I'm sure they have and they are more disposed to violently making their complaints known. Case in point, just about every FIFA match that involves a country (God forbid Argentina) beating Brazil.
The thing about steals is that they can be proven BUT… finding people with the stuff, stones and power to stand against it are apparently few and far between. Lord God almighty, I pray that you lead your people out of bondage. Turn the hearts of the wicked and embolden the meek and cowardly. Lead me, too, Father in spite of my sins and imperfections. I pray you give all eyes to see and ears to hear so that we may turn back the Devil and his minions once again. Thy perfect will be done. AMEN!
I really don't understand the "it had to be this way" theory.
If it had to be this way, what was the point of trying to stop him from being sworn in, and trying to get electoral votes over turned and everything else that's happened trying to stop Mr. Potato Head from taking office?
And we will 100% win back the House and Senate. There is no way that the democrats will legitimately get more votes, and we've spent the past 2 years preparing for this election and getting our people in place to insure a true count.
We needed the fraud to be exposed in order to get our people in place for this election. We needed Biden in office while the economy collapsed, and when Russia invaded Ukraine, and for a handful of other things that would have looked terrible happening under Trump's watch.
The crash we’re about to experience was locked in, guaranteed to happen since long before President Trump took office. Nothing can stop what is coming. If President Trump (or Bolsonaro) were in office when the crash happened, that’s who would get the blame. Things were apparently good when patriots were in office, the globalist agenda is derailed by patriots, things deteriorate when globalists are in office, the crash occurs when globalists are in office, the crash prevents globalists ever getting their agenda back on track AND ensures patriots are re elected.
I get this, but it's pretty much saying libs are right that it's not Biden's or dems fault the economy is the way it is, that it would be shit no matter who was in office.
And if people realize that it doesn't matter who is in office, things would suck no matter what, then it's disingenuous to criticize dems for the economy.
I really don't understand the "it had to be this way" theory.
Because it didn't. Until it did.
First choice was obviously Trump winning and holding onto power, continuing to drain the swamp. That plan clearly hit a snag, since the other side has plans too, like a treasonous coup. Now it's taking bloody forever to finish the op, because the bad people have taken over and refilled the swamp Trump was draining.
It had to be this way. We needed Biden in office during this phase of the plan.
I am just praying we don't need to lose the midterms too...
We prayed for Trump to win 2020 too, but it "had" to go the way it went. God apparently sided with the people who wanted the traitors to successfully steal the election in broad daylight on national TV.
Midterms are up for grabs. Cheating and stealing will (not may, might, could; wise up, it WILL) occur. We vote anyway, and pray anyway for the Republicans to win. When Republicans lose, then it "had" to be that way.
They may be watching like they did in 2020, Brazil got shafted by the deep state too. No one of note got locked up so this will continue from here on out
Exactly. Until someone gets very public justice, they have no reason to stop or even hide the steal. If people were tarred/feathered, hung, or faced a firing squad for treason, the cabal couldn't find enough people to implement the steal.
What does this mean, when we put on our Anon thinking caps?
By the time the results are called, either:
The fraud fails and Bolsonaro is declared winner
There is a sting and they expose the fraud before its called
Brazil will have widespread riots. The fraud will be revealed only after we hit the precipice.
What's the implication on midterms and precipice? I think its huge.
If it's 1 or 2, then the DS will freak out, they will assume they lost control of elections, and they will end up pulling thier Fake Nuke / Financial Collapse and whatever else they have lined up before Nov 8th to delay the elections.
If it's 3, then we will see the mid terms happen, and then when the MAGA wave hits the shores, thats when the DS will bring us the the precipice.
"Moving goalpost" is when people expect something, and then change their expectation. So by definition, if the expectation has always been precipice, it's not a moving goalpost.
If you meant to say that the timing of reaching the goalpost is moving, then remember that q said this is a 8 year plan.
At least part of those remaining years of the plan has to be the beginning of awakening phase, assuming the end of the plan is the complete awakening.
I cant imagine how 95% of people can wake up to all the stuff we know unless there are trials, congressional hearings, real journalistic coverage etc of all these disclosures over atleast 1-2 years period. This can only happen once we have a MAGA wave in the congress. So makes me think that these midterms are the beginning of the final phase of this Plan - the
beginning of the awakening process.
