crayons to help him get through this.
He'd probably just eat them.
Maybe some chalk to draw a safe circle where he can sit with his crayons and a stuffed bear. Boohoo.
It’s less about being smart (his framing) and more about being open-minded, and using one’s brain freely.
Exactly, open minded, common sense & discernment (combined with reading skills and basic freaking logic) We have all been brainwashed to some degree to not trust our guts. It appears Scott is struggling with accepting the fact he is brainwashed, he just doesn't know it yet and so he's blaming accidental intelligence.
Their controlled narrative has gotten away from them and their facade of credibility is crumbling around them exposing the ugliness and corruption that lies beneath. They cannot pick up the pieces fast enough and glue them back on where even some of the faithful are not starting to see the fakery. At the point of meltdown all they have left is to lash out personally at that which they blame for their demise instead of looking in the mirror. Blub, blub.... down with the ship. No one is going to throw this misguided fool a life preserver as he spirals into e-oblivion.
The thing is, there's not one individual type of intelligence. My mother is a very accomplished biochemist. When she's talking about chemistry or doing advanced math in her head, she's a genius.
But she's also the most socially retarded person I've ever met and I have to help her un-fuck her computer like once a week. (Amid a host of other areas where she has a childish level of incompetence.)
Adams may have processing power like my mom does. Who knows? But navigating the world is far more complex than what is achievable using only one type of intelligence. You need a community of talent and the humility to lean on others. The raw processing power types really struggle with that.
He bought a restaurant. Under normal times that is a dumb move, if he still has a restaurant in California today... well that is retard level there.
Scott Adams; 2x stupid for restaurant + 3x if he is into his booster series. Hey Scott that 4th booster will be amazing for you! Please take your boosters!
Unless it's designed to be a money laundering operation.
They used to call them mafia fronts.
Hmm. Now you got me thinking.
Wonder if he bought a pizza restaurant?
He is smart. What he has not figured out even yet is that this is an end of world scenario that the billionaire class has been fantasizing about for 100 years. No one can believe that what is happening can be on purpose and nefarious except us "dumb lucky guess people." If you don't believe they are trying to kill humanity and enslave whoever is left then you can't see it. That is why he fails. It is beyond his ego making the wrong decision, it's that he still believes the old world exists. It doesn't. They have destroyed all the bridges going back to that world.
Uh the same 'luck' that kept me from ever taking the flu shot, the shingles booster, the measles booster, etc., etc.
The same 'luck' that kept me from smoking and doing drugs and having reckless sex with randos.
I mean, come on, Scott!
Look what he does right there
He sets it up where anytime HE'S right about something (a relatively rare phenomenon), it's never luck.
It's because he's the self-proclaimed best predictor in the world. He's the elite, the intellectual.
When YOU get something right, it's pure luck. Because you're just the "common people."
He calls this the "two ways to win and no way to lose" setup.
Even when he's wrong, it's OK because everyone else was just guessing too.
What's funny is this purported 'purveyor of insight' is blind as the bat he thinks covid came from, as to how utterly transparent this ruse is to us and how much of a douchebag he looks to the former readers he just transformed into scathing critics who will mock him mercilessly from now on.
He famously claims not to have the normal human neural pathways for embarrassment, so he never feels it no matter how bad he fucks up. Wonder if he's developing those right about now LOL
Sounds like a psychopath.
Scott Adams thinks I am lucky and stupid because I watched Dr. Fauci kill my friends with AZT thirty years ago and made my decision based on my "lived experience," as the leftists like to say.
We have the best gays. Though maybe you're not gay, and just had gay friends, you know exactly who Fauci is and his eugenics program.
Our gay frogs beat their gay frogs, and day of the week 🐸👆
No kidding. Some of us saw then what a murderer Fauci was. I worked in research for a few years and saw first hand from behind the scenes how the research was held for ransom by the money that this murdering bastard was controlling. Anyone willing to dance got the funds to continue to move forward - as long as they came up with the desired results to push an agenda forward. It all stopped being a search for scientific truth long ago. Research is so compartmentalized, that only the people at the top, or those on the outside with eyes to see, get the bigger picture of how all the pieces fit together. Those that are just the cogs in the wheel seem to be the last to know. They continue to drink the Kool-Aid thinking they serve a noble cause and can be some of the hardest to wake up. I know because I was there.
