There was some stuff that came out about Barr some years back, so a lot of people questioned if Barr was a WH or a BH. But I suspected that Barr was given a chance to right some wrongs, and to end his career on a positive standing. He would have been perfect for it, having the experience, knowing who the players are, and having played ball with the DS. He could make the DS think he's helping them by stalling and doing nothing useful for the Patriots, and really helping the patriots by cleaning out DS sleepers, installing WH sleepers, and setting up the DOJ to gather evidence for future criminal trials.
because of his involvement in wmd scheme, it's very difficult to believe that mueller is an honorable patriot. not saying you are wrong. just that it's hard to believe.
Mueller was involved in investigating Waco and looked the other way. He also investigated Ruby Ridge. He has a long history of investigating disasters that need a "nothing to see here" label.
Who led the Mafia Commission prosecution? Rudy Giuliani.
Who led the Gambino prosecution? Robert Mueller, who was USAG for the DOJ Criminal Division between 1990-1993. Who was working for Mueller at DOJ, during this time?
Rod Rosenstein.
And who was the Deputy Attorney General between May 1990 and 26 November, 1992, before becoming the Attorney-General?
This link puts RR and Mueller on the WH team. Confused. Maybe Muelller, if he was flipped, and maybe the Mueller report was always designed to be a dud, but definitely not RR. Am I misreading something?
Maybe he was. Or maybe that was the plausible deniability for the crumb he just dropped, as per OP. My brain can't unravel the 5D chess, that's for sure.
I think Barr was asked to play a role. Hard to say if Barr did anything recently enough that could be used against him. But he could be embarrassed and exposed, or be one of the guys who did the right thing, and that would probably be enough to pull him in. I admit, speculation on my part...
I bet few people listened to his hearing in front of Congress. Imo it didn't feel scripted in the same way most of them usually do. The critters will usually hit their marks too unnaturally in order to be captured in tight sound bites for the 24hr networks to run on repeat. It was more like a Trump debate with Barr playing coy for a while frustrating the critters and ruining their sound bites until he too lost his patience.
Barr struck me as a guy who has had a come to Jesus moment somewhere along the way. A lot about his past was revealed during the Q drops when people were saying not to trust Barr. But that wasn't the Barr that we saw when he took over the DOJ. I didn't catch more than 15-20 minutes of the hearing you mentioned, but enough to see Barr wasn't having any of what the DS creatures were serving up.
Barr wasn't having any of what the DS creatures were serving up
Except election fraud. Barr claimed any notion of election fraud was "nonsense." He's totally OK with a presidential election having been stolen, on his watch as attorney general.
The Supreme Court was no better. I think the DS was allowed to complete the election theft for very specific reasons. And some, like Barr, were told to let it happen. I'm convinced the Patriots needed the DS to do what they are doing to have rock solid evidence of treason against all the DS players. I suspect that in allowing the DS to finish the theft of the WH, Barr was allowed to finish what he was commanded to do, without the DS taking notice.
And I admit, I could be wrong. Won't keep me from trying to enjoy the show.
Still dying to know which people comprise the original WH planning group from years ago that identified Trump and said, 'we need him' - and is still running this show, worldwide. Ex military? would have to be, wouldn't it? How would there be the international contacts of WH 'deep state' that would trust the US enough to coordinate with that secret, unproven team. This is just mind-boggling when you start to imagine the tentacles, the logistics, the negotiation/convincing required throughout the Plan.
The same reason Trump didn't publicly call in the Military to take over the polls and count legal votes in person in Oct 2020.
The same reason every scrap of the election material wasn't federally seized on November 4th, 2020.
The same reason the Insurrection Act wasn't publicly declared as being active and the Dems rounded up on January 7, 2021.
Doing so would have made every bit of work insubstantial to the people and made the patriots into tyrants in the public eye. Instead, the people are being shown (painfully) exactly who the real tyrants are, and this includes exposing the tyranny that rests just behind the eyes on every mortal which must always be personally kept in check for freedom to prevail.
It's not enough to just "save" the people when they're so brainwashed they'd never understand what you saved them from.
The DS planned a massed depopulation scale (world war 3). They would have carried out their plan if Hillary had won. But good luck ever getting regular people to comprehend such an evil. Most live in the delusion that their government would never actively harm the economy for power. When you try to tell someone that the plandemic was orchestrated they just say "But that would hurt the economy. Politicians wouldn't want to hurt their tax base".
