Here’s another weird one.. had a wart on my hand for 10+ years, hated it gross. It had been burned off froze off cut off multiple times and always came back almost immediately. I just got used to having it and stopped trying or paying attention. When covid started I continued to work so I began to load up on vitamin d, c and zinc to boost immunity and I looked down one day about 1 month in and it was just gone! And hasn’t been back in 2 years. Looked it up and they do have something to do with immune deficiency.
Well fuck me. I too have had a small wart or skin growth on the back of my hand for years. I just looked at my hand and it’s gone! I’ve been taking zinc, D and C daily for the last 1.5 yrs.
Parasites cause these issues, so that’s why antiparasitics are knocking them out. Parasites compromise part of your immune system to protect themselves. They also compromise stomach acid production since it kills them. They turn off your bodies protective mechanisms so they can thrive.
Y’all should join the RikiLeaks Biohacking Chat on telegram they talk all about this stuff it’s incredible.
I don’t care if you call them parasites, pathogen, bacteria… All of these things cause disease in your body.
Cavities are actually an infection of the tooth created from common bacteria that are present in everyone's mouth.
Dental Caries: Mutans group of Streptococcus; S. mutans and S. sobrinus, Lactobacillus casei, Actinomyces species, Bifidobacterium species, and low-pH tolerant Streptococcus species. Cariogenic bacterial species are present in healthy dental biofilm.
Whatever. You might wanna look into reading that book that I mentioned in one of my other comments. Everybody has a right to their own opinion in their own beliefs system. If you don’t believe parasites cause dental problems, then parasites don’t cause dental problems.
If you do believe that, then that book teaches you how to deal with those issues. How to treat them. But the fact that you don’t believe at all, and are not willing to even try to learn, means that you’ll never ever believe it. You’ve already made your mind up.
This is the problem with America in the world at large. They’ve made their mind up about so many things, and they’re not willing to change it on anything. To challenge a belief system, is a threat to someone’s actual personage!
The reason I came across the book, is because a friend of mine shared with me. Her husband had cancer, he actually built his own shoebox zapper, used it, and was healed from cancer. It never came back.
I’m just saying. After that I took the time to look into it.
You are correct that dental disease is very pervasive. Which begs the question, why dental coverage is not included in insurance that people pay for, with Medicare, or Medi-Cal. With poor teeth health, people can get very sick for other various reasons. And yet it’s right up there with eyecare. Nobody wants to talk about either. You would think as an elderly person that Medicare would include decent eye care, but they really don’t. Everything is basic minimum. same with dental care.
But they don’t want us well do they. They’ll be perfectly happy with us being sick, because they can make money off of us that way. Also don’t they want as blind as well. Not just visually, but in our minds. Why would they try to make our vision better.
Read an article a while back that discusses the deterioration of peoples self-esteem as they begin to need glasses. Constantly looking for the glasses, needing to have them to read things, feeling inadequate when you don’t have them. The list went on and on.
I can attest to that. However I had my lenses replaced. It cost $10,000 but it was the best 10 grand I’ve ever spent. I’ve never had a problem cents, no contacts, no glasses, and no eye infections etc.
I treated my own warts with colloidal silver, that stuff works wonders too. Take it internally and the warts disappear within days or a few weeks. IIRC warts are caused by viruses, and colloidal silver is a powerful antiviral.
Helicobacter pylori (bacteria) is what commonly causes ulcers.
Effectiveness of ivermectin-based multidrug therapy in severely hypoxic, ambulatory COVID-19 patients
Ivermectin is a safe, inexpensive and effective early COVID-19 treatment validated in 20+ random, controlled trials. Having developed combination therapies for Helicobacter pylori, the authors present a highly effective COVID-19 therapeutic combination, stemming from clinical observations.
He was completely laughed at and ridiculed by the medical community until the proof was in everyone's faces. For decades they all just wanted to say ulcers are from stress and working too hard.
You know that H-Pylori in the gut is a bacteria right? If their Gerd had something to do with the bacteria in their gut it's possible it was cured by the IM.
So you're saying that we know everything there is to know about what ivermectin can be used for? My question is always, what is the mechanism at play with any of these drugs?
THIS. she should be happy. She got rid of a crap ton of parasites. The Ivermectin did exactly what it was supposed to do. Yes maybe she took too much, I don’t think her husband should be concerned about that happening to him because each case is different.
My husband, my son & I all took the horse paste. My son and I had no problems and we both took it quite a few times. My husband took it once and threw up. Different reactions. I will say I gave everyone a pea sized dose. So her dose size might have created that problem. OH BTW, they make a liquid ivm for cows that you just rub into the skin. I’ve seen that at tractor supply but never tried it.
She has had ongoing GI issues for MD, DC, ND, or acupuncture physician has been able to no surprise she had the most common listed side effect of ivermectin
Don't take it if you have a compromised liver. Consequently you're not supposed to drink with it which I didn't know the first time I took it I had vodka, it just made me dizzy for a while.
I've heard that regular long-term use can lead to a problem with your intestinal lining but I haven't really checked into it. Overall it's extremely safe drug.
I researched this because I like to drink also. The studies I read where they gave IvM to populations in Africa accounted for those populations drinking their normal amount. Apparently those people were not on board with taking it if they couldn’t drink. I’ve subsequently taken IvM 4 times through this and also had drinks. 🤷♀️ I’m sure not drinking is the best option, but is what it is.
