That was a LOOOOOONG time ago, I don't think they knew anything about it. Alice Cooper is a Trump guy and has been a conservative his whole life. He's also a scratch golfer, libs don't do golf.
How do you know all of this? Do you know them personally? You are assuming they are just innocent pawns. I beg to differ. The only way you get popular or to the top in entertainment or other positions like academia or politics is by being blackmailed. How do you think they acquire blackmail on them???
Q Post 4565
Possible Epstein was a puppet [not the main person(s) of interest]?
Financed by who or what [F] entities?
[Primary] gather blackmail on elected pols, dignitaries, royalty, hollywood influencers, wall street and other financial top level players, other high profile industry specific people, etc.
Feed an addiction [controllable]
Maxwell family background?
Robert Maxwell history [intel, agency, wealth, [CLAS 1-99]]?
Sometimes it's the people in the background that are of greater significance.
You’re talking about the elite class of society. As the comment your responding to says, the record labels own these guys. The record label execs are the ones with the knowledge. These idiots were picked up in a bar and used for their “talent”. Not saying they’re perfect but I don’t think they knew what was going on like the execs
I don’t know. I think they let people in on the secret of the pedophilia once a celebrity reaches super stardom. I think people are allowed to succeed on their talent alone as ignorant outsiders up to a point, but the whole time they are being tempted by blackmail attempts. The ones who fall deeper into the blackmail are promoted into bigger and bigger positions of power until finally the blackmail itself becomes their power. They realize that by committing acts of evil on camera they will be given fame and riches. At that point they’ve turned and become one of the blackmailers themselves.
It's impossible to say one way or another but I think actors, bands, etc were legit making it on their own up until a certain time. That's not to say they weren't into satan worship or kinky whatever, some of those bands absolutely were. If I had to guess, I'd say fame pre-1980 was for the most part legitimately earned. And his band formed in 1965-ish. Just hard to say, one way or another.
There are tons of beautiful, talented, charismatic people in Hollywood. But most will never get opportunities or jobs unless they join the cabal.
Likewise, there are people who have their own shows (Jimmy Kimmel) or you see them in films, who are not talented, attractive, charismatic, funny, or in any way outstanding. You wonder how they achieved their success. Many have sold their souls.
Also, people like to hire friends and past coworkers because they've been vetted. A more talented employee / team member may be a nightmare to work with.
Comedians like Adam Sandler his buddies comes to mind. Or Christopher Nolan frequently using the same actors.
Actually, No.....Not when I was growing up....We don't really celebrate Halloween here in South Africa...Only the last 4,5 years or so....We are all speculating at this point...I'm just NOT into coincidences....😁
Agreed, but "it" wasn't common knowledge like it is today so I don't think any of them had a clue. You have to remember, back in those days( late 60's early 70's) bands were "owned" by the record companies and they pretty much had to do anything the label wanted. I believe that whoever put them up to it (label execs) knew what they were doing but the band had no idea of the symbolism.
Talking about his rejuvenated Christian faith, the Rock and Roll Hall of Famer warned that Satan is a "very smart" demon who plays on televangelist to spread evil.
I’m wondering if billion dollar babies has a whole different meaning, going to have to re-listen to all my early Alice stuff now. I’m finding more and more that older films have lots of hints and symbolism in them now..,
Talking about his rejuvenated Christian faith, the Rock and Roll Hall of Famer warned that Satan is a "very smart" demon who plays on televangelist to spread evil.
Agreed, these guys had no idea what was going on back then. They didn't think up this cover art someone else who 100% knew did. These guy's were just basically the models for the cover.
Also; I have heard that Alice is a pretty hard core (born again?) Christian, doesn't drink, smoke, do drugs; anything like that.
He lives the opposite of the rock & roll lifestyle.
Furthermore, I understand he has reached out to countless fellow musicians + helped them pull away from the dangerous, degenerate rock + roll lifestyle....
Again; I could be wrong, but I was quite surprised to read all of this about him.
