Trump's Plan - 1 Minute 18 Seconds of Trump Grade Hopium - Delivered by Patel Patriot
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We will be acting long before they can do all of it.. Priceless
Trump also mentions 'The Plan'
Also says “Look into the future”. May be I’m just getting too excited
And a tear rolled down my face
No. Words are wonderful. Action including arrests would be the most priceless.
Love when they slowed it down and he suddenly got real sleepy for that final sentence
"when you look into the future"
If the looking glass exists im sure it would be one of the most protected , secure sites on the planet - there wouldn't be a 'night shift when noones around' lol
Bill Wood said after the DS using the Looking Glass determined nothing could stop what is coming, they dismantled it.
Agreed, Nothing can stop what is coming is more than just a saying. God Wins in all timelines
The implication is that it was not under lock and key and/or surveillance. It would be classified as an Above Top Secret project which makes that extremely unlikely.
I love quantum physics, so I wouldnt knock the possibility of time travel, but I thought the Project Looking Glass was a computer that processes different choices, spitting out all the probable outcomes. Then, as we approached the 90s, all the probable outcomes collapsed i to just one...the deepsate loses..because we all woke up.
It collapses because Christ comes back.
That is one very big possibility. We have to be ready, just in case.
Certainly almost everything going on fits the end times of the Bible. You'd think if they (DS) saw, through Project Looking Glass, this end that can't be stopped, they'd be doing everything they could to straighten up their act and live as holy of a life as possible. But they seem to be doing the opposite. Perhaps Lucifer made them some promises he can't keep.
Additionally, Nostradamus's predictions pointed to the first half of this century as being the rise (and fall) of the anti-Christ. He even (through astrological signs) supplied a more pin-pointed time frame of the shift that's coming (pole shift, which causes huge displacement of water - think biblical flood) which apparently (according to channeled messages from Nostradamus to Dolores Cannon, which is in her "Conversations With Nostradamus" volume 2) is what kills the anti-Christ (and unfortunately the majority of the planet as well). Certainly a cyclical pole shift can't be stopped. The excursion of the poles already started (see scientist Ben Davidson's YT channel "Suspicious Observers" - he goes over this in detail and updates the pole locations, showing the path they're taking as they move, predicting where they'll be when they stop, and what could happen to the earth at that point). His scientific prediction that it could happen as early as 2030 based on how quickly the poles are moving is very close to the time-frame of Nostradamus's astrological signs.
Praying for the rapture so my children won't have to be a part of that disaster.
Bingo, that's correct. Would be awesome if it was true!
Yeah but on a quantum level, which is nearly, or very likely, the same as seeing the future.
True. This is why we have had to have each other's backs...researching, sharing links, warning each other not to fall for their evils.
For example: We showed studies to each other, convincing our friends to refuse their Remdesivir, told each other which doctors prescribe IVM and HCQ, told each other which pharmacies fill the orders, picked the meds up for our hospitilized friends and taped the pills into a spare change of clothes to send into them.
We have each other's backs by resisting tyranny and policies that are against our Constitution and Bill of Rights . The more of us who do not comply, the less their tactics against us will work. Then, we are no longer sheep.
I think of that gym owner who kept his gym open during the lockdowns. The police kept fining him. He stayed open. The police put locks on the doors. He removed the doors and made his gym open 24-7. What if every business did the same thing? Their lockdowns would never have lasted a day.
I think that technology being used by elites is beyond what they share with us currently. Same goes for medicine.
I would love to know all the details.
Sizeable if verifiable
America and the world awaits your return, sir.
He's already returned to us. Time just hasn't caught up yet.
My Blood-Hopium level is off the charts with POTUS's comment. I want to be really happy with the outcome - really soon!
I may be overdoing on hopium - and I love it
My BHC is 1.36%
17 times the legal limit
u/#q988 u/#q995
Sounds like April is going to be big! Thanks for sharing.