They really believe that. They think somehow that hurting small business bothers politicans and CEOs.
Regular people have a mental block when it comes to real evil. They can't understand the mind of people who do anything for power even if it hurts their own interests.
What good is saving the people for one decade? If they don't learn the evil will crawl back in and do the same. Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for life.
Save the people for a decade or teach the people to save themselves? I think the military already saved us and removed the head. The body is what we're fighting, but this is something the people need to stand up and do for themselves. If we don't learn our lesson, this will just happen again. That means people need to get their head out of the sand and see the evil right in front of him.
Yes, there are people who will do anything for power. And they want absolute power. They want control of your body, mind, and spirit.
I don't know what side Barr is on but I do not remember him saying there was no election fraud. I do remember him saying that no proof of election fraud was shown to him (by the people under him).
That is not the same as saying there was no election fraud.
My thought at the time was this. He was confirming that the Justice dept. was completely corrupt.
He did not state his opinion on the election. He only stated the facts that the Justice dept. provided him.
I usually do the same with those types of things since we know a scolding from Congress is pretty meaningless. The job site happened to be empty that day so between start and lunch I was able to hear most of went down during the 5 hour hearing.
Those two and others (like Tucker Carlson, Pence, Kushner, Sessions, Flynn, DeSantis, McConnell, Graham, Kavanaugh, Barrett, Haspel, Wray, Bongino, Hannity, Cruz, et al., to name just a few off the top) have 'switched hats' so many times in the eyes of this forum in the past few years it's impossible to ascertain with any degree of confidence who's on our side and who's a traitor.
Trolling hits me as most likely and fits into how Trump thinks. You can't correct him without the precursor error of Garland coming up. So those aware see it for what it is, a Trump jab on Garland's sloppiness and those not aware don't see it as a Trump error. And the MSM gives it a complete pass.
I hope your interpretation is correct. My read on post 1008 was that Mueller’s indictments were an exfiltration operation to make sure the white hats access to the plants was cutoff.
Don’t have post numbers at the moment, but it there were several posts that seem to make it very clear Mueller was not a white hat. And after watching his testimony from a couple years ago it doesn’t seem likely he was really in charge of anything. It seemed more like Weissman was running things.
What makes a good movie, great actors. I believe in the end, we will all be blown away by who are white hats in this entire operation. And if RM has been a white hat from day one, that means he was a white hat back when he was FBI Director… was he allowing all the crimes to be committed just to collect evidence on all the shit bags? How many White hat plants have been in position for a long time waiting for this moment…How many had to pretend to do bad things…This is going to be epic
There's absolutely no way in hell Mueller is a white hat. He wasn't even cognitively functioning during the investigation. The entire world saw he was dementia riddled and a puppet at his congressional hearing.
I remember one of Barr's associates saying that Barr was great at investigating, finding information and squirreling it away deep so no one would find it. In other words tight lipped and clever. If that's so, he may be a white hat. That stupid nine billion in an account for one or two days would be a very easy white hat operation.
5 level chess.
The Deep State claws are sharpe and cooperating folks did not appreciate the pain or their exposure to ramped up treasoneous activities. I can see that.
Alternative explanation: it's normie bait. To make the haters go "Haha hey normies look Trump has dementia can't remember a name" and inadvertently redpilling them. Although it's a bit of a stretch, no Trump-hated would share THIS.
If you think that, then you really need to start digging through Q posts. You're basically wanting people to ignore what Q taught us to do.
Q has posts literally going into the importance of misspellings as proofs. There are countless tweets where Trump left out a Q in a word, didn't spell a word right, used it in a strange context and it was a proof.
Q post #1111 is just one of many examples of this:
Trump tweeted:
Just had an Agricultural Roundtable with memembers of Congress and Governors.
Q shows that tweet and writes:
MisSPELLings matter.
Or Q post #907:
An anon noticed a Trump tweet:
got this in the end of the last bread.
Potus tweet has misSPELLing
X instead of J
Q wrote:
Confirming it was a proof.
Q post #831:
Where we go one, we go ALL.
MisSPELLings matter.
Sentence formation matters.
Why do you think people analyze Trump's statements so heavily? It was made very clear by Q that even just a letter missing would be a comm. Trump doesn't make "accidental" typos.
