We post what we know and can prove. Military tribunals, tunnels, aliens, and whatever else fantastical is just that.. FANTASTICAL! We are here to spread truth and the truth is WE LET THIS SHIT HAPPEN AND WE HAVE TO FIX IT!! Without us, nothing changes, so get your head into reality and the fight for truth, or please at least, stop leading others away into believing we can sit back and get saved. We must do it ourselves and THE TRUTH WILL SET US FREE!!! FFS! Come on people, please.
π€‘π€‘π€‘EDIT: please feel free to attach all your open source info proving the fantastical. We will look. Q SENT US TO USE OPEN SOURCE INFO!!! This is not that hard.
π―π― If you find yourself triggered by something this simple, you need to toughen up folks. Your enemies don't care. π€£π€£πΏπΏ
I get your point. Still, not sure the tribunals belong in the fantastical category. What was the purpose of Q Post 619?
Or, Q Post 2295 and 2300 and their discussion about prosecution of enemy combatants is outside the jurisdiction of SCOTUS?
And the numerous law of war posts? The only way an American citizen can be tried in a tribunal is if they violate the law of war and collaborate with an enemy.
you see any tribunals going on with your own eyes? Thought not, therefore "fantastical". Not saying it's not happening but I got no way to say so one way or another, so until we are at a point where future proves past, us citizens have to keep working hard. Like ACTUAL work, volunteering locally and investigating, not just staring at memes.
I have not seen a child tortured, killed and eaten with my own eyes, yet we know this to be true.
One of the doctors who risked her life to bring us the truth, Dr. Carrie Madej was just involved in a plane crash and is fighting for her life. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRvqLJ2P8P3E4M9_m6qwAKABwYTgPohFbSxeA&usqp=CAU
"Dr. Madej had just texted me on Thursday to state that she would not be doing public speaking events for several months as the medical board is coming after her full force." https://thewashingtonstandard.com/dr-carrie-madej-involved-in-plane-crash-in-surgery-pray/
Q said 7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills. I have not seen anyone tamper with the plane or heard any telephone calls setting up the crash, but I believe the NWO tried to kill her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NtxEUFF0lw
Pentagon admits to 400 UFO sightings & 11 encounters; Shows video proof at U.S. Cong hearing - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXqdJiW2AOU
It is not wrong to discuss what has not yet been revealed, using resources, clues and common sense. We are not at the pay-grade to know what is absolutely true or false. We may never know.
How many witnesses saying the same thing does one need before he or she will admit that it's probably true? That testimony becomes all the more compelling when witnesses are risking their lives or their careers to bring it. When they start to die in a number of suspicious circumstances it all but clinches it for me.
People personally witness very little of what is reported as news, either mainstream or alternative. There are people I trust who have testified at military tribunals for various infamous individuals.
Okay, now I have to ask: Which various infamous individuals?
You can never say, I helped get a drug kingpin and one of our compadre jurors went on the tube and bragged. Restaurant was shot up and burned and happened so long ago that I do not feel bad talking about it plus I am half in the bag. Imagine someone higher.......Cmon man
I took fantastical to mean it was pulled out of thin air, it has zero basis in anything ever posted. Maybe your definition is the correct one, I donβt know. All Iβm saying is discussions about tribunals are firmly grounded in Q posts and actually were initiated by Q.
As for memes, Iβm not a consumer of them. Iβm in total agreement on your actual work point. We need to be presenting ideas outside the community to help people wake up. And realize people who are are still asleep arenβt going to accept the truth in one big dose.
Our current reality provides a pretty big window to get people talking and listening. It might sound small, but I take every opportunity to engage people at gas stations, grocery stores, wherever they are feeling the pain of these leftist policies, to plant the seed is doesnβt have to be this way and the way things are is completely intentional.
Tribunals don't help us now. Maybe true, maybe future proves past, I'm just saying the normies need FACTS! Real ones. The things we know for certain are enough!
Agreed. Just the current state of things is more than enough.
Iβm finding what helps penetrate the shields of lifelong Dem voters I know is being able to make the case neither political party cares about us. And in reality they are the same.
If tribunals ever happen timing will be critical. A vast majority of people will need to be awake. Otherwise tribunals would be a wedge the DS would use to sow division. And who knows? Maybe the tribunal talk is a massive head fake to scare the DS into making mistakes.
That comment is as absurd as the ones saying Q isn't real bc nobody's met them.
To me, post 619 that you reference seems to imply that nothing will happen to HRC or Hussein - all they have to do is cut their strings. They are mere puppets and instead the puppet master will be taken care of.
See how easy it was to actually post facts. This is lovely. This is what we need. Lol. Even triggered, frens post truth. New eyes see. Good job.