He's a persuasion expert - unwilling to admit he was out-persuaded and fell under the spell of Mass Formation Psychosis. He can't cope with the fact that he was outsmarted by "common people" who simply didn't fall for the bullshit narrative.
Fuck off Scott Adams, you aren't smart. You didn't bother to look behind the curtain of censorship, and are now pretending that the rest of us got "lucky" after spending years upon years researching their tactics, lies and propaganda. That isn't luck you stupid clown. That is preparation and discernment.
Well said fren and right on the mark.
You didn't even need to look behind the censorship. There was plenty in the official narrative to cause enough concern.
Luck? I guess I am lucky that I already knew these "experts" are liars before they started peddling their vaccine.
If you read between the lines, he thinks he made the wrong choice but he was being smart
For a lot of us it was just a gut instinct. A lot of people on here didn’t need to even dig into any data and just felt uneasy about the propaganda push and wanted to give things some time to get a better perspective. This is not stupid and is completely logical. Wild this guy calls that stupid. Complete denial.
Choosing the reversible course is logical
He crossed the Rubicon only to discover that he isn't Julius Caesar. He's just another Roman with his toga in a bunch.
As a professional, I always warned my patients to think for themselves and to allow their own gut instincts to either agree with the advice I was giving them, or to not. Even though a person may not know the language or process of science does not mean they do not have an understanding on some level of basic truth. My job was to help guide someone through the process and not to dictate. If the advice given does not have a ring of truth that a person knows in their gut, it may not be the right direction for them. It is not one size fits all. Too many people have been indoctrinated into allowing others to make the decisions for them by making them think they are less capable - especially when it comes to their own bodies. Many people exercise more independence buying a car or a pair of shoes than being a participant in their own health.
You are right in that the Almighty equipped us with common sense and gut instinct in order to keep us safe. When we allow outside forces to cause us to silence or question the safety mechanisms that the Creator placed within us, because we are under the illusion that others may know more than we, is it any wonder why we blindly fall into a ditch. The beauty is, that even when we fall into that ditch, if we are willing to repent for our stupidity, He will reach down and pull us out of that pit, or at the minimum, give us the means to crawl out of it.
I really thought that the combined facts that this jab was released in less than a year plus being so heavily promoted by Trump would mean almost no one would take it. How wrong I was.
I was just making this comment on another thread. Indeed - if people can learn to trust their instincts, we can make better judgements overall, and at the very least it will drive us to look for better questions and get better answers.
Why are self proclaimed smart guys always the biggest asshat retards...
Bc real smart people never proclaim theyre smart…only asshat retards do.
As with so many things, here the single exception is President Donald Trump.
Hahah touché …..
I listened to 3 hours of Sam Harris on Lex’s recent podcast with him. He was so obnoxious about how people who didn’t get to injected are stupid.
Same goes for that guy who wrote Snow Crash. Neal Stephenson I think?
Nerds with huge blind spots.
Same people who have TDS. Same people who support climate change BS.
And guess what, they also always have something mocking to say about flat earth. Makes ya wonder if there is something more to the idea dontcha think?
They may have high IQs but they are morally stupid. I know so many intellectuals who fell for this crap hook, line and sinker. I also know many "ordinary" people - barbers, mechanics, shelf stackers - with half their IQ who knew from the beginning that this was BS.
What are the arguments flat earthers make to defend their position?
Give an example. They obviously believe 2+2=4. What specifically about math do they get wrong?
Being publicly ridiculed by Neil DeGrasse Tyson doesn't account for much.
Having TDS doesn't make someone right just because they all circle jerk together.
Nobody says geometry isn't real.
Know what isn't real? The astronaut videos NASA showcases. And their photos of the heavenly bodies.
How come you can shoot lasers farther than the supposed curvature of the Earth?
Why can you also zoom in with a telephoto lens much farther than the curvature should allow?
THAT is math that you haven't addressed. You just state some vague "because math" instead of specific examples.
You can make a 3D projection of anything onto any surface. That's the best you got?
I'm serious. If you don't even know their arguments, it means you haven't actually looked into the matter.
Agreed 100%
Talking shit on NASA nearly got me banned here, kek. Nerds hate that they are Deepstate as they come. The awakening won't be for everyone, I suppose.
