New, much needed flair... "Mental/Physical Health"
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
IDK about you guys, but there are times where i focus way too much on things I cannot control and start losing track of my mental and physical wellbeing. (mental and physical wellbeing is what the flair was supposed to be called but it was too many characters).
Either way, we all need to learn to balance our zen through all this madness going on today. A mentally and physically healthy soldier is a productive soldier. I myself am no master at this. I really hope we here start helping out each other to better each others non digital life. This [flair] is the least i can do.
Less time in front of the computer, more time moving around, the better.
What if we learned to code though :(
I gotta wonder if people REALLY took that advice. The mask wearing mid 20's cashier girl at the market is super talkative and always blurts whatever is on her mind during checkout.
I've only been in her presence 5 or 6 times, but she's told us her jab status, her boyfriends occupation, what she's buying for take out and nearly every time I see her how she's struggling "Learning to code". For real !!!
one time I overheard her tell the lady in front of me the same exact thing and the unsuspecting customer told her that she's been working as a C++ programmer for many years. 😲🤯
Oh no! The flood gates opened and the cashier was actually asking this customer advice on arrays and loops since she's "Learning to Code". I won't dare mention that I minored in Software Engineering. 🥵🤢
// The next time you are in the store and she's your cashier, hand her this.
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << "Trump Won, And It Wasn't Even Close.";
During working hours I'm very active....I don't sit behind a desk...😉😎
Hmmm ... you must not sleep. ;)
And join a form of martial arts. The traditional arts become a way of life.
Or train for an endurance sport. Currently training for a Triathlon. WHOA! It’s like a drug, mental health gone way up
This is the way. I'm looking for a good dojo in Houston
well, a few have very physical jobs or hobbies that do the trick. your point is well made.
Well, since my back surgery, I have been trying to work in the garden, does that count, Oh and walking
Which is healthy and smart
When I taught, my best students weren't necessarily the smartest, but the ones that were mentally tough. Teaching math, I admired a student that would stick with the problem until they got the correct solution. I saw too many students that would give up on the really tough problems. Here's a good recommendation: Do a Sudoku or Crossword puzzle every day if you are not already doing this. Start with easy ones and build your ability to tougher ones. You will soon develop a mental toughness that will translate to other areas of your life.
I agree. Math is meditative, and everytime a connection is made when learning math, an actual pathway is created, linking two portions of the brain. This helps us to be more aware, better problem solvers, and more able to perceive the big picture.
Also, in physical therapy strategies to rehab stroke patients (whose brain pathways have been flooded or starved for blood), we used patterns of movement and posturing that cause the brain to rebuild its roadway system. Those can be built with specific use, or can atrophy with disuse.
There is an audio called Holosync which has this same effect, without the math or the physical therapy. You have to use stereo headphones because the frequency entering the amygdala on one side of the brain is different that the frequency entering the other side of the brain. So, the brain tries to reconcile by vibrating at the difference (which is the frequency of alpha waves), and as the brain communicates between the right and left amygdalas, it lays roadways, connecting the two hemispheres more intricately.
One of the main effects of Holosync is that we don't see things in such a judgmental way. Instead of thinking of a coin as being a "heads" or "tails", we see the coin as a whole. Instead of thinking of a document and only believing the black print has value, we realize the white paper is part of the message...both work together to help us recognize the letters. Instead of impatiently judging events as bad and hopeless, we see what is in front of us clearly, but see it as opportunities to utilize the events to design the path forward. These are like fuel in our car, moving is forward by motivating us to learn, share, and take action.
Tai Chi is also extremely helpful to bring us balance and healthier brain wiring.
Thanks for your post! I’ve been trying to figure out paths for brain health, balance, etc. Do you have recommended sources for Holosync?
I did this: Bill Harris Centerpointe Research Institute Home
It was pricy. Kind of annoying that they charge so much. I am sure there is an inexpensive one that is comparable, but I haven't learned of it.
You cannot advance to the upper levels until you build your brain wiring at the lower levels. Following the instructions is important. Even just the first level is wonderful. I didn't do it often enough, so I continued at that entry level for twice as long as they recommended before I advanced.
I also read Thresholds of the Mind.
Excellent - I will check it out, Thanks!!
Thanks for sharing.