I do not drink. I eat healthy and I need to know if my body can take 12 mg of ivermectin and for how long because I am very thin. I have been having issues with my GI track since I was 25. Now I have issues with congestion all the time after I got COVID in June 2020 including liver and mitochondrial antibodies. I have “doctors” but i can’t even mention that I can’t take meds because they get upset. I guess I am going to change my pcp.
I believe the tests being in Africa, and not in America, make the test mute. Like apples and oranges you know.
I don’t say that because of race, I say that because they have a lot of other pathogens over there, that would cause the outcome of the test to be different than here.
I’m not discounting that if your liver is not that great that you should not take precautions, because you should. I’m just saying.
If I were you I would get hydroxychloroquine instead. The online doctor will sell both I ended up with Ivermectin because I have a heart murmur and that's bad if you take hcq.
I took it a couple months ago and the first night, my whole body itched but it was the weirdest itch ever... As soon as I scratched a spot, it never itched again, but literally every part of my body itched so I had to scratch every inch of my body
Maybe you had a blood-borne parasite or microscopic skin-borne parasite that was trying to escape through your skin (there are such things) and the scratching helped it get out of the skin! Note to self: Vaccuum everywhere!
Years ago I was getting a lot of skin tags. I started doing a 16 hour over night fast to lose weight. Skin tags have been gone since then, cleared up a lot of other stuff.
Stating this here because simple things can help a lot with our health. Vitamins, better diet, fasting, simple effective drugs make for some powerful healing.
You were likely pre-diabetic and the intermittent fasting cured that. I used to be allergic to cats and doing keto diet for a couple of months fixed that. I can pet cats now.
I had to strip back to carnivore and fasting, because I discovered that those green veggies were making my arthritis bad. I was also getting mysterious rashes.
So I'm military. How do I get some ivermectin tablets online? I have Gerd, and I'm also force vaxxed. Never been sicker for longer than since I had that damned vax.
Is there any information on the purity of the medicine that is received from the site? I hate to say it but in desperate times people will fake anything to profit. This is just my cynical view.
Just got mine a few months ago. Like you, I was skeptical but a lot of people provided feedback on this site about alldaychemist so I took a chance on ordering from them. It took a while but eventually I got it after a month of waiting.
It's legit, got my IVM and HCQ. Planning on ordering some more in the near future.
Very interesting. I gave two courses of horse paste to my 250 pound horse. It had a nasty bowel movement after the first course. The second was a month later. The horse’s reflux is nearly gone after a lifetime.
My son in law a rancher, has buckets of iverm3ctin cream and theybslather it on the cows haunches with their bare hands. He's done thisnhis entire life no issues. He can drink straight from a fluke infested trough if he needs to
I actually got rid of some liver flukes ones. It was brutal, but I felt fantastic afterwards. Anything that was sweet or salty was over the top for me. I couldn’t eat sweet things or salty things for a long time. It’s the parasites, they are the ones that cause your cravings.
I think so many diseases are caused by parasites which is why the global parasite class doesn’t want us using it! It cures many diseases ones that we may not have ever linked to parasites such as Gerd, arthritis, cancer, etc.
Same - think about putting parasites in the vaxx. It’s a perfect crime. Parasites hatch and attack different parts of the body till the host weakens & dies. Where’s the murder weapon? There is none. 😡🤯
She claims all diseases are caused by parasites. Pretty interesting. And I read these books 10 years ago, been following along with some of her protocols very interesting stuff.
I’ve also noticed that my BP has been lower and don’t have to take my BP meds everyday. I thought it was from my diet change & weight lose (which I’m sure it aided in it), but hadn’t thought that it could also be from taking IVM once a month. I’ve also been taking Quercetin, zinc, vitamins C & D, and occasional NAC. I’m hoping one day not to need it at all or have to check my BP all the time just to see if I need my BP med each day. I’ve always had low BP until the last maybe 6 yrs or so. I just turned 54 at beginning of March.
Well I was just squirting a few notches of the horse paste kind into some yogurt, not sure if I was doing the right dose so I just turned it a few notches & squirted into yogurt. But recently got the 12 mg pills in from India and took 1 one day, then next day I took another because I realized I probably didn’t take enough. So next month I will take 2 pills at the beginning of the month. Someone here did a post about the amount to take according to body weight, but I’m not on my computer to do a search right now.
Here’s the site I bought my ivermectin from, I bought 100 pills and figured I’d buy more and maybe some HCQ if I received them in the mail. It’s $30 for shipping so spent like $110 ($80 + $30 shipping) for 100 (12mg) pills with shipping. So came out to $1.10 a pill.
He is affiliated with buyivermectin iirc but someone posted his name here as he will ship from other countries, not India, because customs has been snagging people's ivermectin from India. He's like an outside customer service rep
ive done most of those and i want to highlight the mastic gum as i wasnt expecting how much it would help. I chew it before and after eating anywhere from 5-15 minutes and it really does help set my digestion system to run properly. I dont get that feeling of food just sitting the the gut for so long.
I had similar experience. Used to get reflux all the time. thought it was from a few extra pounds of weight. But I weigh same and took ivermectin and now barely get reflux at all.
And what’s amazing is how much better we can feel without the reflux. For me it feels like losing a few pounds at this point is inevitable with just how good I feel.