Well if we count 8 years from the first drop, it will be 2025 Oct 28th. If we count from the day Trump ran for office, it would be in 2024. However that would be the very end. I would expect atleast a year or two of disclosures and people slowly learning the truth. So its anybody's guess.
Is Brazil behind the US in terms of the election exposure? So sick of the election rigging and lies in the US. Are the Brazilians lagging 2 years behind with a similar operation? How will they contain Lula? He might just start murdering people with his goon squads.
Go on, tell me in, even in summary, what exactly you propose we do to save ourselves. If you dont make a good faith response to this, I will consider you to be a "2 more weeks" kind of shill.
Ourselves....I'm just doing me right now. But once I'm saved I will let you know how I did. It's a medium to long term plan that involves being my own boss, decentralizing my wealth and location, and creating multiple incomes. As a side note, I grow a lot of my own food to help reduce the impact of idiot policies from government. So if you wanted some "Counterplan" to the Q plan, it's probably not as sexy as Q's plan, but it will insulate me from the deep state war on the world. Do yourself a favor, ask yourself how you can save yourself, you might be surprised.
I mean, even our side has people saying that since there is no remedy outlined, there's nothing that can be done.
So if you continue with that logic, why stop stealing? If you can get yourself in and have the propaganda machine and the people in charge of the military on your side, then it clearly means you won't face consequences.
I wonder how many stolen elections will have to happen in front of us.
They stole it again, like with Trump, like in the first Round on Oct. 02.22 But! Anyone who understands anything about statistics, will agree, that this election was frauded with an algorythm. Wondering what the reaction of the Armed forces will be. General Heleno (Chief Minister of Institutional Security of Brazil) just stated that the Armed forces will not accept a socialist President.
Yep, I’ll leave this right here. Red Flags of cheating are already going off. And I’m 100% sure the Cabal DID cheat. Why, because that’s the only way they can possibly win now that the whole world is on to them. But my Anon frens this war is almost over and the Cabal, who seem to be too stupid to realize it’s all over, are going to continue to do their BS right into the grave! The trials, imprisonments, and executions can’t come soon enough. WWG1WGAWW.
Every election that is 51/49 has to be dubious in my opinion. It seems that’s what the algorithm aims for so that it looks like a close election.
Every Socialist Gov in history that I can think of always turns into a dictatorship. Dictators will never relinquish power easily. Only military actions can remove Dictators.
I can’t see any other way. Even if proof were found, they will only deny it and still claim victory. I can’t believe how many Socialist Gov are being elected around the world. Only Italy somehow bucked the trend.
Their rigged strategy is super transparent - 51-49 very single time… the amount on corruption it take to pull off rigged elections is shocking - so many people have to be in on it for it work.
Something will break… too much stress and too much at stake
Not able to do a Statistics Class here, as I'm not a matematician, I just got pointed to it by pro's... if you look at the numbers, you can clearly see an algorythm at play. Just exactly the same numbers Bolsonaro falls, his oponent rises, constantly, allways the same rate. Impossible.
The 2022 midterms will lean due to the cabals algorithm Democrat. Biden will resign in bad health. Harris will be sworn in. Pelosi is sworn in as VP. Obama is made SOTH. Harris resigns. Pelosi resigns. Obama moves into POTUS unelected. 2016 was our chance. Unless 2022 is filibuster proof, we are done as a nation. The world is too fetid to change the way we want it to.
Part of the trouble is, we in the UK gave them the precedent to do this margin 'credibly' with our Brexit (49% vs 51%). Though I vertiginously highly doubt merely 51% was the true figure.
Who wants to bet that Brazil won't accept a steal?
Just thinking that myself. Brazilians are a very vocal people.
They have guns too.
I bet they've noticed the USA go to crap over the last two years after our steal.
I'm sure they have and they are more disposed to violently making their complaints known. Case in point, just about every FIFA match that involves a country (God forbid Argentina) beating Brazil.
Yep, so when people told us to just shut up about the 2020, they sentenced the entire world to this.
i want to bet thay will.
Wanna go ?
