"Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first: -ensuring the safety & well-being of the population -shifting the narrative -removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success -defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes -freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities -kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc. etc. -should not be participating in discussions." Q
We're dealing with the greatest enemy, in history. It's a COIN ops dealing with the most dangerous and ruthless people in history. Did you really think this was going to be wrapped up in one term? Did anyone really think that?
Considering that "history" means a chronicle or record of events, would there be any such thing as an "unrecorded" history? Slipping into superfluous categories is a common error.
Consider too that if the recorded history is the view point of the conquerers,, there remains the untold history of the defeated. We work now to uncover our true history, not the deceit and slight of hand told by those who would keep us defeated.
Excellent point, and well stated!
BTW it's 'sleight' of hand—which is completely insane given that E before I, when not after C, is supposed to sound like A, not I...like neighbor, weight, freight, etc.
The cabal have been erasing all kind of history. This is what I think, every time they make mistakes like right now and the population have noticed it, then they erased all, how? burning books destroying civilizations and statues through wars killing important people etc. They got away with everything until now, they invented the internet and now it is against them. God my Lord and creator made sure this time they are destroyed
That's not the way that history works. It is like a garden; if it is not tended and cultivated, it gets overgrown by weeds and perishes. In other words, if history is not deliberately tended, protected, and perpetuated, it will simply vanish like the disintegration of a ghost town. Knowledge is not immune to the process of entropy. It doesn't take an army of "Erasers" to make it go away. All it requires is indifference and neglect.
The internet is a two-edged sword. There is preservation in the redundancy of copies of information. But there are weeds in the profusion of bogus speculation parading as alternative "history."
It's the followers of the ancient dragon. The symbolism and the 'gods' the Sumerians worshipped, were likely what we call the fallen. Whatever you believe those to be, this is definitely what the Sumerians worshipped and those same gods can be easily traced throughout history. From Sumeria to Babylon, quite easily and from there the historical connection is even stronger.
Fren, I'm just going to paste what I have on my hard drive, sorry, I'm too tired right now to proofread & correct it. I posted this before on here but can't find it. It's going to take 2 comments:
Revelations 12-20 Is Trump the rider of the horse, The 2nd beast/false prophet the media & the 1st beast the Sabateans???
I am not that much of a Bible fanatic but I’ve read Revelations when young and recently 2 different Jewish friends ( both Trump supporters ) told me on separate occasions about this group that started out as a Jewish sect called the sabateans. They both complain that these Sabateans “ARE NOT JEWISH” they explained, because they not only don’t follow Jewish law –THEY PERVERT IT!
Sabatai Zevi (Sevi Tzvi,…) was a rabbi in the 1600’s & devised this new sort of theology where one can have atonement from sin (Mitzvah) by intentionally doing yet another sin. (Yes, it’s perverted) Somehow he had a way of supposedly cleansing one from sin by doing a much harsher stronger sin in a very deliberate way, or something like that. Early followers of Zevi & Frank (below) were seen doing "wife swaping" back in those days but who knows what else they did.
Zevi was miraculously saved from some minor incident once & some people considered him the messiah. There was also some sort of prophet / false prophet back then (Abraham Yachini ) who also claimed that Zevi was the messiah It is said that he had a following of about a million back in those days.
At some point he encountered the Sultan of Turkey. I cut & pasted this from somewhere online:
Sabbatai Tzvi placed under house arrest by the Sultan. Locked in chains and is threatened with poison arrows to prove his divinity. Is given choice between Islamic conversion or death. Sabbatai chooses Islam and life. He doesn’t cease being a Jew but becomes Muslim also. Sabbatai is above the categorization of Jew or Muslim. Much to the shock and chagrin of the Jewish world Sabbatai appeases the Sultan. He then begins to lay the groundwork restructuring of the world based on universalism and world brotherhood ruled by an elite of his devoted followers dedicated to eradicating the world’s ills and promoting progress of civilization.
He is said to have converted to Islam in 1666. At that point he lost most of his followers but 300 families also converted & became the Dohmeh in Turkey. Interestingly enough a grandchild of one of those 1st Dohmeh started Wahhabism (that horrible sect of Islam that believes in beheading non Muslims, ISIS & el-Qatar are wahhabists ) Wahhab made a pact with Muhammad bin Saud founder of Saudi Arabia (This could be all 1 head of the beast down below) It is also thought that the Sabbateans started Freemasonry about 50 years later (which could be another head)
Jacob Frank 50 or 100 years later claims to be Zevi’s reincarnation & converts to Christianity, equally as dubiously. His followers though didn't really mix with the non sabbatean Christians (nor did Zevi’s sabbatean Muslims ) they always marry into their own UNLESS they marry someone of a higher social status like prince or etc. So by now they have married into all the nobility or élites of any type (The European nobility could all be another head, perhaps some sort of entertainment and newspaper heads other types yet other heads & I am assuming some stayed as “Jews” like the Rothschilds & other bankers – yet another ‘head’ )
They like to believe that their evil Sevi is the messiah so they do not like those who think differently such as real Jews & Christians It is thought they were the ones behind Hitler (To help eradicate real jews since they don’t believe in Sevi – they also gain some benefit from all that fear, terror, death & spilling of blood)
I am suggesting that the cabal, the basic network that holds together the swamp are the followers of Zevi, the sabateans and that this network is the 7 headed beast mentioned in Revelations. (Or one of them) There are three 7 headed beasts mentioned In these 8 chapters of Revelations. They could be the same one of three different ones, The 1st one (Chapter 12) is a red dragon chasing the woman. The 2nd one (chapter 13) is like a Leopold & we don’t know the color & the 3rd a scarlet beast with a harlot on top. This last one could be either of the other two, (or they all could the same - or all different) But this last one must span millennia since already in St John’s time 5 of the heads are past.