After I took IVM, quinine, and FenBen, my age spots and moles went away to almost nothing. It also sorted out the rosacea and chicken skin - little bumps on hair follicles. For the first time my Irish skin looks totally smooth and normal.
I started taking IVM every 4 days and I can eat gluten again. My joint pain is subsiding. It’s taken months for me to get better. Probably not taking a strong enough dosage for overnight cures but I was in bad shape for 10 years. Think I’ll take a little more next time.
What are you talking about? Or you don’t know what your talking about. People don’t die from gluten. I have a leaky gut. I became intolerant to certain foods. Gluten was one of them. Dairy was another. When I ate them I had all over pain, joint and muscle. Think my leaky gut is a result of over use of antibiotics in the late 80’s and 90’s. IVM seems to have repaired my gut lining. So it’s not that gluten is all of a sudden bad. It’s peoples guts that bad.
Yep, just doing apple cider vinegar did it for me. I have to do that about once every 6 months. Down a glass of 50/50 acv and water.
I use organic so that it has the vinegar mother in it. Not sure if that is necessary, but when it's not broken, don't fix it.
have you tried taking smaller amounts. generally i react poor to all pills but i find i can dilute the liquid on a half does or so and im fine. I find most supplements are way too potent for me so I usually take 1/4 to 1/2 and try to take them as efficiently as possible. I dont that for awhile and increase until i notice i dont feel as good, and dial it back.
IVM (horse version) applied to my son’s ringworm, killed it in 24 hours! It took 2 months with the over the counter stuff before. To think I’ve been giving it to my horse for years and never knew how helpful it was! 🐎
Thanks, OP. My SIL deals with it, so I sent her the info. Also, I had stopped taking HCQ in November and switched to Quercetin. I hadn’t gotten the Rona while taking HCQ, and at some point realized my arthritis was gone! With just taking Quecertin, I got a mild case of Rona in January and I am dealing with arthritis again. After reading the comments on this thread, I am going to go back to taking HCQ—I felt SOOO much better when I was taking that stuff. Sometimes we just need a testimony like yours to help us make connections in our own lives.
Supposedly had the COVID real bad in January, ended up in the ER but we beat feet after realizing their treatment protocol was going to make things a lot worse - my wife managed to secure the services of a very competent medical professional who told me to increase my ivermectin dosage and to also take HCQ (along with a bunch of other treatment therapeutics). A month prior to all of this I hurt my back and was in chronic pain from sitting or laying down for more than a few minutes at a time. The morning after starting the HCQ… ALL of my back pain was GONE and I could twist and turn as if there was no injury at all. Did a little bit of research and realized it was the HCQ that did this for me. I asked my local PCM for an HCQ prescription for my back (arthritis) and he was too gun shy to pull the trigger on that request and hinted that I might have to “doctor shop” instead. (Which I did, and finally got my HCQ yesterday! Let’s see if it’ll still work. 🤞)
I would love to get my hands on some Ivermectin at some point but, as far as I know, it’s still banned in Canada and, being unvaxxed, I won’t be getting to the States anytime soon. My arthritis is so bad - I wake up every morning in pain and I sleep terrible. I have rosacea and chicken skin, am chronically tired and on anti-cancer meds (God knows what they’re doing to me). I also have acid-reflux and hubby and I have allergies. I’m not yet retirement age and I feel like my 97 yr old mom is in better health than I am.
Thank you for that! I was able to procure Quercetin and Zinc, plus Vitamin D/B3. I’ve been keeping it in case someone in the family got sick - had no idea it might help to take regularly for our other health issues. I’ll check to see if I can still get it online and, if I can, I’ll try it consistently for awhile to see if it’ll help with my aches and pains. Tylenol Arthritis sure isn’t doing much
Ivermectin is an microorganism originating and solely isolated at the Kitasato Intitute, Tokyo, Japan from Japanese soil.
Your gut was likely sterile and needed good bacteria (besides potential parasites in your intestines). If you don’t change your diet and keep improving your gut health, your GERD will come back. GERD is a body adaptation to poor gut health.
IVM is not just an antiparasitic and antiviral broad spectrum, it is known to attack tougher bacteria that are arguably parasites and should be reclassed given the effect of IVM on treating them. I refer to of course h. pylori, the ulcer bug.
Never thought of that. I was given Prilosec as a prescription for heartburn (acid reflux). A friend showed me an article about it having links to Alzheimer's which runs in my family, so I immediately quit taking it. Tums works well for me.
Been on Omeprazole for about 10 years now (maybe longer, can't really remember when I first started taking it) and I really want/need to get off it. When I saw my doctor a few years ago (before President Trump and "Covid"), I told him I want to stop taking omeprazole and he said NO, that's a bad idea. Then I read stuff on why it's a bad idea to come off Omeprazole and other acid reflux meds.
I have IVM and HCQ. You mentioned doing a slow taper down so how do I go around to do this? Take Omeprazole one day, then don't take it the next day, then take Omeprazole the day after, alternating between days? Or Omeprazole one day then nothing for the rest of the week? Will IVM/HCQ help me "kick the habit"?
I just noticed mine are 6mg, I'm on day 2. I will bump it up to 12 for a few days. My acid reflux wasn't terrible when I started but I'm not noticing anything today. We'll see, I've had 2 ulcer at one time before, might have one now.