Seems like a genuinely good man & that's my gut feeling about him; my gut is rarely wrong.
Alice Cooper is a showman. Drug and alcohol free, trump supporters. I doubt they even knew what they were repping. The label decides what to put on the cover so they used these guys likely.
I don't think it's a panda thing. The baby has Cooper's stage eye makeup.
Shock rock. the media went nuts and they made a lot of money. I wouldn't think it's any more than that.
I believe Cooper is an alright guy. Seems really normal in interviews. Plays golf, goes to church. Would bet on him supporting Trump.
He also teaches Sunday School. For real! The man has made a complete 180 because of his relationship with Jesus Christ. I think too many are unwilling to see the power in that.
I think the Alice Cooper band are good guys. They became popular pointing out the degeneracy of modern society. I think they were calling out the Pedowood crowd. This was the interior art for an album called Billion Dollar Babies. It's all satire if you read the lyrics. The lead guitarist was, sadly, an alcoholic and died at a younger age. The rest are still alive and are good people. I must say, however, this depiction does indicate that they knew what was going on. They were from Arizona, stiffed in Hollywood, and found fame in Detroit.
What about the nude ten year old on the cover of Scorpions: Virgin Killer? Maybe pedophilia was bigger in Germany in the late 70's? Surprised we never heard from her for that.
He's talking about the baby from the Nevermind cover. He grew up and tried to get a payday by suing the label. He claimed he had been exploited as a baby. The case was thrown out because it was stupid.
They're talking about the flying naked baby on the cover of that one famous Nirvana album that's eluding me right now. Apparently the baby on that album tried a Ludacris attempt at suing someone iirc.
Looked at a different way… it Could be comms to DS - saying FU / we know …
I mean to be honest Alice Cooper was never main stream … the media treated him like a pariah freak, it was same game plan they had for Zappa … If you don’t play the game you don’t get the fame ….
Alice Cooper never went mainstream because his music SUCKED and his act was too shocking for it's time. The fact he is still getting endorsement deals says more.
I believe you. I don't know much about Cooper, but that album cover is worse than the abomination the Beatles did as an album cover, and their's was quite horrific. A lot of this stuff is still right in our faces. While searching for furniture online, an ad for wayfair popped up. It featured a 77K dollar rug with what looked like blood spatter. The rug is white and the "design" is bright red. WTH???
White rabbits were a symbol for acid culture back then, referencing following the rabbit to an alternative reality in Alice in Wonderland. I think its just a drug reference. Alice Cooper was trying to freak out your parents with this photo. Now you're the parents I guess.
I just keep thinking how our great grandmothers tried to tell us. My mother in law just died a few years ago. She knew. She knew it all. And in the end, she was right.
She just knew something was not right. She hated everything on TV. She would never eat at a restaurant and would never eat processed food. She always said 'they were trying to kill us'. She also refused to go to the doctors & refused to take her medicines. She had her thyroid removed at like 40. Never took meds for it. She would always say they were trying to kill her too. She ended up dying in the hospital after a fall. I can't help but wonder if the hospital played a role in her not healing properly.
But the great grandmothers..... in the 80s the news always talked about the satanic panic and tried to make fun of the grandmothers, but they were right.
Lol my mom is German and she has always pushed “knowing”, she told me about club of Rome etc way back in the day, this is how me and my sis started on our digs way back in the 90’s
His father's a Christian minister and he attends church. He quietly serves food to poor people at his church every Thanksgiving and makes no spectacle of it.
If these guys were cabal, they'd be mega wealthy. I think they were used.
A while back, Alice Cooper was on the BBC car show Top Gear. During the interview segment Jeremy Clarkson asked Alice how he was able to give up alcohol. Alice replied he practices cannibalism now. My family remembers him saying that too.
The audience laughed. I don't think he was joking.
I tried to find that clip. All I could find were very small portions of his interview that did not include that, or him driving the "reasonably priced car".
Because I lived through that era, I'm familiar with the music and the person making that music along with that person (Alice Cooper) being an outspoken Trump supporter.