We post evidence. Evidence is not proof. Proof is a decision. Each person decides for themselves if the evidence is sufficient to meet some burden of proof (e.g. preponderance of the evidence, beyond a reasonable doubt, etc.).
To "prove" something in the way I think you mean it, means that you have met the burden of proof "beyond a reasonable doubt" for every singe entity that exists, and I suggest that is impossible. Thus, we only ever show the evidence, then we debate the evidence. This is the path to Truth. This is how science does it, this is how courts of law do it, this is how all investigations into the Truth do it.
So if we have evidence of "Military tribunals, tunnels, aliens, and whatever else" we can, just like we do with every other investigation into the Truth, present the evidence, and debate the evidence. By this path we can get closer to the Truth of a thing. If we ignore, or censor, or prevent from seeing any evidence, all we do is ignore, censor, or prevent from seeing the Truth, and I suggest that is not what we want.
The Debate is the king of "proof." It is through the debate that we get closer to that. This is why we should never censor evidence, and never silence debate, no matter where they go, as long as they are intent on the Truth in earnest.
Good post. Nothing Is real until you experience it. Like I've always said. We guess 100 percent of the time. Yet sometimes we are correct. Educated and discerned for sure, but guesses are guesses.
Disagree. I've learned a lot of stuff just from Trump and Q that I never thought could be real. That didn't make it unreal. It just meant that some ppl knew it first.
Knowing information and experiencing the information are two different things.
If I told you about a surgery in detail, showed you a video even of an actual surgery like the one you needed then you have info. Not experiential, just cognitive info, stuff you can process and even comprehend. But until you get that surgery you haven't experienced it. I may not have been clear so maybe we weren't speaking about the same thing.
Trump put 250 million in upgrading GITMO for 15 terrorist? Prison barges seen off GITMO? NG on shifts there from different states? We can look at satellite photos of the upgrades. Court TV back on. These are all reality. We can surmise that things are being set up or are already happening.
Yes I also surmise and in that case we can even experience it if we use the knowledge to discern what is happening. Connected to that knowledge. But even the info you have stated, you haven't experienced. You have only experienced hearing about it.
For years people waited the messiah their hope and ours too, then he came and they experienced it.
We all register effects, some of us analyze and surmise and intuit what it all means. And we have Q to guide us and to have signpost interpreting the show.
Greatest time in history, rest and watch the largest production in the planet. Stay thankful, let the history unfold before you.
Q said we know more than we think.
Indeed he did. But how does that fact help us now? That is the question. Focus on what we can prove which is staggering enough.
So Nana you are saying to not have Faith. In anything. Without factual proof. Well continue on with your lifestyle that way but you don't need to make flaming angry posts to those of us who have it.
No. I am saying stop talking about improbable or improbable stuff right now because there's an overwhelming amount of actual open source information that really needs dissemination. This is the last time I'll answer this. I've been clear.
Very well said. Far too often some link to an article or blog somewhere is "proof" provided and then derailed off topic in discussion to then be later stated or re referenced in a group think context and presented as "we" proved/debunked that long ago e.g.
Yes, a very good point/clarification. There is no such thing as "debunked." "Debunked" is a fraud. A rebuttal does not tell you the Truth. New evidence, new arguments, are always allowed in the investigation into the Truth. The debate is never "closed."
Just because something is "beyond a reasonable doubt" for you today, doesn't mean new evidence won't bring a reasonable doubt tomorrow.
Thanks, immutable truth and maliable facts.
Truth #1: Our great republic has been stolen from us, even before the Big Steal of 2020. Our government has been infiltrated by globalists who want to destroy the American people and the Constitution that defends our God given rights.
Started in Ernest Dec 24 1913.
You are correct that this was a big step, but I believe that smaller strides were taken even before that.
What kind of evidence of that?
If you know that much then you pretty much know you gotta dig now.
Trowel or spade sir?
That's more like it.
There is very little about anything you can truly prove. We have been lied to for so long I bet many wonβt even believe the truth when we finally get there.
Q is fantastical to many. Donβt try to stifle the search for truth or remove the ability to debate. Free speech is free speech. Removal of free speech and thought is what led to this shit we are currently fighting.
Correct, in fact this post illustrates how we got here. Afraid to think outside the box no matter how radical. The rest of us can figure our if we buy it or not. The noobs gotta catch up.
100%πMaybe what Nana is saying though is there are better forums?Conspiracy.win perhaps
I guess I thought this forum was for βthe great awakeningβ, not Q research only? If you limit it, then you would have to ban/delete 90% of the shit posted because it might not correlate to a Q drop.
You do realize this is what fucking Reddit does to slide and silence the truth, right? Reddit should never be a model followed by anyone. Fucking bots and liberal cunts galore. Maybe you donβt remember what happened to the OG great awakening forum there?