Apple Cider Vinegar was my personal solution to reflux at night problems. Comes back occassionally due to red sauce foods or too much rot-gut before bed. I'm gonna miss that red food!
ACV is helpful for sure. One additional benefit for me was tilting my mattress up ~15 degrees at the head. This reduced irritated throat and reflux entering my mouth at night. Didn't cure it though, but had beneficial effects.
Shadow1223 I have acid reflux, allergies to food and the environment, nausea due to congestion. I lost a lot of weight during June 2020 because I had COVID flu. Since then I have been sick. I have 12 mg tablets of ivermectin and my weight is 77 pounds trying so hard to gain weight, but I have been very congested. I took a little bit of the tablet one day and got a huge headache for 4 days. Did you have headaches and stomach issues after you took it? Please let me know. Thank you so much and God bless you.
I did not have a headache after taking it, but I do feel a slight energetic high when I take it. It’s like a boost of energy. The stomach issues were still there during the beginning of the treatment but faded out over the seven days and haven’t returned.
Here’s another weird one.. had a wart on my hand for 10+ years, hated it gross. It had been burned off froze off cut off multiple times and always came back almost immediately. I just got used to having it and stopped trying or paying attention. When covid started I continued to work so I began to load up on vitamin d, c and zinc to boost immunity and I looked down one day about 1 month in and it was just gone! And hasn’t been back in 2 years. Looked it up and they do have something to do with immune deficiency.
Zinc makes warts disappear :)
Well fuck me. I too have had a small wart or skin growth on the back of my hand for years. I just looked at my hand and it’s gone! I’ve been taking zinc, D and C daily for the last 1.5 yrs.
Comes from toads
🐸 pepe
Parasites cause these issues, so that’s why antiparasitics are knocking them out. Parasites compromise part of your immune system to protect themselves. They also compromise stomach acid production since it kills them. They turn off your bodies protective mechanisms so they can thrive.
Y’all should join the RikiLeaks Biohacking Chat on telegram they talk all about this stuff it’s incredible.
Vitamin deficiency is more likely.
Parasites eat your nutrients, robbing you from a good bit of what you feed yourself. So there’s that.
Parasites are the cause of all disease. Look up a book called cure for all disease by Hulda Clark
No, parasites don't cause dental disease.
Dental disease is the most pervasive disease on Earth.
I don’t care if you call them parasites, pathogen, bacteria… All of these things cause disease in your body.
Cavities are actually an infection of the tooth created from common bacteria that are present in everyone's mouth.
Dental Caries: Mutans group of Streptococcus; S. mutans and S. sobrinus, Lactobacillus casei, Actinomyces species, Bifidobacterium species, and low-pH tolerant Streptococcus species. Cariogenic bacterial species are present in healthy dental biofilm.
Cavities are the result of poor nutrition.
There are indigenous tribes around the world who do not have a dentist and do not brush and they do not have cavities.
Read the work of Weston A Price.
You are welcome.
Whatever. You might wanna look into reading that book that I mentioned in one of my other comments. Everybody has a right to their own opinion in their own beliefs system. If you don’t believe parasites cause dental problems, then parasites don’t cause dental problems.
If you do believe that, then that book teaches you how to deal with those issues. How to treat them. But the fact that you don’t believe at all, and are not willing to even try to learn, means that you’ll never ever believe it. You’ve already made your mind up.
This is the problem with America in the world at large. They’ve made their mind up about so many things, and they’re not willing to change it on anything. To challenge a belief system, is a threat to someone’s actual personage!
The reason I came across the book, is because a friend of mine shared with me. Her husband had cancer, he actually built his own shoebox zapper, used it, and was healed from cancer. It never came back.
I’m just saying. After that I took the time to look into it.
Well sort of?
I was on the "it's parasites!" train for a while before I left that idea for ideas with better footing in reality.
Nutritional deficiencies are the cause of disease. Poor diet is the cause of disease.
Just look at what a zinc or vitamin D deficiency can do to a person. A b12 deficiency will kill you:
Sounds like you have your mind made up about parasites. Again, been there, done that.
You are correct that dental disease is very pervasive. Which begs the question, why dental coverage is not included in insurance that people pay for, with Medicare, or Medi-Cal. With poor teeth health, people can get very sick for other various reasons. And yet it’s right up there with eyecare. Nobody wants to talk about either. You would think as an elderly person that Medicare would include decent eye care, but they really don’t. Everything is basic minimum. same with dental care.
But they don’t want us well do they. They’ll be perfectly happy with us being sick, because they can make money off of us that way. Also don’t they want as blind as well. Not just visually, but in our minds. Why would they try to make our vision better.
Read an article a while back that discusses the deterioration of peoples self-esteem as they begin to need glasses. Constantly looking for the glasses, needing to have them to read things, feeling inadequate when you don’t have them. The list went on and on.
I can attest to that. However I had my lenses replaced. It cost $10,000 but it was the best 10 grand I’ve ever spent. I’ve never had a problem cents, no contacts, no glasses, and no eye infections etc.
Dental coverage wouldn't be necessary if people stopped eating white flour and sugar.
Check out the work of Weston A Price if you aren't already familiar with him.
And parasites don't cause disease, nutritional deficiencies do.
.....interesting !
Prolly make you go blind if you get it in your eye though so it might not be a panacea.
No, zinc in capsule form. For ingestion.