Are you new to this site? If so, I'd recommend you start reading through Q posts and learn how analyzing Q posts work. Trump's tweets and messages are one of the keys parts of Q proofs. And he certainly isn't going to make a mistake like "Robert Durham".
Mueller has (had?) a lot of connections to the DS players. But he's also a decorated Marine. Everything we seemed to know about him made him look like a traitor. The FBI wasn't a pillar of integrity under his watch. So I wonder if he faced a tribunal, and was given a choice? Or was he planted into the system to gather evidence and collect names? He looked pretty stressed out and befuddled when he presented his evidence to congress. And I think his DS connections go back many years.
I forgot about Mueller and Barr relationship. Damn. This is a plot that makes John LeCarre look like a formula romance writer.
There was some stuff that came out about Barr some years back, so a lot of people questioned if Barr was a WH or a BH. But I suspected that Barr was given a chance to right some wrongs, and to end his career on a positive standing. He would have been perfect for it, having the experience, knowing who the players are, and having played ball with the DS. He could make the DS think he's helping them by stalling and doing nothing useful for the Patriots, and really helping the patriots by cleaning out DS sleepers, installing WH sleepers, and setting up the DOJ to gather evidence for future criminal trials.
I have read that Barr's father gave Epstein his first job as a school teacher!
Epstein-barr virus is a herpes virus!
Just saying!
Barr told Wolf Blitzer that mail-in-voting was "Playing with fire". Perhaps he was talking about this:
I assume you are referring to the AI side of the equation, and the military's ability to "decode" their tactics?
What good is symbolism against the power of deep learning? Not very good at all I would say. The date of the article is also pertinent.
"If Muller is dirty then RR is also dirty, if Muller is clean then RR is also clean." Does the same apply to Muller and Barr I wonder?
I believe Mueller / RR dirty was a disinfo. I think they turned Mueller and he essentially undermined RR and the Cabal.
Good question!
because of his involvement in wmd scheme, it's very difficult to believe that mueller is an honorable patriot. not saying you are wrong. just that it's hard to believe.
Mueller also involved with U1.
No, because he was installed at the head of the FBI just 3 weeks before 9/11.
Mueller was involved in investigating Waco and looked the other way. He also investigated Ruby Ridge. He has a long history of investigating disasters that need a "nothing to see here" label.
yes, it does
The image of the Trump Statement in the bottom corner is borrowed from an anon. I hope they don't mind.
Here is a more in-depth post about Manafort being a plant and his connection to Tom Barrack.
I somehow read that as John Merrick and wondered how the Elephant Man was involved in any of this.
Now consider these remarkable 'coincidences':
Who led the Mafia Commission prosecution? Rudy Giuliani.
Who led the Gambino prosecution? Robert Mueller, who was USAG for the DOJ Criminal Division between 1990-1993. Who was working for Mueller at DOJ, during this time?
Rod Rosenstein.
And who was the Deputy Attorney General between May 1990 and 26 November, 1992, before becoming the Attorney-General?
William Barr.
This link puts RR and Mueller on the WH team. Confused. Maybe Muelller, if he was flipped, and maybe the Mueller report was always designed to be a dud, but definitely not RR. Am I misreading something?
I just thought Trump was trolling another who mistakenly referred to Durham as Robert.
Maybe he was. Or maybe that was the plausible deniability for the crumb he just dropped, as per OP. My brain can't unravel the 5D chess, that's for sure.
My mouth can handle 5 dicks, that’s for sure.
Very interesting, thanks for posting. Just wondering where this leaves Bill Barr?
I think Barr was asked to play a role. Hard to say if Barr did anything recently enough that could be used against him. But he could be embarrassed and exposed, or be one of the guys who did the right thing, and that would probably be enough to pull him in. I admit, speculation on my part...
I bet few people listened to his hearing in front of Congress. Imo it didn't feel scripted in the same way most of them usually do. The critters will usually hit their marks too unnaturally in order to be captured in tight sound bites for the 24hr networks to run on repeat. It was more like a Trump debate with Barr playing coy for a while frustrating the critters and ruining their sound bites until he too lost his patience.
Barr struck me as a guy who has had a come to Jesus moment somewhere along the way. A lot about his past was revealed during the Q drops when people were saying not to trust Barr. But that wasn't the Barr that we saw when he took over the DOJ. I didn't catch more than 15-20 minutes of the hearing you mentioned, but enough to see Barr wasn't having any of what the DS creatures were serving up.
