Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei has released a CGI video on his official website depicting the assassination of former president Trump.
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
The DS is pre-programming masses for the assassination attempt they will do. Everyone should stay vigilant, We are nearing the end, and its going to be a near death experience.
No matter what news we hear, we have to remember that Trump is safe. Trump is 200 steps ahead of them. As he starts showing that he is not really pushing the vaccines, they know that he was playing them. This is the final stages.
Isn't it weird the shape of the drone is not Iran looking?
And why would you kill FORMER president?
because trump is the current commander in chief
Oh yeah..
Because the current 'president' is on the same team as the Commies, Globalists and Muslims.
What shape would make it "Iran looking"?
Maybe something similar to a goat's ass?
just choked on my own spit laughing out loud...
Well, it’s impossible to tell if it’s a goat’s ass unless you see an Iranian man’s penis in it.
Well maybe some sort of china made quadrocopter drone with bomb attached? They are unable to make even decent jets. Stealth bomber is utopia..
A scruffy beard?? 😁
I mean, didn't someone gift them a bunch of US military equipment???
Not Iran, but I'm sure the extremists all work hand in hand.
Remember that all these nations are puppets in the cabal's theater. Iran is playing its role and putting out its propaganda, but they're not writing the script.
The majority of Iranians aren't on board with the anti-Americanism anyway. They hate their own government more.
A sentiment we can all agree on.
Yeah, this is the last vestiges of deep state in Iran. Most of it was taken out last year.
I think if this is all part of ‘build up’ to an assassination then it’s likely to be one that targets DJT indirectly or rather a non personal attempt..... such as a wide spread attack that’s kills and wounds a high number of ‘civilians’..... indeed they could work with that narrative even if that type of attack ultimately failed to get their ‘intended’ target....
Do you know what? That’s a good point. Those people don’t do anything with subtlety.
This is when people like us need to keep our wits and help others keep theirs as well.
Yes...Q said POTUS will be insulated. u/bubble_bursts
Absolutely, we have to have that faith.
Orange clown? Why are you even here?
There would be no point to assassinating somebody who no longer was in office, right? There would only be a downside if the USA retaliated. And the USA could definitely retaliate.
I'm guessing this is a NWO deep state threat communication. One that Trump will ignore.
Resident likely to retaliate with a DC9 full of greenbacks delivered by Prince Kerry to Tehran.
ha ha ha
[they] are looking for a way to start chaos in our streets and believe killing Trump would generate that response. [they] also know he is [their] greatest threat. It is a narrative set up and a broadcasting of what [they] plan to do. This warrants a lightning bolt on a roths mansion perhaps...
To your point, I think that considering the common thread here is "Trump was the spearhead of a movement"... He's a patriot in my book, but the country needed him for a time and during that time I believe he played a part in setting things in motion that cannot be undone. There would be no point in taking him out. He played his part and I do hope he comes back, but if not, I believe that whatever and whoever comes next is a well thought out plan.
Also I can't say legally or not but this is the second term for Trump. Maybe is only president in exile and he can legally run again in 2024 but who knows? Of course it look like we have a fake Brandon administration where every of them look so stupid that I can't even thought was possible. I start to think the legal process in various states about the audit of the 2020 election is just a cover. Was not a real election, was a sting operation. In time of war ... do you really make an election to change the commander in chief and put one paid by the opponent? I don't think so. The laptop from he'll, the big tech censorship, the election fraud, big farma & MSM propaganda, the DS narrative..... I mean all of this is just smoke and mirror. Trump told us they have alredy All.
Would be a fast way to start another oil war in the middle east
Revenge seems like a plausible reason.
Umm, not really. If you wanted revenge you would do it quietly without it tracing back to you.
You certainly wouldn't make a video of your intentions and upload it to the internet, LOL.
Is this the lead-up to a necessary scare event?
No, we're in the scare event
Covid is nothing when you see what comes next.
Sounds dark.
What do you have in mind?
You can make a reasonable guess
Economic collapse (based on some external event)
People starving and turning on each other.
Trying to start a Civil war
A nuclear false flag.
Trump's fake assassination
Whatever comes next, it could only approach with the guiding hand of covid/and the vaccine.