BNP is eye approved zinc.
I thought you were talking about semen. unless BNP stands for Big Nasty Phallus and not Bacitracin/Neomycin/Polymyxin
Name does not check out.
Kek !!
My mind isn't disordered like that, thank God.
Well, the whole zinc kills warts :)
was a bit disengenuous then ;)
The smiley face was superfluous for regular (non phallus) metals.
Brazil nuts, right?
yeah 5 raw nuts a day is good. also most seafood is loaded with selenium, which happens to make the mercury issue moot by the way (chelates)
I just realized that the wart that's been on my knuckle for 10-15 years went away since taking ivermectin preventatively for covidw
Look into Taking nascent iodine as well, took it with above and it got rid of a wart I had almost immediately as well.
Good to know, thanks.
I treated my own warts with colloidal silver, that stuff works wonders too. Take it internally and the warts disappear within days or a few weeks. IIRC warts are caused by viruses, and colloidal silver is a powerful antiviral.
Oh man, that means you probably had a parasite in your gut for 10 years causing havoc. Crazy when you think about it.
Helicobacter pylori (bacteria) is what commonly causes ulcers.
Effectiveness of ivermectin-based multidrug therapy in severely hypoxic, ambulatory COVID-19 patients
Ivermectin is a safe, inexpensive and effective early COVID-19 treatment validated in 20+ random, controlled trials. Having developed combination therapies for Helicobacter pylori, the authors present a highly effective COVID-19 therapeutic combination, stemming from clinical observations.
And he was mercilessly mocked by the scientific establishment at the time as being a lunatic.
He was completely laughed at and ridiculed by the medical community until the proof was in everyone's faces. For decades they all just wanted to say ulcers are from stress and working too hard.
Zinc deficiency, too
Thank you.
Maybe ivermectin kills h pylori?
You know that H-Pylori in the gut is a bacteria right? If their Gerd had something to do with the bacteria in their gut it's possible it was cured by the IM.
ok fren, we get it. i know were all stressed but dial back on the agression and frenly fire.
Slow yer roll we understood what they meant.
However they are all pathogens!
a bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease.
So you're saying that we know everything there is to know about what ivermectin can be used for? My question is always, what is the mechanism at play with any of these drugs?
What are the side effects? The real ones not the globohomo stuff.
Been taking both ivermectin and fenbendazole for over a year and there are no side effects that I am aware of. None.
My wife took one dose of horse paste and was up all night with explosive diarrhea
Now she won't take it again
I'm not looking forward to it either, that I can tell you
EDIT: LOL @ whoever felt the need to downvote this
Maybe she
THIS. she should be happy. She got rid of a crap ton of parasites. The Ivermectin did exactly what it was supposed to do. Yes maybe she took too much, I don’t think her husband should be concerned about that happening to him because each case is different.
My husband, my son & I all took the horse paste. My son and I had no problems and we both took it quite a few times. My husband took it once and threw up. Different reactions. I will say I gave everyone a pea sized dose. So her dose size might have created that problem. OH BTW, they make a liquid ivm for cows that you just rub into the skin. I’ve seen that at tractor supply but never tried it.
Thanks but I dosed her correctly per body weight
She has had ongoing GI issues for MD, DC, ND, or acupuncture physician has been able to no surprise she had the most common listed side effect of ivermectin
Don't take it if you have a compromised liver. Consequently you're not supposed to drink with it which I didn't know the first time I took it I had vodka, it just made me dizzy for a while. I've heard that regular long-term use can lead to a problem with your intestinal lining but I haven't really checked into it. Overall it's extremely safe drug.
I have liver problems and I don’t drink but tried to eat healthy Can I take ivermectin?
I researched this because I like to drink also. The studies I read where they gave IvM to populations in Africa accounted for those populations drinking their normal amount. Apparently those people were not on board with taking it if they couldn’t drink. I’ve subsequently taken IvM 4 times through this and also had drinks. 🤷♀️ I’m sure not drinking is the best option, but is what it is.
I do not drink. I eat healthy and I need to know if my body can take 12 mg of ivermectin and for how long because I am very thin. I have been having issues with my GI track since I was 25. Now I have issues with congestion all the time after I got COVID in June 2020 including liver and mitochondrial antibodies. I have “doctors” but i can’t even mention that I can’t take meds because they get upset. I guess I am going to change my pcp.
I believe the tests being in Africa, and not in America, make the test mute. Like apples and oranges you know.
I don’t say that because of race, I say that because they have a lot of other pathogens over there, that would cause the outcome of the test to be different than here.
I’m not discounting that if your liver is not that great that you should not take precautions, because you should. I’m just saying.
If I were you I would get hydroxychloroquine instead. The online doctor will sell both I ended up with Ivermectin because I have a heart murmur and that's bad if you take hcq.
Thank you for your advice and God grace be with you and all of you here.
I took it a couple months ago and the first night, my whole body itched but it was the weirdest itch ever... As soon as I scratched a spot, it never itched again, but literally every part of my body itched so I had to scratch every inch of my body
TMI lol
Maybe you had a blood-borne parasite or microscopic skin-borne parasite that was trying to escape through your skin (there are such things) and the scratching helped it get out of the skin! Note to self: Vaccuum everywhere!
Had to look it up. For those who don't know, GERD = Gastroesophageal reflux disease. Glad to hear it helped, OP!