You're stupid for being hesitant taking experimental medicine that the creator warned against?
guess he doesn't consider this guy relevant because it's not official governmental information. Scott Adams is a total leftist that thinks like a leftist. He often said that he's left of bernie sanders.
They always show you their true intentions while trying to brainwash you. That's like an unwritten law.
Right. That's his assessment.
The man is a hardcore narcissist. People he thinks are dumb as a box of rocks got it right. It must be an accident. No way he was uninformed and WRONG.
There are people way smarter than him who have said the vaccine was very bad.
And there were idiots who have tried everything to get us to take the vax, in hopes of killing off a big chunk of the population. He followed the idiots. Brilliant move.
I remember when my manager gleefully announces the vaccine rollout. She made the announcement at our morning meeting. I remember rolling my eyes in disgust and mocking her relentlessly because of the stupidity of it. It's called skepticism and it's served me well through the last two years.
This is denial and as time goes on, the reality is going to hit these people like a ton of bricks. It's going to hurt because they cannot look themselves in the mirror and believe they could have been so easily manipulated into taking an experimental drug with no long term data on side effects. Some of them will wake up, but most will try to blame others for the consequences of their uninformed decisions.
I can relate. I have many colleagues that will be in the same boat. I withdrew rather than poison myself or others until some sanity returns to the system. Others I am afraid, are not in a position to wait it out. There are a few well meaning colleagues that I am not sure how they are going to process the reality of what they have been promoting. I am getting the feeling however that their tune is changing because they are not as gung ho about promotion as they were in the beginning. They are probably starting to see those patients that they insisted to get jabbed coming back with complications - far outpacing the number of patients they thought were hospitalized or died from the Rona in 2020. This indeed is going to be a very bitter pill.
Maybe tell them that one of America's largest insurance companies is seeing 40% increases in payouts for weird sudden deaths after the vaxx. Truly. Fucking. Terrifying!
True. I have also been chiming in on that thread today as well.
It will be a sad day for my colleague when their light bulb finally does come on. Sad because they really thought they were doing the right thing even though they have been misguided. Surprisingly, I can have some compassion for them to a degree. But, those that have known some of the dangers and continued anyway, I have a bigger problem with them because they are knowingly harming others for a paycheck.
A fellow RN ran the covid clinic nearby. I don't think she even gave any thought to giving experimental vaccines. She did say she doesn't want the booster, so maybe she will wake up soon. My current RN role is not in pt care, and I'm so glad about that. No jabs given or received.
Lucky you. I knew I could not participate in that slaughter. For years I have had to struggle with the down side of it all by treating those damaged by a combination of their own doing and the system when they sought help. The number of people that are vaxxine damaged is overwhelming when you actually understand and are willing to look. This current situation was just a bridge too far for me and the really sad part of it is that some of us could see it coming - it was just a matter of time until they pulled the switch.
So, I have been on the sidelines. Most of my time has been spent educating others so I have not been useless. Between this board and my e-mailbox, I have plenty to do. There is an old saying, that if you save one life, you have saved the world. I would like to think that those such as we have saved many worlds.
That is a good way to look at it. There will be a place for us soon.
This gives me reassurance that there are some allopathic medical doctors out there that still can think for themselves and want to do the right thing rather than just taking a paycheck.
Quite frankly, I have distanced myself from my allopathic doctor friends. I actually had about half a dozen close ones. They either are completely unwilling to look at any information I share with them, and only one has alluded to the fact that considering my point of view would cost him his job (he works for a hospital group).
If you get a chance, let me know what you think of this document:
Some people have trouble opening this link. That site u1lib seems amazing for free books; the book one would search for is this:
I am reading this book now, which I find fascinating. I really can’t believe how much we have been misled and poisoned by allopathic medicine: What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong Dawn Lester, David Parker
Can't open the first link - I tried earlier after I received it and thought I would revisit it later. Still can't get to it. The book in the second link I would have to purchase. And the last one requires me to open an account.
Dr Cowan I am already familiar with and I have seen several of his videos. He makes some really good points and in many areas I completely agree with him - but there are also areas where I disagree - and that is okay. Science is something we should continue to struggle with as we find new paths that previously were unknown. That is just the nature of discovery. In addition we must occasionally go back and take a new look at what we thought we knew. I see no problem there either.