Nope. They have TVs that tell them what to think in an even broader sense than US even.
One of the most popular channel is "globo".
This shit is deeply ingrained.
I don't think the Brazilians will shut up and take it this time. People are going to protest for days. They do not want to become Venezuela.
or the current USA.
or Europe. All their latest generations know is to roll over and wait for the US to save them. And criticize our culture of freedom.
DAYS! Whoooo.
THAT oughta show the cheaters who's boss.
I hope so. I just don't want another DS win anywhere. Ever again.
The thing about steals is that they can be proven BUT… finding people with the stuff, stones and power to stand against it are apparently few and far between. Lord God almighty, I pray that you lead your people out of bondage. Turn the hearts of the wicked and embolden the meek and cowardly. Lead me, too, Father in spite of my sins and imperfections. I pray you give all eyes to see and ears to hear so that we may turn back the Devil and his minions once again. Thy perfect will be done. AMEN!
so how has that been working out lately ?
keep praying. that wont help
Just like they were watching our election?
It had to be this way. We needed Biden in office during this phase of the plan.
I am just praying we don't need to lose the midterms too...
I really don't understand the "it had to be this way" theory.
If it had to be this way, what was the point of trying to stop him from being sworn in, and trying to get electoral votes over turned and everything else that's happened trying to stop Mr. Potato Head from taking office?
And we will 100% win back the House and Senate. There is no way that the democrats will legitimately get more votes, and we've spent the past 2 years preparing for this election and getting our people in place to insure a true count.
We needed the fraud to be exposed in order to get our people in place for this election. We needed Biden in office while the economy collapsed, and when Russia invaded Ukraine, and for a handful of other things that would have looked terrible happening under Trump's watch.
The crash we’re about to experience was locked in, guaranteed to happen since long before President Trump took office. Nothing can stop what is coming. If President Trump (or Bolsonaro) were in office when the crash happened, that’s who would get the blame. Things were apparently good when patriots were in office, the globalist agenda is derailed by patriots, things deteriorate when globalists are in office, the crash occurs when globalists are in office, the crash prevents globalists ever getting their agenda back on track AND ensures patriots are re elected.
I get this, but it's pretty much saying libs are right that it's not Biden's or dems fault the economy is the way it is, that it would be shit no matter who was in office.
And if people realize that it doesn't matter who is in office, things would suck no matter what, then it's disingenuous to criticize dems for the economy.
It’s not that it never matters who is in office. It’s just that a century of money printing means the crash is coming no matter who is in office.
Because it didn't. Until it did.
First choice was obviously Trump winning and holding onto power, continuing to drain the swamp. That plan clearly hit a snag, since the other side has plans too, like a treasonous coup. Now it's taking bloody forever to finish the op, because the bad people have taken over and refilled the swamp Trump was draining.
We prayed for Trump to win 2020 too, but it "had" to go the way it went. God apparently sided with the people who wanted the traitors to successfully steal the election in broad daylight on national TV.
Midterms are up for grabs. Cheating and stealing will (not may, might, could; wise up, it WILL) occur. We vote anyway, and pray anyway for the Republicans to win. When Republicans lose, then it "had" to be that way.
They got caught last time there's just not eneough people in power to do anything about it,
Our faith should only be in the Lord God Almighty.
...Through us.
In 2 weeks.
They may be watching like they did in 2020, Brazil got shafted by the deep state too. No one of note got locked up so this will continue from here on out
Exactly. Until someone gets very public justice, they have no reason to stop or even hide the steal. If people were tarred/feathered, hung, or faced a firing squad for treason, the cabal couldn't find enough people to implement the steal.
"your" spaceforce is working for president elect Joe Biden and will do nothing to help Bolsonaro.
Its Lula 50.5% vs Bolsonaro 49.5%
What does this mean, when we put on our Anon thinking caps?
By the time the results are called, either:
The fraud fails and Bolsonaro is declared winner
There is a sting and they expose the fraud before its called
What's the implication on midterms and precipice? I think its huge.
If it's 1 or 2, then the DS will freak out, they will assume they lost control of elections, and they will end up pulling thier Fake Nuke / Financial Collapse and whatever else they have lined up before Nov 8th to delay the elections.