Years ago I was getting a lot of skin tags. I started doing a 16 hour over night fast to lose weight. Skin tags have been gone since then, cleared up a lot of other stuff.
Stating this here because simple things can help a lot with our health. Vitamins, better diet, fasting, simple effective drugs make for some powerful healing.
Good luck out there!
You were likely pre-diabetic and the intermittent fasting cured that. I used to be allergic to cats and doing keto diet for a couple of months fixed that. I can pet cats now.
Same! I am also pre diabetic. Keto did wonders for me and cured several chronic ailments.
My keto and fasting stopped or slowed all my allergies.
I had to strip back to carnivore and fasting, because I discovered that those green veggies were making my arthritis bad. I was also getting mysterious rashes.
Made me lol!!
Insulin resistance! Yup, same here. Went the keto route & 16/8 fasting and they disappeared
So I'm military. How do I get some ivermectin tablets online? I have Gerd, and I'm also force vaxxed. Never been sicker for longer than since I had that damned vax.
Ships from india
Is there any information on the purity of the medicine that is received from the site? I hate to say it but in desperate times people will fake anything to profit. This is just my cynical view.
Ivermectin is readily available really cheaply in India. There would be little point in selling a substitute and risking reputation. Just my opinion.
Right but likewise India is the capital of scam.
Actually, I trust indian medicine, .. and chinese medicine. They partially escaped the modernisation.
Ive been using them for 10 years.
They are super legit. Ive ordered ivermectin and other meds from them 4 times in the past 18 months.
Just got mine a few months ago. Like you, I was skeptical but a lot of people provided feedback on this site about alldaychemist so I took a chance on ordering from them. It took a while but eventually I got it after a month of waiting.
It's legit, got my IVM and HCQ. Planning on ordering some more in the near future.
go get the horse wonders (or something like that) - the "horse dewormer" paste version works just fine - worked like a charm for me
Tractor supply I got the liquid been doing it weekly all winter
I use the liquid sheep drench externally on occasion. Most often on the hands and feet.
moi aussi
You can get horse paste from southern ag.
Have some sheep ivm, is it the same formula as the horse stuff, by weight?
I did look it up apparently for sheep, horses, cows, humans it’s all .2mg per kg.
thanks (insert pronoun)!!!
Most likely, I’d have to see a pic of the box to compare.
India Mart on-line.
I've purchased from safegenericphamacy twice.
Do you need a prescription to order from here? I have some IVM in my cart but its also asking for Dr's info on the side.
No prescription required, I think you can just skip that part
Very interesting. I gave two courses of horse paste to my 250 pound horse. It had a nasty bowel movement after the first course. The second was a month later. The horse’s reflux is nearly gone after a lifetime.
Your horse watches TV? How do you fit him on the sofa? ;-)
a little giddy up!
250lbs would be a very small pony, not a horse. ;-)
My son in law a rancher, has buckets of iverm3ctin cream and theybslather it on the cows haunches with their bare hands. He's done thisnhis entire life no issues. He can drink straight from a fluke infested trough if he needs to
I actually got rid of some liver flukes ones. It was brutal, but I felt fantastic afterwards. Anything that was sweet or salty was over the top for me. I couldn’t eat sweet things or salty things for a long time. It’s the parasites, they are the ones that cause your cravings.
People tend to forget that although we have a soul and intellect, we use critter-based bodies to get around.
I think so many diseases are caused by parasites which is why the global parasite class doesn’t want us using it! It cures many diseases ones that we may not have ever linked to parasites such as Gerd, arthritis, cancer, etc.
I totally agree. I think we have been liked to about the causes and would not at all be surprised to find out that parasites cause everything.
Sorry, I meant lied to.
Same - think about putting parasites in the vaxx. It’s a perfect crime. Parasites hatch and attack different parts of the body till the host weakens & dies. Where’s the murder weapon? There is none. 😡🤯
Hulda Clark books
Cure for all disease. Cure for all cancer
She claims all diseases are caused by parasites. Pretty interesting. And I read these books 10 years ago, been following along with some of her protocols very interesting stuff.
Are there any non bullshit sources on this topic you can recommend?
Same here.
I've also cut my B/P med in half! And it keeps slowly going down! Taking IVM once a month.
Can confirm, definitely reduces a high BP. This shit does some miracles.
I’ve also noticed that my BP has been lower and don’t have to take my BP meds everyday. I thought it was from my diet change & weight lose (which I’m sure it aided in it), but hadn’t thought that it could also be from taking IVM once a month. I’ve also been taking Quercetin, zinc, vitamins C & D, and occasional NAC. I’m hoping one day not to need it at all or have to check my BP all the time just to see if I need my BP med each day. I’ve always had low BP until the last maybe 6 yrs or so. I just turned 54 at beginning of March.
What dose and how often do you take it? I want to get off mine, and if this helps, would be a LOT better (for IVMs other side benefits)
Well I was just squirting a few notches of the horse paste kind into some yogurt, not sure if I was doing the right dose so I just turned it a few notches & squirted into yogurt. But recently got the 12 mg pills in from India and took 1 one day, then next day I took another because I realized I probably didn’t take enough. So next month I will take 2 pills at the beginning of the month. Someone here did a post about the amount to take according to body weight, but I’m not on my computer to do a search right now.