We don’t know the timing of the 1st one, we just know the woman is in a safe place for 1260 days. We see a woman giving birth to a male child & the dragon wants to eat the child. (Rev 12:4) The Bible is of course on many levels simultaneously. On one level we see the foretelling of a practice never heard of back then. It is believed that some Sabbatean women get pregnant & deliver a child FOR THE PURPOSE of sacrificing & yes, I hate to say, eating that newborn to empower their perverted rituals. As weird as this all is, we know from Q that this is roughly correct.
Let me explain. The blood of an animal is very powerful. It represents the life energy of the animal. I know someone from an African tribe & he told me that if someone in their tribe is sick. They take a goat, slit it’s throat, put the blood in a cup & have the sick person drink that blood immediately, while the blood is still warm. It gives them strength. You can’t put the blood in the fridge & have it later though. It’s not so much the physical / biological properties of the blood; it is more the metaphysical properties. That fresh blood has the life of the animal in it This somehow adds to the life energy of the ailing soul to help them recover.
I have heard of others that use that blood of an animal to empower a ritual. It also could be the case that there are metaphysical entities that like that blood as well. Yes dark entities but also light… The ancient Hebrews were told not to drink the blood of animals not because it is bad, but because it is too good. It is sacred & only for God. The point I am trying to make is that animal blood carries with it life energy which is so powerful it can be used magically. The reason I say that is that, if an animal’s blood is so powerful then how much more powerful would the blood of a human be? This is why they want these breeder Sabbatean women to pump out babies for their rituals.. Let me tell you all though, there is something EVEN MORE POWERFUL than the blood of a human being and that is the blood of God made flesh in the body of Jesus Christ. He spilt his blood for us. This is why the blood of Jesus is SO powerful & yes he will conquer all these evil doers. BUT they know that. This is why they are attacking Christianity nonstop. They know that the blood of Christ is the only thing that can stop them. I bet it was no accident that they got so many churches to stop giving communion because of the lockdown. They probably are feeling a surge in their power. Nevertheless, on another level in this same story: This is why the dragon is chasing the woman. IF the woman represents the church, the devil (dragon) & his people (the sabbateans) will want the church to stop transmuting wine into the blood of Christ. We see this going on now. Not just with the lockdown but for the last several years there has been a constant whittling away at the church & Christianity. They have moved society such that it laughs at Christianity. Satanists have infiltrated the priesthood to do indecent acts, partly for the purpose of power & partly for the purpose of bringing down the church. This is because they know that Christianity is the only force that can stop them.
In Chapter 12 The woman has a prepared place in the wilderness for 1260 days (Rev 12:6). This could be one particular woman being chased by Sabateans, it could also be the whole entire Christian church. (I tend to think that these images are true on 3 levels.) Let’s consider the case of the woman representing the WHOLE church: If the woman represents the whole church then what does a day represent in the 1260 days? If you could only use numbers, which number would you use to represent “all”, “the total sum” of, as in the WHOLE church? If the woman represents THE WHOLE CHURCH, all of the church or 100% of the church then a day probably means a 100 days, no? Later on 42 months: ( Rev 11:2, Rev 13:5) must be 4200 months & Rev 12:14 where it says a time, 2 times & ½ a time, a time must be a century, not a year. Of course, 116000 days is roughly 4200 months is roughly 350 years.
Beasts in the Bible usually represent some sort of empire. All the other empires had just one head - which is typical for what we have seen in the past, Greece, Rome etc but this new beast is different that way. I am guessing that this empire is the cabal, the swamp. It transcends country lines. In fact country has little effect, except of maybe a few nation states. So let's consider the possibility that this empire is the swamp, or the network that hides within: Notice that, it has taken over almost all the nations of the world, not in the typical way that empires take over countries but it has taken them over, nevertheless. Isn't that what defines an empire???? Like how Sabatai Zevi gave the false outside appearance that he became Muslim & Jacob Frank gave the false outside appearance he became Christian, the swamp lets the nations have an outside appearance of a sovereign nation but it is really another 'head' of this swamp monster. This is my 2 cents.
Now let's say it started in 1666 when Zevi 1st converted to Islam. Yes he was around before that but for a supposed messiah of one religion to give the outward appearance of converting to another faith yet while still doing his hidden dark magic stuff, sort of seals it as complete blasphemy, no? How much worse can it be? A messiah would lay down his life for his cause not play like a chameleon. That really seems to be a defining moment, imho.
So if it lasts 350 years then 1666+350-2016 The year Donald Trump became president. I don't want to deify Trump or any man & he would have nothing of it either but it could very well be that God is using him to slay this beast. Interesting also is that his 1st full day on the job (1/21/2017) was his 70th year 7th month & 7th day. Wicked Interesting. It just sorta adds one more piece of validation to my idea here
Now look at Revelations 19:11-21 The rider of that house has a sharp sword that comes out of his mouth DOESN’T THAT SOUND LIKE TRUMP???!!! It looks like he IS the one destined to slay the beast, no? That’s quite something to have ½ a bible chapter dedicated to you! That’s even better than Mt Rushmore, imho IDK what “His name is called the word of God” would mean. He is not the word of God of course, that would be Christ but it is his name that is called the word of God. IDK, maybe it’s just that he’s a Christian. Donald means “ruler of the world” & the word “Trump” comes from the word triumph.