I edited and added some, because I am on an exercise bike right now and had to be sure I didn't accidentally I did it in two parts.
I love math, by the way. Are you good with quantum physics? I read Schrodenger's Cat and Schrodenger's Kitten by Gibbons. I could follow it ..barely. It showed the derivations of the quantum physics equations leading to some of our current concepts and inventions. What I also liked was how it taught you about the lives of the scientists. Of course, now I question who gets credit for what. .especially if the "future scientist" worked in a patent office. LOL.
I took physics in HS & college to meet my science requirements, but only the basic courses. I did take some high level math courses (800 level), but teaching only high school, I remember about as much as my high school Spanish.
Ha. I relate. I had to home school 3 high schoolers. Otherwise, I wouldnt remember how to factor trinomials. Haha
That’s easy. If it can be factored, and there’s a way of telling, the equation tells you how to factor it if you look at the signs.
True. I think it is fun. But, I might have forgotten it by now if I didn't home school. There is a trade-off for everything. 😃
… akin to mental figure-ground reversals …
Yes. Those illusions are fun.
That’s kind of how I see art when I draw and paint
I would love to see some of your art.
I’d have to share some other way as last Friday I got banned for 17 days from this board for sharing a bunch of my stuff all one after another. I had to write mods and explain that I only shared because a bunch of people had requested for me to share when I began picking up for work again since my spinal fusion surgery in March. They removed the ban, but I don’t think I should push my luck. Got somewhere else I can share to.
Ahhh. I see. Maybe you can make a youtube video of them all...put to music. That would be cool.
Don’t think I could. My adult kids call me a Technotard if that says anything. I’m mainly a pencil and paper and paints person.
Another option: learn a new language.
And stick with it!
Find one you like. Don't make your selection based on what looks easy or what everyone else is doing.
Consider learning Latin. There are people now learning it as a living language.
Check out the Polymathy channel on YT. Luke Ranieri is awesome.
I highly recommend Russian. I’m in my late forties and have found that it has reactivated my brain. Even helped me remember some Spanish from years ago.
I've been thinking about learning Russian! After all, I am a Russian bot!
All sorts of languages on there. I messed around with Italian a bit just to see if I liked the program. It was really fun and FREE
Thank you!
Our daughter learned a fair bit of Russian - self taught. She went to Greece and found that she could read signs there - Cyrillic FTW! :D
I am hooked on sudoku and prefer that to any other word games, even though I love word challenges. A very tough puzzle can take several sittings to complete. My favorite books are by Will Shortz...his puzzles are excellent. I do Silver Sneaker classes at the gym and balance that with sudoku and Bible study...otherwise I would be absolutely bonkers.
Try They have an ongoing international contest.
Stoicism is very helpful for dealing with things outside your control. As Epictetus once said, how long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself?
I have a friend who has religiously played world of warcraft now for 14-15 years... they dont do anything else. I think they kinda assume that eventually they wont play it anymore, and their life will magically come together...
I basically ask him that question often. I basically say, "What exactly do you see yourself doing 10 years from now? Do you expect to still be playing world of warcraft?"
His answer is no, but 10 years from now he will still be playing it. Hedonism is horribly destructive.
yeah... I'm in that boat to be honest. It was going better in 2018, was playing a lot less video games but that's because I was finally developing a real social circle, fixing up my family. then lockdown smash everything and i'm back in those old habits. My family disowned me for not jabbing myself and 95% of my friends stopped speaking to me. as much as video game is a huge cope, it did gave me people to talk to (discord) for the past 2 years.
You can't take care of others if you don't take care of yourself. u/#demolitionman
You're 100% correct.....I personally am feeling strain lately....I've tried to take a step back for a while but can't seem to stop doing what I'm doing....Must be a calling 😉😎
U R Awesome Purkiss80! Take a breather when you need to (to get your bearings — I need to do the same), and then keep on keeping’ on!
The Story of Two Woodcutters
Once upon a time, there were two woodcutters named Peter and John. They were often at loggerheads over who chopped more wood. So one day, they decided to hold a competition to determine the winner. The rules were simple—whoever produce the most wood in a day wins.
So the next day morning, both of them took up their positions in the forest and started chopping away in their fastest possible speed. This lasted for an hour before Peter suddenly stopped. When John realized that there was no chopping sound from his opponent’s side, he thought: “Ah Ha! He must be tired already!” And he continued to cut down his trees with double the pace.
