The red pill on this issue came when I was reading studies on the health of the Amish - they have nearly non-existent SIDS and extremely low rates of cancer. The leaders often tell "doctors" wishing to compel some vaccination or health campaign on the Amish that their community is in better shape than the English (non-Amish).
Its also because they aren't handling chemicals and fertilizers etc. Every day people come into contact with chemicals like detergents or aerosolized particles from the construction site next door to their office that an Amish person doesn't come in contact with at all.
Some of the newer fertilizers have shit in them that I wouldn't give to my worst enemy. Worse, with some of this crap that big corporations use in industrial farming we don't actually even know what's in it.
My grandfather died of prostate cancer. He farmed for most of his 80 years of life. Why is it that almost no one else in the whole family(20-30 people) has died of cancer but the one person with the most exposure did? Hmmmm...
Umm my Amish neighbors are very careless with very toxic chemicals and about 60-70% of the Amish in my community do all the scheduled jabs. They did for the most part reject the cv jabs. We have a pretty high rate of cancer and I'd venture abnormally high rate of ALS in my area.
I'm obviously not an Amish expert but its pretty clear that they aren't using Monsanto seed and hard core industrial fertilizers like a corn farmer in Nebraska might use. No matter which way you look at it their exposure is less than the average American. Hell, just the lack of constant car exhaust probibly improves their health overall.
We have many who are organic farmers, but the rest douse every weed on their whole property with roundup and another weed killer that's as bad or worse (can't remember the name) they aren't careful with burning arsenic treated lumber, plastics, etc. We also have a large portion of the community which would be considered obese, men and women and even children, due to processed foods and inactivity. It's hard to consider the Amish as a whole group because the more progressive they are, the more like the typical American they are (just drive a buggy and wear different clothes), while the more strict sects are more likely to distrust the system and be more separate from the "world". I live in the third largest community and our whole area is very progressive, but I've also lived in a more strict area in IL. As a whole they do tend to distrust traditional medicine, and opt for chiropractic whenever possible. But, all in all, they are probably a little less likely to Vax.
They have low cancer because the Amish understand the power of forgiveness, acceptance, coming to terms with difficult life situations and moving on. Also, they don't do "annual checkups" which is the worst idea ever foisted on the populace. The most unnecessary, biggest money-making scam ever.
Cancer isn't what we've been taught to believe it is. If people could learn to forgive and forget as well as moving more gracefully through difficult life situations, that which we think of as cancer would be all but non-existent. The Amish are experts at doing this.
Being in PA my wholei life and living in a couple of areas with a sizable Amish population, i will say the Amish have their share of abusive relationships just like other people. They are sinners like others. They are legalistic in their Christian views and are more about their outward appearance and adherence to the rules than inward heart transformation by belief in Christ as their savior.
My observation is the rule, doesn't include exceptions. I live around the Amish too. They're generally a much happier group of people then the general population. They have significantly fewer stressors than those well adapted to our insane society. Simply not having TVs, watching movies, social media, smart phones, etc. prevents them from even being exposed to the tremendous psychological operation being waged against the common folk.
Cancer is your psyche attempting to assist you with handling a psychological conflict that you are unable to resolve. It's a different conflict for each type of cancer - fear, loss, unable to digest/accept, ongoing fights/conflicts, failures, separations, attacks, etc. And a bunch are misdiagnosis of cell re-proliferation after another tissue adjustment was made to enable an organ to work more efficiently.
Im truely interested in your take. Where do you get all this from and I just cant understand what a cancerous brain tumor that i had removed was offering me two years ago
I'm a specialist in a not too well known wellness modality. I don't want to unsettle you too much as I'm sure that surgery was a difficult experience. In our modality, we don't think of that which the establishment calls "brain cancer" to actually be a "cancer". It doesn't fit the strict definition, as other so-called cancers like "bone cancer" and "blood cancer" don't fit either. In short, brain cancer isn't a "mass" that grows out of control, like you would see in other typical organ cancers.