What comes next can be stopped... But people had to basically shit their pants and wake up first.
Bracing for a lot of stink
The vaxx is the true horror show here.... 😒
You aint seen nothing, fren.
Shhhh .. dont blow my cover!
For the newbies.
Hmm ... there IS a delta coming up, "the shot heard around the world."
Hope it's not a shot at Trump but if that is the plan, I trust they know what they are doing.
Qpost #572 Q !UW.yye1fxo No.49
Jan 21 2018 14:28:00 (EST)
I am hopeful for the 19th & 20th also. It's looking like that might be the week if I were to date fag.
I gave up date tagging. But I hope we see more winning.
It's almost the 365 day anniversary delta of the day we all learned the hard way NOT TO FUCKING DATEFAG
Ironically the GME saga is ramping up. Wall Street has been dumping cash this month to suppress the price all the way down into the $120s. A ton of Failure To Delivers coming up on the 21st if I recall. Makes me wonder how the GME saga plays into things. A lot of similarities between Ryan Cohen’s vague cryptic tweets, 7:41 time he tweets at, and Q. Theoretically GME could bring down the entirety of Wall Street and the US Dollar. Eeeeek. I just hope it’s a good play and not the Great Reset.
To the moon ..I hope
oh yh that was last jan! what a nothingburger than turned out to be
MOASS hasn’t occurred. The shorts never closed and Market Makers, Hedgefunds, and Banks are still colluding to keep the price manipulated/suppressed.
The 1st full day of Xi's coop with Biden as governor was Jan 21st 2021. So the GC obligations would not be in effect for the WH on Jan21's 22. Giving this Q post a 4 year delta in about a week!
WOW Jan 21st!!!!! I figured The white hats would do something right after the 1 year mark of Jan 20th! I think it was planned out 4 years ago
Hahahahahaha. Does he have a death wish, or something? Or does he miss Soleimani that much?
If they truly think that this is what weapon systems look like and how hacking works... I think we're safe.
A chargebar that reads "Hacking"
[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] ]
Graphics? No. Physics? Maybe.
Take a look at the best games on PS1 graphically and you'll realize how dumb statements like this are.
Lol maybe ps1 was a bit of a stretch, but that's why it's funny
I find such exaggerative statements unamusing because they are inherently against history and often show a lack of consideration and remembrance for our pasts
My youngest currently shares his sleeping quarters with my husband's retro video game collection. The history will not be lost with us, sir.
the fact that his golf course isn't even on his mar-a-lago property....lol
The street doesn’t quite look like that out front either
You mean it doesn’t looks like Middle East shit streets?
Nobody threatens my President
An act of war
Specifically IRAN.
"Theyve been put on warning. I told them, fuck around and find out"
Looks like theyre fucking around. Lets see the finding out.
The fact that you think this would be an attack from Iran and Iran alone shows you are not awakened enough. This doesn't benefit Iran in any way, and it is obvious who is pulling the strings.
They are trying to get us back into another war in the middle east. Don't let them fool you again.
That's an awfully hot coffee pot
Did Trump's response to Solemeini Not demonstrate NOT to fuck with President Trump....
Their response is even more clear Iran must go
As an ex-Iranian citizen I'd say they can go F themselves. They can't even make automobiles let alone all the garbage they're showing in this CGI.
That's the first thing I noticed. I was asking why Iran thinks they can build a remote robot with a laser, but then there's an Iranian stealth bomber. Iranian citizens must be laughing their heads off.
Their nuclear plants and personnel are getting hit left and right by Israel and they can't do sh*t. And yes everyone I know inside Iran knows they're all show and no go.
Let this copy/pasted post be known as a threat to all involved:
I said it earlier, I will say it again. Anyone who falls for a narrative that any attack on Trump came from anyone other than the deep state is retarded. It would originate from our own government, and that's who should be held accountable.
I am not falling for it. I am not going to call for war against Iran as they are clearly trying to make a play for. There will not be unity over such a thing, under any circumstance. I will not be played again with the same old playbook that fooled this country when I was a child.
Any direct attack on Trump is an attack from our own government, and I will not be fooled.
Why show your playbook? If they weren’t pussies they’d have tried it already.
