Ok so here are some things I got from the killboxes in some of these Qdrops. I don't know much about the killboxes but this is what I've noticed about them.
N - C - S - W - I - C
#441 - Someone asked in this drop ... "Iridium?" and Q responded with ... "Future news will unlock more of the message. Missing [I] confirmed."
~ I looked up Iridium and found this ...
Iridium is a global satellite communications company, providing access to voice and data services anywhere on Earth.
With its constellation of satellites, Iridium’s network connects people and devices in the world’s most remote places — and close to home.
To be honest I saw the first thing that popped up when I searched and thought it was interesting that it was something to do with satellite communications. But the rare earth elements is interesting also. I searched again and this ...
A metallic element with the atomic symbol Ir, atomic number 77, and atomic weight 192.22.
Iridium atom is a cobalt group element atom and a platinum group metal atom.
Alloy with platinum for ammonia fuel-cell catalyst, electric contacts and thermocouples, commercial electrodes and resistance wires, laboratory ware, extrusion dies for glass fibers, jewelry. Primary standards of weight and length. /The meter was intended to equal 10-7 or one ten-millionth of the length of the meridian through Paris from pole to the equator. However, the first prototype was short by 0.2 millimeters because researchers miscalculated the flattening of the earth due to its rotation. Still this length became the standard (the platinum-iridium alloy called the "1874 Alloy.") In 1889, a new international prototype was made of an alloy of platinum with 10 percent iridium, to within 0.0001, that was to be measured at the melting point of ice. In 1927, the meter was more precisely defined as the distance, at 0 deg, between the axes of the two central lines marked on the bar of platinum-iridium kept at the BIPM, and declared Prototype of the meter by the 1st CGPM, this bar being subject to standard atmospheric pressure and supported on two cylinders of at least one centimeter diameter, symmetrically placed in the same horizontal plane at a distance of 571 mm from each other. The 1889 definition of the meter, based upon the artifact international prototype of platinum-iridium, was replaced ... in 1960 using a definition based upon a wavelength of krypton-86 radiation. (See http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/meter.html for a discussion of the platinum-iridium bar as the historical standard of length.)
I'm sure after listening to Jack Maxey in his most recent interview (where he is in Switzerland) he talked about how the laptop from hell revealed Biden's being involved in some sort of deal for a rare earth materiel mining company for the Chinese.
I will have to go check as I'm doubting my own memory now!
The reason it's not a mistake in grammar usage is because the author used the word "I've" at the beginning of the tweet. "I've come down with covid but am feeling fine" is correct. "I've come down with covid but I am feeling fine" is also acceptable although the second "I" is not necessary because the "I've" at the beginning of the sentence has the object of the sentence covered.
All that to say, I agree that the same person wrote both texts.
If you were arrested, wouldn't you want your partners-in-crime to know; they might be able to help you in some way. You have to do it in code, so normies would not be alerted.
They couldn't twit if they were in custody. I would guess that "I've tested positive for covid but am feeling fine" = 'I've been recently brought in for questioning but have offered no info, so HOLD THE LINE (to the others)'. Or, perhaps 'they have nothing new that's actionable, so hold to our story'. Makes you wonder if there are even more bombshells in addition to covid, CF, pizza, election fraud, Uranium One, China, Jan 6, etc., that they are worried about.
Not sure about 'grateful', but it's such an odd usage that it has to have a specific message too.
Tested positive=I'm in trouble (undefined here, but code known to all deep staters) and under surveillance and/or detained 2. Description of symptoms as mild=the trouble/situation is not too bad (yet) 3. feeling fine=OK, don't panic 4. vax and boosters= protections still in place (reason for gratefulness). To DS: Make sure your protections are in place if you have not already done so. (And keep your cyanide pills handy/get ready to run to your escape location?)
Bill and Michelle test negative=not in trouble at this time.
Other: Keep up the C19 Vax narrative. Lots more killin' to do.
They don't really need to tell the whole world they got a nonexistent virus. They never got the real shots, anyway.
Also, Hillary asked for movie recommendations. Maybe that is comms for: Any advice about my next moves?
I think they are signaling via speech, either telling some people that the plan is going forward and all is A okay or that they have made a good deal and they should too, all will be fine.
Just make ivermection over the counter in every store, and I will be good. I use a bar of soap and water to wash my hands, so, I will take my chances. I will decline the jab. You can have it instead.
”I just thinking about Covid. I’ve got no symptoms but am feeling fine. I’m more grateful more than ever for the protection of the vaccines can provide against serious illnesses.
Please get vaccinated and boosted even if Covid-19 does not exist anymore, and cases are all gone.”