If it's 3, then we will see the mid terms happen, and then when the MAGA wave hits the shores, thats when the DS will bring us the the precipice.
Ultimately it's all about timing, yet again.
Precipice is required
There are no goal posts. There are only moves and counter moves.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again; pay attention to events, not dates.
"Moving goalpost" is when people expect something, and then change their expectation. So by definition, if the expectation has always been precipice, it's not a moving goalpost.
If you meant to say that the timing of reaching the goalpost is moving, then remember that q said this is a 8 year plan.
Which Q drop explains the 8 year plan?
great response. thanks
Thanks. So it seems we have 3 more years of the plan. Interesting.
At least part of those remaining years of the plan has to be the beginning of awakening phase, assuming the end of the plan is the complete awakening.
I cant imagine how 95% of people can wake up to all the stuff we know unless there are trials, congressional hearings, real journalistic coverage etc of all these disclosures over atleast 1-2 years period. This can only happen once we have a MAGA wave in the congress. So makes me think that these midterms are the beginning of the final phase of this Plan - the beginning of the awakening process.
Well if we count 8 years from the first drop, it will be 2025 Oct 28th. If we count from the day Trump ran for office, it would be in 2024. However that would be the very end. I would expect atleast a year or two of disclosures and people slowly learning the truth. So its anybody's guess.
It had to be this way. ;o)
I know, but sometimes it's hard, fren.
Is Brazil behind the US in terms of the election exposure? So sick of the election rigging and lies in the US. Are the Brazilians lagging 2 years behind with a similar operation? How will they contain Lula? He might just start murdering people with his goon squads.
Exactly what I’m thinking. They’re two years behind us.
That means Bolsonaro won in a landslide but they adjusted it so that Lula wins by the thinnest of margins.
Yeah, but I am looking at it as an Anon, trying to deduce how this fits with the rest of the Plan.
The plan should be to stop waiting for a super hero to 'save' us and save ourselves.
Go on, tell me in, even in summary, what exactly you propose we do to save ourselves. If you dont make a good faith response to this, I will consider you to be a "2 more weeks" kind of shill.
Ourselves....I'm just doing me right now. But once I'm saved I will let you know how I did. It's a medium to long term plan that involves being my own boss, decentralizing my wealth and location, and creating multiple incomes. As a side note, I grow a lot of my own food to help reduce the impact of idiot policies from government. So if you wanted some "Counterplan" to the Q plan, it's probably not as sexy as Q's plan, but it will insulate me from the deep state war on the world. Do yourself a favor, ask yourself how you can save yourself, you might be surprised.
We didn't have widespread riots regarding election theft.
2020 was never fixed. They got away with it. Of course they will just do it over and over again from now on.
I expect nothing else in 2 weeks and 2024.
I don't know why you're being downvoted for saying the truth. The same will happen here in two weeks. And 2024, if there's a country left by then.
2020 has to be fixed. It's been job one for a couple of years and we (white hats) didn't get it done.
What is going to happen in 2022?
For sure there is a bullheaded globalist plan already in action to steal it by any means necessary and damn the consequences.
Is the military going to intervene? I sure hope so.
I mean, even our side has people saying that since there is no remedy outlined, there's nothing that can be done.
So if you continue with that logic, why stop stealing? If you can get yourself in and have the propaganda machine and the people in charge of the military on your side, then it clearly means you won't face consequences.
I wonder how many stolen elections will have to happen in front of us.
We've spent the past 2 years educating people on the matter and getting our people in position to keep watch on things during election day.
I really don't think we're going to lose. But who knows, really. It's a wait and see thing.
famous last words lol but i hope you're right
"hammer" software...
Was the hammer incident with Pelosi comms?
Rigged election
Just hold on. There are a lot of details about when results come in from where.
Let's see what happens.
They stole it again, like with Trump, like in the first Round on Oct. 02.22 But! Anyone who understands anything about statistics, will agree, that this election was frauded with an algorythm. Wondering what the reaction of the Armed forces will be. General Heleno (Chief Minister of Institutional Security of Brazil) just stated that the Armed forces will not accept a socialist President.
Explain how anyone who knows anything about statistics bit?