But to explain this to an oncologist would send them off into a rant and rage of epic proportions, because of course, this is what they are all taught and they BELIEVE they are the experts on so-called cancers.
Let me put it you this way, according to my modality, probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 30%- 50% of the population could be diagnosed with a "brain cancer" if a doctor worked them up with a contrast head CT scan. The only reason doctors typically find one is when something else is wrong with a person and these scans are ordered.
And the reason I say 30-50% is that a large segment of the population is, at any given time, suffering some sort of psychological conflict which leads to what we can call a ring lesion in the brain. The location and size are dependent on a number of factors like the type of conflict, with whom the conflict is with, the handedness and gender of the person, etc. It's all very precise and never a mystery.
As we understand things, this brain lesion is a tell-tale sign of an adjustment being made to a particular organ/tissue/bone in the body during a psychological conflict. When the conflict is resolved, an edema forms in the lesion which is summarily expelled. After which, neuroglia are then formed to return that area of the brain back to its normal functioning, which produces a white-ish, semi-inflamed mass in that area for a period of time as the brain tissue is restored to normal. And it is in this latter state of the neuroglia repair phase, that if a contrast CT scan (or other brain imaging type like an MRI) is performed, that this would be seen by the radiologist/oncologist and termed a "brain cancer", as they have all been thoroughly taught.
I realize that's all difficult to read and accept. Nonetheless, I share with you for your consideration. To sum up our understanding of the body and health, we believe the body is never attacked from the outside (germs), that it never fails to work properly (before the age of 110), that it never degenerates (before 110), and that it never "mutates out of control" (establishment cancer theory). All of these ideas are based on a severely flawed model of health. We believe your body/psyche ALWAYS knows exactly what it is doing.
And to briefly answer what your next question will likely be ("then why do we get sick?), here is the basic answer. Our psyche operates at a primal survival level. Its job is to keep you alive. This is the same with animals. We all have basic needs like air, food, water, safety, territorial boundaries, nest, identity, relationships, family, children, careers, homes, abilities, etc. etc. When something unexpected happens in our lives in relation to these types of fundamental needs that we can't easily fix/resolve, our psyche jumps into action to make bodily adjustments to help us cope with said conflicts. One type of adjustment is cell proliferation (cancer) to help make an organ function better.
The simplest example of this is lung cancer, which we believe is caused by a "death fright" conflict. When somebody is literally afraid they're going to die, for whatever reason, the psyche makes a real-time and literal interpretation of this thought and proliferates lung alveoli to increase the oxygen intake to the individual, as lack of oxygen is the quickest way to die. Key in this understanding, and perhaps the hardest part for most people to grasp is that our psyches interpret our FIGURATIVE thoughts quite LITERALLY. Also, our psyche has no concept of "TIME". The psyche interprets our FIGURATIVE thoughts as IMMEDIATE THREATS to our survival.
And to round out the lung cancer explanation, you may know that lung cancer is leading "secondary" cancer type, allegedly resulting from the also false "metastasis" THEORY following a cancer diagnosis. We believe that it is the literal diagnosis shock of the first cancer found, causing the person to now fear death, that leads to the lung cancer. We think the metastasis theory is completely false. And one good reason why we believe this is the case is because the Red Cross and other blood donation organizations do not screen donated blood for so-called "cancer cells". Doctors and oncologists have no rational rebuttal to this obvious fact.
Anyway, to sum up, prior to your brain cancer diagnosis (weeks/months/possibly years), you would have had some type of psychological conflict that caused the tell-tale brain lesion which always occurs during such a life event. I would need to see the CT scan to know exactly what it was related to. You almost certainly would have resolved the conflict at the stage of your brain scan that detected the temporary build-up of neuroglia from which you got your diagnosis.
In a nutshell, we believe our bodies always know exactly what they're doing, and 99% of the time, they don't need our "help" to return us to homeostasis. They only need lots of rest, fluids and sometimes a good amount of protein. It is only the rarest of cases, where a conflict has not been resolved, typically for many, many years, that medical intervention (like surgery) may be necessary to prolong the life of the individual.