There are two things I find funny in that video:
They assume that mar-a-largo perimeter fencing would have a 10” gap on the bottom — sufficient for a car or even for someone to squeeze through underneath.
They used a remote control car to carry a… wait for it… laser pointer to signal a stealth bomber… really?
And the stealth colors on the sneaky remote control car include....BRIGHT RED.
LOL turbans tied too tight?
Lol. That's a good point too
Pure fantasy.
Probably hosted on AWS
I had a dream last night Trump was assasinated. It had been some time and was common knowledge, we were all sitting around talking about how great he was, and it hit me, like "oh shit, hes really gone." Was pretty sureal.
Despite all that, this is laughable. The tech Iran wishes it had lololol.
They may not have it but ds fucks at the pentagon, connected to this pos? Who knows?
Yea. I'd be more concerned about rogue CIA agents. I have a friend who used to work at the CIA... His marksmanship is pretty insane. We went to an outdoor shooting range once -- with moving targets. Was pretty impressed at his ability to hit every target spoton.
They are trying to start a war with Iran. I'd bet money Iran didn't know anything about this video.
Ok, hear me out... What if Trump received a “mortal wound.” And came “back to life?” Would that shake your belief system? It would shake mine.
Positioning Trump as Jesus would be a really bad thing.
Plus, isn't there a whole thing about Satan walking the Earth as someone, winning everyone's hearts and minds, being killed and then coming back to life and leading the world to a single world government that leads to the mark of the beast?
That'd definitely be a no from me dawg.
Yeah man, just playing with ideas in this crazy timeline. I’m uncomfortable with some of the messianic undertones that emerge. Don’t get wrong, I’m a hopium addict too, just wary of everything now.
Revelations 13:3
One of its heads appeared to be fatally wounded, but its fatal wound was healed. The whole earth was amazed and followed the beast.
I thought that head was Biden. Trump told us about his fatal head wound. He joked about Biden during a 2020 campaign rally:
Sauce: https://files.catbox.moe/9ixfqt.mov
Then there was that crazy on-screen glitch during the “inauguration.” (I don’t think it was a glitch, it was likely intentional.) See the graphic in this post here (head wound in lower right corner):
It's what they're going to do.
There has always been 2 trumps. Not clones but biological birth twins. You remember young trump is featured in 2 of the super spoopy paintings at DIA right?
https://youtu.be/a4BRteBHUpU (@1min27sec)
I would recommend watching the movie The Prestige directed by Christopher Nolan
I do think that Trump is under threat. And I also feel that the military is protecting him. It seems that nearly every day there are 3 to 4 P-8 Poseidon planes monitoring the South East of the US and often the Florida coast.
OK patriot, if the goal is Best Statement of the Obvious 2022, this is already a strong contender. :)
Ha, thanks for your vote! 😂
I second that thought
Military/god is in control
Legit rip off of from the first Toy Story.
Trump should do a video of a laser taking out that drone as it neers that fence.
Love how they were too pussy to show what happens. Ham, bacon and naked women faces, sandy
The only supreme leader I know of is me. This man is a fraud.
I like to imagine it took them this long since soleimani to make this vid, which gives me hope as that means they still suck with technology
Lmao I actually love that Iran posted this. Your average person is going to watch this and be at the very least unamused or disgusted with this sort of rhetoric but it's like catnip for the left and they'll be cheering it on in the comment section which is even more disgusting behavior than what Iran did. Just like with marketing and the need for repetition the more often the left does things like this where the average person can view it from a third person perspective the sooner it wake them up
I think this toy lost to Tombstone on Battlebots in Season 2! NCSWIC
I trust Trump, in part as has impeccable judgement and all the info. However, I do wish that Iran would have been dismantled or demolished during his first term. As a willing vassal of China and the DNC with zero conscience, they are an immense liability to the West and modern civilization at all times.
WOW that's a brazen threat.
Act of war?
Not when the threat is directed at Trump or America
There are two trumps. Not clones but biological birth twins.
It's all a big show
Looks more like a comedy sketch to me
Send all of the traitors to Iran. Turn the place into a glass hilux parking lot. Profit.
Pretty sure 45 took out their guy with a low collateral hellfire from a drone irl 🤷♂️
lol. They wish they could do this. They cant.