Personally, I appreciate a variety content. Itβs not my place to be the truth or awakening police. Why? Because Iβm smart enough to know I donβt fucking know anything for sure. After spending my life in the medical field it was disheartening to figure out itβs all lies pushed by pharma bros. Very humbling.
Everyone here is in their own stage of awakening and the full truth involves far more than Q drops, IMHO.
A variety of content is fine, I don't believe that's what NanaQ45 is concerned about.
She's concerned about the number of posts positing ideas that have no firm connection to events, proof or reality. There's a lack of critical thinking and diligence.
One example, albeit an extreme one: The obsession that a small number of posters have with the idea that JFK Jr. is still alive. I've even seen a mod on here promote this idea. There's zero evidence to support this theory, Q has in no uncertain terms stated that JFK Jr. is no longer with us and worse, those types of discussion topics are used against us in the mainstream to paint us as lunatics.
Variety is fine as there's a broad tapestry of events that lead to the great awakening. But it is disheartening to some of us to see ideas posited in serious threads with no connection to reality. Equally so to see things stated as fact that are far from it.
I don't want to interpret NQ45's words for her, but my take away is that her request is for better research and more critical thinking, and I think that the addition of both would be a positive development for this board.
Thank you! Well said!
Thank you, NanaQ. Pains me that there are people downvoting you.
Thank you but I honestly don't care. They're triggered, fighting over nonsense and proving my point; or They're actually linking to something. So, I win either way.
Your last point about everyone being in their own stage of awakening is a very good one. We must be gracious with each other. On the other hand I understand Nana's concern, but even though I understand it, I don't necessarily agree with the level of hysteria (in CAPITAL LETTERS). We are not going to get a break from the compromised media no matter what we do. Every post could be serious and well-researched with a thousand credible sources, and they would still call us idiots and conspiracy theorists. I'd say, don't worry about it. Bad press is still press, and it brings Cinderella to the ball.
I notice two things: 1. Nana is not calling for censorship but for self-regulation, and 2. that self-regulation is all about things Nana judges to be unworthy of this forum. I get what Nana is saying. I understand that optics are a thing, but although it might be good to consider the impact of a proposition, we shouldn't be censoring ourselves because we might be harshly judged. That is what the PC crowd are taught to do in socialist university, and it does not lead to the truth, which is what we are all searching to uncover and present to the world.
I personally like the variety of content hereββand the variety of opinion. I also like people being able to say "you are wrong" in a civil context. I do not like it when the discourse becomes uncivil between ourselves, and I think that reflects badly on us when it happens. Of course, I'm not talking about the treatment of glowing shills who come in here to start trouble. Let them get what they deserve. But in terms of GA population, I think we should make a distinction between actual doomers who think we're all in a handbag and won't be convinced otherwise, and people who have just gotten discouraged and need a bit of help to get up and get back in the fight.
It's not such a bad idea to take a personal inventory from time to time to see how well we cling to the courses we set for ourselves. Posts like this one open that conversation, and I don't think it's a bad thing. Having said that, it is my opinion that it makes no sense to look to lying media organizations to legitimize us. We do not receive our legitimacy from them. They receive the proof of their illegitimacy from us.
Thank you! You get it!
Ditto, Jules.
It generated this discussion so it had merits based on that alone to be right here. A poor post just withers as it should. But it shouldn't be banned.
Open source documentation. Period. Thats what Q sent us to do.
Open source documents! FFS! What are y'all basing shit on? I go look at documents and if you don't, you're part if the problem. Lol.
I base a lot of stuff off the fantastical stuff Q has posted.
Highest Classification
Risk of conspiracy label deeper we go
There is nothing new under the sun.
But muh open source. Fuckin Nana needs to go away.
Amen and Iβd add save the drama for your mama. This place stands for truth justice and the American way.
Because we are the Supermen & Superwomen of research & truth telling.
But you don't know the truth. You may think you know for sure, and you may be on the right side, but is it TRUE?
Provably so?
These posts bug the shit out of me, because we're all here trying to spread info. Calling out "other" topics as fantastical is almost pure comedy considering that everything you believe to be true is labeled as lunacy in the public's eyes
So no more posts about what some unknown person said in a bunch of anonymous posts, okay?
Open source information is what we deal in. The narrative portrayed is not accurate so we ought to not help it out any.
Yes... And? Are you telling me there is no open source information on those topics you deemed fantastical?
If you have open source documents proving them, lay them out here. We'll be more than happy to take a look.
Well pray tell, can you show me the open source documents from the Q team?
Or are we going by 8chan posts?
You dont get it. Q gave us the heading, It was our mission to dig up the dirt, maybe find some skeletons, expose the truth and make that research available to the world.