A quarter of an hour passed, and John heard his opponent chopping again. So both of them carried on synchronously. John was starting to feel weary when the chopping from Peter stopped once again. Feeling motivated and smelling victory close by, John continued on, with a smile on his face.
This went on the whole day. Every hour, Peter would stop chopping for fifteen minutes while John kept going relentlessly. So when the competition ended, John was absolutely confident that he would take the triumph.
But to John’s astonishment, Peter had actually cut down more wood. How did this even happen? “How could you have chopped down more trees than me? I heard you stop working every hour for fifteen minutes!”, exclaimed John.
Peter replied, “Well, it’s really simple. Every time I stopped work, while you were still chopping down trees, I was sharpening my axe.”
Yeah, it’s a story I use when mentoring youngsters. It’s all about work/life balance. By taking time for yourself, you actually are a better employee. I can almost feel my brain thinking faster and better once I play a little “hooky” from work. There is such a thing as mental exhaustion. Being “in the zone” is helpful for productivity, but tunnel vision is bad. Sometimes stepping away allows you to see things much clearer. Here too with the Great Awakening, one still needs to take intermissions from the “movie”.
I love this. A lot of this website focuses on important but negative things we have next to no control over. What helps me overcome that negativity and anxiety, is Stoic philosophy.
It’s core philosophy is literally understanding what is within your control and what is outside of it, which is like 95% of everything.
The 3 core books I’d recommend are “Meditations” by Marcus Aurelius, “Discourses” by Epictetus, and “Letters and Essays” by Seneca.
Wish I had the ability to sticky comments in threads
I went through my worst breakdown(s) of my life this year, and getting past alcoholism has been hell. But, I'm still here so that means I still got a reason to be. I'm working on getting to being the person I need to be
Every time you’re tempted by the bottle, say the phrase in Philippians 4:13 to yourself then proceed to do another activity. That activity can be as simple as going for a walk.
If you’re on this site, you’re a smart cookie and we need you in this fight. Stay strong, friend.
Build a Russian Pyramid using PVC pipe. Sit under it and meditate 15-30 min a day. Grounding (barefeet on grass or dirt) is best. Harness divine energy and anchor divine LIght into this time-space. Intention. If everyone who reads this board did just this, daily, the current reflection of our reality would change immediately. Fun stuff. Build with your children. They will feel the energy. Think MIRROR.
I use the Violet Flame as part of my daily spiritual practice.
Any tips for building my own Russian pyramid with pvc? Heard about them but never dug into it. Now that I'm out gardening, this is a good time to try a pyramid.
Lots of videos and links here. Also at the bottom are "How To" build videos and downloads. Have FUN.
Thank you!
I’m a believer of vibrations and how “situations”, weather positive or negative, tend to come in waves
As is "law" we experience light via our vibrational frequency. This is why people see YOU as you see YOURSELF. BE the Change......etc. You don't need money, big house, education, religion etc. to BE. YOU ARE already and that is what AI hates. So, hence the many rules in the many distractions/distortions of Truth. It is an attempt to control the Divine. The Hue Man.
I’ve been somewhat addicted to this site, and my phone. This is my first time on today. Last night I put my phone in another room. My intention is to re-start a set bedtime and rising time and quit scrolling in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep. Plus now I’ll have to get out of bed to turn the alarm off. Small steps for new habits! Like the new flair idea.
Thank you for the reminder op. I do about 12hrs a week weightlifting. Concentrate on compound movement with a powerlifting background. I try and ride and generally do 40km - 70km a week on average, combination of hardtail and also weekend shredding at my local trails. Considering the state of clown fuckery all around me, strained family relationships, scamdemic, undergoing through a separation with someone who I’ve been with over ten years and intended to start a family with, a home we built, all of which will be gone. Jobs in my industry are slowly requiring the jab, and when mine eventually gets infected with this mental illness, then the only thing I got left in this world is myself. Look after yourself.