To avoid such a situation, it is wise to come to terms with difficult life situations sooner rather than later. What's done is done and in most cases, these types of difficult situations are out of our control anyway, which is why there is no realistic "resolution" possible. To avoid long-term, sometimes debilitating healing/restoration/rebalancing phases (which we call "dis-ease"), it is recommended to find a way to forgive/allow/accept what has happened and to move forward as best we can.
Hopefully this all didn't come as too much of a shock to you. What I've shared is nearly impossible to take-in and accept the first time it is encountered. I totally understand. However, considering the past 3 years of lies from the medical establishment, trust is rapidly dwindling in it and more and more people are starting to rethink things which is most promising to see.
I hope you read this without believing nor disbelieving what I shared. Simply take it into consideration as a possibility and perhaps consider evaluating any difficult life situations you might be in the middle of and contemplating how you can move through these with more grace and ease.
I live among the Amish and know many of them very well, and several are close friends Their health, lifestyle, values, and work ethic is far, far superior than 75% of this country's population.
Does anyone have a high quality sauce for this? Need to send to my brother because he’s terrified of SIDS and knowing if it’s even just a little more avoidable would make him sleep better at night.
Whole family is very skeptical of all jabs now (I have a chronic health condition we wonder if it is a Vax injury from something in the 90s kids regimen)…
Me too. I tell my dear 26 year old son that his ADHD is probably my fault for being so diligent about his vaccination schedule. Nursed through 2 and a half though, so that probably helped him overcome to some degree. I told him to be smart when he has his own kids, we had no clue 20 years ago. Declined the HPV vaccine and the pediatrician had a hissy fit and that was the end of that 13 year relationship!
I worry the pediatricians (who we do not need, by the way) will group together shots to get the kids back on schedule. The vax damage will be through the roof if they do that. Please, parents, just take your kids to a good family doctor who works for the well-being of your child.
We declined the HPV for my SON and the pedia went bonkers. Literally dissed me IN FRONT OF my son saying he cared about my son's well being (implying that I, his mom, did not?!?) My son at 17 slid off the table and said, "i'm not comfortable with this" and went to sit in the car. I reamed the pedia who had been my son's doc for 13 years. The hubris! Anyway, he was silent and sad when I finished with him and I was crying, but we never looked back.
Doctors and big pharma are the same thing. If you can't do surgery there isn't much use for you. Pill pushing drug dealers, no different than the dudes I used to chase except they were honest enough not to hide behind credentials.
The CDC Sids Data Page does not present much data beyond beyond 2019. When 2020 is displayed, it's based on rates via state or race. No actual numbers.
As a matter of fact, there's no hard data within any of the graphs/charts. The opening line reads "Each year, there are about 3,400 sudden unexpected infant deaths (SUID) in the United States."
This data is not shown in any capacity. A following chart breaks down percentages of deaths within SIDS:
It's very convenient that the actual numbers per year are never provided. Even more convenient, the CDC Annual Mortality Rates listed in sources used links to a 404 page. Hmm.
FULL DISCLOSURE - there is also a set of files within the sources panel that I was not able to view on my phone. However, this begs the question - how can I go about disproving this "crazy conspiracy theory" when none of the data on the CDC's WEBSITE is helpful?
My friend's brother lost his first child and what was the first grandchild in the family to SIDS back in the early 90s. It was very heartbreaking. The worst funeral you can have.
We were talking about it not too long ago and the whole 'what if' came up. What would he have looked like? What kind of man would he be now?
I'm in a stillbirth/infant loss group and the stories anecdotally went down over lock downs. Now however, the stories are mostly full term or near full term losses, heart stops, placental abruptions, some newborn deaths. It does seem like they went down and have since rebounded due to CV jabs of the moms I'm guessing.
That’s why they’re pushing the Covid vaccine so hard, they gotta make up for lost time. We got to kill those babies one way or another. Either inside the womb or out.