Here’s the site I bought my ivermectin from, I bought 100 pills and figured I’d buy more and maybe some HCQ if I received them in the mail. It’s $30 for shipping so spent like $110 ($80 + $30 shipping) for 100 (12mg) pills with shipping. So came out to $1.10 a pill.
I really want to try this as not even 2 different pharma pills will help mine. What kind of dosage and how often?
to be clear, this is for lowing blood pressure and not covid, right? Why would I need HCQ for BP?
Isn't it awesome???
Exactly! 😡😡😡
How does ivm cure arthritis? This sounds too good to be true tbh.
Ivm is a powerful anti-inflammatory.
Fair enough
Bee stings work too.
Question: do you have a reliable site for ordering Ivermectin?
Renold is his name.
Thank You!
What is this? A doctor? A dude on the street?
He is affiliated with buyivermectin iirc but someone posted his name here as he will ship from other countries, not India, because customs has been snagging people's ivermectin from India. He's like an outside customer service rep
What kind of prices? I see 100 12mg at alldaychemist is $166
Similar prices, he's got a website now too but I can't find the link, really good to deal with.
ive done most of those and i want to highlight the mastic gum as i wasnt expecting how much it would help. I chew it before and after eating anywhere from 5-15 minutes and it really does help set my digestion system to run properly. I dont get that feeling of food just sitting the the gut for so long.
I just ordered this protocol for my husband. Thank you!
Prilosec makes you unable to process b12 not enough acid
I had similar experience. Used to get reflux all the time. thought it was from a few extra pounds of weight. But I weigh same and took ivermectin and now barely get reflux at all.
And what’s amazing is how much better we can feel without the reflux. For me it feels like losing a few pounds at this point is inevitable with just how good I feel.
They must be doing something with food to make it toxic
Lots of foods have garbage in them or are too over processed. Natural grown is best,
After I took IVM, quinine, and FenBen, my age spots and moles went away to almost nothing. It also sorted out the rosacea and chicken skin - little bumps on hair follicles. For the first time my Irish skin looks totally smooth and normal.
I started taking IVM every 4 days and I can eat gluten again. My joint pain is subsiding. It’s taken months for me to get better. Probably not taking a strong enough dosage for overnight cures but I was in bad shape for 10 years. Think I’ll take a little more next time.
I think that glutin thing is bullshit Never heard of that in the seventies no one died
Anything with enriched flour, fortified with iron kills my appetite. Stomach instantly starts gurgling- start coughing up mucous.
What are you talking about? Or you don’t know what your talking about. People don’t die from gluten. I have a leaky gut. I became intolerant to certain foods. Gluten was one of them. Dairy was another. When I ate them I had all over pain, joint and muscle. Think my leaky gut is a result of over use of antibiotics in the late 80’s and 90’s. IVM seems to have repaired my gut lining. So it’s not that gluten is all of a sudden bad. It’s peoples guts that bad.
GERD is caused by not having an acidic stomach. Apple Cider vinegar and Low Carb diet cured it for me.
Yep, just doing apple cider vinegar did it for me. I have to do that about once every 6 months. Down a glass of 50/50 acv and water.
I use organic so that it has the vinegar mother in it. Not sure if that is necessary, but when it's not broken, don't fix it.
I can't take ACV, it gives me a sour stomach. I've tried different ways too, pills, liquid, it still hurts my stomach.
have you tried taking smaller amounts. generally i react poor to all pills but i find i can dilute the liquid on a half does or so and im fine. I find most supplements are way too potent for me so I usually take 1/4 to 1/2 and try to take them as efficiently as possible. I dont that for awhile and increase until i notice i dont feel as good, and dial it back.
Can also confirm for my mother who got GERD from the Vaccine. Apple cider vinegar has proven to be very helpful against GERD.
IVM (horse version) applied to my son’s ringworm, killed it in 24 hours! It took 2 months with the over the counter stuff before. To think I’ve been giving it to my horse for years and never knew how helpful it was! 🐎
Thanks for sharing that. I was wondering about fungal infections and IVM or fenben.
Thank you for saying this. I am really suffering from GERD right now.
Thanks, OP. My SIL deals with it, so I sent her the info. Also, I had stopped taking HCQ in November and switched to Quercetin. I hadn’t gotten the Rona while taking HCQ, and at some point realized my arthritis was gone! With just taking Quecertin, I got a mild case of Rona in January and I am dealing with arthritis again. After reading the comments on this thread, I am going to go back to taking HCQ—I felt SOOO much better when I was taking that stuff. Sometimes we just need a testimony like yours to help us make connections in our own lives.
HCQ helps with both autoimmune disorders and inflammatory osteoarthritis.
Supposedly had the COVID real bad in January, ended up in the ER but we beat feet after realizing their treatment protocol was going to make things a lot worse - my wife managed to secure the services of a very competent medical professional who told me to increase my ivermectin dosage and to also take HCQ (along with a bunch of other treatment therapeutics). A month prior to all of this I hurt my back and was in chronic pain from sitting or laying down for more than a few minutes at a time. The morning after starting the HCQ… ALL of my back pain was GONE and I could twist and turn as if there was no injury at all. Did a little bit of research and realized it was the HCQ that did this for me. I asked my local PCM for an HCQ prescription for my back (arthritis) and he was too gun shy to pull the trigger on that request and hinted that I might have to “doctor shop” instead. (Which I did, and finally got my HCQ yesterday! Let’s see if it’ll still work. 🤞)
Zinc, D, and C seem to be the best vitamins tbh.