Just found this for those into math... 22 is Bolsonaro 13 is Commie Lula
Professor@universidade · 4hrs ago
<? while (count_votes < 66,6%) of { if (vote == "22") { vote_22 = vote_22 - 1; vote_13 = vote_13 + 1; } while (count_votes >= 66,6%) of { vote_22 = vote_13; vote_22 = vote_22 - 2; vote_13 = vote_13 + 2; } }
5.5 million blank and null votes?
Fucking Globohomos
Yep, I’ll leave this right here. Red Flags of cheating are already going off. And I’m 100% sure the Cabal DID cheat. Why, because that’s the only way they can possibly win now that the whole world is on to them. But my Anon frens this war is almost over and the Cabal, who seem to be too stupid to realize it’s all over, are going to continue to do their BS right into the grave! The trials, imprisonments, and executions can’t come soon enough. WWG1WGAWW.
Aye...almost there.
The Hammer software?
Pelosi’s son involved?
The reason to flood Google search results with articles about fake burglary?
It's just swapped over
Lula PT 40,084,172 50.0 Jair Bolsonaro PL 40,075,683 50.0 Blank votes 1,175,671 — Null votes 2,580,602 —
Yes. It was around 66.6% of the vote counted. Demons!
Further proof of the steal.
He's not even losing it slowly! It's ticking away minute by minute.
The Brazilian Military and the population are about to tag team the cheaters. It's gonna be biblical.
It’s official
I’m beginning to understand why “military is the only way” while at the same time steeling myself for our midterms.
Every election that is 51/49 has to be dubious in my opinion. It seems that’s what the algorithm aims for so that it looks like a close election.
Every Socialist Gov in history that I can think of always turns into a dictatorship. Dictators will never relinquish power easily. Only military actions can remove Dictators.
I can’t see any other way. Even if proof were found, they will only deny it and still claim victory. I can’t believe how many Socialist Gov are being elected around the world. Only Italy somehow bucked the trend.
Their rigged strategy is super transparent - 51-49 very single time… the amount on corruption it take to pull off rigged elections is shocking - so many people have to be in on it for it work.
Something will break… too much stress and too much at stake
Over 4 million blank or null votes right now! That's crazy to me.
Brazil is a piece of BRICS so of course they had to be attacked. Lets see Brazil takes this lying down like America did.
Praying your wrong. If I’m following that map correctly, areas he won in 2018 don’t look to be fully counted yet.
I get a sneaking suspicion that this isn't over yet.
1.4 million people but takes Georgia and others a week?
Brazil is 100% digital voting so you get same day results
We got same day results for literally centuries before 2020 too.
Not able to do a Statistics Class here, as I'm not a matematician, I just got pointed to it by pro's... if you look at the numbers, you can clearly see an algorythm at play. Just exactly the same numbers Bolsonaro falls, his oponent rises, constantly, allways the same rate. Impossible.
The 2022 midterms will lean due to the cabals algorithm Democrat. Biden will resign in bad health. Harris will be sworn in. Pelosi is sworn in as VP. Obama is made SOTH. Harris resigns. Pelosi resigns. Obama moves into POTUS unelected. 2016 was our chance. Unless 2022 is filibuster proof, we are done as a nation. The world is too fetid to change the way we want it to.
Yup another close race just enough to win and they will do it here in the mid terms watch Fetterman win by a handful of votes.
To be fair Oz is weak af and I'm going to have to hold my nose and vote republican like every other year
Well regardless Congress will stay a Clown show.
Me too
Cannot help but think, if Biden was bold enough to help fix this election Nov 8th in the US is gonna be stolen also.
Heard people are showing up to vote and being told they already voted…
In the UK we got ourselves a WEF Globalist free - we didn't even have to vote /s
They will keep doing it until either their country completely collapses or until the people demand, en mass, for a change.
They are effing going to try. Try like there is no tomorrow. Anyone who thinks they've given up on shenanigans are pie-eyed optimists.
How do we stop this march of communism globally, when they’ve managed to rig the Election machines? How do we get the machines OUT?
Part of the trouble is, we in the UK gave them the precedent to do this margin 'credibly' with our Brexit (49% vs 51%). Though I vertiginously highly doubt merely 51% was the true figure.