Except election fraud. Barr claimed any notion of election fraud was "nonsense." He's totally OK with a presidential election having been stolen, on his watch as attorney general.
It boggles the imagination.
The Supreme Court was no better. I think the DS was allowed to complete the election theft for very specific reasons. And some, like Barr, were told to let it happen. I'm convinced the Patriots needed the DS to do what they are doing to have rock solid evidence of treason against all the DS players. I suspect that in allowing the DS to finish the theft of the WH, Barr was allowed to finish what he was commanded to do, without the DS taking notice.
And I admit, I could be wrong. Won't keep me from trying to enjoy the show.
Still dying to know which people comprise the original WH planning group from years ago that identified Trump and said, 'we need him' - and is still running this show, worldwide. Ex military? would have to be, wouldn't it? How would there be the international contacts of WH 'deep state' that would trust the US enough to coordinate with that secret, unproven team. This is just mind-boggling when you start to imagine the tentacles, the logistics, the negotiation/convincing required throughout the Plan.
My guess is the Secret Service, working with military intel.
Dunno for sure, but I've always thought it was the good Generals that Obama got rid of early in his term.
We all should admit we could be wrong! Haha
The same reason Trump didn't publicly call in the Military to take over the polls and count legal votes in person in Oct 2020.
The same reason every scrap of the election material wasn't federally seized on November 4th, 2020.
The same reason the Insurrection Act wasn't publicly declared as being active and the Dems rounded up on January 7, 2021.
Doing so would have made every bit of work insubstantial to the people and made the patriots into tyrants in the public eye. Instead, the people are being shown (painfully) exactly who the real tyrants are, and this includes exposing the tyranny that rests just behind the eyes on every mortal which must always be personally kept in check for freedom to prevail.
It's not enough to just "save" the people when they're so brainwashed they'd never understand what you saved them from.
The DS planned a massed depopulation scale (world war 3). They would have carried out their plan if Hillary had won. But good luck ever getting regular people to comprehend such an evil. Most live in the delusion that their government would never actively harm the economy for power. When you try to tell someone that the plandemic was orchestrated they just say "But that would hurt the economy. Politicians wouldn't want to hurt their tax base".
They really believe that. They think somehow that hurting small business bothers politicans and CEOs.
Regular people have a mental block when it comes to real evil. They can't understand the mind of people who do anything for power even if it hurts their own interests.
What good is saving the people for one decade? If they don't learn the evil will crawl back in and do the same. Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for life.
Save the people for a decade or teach the people to save themselves? I think the military already saved us and removed the head. The body is what we're fighting, but this is something the people need to stand up and do for themselves. If we don't learn our lesson, this will just happen again. That means people need to get their head out of the sand and see the evil right in front of him.
Yes, there are people who will do anything for power. And they want absolute power. They want control of your body, mind, and spirit.
The end of the matrix reflects this exactly, unwittingly or not.
I don't know what side Barr is on but I do not remember him saying there was no election fraud. I do remember him saying that no proof of election fraud was shown to him (by the people under him).
That is not the same as saying there was no election fraud.
My thought at the time was this. He was confirming that the Justice dept. was completely corrupt.
He did not state his opinion on the election. He only stated the facts that the Justice dept. provided him.
He dismissed it as "nonsense". That is the same as saying there was no election fraud.
I usually do the same with those types of things since we know a scolding from Congress is pretty meaningless. The job site happened to be empty that day so between start and lunch I was able to hear most of went down during the 5 hour hearing.
Thanks, there's been nothing about him for a while so I wondered.
Likely in a KFC with a bucket of drums and thighs
Back to Mueller and Barr being white hats again
Those two and others (like Tucker Carlson, Pence, Kushner, Sessions, Flynn, DeSantis, McConnell, Graham, Kavanaugh, Barrett, Haspel, Wray, Bongino, Hannity, Cruz, et al., to name just a few off the top) have 'switched hats' so many times in the eyes of this forum in the past few years it's impossible to ascertain with any degree of confidence who's on our side and who's a traitor.
I thinks that’s the point. If we can’t tell, the enemy can’t either.
or Trump is trying to show separation as if he doesn't know Durham well enough to even remember his first name
Trolling hits me as most likely and fits into how Trump thinks. You can't correct him without the precursor error of Garland coming up. So those aware see it for what it is, a Trump jab on Garland's sloppiness and those not aware don't see it as a Trump error. And the MSM gives it a complete pass.