I have seen digs posted to this board, 8kun, and or 4chan that landed on Fox, Newsmax, or OANN within 24 hours. Yeah, we are doing EXACTLY what the Q Op was designed to do. Expose the hyper-evil underworld. FYSA β¦ Its working
No disagreement on the research aspect.
Actually, I don't think you understand.. remember those high altitude posts about Hitler/Merkel and the Natzi stuff? Directly posted by Q? Fantastical?
Q also said we are not alone {consider the vastness of the universe}. Should I stay away from that "fantastical" research as well?
Nope β¦ those are not high altitude in my opinion. The ET issue is almost crazy to believe otherwise. The Merkle/Hitler thing is definitely dancing on the razors edge. You are 100% correct. I have to admit, when I first joined the community 4 years ago I did a deep dive on Jon Trump (POTUS uncle). That stuff would probably go in the βgoofyβ category, even though forensic facial analysis says he is 90% likely related to Julian Assange. They are damned near identical people. THAT BEING SAID β¦ Right now, that stuff needs to be relegated to 4Chan/8kun β¦ for now.
Seriously? If you can't trust anything, how do you expect to convince others? All I'm saying is stick to reality for a while folks, its convoluted enough without all the other. I do believe much of it is possible, its just never gonna help us until we win and can uncover it all, if ever.
Who cares about convincing others? They'll see it. At this point most are set in either way. Q told us to ask questions and if those people get nothing else here but that then they'll learn at their pace.
See, this is thoughtful. I like this. Makes sense to people. You do know what I'm talking about. As I have stated, I do,honestly believe a lot of it, but we need to focus right now. That is all.
Fuck off back to Reddit if you want to play this game.
Spoken like someone who never cares to open the eyes of another. Lmao. You're no help. Get over yourself and maybe you will be.
OK β¦ That right there is the wrong kind of discourse and the stuff made for Ban-Hammers.
Its called Decorum. Why do some low IQ anons feel they have to spray slurs like calling a fellow anon a BITCH, and a MORON? That is EXACTLY what lefties do β¦ Exactly what they do. 100% of the time.
Low IQ? Fuck you too. You know nothing about me. Iβm fighting for free speech and you are crying because purkiss is a bitch and Nana is a tard.
You want decorum, go hang out on 8kun for awhile. You will think Iβm as nice as can be. Ban me? Isnβt that always the answer?
Banning. Thatβs what liberals do. 100% of the time.
Thank you for making my point. I know enough to know you are hyper-toxic. I am a regular on 8kun. This place is not 8Kun. Its GAW. The discourse here needs to be civil. Normies come here as the result of swallowing red pills. You damage the fight for free speech. I am more convinced now than ever you are a leftist. Your behavior screams unhinged lefty. Unhinged. Lefty. No question about it.
Maximum IQ of 66 ..... maximum!!
Well I take issue with the boomer part. But I agree with everything else.
Not all boomers act like boomers. Not all Karens act like Karen. Not all millennials act like millennials. Itβs just stereotypes based on the worst cases.
It wasnβt meant to demean. Boomers are my favorite people actually. The smart ones anyway.
Sorry but I believe you are slightly misguided here. Let me inform you as to the reality of our situation as I see it.
There are two premises that you must absolutely understand to truly comprehend our situation:
If you understand these two premises then you understand that we have extremely limited options in regaining control of our country through any standard means, if any actually exist.
It all depends on how rigged the elections are and how corrupt the government is. If we are beyond the point of no return in terms of these things, meaning that there is no legitimate way in which we can simply elect/vote our way out of this situation, then we are in a massive pickle with only 2 good ways out.
The 1st way out, the way that has been used throughout human history, is civil war. This is not a favorable option. Itβs a last resort. Let the world hope that it does not come to this.
The second way out is through some miracle along the lines of Qβs discussions, military tribunals, war tribunals, militarily returning elections to a free and fair status, judicially correcting the laws to prevent fraud, or some other means of massively disabling and removing our own corrupt government and those who are in league with the corrupt in order to return the power to the people.
As far as I can see these are the two options if things are really as bad as they seem to be.
Hopefully things are not as bad as all that, but if they are then you can understand why we search for an answer beyond normal means. Itβs because there is no other answer to be found for our dire situation.
Underground city in Missouri starts about three minutes in.
More proof of boring machines
This was just a few minutes of searching, I'm sure if I really started digging I could find more, but they're not so fantastical now are they....
Also what is with this "we will look" stuff, who made you gatekeeper?
The one gatekeeper post written by that clandestine guy was at least well thought out and gave some guidelines. Idk what this is, other than a bunch of caps, googly eyes and exclamation points. Ironic telling us to post something of substance while posting nothing of substance.
Thank you, Iβd prefer this stickies than the OPs post
Well, I guess I did. So, if you don't like it, then so what? I don't care. Lol. Move along. Feelings matter not, TRUTH MATTERS.