There's a million pieces of low hanging fruit in the music industry over the last few decades that are far more likely than Alice Cooper.
I do not give a shit if someone is a trump supporter. And I care not whether you lived through the era or not. I do not even care about whether or not you are familiar with the music or not. And I care not about relativity either.
I could claim the same thing.
The reason for my lack of care, is that these items are irrelevant to the question at hand. It is not about what YOU, or I, perceive to be the case.
Let' s talk about intentions here and what is being manifested.
Let this so called born again Christian explain what the fuck he means when advertising this shit.
Relativity is bad conscience in the end, as relativity calls everything good what in actuality is bad, straight what is bent. This opens the door to gulping down the Camel.
Whatever the case may be, and whatever you may feel or think about it, some questions can and should be asked, and someone who steps into the arena like this can and should be expected to explain a couple of things.
I am not talking about: o sorry mentality. I am talking clear explanation as to why he chooses to advertise like that. And maybe, in hindsight, as is often the case, certain things may look like not so smart decisions while looking cool at the time. There is no shame in admitting such. I guess we all can sympathize with such a thing.
Back in the day, Alice Cooper was indeed hardcore into drugs. He nearly died of them circa 1981 before he came back from the brink and got clean (the lead guitarist died of alcoholism, but that was long after the band and Alice broke up and Alice went with hired hands to continue--Billion Dollar Babies was the last original-lineup album). Their early stuff was larpy and intentionally Satanic just to shock--"Dead Babies," etc... I think the album cover here is more of the same, but how much truth do they "accidentally" reveal? What was considered fringe and shocking back then is now considered revelatory. Because it turns out the world is run by Satanists, and they're just now deciding they no longer need to keep that fact a secret.
Don't always jump first at the faces in the picture. Not saying they are in the clear but understand many in the industry are just there told where to be and what to do. I would be more curious what company set up this picture shoot and who came up with the idea and who designed the set for the picture. My guess is alot of these stars are told be here at this time, do this pose, and on to the next booking.
I'm an Alice Cooper fan. We are both from Detroit. I have been to his concerts and his restaurant in AZ. I like the guy.
That said, I would like to hear from Alice Cooper about all of this.
If anyone has interviews where he addresses the satanism and baby murder / trafficking, I would certainly like to hear it.
I think it is naive in the extreme to think this guy didn't know what these symbols meant in this picture or the meaning of his lyrics. That is just stupid.
“but that we write to them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from things strangled, and from blood.”
Acts 15:20 NKJV
100% but we have the local condescending fucking know it alls who, if they don't believe it then its False... but they don't provide any "Source" as they like to put it to counter the comment...Only insults...Then you know you have won...Don't waste your time feeding the "trolls"
That was a LOOOOOONG time ago, I don't think they knew anything about it. Alice Cooper is a Trump guy and has been a conservative his whole life. He's also a scratch golfer, libs don't do golf.
And" things" have been going on for a Looooooooooooong time...!!!
Yep, and those guys had no say in how theybwere promoted. Record labels own you.
Likely, all of us have done stuff. Shit, have youbever celebrated Halloween. Does that make you a satanist?
How do you know all of this? Do you know them personally? You are assuming they are just innocent pawns. I beg to differ. The only way you get popular or to the top in entertainment or other positions like academia or politics is by being blackmailed. How do you think they acquire blackmail on them???
Q Post 4565 Possible Epstein was a puppet [not the main person(s) of interest]? Financed by who or what [F] entities?
You’re talking about the elite class of society. As the comment your responding to says, the record labels own these guys. The record label execs are the ones with the knowledge. These idiots were picked up in a bar and used for their “talent”. Not saying they’re perfect but I don’t think they knew what was going on like the execs
same for beatles and their dead babies cover?
Yesterday and Today is my favorite US Beatles album. It's got a great tracklist and is overall a blast to listen to.
Horrible human beings.
Absolutely. I wasn't born until '83 and I was ripped during this photo shoot.