The mods of this place already said it's the other way around. Their idea is pin it to give it more attention so it's more likely thay someone will research it. Not such a bad idea methinks, and I don't blame the mods for people believing it without seeing the research first. Though I have watched the mods incorrectly label something while ignoring the research staring them in the face too.
Agree, they fool us occasionally, and I myself have made mistakes in that department. As a whole, tho, I think we have a phenomenal batting average, don't you?
Yes, births are down by 4% between 2019 and 2020. The numbers go with the "Deaths per 100,000 Live Births" chart. So this adjusts for birthrate, but there may be other factors to consider, like are the people giving birth in 2020 as willing to vaccinate. My guess is that health authorities, mainstream media, administrators, and policymakers pushed vaccination harder due to the increased attention on the issue.
The red pill on this issue came when I was reading studies on the health of the Amish - they have nearly non-existent SIDS and extremely low rates of cancer. The leaders often tell "doctors" wishing to compel some vaccination or health campaign on the Amish that their community is in better shape than the English (non-Amish).
Its also because they aren't handling chemicals and fertilizers etc. Every day people come into contact with chemicals like detergents or aerosolized particles from the construction site next door to their office that an Amish person doesn't come in contact with at all.
Natural fertilizers aren’t the issue, synthetic pesticides are.
Some of the newer fertilizers have shit in them that I wouldn't give to my worst enemy. Worse, with some of this crap that big corporations use in industrial farming we don't actually even know what's in it.
My grandfather died of prostate cancer. He farmed for most of his 80 years of life. Why is it that almost no one else in the whole family(20-30 people) has died of cancer but the one person with the most exposure did? Hmmmm...
YES to all of the comments above!!
Umm my Amish neighbors are very careless with very toxic chemicals and about 60-70% of the Amish in my community do all the scheduled jabs. They did for the most part reject the cv jabs. We have a pretty high rate of cancer and I'd venture abnormally high rate of ALS in my area.
I'm obviously not an Amish expert but its pretty clear that they aren't using Monsanto seed and hard core industrial fertilizers like a corn farmer in Nebraska might use. No matter which way you look at it their exposure is less than the average American. Hell, just the lack of constant car exhaust probibly improves their health overall.
We have many who are organic farmers, but the rest douse every weed on their whole property with roundup and another weed killer that's as bad or worse (can't remember the name) they aren't careful with burning arsenic treated lumber, plastics, etc. We also have a large portion of the community which would be considered obese, men and women and even children, due to processed foods and inactivity. It's hard to consider the Amish as a whole group because the more progressive they are, the more like the typical American they are (just drive a buggy and wear different clothes), while the more strict sects are more likely to distrust the system and be more separate from the "world". I live in the third largest community and our whole area is very progressive, but I've also lived in a more strict area in IL. As a whole they do tend to distrust traditional medicine, and opt for chiropractic whenever possible. But, all in all, they are probably a little less likely to Vax.
Thank you for this reply
They have low cancer because the Amish understand the power of forgiveness, acceptance, coming to terms with difficult life situations and moving on. Also, they don't do "annual checkups" which is the worst idea ever foisted on the populace. The most unnecessary, biggest money-making scam ever.
Cancer isn't what we've been taught to believe it is. If people could learn to forgive and forget as well as moving more gracefully through difficult life situations, that which we think of as cancer would be all but non-existent. The Amish are experts at doing this.
Being in PA my wholei life and living in a couple of areas with a sizable Amish population, i will say the Amish have their share of abusive relationships just like other people. They are sinners like others. They are legalistic in their Christian views and are more about their outward appearance and adherence to the rules than inward heart transformation by belief in Christ as their savior.
My observation is the rule, doesn't include exceptions. I live around the Amish too. They're generally a much happier group of people then the general population. They have significantly fewer stressors than those well adapted to our insane society. Simply not having TVs, watching movies, social media, smart phones, etc. prevents them from even being exposed to the tremendous psychological operation being waged against the common folk.