I am tired of waiting just like the rest of you guys but look at Saint John, he has waited 2000 years so far. I think we can hold on for another month or two.
This is of course all guesses & There’s of course a lot that. I’m just going to hit a few more things that jump out at me & down below in the comments PLEASE DO THE SAME - even if you think it’s stupid. If something just hits you as maybe related point it out. Of course it could be wrong – but it could be right too. Let us all
Furthermore, my guess is that the 2nd beast in chapter 13 is the media. (The one with just 2 horns) Rev 13:15 “And he had power to give life to the image of the beast” That’s what media does, it gives life to images. TV, meme’s & media All we see are images of people & institutions that may not even be alive; Again Rev 14:9,11; 15:2, 16:2 all talk about worshiping
... from other comment....
Furthermore, my guess is that the 2nd beast in chapter 13 is the media. (The one with just 2 horns) Rev 13:15 “And he had power to give life to the image of the beast” That’s what media does, it gives life to images. TV, meme’s & media All we see are images of people & institutions that may not even be alive; Again Rev 14:9,11; 15:2, 16:2 all talk about worshiping his image – the image of the beast. The whole world is not going to worship some golden calf somewhere, today but they literally already do worship the images on TV, media & the memes on social media. Isn’t this a form of worship. (I’m guessing the 2 horns are the left (cnn, msnbc) & the right (fox &ect))
And yes the media does seem like a docile lamb but in reality speaks like a dragon.
REV 17:2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. Look esp at the 2nd part: “the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.” Isn’t this EXACTLY what goes on when people are watching TV?? How could Saint John have known 2000 years ago????!!!!! The people of the world are watching the elites do their crap & “getting drunk” on it
REV 17:6 “And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.” “drunken with the blood of the saints” this is obviously adrenochrome. Even St John admired it at first so don’t feel bad if you at 1st also admired these adrenochrome addicts getting drunk off the blood of those that tried to expose it all (the saints)
Chapter 17 has the 3rd 7 headed beast or maybe a 3rd description of the same one but we see some correlation St John never would have dreamed of
All this is of course, just a guess. There are many pieces that are missing, like I have no idea who the 2 witnesses are & etc. This also adds confusion to my points: REV 9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. 10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. 11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
It seems like this 3rd beast lasts millennia (5 heads were already past in St John’s time). Since things happen in 3 a lot, I am guessing there are 3 beasts over 3 time spans. Maybe one will really be 3 ½ years. The one I am piecing together here is 3 ½ centuries & I guess there is another which lasts 3 ½ millennia
OK so one last thing, let me throw out a few more things that seem to line up.
Not much is said about the 3 frogs in 16:13 but I do know that the demon Bael is said to have 3 heads, a cat, a human & a frog & I know someone who conjured it once & needed to grab a frog from a pond in order to extract a drop of frog blood for the ritual. Yeah weird, I know, but that’s how they do it, I guess. The thing is the demon Bael comes from the ancient Phoenician god Baal mentioned in the Bible many times. In fact Jehu, who seems to have a personality similar to Trump destroyed the temple of Baal. The reason I bring this all up is that, I guess they built another temple of Baal that lasted centuries & was, of course, a museum in recent times. It just so happened to be destroyed by ISIS less than a month & a half after Trump announced his candidacy. (No one knows when ISIS destroyed it – it was found in ruins. I wouldn’t be surprised if it fell the moment Trump made that announcement.) I would bet Baal or Bael is one of the frogs. It probably dropped dead just when it knew that Trump would run (Trump is very similar to Jehu who destroyed Baal the last time)
and then a possibility of Trump being the rider on the horse. I know a lot of people think it is Christ literally but look what I find if I consider it to be Trump, or Christ working through him:
Revelations 19:11-21: bible in Quotes my comments underneath:
11 “I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war.”
DJT has been faithful & true to his ideals, to his family, to his country & to God. As we all noticed, he has been a little too just (fair & patient) with the swamp.
12 “His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns.
He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself.”
He does come from wealth
2nd part is probably Q but he knows
13 “He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.”
He have been exposed to Epstein & the adrenochrome crowd (dipped in blood) but rejected it.
His middle name John is the gospel that the "Word of God" is mentioned
14 “The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean.”
Faithful & true Anons & patriots are helping him wherever we can, not to mention the US military as well as angels from heaven,
15 “Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.”[a] He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.”
This is obviously, the words out of his mouth. We all know he doesn't mince his words about the swamp characters. I assume the rest is yet to come but if he's the one treading the winepress that must mean that he is still commander in chief of the military that is doing that.
16” On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:
If you’re like me, you would have always thought that “King of Kings” means God But NO! Looking at it literally, it is his NAME which is called king of kings. He may never even want that office but the name Donald comes from the Gaelic name Domhnall meaning "ruler of the world". If we ever really had a ruler of the world they would be king of all the kings. right?
17 “And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair, “Come, gather together for the great supper of God, “
The air force is preparing to arrest the swamp….
18” so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and the mighty, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, great and small.”
…. and put them in Gitmo
19 “Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and his army. “
The swamp uses the media lies & all else to chronically attack you President DJT & his allies. Mayor Giuliani & others also took hits as well as those Jan 6th patriots arrested. Even the rest of us take hits whenever we try to speak the truth about him.