I don’t know. I think they let people in on the secret of the pedophilia once a celebrity reaches super stardom. I think people are allowed to succeed on their talent alone as ignorant outsiders up to a point, but the whole time they are being tempted by blackmail attempts. The ones who fall deeper into the blackmail are promoted into bigger and bigger positions of power until finally the blackmail itself becomes their power. They realize that by committing acts of evil on camera they will be given fame and riches. At that point they’ve turned and become one of the blackmailers themselves.
True words in regards to many.
Thats what I think it is too. Which is why it's only a select handful of famous musicians who can be quoted as claiming that they, "sold their souls".
I agree,
It's impossible to say one way or another but I think actors, bands, etc were legit making it on their own up until a certain time. That's not to say they weren't into satan worship or kinky whatever, some of those bands absolutely were. If I had to guess, I'd say fame pre-1980 was for the most part legitimately earned. And his band formed in 1965-ish. Just hard to say, one way or another.
Being talented is a thing too ya know. If you show exceptional quality in your work, you will get hired.
There are tons of beautiful, talented, charismatic people in Hollywood. But most will never get opportunities or jobs unless they join the cabal.
Likewise, there are people who have their own shows (Jimmy Kimmel) or you see them in films, who are not talented, attractive, charismatic, funny, or in any way outstanding. You wonder how they achieved their success. Many have sold their souls.
Yep. Nice distinction.
Also, people like to hire friends and past coworkers because they've been vetted. A more talented employee / team member may be a nightmare to work with.
Comedians like Adam Sandler his buddies comes to mind. Or Christopher Nolan frequently using the same actors.
What is concerning the fact they did this to that baby. Is he alive? Hope he is. If not he is in God’s hands now.
Look at the picture the black eyes are painted not real.
Oh Thank you and God bless you for telling me. I was very worried. Thank you again.
Actually, No.....Not when I was growing up....We don't really celebrate Halloween here in South Africa...Only the last 4,5 years or so....We are all speculating at this point...I'm just NOT into coincidences....😁
Agreed, but "it" wasn't common knowledge like it is today so I don't think any of them had a clue. You have to remember, back in those days( late 60's early 70's) bands were "owned" by the record companies and they pretty much had to do anything the label wanted. I believe that whoever put them up to it (label execs) knew what they were doing but the band had no idea of the symbolism.
Pink Floyd: Have a Cigar, sums it up nicely.....
It was common knowledge in Hollywood.
At the least....
Talking about his rejuvenated Christian faith, the Rock and Roll Hall of Famer warned that Satan is a "very smart" demon who plays on televangelist to spread evil.
Alice Coopers Christian bro.
He also helped to lead Dave Mustaine to God, helped him completely get off of drugs, etc.
Anyone can claim to be anything. Doesn't mean they are and even false teachers speak some truth.
Wheres sauce? I only see one picture. Yet I got tons of proof Alice Cooper is Christian and for Trump.
I’m wondering if billion dollar babies has a whole different meaning, going to have to re-listen to all my early Alice stuff now. I’m finding more and more that older films have lots of hints and symbolism in them now..,
We go dancing nightly in the attic while the moon is rising in the sky.
If I'm too rough, tell me, I'm so scared your little head will come off in my hands.
Whoa! What's that from?
Yep. He used them as stage props. Some people on here want to jump on everything without doing an internet search.
Smooth brains gonna smooth brain.
Naw Purkiss80 doesnt do his research. Alice Cooper makeup on baby. Not pandaeyes.
Hes pro trump.
So...Being Pro-Trump means what exactly?.....Stupid Comment
Talking about his rejuvenated Christian faith, the Rock and Roll Hall of Famer warned that Satan is a "very smart" demon who plays on televangelist to spread evil.
Hes Christian too. People can change.
So if HRC and Hussein became born again Christians next week, Then Alls forgiven is it...Just an example.
Yep. Let's compare murders to a rock musician with one picture.
Alice is a Christian who supports trump. He hasnt murdered anyone.
Libs definitely do golf. I've seen these people outside, playing golf, with a useless mask on for every shot.