Yes! Stress zaps the immune system and resulting in sickness.
Which part wasn't clear to you?
The second part. .
Cancer is your psyche attempting to assist you with handling a psychological conflict that you are unable to resolve. It's a different conflict for each type of cancer - fear, loss, unable to digest/accept, ongoing fights/conflicts, failures, separations, attacks, etc. And a bunch are misdiagnosis of cell re-proliferation after another tissue adjustment was made to enable an organ to work more efficiently.
Im truely interested in your take. Where do you get all this from and I just cant understand what a cancerous brain tumor that i had removed was offering me two years ago
I'm a specialist in a not too well known wellness modality. I don't want to unsettle you too much as I'm sure that surgery was a difficult experience. In our modality, we don't think of that which the establishment calls "brain cancer" to actually be a "cancer". It doesn't fit the strict definition, as other so-called cancers like "bone cancer" and "blood cancer" don't fit either. In short, brain cancer isn't a "mass" that grows out of control, like you would see in other typical organ cancers.
But to explain this to an oncologist would send them off into a rant and rage of epic proportions, because of course, this is what they are all taught and they BELIEVE they are the experts on so-called cancers.
Let me put it you this way, according to my modality, probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 30%- 50% of the population could be diagnosed with a "brain cancer" if a doctor worked them up with a contrast head CT scan. The only reason doctors typically find one is when something else is wrong with a person and these scans are ordered.
And the reason I say 30-50% is that a large segment of the population is, at any given time, suffering some sort of psychological conflict which leads to what we can call a ring lesion in the brain. The location and size are dependent on a number of factors like the type of conflict, with whom the conflict is with, the handedness and gender of the person, etc. It's all very precise and never a mystery.
As we understand things, this brain lesion is a tell-tale sign of an adjustment being made to a particular organ/tissue/bone in the body during a psychological conflict. When the conflict is resolved, an edema forms in the lesion which is summarily expelled. After which, neuroglia are then formed to return that area of the brain back to its normal functioning, which produces a white-ish, semi-inflamed mass in that area for a period of time as the brain tissue is restored to normal. And it is in this latter state of the neuroglia repair phase, that if a contrast CT scan (or other brain imaging type like an MRI) is performed, that this would be seen by the radiologist/oncologist and termed a "brain cancer", as they have all been thoroughly taught.
I realize that's all difficult to read and accept. Nonetheless, I share with you for your consideration. To sum up our understanding of the body and health, we believe the body is never attacked from the outside (germs), that it never fails to work properly (before the age of 110), that it never degenerates (before 110), and that it never "mutates out of control" (establishment cancer theory). All of these ideas are based on a severely flawed model of health. We believe your body/psyche ALWAYS knows exactly what it is doing.
And to briefly answer what your next question will likely be ("then why do we get sick?), here is the basic answer. Our psyche operates at a primal survival level. Its job is to keep you alive. This is the same with animals. We all have basic needs like air, food, water, safety, territorial boundaries, nest, identity, relationships, family, children, careers, homes, abilities, etc. etc. When something unexpected happens in our lives in relation to these types of fundamental needs that we can't easily fix/resolve, our psyche jumps into action to make bodily adjustments to help us cope with said conflicts. One type of adjustment is cell proliferation (cancer) to help make an organ function better.
The simplest example of this is lung cancer, which we believe is caused by a "death fright" conflict. When somebody is literally afraid they're going to die, for whatever reason, the psyche makes a real-time and literal interpretation of this thought and proliferates lung alveoli to increase the oxygen intake to the individual, as lack of oxygen is the quickest way to die. Key in this understanding, and perhaps the hardest part for most people to grasp is that our psyches interpret our FIGURATIVE thoughts quite LITERALLY. Also, our psyche has no concept of "TIME". The psyche interprets our FIGURATIVE thoughts as IMMEDIATE THREATS to our survival.