20 But the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur.
Swamp(beast) heads & media(false prophet) heads finally in Gitmo
21 The rest were killed with the sword coming out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.
His own words will take care of the rest & the airforce will clean up.
I beat the COIN Drum pretty hard here. We can measure our progress by correlating the five pillars to trump and the deep state moves as to who control each one and how much.
Twitter was a huge boon for the media/information pillar being being ours.
Tried to attach the u.s. government handbook on counterinsurgency 2009. Type that in and you'll get it. Interesting and has domestic counterinsurgency portions. What they must fight to control to defeat the insurgency etc.
Was gonna say this. All excellent dramas require amazing crescendo. At the same time, the journey tests us and either breaks us or forges us into steel. Or Iron. Or Iron that fractalizes, even.
Its okay to take a rest. We all get battle weary at some point in this battle. It's much harder than a real battle, because this is a digital warfare. Hopefully its not too far away now.
All COIN ops field manuals emphasize how critical tempo is and how long Counterinsurgencies can last. I estimate we still have years to go. I also believe some of Qs deepest messages allude to major events occurring in the 30s. As he stated numerous times, we have so much more than we realize.
Ok but I am old (gonna be 70 the end of this year) and really would like to see justice before I die. If I am lucky I will live to see it happen as I am in pretty good health But who knows? ,
The next two years will be the storm. Justice two plus years out. Maybe sooner but I doubt it. Stay healthy. You're gonna wanna see how this movie ends.
The storm can not be stopped. The collapse is the only way to replace it. Just as Trump told you in his famous speech in 2016. 'This movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt system.' Not fix. Replace.
Ill be disapointed but im ok as long as IT HAPPENS. Its clear that the timeline really isnt something that can be sped up just to please us. It takes as along as it takes.
It's very true. All the military actions he made was for the greater peace. Even that Iranian guy he killed was someone that even the average Iranians all hated. War in Syria ended 6 months after Trump was in office, etc etc
Trump told you in 2016 the plan. This movement is about replacing a failed system and returning the government to the people. Q explains the rest. Read. Study. We have covered all this a thousand times here. Dig in the post of this forum. Learn. His first term was just the beginning. Lives have been on the line long before you were given this opportunity to understand.
Just because a plan was put in place for us does not mean everyone was or is equipped to deal with adequately. That means innocent lives that did not sign up for this are suffering and losing everything.
This isn’t an argument against the fact that it had to be done this way. I’m saying that because it had to be done this way, we should treat each other with compassion and have empathy for those that are sick of this. Stop treating everyone like a hardened war vet. Be considerate of their suffering and do what you can to ease it while we go through this painful process.
I'm doing more in that regard than you realize by telling the truth. This thread started with the hope of midterms making a difference. The midterms are false hope that can and will crush people's morale as they realize it's not going to stop this storm. By trying to give people realistic expectations I'm attempting to spare them unnecessary suffering. It's just a truth no one wants to hear so it comes across as cruel but I'm not going to lie to people and tell them a compromised federal government is going to stop this even with a red wave. We had both houses in 2018 and how much did that help?
I was preparing for midterms to be canceled or postponed. Now im mentally preparing for them to be a total disaster for us. Open steal. We can’t fix it with the current system. Military is the only way and that still needs a trigger. Prep mentally for more of what at first seem like very disappointing events.
I’m hopeful that they’re secure, as we’ll need those patriots for what’s to come, the attempted fraud will be documented, and the next couple months until January when the new congress assembles will be complete chaos as the market collapses, the left thrashes about desperately, and Ukraine pulls off a nuclear false flag
It will get more obvious when people actually start getting arrested. I’m over the coded messages and deltas. Let the grand finale begin.
I will quote Q from the sidebar:
We're dealing with the greatest enemy, in history. It's a COIN ops dealing with the most dangerous and ruthless people in history. Did you really think this was going to be wrapped up in one term? Did anyone really think that?
Yes, this goes back to before Sumer. I have loosely traced this group all the way back to the beginning of recorded history.
Considering that "history" means a chronicle or record of events, would there be any such thing as an "unrecorded" history? Slipping into superfluous categories is a common error.
Excellent point, and well stated!
BTW it's 'sleight' of hand—which is completely insane given that E before I, when not after C, is supposed to sound like A, not I...like neighbor, weight, freight, etc.
The insanity of this wor(l)d never stops :p
The cabal have been erasing all kind of history. This is what I think, every time they make mistakes like right now and the population have noticed it, then they erased all, how? burning books destroying civilizations and statues through wars killing important people etc. They got away with everything until now, they invented the internet and now it is against them. God my Lord and creator made sure this time they are destroyed
That's not the way that history works. It is like a garden; if it is not tended and cultivated, it gets overgrown by weeds and perishes. In other words, if history is not deliberately tended, protected, and perpetuated, it will simply vanish like the disintegration of a ghost town. Knowledge is not immune to the process of entropy. It doesn't take an army of "Erasers" to make it go away. All it requires is indifference and neglect.
The internet is a two-edged sword. There is preservation in the redundancy of copies of information. But there are weeds in the profusion of bogus speculation parading as alternative "history."
Thank you for sharing. Learned something new today.
Mind sharing what you've found?