I agree completely, ive recently made some health oriented changes in my diet (3 healthy meals a day) and activities (quit vaping, drink less whiskey) and after only a few weeks theres a definite improvement in my motivation and productivity, not to mention less stress
I went on a complete dopamine detox, stopped drinking coffee (lasted about 2 weeks), and intermitent fasting. The coffee part, I saw no improvements or withdrawals. The detox was good. afterwards I saw myself on social media a lot less. The fasting, well, it was working well, but i just love to eat lol. All of it is in the gutter at the moment cause im on "vacation" (at the inlaws 🤢🤢)
I hear you. Doing intermittent fasting is quite possibly the best thing that I’ve done for my body in my entire life. But, after 1.5 years of successfully doing 14:10 to 18:6 daily, Ive noticed that some of the cravings for ‘bad food’ are still there. They don’t seem to go away. The way I battle this is by eating more veggies (to keep my mouth moving, and injesting good food). Some of my co-workers tease me because I’ll walk around eating a whole cucumber, or something else, that they see as unusual. When they try to call me out as weird, I would respond with something like “oh, so it’s ok to walk around eating some s*** food like a donut?” That usually shuts them up, but I don’t stop there. We, as a society, need to change how people think about taking care of our own bodies. It’s going to be a long fight…..but like Purkiss80 mentioned earlier, it’s a calling! So, in conclusion, I encourage you to stay with your calling and keep fighting to do what’s right (because it’s the right thing to do)!
I find it interesting that so many people nosh (snack). It seems like it's just another habit-- you are used to noshing so you continue to do so.... you just change up the food.
I've known a few folks who habituate to doing something else instead of the eating. Not in a disordered way, they just train their body/mind to focus on something else. I am a 2 or 3 meals a day kinda person but I know if shortages get crazy, it might be worth it to practice eating 1-2 xs a day just so I'm not shocked into it via a crisis.
anyway, just sharing thoughts .... :)
The snack thing is huge, I stopped buying chips and other garbage to snack on and instead go with trail mix, nuts, fruits (fucking love apples), yogurt, and veggies
It is crazy to me the levels of conditioning in our society - things like this arent thought about often, but the point is spot on; if you were to walk around eating something "normal" (garbage) then nobody would question it. As soon as you walk around eating veggies though, people get weirded out. Which is very weird, and suspect...
thank you for the reminder!
Music. While at work, cleaning, exercising, cooking… having happy music playing puts you in a great mood!
Positive vibes always do well
Humor. No matter what, always keep a sense of humor.
Could not agree more!
Just got back from the gym myself!
I'm following the Buff Dudes Dumbbell Only program.
Its a great start for anyone looking to get into weight training.
Just made it to an 80 lb squat (2x 40 lb dumbbells) and 70 lb press (2x 35 lb dumbbells). I'm slowly working my way up the second rack of weights. Dumbbells are particularly unique as they force you to work not only on the core set of muscles for a movement, but also on your balance, grip strength, and supporting muscle groups.
I really like the variety that the Buff Dudes workout program has for different exercises. It gives a lot of room for customizing workouts for what best suites you.
I spend an hour a day kickboxing. It's excellent for stress relief. I highly recommend it. Even better if you learn a full art. Often there are meditative aspects of this type of training that clear and focus the mind, learn to work in a goal-directed way, help promote discipline and perseverance, etc. Some people take it too far and it becomes a quasi- or fully religious experience. For those who are deeply committed to a religion already, there is no need to take it that far. It can add to your faith, not replace it.
Amen, brothers and sisters.
Self care, is army care!
Thank you, this is important and the flair is a good reminder!
Can we make our own flairs now?
I had proposed one for space force a while back but would like to finally have that one.
It's good to recognize that we can do positive things for ourselves, and others in our community. Too often it's easy to be a negative Nancy. Thanks for the new flair. Is this a SIG thread now?
That's what this GreatAwaking site is for; to help you keep your sanity.
And by the way PolishBaldEagle, we CAN control things if we pull together.
We outnumber them.
We meet one with "emotional damage"
'Grounding' ... fresh air, fresh food and fresh dirt between the toes!!
That's how I feel many times as well.
Before Trump left office, one of the last things he said was to have a good life.
Aye brother. It is important for each of us to care for ourselves in between caring for the needs of the many.
Keep posting quality content like such. It is well needed. The cabal wants to weaken us with soy and processed goods. Mens testosterone levels have been decreasing year over year. We truly need to focus on this