(I’m betting this will come to pass in the near future, the virtue signaling machine must flow)
The new Vax propaganda. What about all the people that got the " vid" and weren't vaxxed and had nothing but symptoms of a cold, or were able to get through it like a flu... ? 99. % of the world prior to the Vax and after the vax. Now that's a news story. I hate these people as much as the devil ...must be because they are the devils servants
They still are under water on how many shots they planned to give out, this seems like lazy marketing more than some kind of coms but either way they are puppets and are going down.
It looks to me they have one person doing all their tweets.
AI maybe?
Q-I may it's the Q team?
Yep. White Hats. :-)
this ^^
For me what jumps out and tells me this is either written by the same person or a script is the use "but am feeling fine"?
Now the correct usage would be either "I am or I'm" feeling fine, and not "but am feeling fine".
It's the same mistake in both twats, what are the chances of coincidence playing the same role.....................
Some [I] in the killbox Qdrops: https://qalerts.app/?q=%5BI%5D
Brilliant find
"Future news will unlock more of the message. Missing [I] confirmed."
Ok so here are some things I got from the killboxes in some of these Qdrops. I don't know much about the killboxes but this is what I've noticed about them.
N - C - S - W - I - C
#441 - Someone asked in this drop ... "Iridium?" and Q responded with ... "Future news will unlock more of the message. Missing [I] confirmed."
~ I looked up Iridium and found this ...
Iridium is a global satellite communications company, providing access to voice and data services anywhere on Earth.
With its constellation of satellites, Iridium’s network connects people and devices in the world’s most remote places — and close to home.
#439 - the drop inside this Qdrop says...
th - i - s
w - e - e - k
C - I - A
N - S - A
C - I - A
p - r - a - y
I was just reading decoding symbols blog post and it was talking about Iridium:
"I’m not going to go into it here in depth, but the so called “17 Rare Earths” China has a near monopoly on are elements like “Iridium” which is found in meteorites that only hit China for some reason. It’s all absurd and comms." https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2022/03/12/hidden-global-warfare-japan-china/
To be honest I saw the first thing that popped up when I searched and thought it was interesting that it was something to do with satellite communications. But the rare earth elements is interesting also. I searched again and this ...
A metallic element with the atomic symbol Ir, atomic number 77, and atomic weight 192.22.
Iridium atom is a cobalt group element atom and a platinum group metal atom.
Alloy with platinum for ammonia fuel-cell catalyst, electric contacts and thermocouples, commercial electrodes and resistance wires, laboratory ware, extrusion dies for glass fibers, jewelry. Primary standards of weight and length. /The meter was intended to equal 10-7 or one ten-millionth of the length of the meridian through Paris from pole to the equator. However, the first prototype was short by 0.2 millimeters because researchers miscalculated the flattening of the earth due to its rotation. Still this length became the standard (the platinum-iridium alloy called the "1874 Alloy.") In 1889, a new international prototype was made of an alloy of platinum with 10 percent iridium, to within 0.0001, that was to be measured at the melting point of ice. In 1927, the meter was more precisely defined as the distance, at 0 deg, between the axes of the two central lines marked on the bar of platinum-iridium kept at the BIPM, and declared Prototype of the meter by the 1st CGPM, this bar being subject to standard atmospheric pressure and supported on two cylinders of at least one centimeter diameter, symmetrically placed in the same horizontal plane at a distance of 571 mm from each other. The 1889 definition of the meter, based upon the artifact international prototype of platinum-iridium, was replaced ... in 1960 using a definition based upon a wavelength of krypton-86 radiation. (See http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/meter.html for a discussion of the platinum-iridium bar as the historical standard of length.)
Good post.
I'm sure after listening to Jack Maxey in his most recent interview (where he is in Switzerland) he talked about how the laptop from hell revealed Biden's being involved in some sort of deal for a rare earth materiel mining company for the Chinese.
I will have to go check as I'm doubting my own memory now!
interesting interview, hope he is able to deliver the goods that he talks about.
Very Interdasting. 🤔
That phrase stood out to me also, so I put that phrase in Twitter and another politician used it.
Good thunking, and again he uses the word incorrectly, "yet am only"......... when it should be "yet I am only".
Now does that mean we should notice the "am" or maybe AM meaning "Ante meridiem" or in the morning, before noon.
Just thinking out loud as these things stand out for my over thinking mind.
The reason it's not a mistake in grammar usage is because the author used the word "I've" at the beginning of the tweet. "I've come down with covid but am feeling fine" is correct. "I've come down with covid but I am feeling fine" is also acceptable although the second "I" is not necessary because the "I've" at the beginning of the sentence has the object of the sentence covered.