It's the followers of the ancient dragon. The symbolism and the 'gods' the Sumerians worshipped, were likely what we call the fallen. Whatever you believe those to be, this is definitely what the Sumerians worshipped and those same gods can be easily traced throughout history. From Sumeria to Babylon, quite easily and from there the historical connection is even stronger.
Where are our sexy female alien overlords?
Are you picturing Princess Leia in her gold bikini?
I am now.
Eh, more like the Asari from the Mass Effect universe.
Simon….is that you?
The left has no sexy overlords!
Ask Megan Rose on rumble
Riding simple Simon 😁😂
Do some more reading
Will start this winter. Likely last till 24.
No, Sumer. Look it up, interesting place. 1st known civilization.
This is Biblical. Its the same fight thats been going on for millenia.
My theory is that the cabal began in the year1666 AD
Please more. Curious to see . I thought about 1800 AD but have sensed much further …
Fren, I'm just going to paste what I have on my hard drive, sorry, I'm too tired right now to proofread & correct it. I posted this before on here but can't find it. It's going to take 2 comments:
Revelations 12-20 Is Trump the rider of the horse, The 2nd beast/false prophet the media & the 1st beast the Sabateans???
I am not that much of a Bible fanatic but I’ve read Revelations when young and recently 2 different Jewish friends ( both Trump supporters ) told me on separate occasions about this group that started out as a Jewish sect called the sabateans. They both complain that these Sabateans “ARE NOT JEWISH” they explained, because they not only don’t follow Jewish law –THEY PERVERT IT!
Sabatai Zevi (Sevi Tzvi,…) was a rabbi in the 1600’s & devised this new sort of theology where one can have atonement from sin (Mitzvah) by intentionally doing yet another sin. (Yes, it’s perverted) Somehow he had a way of supposedly cleansing one from sin by doing a much harsher stronger sin in a very deliberate way, or something like that. Early followers of Zevi & Frank (below) were seen doing "wife swaping" back in those days but who knows what else they did.
Zevi was miraculously saved from some minor incident once & some people considered him the messiah. There was also some sort of prophet / false prophet back then (Abraham Yachini ) who also claimed that Zevi was the messiah It is said that he had a following of about a million back in those days.
At some point he encountered the Sultan of Turkey. I cut & pasted this from somewhere online:
Sabbatai Tzvi placed under house arrest by the Sultan. Locked in chains and is threatened with poison arrows to prove his divinity. Is given choice between Islamic conversion or death. Sabbatai chooses Islam and life. He doesn’t cease being a Jew but becomes Muslim also. Sabbatai is above the categorization of Jew or Muslim. Much to the shock and chagrin of the Jewish world Sabbatai appeases the Sultan. He then begins to lay the groundwork restructuring of the world based on universalism and world brotherhood ruled by an elite of his devoted followers dedicated to eradicating the world’s ills and promoting progress of civilization.
He is said to have converted to Islam in 1666. At that point he lost most of his followers but 300 families also converted & became the Dohmeh in Turkey. Interestingly enough a grandchild of one of those 1st Dohmeh started Wahhabism (that horrible sect of Islam that believes in beheading non Muslims, ISIS & el-Qatar are wahhabists ) Wahhab made a pact with Muhammad bin Saud founder of Saudi Arabia (This could be all 1 head of the beast down below) It is also thought that the Sabbateans started Freemasonry about 50 years later (which could be another head)
Jacob Frank 50 or 100 years later claims to be Zevi’s reincarnation & converts to Christianity, equally as dubiously. His followers though didn't really mix with the non sabbatean Christians (nor did Zevi’s sabbatean Muslims ) they always marry into their own UNLESS they marry someone of a higher social status like prince or etc. So by now they have married into all the nobility or élites of any type (The European nobility could all be another head, perhaps some sort of entertainment and newspaper heads other types yet other heads & I am assuming some stayed as “Jews” like the Rothschilds & other bankers – yet another ‘head’ )
They like to believe that their evil Sevi is the messiah so they do not like those who think differently such as real Jews & Christians It is thought they were the ones behind Hitler (To help eradicate real jews since they don’t believe in Sevi – they also gain some benefit from all that fear, terror, death & spilling of blood)
I am suggesting that the cabal, the basic network that holds together the swamp are the followers of Zevi, the sabateans and that this network is the 7 headed beast mentioned in Revelations. (Or one of them) There are three 7 headed beasts mentioned In these 8 chapters of Revelations. They could be the same one of three different ones, The 1st one (Chapter 12) is a red dragon chasing the woman. The 2nd one (chapter 13) is like a Leopold & we don’t know the color & the 3rd a scarlet beast with a harlot on top. This last one could be either of the other two, (or they all could the same - or all different) But this last one must span millennia since already in St John’s time 5 of the heads are past.
We don’t know the timing of the 1st one, we just know the woman is in a safe place for 1260 days. We see a woman giving birth to a male child & the dragon wants to eat the child. (Rev 12:4) The Bible is of course on many levels simultaneously. On one level we see the foretelling of a practice never heard of back then. It is believed that some Sabbatean women get pregnant & deliver a child FOR THE PURPOSE of sacrificing & yes, I hate to say, eating that newborn to empower their perverted rituals. As weird as this all is, we know from Q that this is roughly correct.
Let me explain. The blood of an animal is very powerful. It represents the life energy of the animal. I know someone from an African tribe & he told me that if someone in their tribe is sick. They take a goat, slit it’s throat, put the blood in a cup & have the sick person drink that blood immediately, while the blood is still warm. It gives them strength. You can’t put the blood in the fridge & have it later though. It’s not so much the physical / biological properties of the blood; it is more the metaphysical properties. That fresh blood has the life of the animal in it This somehow adds to the life energy of the ailing soul to help them recover.