Lol twice a week?? No need to exaggerate.
Agreed, these guys had no idea what was going on back then. They didn't think up this cover art someone else who 100% knew did. These guy's were just basically the models for the cover.
Thanks came here to say this.
Also; I have heard that Alice is a pretty hard core (born again?) Christian, doesn't drink, smoke, do drugs; anything like that.
He lives the opposite of the rock & roll lifestyle.
Furthermore, I understand he has reached out to countless fellow musicians + helped them pull away from the dangerous, degenerate rock + roll lifestyle....
Again; I could be wrong, but I was quite surprised to read all of this about him.
Seems like a genuinely good man & that's my gut feeling about him; my gut is rarely wrong.
Alice Cooper is a showman. Drug and alcohol free, trump supporters. I doubt they even knew what they were repping. The label decides what to put on the cover so they used these guys likely.
I don't think it's a panda thing. The baby has Cooper's stage eye makeup. Shock rock. the media went nuts and they made a lot of money. I wouldn't think it's any more than that.
I believe Cooper is an alright guy. Seems really normal in interviews. Plays golf, goes to church. Would bet on him supporting Trump.
Could be wrong but I hope not.
One of the sweetest rock stars you will ever have the pleasure of meeting. The way this site insists on reaching at bullshit is eye opening lately.
He also teaches Sunday School. For real! The man has made a complete 180 because of his relationship with Jesus Christ. I think too many are unwilling to see the power in that.
Yep you are right. People need to research before they post.
Alice Cooper once met Harland Sanders, and it went about as awesomely as you'd think it would have.
Yes, that Harland Sanders. Founder of KFC.
It's not. Another nothingburger post.
Sigh...Just like your opinion....
I think the Alice Cooper band are good guys. They became popular pointing out the degeneracy of modern society. I think they were calling out the Pedowood crowd. This was the interior art for an album called Billion Dollar Babies. It's all satire if you read the lyrics. The lead guitarist was, sadly, an alcoholic and died at a younger age. The rest are still alive and are good people. I must say, however, this depiction does indicate that they knew what was going on. They were from Arizona, stiffed in Hollywood, and found fame in Detroit.
That is basically my point...They Had to at least know what was going on...
In another comment thread you're questioning whether or not he's actually based. Pick a lane, man.
I also want to point out Purkiss isnt even from the US. Just saying.
Hard telling, musicians aren't known for being the smartest bunch.
It could have been the photographer or art director that who's idea it was for all the symbols.
Certainly not pop and rap stars. Metal is a different story.
Oh certainly, totally different.
Playing exclusively power chords, automatically qualifies somebody for Mensa.
Jay z is a freemason. He is a rap star. LOL
I wonder if the baby in the pic will be suing them for exploitation after all these years. You know, like Nirvana.
What about the nude ten year old on the cover of Scorpions: Virgin Killer? Maybe pedophilia was bigger in Germany in the late 70's? Surprised we never heard from her for that.
Please expand. I love Nirvana :(
He's talking about the baby from the Nevermind cover. He grew up and tried to get a payday by suing the label. He claimed he had been exploited as a baby. The case was thrown out because it was stupid.
Apparently he even bragged about it until he decided he could maybe get some paycheck from them, then it was “it ruined my life”
They're talking about the flying naked baby on the cover of that one famous Nirvana album that's eluding me right now. Apparently the baby on that album tried a Ludacris attempt at suing someone iirc.
Hehe🐸 (hey Charlie!)
Oh hey there! 😁
And omg that link. You freaking would! 😂😂
Looked at a different way… it Could be comms to DS - saying FU / we know …
I mean to be honest Alice Cooper was never main stream … the media treated him like a pariah freak, it was same game plan they had for Zappa … If you don’t play the game you don’t get the fame ….
Alice Cooper never went mainstream because his music SUCKED and his act was too shocking for it's time. The fact he is still getting endorsement deals says more.
Anybody who didn't comply got whacked before 27.