I agree with Cowan in that our current mainstream understanding about cancer and heart disease have all for the most part been wrong and there is no incentive to change because they are some of the biggest money makers for big pharma and the medical industry. I first started down the road on rethinking cardiovascular disease due to the work of cardiologist Dr Stephan Sinatra. He wrote The Cholesterol Myth. That was an eye opener for me as it basically blew apart what mainstream medicine teaches concerning cardiovascular disease and its causes - mostly attributed to cholesterol. There has been others that have contributed to my non-mainstream understanding of disease and its causes - like Dr David Brownstein and Dr Russell Blaylock to mention a couple. I also learned a lot from Dr Richard Becker who was a family practitioner that has a great deal of knowledge about nutritional supplementation as it applies to clinical practice. It changed how I approached the use of supplements and herbals versus pharmaceuticals.
Like any other awakening, once one brick is removed from the wall that hides knowledge, and you can see the other side peeking through, you start looking for more bricks that can be removed so you can see. We are all on that journey looking to get to the other side where truth lies.
I still have to look at the people in the last link you sent. Those names don't seem familiar but that is not to say I have not run across them in my wanderings.
I really cannot say I am ready to jump on the Andy Wakefield bandwagon about viruses and am not willing to take on terrain theory completely - however, they do bring some interesting food for thought to the table. There are far too many people that work with the critters to blow off viral germ theory altogether, even though they have gotten really sloppy and lazy when it comes to doing real science. Many of the emergent infectious pathogens of the twentieth century have been manufactured and are all part of the hoax. So, what exactly have they been creating that makes people sick? I just cannot buy the theory it is completely toxins, although they may play a part. There is an infectious process at play.
Many of these people claiming terrain theory come from a variety of occupations, such as physicists, engineers, etc. They claim there is no proof of viruses, but yet they offer nothing in the way of proving their own point beyond speculation and hypothesis. So, I listen to them and reserve judgement. When I can see more hard data coming from that camp I will be more than happy to listen. But for the moment, they seem to have a small group of people that circulate these ideas among each other and actually seem just as entrenched and unmovable in their opinions and need to be right as people on the germ theory side of the argument. Some of them are actually very rude and vicious in their attacks of the other side. It does not lend much to their credibility. My thought is always to just let the evidence speak for itself. When it becomes personal, you have already lost the argument.
I do not throw the baby out with the bath water by claiming that terrain is not a factor. In everything I look for balance because somewhere between the differing end points of view lies the truth probably somewhere in the middle between germ and terrain theory. But is that not science? It is always evolving and is never settled.
In reference to your request for hard data: could you please read the pdf I linked? It is short. The book I linked is longer, but provides more data as well.
What I will say is that the burden of proof is on the person claiming that invisible exogenous contagious pathogens exist, not the other way around. It is not anyones responsibility to prove that it doesn’t exist - that is preposterous. This is like if I told you that aliens were in the atmosphere beaming fields that make people in the same proximity sick, and you said interesting what proof do you have of that, and I said what proof do you have that it isn’t that? A virus has never been isolated. We have electron microscopes and can see particles smaller than a virus. It is preposterous to go on with a materialistic worldview of a physical thing and yet not be able to show it.
In terms of the number of people working on it - good luck having a career in that field if you don’t adhere to the virology cult. They are all performing the ridiculous Elders process compounded into computer simulation theory - it’s utterly ridiculous, and not scientific at all.
In terms of what makes people sick then - good question. Perhaps that could actually be addressed if we were allowed to at least question the virology cult. Btw, the title of the second book I linked is in fact “what really makes us ill”.
At this point anyone with a basic understanding of correct diet (very few people) would understand that almost everyone is poisoning themselves from the moment they wake up to the moment they go to bed. Not to mention injecting themselves with formaldehyde and aluminum and god knows what else. And not fasting, ever. People live their whole lives without ever entering ketosis. And yet we wonder why everyone is sick.
By being in denial, he allows himself to be hit by a ton of bricks at each point:
When he realised he was fooled into taking vaccines
When he realises it was done maliciously, not by incompetance
When he realises the full extent of the enslavement/Great Reset agenda
When he realises that people he trusted most went along with this knowingly
When he realises that the experts have been lying to us not just in this area but in all areas
yeah am i missing his point?
when we say someone is stupid for getting vaxxed it is blunt and simple.
no mental gymnastics needed
I think his comment was pointed at the original and not the sub. Replied in wrong spot. Makes sense that way.