Hear it every month
Yeah but March was really pretty fucking awesome. Ever since the gloves came off white hats have been having a lot of fun.
We've come a long way since the days of dooming about Durham never showing up.
Exactly this. Don't get too attached to / worked up about any particular month, frens......
[A]pril arrests. Please God let it be true.
NICE!! You know, I never considered "seals broken" to be the biblical 7 seals (vs the sealed indictments). Either way, we're in for a bumpy ride. Gonna need WAY more popcorn!
Anybody else watch this like 17 times?...cause I did. Boy I want him back....
Let's roll!
Ohhh that smell! Can’t you smell that smell!? u/#hopium
The smell of death surrounds you!
Angel of darkness is upon you
Stuck a needle in your arm (You fool, you)
(Note: Whole band died 3 days after this song album was released.)
You might have added it was a plane crash and not a drug overdose
Thanks. True story. Now back to our regular programming.
Ask yourself these simple questions: after the Yelling at the Union address, Biden seemed to suggest troops were going to mobilize in Ukraine. Why hasn't that happened yet?
There's talk of food shortages. Yet in deep red territory where I live we're 90% stalked. Sure, we're missing out on some of our imports, but the "shortages" aren't as bad as the blue strongholds. Our local and regional produce is doing fine.
Gas is high, sure. But it seems to have stabilized.
Why can't Biden stop Florida from opening their ports? Why can't Biden stop Montana from drilling? Why can't Biden do anything aside from pissing people off?
Maybe... It's because... The derp state has control of barely anything if anything at all...
I mean not even the patriots can or even want to control each other so...
What happened to the American truckers convoy?
Did it fizzle, or just get drowned out by muh war and muh Oscar slap?
It seems like the Canuck truckers vanished from consciousness too, after Big Bro--er, Big Sister's temper tantrum
The US truckers are leaving DC this week to go back to California
Who knew they were even in DC
By contrast the Canadian truckers grabbed worldwide attention
This should have been 10x more
Lol yeah pretty much. They didn’t even get inside the beltway XD
I mentioned the trucker rally to some people who even will read this site from time to time and they didn’t know it was still going on
wasn't there an explosion up there in montana after they reopened?
First I am hearing of it.
In a round about way you're saying Trump is still President and we're not doing this devolution nonsense. Our Military is operating on a limited Martial Law basis and recognizes Trump as Commander and Chief.
Exactly. Biden is the "President" but Trump not being President allows him to run in 2024. Part of the final phase is letting the enemy think they have control. By doing so the derp state gets complacent and more bad actors are picked off.
I think they really are going for the plan to end all plans. I think they want 100% all derp state people taken down and imprisoned or... Yeah. If they had pulled devolution last year, it would have been 90% or so. But I don't think Q wants a 90% victory. I think they want full victory which means longer pain time, but oh well. Small price to pay in the grand scheme.
2022 will determine if they really had control the whole time or not. I won't make any affirmations one way or the other. If it's anything other than a MAGA wave then... We'll go from there.
I think you nailed it. We know what it is but they don't and they seriously don't have a clue. In their minds Trump is relegated to being called Donny by some popular punks on YouTube during an interview. They really believe fake Bidan is commander and chief and framed that way by the white hats. The Great Awakening happens and what the Satanists have been doing in darkness is revealed to the world, then Trump "returns as President".
Easter in on 4/17 just saying
It is!
Rebirth and renewal time
I just wish he'd kept the tail end of the CPAC speech where he ends with, 'In conclusion, as your President..."
On or around January 2023, per the 22nd amendment. January 2023 - January 2029. 10 year presidency.
If Trump doesn't come back until Jan 2023, he can serve the rest of Biden's 2-yr term (that is legally his, since he won the 2020 election), plus, he can get elected for 4 more years. That is a total of 10 years
If he comes back before Jan 2023, he can only finish the 2 years left in the term and cannot run for president again.