All that to say, I agree that the same person wrote both texts.
I'm guessing then that this would be the difference between our two country's?
OHHH...maybe so. Sorry, I didn't pick up on your accent...kek. Please forgive me...
No problem, we do have differences though in its usage.
Those are called auto-Lying-bots, (ALB) .,,,,very popular on both sides of Capitol Hill, soon to be known as "silent hill".
I wonder if "grateful" actually means this:
What am I looking at? A building full of grates?
Prison window.
The bars are called grates.
"I'm grateful" may mean "I'm behind bars."
Ohhh I gotcha. Interesting line of thinking. Now go back to sleep. Ha Jk
Fulford has said that the "elites" that announce they have coof are using it to announce to the cronies that they are under some type of arrest.
It does seem odd that they insist on making the announcement. Why not just not mention it?
If you were arrested, wouldn't you want your partners-in-crime to know; they might be able to help you in some way. You have to do it in code, so normies would not be alerted.
Perhaps associates on their behalf? Who knows. Very strange.
or a system that posts if you don't check in.
They couldn't twit if they were in custody. I would guess that "I've tested positive for covid but am feeling fine" = 'I've been recently brought in for questioning but have offered no info, so HOLD THE LINE (to the others)'. Or, perhaps 'they have nothing new that's actionable, so hold to our story'. Makes you wonder if there are even more bombshells in addition to covid, CF, pizza, election fraud, Uranium One, China, Jan 6, etc., that they are worried about.
Not sure about 'grateful', but it's such an odd usage that it has to have a specific message too.
Narrative change coming.
Bio or Chen weapon false flag
It’s like a pre written script
The new was running Tom Hanks crashed another wedding story yesterday. Either he likes to do that or it's a comm too.
Comms, definite comms.
My wild guess of a broad type of decode:
Bill and Michelle test negative=not in trouble at this time.
Other: Keep up the C19 Vax narrative. Lots more killin' to do.
They don't really need to tell the whole world they got a nonexistent virus. They never got the real shots, anyway.
Also, Hillary asked for movie recommendations. Maybe that is comms for: Any advice about my next moves?
Obama's "I've had a scratchy throat for a couple days" sounds like he's saying he hasn't said anything.
Makes a lot of sense, ty.
I never listen to spear throwing Kenyans.
Or women who killed us soldiers in Benghazi.
ditto the other coofers
Good catch.
My tinfoil hat says maybe this comm means Durham has questioned them.
Dont forget Trudeau's tweet when he caught covid. https://ibb.co/RP9KKpf
What are they really saying? Because Jen Psaki and our good buddy Klaus also just tested positive…
So far they are all on Putin's sanctions list.
I think they are signaling via speech, either telling some people that the plan is going forward and all is A okay or that they have made a good deal and they should too, all will be fine.
I thought it could be comms for, “I am now wearing a wire. Remember that when you talk to me.”
Just make ivermection over the counter in every store, and I will be good. I use a bar of soap and water to wash my hands, so, I will take my chances. I will decline the jab. You can have it instead.
”I just thinking about Covid. I’ve got no symptoms but am feeling fine. I’m more grateful more than ever for the protection of the vaccines can provide against serious illnesses.
Please get vaccinated and boosted even if Covid-19 does not exist anymore, and cases are all gone.”
(I’m betting this will come to pass in the near future, the virtue signaling machine must flow)
If true, couldn't happen to a more deserving group of individuals.
The new Vax propaganda. What about all the people that got the " vid" and weren't vaxxed and had nothing but symptoms of a cold, or were able to get through it like a flu... ? 99. % of the world prior to the Vax and after the vax. Now that's a news story. I hate these people as much as the devil ...must be because they are the devils servants
Add Psaki's post to that too
It reminds me of this q post that translated a James Comey tweet:
This is an excellent catch. They were definitely sending a message.
Just some thoughts on certain double meanings:
protection vaccines can provide
Immunity works also as a legal term.
Qualified immunity. Immunized testimony.
You can use "natural immunity" and "vaccinated" as a way to talk indirectly about legal immunity.
Serious illness could be referring to investigation. A serious investigation.
It seems others are thinking the same......
"Feeling Fine?" Ok, then why announce it? I don't give a fuck how any of them feel
Add the others now!
They still are under water on how many shots they planned to give out, this seems like lazy marketing more than some kind of coms but either way they are puppets and are going down.
Shut up, both of you!
Hilary doesn't control her twitter account anyway, I guess BO doesn't either.