"Compliance Status."
From Now On This Will Be My New Term For ~ "Vaccinated or Unvaccinated."
Q. What is your vaccination status?
A. "100% Fully Non-Compliant."
I really like the sound of that.
Much better than saying "Unvaccinated."
Then we casually ask back...
Q. What is your compliance status?
That's gotta hurt...
Haha perfect!
He may be doing a whole ‘I’m processing the facts as a fellow-lefty’ routine. He has a history of doing similar things.
That being said, this schtick is over everyone’s heads because satire and reality are too blurred. The left’s logic looks like lunacy to you and me.
Who is this guy?
He is the creator of the comic strip Dilbert and had been an early Trump supporter. He prides himself on being a critical thinker (kek). He is kinda like Tim Pool, jumping back and forth
Just another shit head with a mic it sounds like.. There's so many people who (wrongly) think they know what's going on but immediately label Q or anyone talking about it in a positive light as insane
Writes Dilbert. Got popular in the Trump community 4 years ago for some good commentary.
But clearly a finger in the wind type of guy. Could easily be a politician for the DS.
I haven’t lost respect for someone as fast as I did for this bald fucker.
Same here but it was like a year ago. He was constantly pushing socialists ideas and philosophies like always twisting the fact about ''climate change'' where he does not say he agrees, but he's telling us we should look into it and wait for the expert's advice/research and shit like this.
This guy is a closet commie
Yeah, he's showing himself to be pretty good observer (which is why his comic strip often works, if we ignore the fact that he started collecting ideas from others a long time ago), but probably couldn't think his way out of a paper bag.
Me too!
It's an idea taken from one of his old comic strips. We weren't smart enough to to do something stupid. So too stupid to get the vax, but it worked out in our favor, as it turns out.
Maybe he's doing a little back-peddling. I'm not sure because I don't pay attention to him, and hardly ever read his comic strip.
thank you for saying that; I thought it was just me!
it was funny in a snarky way back in the 2000s.
He is in deep denial.
This is why 'Appeal to authority' is a logical fallacy and has no weight in a logical argument. It was never luck, it was the logical choice even as the information began to trickle forth.
Personally I remember feeling so yucky the first time I came across a post somewhere where it used the word "plandemic". This was before I had opened my eyes fully, and was still hooked to the matrix. But just because it felt yucky, I didnt stop reading the post since the rest of the post made sense.
When the vaccines were first announced, I remember being profoundly disturbed by one aspect of the vaccine - the fact that it had new genetic "alphabet" beyond the 5 naturally occurring in DNA and RNAs. Its literally a synthetic chemical - its not really a mRNA, its a synthetic mRNA. To inject something like that into me, I personally would need to see atleast 2 generations being safe and sound having taken this. And even after that I would be worried.
This is why I was extremely suspicious when they said that the clinical trials are proven 95% efficacy. And this why I dove into their clinical study paper to understand exactly how they came up with that number. And when I realised that number was based on < 1% of the participants who turned positive in both cohorts, I knew it was bullshit.
Both these data points were available to everyone and were objective data points - you didnt have to trust someone to believe it. Of course if you add subjective data points - there were tons more. I find it so strange that people actually try to defend their wrong choice as some kind of intellectual highground.
are the normies starting to realize the vaccines were a bad idea?
Sadly, I wouldnt call him a "normie". He has always been back and forth between different issues. The reason I used to respect him was that he used his highly popular Dilbert platform to express his pro-Trump views right from the beginning, when it made him unpopular amongst his own fan base.
This guy is a huge narcissist. There's now way in hell he'd admit to being bested.
I spent $100K on my Biology education. IN CASH. I am right, you are wrong, Scott Adams.
When the "experts" rely on .gov grants for their funding, they will find what .gov wants to find, lest they lose their free funding. Experts are no more than propaganda mouthpieces anymore, at least that ones they put on the TV, and many beside that.
It's not even .gov funding. Any funding that is contingent upon a specific endpoint should be banned.
Also, if you care too much about money and becoming rich, its better to be in the industry and stay away from research. A researcher should be ones who are really drawn towards discovering new things that benefits humanity, regardless of the lack of lifestyle that comes with.