So goalposts are at Jan 2023 now? Man it's hard to keep up sometimes
Time has been going as slowly as when I was a kid. Tough to wait this long
HA isn't that the truth!! Summertime was like 3 years long :D
Great memories of summertimes. Thanks for bringing up the images.
Right UR
No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of President more than once.
Thanks for the sauce. So, Trump does have to wait til Jan 2023, two years, plus a day, after Biden pretended to take office.
Well, um, he can't be 'elected' to office more than 2 times so, it's going to need a little SCOTUS interpretation because he DID get elected twice! It was stolen after. Buy yeah, my guess is that it will boil down to what you said - I wouldn't mind a few months of military rule before thaT THOUGH. I normally wouldn't but, um, better than Biden
I have 100% faith in the President. For whatever reason, it doesn't relieve this massive stress I'm feeling because of the situation we are in.
I think that is a good thing. We shouldn't be resting on our loins even if we constantly say we are watching a movie. We need to be vigilant and carry on with what we have been doing for years. Continue to dig, and spread information. And we all should be prepping in some form.
I like you won't be relieved until we are back on our upwards trajectory.
Yes, until the plan is executed and completed, we are not out of the woods. This is for all the marbles and plans do fail. This is the last hope for humanity for the next century.
Very encouraging.
Thanks for the grade A Hopium!
I think I just overdosed on hopium..
I am rock hard
We're gonna come back, and we're gonna come back strong. And we're gonna be bigger and stronger and better than ever before...
The President can't be the speaker of the house....TRUMP IS THE PRESIDENT but in exile. There's a plan and it's close to being visible.
Project looking glass
Rino's better get out of the way or get ran over.
Rino's need to be RUN out of town! And those who refuse to go quietly, get a rope..
Good to know. Incoming
Thank you for this - made my night!
Good to hear, very encouraging. Thanks for posting.
Odd.... I posted the same thing on here and got nothing but hate for it. Something about "datefagging" 😒🤔🤔
Same thing as what?
I am not a fan of hopium. I am a strong proponent of the benefits of hopermectin.
However, this is simply pure, uncut glory.
Let's get this ball rolling PUBLICLY!!
Its gotta be getting really close to the time of his return.
Any more damage done and especially the WW3 hawks would create an economic disaster for him to pick up - probably unsalvageable. Unfortunately I feel like that is the deep states plan - as the walls close in they will burn the whole country down so he wont be able to fix it.
My guess is the military steps in soon - probably right after Biden calls for WW3 and implements the draft of all Trump voters.
Not that I don't believe what the majority of people on this website were saying, but it is very nice to hear the man himself say he has a plan and it is much better than what anyone has brought up to date. I can wait until the time (timing is everything) he and the people behind him are ready to implement that plan.
joe, look over your shoulder--someone is coming for you!! We can not let America be destroyed by you and your communist friends.
If you go by Twenty-second Amendment, Trump can't come back as President before 1/20/23 if he wants to run again in 2024 !!
“We’ll be acting long before they can do any of it”
Maybe I missed something but what did he mean by this?
So, if it's not the Speaker-of-the-House thing, and not, apparently, the military thing, what the hell thing could it be? Any ideas? Crooks control the election now and it is way tricking getting around that.
Strictly speaking a military coup is pretty much the only way to overcome corrupt elections, corrupt administration, corrupt legislative, corrupt judiciary, corrupt media, and corrupt oligharchs all united against We the People.
It's that or the 2nd.
It's a military COUNTERcoup.
The coup was on Jan 6 when the democrats and other deepstate traitors held their insurrection--which they incredibly successfully blamed on the actual president of the United States and Peaceful Patriot Protestors.
Military is the only way, at least on some level, ...maybe in the background so as not to alarm a public primed to wet their panties in fear if they see a uniform of authority
I hope the plan he is referring to isn’t just announcing 2024.