I have heard of others that use that blood of an animal to empower a ritual. It also could be the case that there are metaphysical entities that like that blood as well. Yes dark entities but also light… The ancient Hebrews were told not to drink the blood of animals not because it is bad, but because it is too good. It is sacred & only for God. The point I am trying to make is that animal blood carries with it life energy which is so powerful it can be used magically. The reason I say that is that, if an animal’s blood is so powerful then how much more powerful would the blood of a human be? This is why they want these breeder Sabbatean women to pump out babies for their rituals.. Let me tell you all though, there is something EVEN MORE POWERFUL than the blood of a human being and that is the blood of God made flesh in the body of Jesus Christ. He spilt his blood for us. This is why the blood of Jesus is SO powerful & yes he will conquer all these evil doers. BUT they know that. This is why they are attacking Christianity nonstop. They know that the blood of Christ is the only thing that can stop them. I bet it was no accident that they got so many churches to stop giving communion because of the lockdown. They probably are feeling a surge in their power. Nevertheless, on another level in this same story: This is why the dragon is chasing the woman. IF the woman represents the church, the devil (dragon) & his people (the sabbateans) will want the church to stop transmuting wine into the blood of Christ. We see this going on now. Not just with the lockdown but for the last several years there has been a constant whittling away at the church & Christianity. They have moved society such that it laughs at Christianity. Satanists have infiltrated the priesthood to do indecent acts, partly for the purpose of power & partly for the purpose of bringing down the church. This is because they know that Christianity is the only force that can stop them.
In Chapter 12 The woman has a prepared place in the wilderness for 1260 days (Rev 12:6). This could be one particular woman being chased by Sabateans, it could also be the whole entire Christian church. (I tend to think that these images are true on 3 levels.) Let’s consider the case of the woman representing the WHOLE church: If the woman represents the whole church then what does a day represent in the 1260 days? If you could only use numbers, which number would you use to represent “all”, “the total sum” of, as in the WHOLE church? If the woman represents THE WHOLE CHURCH, all of the church or 100% of the church then a day probably means a 100 days, no? Later on 42 months: ( Rev 11:2, Rev 13:5) must be 4200 months & Rev 12:14 where it says a time, 2 times & ½ a time, a time must be a century, not a year. Of course, 116000 days is roughly 4200 months is roughly 350 years.
Beasts in the Bible usually represent some sort of empire. All the other empires had just one head - which is typical for what we have seen in the past, Greece, Rome etc but this new beast is different that way. I am guessing that this empire is the cabal, the swamp. It transcends country lines. In fact country has little effect, except of maybe a few nation states. So let's consider the possibility that this empire is the swamp, or the network that hides within: Notice that, it has taken over almost all the nations of the world, not in the typical way that empires take over countries but it has taken them over, nevertheless. Isn't that what defines an empire???? Like how Sabatai Zevi gave the false outside appearance that he became Muslim & Jacob Frank gave the false outside appearance he became Christian, the swamp lets the nations have an outside appearance of a sovereign nation but it is really another 'head' of this swamp monster. This is my 2 cents.
Now let's say it started in 1666 when Zevi 1st converted to Islam. Yes he was around before that but for a supposed messiah of one religion to give the outward appearance of converting to another faith yet while still doing his hidden dark magic stuff, sort of seals it as complete blasphemy, no? How much worse can it be? A messiah would lay down his life for his cause not play like a chameleon. That really seems to be a defining moment, imho.
So if it lasts 350 years then 1666+350-2016 The year Donald Trump became president. I don't want to deify Trump or any man & he would have nothing of it either but it could very well be that God is using him to slay this beast. Interesting also is that his 1st full day on the job (1/21/2017) was his 70th year 7th month & 7th day. Wicked Interesting. It just sorta adds one more piece of validation to my idea here
Now look at Revelations 19:11-21 The rider of that house has a sharp sword that comes out of his mouth DOESN’T THAT SOUND LIKE TRUMP???!!! It looks like he IS the one destined to slay the beast, no? That’s quite something to have ½ a bible chapter dedicated to you! That’s even better than Mt Rushmore, imho IDK what “His name is called the word of God” would mean. He is not the word of God of course, that would be Christ but it is his name that is called the word of God. IDK, maybe it’s just that he’s a Christian. Donald means “ruler of the world” & the word “Trump” comes from the word triumph.
I am tired of waiting just like the rest of you guys but look at Saint John, he has waited 2000 years so far. I think we can hold on for another month or two. This is of course all guesses & There’s of course a lot that. I’m just going to hit a few more things that jump out at me & down below in the comments PLEASE DO THE SAME - even if you think it’s stupid. If something just hits you as maybe related point it out. Of course it could be wrong – but it could be right too. Let us all
Furthermore, my guess is that the 2nd beast in chapter 13 is the media. (The one with just 2 horns) Rev 13:15 “And he had power to give life to the image of the beast” That’s what media does, it gives life to images. TV, meme’s & media All we see are images of people & institutions that may not even be alive; Again Rev 14:9,11; 15:2, 16:2 all talk about worshiping
... from other comment.... Furthermore, my guess is that the 2nd beast in chapter 13 is the media. (The one with just 2 horns) Rev 13:15 “And he had power to give life to the image of the beast” That’s what media does, it gives life to images. TV, meme’s & media All we see are images of people & institutions that may not even be alive; Again Rev 14:9,11; 15:2, 16:2 all talk about worshiping his image – the image of the beast. The whole world is not going to worship some golden calf somewhere, today but they literally already do worship the images on TV, media & the memes on social media. Isn’t this a form of worship. (I’m guessing the 2 horns are the left (cnn, msnbc) & the right (fox &ect)) And yes the media does seem like a docile lamb but in reality speaks like a dragon.