I believe you. I don't know much about Cooper, but that album cover is worse than the abomination the Beatles did as an album cover, and their's was quite horrific. A lot of this stuff is still right in our faces. While searching for furniture online, an ad for wayfair popped up. It featured a 77K dollar rug with what looked like blood spatter. The rug is white and the "design" is bright red. WTH???
Which Beatles album may I ask?
They actually dont look too thrilled to be covered in baby parts
Disgusting. I had never seen or noticed this (wouldn’t have thought twice when I was asleep — funny how that works).
Only a small number of copies were released with this cover. It was very quickly replaced with a more mainstream one.
White rabbits were a symbol for acid culture back then, referencing following the rabbit to an alternative reality in Alice in Wonderland. I think its just a drug reference. Alice Cooper was trying to freak out your parents with this photo. Now you're the parents I guess.
Yes, shocking for shocking sake. I get that.
It is an easy enough alibi to rock you to sleep, program you. How did James write about it? As rocks hidden under water .....
Ever notice how quickly some people will defend an group of animals if they "like" them. Sad.
Well those bunnies are pretty darn cute🐸👌
Same with Michael Jackson.
Ever notice how shills with handshakes jump on disinformation band wagon.
Are you a foreigner with disinfo too?
I just keep thinking how our great grandmothers tried to tell us. My mother in law just died a few years ago. She knew. She knew it all. And in the end, she was right.
I am amazed…how did she know back then?
She just knew something was not right. She hated everything on TV. She would never eat at a restaurant and would never eat processed food. She always said 'they were trying to kill us'. She also refused to go to the doctors & refused to take her medicines. She had her thyroid removed at like 40. Never took meds for it. She would always say they were trying to kill her too. She ended up dying in the hospital after a fall. I can't help but wonder if the hospital played a role in her not healing properly.
But the great grandmothers..... in the 80s the news always talked about the satanic panic and tried to make fun of the grandmothers, but they were right.
She was a woman ahead of her time.
This is actually the same woman who used to mend Sylvester Stallone's brother's clothes. I wonder if old Frankie boy ever told her anything in secret.
Lol my mom is German and she has always pushed “knowing”, she told me about club of Rome etc way back in the day, this is how me and my sis started on our digs way back in the 90’s
Omg! billion dollar babies Gets a new meaning.
Given all the money on the table, this appears to be sending a message closer to, "we know what the elites are up to".
His father's a Christian minister and he attends church. He quietly serves food to poor people at his church every Thanksgiving and makes no spectacle of it.
If these guys were cabal, they'd be mega wealthy. I think they were used.
Yep. Plays golf with theologians in Florida.
Some of the most vile, evil people I've ever met are Christian...and on this board.
Judge much.
Hard to believe this is coincidental. Why bring a poor baby into this picture? They need to leave our babies alone.
The album was called Billion Dollar Babies.
A while back, Alice Cooper was on the BBC car show Top Gear. During the interview segment Jeremy Clarkson asked Alice how he was able to give up alcohol. Alice replied he practices cannibalism now. My family remembers him saying that too.
The audience laughed. I don't think he was joking.
I tried to find that clip. All I could find were very small portions of his interview that did not include that, or him driving the "reasonably priced car".
I think the OP might be missing the point of this image. It was condemning this type of excess and corruption, not glorifying it.
You know this, how?
Because I lived through that era, I'm familiar with the music and the person making that music along with that person (Alice Cooper) being an outspoken Trump supporter.
There's a million pieces of low hanging fruit in the music industry over the last few decades that are far more likely than Alice Cooper.
Like Jay Z the masonic satanic symbol fag who tells in one of his songs he sold crack to his mom.
Oh and he is a 33rd freemason
Exactly. Perfect example.
I do not give a shit if someone is a trump supporter. And I care not whether you lived through the era or not. I do not even care about whether or not you are familiar with the music or not. And I care not about relativity either.
I could claim the same thing.
The reason for my lack of care, is that these items are irrelevant to the question at hand. It is not about what YOU, or I, perceive to be the case.