So persuasive.
Scott's the all-time MASTER. See, fellow common people, when he begins sentences this way, it doesn't come off to "common people"—meaning us, the readers he's desperately trying to attract and enlist to share his content—as elitist, snobbish, supercilious, or condescending.
It's persuasion. He's persuading you that you're stupid. (Are you too stupid to recognize that? Then you're stupid twice! See? :)
Clearly, talking down to his audience this way and literally calling us stupid doesn't DIVIDE us, the common folk, from him, the self-proclaimed Greatest Predictor in the World. He's not revealing that he's acutely insecure, which he masks with self-importance, self-aggrandizement, and narcissism. Not at all. No one should feel insult, resentment, or anything but admiration and adulation, and abundant gratitude for having been allowed to bask in the radiant glow of his awesomeness.
You might also get some kicks out of this
Remember, this vaccine experiment is more of an EQ (emotional quotient) test than an IQ (intelligence quotient) test. Read that somewhere and it makes total sense. Some smart people are getting the jab.
They use fear and they baffle us with bullshit.
Most people are low EQ, think of the "Thermians" from the movie 'Galaxy Quest' they are like children who can't understand a lie or that someone may have evil motives or intentions. High EQ is akin to street smarts where you question every persons motivations first and foremost.
I find the whole concept of EQ a little unsavoury (just like the idea of IQ) and I will explain why.
The choices we make are the best choices if we can apply the sum total of all our experiences into it. This cannot be done purely by logic or emotions.
Roughly speaking, think of IQ and EQ as the X and Y axis in a two dimensional space. Individually they are pretty useless, but even in combination they only cover 2 dimensions, whereas we have an additional dimension at our disposal.
You can call this intuition, or spirituality or spiritual intuition. When we trust this intuition, we can make the best choice and sometimes it flies against both our logic and our emotions.
All that being said, the smart people we think are getting the jab are not really smart. They are so called intellectuals, but they are not intelligent.
Nice point. I like the XY axis angle (pun intended).
All anyone had to do was look at and listen to the facts and information. Leave out opinions and hysteria, it’s all very clear
What?? How dare you dont outsource your thinking to "experts" ??
Watching this arrogant fuck implode because he can't reconcile being a dumb cuck with his huge ego is delightful
No, it’s called being well informed.
I didn't avoid it due to stupidity, I wanted to see for myself what it did. At least I wasn't conned into taking it out of fear, like apparently 60% or so of people, who I can only imagine are dumber than stupid because they chose primal gut instinct instead of even any rudimentary form of analysis. It's like no mental process was involved in the decision at all. None. Whatsoever.
So, I suppose I should be proud I am stupid/skeptical/have a few brain cells firing.
I mean, people like Scott and other vaxxed people were so proud to inject them selves with - they have no idea. That makes them smart?
It's like seeing a box of rat poison on a table, and a spoon, and a glass of cloudy water, and a syringe. The sign says, you will live if you inject this. Trust us, we're from the government. Did IQ's drop all of a sudden?
Did someone redefine Merriam Webster to change the entry from prudence to stupidity? I must have missed that one.
his brain is crashing from the two vaccines he smartly infected himself with.
What he doesn't seem to realise yet was that he trusted the professionals paid to do a job would do the job he pays them to do. He didn't consider someone else may be paying the same people he calls experts to lead us all to our deaths.
How so? I saw it was EXPERIMENTAL.
I saw that it failed all ANIMAL TESTING with 100% test animals dead.
I saw that HQZ, Ivermectin and other common and proven treatments worked I saw a concerted effort by MSM and Big Tech to silence this other data.
How was any of this “stupid”?
Seems that “stupid” only applies to one side of this debate, and it isn’t by the unvaccinated.
Scott can make some good arguments; this is not one of them
And I did not share this because it was good argument, only because it was entertainingly stupid.
When people make personal attacks on others, its usually because they themselves feel insecure and they are trying to deflect it.
I can see that Scott feels incredibly stupid, but he is not able to accept that he made a mistake, which would enable him to become smarter for the next time, but rather go into denial and project it on everyone.
What the hell is this guys problem?
he once said that if he reached 1M twitter followers, he would rule the world by his influence. This is not a joke.