REV 17:2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. Look esp at the 2nd part: “the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.” Isn’t this EXACTLY what goes on when people are watching TV?? How could Saint John have known 2000 years ago????!!!!! The people of the world are watching the elites do their crap & “getting drunk” on it
REV 17:6 “And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.” “drunken with the blood of the saints” this is obviously adrenochrome. Even St John admired it at first so don’t feel bad if you at 1st also admired these adrenochrome addicts getting drunk off the blood of those that tried to expose it all (the saints)
Chapter 17 has the 3rd 7 headed beast or maybe a 3rd description of the same one but we see some correlation St John never would have dreamed of
All this is of course, just a guess. There are many pieces that are missing, like I have no idea who the 2 witnesses are & etc. This also adds confusion to my points: REV 9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. 10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. 11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
It seems like this 3rd beast lasts millennia (5 heads were already past in St John’s time). Since things happen in 3 a lot, I am guessing there are 3 beasts over 3 time spans. Maybe one will really be 3 ½ years. The one I am piecing together here is 3 ½ centuries & I guess there is another which lasts 3 ½ millennia
OK so one last thing, let me throw out a few more things that seem to line up.
Not much is said about the 3 frogs in 16:13 but I do know that the demon Bael is said to have 3 heads, a cat, a human & a frog & I know someone who conjured it once & needed to grab a frog from a pond in order to extract a drop of frog blood for the ritual. Yeah weird, I know, but that’s how they do it, I guess. The thing is the demon Bael comes from the ancient Phoenician god Baal mentioned in the Bible many times. In fact Jehu, who seems to have a personality similar to Trump destroyed the temple of Baal. The reason I bring this all up is that, I guess they built another temple of Baal that lasted centuries & was, of course, a museum in recent times. It just so happened to be destroyed by ISIS less than a month & a half after Trump announced his candidacy. (No one knows when ISIS destroyed it – it was found in ruins. I wouldn’t be surprised if it fell the moment Trump made that announcement.) I would bet Baal or Bael is one of the frogs. It probably dropped dead just when it knew that Trump would run (Trump is very similar to Jehu who destroyed Baal the last time)
and then a possibility of Trump being the rider on the horse. I know a lot of people think it is Christ literally but look what I find if I consider it to be Trump, or Christ working through him:
Revelations 19:11-21: bible in Quotes my comments underneath:
11 “I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war.”
DJT has been faithful & true to his ideals, to his family, to his country & to God. As we all noticed, he has been a little too just (fair & patient) with the swamp.
12 “His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself.”
He does come from wealth
2nd part is probably Q but he knows
13 “He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.”
He have been exposed to Epstein & the adrenochrome crowd (dipped in blood) but rejected it. His middle name John is the gospel that the "Word of God" is mentioned
14 “The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean.”
Faithful & true Anons & patriots are helping him wherever we can, not to mention the US military as well as angels from heaven,
15 “Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.”[a] He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.”
This is obviously, the words out of his mouth. We all know he doesn't mince his words about the swamp characters. I assume the rest is yet to come but if he's the one treading the winepress that must mean that he is still commander in chief of the military that is doing that.
16” On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.”
If you’re like me, you would have always thought that “King of Kings” means God But NO! Looking at it literally, it is his NAME which is called king of kings. He may never even want that office but the name Donald comes from the Gaelic name Domhnall meaning "ruler of the world". If we ever really had a ruler of the world they would be king of all the kings. right?
17 “And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair, “Come, gather together for the great supper of God, “
The air force is preparing to arrest the swamp….
18” so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and the mighty, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, great and small.”
…. and put them in Gitmo
19 “Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and his army. “
The swamp uses the media lies & all else to chronically attack you President DJT & his allies. Mayor Giuliani & others also took hits as well as those Jan 6th patriots arrested. Even the rest of us take hits whenever we try to speak the truth about him.
20 But the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur.
Swamp(beast) heads & media(false prophet) heads finally in Gitmo
21 The rest were killed with the sword coming out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.
His own words will take care of the rest & the airforce will clean up.
I’d say knights Templars time. Satanic bankers killed by the French Catholic King in 1307.
Which comm, at all, pointed to that? Lmao
I beat the COIN Drum pretty hard here. We can measure our progress by correlating the five pillars to trump and the deep state moves as to who control each one and how much.
Twitter was a huge boon for the media/information pillar being being ours. Tried to attach the u.s. government handbook on counterinsurgency 2009. Type that in and you'll get it. Interesting and has domestic counterinsurgency portions. What they must fight to control to defeat the insurgency etc.
I was hoping.
I agree. They come from Babylonian era. They are really demonic people.
"Now for the crescendo!"
Was gonna say this. All excellent dramas require amazing crescendo. At the same time, the journey tests us and either breaks us or forges us into steel. Or Iron. Or Iron that fractalizes, even.
Its okay to take a rest. We all get battle weary at some point in this battle. It's much harder than a real battle, because this is a digital warfare. Hopefully its not too far away now.