Well exactly NanaQ45, if you don't like it so what? Move along. You're not changing people's minds they'll do it for themselves.
Lol...I see you also have "fans"
Lmao. I really enjoy it anymore. I've become twisted. Lmao.
Oh I know. I'm here for the q research There are some really good researchers that post here and I have a few I count as friends.
I would be better off if I could keep my trap shut and just read lol.
That's not a problem...we are who we are...π
Nope. You are thoughtful. I'm just saying the JFK Jr shit hasn't helped our cause, along with some other shit. We need facts for normies and we need to show them how we think logically and all the hyperbole isn't helping. Ya know? .
I don't think I've ever brought up JFK except to comment in passing that if he was alive it would be great but he's not the reason I'm here.
Why aren't you taking issue with mods that self sticky threads like Juan O.Savin who for a long time was trying to pass himself off as Jr?
I've listened to him in the past because he gave some good insight on the Clintons and Bush, but that's all in his book and he says the same thing over and over.
I knew he was not Jr.
I actually post very few threads here and I try to make sure they have some meaning. They get little traction and are often lost in the slough of covid threads.
I wasn't pointing at you.
Read the sidebar.
If y'all would like to discuss non-Q related conspiracies, there is a great community up and running for those types of discussions.
We try to keep greatawakening.win on topic and related to Q specific subject matter.
You know what's amazing? Deeming what's fringe conspiracy.
Let me know how that works out for you
Bullshit. I see random fucking topics stickied by mods all the time. Definitely not Q related.
If you want to kill free speech and thoughts do it. But donβt pretend like one or more of you arenβt here to stifle or weaken the movement.
Q post #2222
Q post #3555
You have no idea what you are missing when you keep a closed mind.
Q said it best "Expand your thinking"
This exactly ...
I guess I don't understand what OP wants us to do that we are not doing.
I think the vaccine narrative is failing. I think we did a pretty good job with that.
This stuff about Tribunals, DUMBs, aliens, and chem trails is nothing we should be devoting our time to. Not saying all that is bullshit. Just saying that our role should be on memeing to change minds, and spreading legit information such as peer-reviewed research papers on Covid and vaccines and so on.
As far as what Q+ is really up to, we will just have to wait and see. We aren't going to figure it all out by arguing here.
I get it β¦ both perspectives. WE are doing Gods work. What OP is frustrated about is the fringe shit. DUMBS, JFK Jr., Secret GITMO tribunals, ectβ¦. That stuff is a distraction from the βtangibleβ/provable/actionable problems that we can use to try and wake up more Normies.
Every single time I see someone post JFK or JFK Jr. is alive, I very gently say ... βNo Iβm sorry they are not, either one BUT we have a really good idea who did it!!β
Exactly. WWG1WGA, fren.
Lapstrake now you're telling people what to think and say here????
You'd better get it right.
I'm watching you.
Its the dumb shit that we keep getting blamed for like tribunals and jfkjr.
Flamers gonna flame though, right? The propagandists will always find something here to pick apart. Their mockery proves they have no facts of their own to fight back with. I think most people see through that, if they have enough time.
Bad logic.
Claim: Santa is Not real
Counter: Prove that Santa does not exist. I want hard, tangible evidence the guy does not exist
Exactlyβ¦ this is a dem tactic. Further example, Trump collided with Russia, no he didnβtβ¦ prove itβ¦ (5 years later) -> there, I proved itβ¦. β¦so what
Sit by your chimney Dec 24th. That is if you are unsure.
No good. I'm pretty sure Santa is a quantum entity. If you try to detect him, he'll just tunnel right back up the chimney before you see him.
Now we are playing schreodingers Naughty/Nice list. If Santa is a liberal β¦ Im on the Naughty list and certain to not see the fat fuk. If he is a Conservative Patriot Im getting my .50BMG with 10k rounds of HE ammo but I cant say anything about it or weβll be hit with a 45% gift tax from the IRS.
Nana, "Just because the 'public' is unaware of something, does not mean 'nothing' is happening. Q" i.e. tribunals
Well, your not gonna convince your relatives with any of that. That's my point. Facts. There's enough to go around without the fantastical.
Who the eff cares about convincing my relatives???? I gave up on the dummy ones years ago.
Wrong again Nana, we get blamed for shit we had nothing to do with... like foil hats. Deal with it and wake up to the fact that you aren't going to change their tactics.
That's sweet and all and I appreciate your spirit and enthusiasm. But I imagine that you/we know how it goes: ONE reporter creates ONE account here, posts ONE post of some garbage, then quotes it for his/her article. It's really THAT simple for "them". Just sayin'.
God bless.
Yeah, but they don't have history....we do.