And to round out the lung cancer explanation, you may know that lung cancer is leading "secondary" cancer type, allegedly resulting from the also false "metastasis" THEORY following a cancer diagnosis. We believe that it is the literal diagnosis shock of the first cancer found, causing the person to now fear death, that leads to the lung cancer. We think the metastasis theory is completely false. And one good reason why we believe this is the case is because the Red Cross and other blood donation organizations do not screen donated blood for so-called "cancer cells". Doctors and oncologists have no rational rebuttal to this obvious fact.
Anyway, to sum up, prior to your brain cancer diagnosis (weeks/months/possibly years), you would have had some type of psychological conflict that caused the tell-tale brain lesion which always occurs during such a life event. I would need to see the CT scan to know exactly what it was related to. You almost certainly would have resolved the conflict at the stage of your brain scan that detected the temporary build-up of neuroglia from which you got your diagnosis.
In a nutshell, we believe our bodies always know exactly what they're doing, and 99% of the time, they don't need our "help" to return us to homeostasis. They only need lots of rest, fluids and sometimes a good amount of protein. It is only the rarest of cases, where a conflict has not been resolved, typically for many, many years, that medical intervention (like surgery) may be necessary to prolong the life of the individual.
To avoid such a situation, it is wise to come to terms with difficult life situations sooner rather than later. What's done is done and in most cases, these types of difficult situations are out of our control anyway, which is why there is no realistic "resolution" possible. To avoid long-term, sometimes debilitating healing/restoration/rebalancing phases (which we call "dis-ease"), it is recommended to find a way to forgive/allow/accept what has happened and to move forward as best we can.
Hopefully this all didn't come as too much of a shock to you. What I've shared is nearly impossible to take-in and accept the first time it is encountered. I totally understand. However, considering the past 3 years of lies from the medical establishment, trust is rapidly dwindling in it and more and more people are starting to rethink things which is most promising to see.
I hope you read this without believing nor disbelieving what I shared. Simply take it into consideration as a possibility and perhaps consider evaluating any difficult life situations you might be in the middle of and contemplating how you can move through these with more grace and ease.
I live among the Amish and know many of them very well, and several are close friends Their health, lifestyle, values, and work ethic is far, far superior than 75% of this country's population.
Big pharma needs to be shut down. Completely.
never forget:
vaccines do not merely "cause" SIDS...
SIDS itself was invented for the sole purpose of covering up the fact that vaccines kill babies.
someone please tell Kathy THANK YOU for alerting the whole world to the fact that vaccines cause SIDS.
link her to this thread.
Does anyone have a high quality sauce for this? Need to send to my brother because he’s terrified of SIDS and knowing if it’s even just a little more avoidable would make him sleep better at night.
Whole family is very skeptical of all jabs now (I have a chronic health condition we wonder if it is a Vax injury from something in the 90s kids regimen)…
Sauce dump inbound…
I’ve had similar trouble convincing my wife to avoid all vaccines for our kids not just the covid ones. Here are some points/links/books that helped convince her: (CDC admits improvements in sanitation were the main driver of the massive decline in infectious diseases in early 1900’s, before vaccines were widely used) (Ten year study shows that unvaccinated children are far healthier than vaccinated children) (Ten year study shows that unvaccinated children are far healthier than vaccinated children) (taped deposition of Stanley Plotkin MD, a leading authority on vaccinology, on vaccine ingredients containing animal viruses, aborted fetal tissues, etc.) (Dr. Zimmerman affidavit on link between vaccines and autism) (Dr. Andrew Zimmerman - Developmental Regression and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in a Child With Autism Caused By vaccines) (Dr. Zimmerman - How a pro-vaccine doctor reopened debate about link to autism) (CDC couldn’t provide proof that certain vaccines don’t cause autism) (Timeline - William Thompson CDC whistleblower - link between MMR vaccine and autism) (William Thompson testimony on 8/27/14 re: CDC cover up of link between MMR vaccine and autism) (CDC whistleblower William Thompson’s testimony re: autism link to vaccines) (Brian Hooker - Measles-mumps-rubella vaccination timing and autism among young african american boys: a reanalysis of CDC data) (Polio vaccines from 1955-1963 were contaminated with cancer causing monkey SV-40 viruses) (How a cancer causing SV-40 monkey virus ended up in polio vaccines) (See page 3 of 7: Over 490,000 people in India developed paralysis as a result of the oral polio vaccine between 2000 and 2017) (DTP vaccine (whole cell) increased infant 3+ month all cause mortality) (The 112-Year Odyssey of Pertussis and Pertussis Vaccines - Mistakes Made and Implications for the Future, DTaP vaccine causes increased lifetime susceptibility to Pertussis) (CDC vaccine excipient summary) (Aluminum Phosphate is a known hazardous substance but it’s in many vaccines including TDaP) (Gates funded HPV vaccine trial in India that recruited poor malnourished girls, many died) (Bill Gates' Plan to Vaccinate the world, damage caused by polio and HPV vaccines in India and meningitis vaccines in Africa) Vaccine injury cover up: (Merck whistleblower Brandy Vaughan vaccine truth organization) (Vaccine-associated inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system: from signals to causation) (Magnetic resonance imaging findings in 22 cases of myelitis: comparison between patients with and without multiple sclerosis) (The spectrum of post-vaccination inflammatory CNS demyelinating syndromes) (Vaccine Injuries > Transverse Myelitis) (Transverse myelitis and vaccines: a multi-analysis) (Dr. Judy Mikovits interview, none of the vaccines are safe and none have been testing against a true placebo) (Full 9 hr deposition of Stanley Plotkin MD, a leading authority on vaccinology, on vaccine ingredients containing animal viruses, aborted fetal tissues, animal blood, animal proteins, etc.) (Plotkin interview clip - gave experimental vaccines to orphans and mentally disabled kids) (Do aluminum vaccine adjuvants contribute to the rising prevalence of autism?) (Reviewing the association between aluminum adjuvants in the vaccines and autism spectrum disorder) (Simpsonwood Conference 2000, "thimerasol")
This should be it's own post, wow!
I feel terrible now. I wasn’t “awake” until around 2015 … after I gave my kids the childhood vaxxines.
Me too. I tell my dear 26 year old son that his ADHD is probably my fault for being so diligent about his vaccination schedule. Nursed through 2 and a half though, so that probably helped him overcome to some degree. I told him to be smart when he has his own kids, we had no clue 20 years ago. Declined the HPV vaccine and the pediatrician had a hissy fit and that was the end of that 13 year relationship!
I declined the HPV vax too as it looked to much like a marketing campaign.
Same here......
Impressive dump!
Thank you for this sauce dump, I plan to give to my newly married son in hopes that he can avoid making the same mistakes I made😢.
You’re welcome!
Vaccines!!! Thank you so much for all this info.
I worry the pediatricians (who we do not need, by the way) will group together shots to get the kids back on schedule. The vax damage will be through the roof if they do that. Please, parents, just take your kids to a good family doctor who works for the well-being of your child.
So true. And if they had their way (which they won't), they would refuse us insurance for not vaccinating our kids.
We declined the HPV for my SON and the pedia went bonkers. Literally dissed me IN FRONT OF my son saying he cared about my son's well being (implying that I, his mom, did not?!?) My son at 17 slid off the table and said, "i'm not comfortable with this" and went to sit in the car. I reamed the pedia who had been my son's doc for 13 years. The hubris! Anyway, he was silent and sad when I finished with him and I was crying, but we never looked back.
they werent getting Vaxxed
Doctors and big pharma are the same thing. If you can't do surgery there isn't much use for you. Pill pushing drug dealers, no different than the dudes I used to chase except they were honest enough not to hide behind credentials.
Went to dig into this and SHOCKER.
The CDC Sids Data Page does not present much data beyond beyond 2019. When 2020 is displayed, it's based on rates via state or race. No actual numbers.
As a matter of fact, there's no hard data within any of the graphs/charts. The opening line reads "Each year, there are about 3,400 sudden unexpected infant deaths (SUID) in the United States."