NYT Anon Article? Does this refer to the "I Am A Part of the Trump Resistance" article?
We have been in the grand finale of this decades long conflict for the last 6 years.
He is definitely preparing us for big things...
Stay calm, vote, and stay out of the way... also protect yourself and those around you.
This 👆🏽
Thank you.
I can't wait..... but I have been saying that since 2017 when Q first started dropping posts.
All COIN ops field manuals emphasize how critical tempo is and how long Counterinsurgencies can last. I estimate we still have years to go. I also believe some of Qs deepest messages allude to major events occurring in the 30s. As he stated numerous times, we have so much more than we realize.
Ok but I am old (gonna be 70 the end of this year) and really would like to see justice before I die. If I am lucky I will live to see it happen as I am in pretty good health But who knows? ,
The next two years will be the storm. Justice two plus years out. Maybe sooner but I doubt it. Stay healthy. You're gonna wanna see how this movie ends.
I do think the country will be set on a decent path while a thatbis happening.
Amen. The time is NOW.
I’m gonna go ahead and get excited about 11.3 and pretend it’s a date again….
Datefagging has never killed anyone
Unlike fag dating - which might have killed Paul Pelosi.
Huehuehue good one 😆
They need to act before their misprision gets even more people killed or injured. Saving the world does not justify destroying it first.
The storm can not be stopped. The collapse is the only way to replace it. Just as Trump told you in his famous speech in 2016. 'This movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt system.' Not fix. Replace.
Are you okay if it takes 10 years? A generation? After our deaths?
I'm only not ok that it doesn't happen.
10 years to destroy an enemy that has preyed on man for thousands of years? An enemy responsible for most the evil in the world?
The Order of the Dragon referred to them in their charter as the followers of the ancient dragon.
Satan. And the elite and other Jews who worship at the synagogue of Satan.
Only Christ defeats Satan at the end times. If that’s what is going on then none of this ends well for anyone in this life.
Ill be disapointed but im ok as long as IT HAPPENS. Its clear that the timeline really isnt something that can be sped up just to please us. It takes as along as it takes.
Is that you ArtemisY? TY! You hit the nail on the head
That is I. I was permanently banned from TikTok for making a video explaining the only war Trump started was on modern slavery. They didn't like that.
It's very true. All the military actions he made was for the greater peace. Even that Iranian guy he killed was someone that even the average Iranians all hated. War in Syria ended 6 months after Trump was in office, etc etc
Wen moon?
I feel it in my bones
Scavino has been posting these since Jan 20 2021
Thank you Mr. President!
Did anybody notice the Q in the top right of The Storm is Coming meme and the 17 in the bottom right of the same picture? WWG1WGA
We're just getting started.
boy I sure hope so - best is yet to come - getting tired of what has happened
James Bond in the right picture there. 😎
I REALLY hope these midterms are the endgame and things start getting more visible and exciting afterwards.
Definitely not. Not at all. Midterms will not stop what is coming. They will hardly dent it.
Man I REALLY don’t want to wait until 2024 and I don’t think most people can either!
Nothing can stop what is coming. The storm will come whether you're ready or not.
I hope you understand that this kind of non-answer to people's waning patience for everything to happen isn't doing anyone any favors.
It's not impatience. Lives are on the line. Some empathy is definitely needed within this movement.
Trump told you in 2016 the plan. This movement is about replacing a failed system and returning the government to the people. Q explains the rest. Read. Study. We have covered all this a thousand times here. Dig in the post of this forum. Learn. His first term was just the beginning. Lives have been on the line long before you were given this opportunity to understand. https://rumble.com/v1d07rr-trump-told-you-from-the-beginning.-dc-can-not-be-fixed.-it-must-be-replaced.html
That has nothing at all to do with what I said.
Just because a plan was put in place for us does not mean everyone was or is equipped to deal with adequately. That means innocent lives that did not sign up for this are suffering and losing everything.
This isn’t an argument against the fact that it had to be done this way. I’m saying that because it had to be done this way, we should treat each other with compassion and have empathy for those that are sick of this. Stop treating everyone like a hardened war vet. Be considerate of their suffering and do what you can to ease it while we go through this painful process.
I'm doing more in that regard than you realize by telling the truth. This thread started with the hope of midterms making a difference. The midterms are false hope that can and will crush people's morale as they realize it's not going to stop this storm. By trying to give people realistic expectations I'm attempting to spare them unnecessary suffering. It's just a truth no one wants to hear so it comes across as cruel but I'm not going to lie to people and tell them a compromised federal government is going to stop this even with a red wave. We had both houses in 2018 and how much did that help?
I was preparing for midterms to be canceled or postponed. Now im mentally preparing for them to be a total disaster for us. Open steal. We can’t fix it with the current system. Military is the only way and that still needs a trigger. Prep mentally for more of what at first seem like very disappointing events.
I’m hopeful that they’re secure, as we’ll need those patriots for what’s to come, the attempted fraud will be documented, and the next couple months until January when the new congress assembles will be complete chaos as the market collapses, the left thrashes about desperately, and Ukraine pulls off a nuclear false flag
I could be wrong but I believe it was supposed to be an 8 yr plan starting in 2017 with the first Q post.
Pretty sure this thing has been brewing g for close to 100 years.
I’m on the year 2025 as well.
the faint handwritten Q above POTUS head in The Storm is Coming Truth is quite interesting
Isn't it.