Fantastical is the very nature of it all with Q. Speculation is how we get here. Conspiracy theory becomes truth therefore future proves past.
This is the SECOND stickied post trying to limit or discourage posting by the majority of average users in a week, yours and Bioclandestine
In comedy, you have to just throw it out there and see if it sticks. That's how jokes happen. You don't come up with a schtick in your mind and KNOW everyone will laugh, you just pray to God you're not the only one laughing. People need the freedom to throw it because what IF their decode or fantasy booking or midsleep dream IS THE KEY?
So posts like yours and bioclandestine say to me...
"Let the blue checkmarks handle this"
It says "content should be curated" because God forbid what the normies and MSM would thin...I mean we don't want people to be confused or misinformed or lose focus.
I believe in a singular God who has no tangible form who poofed the world over 7 days and then told his sky kid to come down to Earth as a man to get killed in the most barbaric way
Because God just couldn't tell us..He had to SHOW us or else we would have never believed him.
Fantastical is life.
There's a fish that has both electric shocks and poison. Real life Pokemon. I've got a crystal with a crystal growing inside of it and it makes rainbows. There's a dude out there who can bench press 800 pounds. A jellyfish species which is eternal. We're typing this on glass screens with chips made from sand and rocks sending it across airwaves instantaneously.
I'll stick to the fantastical or even the unproven, for the ancestral source of whimsy and the meme magic are more real and powerful than you could ever fathom.
I'll post whatever I damn want and the day that changes here then we might as well get the vaccine and register as Democrats. You or bioclandestine or anyone else save Trump or Q or Jesus himself are in no position to tell people what to post for the sake of an approved narrative.
Here's a better idea, how about all the frens start having SO much fun that the normies just can't resist joining in? Q SAID EAT POPCORN. YET HALF OF YOU GET WORKED INTO A SHOOT AND THINK THE WORLD IS FALLING APART.
Eat more popcorn.
Spot on. Nana is either compromised or the biggest idiot this board has seen.
Iβm betting glow boy or girl and one or more mods helps push shit like this to the top.
You are spot on! β€οΈππππ
Thanks for this, I am a noob, but I have been reading this forum for awhile. I came upon it not for political interest, but when I was looking for forums that discuss "Awakening", as a religious person, I wanted to connect with others who understand that the system as it is, as we are deluded into living, is at its root an evil one, and that it is time to prepare for its collapse. Some of what I read seems fantastical, and if it does not apply to our salvation through Christ, I dismiss it . But good people who have Faith need to know how to live in the world but not be of it. God shows me what is true, I pray a lot, at my age through years of contemplation of the Cross, I know what I used to call my "intuition" is actually God speaking to me. Alone, I am powerless, so why waste my life, (and i am a senior) whats left of it, in things I have no control over? I have control over myself, I can set examples, I can, with charity, share what I have with other believers, encourage them to trust in God, and to do the right thing. Maybe it's all a Matrix, maybe it is not. Proverbs 3 5-6-Trust in the Lord with all your Heart, And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways , acknowledge Him,and he will make straight your path." Satan will try to taint and trick our mind, just when you are so close to living a good life as your creator planned, the evil will trick you into trusting things that are not of God. There will be things that distract and cause division, there are false prophets all over the place. There are terrible evils and innocents that suffer because of them, stay awake, do what you can to do God's service in the world, don't cloud your mind with all the horror, just pray for strength and ask Him to be with you to endure it. Raise your children to Love Him, and know that this world that exists now, is not eternal, is not real, that our true home is with Him, in paradise.
God bless you.β€οΈ
It's not just news. Some of the dumbest posts I see on here are from mods and board vets.
Clandestine has been dropping educated takes for years now and was a big part of my second awakening (first being 9-11).
Dude, people can post whatever they want to post. You are not here to monitor that. They can give whatever evidence they think is interesting and compelling. It is up to each individual to decide what that evidence or lack thereof means for them personally. That is the message of Q. Use of critical thinking. So back off with βyou can post this but canβt post thatβ bullsh$t.
Who makes crop circles?π
Who cares right now? We have a convoluted corrupt government. We need to know the who, what, where, when, and why if what they're doing. That's gonna save us. Crop circles, yeah, prolly not.
The crop circle fairies...π
The matrix has you. :(
Why is this shit fucking stickied? The only open source I see is OPβs stupid gaping asshole.
Back to Reddit with your genius. You will be appreciated there for sure.
Seriously, or p.win. Such a stupid premise for a post. Half of the shit thatβs become facts over time had to start here as a theory or fantasy and over time we figured it out.
Lmao. Reddit? What a joke.
Go ahead, roll your fucking eyes purkiss. 3/4 of the bulk shit posting you link would be banned under Nanaβs iron fist recommendations.
I assume Nana is a fucking boomer who really canβt come to terms with some of the lesser mainstream facts.