Using HCQ over a long period of time can make you blind though.
Just a heads up.
I would love to get my hands on some Ivermectin at some point but, as far as I know, it’s still banned in Canada and, being unvaxxed, I won’t be getting to the States anytime soon. My arthritis is so bad - I wake up every morning in pain and I sleep terrible. I have rosacea and chicken skin, am chronically tired and on anti-cancer meds (God knows what they’re doing to me). I also have acid-reflux and hubby and I have allergies. I’m not yet retirement age and I feel like my 97 yr old mom is in better health than I am.
Thank you for that! I was able to procure Quercetin and Zinc, plus Vitamin D/B3. I’ve been keeping it in case someone in the family got sick - had no idea it might help to take regularly for our other health issues. I’ll check to see if I can still get it online and, if I can, I’ll try it consistently for awhile to see if it’ll help with my aches and pains. Tylenol Arthritis sure isn’t doing much
Ivermectin is an microorganism originating and solely isolated at the Kitasato Intitute, Tokyo, Japan from Japanese soil.
Your gut was likely sterile and needed good bacteria (besides potential parasites in your intestines). If you don’t change your diet and keep improving your gut health, your GERD will come back. GERD is a body adaptation to poor gut health.
Elevate your head at night for acid reflux problems too.
What do you mean you won't take any more Rockefeller petroleum products?!?!
Only ivermectin and red pills from here on out.
... might want to research Fenbendazole also, cancer cure with similar properties as Ivermectin
IVM is not just an antiparasitic and antiviral broad spectrum, it is known to attack tougher bacteria that are arguably parasites and should be reclassed given the effect of IVM on treating them. I refer to of course h. pylori, the ulcer bug.
Low stomach acid can also cause GERD.
Look into the causes of low stomach acid.
Betain Hcl may help you if the problem ever returns.
Thank you!
You're welcome friend!
Never thought of that. I was given Prilosec as a prescription for heartburn (acid reflux). A friend showed me an article about it having links to Alzheimer's which runs in my family, so I immediately quit taking it. Tums works well for me.
Been on Omeprazole for about 10 years now (maybe longer, can't really remember when I first started taking it) and I really want/need to get off it. When I saw my doctor a few years ago (before President Trump and "Covid"), I told him I want to stop taking omeprazole and he said NO, that's a bad idea. Then I read stuff on why it's a bad idea to come off Omeprazole and other acid reflux meds.
I have IVM and HCQ. You mentioned doing a slow taper down so how do I go around to do this? Take Omeprazole one day, then don't take it the next day, then take Omeprazole the day after, alternating between days? Or Omeprazole one day then nothing for the rest of the week? Will IVM/HCQ help me "kick the habit"?
Thanks, I'm going to try this.
I just noticed mine are 6mg, I'm on day 2. I will bump it up to 12 for a few days. My acid reflux wasn't terrible when I started but I'm not noticing anything today. We'll see, I've had 2 ulcer at one time before, might have one now.
Prilosectaken long term can cause rebound acidity and cancer. I am glad you are off Prilosec. Only a God knows what other cures are out there.
Amazing! So happy for you!
Yes. Congratulations, OP. I love this thread and learning a lot.
Apple Cider Vinegar was my personal solution to reflux at night problems. Comes back occassionally due to red sauce foods or too much rot-gut before bed. I'm gonna miss that red food!
ACV is helpful for sure. One additional benefit for me was tilting my mattress up ~15 degrees at the head. This reduced irritated throat and reflux entering my mouth at night. Didn't cure it though, but had beneficial effects.
That’s how I’ve spent the last 10 years. I don’t have to sleep inclined anymore now that it’s gone.
GERD can be caused by LOW stomach acid.
You need high acidity to cause a proper stomach dump.
Here is the way it's supposed to work.
High acidity closes the entry valve (Lower Esophageal Sphincter) and
opens the exit valve (Pyloric Sphincter).
If you don't get enough acidity (because you've been eating Tums, etc.),
your stomach doesn't reach the acidity trigger point to dump.
Your sub-optimal-acidity contents just churns and backs up.
Research for yourself.
You lose stomach acidity as you get older. You can replace it with betaine pills.
NOTE: betaine suffers from propaganda like ivermectin does --- it's cheap and it works if you have the low acid version of GERD.
That is interesting. If it was GERD caused by H. Pylori or other bacteria, I could see ivermectin neutralizing the issue.
Whatever the case, I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better. Here's to several more weeks being heartburn free!
Shadow1223 I have acid reflux, allergies to food and the environment, nausea due to congestion. I lost a lot of weight during June 2020 because I had COVID flu. Since then I have been sick. I have 12 mg tablets of ivermectin and my weight is 77 pounds trying so hard to gain weight, but I have been very congested. I took a little bit of the tablet one day and got a huge headache for 4 days. Did you have headaches and stomach issues after you took it? Please let me know. Thank you so much and God bless you.
research Herxheimer reaction or parasite die off
God bless you and thank you for all.
I did not have a headache after taking it, but I do feel a slight energetic high when I take it. It’s like a boost of energy. The stomach issues were still there during the beginning of the treatment but faded out over the seven days and haven’t returned.
Thank you so much. God bless you.