Whatever the case may be, and whatever you may feel or think about it, some questions can and should be asked, and someone who steps into the arena like this can and should be expected to explain a couple of things.
I am not talking about: o sorry mentality. I am talking clear explanation as to why he chooses to advertise like that. And maybe, in hindsight, as is often the case, certain things may look like not so smart decisions while looking cool at the time. There is no shame in admitting such. I guess we all can sympathize with such a thing.
I'm sorry, but I don't care enough to write a refutation. If you want to lump Alice Cooper in with the genuine monsters, it's your prerogative.
I feel like this is more blatant like a warning, to normies especially with all the money at the bottom than a comm.
That or it could be a welcome to the club photo
Back in the day, Alice Cooper was indeed hardcore into drugs. He nearly died of them circa 1981 before he came back from the brink and got clean (the lead guitarist died of alcoholism, but that was long after the band and Alice broke up and Alice went with hired hands to continue--Billion Dollar Babies was the last original-lineup album). Their early stuff was larpy and intentionally Satanic just to shock--"Dead Babies," etc... I think the album cover here is more of the same, but how much truth do they "accidentally" reveal? What was considered fringe and shocking back then is now considered revelatory. Because it turns out the world is run by Satanists, and they're just now deciding they no longer need to keep that fact a secret.
Don't always jump first at the faces in the picture. Not saying they are in the clear but understand many in the industry are just there told where to be and what to do. I would be more curious what company set up this picture shoot and who came up with the idea and who designed the set for the picture. My guess is alot of these stars are told be here at this time, do this pose, and on to the next booking.
I'm an Alice Cooper fan. We are both from Detroit. I have been to his concerts and his restaurant in AZ. I like the guy.
That said, I would like to hear from Alice Cooper about all of this.
If anyone has interviews where he addresses the satanism and baby murder / trafficking, I would certainly like to hear it.
I think it is naive in the extreme to think this guy didn't know what these symbols meant in this picture or the meaning of his lyrics. That is just stupid.
Explain yourself, Alice!
The baby has Alice Cooper makeup on.
Why do you think The Bible says this?
“but that we write to them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from things strangled, and from blood.” Acts 15:20 NKJV
Eww I was never into Alice Cooper, this is creepy
The end won't be for everybody, but we won't know anything for sure until the end!
Hmmm... are those owls in that cage? And note that the one on right appears to be wearing women's makeup, babies mixed with cash?
i think they were attempting to out do the beatles butcher album cover which lasted 1 day in the public forum
Vincent Furnier is Jewish
But AC is the one w the eyes..
So is every other rocker with makeup.
I mean maybe Ozzy did it before him? Alice Cooper's going way back, anyone after is just biting his gimmick.
There's something I would like to point out.
In general.
There are people who have been completely MK-Ultra'd. They may seem like wonderful individuals -- because they are.
But you NEVER KNOW when someone is a sleeper or a dual-personality type.
The person himself (or herself) might not know.
So it's a good idea to not to get caught up in impressions and images.
What does your gut tell you?
Looking at that picture makes me feel sick. TRUST YOUR EYES AND INTUITION.
100% but we have the local condescending fucking know it alls who, if they don't believe it then its False... but they don't provide any "Source" as they like to put it to counter the comment...Only insults...Then you know you have won...Don't waste your time feeding the "trolls"
The eye shadow was part of his makeup. He's been doing it for decades. Have you seen recent pictures of him? He's getting up there in age.
Alice Cooper has become a Christian and you can find videos of his testimony on youtube... no idea about the band members.
Billion dollar babies paid for with stacks of $5 bills
Billion dollar babies.
Welcome to my nightmare
He knew back then but I believe he found Christ in the 80s
Alice is one of Arizona’s most stand up citizens, well, ever.
Funk right off.
looks like a dead bird on the left and an owl on the right in the birdcage too. I can't find a better quality photo to verify.
Bold of you to assume it's them doing it and not their producer and record label. Alice Cooper is pro-MAGA.