Personally, I appreciate all of your efforts. However, many would consider your methods as attention whoring or karma farming.
Why are you so angry?
Because I can be. FO. Go suppress free speech somewhere else.
Oh I think youβve really endeared yourself completely to everyone here, thatβs whatβs happens to π© ... people learn to not step in it ... π
Personally, I thank you for the support..
That doesn't in the least concern me...what people want to assume/think about me is not my problem...A lot of people don't like to hear the Truth...I know what I do and the motives behind my actions...Karma points mean nothing...All they are is an indicator of what people are interested in...That's why I find downvotes (because people don't like me) pathetic and childish...
edit: You sound very angry...
Point is, you post what you want and I can respect that. Others who pile on you sometimes donβt seem to respect it, and thatβs ok too. Everyone has an opinion and many are here for the wrong reason.
As for anger, yes, Iβm angry that shitty posts telling us what we can and canβt talk about get stickied by mods. Thatβs not what this movement is about. And who gives a fuck if Iβm angry? Itβs not really pertinent.
Making sideways comments like βyou sound angryβ doesnβt exactly endear you to the folks around here. You come across as a smug cunt, and nobody likes a smug cunt. If someone like Nana says they love you, you then choose to jump on their threads defending her stupidity and attacking the voice of reason. Use your fucking head and donβt let flattery cloud your judgment. You are being played.
BTW, you would be much more likable if you just stuck to facts and didnβt post βeye rollsβ and that type of garbage. If that is what you are going for anyway.
I see we turning to personal insults now...OK...So, I'm a smug cunt, am I?.... Because I don't take shit from ANY of you fuckers here ...I Don't keep quiet when I'm attacked and I give as good as I get....Like I said ...I'm not fucking concerned about what anyone assumes of me...I Have some choice words to describe some of you arrogant, sanctimonious, condescending POS's....
I'm not here to be "liked"...I don't give a shit if you do or if you don't...That's not why I'm here and lastly just like you said I post what I want...Nobody tells me what to post just like I wouldn't tell anyone else what to post...
Dude, you are crying to fucking Nana about your downvotes and βfansβ like the crybaby bitch that you are. You absolutely care what others think or it wouldnβt bother you enough to complain over and over like you do.
Fuck off. You are a smug cunt. A smelly twat of the highest order. You and Nana are perfect for one another.
Lmfao....If you really think that an insignificant faceless fucking Dumbass like you has any bearing on my life you're an even more sad excuse for a human being than I first imagined....Go back to your mommas basement...Fresh air and sunshine is not good for Fucking Trolls and clowns like you....
Context Nana. Re-read them.
Lol. I see your point. This post got people riled up. So many triggered people. Hilarious.
I didn't care for your use of all those flames and using God's name and the lecturing us. You're not holier than us madam and you can't tell us what to think or say. Who died and left you the head here anyway???
The fact you are laughing about pissing people off instead of deleting your shit post shows you are here for the wrong reason.
T R I G G E R E D !!!!
First off, the most bizarre theories have the same percentage of probabity as the actual event when you are blind.
If you can't consider the most crazy ideas, you haven't figured out the game.
Nothing g that has happened would be considered a reasonable expectation based on what we got for 50 years. Yet here we have it. If we had said roe v wade was getting tossed 6 years ago you would be considered foolish, yet here we are. The entire thing is bizarre. Yet here we are with many unbelievable facts happening.
The ONLY thing any of us k ow is what alteady happened, the rest is fantastical, every jot and tittle of it.
Wanna know what is possible le, in the Bible a donkey spoke.
The biggest problem is that 95% of what happens is unseen by the 'public' or 'general population'. So there is ALWAYS going to be some speculation of what happened or is happening 'behind the scenes'. This is why we must welcome any and all theories and then see if we can't add some meat to the bones;) Pizzagate is the first one that comes to mind as over the last few years we have been able to flesh out quite a few supporting facts that lead one to believe just how real Pizzagate is!
Cool, while you control what we post you might as well tell us what we can have for dinner tonight. Nobody gives a shit if eyes are on us... eyes have been on us the entire time. Let people relax and talk about the shit they want to talk about.
Please tell us what all the evidence based truth is....
Shall ee keep reposting links to 2000 mules?
Use your brain. Of course. That's real. JFK Jr is NOT. Jeez.
Could you shoe me where I stated he was?... using your brain that is.
Wow. You're a bit paranoid, huh? It's directed at those who do. Jeez. Too sensitive.
Who told you I was paranoid?! Who?! Was it just one or was it many?....
Its very simple...
all of your Fantasticals are someone else's REAL
And that help save us how? Lmao.
Truth will save us. Nothing less. And a bunch of soyboys ain't gonna cut it. Lmao. Toughen up.