I hope your interpretation is correct. My read on post 1008 was that Mueller’s indictments were an exfiltration operation to make sure the white hats access to the plants was cutoff.
Don’t have post numbers at the moment, but it there were several posts that seem to make it very clear Mueller was not a white hat. And after watching his testimony from a couple years ago it doesn’t seem likely he was really in charge of anything. It seemed more like Weissman was running things.
At the end of the day though, Weisman didnt get what he wanted. And he bitched and moaned for months. Even wrote a book, I believe.
What makes a good movie, great actors. I believe in the end, we will all be blown away by who are white hats in this entire operation. And if RM has been a white hat from day one, that means he was a white hat back when he was FBI Director… was he allowing all the crimes to be committed just to collect evidence on all the shit bags? How many White hat plants have been in position for a long time waiting for this moment…How many had to pretend to do bad things…This is going to be epic
very interesting! great work, fren!
Great post. This group has to be the best Q researchers. Hadn’t even thought about this angle.
There's absolutely no way in hell Mueller is a white hat. He wasn't even cognitively functioning during the investigation. The entire world saw he was dementia riddled and a puppet at his congressional hearing.
This book is way better the The Art Of War by Sun Tuz by far
had a stroke trying to read that
OH. You snapped right here. BRUH. I like it. Do you happen to have a telegram??? Truth needs to be shared on there.
I remember one of Barr's associates saying that Barr was great at investigating, finding information and squirreling it away deep so no one would find it. In other words tight lipped and clever. If that's so, he may be a white hat. That stupid nine billion in an account for one or two days would be a very easy white hat operation. 5 level chess.
CNN article also wrote Robert Durham
Learning new 5d Chess everyday never fails to amaze me. Nice post.
The Deep State claws are sharpe and cooperating folks did not appreciate the pain or their exposure to ramped up treasoneous activities. I can see that.
sacrificed spy final orders day before appointment ....dayum WHAT A MOVIE!!
"[Mueller] is working to save himself."
Was not aware Mueller recommended no jail time for Flynn...
I'd be honored to know what you think of my bringing up Don Lemon.
So, I still don't understand the reason why Trump wrote 'Robert'.
And why was Mueller "able to give Flynn away"? He gave 'Flynn away to legally' makes no sense unless "legally" is a person. wtf?
That looks like a typo. "away" is supposed to be "a way".
So it should read: "...he was able to give Flynn a way to legally share ALL the dirt he knew on the DS."
Yes, it's a typo. Sorry about that.
So sorry... My brain just can't figure these things out. LOL Can someone be kind enough to give me a Reader's Digest version? Thank you, frens!
Is Roger Stone also a plant?
Alternative explanation: it's normie bait. To make the haters go "Haha hey normies look Trump has dementia can't remember a name" and inadvertently redpilling them. Although it's a bit of a stretch, no Trump-hated would share THIS.
Hmm thought it was about the Durham boats that Robert Durham built
Maybe he just made a mistake. Not everything's a conspiracy.
If you think that, then you really need to start digging through Q posts. You're basically wanting people to ignore what Q taught us to do.
Q has posts literally going into the importance of misspellings as proofs. There are countless tweets where Trump left out a Q in a word, didn't spell a word right, used it in a strange context and it was a proof.
Q post #1111 is just one of many examples of this:
Trump tweeted:
Q shows that tweet and writes:
Or Q post #907:
An anon noticed a Trump tweet:
Q wrote:
Confirming it was a proof.
Q post #831:
Why do you think people analyze Trump's statements so heavily? It was made very clear by Q that even just a letter missing would be a comm. Trump doesn't make "accidental" typos.
Are you new to this site? If so, I'd recommend you start reading through Q posts and learn how analyzing Q posts work. Trump's tweets and messages are one of the keys parts of Q proofs. And he certainly isn't going to make a mistake like "Robert Durham".
Mueller has (had?) a lot of connections to the DS players. But he's also a decorated Marine. Everything we seemed to know about him made him look like a traitor. The FBI wasn't a pillar of integrity under his watch. So I wonder if he faced a tribunal, and was given a choice? Or was he planted into the system to gather evidence and collect names? He looked pretty stressed out and befuddled when he presented his evidence to congress. And I think his DS connections go back many years.