This data is not shown in any capacity. A following chart breaks down percentages of deaths within SIDS:
41% SIDS 32% UNKNOWN 27% Suffocation /accidental strangulation
It's very convenient that the actual numbers per year are never provided. Even more convenient, the CDC Annual Mortality Rates listed in sources used links to a 404 page. Hmm.
FULL DISCLOSURE - there is also a set of files within the sources panel that I was not able to view on my phone. However, this begs the question - how can I go about disproving this "crazy conspiracy theory" when none of the data on the CDC's WEBSITE is helpful?
CDC Annual Mortality Rates 404 page archived in 2020
CDC Annual Mortality Rates 404 page archived in 2021
Look at how transparent our government agencies are.
Yup, definitely no shenanigans going on here. /s
My friend's brother lost his first child and what was the first grandchild in the family to SIDS back in the early 90s. It was very heartbreaking. The worst funeral you can have. We were talking about it not too long ago and the whole 'what if' came up. What would he have looked like? What kind of man would he be now?
I'm in a stillbirth/infant loss group and the stories anecdotally went down over lock downs. Now however, the stories are mostly full term or near full term losses, heart stops, placental abruptions, some newborn deaths. It does seem like they went down and have since rebounded due to CV jabs of the moms I'm guessing.
That’s why they’re pushing the Covid vaccine so hard, they gotta make up for lost time. We got to kill those babies one way or another. Either inside the womb or out.
Click this article then scroll down to the section titled "Age effect: children"
Thanks for this find, Fren!🤗
Sudden immunization death syndrome.
Autism may tick down too.
I don't like these incessant posts with twitter screenshots acting as research. Where's the data?
We crowd-source it in the comments, and then it promptly gets stickied, and the entire process is GLORIOUS.
First we make a bold claim, and then we hope that someone can back it up with some research?
Is that how we roll now?
SIDS awareness is a staple of this forum
Occasionally, yup. And, since you're watching, what would you say our batting average is? I think we do pretty good.
Crowd source it in the comments.
It gets pinned.
Am I blind, or was step 1 missed?
The mods of this place already said it's the other way around. Their idea is pin it to give it more attention so it's more likely thay someone will research it. Not such a bad idea methinks, and I don't blame the mods for people believing it without seeing the research first. Though I have watched the mods incorrectly label something while ignoring the research staring them in the face too.
Literally took me less than 1 min to find.
OP says it declined drastically in 2020. I don't see that in the data. 2020 looks similar to the previous decade.
Agree, they fool us occasionally, and I myself have made mistakes in that department. As a whole, tho, I think we have a phenomenal batting average, don't you?
The definition of 'vaccine' was changed in the same year too, so that an "Experimental Gene Therapy" can be called a vaccine. NOTHING TO LOOK HERE.
SUDDEN ADULT DEATH SYNDROME has nothing to do with anything! (Stole from J.P. Sears)
If you showed me data on this I’d skip all vaccines for my newborn.
Wow. I didn’t know this.
2020 shows a slight uptick in SIDS when compared to 2019, but there is also a slight decrease in "unknown":
I am not sure if 2020 would have a reporting bias, but that is something to consider.
Aren't births down as of late? This could cause that graph to shift as well as SIDS deaths. They don't show the actual number of deaths, just rates.
Yes, births are down by 4% between 2019 and 2020. The numbers go with the "Deaths per 100,000 Live Births" chart. So this adjusts for birthrate, but there may be other factors to consider, like are the people giving birth in 2020 as willing to vaccinate. My guess is that health authorities, mainstream media, administrators, and policymakers pushed vaccination harder due to the increased attention on the issue.
I read that almost all SIDS deaths occur within 72 hours of a wellness visit, presumably with injections.
Sids is vaccine injury. I refused to allow my children to be vaxxed (poisoned/injured/violated).
Q # 1011
People are simply in the way.
UK/GER [5 days].
Choice is yours.
Did you know that I stubbed my toe and my stocks went up?