Aside from all your points of concern about posts and purpose, there is a central issue to consider. That is looking to failed institutions to confer legitimacy upon us. In a reply to JackieDaytona74, I made the general point that it makes no sense to think that if we all hold our mouths just right we will look good enough to be taken seriously. It's not going to happen that way.
The problem with this kind of thinking is that you are looking to the mainstream media to give this forum legitimacy, thereby conferring legitimacy on all things Q. It sounds like a reasonable proposition, and would be in normal times when those institutions had a modicum of integrity. That is not the case now, and it is never going to happen before the current circumstances change, no matter how nice we play, so we cannot be looking to them for some kind of positive acknowledgment. We must be legitimate in ourselves, and the proof that we have achieved this is that the liars in all forms of media are now forced to talk about our influence.
We must realize that our legitimacy doesn't come from their judgment or anything they can confer upon us. Our legitimacy comes of the fact that we continue to force the truth out into the open. They do not give us legitimacy. We prove their illegitimacy by proving them to be liars. More people are seeing that because of us; therefore, bad press from them also works to confirm our legitimacy. The diversity of interests among us only confirms the fact that this awakening is organic and not something they can control. On top of everything there is a single unifying factor we all share. Whether a seasoned anon or a newbie, we all have a powerful driving desire to know the truth.
I say the situation has changed. I think it has reached a tipping point in which we are no longer in the world with them, being subject to their judgment of what is acceptable. They are now in the world with us, where they have to deal with our constant destruction of their lies. We are the news now. We are the ones who can confer legitimacy. We must begin to see it that way because that is the emerging reality. Their vaunted opinions mean nothing anymore.
Frankly, I disagree with BioClandestine.
It wasn't that long ago it would have been fantastical to consider that the US government has been infiltrated by communists/cabal/nwo sorts with an eye toward its destruction.
Rather than saying any particular topic is off limits because it's too 'fantastical', we should simply apply standards of research & proof. Is that difficult? Of course it is. Can we prove everything Q references? No. Not at this time. Is some of it disinformation? Possibly. Doesn't mean all debate, conversation, digging, is no longer allowed because it might ruffle the feathers of the uninformed.
Any time anyone, and I mean anyone!, says you can only consider the topics they deem appropriate, I will be turning a skeptical eye towards them.
For those whose worldview is being torn asunder by their introduction to the reality of our situation, certain topics can absolutely be too far to consider. But completely ignoring those topics isn't the way to go. Careful, logical, factual research is needed to address them instead.
Always question. Never blindly accept. Don't allow any one voice to dictate what can/cannot be addressed.
I got your tunnels right here: https://greatawakening.win/p/142BALoSUy/ukraine--home-to-the-worlds-larg/c/
There was also the video of trucks going into a tunnel in DC, Guy saying they go on for miles, so we do know they exist, don't we? Insofar as anyone can.
As for the tribunals at Guantanamo, we know they have courts there, as they tried many of the patsies from the 911 false flag there. And there were aerial photos and reports about installing additional facilities, despite no obvious reason like additional prisoners being reported. So that's good inference that at the very least money is being spent in place where tribunal activity is known to have occurred.
If you want fantastical, there is "medbeds" and "quantum financial systems" and "Galactic federations" to ignore, all the stuff from Parkes/Ward and the other discredit operators out there, but of course they are not us, and they should be challenged when their fantastical stuff makes it here, as it periodically does.
See, there ya go. Reporting with facts and canceling things that are nuts. Like it or not, you did a great job and proved my point. Thanks!
Nuts? I bet many in the 90s would have said you were nuts to believe a sitting President could fly to a private island in order to rape and sacrifice children. How about today? That sound crazy to you?
Fuck your βnutsβ comment. Way too many fantastical and nutty things are proven true every day for you to be such a know it all bitch.
If you are a legit boomer idiot, I pity you. Time and revelation of truth will eventually humble you. You should delete your original post and apologize to the community. We will forgive your ignorance because we all make mistakes.
Wow...such a kind reply in this sea of crapπΈ
The only person who will save you is the one that stares back at you in the mirror. Itβs ok to admire and look up to others. But to live life expecting your anger to go away because βsoonβ, our saviour will came and make things right again is wasting your life and not living it.
Work on yourself. Exercise your body to be stronger, exercise your mind to be wiser. Start doing things that youβve wanted to do and remove all things in your life that you know deep down arenβt good for you. Mass non-compliance and refusing to be a conformists, and individualism will save you. For when the time comes and an opportunity presents itself to you that will allow you to make a difference, you will be ready. And because you didnβt waste time hoping and wishing, and instead worked hard to improve yourself, you will succeed.
Words of wisdom
Yep. And stay focused on truth. I do all the above as well.
Stop deceiving me on purpose.